[pypy-svn] r9160 - in pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy: interpreter interpreter/test objspace/flow objspace/std

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 CET 2005

Author: arigo
Date: Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
New Revision: 9160

First try at gateway.applevel("""....""").

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/baseobjspace.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/baseobjspace.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/baseobjspace.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -279,38 +279,28 @@
         return statement.exec_code(self, w_globals, w_locals)
     def appexec(self, posargs_w, source): 
-        """ return value from executing given source at applevel with 
-            the given list of wrapped arguments. The arguments are
-            directly set as the fastscope of the underlyingly executing 
-            frame. No Argument parsing is performed at this point. 
-            Consider using gateway.appdef() if you need default 
-            arguments. 
-        """ 
-        pypyco = self.loadfromcache(source, buildpypycode, self._codecache)
-        frame = pypyco.create_frame(self, self.w_apphelper_globals) 
-        frame.setfastscope(posargs_w)
-        return frame.run() 
+        """ return value from executing given source at applevel.
+            The source must look like
+               '''(x, y):
+                       do_stuff...
+                       return result
+               '''
+        """
+        w_func = self.loadfromcache(source, buildappexecfunc, self._codecache)
+        args = Arguments(self, posargs_w)
+        return self.call_args(w_func, args)
-def buildpypycode(source, space): 
+def buildappexecfunc(source, space):
     """ NOT_RPYTHON """ 
     # XXX will change once we have our own compiler 
     from pypy.interpreter.pycode import PyCode
     from pypy.tool.pytestsupport import py  # aehem
-    argdecl, source = source.split(':', 1)
-    argdecl = argdecl.strip()
-    i = argdecl.find('(')
-    if i >0: 
-        funcname, argdecl = argdecl[:i], argdecl[i:]
-    else: 
-        funcname = 'anon'
-    if not argdecl.startswith('(') or not argdecl.endswith(')'): 
-        raise SyntaxError("incorrect appexec header\n%s" % source)
-    source = py.code.Source(source) 
-    source = source.putaround("def %s%s:" % (funcname, argdecl))
-    d = {}
-    exec source.compile() in d
-    newco = d[funcname].func_code 
-    return PyCode(space)._from_code(newco) 
+    source = source.lstrip()
+    assert source.startswith('('), "incorrect header in:\n%s" % (source,)
+    source = py.code.Source("def anonymous%s\n" % source)
+    w_glob = space.newdict([])
+    space.exec_(source.compile(), w_glob, w_glob)
+    return space.getitem(w_glob, space.wrap('anonymous'))
 ## Table describing the regular part of the interface of object spaces,
 ## namely all methods which only take w_ arguments and return a w_ result

