[Pygui] Python 3 Plans

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Wed Feb 10 06:25:00 CET 2010

Andrew McNabb wrote:
> Just
> out of curiosity, is there any one thing in particular that caused the
> majority of the stress?

I do most of my personal software development on a Mac. I
like to use the Finder for moving and renaming files, but
when using a VCS you can't do that. You can't even use the
standard shell commands, either -- you have to use the
VCS's special commands at all times, and if your forget
and slip up, you end up with a mess to be repaired.

Another problem is that none of the VCSes I know of are
aware of the metadata that MacOS associates with files
(resource forks, file types, etc.) I use BBEdit Lite, which
makes use of this metadata, and I don't want to lose it.

> If you don't like Mercurial, have you
> considered looking at Git?  Also, systems like GitHub (for Git) and
> Bitbucket (for Mercurial) can make hosting easier.

I do actually quite like Mercurial, as VCSes go. The
problems aren't really in the VCS itself, but the fact
that it doesn't integrate well with normal ways of
handling files, and with the Mac file system in particular.

If you know of a VCS that respects Mac metadata, I'd
be interested to hear about it.

> Part of the reason that DVCS seems like a no-brainer is that it makes it
> tons easier to collaborate, both from the standpoint of the contributor
> and the maintainer.  At least in my experience.

Yes, I know, and that makes me feel a bit bad about
dragging my heels on the issue. But if I don't fully
enjoy working on the project myself, I'll be less
likely to do so.


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