[pypy-svn] r15911 - pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test

nik at codespeak.net nik at codespeak.net
Wed Aug 10 15:13:42 CEST 2005

Author: nik
Date: Wed Aug 10 15:13:36 2005
New Revision: 15911

   pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test/   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test/support_test_app_sre.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test/test_app_sre.py   (contents, props changed)
converted my unittest suite to py.test AppTests. this was harder than
expected because of test fixture and helper methods. these live in
support_test_app_sre now, made available to app-level test methods by a
hack borrowed from test_sysmodule.

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test/support_test_app_sre.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test/support_test_app_sre.py	Wed Aug 10 15:13:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+"""Support functions for app-level _sre tests."""
+import locale, _sre
+from sre_constants import OPCODES, ATCODES, CHCODES
+def encode_literal(string):
+    opcodes = []
+    for character in string:
+        opcodes.extend([OPCODES["literal"], ord(character)])
+    return opcodes
+def assert_match(opcodes, strings):
+    assert_something_about_match(lambda x: x, opcodes, strings)
+def assert_no_match(opcodes, strings):
+    assert_something_about_match(lambda x: not x, opcodes, strings)
+def assert_something_about_match(assert_modifier, opcodes, strings):
+    if isinstance(strings, str):
+        strings = [strings]
+    for string in strings:
+        assert assert_modifier(search(opcodes, string))
+def search(opcodes, string):
+    pattern = _sre.compile("ignore", 0, opcodes, 0, {}, None)
+    return pattern.search(string)
+def void_locale():
+    locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, (None, None))
+def assert_lower_equal(tests, flags):
+    for arg, expected in tests:
+        assert ord(expected) == _sre.getlower(ord(arg), flags)

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test/test_app_sre.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/module/_sre/test/test_app_sre.py	Wed Aug 10 15:13:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,885 @@
+"""Regular expression tests specific to _sre.py and accumulated during TDD.
+XXX some tests are disabled because they fail on faked _sre. These should be
+reenabled once we don't fake anymore by default."""
+from py.test import raises
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import app2interp_temp
+def app_init_globals_hack():
+    import __builtin__ as b
+    import sys, os.path
+    # Uh-oh, ugly hack
+    test_path = os.path.join(
+        os.path.dirname(sys.modules["sys"].__file__), "../_sre/test")
+    sys.path.insert(0, test_path)
+    import support_test_app_sre
+    b.s = support_test_app_sre
+    sys.path.pop(0)
+class AppTestSrePy:
+    def test_magic(self):
+        import _sre, sre_constants
+        assert sre_constants.MAGIC == _sre.MAGIC
+    def test_codesize(self):
+        import _sre
+        assert _sre.getcodesize() == _sre.CODESIZE
+class AppTestSrePattern:
+    def test_copy(self):
+        # copy support is disabled by default in _sre.c
+        import re
+        p = re.compile("b")
+        raises(TypeError, p.__copy__)
+        raises(TypeError, p.__deepcopy__)
+    def DONOTtest_creation_attributes(self):
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        import re
+        pattern_string = "(b)l(?P<g>a)"
+        p = re.compile(pattern_string, re.I | re.M)
+        assert pattern_string == p.pattern
+        assert re.I | re.M == p.flags
+        assert 2 == p.groups
+        assert {"g": 2} == p.groupindex
+    def test_match_none(self):
+        import re
+        p = re.compile("bla")
+        none_matches = ["b", "bl", "blub", "jupidu"]
+        for string in none_matches:
+            assert None == p.match(string)
+    def test_pos_endpos(self):
+        import re
+        # XXX maybe fancier tests here
+        p = re.compile("bl(a)")
+        tests = [("abla", 0, 4), ("abla", 1, 4), ("ablaa", 1, 4)]
+        for string, pos, endpos in tests:
+            assert p.search(string, pos, endpos)
+        tests = [("abla", 0, 3), ("abla", 2, 4)]
+        for string, pos, endpos in tests:
+            assert not p.search(string, pos, endpos)
+    def test_findall(self):
+        import re
+        assert ["b"] == re.findall("b", "bla")
+        assert ["a", "u"] == re.findall("b(.)", "abalbus")
+        assert [("a", "l"), ("u", "s")] == re.findall("b(.)(.)", "abalbus")
+        assert [("a", ""), ("s", "s")] == re.findall("b(a|(s))", "babs")
+    def test_finditer(self):
+        import re
+        it = re.finditer("b(.)", "brabbel")
+        assert "br" == it.next().group(0)
+        assert "bb" == it.next().group(0)
+        raises(StopIteration, it.next)
+    def test_split(self):
+        import re
+        assert ["a", "o", "u", ""] == re.split("b", "abobub")
