[pyOpenSSL] Announcing pyOpenSSL 0.11a2

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Sat Oct 23 22:12:07 CEST 2010

Hello all,

I've just uploaded a number of 0.11a2 release files.  You can find them
on <http://launchpad.net/pyopenssl>.

0.11a2 differs from 0.11a1 in that it fixes a distutils bug which 
prevented most of the C source files from being included in the source 
distribution.  It also changes certain code which sets dlopen() flags to 
try to use platform-defined constants if they are available, which may 
affect proper functioning on OS X.

These are two issues are the only that have come up since the 0.11a1 
release, so if nothing more is reported, 0.11 final will be the same as 
0.11a2 except for the version number.

The focus of 0.11 is Python 3.x support.  The entire code base has been
updated to be compatible with Python 3.x.  As this has been a somewhat
significant undertaking (made possible thanks to support from the Python
Software Foundation), testing of this alpha release will be particularly
helpful in ensuring that no problems have crept in.

Even if you're not interested in Python 3.x support yourself, testing on
your preferred version of Python 2.x (0.11 will support Python 2.4
through Python 2.7) is useful too - to make sure the 3.x support hasn't
caused any problems on 2.x!

Aside from 3.x support, this release also brings basic signature and
signature verification support, contributed by James Yonan, based on
Dave Cridland's code.

Several bugs, mainly in code for the error handling cases, in X509,
X509Req, NetscapeSPKI, and Context have also been fixed.

In the quest for full test coverage, this release also raises the
percent of lines executed by the test suite to 79.8% from about 62.5%
for the last release.

Please give it a spin and let me know how it goes.


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