[pypy-svn] r7636 - pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Tue Nov 23 18:30:08 CET 2004

Author: tismer
Date: Tue Nov 23 18:30:07 2004
New Revision: 7636

reverted my additions for an app-specific flow space.
The current idea is:
application level code is translated like RPython, in the
sense that globals are constants, constants are evaluated
at compile time, and the special exception provisions
also apply.
The difference with genrpy is this:
genrpy code is generated when the space is NOT a constant.
In a second step, genc generates C code from that, and
the space IS a constant.

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/genrpy.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/genrpy.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/genrpy.py	Tue Nov 23 18:30:07 2004
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
 Then, the RPython to C translation might hopefully spit out some
 more efficient code than always interpreting these methods.
+Note that the appspace things are treated as RPythonic, in a sense
+that globals are constant,for instance.
 This module is very much under construction and not yet usable but
 for testing.
-XXX to do: Subclass parts of the flow space and translator and teach
-them that this is not to be treated as RPython.
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import traverse
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
         self.f = f
         self.translator = translator
         self.rpynames = {}
+        self.seennames = {}
         # special constructors:
         self.has_listarg = {}
@@ -106,10 +107,355 @@
             return self.rpynames[key]
         except KeyError:
-            name = "w(%s)" % str(obj)
+            #name = "w(%s)" % str(obj)
+            #self.rpynames[key] = name
+            #return name
+            if (type(obj).__module__ != '__builtin__' and
+                not isinstance(obj, type)):   # skip user-defined metaclasses
+                # assume it's a user defined thingy
+                name = self.nameof_instance(obj)
+            else:
+                for cls in type(obj).__mro__:
+                    meth = getattr(self,
+                                   'nameof_' + cls.__name__.replace(' ', ''),
+                                   None)
+                    if meth:
+                        break
+                else:
+                    raise Exception, "nameof(%r)" % (obj,)
+                name = meth(obj)
             self.rpynames[key] = name
             return name
+    def uniquename(self, basename):
+        n = self.seennames.get(basename, 0)
+        self.seennames[basename] = n+1
+        if n == 0:
+            self.globalobjects.append(basename)
+            self.globaldecl.append('static PyObject *%s;' % (basename,))
+            return basename
+        else:
+            return self.uniquename('%s_%d' % (basename, n))
+    def nameof_object(self, value):
+        if type(value) is not object:
+            raise Exception, "nameof(%r)" % (value,)
+        name = self.uniquename('g_object')
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject*)&PyBaseObject_Type, ""))'%name)
+        return name
+    def nameof_module(self, value):
+        assert value is os or not hasattr(value, "__file__") or \
+               not (value.__file__.endswith('.pyc') or
+                    value.__file__.endswith('.py') or
+                    value.__file__.endswith('.pyo')), \
+               "%r is not a builtin module (probably :)"%value
+        name = self.uniquename('mod%s'%value.__name__)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyImport_ImportModule("%s"))'%(name, value.__name__))
+        return name
+    def nameof_int(self, value):
+        if value >= 0:
+            name = 'gint_%d' % value
+        else:
+            name = 'gint_minus%d' % abs(value)
+        name = self.uniquename(name)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = '
+                             'PyInt_FromLong(%d))' % (name, value))
+        return name
+    def nameof_long(self, value):
+        assert type(int(value)) is int, "your literal long is too long"
+        if value >= 0:
+            name = 'glong%d' % value
+        else:
+            name = 'glong_minus%d' % abs(value)
+        name = self.uniquename(name)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = '
+                             'PyLong_FromLong(%d))' % (name, value))
+        return name
+    def nameof_float(self, value):
+        name = 'gfloat_%s' % value
+        name = (name.replace('-', 'minus')
+                    .replace('.', 'dot'))
+        chrs = [c for c in name if ('a' <= c <='z' or
+                                    'A' <= c <='Z' or
+                                    '0' <= c <='9' or
+                                    '_' == c )]
+        name = ''.join(chrs)
+        name = self.uniquename(name)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = '
+                             'PyFloat_FromDouble(%r))' % (name, value))
+        return name
+    def nameof_str(self, value):
+        chrs = [c for c in value[:32] if ('a' <= c <='z' or
+                                          'A' <= c <='Z' or
+                                          '0' <= c <='9' or
+                                          '_' == c )]
+        name = self.uniquename('gstr_' + ''.join(chrs))
+        if [c for c in value if c<' ' or c>'~' or c=='"' or c=='\\']:
+            # non-printable string
+            s = 'chr_%s' % name
+            self.globaldecl.append('static char %s[] = { %s };' % (
+                s, ', '.join(['%d' % ord(c) for c in value])))
+        else:
+            # printable string
+            s = '"%s"' % value
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyString_FromStringAndSize('
+                             '%s, %d))' % (name, s, len(value)))
+        return name
+    def skipped_function(self, func):
+        # debugging only!  Generates a placeholder for missing functions
+        # that raises an exception when called.
