[pypy-svn] r21164 - in pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology: . test

ale at codespeak.net ale at codespeak.net
Thu Dec 15 10:31:40 CET 2005

Author: ale
Date: Thu Dec 15 10:31:39 2005
New Revision: 21164

First checkin of OWL parser/inferer. This is work in progress. The tests are disabled if rdflib and/or logilab.constraint is not installed. 

There is still a lot missing

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/__init__.py

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/pyontology.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/pyontology.py	Thu Dec 15 10:31:39 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,473 @@
+from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, BNode
+from logilab.constraint import  Repository, Solver
+from logilab.constraint.fd import Equals, AllDistinct, BinaryExpression, Expression 
+from logilab.constraint.fd import  FiniteDomain as fd
+from logilab.constraint.propagation import AbstractDomain, AbstractConstraint, ConsistencyFailure
+import sys
+namespaces = {'rdf':'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns',
+      'rdfs':'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema',
+      'dc':'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.0/',
+      'xmlns':'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml',
+      'owl':'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl',
+uris = {}
+for k,v in namespaces.items(): 
+    uris[v] = k
+Thing = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Thing')
+Class = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#Class')
+builtin_voc = [
+               'Thing',
+               'Class',
+               'ObjectProperty',
+               'AllDifferent',
+               'AnnotationProperty',
+               'DataRange',
+               'DatatypeProperty',
+               'DeprecatedClass',
+               'DeprecatedProperty',
+               'FunctionalProperty',
+               'InverseFunctionalProperty',
+               'Nothing',
+               'ObjectProperty',
+               'Ontology',
+               'OntologyProperty',
+               'Restriction',
+               'SymmetricProperty',
+               'TransitiveProperty'
+              ]
+class Ontology(Graph):
+    def __init__(self):
+        Graph.__init__(self)
+        self.variables = {}
+        self.constraints = []
+        self.seen = {}
+        self.var2ns ={}
+    def add_file(self, f):
+        tmp = Graph()
+        tmp.load(f)
+        for i in tmp.triples((None,)*3):
+            self.add(i)
+    def attach_fd(self):
+        for (s, p, o) in (self.triples((None, None, None))):
+            if p.find('#') != -1:
+                owl,func = p.split('#')
+            else:
+                owl =''
+                func = p
+                #print s, p, o
+                #raise Exception
+            if owl in [namespaces['owl'],namespaces['rdf'],namespaces['rdfs']]:
+                pred = getattr(self, func)
+            else:
+                pred = None
+            if pred: 
+                res = pred(s, p, o) 
+                if res == None:
+                    continue
+                if type(res) != list :
+                    res = [res]
+                avar = self.make_var(s) 
+            else:
+                res = [o]
+                avar = self.make_var(s,p) 
+            if self.variables.get(avar) and type(self.variables[avar]) == fd:
+                self.variables[avar] = fd(list(self.variables[avar].getValues()) + res)
+            else:
+                self.variables[avar] = fd(res)
+      #  for var in self.seen:
+      #      self.variables.pop(var)
+      #  self.seen = {}
+    def solve(self,verbose=0):
+        rep = Repository(self.variables.keys(), self.variables, self.constraints)
+        return Solver().solve(rep,verbose)
+    def consistency(self):
+        rep = Repository(self.variables.keys(), self.variables, self.constraints)
+        rep.consistency()
+    def get_list(self, subject):
+        res = []
+        p = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#first')
+        first = list(self.objects(subject, p)) 
+        assert len(first) == 1
+        self.seen[self.make_var(subject,p)]= 1
+        if type(first[0]) == URIRef:
+            var = self.make_var(first[0])
+            if var not in self.variables.keys():
+                self.variables[var] = ClassDomain(var)
+        res += first
+        p = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#rest')
+        rest = list(self.objects(subject, p)) 
+        self.seen[self.make_var(subject,p)]= 1
+        if "#nil" in rest[0] :
+           return res
+        else:
+           res += self.get_list(rest[0])
+        return res
+    def make_var(self,*args):
+        res = []
+        for a in args:
+            if type(a) == URIRef:
+                if a.find('#') != -1:
+                    ns,name = a.split('#')
+                else:
+                    ns,name = a,''
+                if ns not in uris.keys():
+                    uris[ns] = ns.split('/')[-1]
+                    namespaces[uris[ns]] = ns
+                mangle_name = uris[ns] + '_' + name    
+                res.append(mangle_name)
+            else:
+                res.append(a)
+        var = '.'.join([str(a.replace('-','_')) for a in res])
+        return var 
+    def find_prop(self, s):
+        p = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#onProperty')
+        pr = list(self.objects(s,p))
+        assert len(pr) == 1
+        return pr[0]
+    def find_cls(self, s):
+        p = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type')
