[pypy-svn] r5182 - pypy/branch/src-new-utest/pypy/tool

lac at codespeak.net lac at codespeak.net
Sun Jun 20 15:46:26 CEST 2004

Author: lac
Date: Sun Jun 20 15:46:25 2004
New Revision: 5182

fixed a bug where I forgot that self.assertEquals and friends could
have messages too ...

Modified: pypy/branch/src-new-utest/pypy/tool/utestconvert.py
--- pypy/branch/src-new-utest/pypy/tool/utestconvert.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/src-new-utest/pypy/tool/utestconvert.py	Sun Jun 20 15:46:25 2004
@@ -4,15 +4,16 @@
 import os
 #  d is the dictionary of unittest changes, keyed to the old name
 #  used by unittest.  d['new'] is the new replacement function, and
-#  d['change type'] is one of the following functions
+#  d['change'] is one of the following functions
 #           namechange_only   e.g.  assertRaises  becomes raises
 #           fail_special      e.g.  fail() becomes raise AssertionError
 #           strip_parens      e.g.  assert_(expr) becomes assert expr
 #           comma_to_op       e.g.  assertEquals(l, r) becomes assert l == r
 #           rounding          e.g.  assertAlmostEqual(l, r) becomes
-#                                     assert round(l - r, 7) == 0
+#                                   assert round(l - r, 7) == 0
 #  Finally, 'op' is the operator you will substitute, if applicable.
 #  Got to define the dispatch functions first ....
@@ -20,12 +21,6 @@
     '''rename a function.  dictionary dispatched.'''
     return re.sub('self.'+old, new, block)
-d['assertRaises'] = {'new': 'raises',
-                     'change type': namechange_only,
-                     'op': None}
-d['failUnlessRaises'] = d['assertRaises']
 def fail_special(old, new, block, op):
     '''change fail function to raise AssertionError. dictionary dispatched. '''
     indent, expr, trailer = common_setup(old, block)
@@ -34,10 +29,6 @@
          return indent + new + trailer
     else:   # fail('Problem')  --> raise AssertionError, 'Problem'
          return indent + new + ', ' + expr + trailer
-d['fail'] = {'new': 'raise AssertionError',
-             'change type': fail_special,
-             'op': None}
 def comma_to_op(old, new, block, op):
     '''change comma to appropriate op. dictionary dispatched. '''
@@ -54,36 +45,32 @@
         parser.expr(right.lstrip())  # that paren came off easily
     except SyntaxError:
-        right = re.sub(linesep, '\\'+linesep, right)
+        # paste continuation backslashes on our multiline constructs
+        try:
+            # is the input expr, expr, string?
+            # so right is expr, string?
+            expr, string = get_expr(right, ',')
+            expr = re.sub(linesep, '\\'+linesep, expr)
+            # since the right1 is a string, assume it can take care
+            # of itself even if multiline.
+            if expr.startswith(linesep):# that needs a slash too ...
+                between = ',\\'
+            else:
+                between = ','
+            right = expr + between + string
+        except SyntaxError: # just a regular old multiline expression
+           right = re.sub(linesep, '\\'+linesep, right)
     if right.startswith(linesep):
         op = op + '\\'
     return indent + new + left + op + right + trailer
-d['assertEqual'] = {'new': 'assert',
-                    'change type': comma_to_op,
-                    'op': '=='}
-d['assertEquals'] = d['assertEqual']
-d['assertNotEqual'] = {'new': 'assert',
-                       'change type':comma_to_op,
-                       'op': '!='}
-d['assertNotEquals'] = d['assertNotEqual']
-d['failUnlessEqual'] = {'new': 'assert not',
-                        'change type': comma_to_op,
-                        'op': '!='}
-d['failIfEqual'] = {'new': 'assert not',
-                    'change type': comma_to_op,
-                    'op': '=='}
 def strip_parens(old, new, block, op):
     '''remove one set of parens. dictionary dispatched. '''
     indent, expr, trailer = common_setup(old, block)
     new = new + ' '
         parser.expr(expr) # the parens came off easily
         return indent + new + expr + trailer
@@ -105,62 +92,60 @@
         except SyntaxError: # just a regular old multiline expression
             expr = re.sub(linesep, '\\'+linesep, expr)
             return indent + new + expr + trailer
-d['assert_'] = {'new': 'assert',
-                'change type': strip_parens,
-                'op': None}
+def rounding():
+    pass
+# Now the dictionary of unittests.  There sure are enough of them!
+d['assertRaises'] = {'new': 'raises', 'change': namechange_only, 'op': None}
+d['failUnlessRaises'] = d['assertRaises']
+d['fail'] = {'new': 'raise AssertionError', 'change': fail_special, 'op': None}
+d['assertEqual'] = {'new': 'assert', 'change': comma_to_op, 'op': '=='}