+        name = self.uniquename('gskippedfunc_' + func.__name__)
+        self.globaldecl.append('static PyMethodDef ml_%s = { "%s", &skipped, METH_VARARGS };' % (name, name))
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyCFunction_New('
+                             '&ml_%s, NULL))' % (name, name))
+        self.initcode.append('\tPy_INCREF(%s);' % name)
+        self.initcode.append('\tPyCFunction_GET_SELF(%s) = %s;' % (name, name))
+        return name
+    def nameof_function(self, func, progress=['-\x08', '\\\x08',
+                                              '|\x08', '/\x08']):
+        printable_name = '(%s:%d) %s' % (
+            func.func_globals.get('__name__', '?'),
+            func.func_code.co_firstlineno,
+            func.__name__)
+        if self.translator.frozen:
+            if func not in self.translator.flowgraphs:
+                print "NOT GENERATING", printable_name
+                return self.skipped_function(func)
+        else:
+            if (func.func_doc and
+                func.func_doc.lstrip().startswith('NOT_RPYTHON')):
+                print "skipped", printable_name
+                return self.skipped_function(func)
+            p = progress.pop(0)
+            sys.stderr.write(p)
+            progress.append(p)
+        name = self.uniquename('gfunc_' + func.__name__)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyCFunction_New('
+                             '&ml_%s, NULL))' % (name, name))
+        self.initcode.append('\t%s->ob_type = &PyGenCFunction_Type;' % name)
+        self.pendingfunctions.append(func)
+        return name
+    def nameof_staticmethod(self, sm):
+        # XXX XXX XXXX
+        func = sm.__get__(42.5)
+        name = self.uniquename('gsm_' + func.__name__)
+        functionname = self.nameof(func)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyCFunction_New('
+                             '&ml_%s, NULL))' % (name, functionname))
+        return name
+    def nameof_instancemethod(self, meth):
+        if meth.im_self is None:
+            # no error checking here
+            return self.nameof(meth.im_func)
+        else:
+            ob = self.nameof(meth.im_self)
+            func = self.nameof(meth.im_func)
+            typ = self.nameof(meth.im_class)
+            name = self.uniquename('gmeth_'+meth.im_func.__name__)
+            self.initcode.append(
+                'INITCHK(%s = gencfunc_descr_get(%s, %s, %s))'%(
+                name, func, ob, typ))
+            return name
+    def should_translate_attr(self, pbc, attr):
+        ann = self.translator.annotator
+        if ann is None:
+            ignore = getattr(pbc.__class__, 'NOT_RPYTHON_ATTRIBUTES', [])
+            if attr in ignore:
+                return False
+            else:
+                return "probably"   # True
+        if attr in ann.getpbcattrs(pbc):
+            return True
+        classdef = ann.getuserclasses().get(pbc.__class__)
+        if (classdef and
+            classdef.about_attribute(attr) != annmodel.SomeImpossibleValue()):
+            return True
+        return False
+    def later(self, gen):
+        self.latercode.append((gen, self.debugstack))
+    def nameof_instance(self, instance):
+        name = self.uniquename('ginst_' + instance.__class__.__name__)
+        cls = self.nameof(instance.__class__)
+        def initinstance():
+            content = instance.__dict__.items()
+            content.sort()
+            for key, value in content:
+                if self.should_translate_attr(instance, key):
+                    yield 'INITCHK(SETUP_INSTANCE_ATTR(%s, "%s", %s))' % (
+                        name, key, self.nameof(value))
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(SETUP_INSTANCE(%s, %s))' % (
+            name, cls))
+        self.later(initinstance())
+        return name
+    def nameof_builtin_function_or_method(self, func):
+        if func.__self__ is None:
+            # builtin function
+            # where does it come from? Python2.2 doesn't have func.__module__
+            for modname, module in sys.modules.items():
+                if hasattr(module, '__file__'):
+                    if (module.__file__.endswith('.py') or
+                        module.__file__.endswith('.pyc') or
