[pypy-svn] r7866 - pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations/minutes

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Dec 16 00:32:11 CET 2004

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Dec 16 00:32:11 2004
New Revision: 7866

kickoff-meeting minutes from Beatrice sent to me a couple of hours ago ... 

Added: pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations/minutes/kickoffpypy_041214bd.rtf
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations/minutes/kickoffpypy_041214bd.rtf	Thu Dec 16 00:32:11 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1053{\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial Black;}{\f1\fswiss\fprq2\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0 Arial;}{\f3\fnil\fcharset2 Symbol;}}
+{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs28 Kick off meeting PyPy, Saarbrucken 041214\par
+Minutes of meeting\par
+\f1\fs22 Attending:\par
+Alastair Burt\tab\tab DFKI\par
+Jacob Hall\'e9n\tab\tab AB Strakt\par
+Laura Creighton\tab AB Strakt\par
+Holger Krekel\tab\tab Merlinux\par
+Lene\tab\tab\tab Merlinux\par
+Christian Tismer\tab Tismerysoft\par
+Armin Rigo\tab\tab Heinrich Heine University D\'fcsseldorf (HHUD)\par
+Beatrice D\'fcring\tab Change Maker\par
+\tab\tab\tab Logilab\par
+\tab\tab\tab Logilab\par
+Stefan Buserman\tab DFKI\par
+Samuel Pedroni\tab AB Strakt?\par
+- Intro (Alastair)\par
+- Handling the paperwork of adding and changing project partners (Alastair)\par
+- Set up routines for time/cost reporting and other project administrative tasks (Alastair)\par
+- Building av project calendar - dates for deliverables/budget etc. (Jacob)\par
+- Communication: mailinglists and websites (Alastair)\par
+- Consortium agreements (Holger)\par
+- Roles and responsibilities (Holger)\par
+- Procedures of accepting new individual partners (Laura)\par
+- Closing \par
+\f1\fs22 1. Intro (Alastair)\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 Short presentation of DFKI by Stefan Buserman.\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Agenda walkthrough and acceptance\f0\par
+\f2{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Chairman: Alistair Burt\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Secretary: Beatrice D\'fcring\fs20\par
+2. \f1 Handling the paperwork of adding and changing project partners (Alastair)\par
+\tab See meeting notes on wiki/codespeak\par
+\tab Consortium members - changes:\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 Out: University of Southampton\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}In: Heinrich Heine University D\'fcsseldorf (HHUD), Merlinux, Tismerysoft\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Natural persons: Laura Creighton, Alex Martelli (postpone until his decision of his consortium participation is made more clear)\par
+\tab Main problem: \par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 HHUD wants to see consortium agreement first before they fill out accession forms to join consortium/contract\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Calender pressed: everything needs to be signed (accession forms, cpf:s etc - see wiki checklist) and sent to DFKI by 22/12 so this can be sent in before main deadline 30 days after project start - 30/12 2004.\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Question to PO: does eveything need to be signed by 30/12 2004 or is it enough to show for example consortium agreement?\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}PyPyproject need to prepare to worst case send in all papers to meet deadline of 30/12 2004 without HHUD (OK for PO?)\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Walkthrough of checklist on wiki for deliverables before 30/12 2004, each partner is responsible to do their utmost to have each respective document signed and sent to DFKI before 22/12 2004\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}DFKI/Alastair is responsible to call in support if the communication with partners and PO is pressed for time\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Goal for the meeting today: finish CPF:s for new partners and have a v.1.0 of consortium agreement\par
+3. Set up routines for time/cost reporting and other project administrative tasks (Alastair)\par
+\tab Project tracking by:\par
+\tab Monthly status reports\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 amount of hours spent on each workpackage + description of acitivities\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}other expenses\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}deviations from planned activities/reasons for this\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}templates for this will be circulated, no later than 2005-01-07 by Alastair\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}every sixth month, amalgameted will be compiled by the monthly reports\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}the cost statements at the end of the year must coincide with the report (audit certificates will be needed for cost statements)\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Question for PO: does all parties have to make 2 audit certificates during he project, 14 in total taken from the management budget?\par
+Main reasons for monthly reports is to keep tracking process up to date so that when the big periodic report 1, and period report 2 + final report are due to the Commission, all the paperwork are essentially done. This way the quality of the data is checked ongoing and the project is also able to handle audits from the Commission. Faling to do this (track ongoing) could risk serious delays to payments from Commission.\par
+Besides tracking cost and time spent on project, quality have to be checked. Quality need to be assured for the following three aspects of the project:\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 Project process (structure, planning, coordinating, managing, documenting, infrastructure, team etc)\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Development process (sprints, pairprogramming, unit-testing etc)\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Product (minireviews of deliverables and features of PyPy\par