+        assert ["a", "o", "ub"] == re.split("b", "abobub", 2)
+        assert ['', 'a', 'l', 'a', 'lla'] == re.split("b(a)", "balballa")
+        assert ['', 'a', None, 'l', 'u', None, 'lla'] == (
+            re.split("b([ua]|(s))", "balbulla"))
+class AppTestSreMatch:
+    def test_copy(self):
+        import re
+        # copy support is disabled by default in _sre.c
+        m = re.match("bla", "bla")
+        raises(TypeError, m.__copy__)
+        raises(TypeError, m.__deepcopy__)
+    def DONOTtest_match_attributes(self):
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        import re
+        c = re.compile("bla")
+        m = c.match("blastring")
+        assert "blastring" == m.string
+        assert c == m.re
+        assert 0 == m.pos
+        assert 9 == m.endpos
+        assert None == m.lastindex
+        assert None == m.lastgroup
+        assert ((0, 3),) == m.regs
+    def DONOTtest_match_attributes_with_groups(self):
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        import re
+        m = re.search("a(b)(?P<name>c)", "aabcd")
+        assert 0 == m.pos
+        assert 5 == m.endpos
+        assert 2 == m.lastindex
+        assert "name" == m.lastgroup
+        assert ((1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 4)) == m.regs
+    def DONOTtest_regs_overlapping_groups(self):
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        import re
+        m = re.match("a((b)c)", "abc")
+        assert ((0, 3), (1, 3), (1, 2)) == m.regs
+    def test_start_end_span(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.search("a((b)c)", "aabcd")
+        assert (1, 4) == (m.start(), m.end())
+        assert (1, 4) == m.span()
+        assert (2, 4) == (m.start(1), m.end(1))
+        assert (2, 4) == m.span(1)
+        assert (2, 3) == (m.start(2), m.end(2))
+        assert (2, 3) == m.span(2)
+        raises(IndexError, m.start, 3)
+        raises(IndexError, m.end, 3)
+        raises(IndexError, m.span, 3)
+        raises(IndexError, m.start, -1)
+    def test_groups(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.search("a((.).)", "aabcd")
+        assert ("ab", "a") == m.groups()
+        assert ("ab", "a") == m.groups(True)
+        m = re.search("a((\d)|(\s))", "aa1b")
+        assert ("1", "1", None) == m.groups()
+        assert ("1", "1", True) == m.groups(True)
+        m = re.search("a((\d)|(\s))", "a ")
+        assert (" ", None, " ") == m.groups()
+        m = re.match("(a)", "a")
+        assert ("a",) == m.groups()
+    def test_groupdict(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.search("a((.).)", "aabcd")
+        assert {} == m.groupdict()
+        m = re.search("a((?P<first>.).)", "aabcd")
+        assert {"first": "a"} == m.groupdict()
+        m = re.search("a((?P<first>\d)|(?P<second>\s))", "aa1b")
+        assert {"first": "1", "second": None} == m.groupdict()
+        assert {"first": "1", "second": True} == m.groupdict(True)
+    def test_group(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.search("a((?P<first>\d)|(?P<second>\s))", "aa1b")
+        assert "a1" == m.group()
+        assert ("1", "1", None) == m.group(1, 2, 3)
+        assert ("1", None) == m.group("first", "second")
+        raises(IndexError, m.group, 1, 4)
+    def test_expand(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.search("a(..)(?P<name>..)", "ab1bc")
+        assert "b1bcbc" == m.expand(r"\1\g<name>\2")
+    def test_sub(self):
+        import re
+        assert "bbbbb" == re.sub("a", "b", "ababa")
+        assert ("bbbbb", 3) == re.subn("a", "b", "ababa")
+        assert "dddd" == re.sub("[abc]", "d", "abcd")
+        assert ("dddd", 3) == re.subn("[abc]", "d", "abcd")
+        assert "rbd\nbr\n" == re.sub("a(.)", r"b\1\n", "radar")
+        assert ("rbd\nbr\n", 2) == re.subn("a(.)", r"b\1\n", "radar")
+        assert ("bbbba", 2) == re.subn("a", "b", "ababa", 2)
+    def DONOTtest_sub_callable(self):
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        import re
+        def call_me(match):
+            ret = ""
+            for char in match.group():
+                ret += chr(ord(char) + 1)
+            return ret
+        assert ("bbbbb", 3) == re.subn("a", call_me, "ababa")
+class DONOTAppTestSreScanner:
+    # XXX fails with faked _sre
+    def test_scanner_attributes(self):
+        import re
+        p = re.compile("bla")
+        s = p.scanner("blablubla")
+        assert p == s.pattern
+    def test_scanner_match(self):
+        import re
+        p = re.compile(".").scanner("bla")
+        assert ("b", "l", "a") == (p.match().group(0),
+                                    p.match().group(0), p.match().group(0))
+        assert None == p.match()
+    def test_scanner_search(self):
+        import re
+        p = re.compile("\d").scanner("bla23c5a")
+        assert ("2", "3", "5") == (p.search().group(0),
+                                    p.search().group(0), p.search().group(0))
+        assert None == p.search()
+    def test_scanner_zero_width_match(self):