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/gateway.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/gateway.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/gateway.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -592,87 +592,61 @@
 # and now for something completly different ... 
-pendingapphelpers = []
-def appdef(source): 
-    """ NOT_RPYTHON """ 
+class applevel:
+    """A container for app-level source code that should be executed
+    as a module in the object space;  interphook() builds a static
+    interp-level function that invokes the callable with the given
+    name at app-level."""
+    def __init__(self, source):
+        "NOT_RPYTHON"
+        self.code = py.code.Source(source).compile()
+    def getdict(self, space):
+        return space.loadfromcache(self, applevel.builddict,
+                                   space._gatewaycache)
+    def builddict(self, space):
+        "NOT_RPYTHON"
+        w_glob = space.newdict([])
+        space.exec_(self.code, w_glob, w_glob)
+        return w_glob
+    def interphook(self, name):
+        "NOT_RPYTHON"
+        def appcaller(space, *args_w):
+            w_glob = self.getdict(space)
+            w_func = space.getitem(w_glob, space.wrap(name))
+            args = Arguments(space, args_w)
+            return space.call_args(w_func, args)
+        return hack.func_with_new_name(appcaller, name)
+def appdef(source, applevel=applevel):
+    """ NOT_RPYTHON: build an app-level helper function, like for example:
+    myfunc = appdef('''myfunc(x, y):
+                           return x+y
+                    ''')
+    """ 
     from pypy.interpreter.pycode import PyCode
     if not isinstance(source, str): 
         source = str(py.code.Source(source).strip())
         assert source.startswith("def "), "can only transform functions" 
         source = source[4:]
-    funcdecl, source = source.strip().split(':', 1)
-    funcname, decl = funcdecl.split('(', 1)
-    funcname = funcname.strip() or 'anonymous'
-    decl = decl.strip()[:-1] 
-    wfuncdecl, wfastscope, defaulthandlingsource = specialargparse(decl) 
-    # get rid of w_
-    fastscope = ", ".join([x.strip()[2:] for x in wfastscope.split(',')])
-    # construct the special app source passed to appexec
-    appsource = py.code.Source(source).strip().putaround("%s(%s):" % (funcname, fastscope))
-    sourcelines = ["def %(funcname)s(space, %(wfuncdecl)s):" % locals(), 
-                   "    while pendingapphelpers:", 
-                   "        ihook = pendingapphelpers.pop()", 
-                   "        space.setitem(space.w_apphelper_globals,", 
-                   "                  space.wrap(ihook.name), space.wrap(ihook))", ]
-    sourcelines.extend(defaulthandlingsource.indent().lines)
-    sourcelines.append(
-                   "    return space.appexec([%(wfastscope)s], '''" % locals())
-    for line in appsource.indent().indent().lines: 
-        line = line.replace("\\", r"\\").replace("'", r"\'") 
-        sourcelines.append(line)
-    sourcelines.append("''')") 
-    source = py.code.Source()
-    source.lines = sourcelines 
-    #print str(source)
-    glob = { 'pendingapphelpers' : pendingapphelpers }
-    exec source.compile() in glob 
-    func = glob[funcname]
-    pendingapphelpers.append(interp2app(func, func.func_name))
-    return func
-def specialargparse(decl): 
-    """ NOT_RPYTHON """ 
-    wfuncargs = []
-    wfastnames = []
-    defaultargs = []
-    for name in decl.split(','): 
-        if not name.strip(): 
-            continue
-        name = "w_%s" % name.strip()
-        if '=' in name: 
-            name, value = name.split('=')
-            wfastnames.append(name) 
-            defaultargs.append((name, value))
-            name += "=None" 
-        else: 
-            assert not defaultargs, "posarg follows defaultarg"
-            wfastnames.append(name) 
-        wfuncargs.append(name) 
-    # now we generate some nice code for default arg checking
-    # (which does not imply that the code doing it is nice :-) 
-    defaulthandlingsource = py.code.Source()
-    while defaultargs: 
-        name, value = defaultargs.pop(0) 
-        defaulthandlingsource = defaulthandlingsource.putaround("""\
-            if %s is None: 
-                %s = space.wrap(%s)
-        """ % (name, name, value), "")
-    wfuncdecl = ", ".join(wfuncargs) 
-    wfastdecl = ", ".join(wfastnames)
-    return wfuncdecl, wfastdecl, defaulthandlingsource 
-app2interp = appdef 
-# for app2interp_temp (used for testing mainly) we can use *args
-class app2interp_temp(object): 
-    def __init__(self, func): 
-        """ NOT_RPYTHON """
-        self.appfunc = appdef(func) 
-    def __call__(self, space, *args_w, **kwargs_w): 
-        """ NOT_RPYTHON """
-        return self.appfunc(space, *args_w, **kwargs_w)
+    p = source.find('(')
+    assert p >= 0
+    funcname = source[:p].strip()
+    source = source[p:]
+    return applevel("def %s%s\n" % (funcname, source)).interphook(funcname)
+app2interp = appdef   # backward compatibility
+# app2interp_temp is used for testing mainly
+class applevel_temp(applevel):
+    def getdict(self, space):
+        return self.builddict(space)   # no cache
+def app2interp_temp(func):
+    """ NOT_RPYTHON """
+    return appdef(func, applevel_temp)

