[Pygui] PyGUI and Gtk+ 3

Michael Thayer michael.thayer at oracle.com
Mon Mar 12 12:39:17 CET 2012

On 03/12/2012 12:35 PM, Greg Ewing wrote:
> Michael Thayer wrote:
>> Your website briefly mentions stability problems with Gtk+ 3 and its
>> libraries with regard to introspection as a reason for not yet
>> supporting them in PyGUI. Are more pointers to information about this
>> available, or would you be able to tell me a little more about it?
> I submitted a couple of bug reports to the gtk3 project concerning
> missing gobject-introspection annotations; I don't know whether
> anything has been done about them yet.
> I was also having trouble with fonts -- setting the font property
> of a widget didn't seem to make any difference to it. Plus a few
> other things that didn't seem to work as advertised -- I can't
> remember all the details at the moment. At that point I basically
> gave up and decided to let it mature for a while before having
> another go.
Thanks for your answer!  Do you have any started code in case I get a 
chance to have a look at it?

And an unrelated question - did you ever consider supporting Qt/KDE as 
well as Gtk+ on X11?


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