[Pypi-checkins] r866 - trunk/pypi/tools

martin.von.loewis python-checkins at python.org
Mon Sep 20 10:46:00 CEST 2010

Author: martin.von.loewis
Date: Mon Sep 20 10:46:00 2010
New Revision: 866

   trunk/pypi/tools/mirrorlib.py   (contents, props changed)
Create library to deal with PyPI mirrors.

Added: trunk/pypi/tools/mirrorlib.py
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/pypi/tools/mirrorlib.py	Mon Sep 20 10:46:00 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+'''Library to support tools that access PyPI mirrors. The following
+functional areas are covered:
+- mirror selection (find_mirror)
+- mirror verification
+- key rollover
+################## Mirror Selection ##############################
+import socket, time, datetime, errno, select
+def _mirror_list(first):
+    '''Generator producing all mirror names'''
+    ord_a = ord('a')
+    last = socket.gethostbyname_ex('last.pypi.python.org')
+    cur_index = ord(first)-ord_a
+    cur = first+'.pypi.python.org'
+    while last[0] != cur:
+        yield cur, socket.gethostbyname(cur)
+        cur_index += 1
+        if cur_index < 26:
+            # a..z
+            cur = chr(ord_a+cur_index)
+        elif cur_index > 701:
+            raise ValueError, 'too many mirrors'
+        else:
+            # aa, ab, ... zz
+            cur = divmod(cur_index, 26)
+            cur = chr(ord_a-1+cur[0])+chr(ord_a+cur[1])
+        cur += '.pypi.python.org'
+    yield last[0], last[2][0]
+class _Mirror:
+    # status values:
+    # 0: wants to send
+    # 1: wants to recv
+    # 2: completed, ok
+    # 3: completed, failed
+    def __init__(self, name, ip):
+        self.name = name
+        self.ip = ip
+        self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+        self.socket.setblocking(0)
+        self.started = time.time()
+        try:
+            self.socket.connect((name, 80))
+        except socket.error, e:
+            if e.errno != errno.EINPROGRESS:
+                raise
+        # now need to select for writing
+        self.status = 0
+    def write(self):
+        self.socket.send('GET /last-modified HTTP/1.0\r\n'
+                         'Host: %s\r\n'
+                         '\r\n' % self.name)
+        self.status = 1
+    def read(self):
+        data = self.socket.recv(1200)
+        self.response_time = time.time()-self.started
+        # response should be much shorter
+        assert len(data) < 1200
+        self.socket.close()
+        data = data.splitlines()
+        if data[0].split()[1] == '200':
+            # ok
+            data = data[-1]
+            try:
+                self.last_modified = datetime.datetime.strptime(data, "%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S")
+                self.status = 2 # complete
+            except ValueError:
+                self.status = 3 # failed
+        else:
+            self.status = 3
+    def failed(self):
+        self.socket.close()
+        self.status = failed()
+    def results(self):
+        return self.name, self.ip, self.response_time, self.last_modified
+def _select(mirrors):
+    # perform select call on mirrors dictionary
+    rlist = []
+    wlist = []
+    xlist = []
+    for m in mirrors.values():
+        if m.status == 0:
+            wlist.append(m.socket)
+            xlist.append(m.socket)
+        elif m.status == 1:
+            rlist.append(m.socket)
+            xlist.append(m.socket)
+    rlist, wlist, xlist = select.select(rlist, wlist, xlist, 0)
+    completed = []
+    for s in wlist:
+        mirrors[s].write()
+    for s in rlist:
+        m = mirrors[s]
+        del mirrors[s]
+        m.read()
+        if m.status == 2:
+            completed.append(m)
+    for s in xlist:
+        mirrors[s].failed()
+        del mirrors[s]
+    return completed
+def _close(mirrors):
+    for m in mirrors:
+        m.close()
+def _newest(mirrors):
+    if not mirrors:
+        raise ValueError, "no mirrors found"
+    mirrors.sort(key=lambda m:m.last_modified)
+    return mirrors[-1].results()
+def find_mirror(start_with='a',
+                good_response_time = 1,
+                good_age = 30*60,
+                max_wait = 5):
+    '''find_mirror(start_with, good_response_time, good_age, max_wait) -> name, IP, response_time, last_modified
+    Find a PyPI mirror matching given criteria.
+    start_with indicates the first mirror that should be considered (defaults to 'a').
+    good_response_time is the maximum response time which lets this algorithm look no further;
+    likewise, good_age is the maximum age acceptable to the caller.
+    If this procedure goes on for longer than max_wait (default 5s), return even if
+    not all mirrors have been responding.
+    If no matching mirror can be found, the newest one that did response is returned.'''
+    started = time.time()
+    good_mirrors = []
+    pending_mirrors = {} # socket:mirror
+    good_last_modified = datetime.datetime.utcnow()-datetime.timedelta(seconds=good_age)
+    for host, ip in _mirror_list(start_with):
+        m = _Mirror(host, ip)
+        pending_mirrors[m.socket] = m
+        for m in _select(pending_mirrors):
+            if m.response_time < good_response_time and m.last_modified > good_last_modified:
+                _close(pending_mirrors)
+                return m.results()
+            else:
+                good_mirrors.append(m)
+    while pending_mirrors:
+        if time.time() > started+max_wait and good_mirrors:
+            # if we have looked for 5s for a mirror, and we already have one
+            # return the newest one
+            _close(pending)
+            return _newest(good_mirrors)
+        for m in _select(pending_mirrors):
+            if m.response_time < good_response_time and m.last_modified > good_last_modified:
+                _close(pending_mirrors)
+                return m.results()
+            else:
+                good_mirrors.append(m)
+    return _newest(good_mirrors)

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