+d['assertEquals'] = d['assertEqual']
+d['assertNotEqual'] = {'new': 'assert', 'change':comma_to_op, 'op': '!='}
+d['assertNotEquals'] = d['assertNotEqual']
+d['failUnlessEqual'] = {'new': 'assert not', 'change': comma_to_op, 'op': '!='}
+d['failIfEqual'] = {'new': 'assert not', 'change': comma_to_op, 'op': '=='}
+d['assert_'] = {'new': 'assert','change': strip_parens, 'op': None}
 d['failUnless'] = d['assert_']
-d['failIf'] = {'new': 'assert not',
-               'change type': strip_parens,
-               'op': None}
-d['assertNotAlmostEqual'] = {'old': 'assertNotAlmostEqual',
-                             'new': 'assert round',
-                             'change type': 'rounding',
-                             'op': '!='}
-d['assertNotAlmostEquals'] = {'old': 'assertNotAlmostEquals',
-                              'new': 'assert round',
-                              'change type': 'rounding',
-                              'op': '!='}
-d['failUnlessAlmostEqual'] = {'old': 'failUnlessAlmostEqual',
-                              'new': 'assert not round',
-                              'change type': 'rounding',
-                              'op': '=='}
-d['assertUnlessAlmostEquals'] = {'old': 'assertUnlessAlmostEquals',
-                                 'new': 'assert round',
-                                 'change type': 'rounding',
-                                 'op': '=='}
-d['assertAlmostEqual'] = {'old': 'assertAlmostEqual',
-                          'new': 'assert round',
-                          'change type': 'rounding',
-                          'op': '=='}
-leading_spaces = re.compile(r'^(\s*)')
+d['failIf'] = {'new': 'assert not', 'change': strip_parens, 'op': None}
+d['assertAlmostEqual'] = {'new': 'assert round', 'change': rounding, 'op':'=='}
+d['assertAlmostEquals'] = d['assertAlmostEqual']
+d['assertNotAlmostEqual'] = {'new':'assert round','change':rounding, 'op':'!='}
+d['assertNotAlmostEquals'] = d['assertNotAlmostEqual']
+d['failIfAlmostEqual'] = {'new': 'assert not round',
+                          'change': rounding, 'op': '=='}
+d['failUnlessAlmostEquals'] = {'new': 'assert not round',
+                               'change': rounding, 'op': '!='}
+leading_spaces = re.compile(r'^(\s*)') # this never fails
 pat = ''
 for k in d.keys():  # this complicated pattern to match all unittests
     pat += '|' + r'^(\s*)' + 'self.' + k + r'\(' # \tself.whatever(
-old_names = re.compile(pat[1:])  # strip the extra '|' from front
+old_names = re.compile(pat[1:])
 def blocksplitter(filename):
+    '''split a file into blocks that are headed by functions to rename'''
     fp = file(filename, 'r')
     blocklist = []
     blockstring = ''
     for line in fp:
         interesting = old_names.match(line)
         if interesting :
             if blockstring:
@@ -171,13 +156,13 @@
     return blocklist
-def process_block(s):
+def dispatch(s):
+    '''do a dictionary dispatch based on the change key in the dict d '''
     f = old_names.match(s)
     if f:
         key = f.group(0).lstrip()[5:-1]  # '\tself.blah(' -> 'blah'
-        # now do the dictionary dispatch.
-        return d[key]['change type'](key, d[key]['new'], s, d[key] ['op'])
-    else:
+        return d[key]['change'](key, d[key]['new'], s, d[key] ['op'])
+    else: # just copy uninteresting lines
         return s
 def common_setup(old, block):
@@ -189,11 +174,12 @@
     return indent, expr, trailer
 def get_expr(s, char):
-    # the trick.  how to get an expression without really trying :-)
-    # read from the beginning of the string until you get an expression.
-    # return it, and the stuff left over, minus the char you separated on
-    pos = pos_finder(s, char)
+    '''split a string into an expression, and the rest of the string'''
+    pos=[]
+    for i in range(len(s)):
+        if s[i] == char:
+            pos.append(i)
     if pos == []:
         raise SyntaxError # we didn't find the expected char.  Ick.
@@ -207,27 +193,18 @@
     raise SyntaxError       # We never found anything that worked.
-def pos_finder(s, char=','):
-    # used by find_expr
-    # returns the list of string positions where the char 'char' was found
-    pos=[]
-    for i in range(len(s)):
-        if s[i] == char:
-            pos.append(i)
-    return pos
 class Testit(unittest.TestCase):
     def test(self):
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("badger badger badger"),
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("badger badger badger"),
                           "badger badger badger")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
             "self.assertRaises(excClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs)"
