[pypy-svn] rev 1491 - pypy/trunk/doc/funding/tools

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Wed Oct 1 03:54:33 CEST 2003

Author: tismer
Date: Wed Oct  1 03:54:32 2003
New Revision: 1491

moving tools to makedoc

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/tools/format.py
--- /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/tools/format.py	Wed Oct  1 03:54:32 2003
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
-import re
-import sys
-START = re.compile(r'\s*<[^/][^<]*?>',re.DOTALL)
-STOP = re.compile(r'\s*</[^<]*?>',re.DOTALL)
-EMPTY = re.compile(r'\s*<[^/][^<]*?/>',re.DOTALL)
-OTHER = re.compile(r'\s*<[!\?][^<]*>')
-ANY = re.compile(r'[^<]*',re.DOTALL)
-tab = '  '
-tabprop = """<style:properties fo:padding-left="0.191cm" fo:padding-right="0.191cm" fo:padding-top="0cm" fo:padding-bottom="0cm" fo:border-left="0.035cm solid #000000" fo:border-right="none" fo:border-top="0.035cm solid #000000" fo:border-bottom="none"/>"""
-class parse(object):
-    def __init__(self,text):
-        self.text = text
-        self.index = 0
-    def extractTagName(self,txt):
-        txt = txt.strip()
-        if not txt.startswith('<'):
-            return ''
-        if txt.find('/') != -1:
-            return ''
-        i = txt.find(' ')
-        if i != -1:
-            tagname = txt[1:i]
-        else:
-            tagname = txt[1:-1]
-        #print >> sys.stderr,tagname
-        return tagname
-    def start(self,txt):pass
-    def stop(self,txt):pass
-    def empty(self,txt):pass
-    def other(self,txt):pass
-    def any(self,txt):pass
-    def parse(self):
-        content = self.text
-        txtlen = len(content)
-        while txtlen > self.index:
-            m = OTHER.match(content,self.index)
-            if m is not None:
-                #print 'OTHER:',m.group(),m.span()
-                self.index = m.span()[1]
-                self.other(m.group())
-                continue
-            m = EMPTY.match(content,self.index)
-            if m is not None:
-                #print 'EMPTY:',m.group(),m.span()
-                self.index = m.span()[1]
-                self.empty(m.group())
-                continue
-            m = START.match(content,self.index)
-            if m is not None:
-                #print 'START:',m.group(),m.span()
-                self.index = m.span()[1]
-                self.start(m.group())
-                continue
-            m = STOP.match(content,self.index)
-            if m is not None:
-                #print 'STOP:',m.group(),m.span()
-                self.index = m.span()[1]
-                self.stop(m.group())
-                continue
-            m = ANY.match(content,self.index)
-            if m is not None:
-                #print 'ANY:',m.group(),m.span()
-                self.index = m.span()[1]
-                txt = m.group()
-                txt.strip()
-                self.any(txt)
-                continue
-class format(parse):
-    def __init__(self,*argl,**argd):
-        super(format,self).__init__(*argl,**argd)
-        self.level = 0
-        self.outbuf = []
-    def __str__(self):
-        self.parse()
-        return '\n'.join(self.outbuf)
-    def start(self,txt):
-        self.outbuf.append(tab*self.level+txt)
-        self.level += 1
-    def stop(self,txt):
-        self.level -= 1
-        self.outbuf.append(tab*self.level+txt)
-    def any(self,txt):
-        self.outbuf.append(tab*self.level+txt)
-    def empty(self,txt):
-        self.outbuf.append(tab*self.level+txt)
-    def other(self,txt):
-        self.outbuf.append(tab*self.level+txt)
-class findTableName(parse):
-    def __init__(self,*argl,**argd):
-        super(findTableName,self).__init__(*argl,**argd)
-        self.tabname = {}
-        self.currTable = ''
-    def any(self,txt):
-        if self.currTable and txt.find('Workpackage number') != -1:
-            self.tabname[self.currTable] = True
-    def stop(self,txt):
-        if txt.startswith('</table:table'):
-            self.currTable = ''
-    def start(self,txt):
-        if txt.startswith('<table:table'):
-            i = txt.find('table:name')
-            if i != -1:
-                start = txt.find('"',i) +1
-                stop = txt.find('"',start)
-                self.currTable = txt[start:stop]
-    def __str__(self):
-        self.parse()
-        return str(self.tabname)
-    def __call__(self):
-        self.parse()
-        return self.tabname.keys()
-class replaceMargin(format):
-    def __init__(self,*argl,**argd):
-        super(replaceMargin,self).__init__(*argl,**argd)
-        self.tabnames = findTableName(self.text)()
-        #print >> sys.stderr,self.tabnames
-        self.inStyle = True
-    def __str__(self):
-        self.parse()
-        return ''.join(self.outbuf)
-    def start(self,txt):
-        i = txt.find(' ')
-        if i:
-            elem = txt[1:i]
-        else:
-            elem = txt[1:-1]
-        txt = txt.strip()
-        if txt.startswith('<style:style'):
-            for tab in self.tabnames:
-                if txt.find(tab) != -1 and txt.find('table-cell') != -1:
-                    #print >> sys.stderr,'found table-cell'
-                    self.inStyle = True
-        self.outbuf.append(txt)
-    def stop(self,txt):
-        txt = txt.strip()
-        if self.inStyle:
-            self.inStyle = False
-        self.outbuf.append(txt)
-    def other(self,txt):
-        txt = txt.strip()
-        self.outbuf.append(txt)
-    def empty(self,txt):
-        txt = txt.strip()
-        if self.inStyle and txt.find('style:properties') != -1:
-            self.outbuf.append(tabprop)
-            self.inStyle = False
-        else:
-            self.outbuf.append(txt)
-    def any(self,txt):
-        txt = txt.strip()
-        if txt:
-            self.outbuf.append(txt)
-class cut(format):
-    def __init__(self,*argl,**argd):
-        super(cut,self).__init__(*argl,**argd)
-        self.level = 0
-        self.write = True
-        self.stack = []
-    def __str__(self):
-        self.parse()
-        return ''.join(self.outbuf)
-    def start(self,txt):
-        if self.write:
-            self.outbuf.append(txt)
-        self.stack.append(self.write)
-    def other(self,txt):
-        if self.write:
-            self.outbuf.append(txt)
-    def stop(self,txt):
-        write = self.stack.pop()
-        if write:
-            self.outbuf.append(txt)
-    def empty(self,txt):
-        if self.write:
-            self.outbuf.append(txt)
-    def any(self,txt):
-        if txt.find('DELETE:BEGIN') != -1:
-            if not self.write:
-                print >> sys.stderr,self.outbuf[-20:]
-                raise Exception('No closing DELETE:END found')
-            self.initStartCut()
-        elif txt.find('DELETE:END') != -1:
-            self.initStopCut()
-        else:
-            if self.write:
-                self.outbuf.append(txt)
-    def initStartCut(self):
-        self.write = False
-        self.level = 0
-        #CT adjust stack top for enclosing tag
-        self.stack.pop()
-        self.stack.append(self.write)
-        while 1:
-            if self.level > 2:
-                print >> sys.stderr,'LEN',len(self.outbuf)
-                print >> sys.stderr, self.outbuf[-10:]
-                raise Exception
-            last = self.outbuf.pop()
-            last = last.strip()
-            print >> sys.stderr,'startCut',last,self.level
-            if last.startswith('</'):
-                self.level += 1
-                continue
-            elif last.endswith('/>'):
-                continue
-            tag = self.extractTagName(last)
-            if tag and not self.level:
-                break
-            elif tag:
-                self.level -= 1
-        print >> sys.stderr,'DONE'
-    def initStopCut(self):
-        self.write = True
-def changeStyle(txt):
-    txt = str(cut(txt))
-    #txt = str(replaceMargin(txt))
-    # not correct yet
-    txt = str(format(txt))
-    return txt
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    fn = sys.argv[1]
-    content = open(fn).read()
-    #f = format(str(replaceMargin(content)))
-    f = str(format(content))
-    print f