+        import re, sys
+        if sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 3):
+            return
+        p = re.compile(".*").scanner("bla")
+        assert ("bla", "") == (p.search().group(0), p.search().group(0))
+        assert None == p.search()
+class AppTestGetlower:
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        # This imports support_test_sre as the global "s"
+        app2interp_temp(app_init_globals_hack)(cls.space)
+    def setup_method(self, method):
+        import locale
+        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, (None, None))
+    def teardown_method(self, method):
+        import locale
+        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, (None, None))
+    def test_getlower_no_flags(self):
+        UPPER_AE = "\xc4"
+        s.assert_lower_equal([("a", "a"), ("A", "a"), (UPPER_AE, UPPER_AE),
+            (u"\u00c4", u"\u00c4"), (u"\u4444", u"\u4444")], 0)
+    def test_getlower_locale(self):
+        import locale, sre_constants
+        UPPER_AE = "\xc4"
+        LOWER_AE = "\xe4"
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        try:
+            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "de_DE")
+            s.assert_lower_equal([("a", "a"), ("A", "a"), (UPPER_AE, LOWER_AE),
+                (u"\u00c4", u"\u00e4"), (UPPER_PI, UPPER_PI)],
+                sre_constants.SRE_FLAG_LOCALE)
+        except locale.Error:
+            # skip test
+            pass
+    def test_getlower_unicode(self):
+        import sre_constants
+        UPPER_AE = "\xc4"
+        LOWER_AE = "\xe4"
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        s.assert_lower_equal([("a", "a"), ("A", "a"), (UPPER_AE, LOWER_AE),
+            (u"\u00c4", u"\u00e4"), (UPPER_PI, LOWER_PI),
+            (u"\u4444", u"\u4444")], sre_constants.SRE_FLAG_UNICODE)
+class AppTestSimpleSearches:
+    def test_search_simple_literal(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search("bla", "bla")
+        assert re.search("bla", "blab")
+        assert not re.search("bla", "blu")
+    def test_search_simple_ats(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search("^bla", "bla")
+        assert re.search("^bla", "blab")
+        assert not re.search("^bla", "bbla")
+        assert re.search("bla$", "abla")
+        assert re.search("bla$", "bla\n")
+        assert not re.search("bla$", "blaa")
+    def test_search_simple_boundaries(self):
+        import re
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        assert re.search(r"bla\b", "bla")
+        assert re.search(r"bla\b", "bla ja")
+        assert re.search(r"bla\b", u"bla%s" % UPPER_PI)
+        assert not re.search(r"bla\b", "blano")
+        assert not re.search(r"bla\b", u"bla%s" % UPPER_PI, re.UNICODE)
+    def test_search_simple_categories(self):
+        import re
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        INDIAN_DIGIT = u"\u0966"
+        EM_SPACE = u"\u2001"
+        assert re.search(r"bla\d\s\w", "bla3 b")
+        assert re.search(r"b\d", u"b%s" % INDIAN_DIGIT, re.UNICODE)
+        assert not re.search(r"b\D", u"b%s" % INDIAN_DIGIT, re.UNICODE)
+        assert re.search(r"b\s", u"b%s" % EM_SPACE, re.UNICODE)
+        assert not re.search(r"b\S", u"b%s" % EM_SPACE, re.UNICODE)
+        assert re.search(r"b\w", u"b%s" % LOWER_PI, re.UNICODE)
+        assert not re.search(r"b\W", u"b%s" % LOWER_PI, re.UNICODE)
+    def test_search_simple_any(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search(r"b..a", "jboaas")
+        assert not re.search(r"b..a", "jbo\nas")
+        assert re.search(r"b..a", "jbo\nas", re.DOTALL)
+    def test_search_simple_in(self):
+        import re
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        EM_SPACE = u"\u2001"
+        LINE_SEP = u"\u2028"
+        assert re.search(r"b[\da-z]a", "bb1a")
+        assert re.search(r"b[\da-z]a", "bbsa")
+        assert not re.search(r"b[\da-z]a", "bbSa")
+        assert re.search(r"b[^okd]a", "bsa")
+        assert not re.search(r"b[^okd]a", "bda")
+        assert re.search(u"b[%s%s%s]a" % (LOWER_PI, UPPER_PI, EM_SPACE),
+            u"b%sa" % UPPER_PI) # bigcharset
+        assert re.search(u"b[%s%s%s]a" % (LOWER_PI, UPPER_PI, EM_SPACE),
+            u"b%sa" % EM_SPACE)
+        assert not re.search(u"b[%s%s%s]a" % (LOWER_PI, UPPER_PI, EM_SPACE),
+            u"b%sa" % LINE_SEP)
+    def test_search_simple_literal_ignore(self):
+        import re
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        assert re.search(r"ba", "ba", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert re.search(r"ba", "BA", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert re.search(u"b%s" % UPPER_PI, u"B%s" % LOWER_PI,
+            re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
+    def test_search_simple_in_ignore(self):
+        import re
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        assert re.search(r"ba[A-C]", "bac", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert re.search(r"ba[a-c]", "baB", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert re.search(u"ba[%s]" % UPPER_PI, "ba%s" % LOWER_PI,