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/pyopcode.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -736,9 +736,6 @@
         cls.dispatch_table = dispatch_table
-    gateway.importall(locals())   # app_xxx() -> xxx()
 ### helpers written at the application-level ###
 # Some of these functions are expected to be generally useful if other
 # parts of the code needs to do the same thing as a non-trivial opcode,
@@ -747,6 +744,98 @@
 # There are also a couple of helpers that are methods, defined in the
 # class above.
+app = gateway.applevel('''
+    def file_softspace(file, newflag):
+        try:
+            softspace = file.softspace
+        except AttributeError:
+            softspace = 0
+        try:
+            file.softspace = newflag
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+        return softspace
+    def find_metaclass(bases, namespace, globals, builtins):
+        if '__metaclass__' in namespace:
+            return namespace['__metaclass__']
+        elif len(bases) > 0:
+            base = bases[0]
+            if hasattr(base, '__class__'):
+                return base.__class__
+            else:
+                return type(base)
+        elif '__metaclass__' in globals:
+            return globals['__metaclass__']
+        elif '__metaclass__' in builtins:
+            return builtins['__metaclass__']
+        else:
+            return type
+    def import_all_from(module, into_locals):
+        try:
+            all = module.__all__
+        except AttributeError:
+            try:
+                dict = module.__dict__
+            except AttributeError:
+                raise ImportError("from-import-* object has no __dict__ "
+                                  "and no __all__")
+            all = dict.keys()
+            skip_leading_underscores = True
+        else:
+            skip_leading_underscores = False
+        for name in all:
+            if skip_leading_underscores and name[0]=='_':
+                continue
+            into_locals[name] = getattr(module, name)
+    def prepare_exec(f, prog, globals, locals, compile_flags):
+        """Manipulate parameters to exec statement to (codeobject, dict, dict).
+        """
+        if (globals is None and locals is None and
+            isinstance(prog, tuple) and
+            (len(prog) == 2 or len(prog) == 3)):
+            globals = prog[1]
+            if len(prog) == 3:
+                locals = prog[2]
+            prog = prog[0]
+        if globals is None:
+            globals = f.f_globals
+            if locals is None:
+                locals = f.f_locals
+        if locals is None:
+            locals = globals
+        if not isinstance(globals, dict):
+            raise TypeError("exec: arg 2 must be a dictionary or None")
+        elif not globals.has_key('__builtins__'):
+            globals['__builtins__'] = f.f_builtins
+        if not isinstance(locals, dict):
+            raise TypeError("exec: arg 3 must be a dictionary or None")
+        # XXX - HACK to check for code object
+        co = compile('1','<string>','eval')
+        if isinstance(prog, type(co)):
+            return (prog, globals, locals)
+        if not isinstance(prog, str):
+    ##     if not (isinstance(prog, types.StringTypes) or
+    ##             isinstance(prog, types.FileType)):
+            raise TypeError("exec: arg 1 must be a string, file, "
+                            "or code object")
+    ##     if isinstance(prog, types.FileType):
+    ##         co = compile(prog.read(),prog.name,'exec',comple_flags,1)
+    ##         return (co,globals,locals)
+        else: # prog is a string
+            co = compile(prog,'<string>','exec', compile_flags, 1)
+            return (co, globals, locals)
+file_softspace  = app.interphook('file_softspace')
+find_metaclass  = app.interphook('find_metaclass')
+import_all_from = app.interphook('import_all_from')
+prepare_exec    = app.interphook('prepare_exec')
 def print_expr(space, w_x): 
         w_displayhook = space.getattr(space.w_sys, space.wrap('displayhook'))
@@ -756,19 +845,6 @@
         raise OperationError(space.w_RuntimeError, "lost sys.displayhook")
     space.call_function(w_displayhook, w_x)
-file_softspace = gateway.appdef("""
-        (file, newflag):
-            try:
-                softspace = file.softspace
-            except AttributeError:
-                softspace = 0
-            try:
-                file.softspace = newflag
-            except AttributeError:
-                pass
-            return softspace
-    """)
 def sys_stdout(space): 
         return space.getattr(space.w_sys, space.wrap('stdout'))
@@ -784,8 +860,7 @@
     # add a softspace unless we just printed a string which ends in a '\t'
     # or '\n' -- or more generally any whitespace character but ' '
-    w_skip = space.appexec([w_x], """ 
-        app_skip_space(x): 
+    w_skip = space.appexec([w_x], """(x):
             return isinstance(x, str) and len(x) and \
                    x[-1].isspace() and x[-1]!=' ' 
@@ -797,78 +872,3 @@
 def print_newline_to(space, w_stream):
     space.call_method(w_stream, 'write', space.wrap("\n"))
     file_softspace(space, w_stream, space.w_False)
-def app_find_metaclass(bases, namespace, globals, builtins):
-    if '__metaclass__' in namespace:
-        return namespace['__metaclass__']
-    elif len(bases) > 0:
-        base = bases[0]
-        if hasattr(base, '__class__'):
-            return base.__class__
-        else:
-            return type(base)
-    elif '__metaclass__' in globals:
-        return globals['__metaclass__']
-    elif '__metaclass__' in builtins:
-        return builtins['__metaclass__']
-    else:
-        return type
-def app_import_all_from(module, into_locals):
-    try:
-        all = module.__all__
-    except AttributeError:
-        try:
-            dict = module.__dict__
-        except AttributeError:
-            raise ImportError("from-import-* object has no __dict__ "
-                              "and no __all__")
-        all = dict.keys()
-        skip_leading_underscores = True
-    else:
-        skip_leading_underscores = False
-    for name in all:
-        if skip_leading_underscores and name[0]=='_':
-            continue
-        into_locals[name] = getattr(module, name)
-def app_prepare_exec(f, prog, globals, locals, compile_flags):
-    """Manipulate parameters to exec statement to (codeobject, dict, dict).
-    """
-    if (globals is None and locals is None and
-        isinstance(prog, tuple) and
-        (len(prog) == 2 or len(prog) == 3)):
-        globals = prog[1]
-        if len(prog) == 3:
-            locals = prog[2]
-        prog = prog[0]
-    if globals is None:
-        globals = f.f_globals
-        if locals is None:
-            locals = f.f_locals
-    if locals is None:
-        locals = globals
-    if not isinstance(globals, dict):
-        raise TypeError("exec: arg 2 must be a dictionary or None")
-    elif not globals.has_key('__builtins__'):
-        globals['__builtins__'] = f.f_builtins
-    if not isinstance(locals, dict):
-        raise TypeError("exec: arg 3 must be a dictionary or None")
-    # XXX - HACK to check for code object
-    co = compile('1','<string>','eval')
-    if isinstance(prog, type(co)):
-        return (prog, globals, locals)
-    if not isinstance(prog, str):
-##     if not (isinstance(prog, types.StringTypes) or
-##             isinstance(prog, types.FileType)):
-        raise TypeError("exec: arg 1 must be a string, file, or code object")
-##     if isinstance(prog, types.FileType):
-##         co = compile(prog.read(),prog.name,'exec',comple_flags,1)
-##         return (co,globals,locals)
-    else: # prog is a string
-        co = compile(prog,'<string>','exec', compile_flags, 1)
-        return (co, globals, locals)
-gateway.importall(globals())   # app_xxx() -> xxx()

