[pypy-svn] r16566 - pypy/dist/pypy/tool

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Fri Aug 26 10:26:44 CEST 2005

Author: hpk
Date: Fri Aug 26 10:26:42 2005
New Revision: 16566

   pypy/dist/pypy/tool/genstatistic.py   (contents, props changed)
added a new tool that generates a web page
with statistics about LOC counts for PyPy 
including detailed counts for sub directories

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/tool/genstatistic.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/tool/genstatistic.py	Fri Aug 26 10:26:42 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+import autopath
+import py
+from py.__.misc.cmdline import countloc 
+pypydir = py.path.local(autopath.pypydir)
+def isdocfile(p):
+    return p.ext == '.txt' or p.basename in ('README', 'NOTES', 'LICENSE')
+def istestfile(p):
+    if not p.check(file=1, ext='.py'): 
+        return False 
+    pb = p.purebasename 
+    if pb.startswith('test_') or pb.endswith('_test'): 
+        return True 
+    if 'test' in [x.basename for x in p.parts()[-4:]]: 
+        return True
+notistestfile = lambda x: not istestfile(x)
+class relchecker:
+    def __init__(self, rel):
+        self.rel = rel
+    def __call__(self, p): 
+        return p.relto(autopath.pypydir).startswith(self.rel)
+def isfile(p):
+    return p.check(file=1) and p.ext in ('.py', '.txt', '')
+def getpypycounter():
+    def rec(p):
+        if p.basename[0] == '.': 
+            return False 
+        if p.basename in ('Pyrex', 
+                          '_cache', 
+                          'unicodedata', 
+                          'pypy-translation-snapshot'):
+            return False 
+        return True 
+    filecounter = countloc.FileCounter() 
+    root = py.path.local(autopath.pypydir)
+    filecounter.addrecursive(root, isfile, rec=rec)
+    return filecounter 
+class CounterModel: 
+    def __init__(self, pypycounter): 
+        self.counter = pypycounter 
+        self.totallines = pypycounter.numlines 
+        self.totalfiles = pypycounter.numfiles
+        self.testlines = pypycounter.getnumlines(istestfile) 
+        self.testfiles = pypycounter.getnumfiles(istestfile) 
+        self.notestlines = pypycounter.getnumlines(notistestfile) 
+        self.notestfiles = pypycounter.getnumfiles(notistestfile) 
+        self.doclines = pypycounter.getnumlines(isdocfile)
+        self.docfiles = pypycounter.getnumfiles(isdocfile) 
+# rendering 
+def row(*args):
+    return html.tr([html.td(arg) for arg in args])
+def percent(x, y):
+    return "%.2f%%" % (x / (y/100.0))
+def viewlocsummary(model):
+    t = html.table(
+        row("total number of lines", model.totallines, " "), 
+        row("number of testlines", model.testlines, 
+            percent(model.testlines, model.totallines)), 
+        row("number of non-testlines", model.notestlines, 
+            percent(model.notestlines, model.totallines)), 
+        row("total number of files", model.totalfiles, " "), 
+        row("number of testfiles", model.testfiles, 
+            percent(model.testfiles, model.totalfiles)), 
+        row("number of non-testfiles", model.notestfiles, 
+            percent(model.notestfiles, model.totalfiles)), 
+        )
+    if model.docfiles: 
+        t.append(row("number of docfiles", model.docfiles, 
+            percent(model.docfiles, model.totalfiles)))
+        t.append(row("number of doclines", model.doclines, 
+            percent(model.doclines, model.totallines)))
+    return t
+def viewloclist(model):
+    t = html.table()
+    d = model.counter.file2numlines
+    paths = d.items()
+    paths.sort(lambda x,y : -cmp(x[1], y[1])) # sort by numlines 
+    for p, numlines in paths: 
+        if numlines < 3: 
+            continue
+        t.append(row(p.relto(pypydir.dirpath()), numlines))
+    return t
+def viewsubdirs(model): 
+    t = html.table()
+    for p in pypydir.listdir(): 
+        if p.basename in '_cache .svn'.split(): 
+            continue
+        if p.check(dir=1): 
+            counter = countloc.FileCounter()
+            counter.addrecursive(p, isfile)
+            model = CounterModel(counter) 
+            t.append(row(html.h2(p.relto(pypydir.dirpath()))))
+            t.append(viewlocsummary(model))
+            t.append(viewloclist(model))
+    return t
+if __name__ == '__main__': 
+    pypycounter = getpypycounter() 
+    model = CounterModel(pypycounter) 
+    rev = py.path.svnwc(autopath.pypydir).info().rev
+    html = py.xml.html
+    doc = html.html(
+        html.head(
+            html.title("PyPy Statistics %d" % rev),
+        ), 
+        html.body(
+            html.h2("rev %d PyPy Summary of Files and Lines" % rev),
+            viewlocsummary(model), 
+            html.h2("Details on first-level subdirectories"), 
+            viewsubdirs(model), 
+            html.h3("PyPy Full List Files and Lines"),
+            viewloclist(model),
+            html.p("files with less than 3 lines ignored")
+        )
+    )
+    print doc.unicode(indent=2).encode('utf8')

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