+            re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
+        assert re.search(r"ba[^A-C]", "bar", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert not re.search(r"ba[^A-C]", "baA", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert not re.search(r"ba[^A-C]", "baa", re.IGNORECASE)
+    def test_search_simple_branch(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search(r"a(bb|d[ef])b", "adeb")
+        assert re.search(r"a(bb|d[ef])b", "abbb")
+    def test_search_simple_repeat_one(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search(r"aa+", "aa") # empty tail
+        assert re.search(r"aa+ab", "aaaab") # backtracking
+        assert re.search(r"aa*ab", "aab") # empty match
+        assert re.search(r"a[bc]+", "abbccb")
+        assert "abbcb" == re.search(r"a.+b", "abbcb\nb").group()
+        assert "abbcb\nb" == re.search(r"a.+b", "abbcb\nb", re.DOTALL).group()
+        assert re.search(r"ab+c", "aBbBbBc", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert not re.search(r"aa{2,3}", "aa") # string too short
+        assert not re.search(r"aa{2,3}b", "aab") # too few repetitions
+        assert not re.search(r"aa+b", "aaaac") # tail doesn't match
+    def test_search_simple_min_repeat_one(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search(r"aa+?", "aa") # empty tail
+        assert re.search(r"aa+?ab", "aaaab") # forward tracking
+        assert re.search(r"a[bc]+?", "abbccb")
+        assert "abb" == re.search(r"a.+?b", "abbcb\nb").group()
+        assert "a\nbb" == re.search(r"a.+b", "a\nbbc", re.DOTALL).group()
+        assert re.search(r"ab+?c", "aBbBbBc", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert not re.search(r"aa+?", "a") # string too short
+        assert not re.search(r"aa{2,3}?b", "aab") # too few repetitions
+        assert not re.search(r"aa+?b", "aaaac") # tail doesn't match
+        assert re.match(".*?cd", "abcabcde").end(0) == 7
+    def test_search_simple_repeat_maximizing(self):
+        import re
+        assert not re.search(r"(ab){3,5}", "abab")
+        assert not re.search(r"(ab){3,5}", "ababa")
+        assert re.search(r"(ab){3,5}", "ababab")
+        assert re.search(r"(ab){3,5}", "abababababab").end(0) == 10
+        assert "ad" == re.search(r"(a.)*", "abacad").group(1)
+        assert ("abcg", "cg") == (
+            re.search(r"(ab(c.)*)+", "ababcecfabcg").groups())
+        assert ("cg", "cg") == (
+            re.search(r"(ab|(c.))+", "abcg").groups())
+        assert ("ab", "cf") == (
+            re.search(r"((c.)|ab)+", "cfab").groups())
+        assert re.search(r".*", "")
+    def test_search_simple_repeat_minimizing(self):
+        import re
+        assert not re.search(r"(ab){3,5}?", "abab")
+        assert re.search(r"(ab){3,5}?", "ababab")
+        assert re.search(r"b(a){3,5}?b", "baaaaab")
+        assert not re.search(r"b(a){3,5}?b", "baaaaaab")
+        assert re.search(r"a(b(.)+?)*", "abdbebb")
+    def test_search_simple_groupref(self):
+        import re
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        assert re.match(r"((ab)+)c\1", "ababcabab")
+        assert not re.match(r"((ab)+)c\1", "ababcab")
+        assert not re.search(r"(a|(b))\2", "aa")
+        assert re.match(r"((ab)+)c\1", "aBAbcAbaB", re.IGNORECASE)
+        assert re.match(r"((a.)+)c\1", u"a%sca%s" % (UPPER_PI, LOWER_PI),
+            re.IGNORECASE | re.UNICODE)
+    def test_search_simple_groupref_exists(self):
+        import re, sys
+        if not sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 3):
+            assert re.search(r"(<)?bla(?(1)>)", "<bla>")
+            assert re.search(r"(<)?bla(?(1)>)", "bla")
+            assert not re.match(r"(<)?bla(?(1)>)", "<bla")
+            assert re.search(r"(<)?bla(?(1)>|u)", "blau")
+    def test_search_simple_assert(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search(r"b(?=\d\d).{3,}", "b23a")
+        assert not re.search(r"b(?=\d\d).{3,}", "b2aa")
+        assert re.search(r"b(?<=\d.)a", "2ba")
+        assert not re.search(r"b(?<=\d.)a", "ba")
+    def test_search_simple_assert_not(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search(r"b(?<!\d.)a", "aba")
+        assert re.search(r"b(?<!\d.)a", "ba")
+        assert not re.search(r"b(?<!\d.)a", "11ba")
+class AppTestMarksStack:
+    def test_mark_stack_branch(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.match("b(.)a|b.b", "bob")
+        assert None == m.group(1)
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        #assert None == m.lastindex
+    def test_mark_stack_repeat_one(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.match("\d+1((2)|(3))4", "2212413")
+        assert ("2", "2", None) == m.group(1, 2, 3)
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        #assert 1 == m.lastindex
+    def test_mark_stack_min_repeat_one(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.match("\d+?1((2)|(3))44", "221341244")
