[pypy-svn] r14788 - pypy/branch/pypy-translation-snapshot/objspace/std

pedronis at codespeak.net pedronis at codespeak.net
Tue Jul 19 19:38:51 CEST 2005

Author: pedronis
Date: Tue Jul 19 19:38:41 2005
New Revision: 14788

about to substitute it with the one from trunk (which provokes less rtyper problems)

Deleted: /pypy/branch/pypy-translation-snapshot/objspace/std/longobject.py
--- /pypy/branch/pypy-translation-snapshot/objspace/std/longobject.py	Tue Jul 19 19:38:41 2005
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,658 +0,0 @@
-import sys, operator
-from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import *
-from pypy.objspace.std.intobject import W_IntObject
-from pypy.objspace.std.floatobject import W_FloatObject
-from pypy.objspace.std.noneobject import W_NoneObject
-from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import intmask, r_uint, LONG_MASK
-from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import LONG_BIT
-import math
-SHORT_BIT = int(LONG_BIT // 2)
-SIGN_MASK = r_uint(1) << SIGN_BIT
-# XXX some operations below return one of their input arguments
-#     without checking that it's really of type long (and not a subclass).
-class W_LongObject(W_Object):
-    """This is a reimplementation of longs using a list of r_uints."""
-    #All functions that still rely on the underlying Python's longs are marked
-    #with YYYYYY
-    from pypy.objspace.std.longtype import long_typedef as typedef
-    def __init__(w_self, space, digits, sign=0):
-        W_Object.__init__(w_self, space)
-        if isinstance(digits, long):  #YYYYYY
-            digits, sign = args_from_long(digits)
-        w_self.digits = digits
-        w_self.sign = sign
-        assert len(w_self.digits)
-    def longval(self): #YYYYYY
-        l = 0
-        digits = list(self.digits)
-        digits.reverse()
-        for d in digits:
-            l = l << LONG_BIT
-            l += long(d)
-        return l * self.sign
-    def unwrap(w_self): #YYYYYY
-        return w_self.longval()
-    def _normalize(self):
-        if len(self.digits) == 0:
-            self.sign = 0
-            self.digits = [r_uint(0)]
-            return
-        i = len(self.digits) - 1
-        while i != 0 and self.digits[i] == 0:
-            self.digits.pop(-1)
-            i -= 1
-        if len(self.digits) == 1 and self.digits[0] == 0:
-            self.sign = 0
-    def _getshort(self, index):
-        a = self.digits[index // 2]
-        if index % 2 == 0:
-            return a & SHORT_MASK
-        else:
-            return a >> SHORT_BIT
-    def _setshort(self, index, short):
-        a = self.digits[index // 2]
-        assert isinstance(short, r_uint)
-        if index % 2 == 0:
-            self.digits[index // 2] = ((a >> SHORT_BIT) << SHORT_BIT) + short
-        else:
-            self.digits[index // 2] = (a & SHORT_MASK) + (short << SHORT_BIT)
-# bool-to-long
-def delegate_Bool2Long(w_bool):
-    return W_LongObject(w_bool.space, [r_uint(w_bool.boolval)],
-                        int(w_bool.boolval))
-# int-to-long delegation
-def delegate_Int2Long(w_intobj):
-    if w_intobj.intval < 0:
-        sign = -1
-    elif w_intobj.intval > 0:
-        sign = 1
-    else:
-        sign = 0
-    digits = [r_uint(abs(w_intobj.intval))]
-    return W_LongObject(w_intobj.space, digits, sign)
-# long-to-float delegation
-def delegate_Long2Float(w_longobj): #YYYYYY
-    try:
-        return W_FloatObject(w_longobj.space, float(w_longobj.longval()))
-    except OverflowError:
-        raise OperationError(w_longobj.space.w_OverflowError,
-                             w_longobj.space.wrap("long int too large to convert to float"))
-# long__Long is supposed to do nothing, unless it has
-# a derived long object, where it should return
-# an exact one.
-def long__Long(space, w_long1):
-    if space.is_w(space.type(w_long1), space.w_long):
-        return w_long1
-    digits = w_long1.digits
-    sign = w_long1.sign
-    return W_LongObject(space, digits, sign)
-def long__Int(space, w_intobj):
-    if w_intobj.intval < 0:
-        sign = -1
-    elif w_intobj.intval > 0:
-        sign = 1
-    else:
-        sign = 0
-    return W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(abs(w_intobj.intval))], sign)
-def int__Long(space, w_value):
-    if len(w_value.digits) == 1:
-        if w_value.digits[0] & SIGN_MASK == 0:
-            return space.newint(int(w_value.digits[0]) * w_value.sign)
-        elif w_value.sign == -1 and w_value.digits[0] & NONSIGN_MASK == 0:
-            return space.newint(intmask(w_value.digits[0]))
-    #subtypes of long are converted to long!