+        r = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#subClassOf')
+        if type(s) == BNode:
+            pr = list( self.subjects(p,s) )
+            if len(pr) == 0:
+                return
+        #        pr = list( self.subjects(r,s) )
+        #    assert len(pr) == 1
+            return pr[0]
+        else:
+            return s
+    def find_uriref(self, s):
+        while type(s) == BNode:
+            s = list(self.subjects(None,s))[0]
+        return s
+    def find_property(self, s):
+        prop = self.find_prop(s)
+        cls = self.find_cls(s)
+        if cls :
+            avar = self.make_var(cls, prop)
+        else:
+            avar = self.make_var( prop)
+        if not self.variables.get(avar):
+            self.variables[avar] = ClassDomain(avar)
+        return avar
+#---------------- Implementation ----------------
+    def type(self, s, p, var):
+        avar = self.make_var(var)
+        svar = self.make_var(s)
+        if (type(var) == URIRef and not 
+           (var in [URIRef(namespaces['owl']+'#'+x) for x in builtin_voc])):
+            # var is not one of the builtin classes
+            if not self.variables.get(svar): 
+                self.variables[svar] = ClassDomain(svar)
+            if not self.variables.get(avar): 
+                self.variables[avar] = ClassDomain(avar)
+#            if self.variables[avar].values:
+            self.variables[svar].values +=  self.variables[avar].values
+            constrain = BinaryExpression([svar, avar],"%s in %s" %(svar,  avar))
+            self.constraints.append(constrain)
+        else:
+            # var is a builtin class
+            pass    
+    def first(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def rest(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def range(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def domain(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+# --------- Class Axioms ---------------------
+    def subClassOf(self, s, p, var):
+        # s is a subclass of var means that the 
+        # class extension of s is a subset of the
+        # class extension of var. 
+        avar = self.make_var(var)
+        svar = self.make_var(s)
+        if not self.variables.get(avar): 
+            self.variables[avar] = ClassDomain(avar)
+        constrain = SubClassConstraint(svar, avar) 
+        self.constraints.append(constrain)
+    def equivalentClass(self, s, p, var):
+        avar = self.make_var(var)
+        svar = self.make_var(s)
+        if not self.variables.get(avar): 
+            self.variables[avar] = ClassDomain(avar)
+#        constrain = EquivalentClassConstraint(svar, avar) 
+#        self.constraints.append(constrain)
+        self.subClassOf(s, p, var)
+        self.subClassOf(var, p, s)
+    def disjointWith(self, s, p, var):
+        avar = self.make_var(var)
+        svar = self.make_var(s)
+        if not self.variables.get(avar): 
+            self.variables[avar] = ClassDomain(avar)
+        constrain = DisjointClassConstraint(svar, avar) 
+        self.constraints.append(constrain)
+    def oneOf(self, s, p, var):
+        res = self.get_list(var)
+        prop = self.find_uriref(s)
+        avar = self.make_var( prop)
+        if self.variables.get(avar) and type(self.variables[avar]) == fd:
+            self.variables[avar] = fd(list(self.variables[avar].getValues()) + res)
+        else:
+            self.variables[avar] = fd(res)
+    def maxCardinality(self, s, p, var):
+        """ Len of finite domain of the property shall be less than or equal to var"""
+        avar = self.find_property(s)
+        constrain = MaxCardinality(avar,int(var))
+        self.constraints.append(constrain) 
+    def minCardinality(self, s, p, var):
+        """ Len of finite domain of the property shall be greater than or equal to var"""
+        avar = self.find_property(s)
+        constrain = MinCardinality(avar,int(var))
+        self.constraints.append(constrain) 
+    def cardinality(self, s, p, var):
+        """ Len of finite domain of the property shall be equal to var"""
+        avar = self.find_property(s)
+        # Check if var is an int, else find the int buried in the structure
+        constrain = Cardinality(avar,int(var))
+        self.constraints.append(constrain) 
+    def unionOf(self,s, p, var):
+        res = self.get_list(var)
+        return res #There might be doubles (but fd takes care of that)
+    def intersectionOf(self, s, p, var):
+        res = self.get_list(var)
+        result = {}.fromkeys(res[0])
+        for el in res:
+            for cls in result.keys():
+                if cls not in el:
+                   result.pop(cls)
+        return result.keys()
+    def differentFrom(self, s, p, var):
+        s_var = self.make_var(s)
+        var_var = self.make_var(var)
+        if not self.variables.get(s_var):
+            self.variables[s_var] = ClassDomain(s_var)
+        if not self.variables.get(var_var):
+            self.variables[var_var] = fd([])
+        constrain = BinaryExpression([s_var, var_var],"%s != %s" %(s_var,  var_var))
+        self.constraints.append(constrain)
+    def distinctMembers(self, s, p, var):
+        res = self.get_list(var)
+        self.constraints.append(AllDistinct([self.make_var(y) for y in res]))
+        return res
+    def sameAs(self, s, p, var):
+        constrain = BinaryExpression([self.make_var(s), self.make_var(var)],"%s == %s" %(self.make_var(s), self.make_var( var)))
+        self.constraints.append(constrain)
+    def complementOf(self, s, p, var):
+        # add constraint of not var
+        pass