+        assert ("2", "2", None) == m.group(1, 2, 3)
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        #assert 1 == m.lastindex
+    def test_mark_stack_max_until(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.match("(\d)+1((2)|(3))4", "2212413")
+        assert ("2", "2", None) == m.group(2, 3, 4)
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        #assert 2 == m.lastindex
+    def test_mark_stack_min_until(self):
+        import re
+        m = re.match("(\d)+?1((2)|(3))44", "221341244")
+        assert ("2", "2", None) == m.group(2, 3, 4)
+        # XXX fails with faked _sre
+        #assert 2 == m.lastindex
+class AppTestOpcodes:
+    def setup_class(cls):
+        # This imports support_test_sre as the global "s"
+        app2interp_temp(app_init_globals_hack)(cls.space)
+    def test_length_optimization(self):
+        pattern = "bla"
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["info"], 3, 3, len(pattern)] \
+            + s.encode_literal(pattern) + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b", "bl", "ab"])
+    def test_literal(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("bla") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["bl", "blu"])
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bla", "blab", "cbla", "bbla"])
+    def test_not_literal(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["not_literal"], ord("a"), s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bx", "ababy"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ba", "jabadu"])
+    def test_unknown(self):
+        raises(RuntimeError, s.search, [55555], "b")
+    def test_at_beginning(self):
+        for atname in ["at_beginning", "at_beginning_string"]:
+            opcodes = [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES[atname]] \
+                + s.encode_literal("bla") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            s.assert_match(opcodes, "bla")
+            s.assert_no_match(opcodes, "abla")
+    def test_at_beginning_line(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES["at_beginning_line"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("bla") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bla", "x\nbla"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["abla", "abla\nubla"])
+    def test_at_end(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("bla") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES["at_end"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bla", "bla\n"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["blau", "abla\nblau"])
+    def test_at_end_line(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("bla") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES["at_end_line"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bla\n", "bla\nx", "bla"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["blau"])
+    def test_at_end_string(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("bla") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES["at_end_string"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, "bla")
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["blau", "bla\n"])
+    def test_at_boundary(self):
+        for atname in "at_boundary", "at_loc_boundary", "at_uni_boundary":
+            opcodes = s.encode_literal("bla") \
+                + [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES[atname], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bla", "bla ha", "bla,x"])
+            s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["blaja", ""])
+            opcodes = [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES[atname]] \
+                + s.encode_literal("bla") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            s.assert_match(opcodes, "bla")
+            s.assert_no_match(opcodes, "")
+    def test_at_non_boundary(self):
+        for atname in "at_non_boundary", "at_loc_non_boundary", "at_uni_non_boundary":
+            opcodes = s.encode_literal("bla") \
+                + [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES[atname], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            s.assert_match(opcodes, "blan")
+            s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["bla ja", "bla"])
+    def test_at_loc_boundary(self):
+        import locale
+        try:
+            s.void_locale()
+            opcodes1 = s.encode_literal("bla") \
+                + [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES["at_loc_boundary"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            opcodes2 = s.encode_literal("bla") \
+                + [s.OPCODES["at"], s.ATCODES["at_loc_non_boundary"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            s.assert_match(opcodes1, "bla\xFC")
+            s.assert_no_match(opcodes2, "bla\xFC")
+            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "de_DE")
+            s.assert_no_match(opcodes1, "bla\xFC")
