[Pygui] need help getting PyGUI to run

Pijus Antanavicius pijausemail at gmail.com
Sun Oct 6 16:09:46 CEST 2013

Hey everyone. This is my first time on one these mailing lists. I have no
idea what I'm doing. I've been looking for a fairly simple GUI module for a
little project I'm working on, and PyGUI sounded really good. But I can't
get it to work. I'm using windows7, python 3.3 and I've got pywin
installed. I'm using 64 bit versions.

When I type "import GUI" in Idle, I get this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<pyshell#0>", line 1, in <module>
    import GUI
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\GUI\__init__.py", line 94, in <module>
    import GUI.Application
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\GUI\Application.py", line 11, in
    from GUI.GApplications import Application as GApplication
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\GUI\GApplications.py", line 14, in
    from GUI.Printing import PageSetup, present_page_setup_dialog
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\GUI\Printing.py", line 11, in <module>
    from GUI import Canvas
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\GUI\Canvas.py", line 15, in <module>
    from GUI.StdFonts import application_font
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\GUI\StdFonts.py", line 9, in <module>
    from GUI import Font
  File "C:\Python33\lib\site-packages\GUI\Font.py", line 56, in <module>
    pywin32_info = api.GetFileVersionInfo(api.__file__, '\\')
pywintypes.error: (1813, 'GetFileVersionInfo:GetFileVersionInfoSize', 'The
specified resource type cannot be found in the image file.')

If someone could help me with this, I'd appreciate it greatly.
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