+A quality management plan will be compiled and circulated 22/12-04 for feedback from the team. The plan need to be sent to the Commission no later than 30/12-04. This is a deliverable in the project, assistant project manager Beatrice is responsible for this. Input to this plan is mentioned in the proposal, all ideas that teammewbers have around this - please send to Bea as soon as possible.\par
+A question regarding the time of the project coordinator, Alastairs allotted time came up. Will Alastair have allotted time for PyPy? Yes, and also there is a second support person from DFKI, Stefan Buserman. The team clearified the need for the project coordinator to communicate and delegate when time issues might become problems, see december 04 deadlines to the Commission as an urgent need.\par
+4. Communication: mailinglists and websites (Alastair)\par
+\tab A discussion regarding transparency in the project followed. The team decided to implement total transparency (combined with sense and reason regarding what was being communicated and how) for now regarding project communication both internally and externally (as said in the proposal - "life in a fishbowl". Some effort need to be put in to the issue of readability and information design so that external parties actually can find relevant information within the transparency effort.\par
+The team decided that the project needed a website outside of codespeak and the domain pypy.org will be used for this. This sight will hold relevant information on the pypy/EU project and will then send people on to the codespeak/developer site for more specific information. This way the pypy/EU project gets its on "front door", at least in the eyes of external parties.\par
+Communication structure the team will need for the pypy/eu project:\par
+- an issue tracker for the project deliverables and action items\par
+- repositories with a structure of directories for documents (for code as well? Question by Bea)\par
+- site with project information\par
+Holger will set up this infrastructure , no later than end of january 2005. Until then  - use the existing and working infrastructure of codespeak.\par
+Alastair raised the importance of getting a site up and running with pypy/EU logo as soon as possible as important.\par
+5. Building av project calendar - dates for deliverables/budget etc. (Jacob)\par
+\tab See document distributed by Jacob before meeting.\par
+\tab Sprints in calendar:\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 Team decided that project manager, Jacob will act as sprint coordinator and be responsible for finding local sprint hosts.\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}The sprints during spring 2005 are: end january - Leysan Switzterland/end march PyCon Washington/midapril at ACCU conference Oxford/end june Europython Gothenburg.\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Question for PO: will EU finance sprintcosts outside the EU?\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Idea for sprint end august in South Korea, Holger will check with local community\par
+\tab Comments on project calendar:\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 Month always equals end of month\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Every deliverable needs to have a paper written on where it is to be found in the repository and in that way point to relevant release of prototype\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}When the deliverable is a paper, written analysis with written descriptions are needed\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}This calendar focus on all the external deliverables to the Commission, there are no internal deliverables as mentioned in proposal (project review workshops, quality management acitivities like audits etc, monthly reports, other reaccuring tasks, conferences etc)\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}The assistant project manager, Bea will create an integrated calendar with both internal and external deliverables\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}This calender will be updated with a column on who is the reponsible party for each deliverable\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Crucial nonevelopment activities in the calender is the periodic report 1 (15 january 2006), periodic report 2 (15 january 2007) and the final report. Work with these needs to be driven over 3 months beforehand to make sure that these deliverables are handed in a qualitative and orderly manner (project manager and assistant project manager are responsible for this)\par
+6. Discussions/orientation of ongoing pypywork with pypyproject  (Armin)\par
+\tab Armin made a short high level summary of the status of PyPy today.\par
+\tab A discussion regarding the difference between PyPy and the PyPy/Strep project followed. There are issues here to be handled. \par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 The rest of the developer base might feel excluded because their not in the funding project and that maight impair their motivation in the PyPy community\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}There is a "management of expectations" to be made so that wishes from the community of developers to start to work on certain features of PyPy doesnt get hindered because of the projecr calender to the EU etc.\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}There is a need to be able to communicate a clear picture of relationship between funded project and the PypY developer community so that it will be easy for external stakeholders (noncommunity companies and organisations) to understand the scope of the project. And in doing this not trample on the community. The project needs an outspoken and decided strategy around this.\par
+\tab No decisions were made by the team - the question needs to be discussed further, via email?\par
+7. Consortium agreement (Holger)\par
+\tab The team created a v. 1.0 of the consortium agreement from the model contract that all parties present clearly stated that they would sign.\par