+    def onProperty(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def hasValue(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def allValuesFrom(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def someValuesFrom(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def equivalentProperty(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def inverseOf(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def someValuesFrom(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def subPropertyOf(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+    def imports(self, s, p, var):
+        pass
+# ----------------- Helper classes ----------------
+class MaxCardinality(AbstractConstraint):
+    """Contraint: all values must be distinct"""
+    def __init__(self, variable, cardinality):
+        AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, [variable])
+        # worst case complexity
+        self.__cost = 1 #len(variables) * (len(variables) - 1) / 2
+        self.cardinality = cardinality
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<MaxCardinality %s,%i>' % (str(self._variables[0]),self.cardinality)
+    def estimateCost(self, domains):
+        return self.__cost
+    def narrow(self, domains):
+        """narrowing algorithm for the constraint"""
+        if len(domains[self._variables[0]]) > self.cardinality:
+            print " I Think I will raise an exception"
+            raise ConsistencyFailure("Maxcardinality exceeded")
+        else:
+            return 1
+class MinCardinality(MaxCardinality):
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<MinCardinality %s,%i>' % (str(self._variables[0]),self.cardinality)
+    def narrow(self, domains):
+        """narrowing algorithm for the constraint"""
+        if len(domains[self._variables[0]]) < self.cardinality:
+            raise ConsistencyFailure()
+        else:
+            return 1
+class Cardinality(MaxCardinality):
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return '<Cardinality %s,%i>' % (str(self._variables[0]),self.cardinality)
+    def narrow(self, domains):
+        """narrowing algorithm for the constraint"""
+        if len(domains[self._variables[0]]) != self.cardinality:
+            raise ConsistencyFailure()
+        else:
+            return 1
+def get_bases(cls_dom, domains):
+    res = {}
+    for bas in cls_dom.bases:
+        res[bas] = 1
+        if bas in domains.keys():
+            res.update( get_bases(bas, domains))
+    res[cls_dom] = 1
+    return res
+class SubClassConstraint(AbstractConstraint):
+    def __init__(self, variable, cls_or_restriction):
+        AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, [variable])
+        # worst case complexity
+        self.__cost = 1 #len(variables) * (len(variables) - 1) / 2
+        self.super = cls_or_restriction
+        self.variable = variable
+    def narrow(self, domains):
+        subdom = domains[self.variable]
+        superdom = domains[self.super]
+        bases = get_bases(superdom, domains).keys()
+        print subdom,superdom, bases, subdom.bases
+        subdom.bases += [bas for bas in bases if bas not in subdom.bases]
+class EquivalentClassConstraint(AbstractConstraint):
+    def __init__(self, variable, cls_or_restriction):
+        AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, [variable])
+        # worst case complexity
+        self.__cost = 1 #len(variables) * (len(variables) - 1) / 2
+        self.other = cls_or_restriction
+        self.variable = variable
+    def narrow(self, domains):
+        subdom = domains[self.variable]
+        otherdom = domains[self.other]
+        bases = get_bases(subdom, domains).keys()
+        otherbases = get_bases(otherdom, domains).keys()
+        print subdom, otherdom, "----",bases , otherbases
+        if bases != otherbases:
+            raise ConsistencyFailure()
+        else:
+            return 1
+class DisjointClassConstraint(AbstractConstraint):
+    def __init__(self, variable, cls_or_restriction):
+        AbstractConstraint.__init__(self, [variable])
+        # worst case complexity
+        self.__cost = 1 #len(variables) * (len(variables) - 1) / 2
+        self.super = cls_or_restriction
+        self.variable = variable
+    def narrow(self, domains):
+        subdom = domains[self.variable]
+        superdom = domains[self.super]
+        bases = get_bases(superdom, domains).keys()
+        print subdom,superdom, bases, subdom.bases
+        subdom.bases += [bas for bas in bases if bas not in subdom.bases]
+class ClassDomain(AbstractDomain):
+    # Class domain is intended as a (abstract/virtual) domain for implementing
+    # Class axioms. Working on class descriptions the class domain should allow
+    # creation of classes through axioms.
+    # The instances of a class can be represented as a FiniteDomain in values (not always see Disjointwith)
+    # Properties of a class is in the dictionary "properties"
+    # The bases of a class is in the list "bases"
+    def __init__(self, name='', values=[], bases = []):
+        AbstractDomain.__init__(self)
+        self.bases = bases+[self]
+        self.values = values
+        self.name = name
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return "<ClassDomain %s>" % str(self.name)
+    def __getitem__(self, index):
+        return None
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return iter(self.bases) 
+    def size(self):
+        return sys.maxint
+    __len__ = size
+    def copy(self):
+        return self
+    def removeValues(self, values):
+        print "remove values from ClassDomain", values
+        self.bases.pop(self.bases.index(values[0]))
+    def getValues(self):
+        return self.bases