+            s.assert_match(opcodes2, "bla\xFC")
+            locale.resetlocale() # is this the right way to rest the locale?
+        except locale.Error:
+            # skip test
+            pass
+    def test_at_uni_boundary(self):
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("bl") + [s.OPCODES["any"], s.OPCODES["at"],
+            s.ATCODES["at_uni_boundary"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bla ha", u"bl%s ja" % UPPER_PI])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, [u"bla%s" % LOWER_PI])
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("bl") + [s.OPCODES["any"], s.OPCODES["at"],
+            s.ATCODES["at_uni_non_boundary"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["blaha", u"bl%sja" % UPPER_PI])
+    def test_category_digit(self):
+        INDIAN_DIGIT = u"\u0966"
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_digit"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["1b", "a1b"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["bb", "b1", u"%sb" % INDIAN_DIGIT])
+    def test_category_not_digit(self):
+        INDIAN_DIGIT = u"\u0966"
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_not_digit"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bb", "1ab", u"%sb" % INDIAN_DIGIT])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["1b", "a1b"])
+    def test_category_space(self):
+        EM_SPACE = u"\u2001"
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+             + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_space"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b ", "b\n", "b\t", "b\r", "b\v", "b\f"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["bb", "b1", u"b%s" % EM_SPACE])
+    def test_category_not_space(self):
+        EM_SPACE = u"\u2001"
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+             + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_not_space"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bb", "b1", u"b%s" % EM_SPACE])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b ", "b\n", "b\t", "b\r", "b\v", "b\f"])
+    def test_category_word(self):
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+             + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_word"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bl", "b4", "b_"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b ", "b\n", u"b%s" % LOWER_PI])
+    def test_category_not_word(self):
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+             + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_not_word"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b ", "b\n", u"b%s" % LOWER_PI])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["bl", "b4", "b_"])
+    def test_category_linebreak(self):
+        LINE_SEP = u"\u2028"
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+             + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_linebreak"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b\n"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b ", "bs", "b\r", u"b%s" % LINE_SEP])
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+             + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_uni_linebreak"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b\n", u"b%s" % LINE_SEP])
+    def test_category_not_linebreak(self):
+        LINE_SEP = u"\u2028"
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+             + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_not_linebreak"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b ", "bs", u"b%s" % LINE_SEP])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b\n"])
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+             + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_uni_not_linebreak"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b ", "bs"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b\n", u"b%s" % LINE_SEP, "b\r"])
+    def test_category_loc_word(self):
+        import locale
+        try:
+            s.void_locale()
+            opcodes1 = s.encode_literal("b") \
+                + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_loc_word"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            opcodes2 = s.encode_literal("b") \
+                + [s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_loc_not_word"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            s.assert_no_match(opcodes1, "b\xFC")
+            s.assert_match(opcodes2, "b\xFC")
+            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "de_DE")
+            s.assert_match(opcodes1, "b\xFC")
+            s.assert_no_match(opcodes2, "b\xFC")
+            s.void_locale()
+        except locale.Error:
+            # skip test
+            pass
+    def test_any(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["any"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b a", "bla", "bboas"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b\na", "oba", "b"])