+\tab Here is a summary of changes made in the model contract, v.1.0 is in the repository under negotiations/pypy consortium agreement.swx:\par
+\tab (Comments in italics are unsolved issues)\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720\i Page 2 References needs to be adjusted with correct data and filenames/dates\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Table of contents needs to be adjusted, se text inserted under section 10 in table of contents\i0\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Introduction - page 4 was changed from the model contract \par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Section 1 Definitions, 1.1 Additional definitions: Project Management Board were inserted, page 7\par
+\i{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Section 1 Definitions, 1.3 Further understandings: discussions about deleting (b) "fair and...."/no decision was made\i0\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Section 3 Project Organisation and management structure, 3.1 General structure (a): Project management board was added\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Section 4 Responsibilities and authority: changes were made to\par
+\pard\tab\tab 5.1 Establishment of the work plan\par
+\tab\tab 5.2 Project Co-ordination Committe\par
+\tab\tab 5.2.1 Responsibilities of the Project mangement board\par
+\tab\tab 5.2.2 Decisions of the Project Co-ordination Committe\par
+\tab\tab 5.2.4 Meetings of the Project Co-ordination Committe\par
+\tab\tab 5.2.5 Kick off\par
+\tab\tab 5.3 Co-ordinator\par
+\tab\tab 5.3.2 Responsibilities of the Co-ordinator\par
+\tab\i Check 5.2.1 (d): content of Annex II 34\i0\par
+\tab Explanation of changes in section 5: changes were made to integrate the project management board with the model contracts version of Project \tab Co-ordination Committe, electronic meeting were inserted, kick off meeting date changed to comply with actual fact etc.\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 Section 6: Costs-Payments, 6.2 Payments: option was inserted and individual party/instalments was inserted\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Section 10, Copyrights, trademarks, Trade secrets and patents: changes were made to:\par
+\pard\tab\tab 10.1: MIT license inserted\par
+\tab\tab 10.3 Contributions are not to be patent encumbered: during duration of project/section about trade secrets were deleted\par
+\tab\i Check 10.2 Patents - what about USA - is this a risk?\par
+\tab Change Section 10 headline; it has trade secrets in it although that was deleted?\i0\par
+\pard{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}{\*\pn\pnlvlblt\pnf3\pnindent0{\pntxtb\'B7}}\fi-720\li720 Section 12: Publications, press releases, 12.2 Communication and procedure: restriction was added, second sentence\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Section 18: Notices: no adresses inserted - instead responsiblities of keeping contact and banking data up to date was inserted\par
+{\pntext\f3\'B7\tab}Annex A,B,C was deleted\par
+Meeting split up in working groups: one group worked on consortium agreement, one group worked on accession forms and cpf:s for Merlinux and Tismerysoft.  A walkthrough was made by the entire team of version 1 of the consortium agreement before meeting ended.\par
+Meeting ended with following conclusions:\par
+- Part of the agenda was not discussed: budget, roles and responsibilities, natural persons (contract handling, criteria, selection, decision)\par
+- An IRC meeting was scheduled for friday 17/12-04 to follow up on december deadlines and action items, mainly paperwork to the Commission due 30/12-04. Meeting starts 15:00.\par
+An action list was compiled at the end of meeting and the team decided upon the following list of action items:\par
+1. Question PO about CPF/Consortium agreement: do they need to be signed 30/12-04? By all parties or can one sedn in after christmas? (Alastair)\par
+2. Check DoW, every party checks their workpackages and descriptions before monday 20/12 (All)\par
+3. Create monthly report december in january (Beatrice, Jacob)\par
+4. Create template for time/cost reporting , no later than 2005-01-07 (Alastair)\par
+5. Question PO about all parties needing to have 2 audit certificates during project period/from management budget? (Alastair)\par
+6. Create Quality Management Plan, circulate example to all parties 22/12-04, to the Commission before 30/12-04 (Beatrice)\par
+7. Create communication structure/infrastructure accortdin to minutes 041214 for pypy/EU, no later than end of january (Holger)\par
+8. Check sprint planning (Jacop, Holger)\par
+9. Update project calender with responsibilities (Jacob)\par
+10. Create integrated calendar (Beatrice)\par
+11. Discuss communication strategy pypy/pypy_eu via email/IRC (Beatrice)\par
+12. Check version 1.0 of consortium agreement (in repository) (All)\par
+13. Perform all december tasks on wiki "checklist" on kick off meeting agenda (signing paperwork for Commission deadline 30/12-04) (Alastair/all)\par
+14. Correct v. 1.0 of consortium agreement (se minutes above, comments in italics) (Alastair)\par
+15. Send out consortium agreement after corrections with clear deadline/timeline for all parties (Alastair)\par
+16. Discuss and check management budget (meetings selffinanced for all that doesnt report to those wp:s and audit certificates, PO?) (Alastair)\par
+17. Specify which other documents need to be signed by whom, when and sent where to meet commission deadline 30/12-04 (Alastair)\par
+18. Write justification for partner switch and sign to accession forms (Alastair)\par
+19. Check changed CPF budget before signed/sent to commission  (Jacob)\par
+20. Question PO about problem with consortium structure and natural persons (swinging door, junior partners etc) (Alastair)\par
+21. Fill in all paper for Laura to enter consortium as natural person, coordinate changes with Alastair (Laura)\par
+ \par
\ No newline at end of file

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