-    return long__Long(space, w_value)
-def float__Long(space, w_longobj): #YYYYYY
-    try:
-        return space.newfloat(float(w_longobj.longval()))
-    except OverflowError:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
-                             space.wrap("long int too large to convert to float"))
-def long__Float(space, w_floatobj): #YYYYYY
-    return W_LongObject(space, *args_from_long(long(w_floatobj.floatval)))
-def int_w__Long(space, w_value):
-    if len(w_value.digits) == 1:
-        if  w_value.digits[0] & SIGN_MASK == 0:
-            return int(w_value.digits[0]) * w_value.sign
-        elif w_value.sign == -1 and w_value.digits[0] & NONSIGN_MASK == 0:
-            return intmask(w_value.digits[0])
-    raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
-                         space.wrap("long int too large to convert to int"))
-def uint_w__Long(space, w_value):
-    if w_value.sign == -1:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
-                             space.wrap("cannot convert negative integer to unsigned"))
-    if len(w_value.digits) == 1:
-        return w_value.digits[0]
-    raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
-                         space.wrap("long int too large to convert to unsigned int"))    
-def repr__Long(space, w_long): #YYYYYY
-    return space.wrap(repr(w_long.longval()))
-def str__Long(space, w_long): #YYYYYY
-    return space.wrap(str(w_long.longval()))
-def eq__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2):
-    if (w_long1.sign != w_long2.sign or
-        len(w_long1.digits) != len(w_long2.digits)):
-        return space.newbool(False)
-    i = 0
-    ld = len(w_long1.digits)
-    while i < ld:
-        if w_long1.digits[i] != w_long2.digits[i]:
-            return space.newbool(False)
-        i += 1
-    return space.newbool(True)
-def lt__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2):
-    if w_long1.sign > w_long2.sign:
-        return space.newbool(False)
-    if w_long1.sign < w_long2.sign:
-        return space.newbool(True)
-    ld1 = len(w_long1.digits)
-    ld2 = len(w_long2.digits)
-    if ld1 > ld2:
-        if w_long2.sign > 0:
-            return space.newbool(False)
-        else:
-            return space.newbool(True)
-    elif ld1 < ld2:
-        if w_long2.sign > 0:
-            return space.newbool(True)
-        else:
-            return space.newbool(False)
-    i = ld1 - 1
-    while i >= 0:
-        d1 = w_long1.digits[i]
-        d2 = w_long2.digits[i]
-        if d1 < d2:
-            if w_long2.sign > 0:
-                return space.newbool(True)
-            else:
-                return space.newbool(False)
-        elif d1 > d2:
-            if w_long2.sign > 0:
-                return space.newbool(False)
-            else:
-                return space.newbool(True)
-        i -= 1
-    return space.newbool(False)
-def hash__Long(space,w_value): #YYYYYY
-    ## %reimplement%
-    # real Implementation should be taken from _Py_HashDouble in object.c
-    return space.wrap(hash(w_value.longval()))
-# coerce
-def coerce__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2):
-    return space.newtuple([w_long1, w_long2])
-def add__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2):
-    if w_long1.sign < 0:
-        if w_long2.sign < 0:
-            result = _x_add(w_long1, w_long2, space)
-            if result.sign != 0:
-                result.sign = -result.sign
-        else:
-            result = _x_sub(w_long2, w_long1, space)
-    else:
-        if w_long2.sign < 0:
-            result = _x_sub(w_long1, w_long2, space)
-        else:
-            result = _x_add(w_long1, w_long2, space)
-    result._normalize()
-    return result
-def sub__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2):
-    if w_long1.sign < 0:
-        if w_long2.sign < 0:
-            result = _x_sub(w_long1, w_long2, space)
-        else:
-            result = _x_add(w_long1, w_long2, space)
-        result.sign = -result.sign
-    else:
-        if w_long2.sign < 0:
-            result = _x_add(w_long1, w_long2, space)
-        else:
-            result = _x_sub(w_long1, w_long2, space)
-    result._normalize()
-    return result
-def mul__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2):
-    result = _x_mul(w_long1, w_long2, space)
-    result.sign = w_long1.sign * w_long2.sign
-    return result
-def truediv__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    x = w_long1.longval()