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/tools/zipmod.py
--- /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/tools/zipmod.py	Wed Oct  1 03:54:32 2003
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/env python
-import os, sys, zipfile
-from format import changeStyle
-# s = """..... <text:p text:style-name="P4">:DELETE:BEGIN</text:p><text:p text:style-name="P4"/><table:table table:name="Table3" table:style-name="Table3"><table:table-column table:style-name="Table3.A"/><text:p text:style-name="P4">:DELETE:END</text:p> ----------""" * 2
-def filter(s):
-    "Remove string all parts of a string within certain tags."
-    text0 = '<text:p text:style-name="P4">'
-    text1 = '</text:p>'
-    tag0 = ":DELETE:BEGIN"
-    tag1 = ":DELETE:END"
-    list = []
-    while 1:
-        p = s.find(tag0)
-        if p == -1: break
-        s0 = s[:p]
-        t0 = s[p-len(text0):p]
-        t1 = s[p+len(tag0):p+len(tag0)+len(text1)]
-        list.append(s[:p-len(text0)])
-        s = s[p+len(tag0)+len(text1):]
-        p = s.find(tag1)
-        if p == -1: break
-        s0 = s[:p]
-        t0 = s[p-len(text0):p]
-        t1 = s[p+len(tag1):p+len(tag1)+len(text1)]
-        s = s[p+len(tag1)+len(text1):]
-    list.append(s)
-    return ''.join(list)
-def modifyOpenOfficeContent(docPath, filename, func):
-    "Read the content XML file from a zipped Open Office document."
-    # read ZIP file, build {filename:open(filename).read(), ...}
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(docPath, 'r')
-    filenames = zip.namelist()
-    filemap = {}
-    for fn in filenames:
-        filemap[fn] = zip.read(fn)
-    zip.close()
-    # modify specific filename by applying func to it
-    content = filemap[filename]
-    modContent = func(content)
-    filemap[filename] = modContent
-    # build temp. directory structure as in ZIP file
-    # (zipfile has no extract or modify method!)
-    tmp = 'tmp'
-    try: os.mkdir(tmp)
-    except OSError: pass
-    for fn in filenames:
-        dirName = os.path.join(tmp, os.path.dirname(fn))
-        try: os.mkdir(dirName)
-        except OSError: pass
-        destPath = os.path.join(tmp, fn.replace('/',os.sep))
-        d,f = os.path.split(destPath)
-        try:
-            os.makedirs(d)
-        except:pass
-        fs = open(destPath, 'wb')
-        fs.write(filemap[fn])
-    # rebuild a copy of the original ZIP file from tmp. dir.
-    name,end = os.path.splitext(docPath)
-    newpath = name+'_cp'+end
-    zip = zipfile.ZipFile(newpath, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
-    for fn in filenames:
-        destPath = os.path.join(tmp, fn.replace('/',os.sep))
-        zip.write(destPath, fn)
-def filterAll(txt):
-    txt = changeStyle(txt)
-    #txt = filter(txt)
-    return txt
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    docPath = sys.argv[1]
-    modifyOpenOfficeContent(docPath, 'content.xml', filterAll)

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