+    def test_any_all(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["any_all"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b a", "bla", "bboas", "b\na"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["oba", "b"])
+    def test_in_failure(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["in"], 2, s.OPCODES["failure"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ba", "bla"])
+    def test_in_literal(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["in"], 7] \
+            + s.encode_literal("la") + [s.OPCODES["failure"], s.OPCODES["failure"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bla", "baa", "blbla"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ba", "bja", "blla"])
+    def test_in_category(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["in"], 6, s.OPCODES["category"],
+            s.CHCODES["category_digit"], s.OPCODES["category"], s.CHCODES["category_space"],
+            s.OPCODES["failure"]] + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b1a", "b a", "b4b\tas"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["baa", "b5"])
+    def test_in_charset_ucs2(self):
+        import _sre
+        if _sre.CODESIZE != 2:
+            return
+        # charset bitmap for characters "l" and "h"
+        bitmap = 6 * [0] + [4352] + 9 * [0]
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["in"], 19, s.OPCODES["charset"]] \
+            + bitmap + [s.OPCODES["failure"]] + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bla", "bha", "blbha"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["baa", "bl"])
+    def _test_in_bigcharset_ucs2(self):
+        # disabled because this actually only works on big-endian machines
+        if _sre.CODESIZE != 2:
+            return
+        # constructing bigcharset for lowercase pi (\u03c0)
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        LOWER_PI = u"\u03c0"
+        bitmap = 6 * [0] + [4352] + 9 * [0]
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["in"], 164, s.OPCODES["bigcharset"], 2] \
+            + [0, 1] + 126 * [0] \
+            + 16 * [0] \
+            + 12 * [0] + [1] + 3 * [0] \
+            + [s.OPCODES["failure"]] + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, [u"b%sa" % LOWER_PI])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, [u"b%sa" % UPPER_PI])
+    # XXX bigcharset test for ucs4 missing here
+    def test_in_range(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["in"], 5, s.OPCODES["range"],
+            ord("1"), ord("9"), s.OPCODES["failure"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b1a", "b56b7aa"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["baa", "b5"])
+    def test_in_negate(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["in"], 7, s.OPCODES["negate"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("la") + [s.OPCODES["failure"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["b1a", "bja", "bubua"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["bla", "baa", "blbla"])
+    def test_literal_ignore(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["literal_ignore"], ord("a"), s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["ba", "bA"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["bb", "bu"])
+    def test_not_literal_ignore(self):
+        UPPER_PI = u"\u03a0"
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["not_literal_ignore"], ord("a"), s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bb", "bu", u"b%s" % UPPER_PI])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ba", "bA"])
+    def test_in_ignore(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["in_ignore"], 8] \
+            + s.encode_literal("abc") + [s.OPCODES["failure"]] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["baa", "bAa", "bbbBa"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ba", "bja", "blla"])
+    def test_in_jump_info(self):
+        for opname in "jump", "info":
+            opcodes = s.encode_literal("b") \
+                + [s.OPCODES[opname], 3, s.OPCODES["failure"], s.OPCODES["failure"]] \
+                + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            s.assert_match(opcodes, "ba")
+    def _test_mark(self):
+        # XXX need to rewrite this implementation-independent
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["mark"], 0] \
+            + s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["mark"], 1, s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        state = self.create_state("abc")
+        _sre._sre_search(state, opcodes)
+        assert 1 == state.lastindex
+        assert 1 == state.lastmark
+        # NB: the following are indexes from the start of the match
+        assert [1, 2] == state.marks
+    def test_branch(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["branch"], 7] + s.encode_literal("ab") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["jump"], 9, 7] + s.encode_literal("cd") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["jump"], 2, s.OPCODES["failure"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["ab", "cd"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["aacas", "ac", "bla"])