+                        module.__file__.endswith('.pyo')):
+                        continue    # skip non-builtin modules
+                if func is getattr(module, func.__name__, None):
+                    break
+            else:
+                raise Exception, '%r not found in any built-in module' % (func,)
+            name = self.uniquename('gbltin_' + func.__name__)
+            if modname == '__builtin__':
+                self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyMapping_GetItemString('
+                                     'PyEval_GetBuiltins(), "%s"))' % (
+                    name, func.__name__))
+            else:
+                self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyObject_GetAttrString('
+                                     '%s, "%s"))' % (
+                    name, self.nameof(module), func.__name__))
+        else:
+            # builtin (bound) method
+            name = self.uniquename('gbltinmethod_' + func.__name__)
+            self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyObject_GetAttrString('
+                                 '%s, "%s"))' % (
+                name, self.nameof(func.__self__), func.__name__))
+        return name
+    def nameof_classobj(self, cls):
+        if cls.__doc__ and cls.__doc__.lstrip().startswith('NOT_RPYTHON'):
+            raise Exception, "%r should never be reached" % (cls,)
+        metaclass = "&PyType_Type"
+        if issubclass(cls, Exception):
+            if cls.__module__ == 'exceptions':
+                return 'PyExc_%s'%cls.__name__
+            #else:
+            #    # exceptions must be old-style classes (grr!)
+            #    metaclass = "&PyClass_Type"
+        # For the moment, use old-style classes exactly when the
+        # pypy source uses old-style classes, to avoid strange problems.
+        if not isinstance(cls, type):
+            assert type(cls) is type(Exception)
+            metaclass = "&PyClass_Type"
+        name = self.uniquename('gcls_' + cls.__name__)
+        basenames = [self.nameof(base) for base in cls.__bases__]
+        def initclassobj():
+            content = cls.__dict__.items()
+            content.sort()
+            for key, value in content:
+                if key.startswith('__'):
+                    if key in ['__module__', '__doc__', '__dict__',
+                               '__weakref__', '__repr__', '__metaclass__']:
+                        continue
+                    # XXX some __NAMES__ are important... nicer solution sought
+                    #raise Exception, "unexpected name %r in class %s"%(key, cls)
+                if isinstance(value, staticmethod) and value.__get__(1) not in self.translator.flowgraphs and self.translator.frozen:
+                    print value
+                    continue
+                if isinstance(value, FunctionType) and value not in self.translator.flowgraphs and self.translator.frozen:
+                    print value
+                    continue
+                yield 'INITCHK(SETUP_CLASS_ATTR(%s, "%s", %s))' % (
+                    name, key, self.nameof(value))
+        baseargs = ", ".join(basenames)
+        if baseargs:
+            baseargs = ', '+baseargs
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyObject_CallFunction((PyObject*) %s,'
+                             %(name, metaclass))
+        self.initcode.append('\t\t"s(%s){}", "%s"%s))'
+                             %("O"*len(basenames), cls.__name__, baseargs))
+        self.later(initclassobj())
+        return name
+    nameof_class = nameof_classobj   # for Python 2.2
+    def nameof_type(self, cls):
+        if cls in self.typename_mapping:
+            return '(PyObject*) %s' % self.typename_mapping[cls]
+        assert cls.__module__ != '__builtin__', \
+            "built-in class %r not found in typename_mapping" % (cls,)
+        return self.nameof_classobj(cls)
+    def nameof_tuple(self, tup):
+        name = self.uniquename('g%dtuple' % len(tup))
+        args = [self.nameof(x) for x in tup]
+        args.insert(0, '%d' % len(tup))
+        args = ', '.join(args)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyTuple_Pack(%s))' % (name, args))
+        return name
+    def nameof_list(self, lis):
+        name = self.uniquename('g%dlist' % len(lis))