-    y = w_long2.longval()
-    if not y:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ZeroDivisionError,
-                             space.wrap("long division"))
-    try:
-        z = operator.truediv(x, y)
-    except OverflowError:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
-                             space.wrap("long/long too large for a float"))
-    return space.newfloat(float(z))
-def floordiv__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    x = w_long1.longval()
-    y = w_long2.longval()
-    if not y:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ZeroDivisionError,
-                             space.wrap("long division"))
-    z = x // y
-    return W_LongObject(space, *args_from_long(z))
-old_style_div = 1 / 2 == 1 // 2
-def div__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    # Select the proper div
-    if old_style_div:
-        return floordiv__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2)
-    else:
-        return truediv__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2)
-def mod__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    x = w_long1.longval()
-    y = w_long2.longval()
-    if not y:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ZeroDivisionError,
-                             space.wrap("long modulo"))
-    z = x % y
-    return W_LongObject(space, *args_from_long(z))
-def divmod__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    x = w_long1.longval()
-    y = w_long2.longval()
-    if not y:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ZeroDivisionError,
-                             space.wrap("long modulo"))
-    z1, z2 = divmod(x, y)
-    w_result1 = W_LongObject(space, *args_from_long(z1))
-    w_result2 = W_LongObject(space, *args_from_long(z2))
-    return space.newtuple([w_result1, w_result2])
-# helper for pow()  #YYYYYY: still needs longval if second argument is negative
-def _impl_long_long_pow(space, lv, lw, lz=None):
-    if lw.sign < 0:
-        if lz is not None:
-            raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
-                             space.wrap("pow() 2nd argument "
-                 "cannot be negative when 3rd argument specified"))
-        return space.pow(space.newfloat(float(lv.longval())),
-                         space.newfloat(float(lw.longval())),
-                         space.w_None)
-    if lz is not None:
-        if lz.sign == 0:
-            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
-                                    space.wrap("pow() 3rd argument cannot be 0"))
-    result = W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(1)], 1)
-    if lw.sign == 0:
-        if lz is not None:
-            result = mod__Long_Long(space, result, lz)
-        return result
-    if lz is not None:
-        temp = mod__Long_Long(space, lv, lz)
-    else:
-        temp = lv
-    i = 0
-    #Treat the most significant digit specially to reduce multiplications
-    while i < len(lw.digits) - 1:
-        j = 0
-        m = r_uint(1)
-        di = lw.digits[i]
-        while j < LONG_BIT:
-            if di & m:
-                result = mul__Long_Long(space, result, temp)
-            temp = mul__Long_Long(space, temp, temp)
-            if lz is not None:
-                result = mod__Long_Long(space, result, lz)
-                temp = mod__Long_Long(space, temp, lz)
-            m = m << 1
-            j += 1
-        i += 1
-    m = r_uint(1) << (LONG_BIT - 1)
-    highest_set_bit = LONG_BIT
-    j = LONG_BIT - 1
-    di = lw.digits[i]
-    while j >= 0:
-        if di & m:
-            highest_set_bit = j
-            break
-        m = m >> 1
-        j -= 1
-    assert highest_set_bit != LONG_BIT, "long not normalized"
-    j = 0
-    m = r_uint(1)
-    while j <= highest_set_bit:
-        if di & m:
-            result = mul__Long_Long(space, result, temp)
-        temp = mul__Long_Long(space, temp, temp)
-        if lz is not None:
-            result = mod__Long_Long(space, result, lz)
-            temp = mod__Long_Long(space, temp, lz)
-        m = m << 1
-        j += 1
-    if lz:
-        result = mod__Long_Long(space, result, lz)
-    return result
-def pow__Long_Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2, w_long3):
-    return _impl_long_long_pow(space, w_long1, w_long2, w_long3)
-def pow__Long_Long_None(space, w_long1, w_long2, w_long3):