+    def test_repeat_one(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["repeat_one"], 6, 1, 65535] + s.encode_literal("a") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["success"]] + s.encode_literal("ab") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["aab", "aaaab"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ab", "a"])
+    def test_min_repeat_one(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["min_repeat_one"], 5, 1, 65535, s.OPCODES["any"]] \
+            + [s.OPCODES["success"]] + s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["aab", "ardb", "bb"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b"])
+    def test_repeat_maximizing(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["repeat"], 5, 1, 65535] + s.encode_literal("a") \
+            + [s.OPCODES["max_until"]] + s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["ab", "aaaab", "baabb"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["aaa", "", "ac"])
+    def test_max_until_error(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["max_until"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        raises(RuntimeError, s.search, opcodes, "a")
+    def test_max_until_zero_width_match(self):
+        # re.compile won't compile prospective zero-with matches (all of them?),
+        # so we can only produce an example by directly constructing bytecodes.
+        # CPython 2.3 fails with a recursion limit exceeded error here.
+        import sys
+        if not sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 3):
+            opcodes = [s.OPCODES["repeat"], 10, 1, 65535, s.OPCODES["repeat_one"],
+                6, 0, 65535] + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["success"],
+                s.OPCODES["max_until"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+            s.assert_match(opcodes, ["ab", "bb"])
+            assert "" == s.search(opcodes, "bb").group(0)
+    def test_repeat_minimizing(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["repeat"], 4, 1, 65535, s.OPCODES["any"],
+            s.OPCODES["min_until"]] + s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["ab", "aaaab", "baabb"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["b"])
+        assert "aab" == s.search(opcodes, "aabb").group(0)
+    def test_max_until_error(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["min_until"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        raises(RuntimeError, s.search, opcodes, "a")
+    def test_groupref(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["mark"], 0, s.OPCODES["any"], s.OPCODES["mark"], 1] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["groupref"], 0, s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bab", "aaa", "dad"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ba", "bad", "baad"])
+    def test_groupref_ignore(self):
+        opcodes = [s.OPCODES["mark"], 0, s.OPCODES["any"], s.OPCODES["mark"], 1] \
+            + s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["groupref_ignore"], 0, s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["bab", "baB", "Dad"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ba", "bad", "baad"])
+    def test_assert(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["assert"], 4, 0] \
+            + s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["success"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        assert "a" == s.search(opcodes, "ab").group(0)
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["a", "aa"])
+    def test_assert_not(self):
+        opcodes = s.encode_literal("a") + [s.OPCODES["assert_not"], 4, 0] \
+            + s.encode_literal("b") + [s.OPCODES["success"], s.OPCODES["success"]]
+        assert "a" == s.search(opcodes, "ac").group(0)
+        s.assert_match(opcodes, ["a"])
+        s.assert_no_match(opcodes, ["ab"])
+class AppTestOptimizations:
+    """These tests try to trigger optmized edge cases."""
+    def test_match_length_optimization(self):
+        import re
+        assert None == re.match("bla", "blub")
+    def test_fast_search(self):
+        import re
+        assert None == re.search("bl", "abaub")
+        assert None == re.search("bl", "b")
+        assert ["bl", "bl"] == re.findall("bl", "blbl")
+        assert ["a", "u"] == re.findall("bl(.)", "blablu")
+    def test_branch_literal_shortcut(self):
+        import re
+        assert None == re.search("bl|a|c", "hello")
+    def test_literal_search(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search("b(\d)", "ababbbab1")
+        assert None == re.search("b(\d)", "ababbbab")
+    def test_repeat_one_literal_tail(self):
+        import re
+        assert re.search(".+ab", "wowowowawoabwowo")
+        assert None == re.search(".+ab", "wowowaowowo")

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