             "raises(excClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs)"
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
             self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, func, 42, **{'arg1': 23})
@@ -236,7 +213,7 @@
             raises(TypeError, func, 42, **{'arg1': 23})
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
@@ -249,14 +226,14 @@
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.fail()"), "raise AssertionError")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.fail('mushroom, mushroom')"),
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("self.fail()"), "raise AssertionError")
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("self.fail('mushroom, mushroom')"),
                           "raise AssertionError, 'mushroom, mushroom'")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.assert_(x)"), "assert x")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.failUnless(func(x)) # XXX"),
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("self.assert_(x)"), "assert x")
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("self.failUnless(func(x)) # XXX"),
                           "assert func(x) # XXX")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
             self.assert_(1 + f(y)
                          + z) # multiline, add continuation backslash
@@ -268,10 +245,10 @@
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.assert_(0, 'badger badger')"),
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("self.assert_(0, 'badger badger')"),
                           "assert 0, 'badger badger'")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
                  'Meet the badger.\n')
@@ -283,7 +260,7 @@
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
             self.failIf(0 + 0
                           + len('badger\n')
@@ -303,10 +280,10 @@
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.assertEquals(0, 0)"),
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("self.assertEquals(0, 0)"),
                           "assert 0 == 0")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
                  'Run away from the snake.\n')
@@ -318,7 +295,7 @@
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
             self.assertEquals(badger + 0
                               + mushroom
@@ -332,7 +309,7 @@
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
             self.assertNotEquals(badger + 0
                               + mushroom
@@ -350,7 +327,7 @@
-        self.assertEqual(process_block(
+        self.assertEqual(dispatch(
@@ -365,13 +342,13 @@
                               - badger()
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.failIfEqual(0, 0)"),
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("self.failIfEqual(0, 0)"),
                           "assert not 0 == 0")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.failUnlessEqual(0, 0)"),
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch("self.failUnlessEqual(0, 0)"),
                           "assert not 0 != 0")
-        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
                                  + mushroom()
@@ -391,7 +368,52 @@
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
+            r"""
+            self.assertEquals(badger(),
+                              snake(), 'BAD BADGER')
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert badger() ==\
+                              snake(), 'BAD BADGER'
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
+            r"""
+            self.assertEquals(badger(),
+                              snake(), '''BAD BADGER
+                              BAD BADGER
+                              BAD BADGER'''
+                              )
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert badger() ==\
+                              snake(), '''BAD BADGER
+                              BAD BADGER
+                              BAD BADGER'''
+            """
+                          )
+        self.assertEquals(dispatch(
+            r"""
+            self.assertNotEquals(badger(),
+                              snake()+
+                              snake(), 'POISONOUS MUSHROOM!\
+                              Ai! I ate a POISONOUS MUSHROOM!!')
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert badger() !=\
+                              snake()+\
+                              snake(), 'POISONOUS MUSHROOM!\
+                              Ai! I ate a POISONOUS MUSHROOM!!'
+            """
+                          )
 if __name__ == '__main__':
-    #for block in  blocksplitter('xxx.py'): print process_block(block)
+    #for block in  blocksplitter('xxx.py'): print dispatch(block)

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