-    return _impl_long_long_pow(space, w_long1, w_long2, None)
-def neg__Long(space, w_long1):
-    return W_LongObject(space, w_long1.digits[:], -w_long1.sign)
-def pos__Long(space, w_long):
-    return long__Long(space, w_long)
-def abs__Long(space, w_long):
-    return W_LongObject(space, w_long.digits[:], abs(w_long.sign))
-def nonzero__Long(space, w_long):
-    return space.newbool(w_long.sign != 0)
-def invert__Long(space, w_long): #Implement ~x as -(x + 1)
-    w_lpp = add__Long_Long(space, w_long, W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(1)], 1))
-    return neg__Long(space, w_lpp)
-def lshift__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2):
-    if w_long2.sign < 0:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
-                             space.wrap("negative shift count"))
-    elif w_long2.sign == 0:
-        return w_long1
-    try:
-        b = int_w__Long(space, w_long2)
-    except OverflowError:   # b too big
-        raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
-                             space.wrap("shift count too large"))
-    wordshift = b // LONG_BIT
-    remshift = r_uint(b) % LONG_BIT
-    oldsize = len(w_long1.digits)
-    newsize = oldsize + wordshift
-    if remshift != 0:
-        newsize += 1
-    w_result = W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(0)] * newsize, w_long1.sign)
-    rightshift = LONG_BIT - remshift
-    LOWER_MASK = (r_uint(1) << r_uint(rightshift)) - 1
-    accum = r_uint(0)
-    i = wordshift
-    j = 0
-    while j < oldsize:
-        digit = w_long1.digits[j]
-        w_result.digits[i] = (accum | (digit << remshift))
-        accum = (digit & UPPER_MASK) >> rightshift
-        i += 1
-        j += 1
-    if remshift:
-        w_result.digits[i] = accum
-    else:
-        assert not accum
-    w_result._normalize()
-    return w_result
-def rshift__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    if w_long2.sign < 0:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
-                             space.wrap("negative shift count"))
-    elif w_long2.sign == 0:
-        return w_long1
-    if w_long1.sign == -1:
-        w_a1 = invert__Long(space, w_long1)
-        w_a2 = rshift__Long_Long(space, w_a1, w_long2)
-        return invert__Long(space, w_a2)
-    try:
-        b = int_w__Long(space, w_long2)
-    except OverflowError:   # b too big # XXX maybe just return 0L instead?
-        raise OperationError(space.w_OverflowError,
-                             space.wrap("shift count too large"))
-    wordshift = b // LONG_BIT
-    remshift = r_uint(b) % LONG_BIT
-    oldsize = len(w_long1.digits)
-    newsize = oldsize - wordshift
-    if newsize <= 0:
-        return W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(0)], 0)
-    w_result = W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(0)] * newsize, 1)
-    leftshift = LONG_BIT - remshift
-    LOWER_MASK = (r_uint(1) << r_uint(remshift)) - 1
-    accum = r_uint(0)
-    i = newsize - 1
-    j = oldsize - 1
-    while i >= 0:
-        digit = w_long1.digits[j]
-        w_result.digits[i] = (accum | (digit >> remshift))
-        accum = (digit & LOWER_MASK) << leftshift
-        i -= 1
-        j -= 1
-    w_result._normalize()
-    return w_result
-def and__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    a = w_long1.longval()
-    b = w_long2.longval()
-    res = a & b
-    return W_LongObject(space, *args_from_long(res))
-def xor__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    a = w_long1.longval()
-    b = w_long2.longval()
-    res = a ^ b
-    return W_LongObject(space, *args_from_long(res))
-def or__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2): #YYYYYY
-    a = w_long1.longval()
-    b = w_long2.longval()
-    res = a | b
-    return W_LongObject(space, *args_from_long(res))
-def oct__Long(space, w_long1): #YYYYYY
-    x = w_long1.longval()
-    return space.wrap(oct(x))
-def hex__Long(space, w_long1): #YYYYYY
-    x = w_long1.longval()
-    return space.wrap(hex(x))
-def getnewargs__Long(space, w_long1):
-    return space.newtuple([W_LongObject(space, w_long1.digits, w_long1.sign)])
-# register implementations of ops that recover int op overflows
-# binary ops
-for opname in ['add', 'sub', 'mul', 'div', 'floordiv', 'truediv', 'mod', 'divmod', 'lshift']:
-    exec compile("""
-def %(opname)s_ovr__Int_Int(space, w_int1, w_int2):
-    w_long1 = delegate_Int2Long(w_int1)