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/test/test_appinterp.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/test/test_appinterp.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/test/test_appinterp.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import py
-from pypy.interpreter.gateway import appdef 
+from pypy.interpreter.gateway import appdef, applevel
 def test_execwith_novars(space): 
     val = space.appexec([], """ 
@@ -70,13 +70,21 @@
     w_result = app(space) 
     assert space.eq_w(w_result, space.wrap(42))
+def test_applevel_object(space):
+    app = applevel('''
+        def f(x, y):
+            return x-y
+        def g(x, y):
+            return f(y, x)
+    ''')
+    g = app.interphook('g')
+    w_res = g(space, space.wrap(10), space.wrap(1))
+    assert space.eq_w(w_res, space.wrap(-9))
 def app_test_something_at_app_level(): 
     x = 2
     assert x/2 == 1
 class AppTestMethods: 
     def test_somee_app_test_method(self): 
         assert 2 == 2

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/test/test_gateway.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/test/test_gateway.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/interpreter/test/test_gateway.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -57,10 +57,6 @@
 class TestGateway: 
-    def setup_method(self, method): 
-        name = method.im_func.func_name 
-        if name in ('test_importall', 'test_exportall'): 
-            py.test.skip("sharing globals for app2interp'ed functions not supported") 
     def test_app2interp(self):
         w = self.space.wrap
         def app_g3(a, b):
@@ -195,26 +191,14 @@
     def test_importall(self):
         w = self.space.wrap
-        g = {}
-        exec """
-def app_g3(a, b):
-    return a+b
-def app_g1(x):
-    return g3('foo', x)
-""" in g
+        g = {'app_g3': app_g3}
         gateway.importall(g, temporary=True)
-        g1 = g['g1']
-        assert self.space.eq_w(g1(self.space, w('bar')), w('foobar'))
+        g3 = g['g3']
+        assert self.space.eq_w(g3(self.space, w('bar')), w('foobar'))
-    def test_exportall(self):
-        w = self.space.wrap
-        g = {}
-        exec """
-def g3(space, w_a, w_b):
-    return space.add(w_a, w_b)
-def app_g1(x):
-    return g3('foo', x)
-""" in g
-        gateway.exportall(g, temporary=True)
-        g1 = gateway.app2interp_temp(g['app_g1'])
-        assert self.space.eq_w(g1(self.space, w('bar')), w('foobar'))
+##    def test_exportall(self):
+##        not used any more
+def app_g3(b):
+    return 'foo'+b

