[Pygui] Dynamically changing Column or Row contents.

Steve McClure smcclure at racemi.com
Mon Oct 18 21:32:16 CEST 2010

Does this work?  I tried this where self.servers is a Column of Buttons:

        # get rid the old servers
        for server in self.servers.contents:
            #print 'deleting server:',server

        for server in servers:
            #print 'adding server:',server
            b = Button(title=server, action=(self.show_details,'server',server))

But the windows doesn't get updated.

I've done quite a bit of Motif and PyGTK programing but this is my first cut at PyGUI.  I'm on OS X Snow Leopard if that makes any difference.

Thanks for any pointers,
Steve McClure
smcclure at racemi.com

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