-    w_long2 = delegate_Int2Long(w_int2)
-    return %(opname)s__Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2)
-""" % {'opname': opname}, '', 'exec')
-    getattr(StdObjSpace.MM, opname).register(globals()['%s_ovr__Int_Int' %opname], W_IntObject, W_IntObject, order=1)
-# unary ops
-for opname in ['neg', 'abs']:
-    exec """
-def %(opname)s_ovr__Int(space, w_int1):
-    w_long1 = delegate_Int2Long(w_int1)
-    return %(opname)s__Long(space, w_long1)
-""" % {'opname': opname}
-    getattr(StdObjSpace.MM, opname).register(globals()['%s_ovr__Int' %opname], W_IntObject, order=1)
-# pow
-def pow_ovr__Int_Int_None(space, w_int1, w_int2, w_none3):
-    w_long1 = delegate_Int2Long(w_int1)
-    w_long2 = delegate_Int2Long(w_int2)
-    return pow__Long_Long_None(space, w_long1, w_long2, w_none3)
-def pow_ovr__Int_Int_Long(space, w_int1, w_int2, w_long3):
-    w_long1 = delegate_Int2Long(w_int1)
-    w_long2 = delegate_Int2Long(w_int2)
-    return pow__Long_Long_Long(space, w_long1, w_long2, w_long3)
-StdObjSpace.MM.pow.register(pow_ovr__Int_Int_None, W_IntObject, W_IntObject, W_NoneObject, order=1)
-StdObjSpace.MM.pow.register(pow_ovr__Int_Int_Long, W_IntObject, W_IntObject, W_LongObject, order=1)
-#Helper Functions
-def args_from_long(l): #YYYYYY
-    if l < 0:
-        sign = -1
-    elif l > 0:
-        sign = 1
-    else:
-        sign = 0
-    l = abs(l)
-    digits = []
-    i = 0
-    while l:
-        digits.append(r_uint(l & LONG_MASK))
-        l = l >> LONG_BIT
-    if sign == 0:
-        digits = [r_uint(0)]
-    return digits, sign
-#Add the absolute values of two longs
-def _x_add(a, b, space):
-    size_a = len(a.digits)
-    size_b = len(b.digits)
-    if size_a < size_b:
-        a, b = b, a
-        size_a, size_b = size_b, size_a
-    z = W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(0)] * (len(a.digits) + 1), 1)
-    i = 0
-    carry = r_uint(0)
-    while i < size_b:
-        ad = a.digits[i]
-        s = ad + b.digits[i]
-        res = s + carry
-        carry = r_uint(res < s) + r_uint(s < ad)
-        z.digits[i] = res
-        i += 1
-    while i < size_a:
-        s = a.digits[i]
-        carry = s + carry
-        z.digits[i] = carry
-        carry = r_uint(s > carry)
-        i += 1
-    z.digits[i] = carry
-    return z
-#Substract the absolute values of two longs
-def _x_sub(a, b, space):
-    size_a = len(a.digits)
-    size_b = len(b.digits)
-    sign = 1
-    i = 0
-    if size_a < size_b:
-        sign = -1
-        a, b = b, a
-        size_a, size_b = size_b, size_a
-    elif size_a == size_b:
-        i = size_a - 1;
-        while i > 0 and a.digits[i] == b.digits[i]:
-            i -= 1
-        if (i == -1):
-            return W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(0)])
-        if a.digits[i] < b.digits[i]:
-            sign = -1
-            a, b = b, a
-        size_a = size_b = i + 1
-    z = W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(0)] * len(a.digits), 1)
-    i = 0
-    borrow = r_uint(0)
-    while i < size_b:
-        ad = a.digits[i]
-        s = ad - b.digits[i]
-        res = s - borrow
-        z.digits[i] = res
-        borrow = r_uint(res > s) + r_uint(s > ad)
-        i += 1
-    while i < size_a:
-        ad = a.digits[i]
-        res = ad - borrow
-        borrow = r_uint(res > ad)
-        z.digits[i] = res
-        i += 1
-    assert borrow == 0
-    z.sign = sign
-    return z
-#Multiply the absolute values of two longs
-def _x_mul(a, b, space):
-    size_a = len(a.digits) * 2
-    size_b = len(b.digits) * 2
-    z = W_LongObject(space, [r_uint(0)] * ((size_a + size_b) // 2), 1)
-    i = 0
-    while i < size_a:
-        carry = r_uint(0)
-        f = a._getshort(i)
-        j = 0
-        while j < size_b:
-            carry += z._getshort(i + j) + b._getshort(j) * f
-            z._setshort(i + j, carry & SHORT_MASK)
-            carry = carry >> SHORT_BIT
-            j += 1
-        while carry != 0:
-            assert i + j < size_a + size_b
-            carry += z._getshort(i + j)
-            z._setshort(i + j, carry & SHORT_MASK)
-            carry = carry >> SHORT_BIT
-            j += 1
-        i += 1
-    z._normalize()
-    return z
-def _inplace_divrem1(pout, pin, n):
-    rem = r_uint(0, space)
-    assert n > 0 and n <= SHORT_MASK
-    size = len(pin.digits) * 2 - 1
-    while size >= 0:
-        rem = (rem << SHORT_BIT) + pin._getshort(size)

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