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/flow/flowcontext.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/flow/flowcontext.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/flow/flowcontext.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -112,9 +112,9 @@
     def bytecode_trace(self, frame):
-        assert frame is self.crnt_frame, "seeing an unexpected frame!"
         if not isinstance(self.crnt_ops, list):
+        assert frame is self.crnt_frame, "seeing an unexpected frame!"
         next_instr = frame.next_instr
         self.crnt_offset = next_instr # save offset for opcode
         varnames = frame.code.getvarnames()

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/dicttype.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/dicttype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/dicttype.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -20,75 +20,69 @@
 #dict_str        = StdObjSpace.str
 # default application-level implementations for some operations
+# gateway is imported in the stdtypedef module
+app = gateway.applevel('''
-def app_dict_update__ANY_ANY(d, o):
-    for k in o.keys():
-        d[k] = o[k]
-def app_dict_popitem__ANY(d):
-    k = d.keys()
-    if not k:
-        raise KeyError("popitem(): dictionary is empty")
-    k = k[0]
-    v = d[k]
-    del d[k]
-    return k, v
-def app_dict_get__ANY_ANY_ANY(d, k, v=None):
-    if d.has_key(k):
-        return d[k]
-    return v
-def app_dict_setdefault__ANY_ANY_ANY(d, k, v):
-    if d.has_key(k):
-        return d[k]
-    d[k] = v
-    return v
-def app_dict_pop__ANY_ANY(d, k, default):
-    if len(default) > 1:
-        raise TypeError, "pop expected at most 2 arguments, got %d" % (
-            1 + len(default))
-    try:
+    def update(d, o):
+        for k in o.keys():
+            d[k] = o[k]
+    def popitem(d):
+        k = d.keys()
+        if not k:
+            raise KeyError("popitem(): dictionary is empty")
+        k = k[0]
         v = d[k]
         del d[k]
-    except KeyError, e:
-        if default:
-            return default[0]
+        return k, v
+    def get(d, k, v=None):
+        if k in d:
+            return d[k]
-            raise e
-    return v
+            return v
-def app_dict_iteritems__ANY(d):
-    return iter(d.items())
+    def setdefault(d, k, v=None):
+        if k in d:
+            return d[k]
+        else:
+            d[k] = v
+            return v
-def app_dict_iterkeys__ANY(d):
-    return iter(d.keys())
+    def pop(d, k, defaults):     # XXX defaults is actually *defaults
+        if len(defaults) > 1:
+            raise TypeError, "pop expected at most 2 arguments, got %d" % (
+                1 + len(defaults))
+        try:
+            v = d[k]
+            del d[k]
+        except KeyError, e:
+            if defaults:
+                return defaults[0]
+            else:
+                raise e
+        return v
+    def iteritems(d):
+        return iter(d.items())
+    def iterkeys(d):
+        return iter(d.keys())
+    def itervalues(d):
+        return iter(d.values())
+#XXX what about dict.fromkeys()?
+dict_update__ANY_ANY         = app.interphook("update")
+dict_popitem__ANY            = app.interphook("popitem")
+dict_get__ANY_ANY_ANY        = app.interphook("get")
+dict_setdefault__ANY_ANY_ANY = app.interphook("setdefault")
+dict_pop__ANY_ANY            = app.interphook("pop")
+dict_iteritems__ANY          = app.interphook("iteritems")
+dict_iterkeys__ANY           = app.interphook("iterkeys")
+dict_itervalues__ANY         = app.interphook("itervalues")
-def app_dict_itervalues__ANY(d):
-    return iter(d.values())
-#def app_dict_fromkeys__ANY_List(d, seq, value):
-#    d = {}
-#    if value:
-#        value = value[0]
-#    else:
-#        value = None
-#    for item in seq:
-#        d[item] = value
-#    return d
-#XXX implement dict.fromkeys() which must be a static method
-#XXX accepting any iterable
-# This can return when multimethods have been fixed
-def app_dict_str__ANY(d):
-    items = []
-    for k, v in d.iteritems():
-        items.append("%r: %r" % (k, v))
-    return "{%s}" % ', '.join(items)
 register_all(vars(), globals())
 # ____________________________________________________________