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/test/test_ontology.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/lib/pyontology/test/test_ontology.py	Thu Dec 15 10:31:39 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+# tests for the Ontology class
+    import logilab.constraint
+    import rdflib
+except ImportError:
+    import py 
+    py.test.skip("Logilab.constraint and/or rdflib not installed")
+from pypy.lib.pyontology.pyontology import * # Ontology, ClassDomain, SubClassConstraint 
+from rdflib import Graph, URIRef, BNode
+def test_makevar():
+    O = Ontology()
+    var = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2002/03owlt/unionOf/premises004#A-and-B')
+    cod = O.make_var(var)+' = 1'
+    exec cod
+    assert O.make_var(var) in locals() 
+def DONOT_test_subClassof():
+    O = Ontology()
+    a = b = c = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2002/03owlt/unionOf/premises004#A-and-B')
+    O.subClassOf(b, None, a)
+    O.subClassOf(c, None, b)
+    assert O.solve()
+    O.subClassOf(c, None, a)
+    assert O.solve()
+def test_ClassDomain():
+    a = ClassDomain()
+    assert a.bases == [a]
+    cls =  1
+    b = ClassDomain('B',[],[a])
+    assert b in b.bases
+    assert a in b.bases
+    assert len(b.bases) == 2
+def test_subClassconstraint():
+    a = ClassDomain('A')
+    b = ClassDomain('B')
+    c = ClassDomain('C')
+    con = SubClassConstraint('b','a')
+    con2 = SubClassConstraint('c','b')
+    con.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}) 
+    con2.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c})
+    assert a in c.bases
+    assert b in c.bases
+    assert c in c.bases
+def test_subClassconstraintMulti():
+    a = ClassDomain('A')
+    b = ClassDomain('B')
+    c = ClassDomain('C')
+    con = SubClassConstraint('c','a')
+    con2 = SubClassConstraint('c','b')
+    con.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}) 
+    con2.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c})
+    assert a in c.bases
+    assert b in c.bases
+    assert c in c.bases
+def test_subClassconstraintMulti2():
+    a = ClassDomain('A')
+    b = ClassDomain('B')
+    c = ClassDomain('C')
+    con = SubClassConstraint('c','a')
+    con2 = SubClassConstraint('c','b')
+    con3 = SubClassConstraint('a','c')
+    con.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}) 
+    con2.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c})
+    con3.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c})
+    assert a in c.bases
+    assert b in c.bases
+    assert c in c.bases
+    assert c in a.bases
+    assert len(c.bases) == len(a.bases)
+    assert [bas in a.bases for bas in c.bases] == [True]*len(a.bases)
+def DONOT_test_equivalentClass():
+    a = ClassDomain('A')
+    b = ClassDomain('B')
+    c = ClassDomain('C')
+    con = EquivalentClassConstraint('c','a')
+    con2 = EquivalentClassConstraint('c','b')
+    con.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c}) 
+    con2.narrow({'a': a, 'b': b, 'c': c})
+    assert a == b
+def test_type():
+    sub = URIRef('a')
+    pred = URIRef('type')
+    obj = URIRef('o')
+    O = Ontology()
+    O.type(sub, pred , obj)
+    assert O.variables[O.make_var(sub)].__class__  == ClassDomain

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