+        def initlist():
+            for i in range(len(lis)):
+                item = self.nameof(lis[i])
+                yield '\tPy_INCREF(%s);' % item
+                yield '\tPyList_SET_ITEM(%s, %d, %s);' % (name, i, item)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyList_New(%d))' % (name, len(lis)))
+        self.later(initlist())
+        return name
+    def nameof_dict(self, dic):
+        assert dic is not __builtins__
+        assert '__builtins__' not in dic, 'Seems to be the globals of %s' % (
+            dic.get('__name__', '?'),)
+        name = self.uniquename('g%ddict' % len(dic))
+        def initdict():
+            for k in dic:
+                if type(k) is str:
+                    yield ('\tINITCHK(PyDict_SetItemString'
+                           '(%s, "%s", %s) >= 0)'%(
+                               name, k, self.nameof(dic[k])))
+                else:
+                    yield ('\tINITCHK(PyDict_SetItem'
+                           '(%s, %s, %s) >= 0)'%(
+                               name, self.nameof(k), self.nameof(dic[k])))
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyDict_New())' % (name,))
+        self.later(initdict())
+        return name
+    # strange prebuilt instances below, don't look too closely
+    # XXX oh well.
+    def nameof_member_descriptor(self, md):
+        name = self.uniquename('gdescriptor_%s_%s' % (
+            md.__objclass__.__name__, md.__name__))
+        cls = self.nameof(md.__objclass__)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(PyType_Ready((PyTypeObject*) %s) >= 0)' %
+                             cls)
+        self.initcode.append('INITCHK(%s = PyMapping_GetItemString('
+                             '((PyTypeObject*) %s)->tp_dict, "%s"))' %
+                                (name, cls, md.__name__))
+        return name
+    nameof_getset_descriptor  = nameof_member_descriptor
+    nameof_method_descriptor  = nameof_member_descriptor
+    nameof_wrapper_descriptor = nameof_member_descriptor
+    def nameof_file(self, fil):
+        if fil is sys.stdin:
+            return 'PySys_GetObject("stdin")'
+        if fil is sys.stdout:
+            return 'PySys_GetObject("stdout")'
+        if fil is sys.stderr:
+            return 'PySys_GetObject("stderr")'
+        raise Exception, 'Cannot translate an already-open file: %r' % (fil,)
     def gen_rpyfunction(self, func):
         local_names = {}
@@ -258,9 +604,11 @@
             for line in render_block(block):
                 print "            %s" % line
-entry_point = (f, ff, fff, app_str_decode__String_ANY_ANY) [0]
+entry_point = (f, ff, fff, app_str_decode__String_ANY_ANY) [2]
 t = Translator(entry_point, verbose=False, simplifying=False)
+# hack: replace class
 gen = GenRpy(sys.stdout, t)

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/simplify.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/simplify.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/simplify.py	Tue Nov 23 18:30:07 2004
@@ -83,12 +83,11 @@
                 link.prevblock.exits = tuple(lst)
     traverse(visit, graph)
-def simplify_graph(graph, rpython=True):
+def simplify_graph(graph):
     """inplace-apply all the existing optimisations to the graph."""
-    if rpython:
-        remove_implicit_exceptions(graph)
+    remove_implicit_exceptions(graph)

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/translator.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/translator.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/translator/translator.py	Tue Nov 23 18:30:07 2004
@@ -111,14 +111,14 @@
         from pypy.translator.tool.pygame.flowviewer import FlowGraphLayout
-    def simplify(self, func=None, rpython=True):
+    def simplify(self, func=None):
         """Simplifies the control flow graph (default: for all functions)."""
         if func is None:
             for func in self.flowgraphs.keys():
-                self.simplify(func, rpython)
+                self.simplify(func)
             graph = self.getflowgraph(func)
-            simplify_graph(graph, rpython)
+            simplify_graph(graph)
     def annotate(self, input_args_types, func=None):
         """annotate(self, input_arg_types[, func]) -> Annotator

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