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/listtype.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/listtype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/listtype.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -14,15 +14,16 @@
 list_sort     = MultiMethod('sort',   4, defaults=(None, None, False), argnames=['cmp', 'key', 'reverse'])
 list_reversed = MultiMethod('__reversed__', 1)
-def app_list_reversed__ANY(lst):
-    def reversed_gen(local_iterable):
-        len_iterable = len(local_iterable)
-        for index in range(len_iterable-1, -1, -1):
-            yield local_iterable[index]
-    return reversed_gen(lst)
 # gateway is imported in the stdtypedef module
+app = gateway.applevel('''
+    def reversed(lst):
+        for index in range(len(lst)-1, -1, -1):
+            yield lst[index]
+list_reversed__ANY = app.interphook('reversed')
 register_all(vars(), globals())
 # ____________________________________________________________

Modified: pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/slicetype.py
--- pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/slicetype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/dist-interpapp/pypy/objspace/std/slicetype.py	Sat Feb 12 15:13:43 2005
@@ -6,65 +6,69 @@
 slice_indices = MultiMethod('indices', 2)
 # default application-level implementations for some operations
+# gateway is imported in the stdtypedef module
+app = gateway.applevel("""
-slice_indices__ANY_ANY = slice_indices3 = gateway.appdef(
-    """slice_indices3(slice, length):
-    # this is used internally, analogous to CPython's PySlice_GetIndicesEx
-    step = slice.step
-    if step is None:
-        step = 1
-    elif step == 0:
-        raise ValueError, "slice step cannot be zero"
-    if step < 0:
-        defstart = length - 1
-        defstop = -1
-    else:
-        defstart = 0
-        defstop = length
-    start = slice.start
-    if start is None:
-        start = defstart
-    else:
-        if start < 0:
-            start += length
+    def indices(slice, length):
+        # this is used internally, analogous to CPython's PySlice_GetIndicesEx
+        step = slice.step
+        if step is None:
+            step = 1
+        elif step == 0:
+            raise ValueError, "slice step cannot be zero"
+        if step < 0:
+            defstart = length - 1
+            defstop = -1
+        else:
+            defstart = 0
+            defstop = length
+        start = slice.start
+        if start is None:
+            start = defstart
+        else:
             if start < 0:
+                start += length
+                if start < 0:
+                    if step < 0:
+                        start = -1
+                    else:
+                        start = 0
+            elif start >= length:
                 if step < 0:
-                    start = -1
+                    start = length - 1
-                    start = 0
-        elif start >= length:
-            if step < 0:
-                start = length - 1
-            else:
-                start = length
-    stop = slice.stop
-    if stop is None:
-        stop = defstop
-    else:
-        if stop < 0:
-            stop += length
-            if stop < 0:
-                stop = -1
-        elif stop > length:
-            stop = length
-    return start, stop, step
-    """)
-slice_indices4 = gateway.appdef("""slice_indices4(slice, sequencelength):
-    start, stop, step = slice_indices3(slice, sequencelength)
-    slicelength = stop - start
-    lengthsign = cmp(slicelength, 0)
-    stepsign = cmp(step, 0)
-    if stepsign == lengthsign:
-        slicelength = (slicelength - lengthsign) // step + 1
-    else:
-        slicelength = 0
+                    start = length
-    return start, stop, step, slicelength
-    """)
+        stop = slice.stop
+        if stop is None:
+            stop = defstop
+        else:
+            if stop < 0:
+                stop += length
+                if stop < 0:
+                    stop = -1
+            elif stop > length:
+                stop = length
+        return start, stop, step
+    def slice_indices4(slice, sequencelength):
+        start, stop, step = indices(slice, sequencelength)
+        slicelength = stop - start
+        lengthsign = cmp(slicelength, 0)
+        stepsign = cmp(step, 0)
+        if stepsign == lengthsign:
+            slicelength = (slicelength - lengthsign) // step + 1
+        else:
+            slicelength = 0
+        return start, stop, step, slicelength
+slice_indices__ANY_ANY = app.interphook("indices")
+slice_indices3         = slice_indices__ANY_ANY
+slice_indices4         = app.interphook("slice_indices4")
 # utility functions
 def indices3(space, w_slice, length):

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