[pypy-svn] r18263 - pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js

ericvrp at codespeak.net ericvrp at codespeak.net
Fri Oct 7 17:32:12 CEST 2005

Author: ericvrp
Date: Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
New Revision: 18263

More things working, but no working tests yet.
The file looks javascript-ish. The cast are probably
incorrect and there are no globals/pbc's yet.
We are able to add two numbers though!

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/arraynode.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/arraynode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/arraynode.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 import py
 from pypy.rpython import lltype
-from pypy.translator.llvm.log import log
-from pypy.translator.llvm.node import LLVMNode, ConstantLLVMNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm import varsize 
+from pypy.translator.js.node import LLVMNode, ConstantLLVMNode
+from pypy.translator.js import varsize 
+from pypy.translator.js.log import log
 log = log.structnode
 class ArrayTypeNode(LLVMNode):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/codewriter.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/codewriter.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/codewriter.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -1,144 +1,173 @@
 import py
 from itertools import count
-from pypy.translator.llvm.log import log 
+from pypy.translator.js.log import log 
 log = log.codewriter 
-DEFAULT_TAIL     = ''       #/tail
-DEFAULT_CCONV    = 'fastcc'    #ccc/fastcc
 class CodeWriter(object): 
-    def __init__(self, f, genllvm): 
+    tabstring = '  '
+    def __init__(self, f, js): 
         self.f = f
-        self.genllvm = genllvm
-        self.word  = genllvm.db.get_machine_word()
-        self.uword = genllvm.db.get_machine_uword()
-    def append(self, line): 
-        self.f.write(line + '\n')
-    def comment(self, line, indent=True):
-        line = "// " + line
-        if indent:
-            self.indent(line)
+        self.js = js
+    def append(self, line, indentation_level=4): 
+        if indentation_level:
+            s = self.tabstring * indentation_level
-            self.append(line)
+            s = ''
+        self.f.write(s + line + '\n')
+    def comment(self, line, indentation_level=4):
+        self.append("// " + line, indentation_level)
+    def llvm(self, line, indentation_level=4):
+        self.comment("LLVM " + line, indentation_level)
     def newline(self):
-    def indent(self, line): 
-        self.append("        " + line) 
     def label(self, name):
-        self.newline()
-        self.append("// QQQ    %s:" % name)
+        self.append("case %d:" % name, 3)
+    openblock = label
+    def closeblock(self):
+        self.append('break')
     def globalinstance(self, name, typeandata):
-        self.append("// QQQ %s = %s global %s" % (name, "internal", typeandata))
+        self.llvm("%s = %s global %s" % (name, "internal", typeandata))
     def structdef(self, name, typereprs):
-        self.append("// QQQ %s = type { %s }" %(name, ", ".join(typereprs)))
+        self.llvm("%s = type { %s }" %(name, ", ".join(typereprs)))
     def arraydef(self, name, lentype, typerepr):
-        self.append("// QQQ %s = type { %s, [0 x %s] }" % (name, lentype, typerepr))
+        self.llvm("%s = type { %s, [0 x %s] }" % (name, lentype, typerepr))
     def funcdef(self, name, rettyperepr, argtypereprs):
-        self.append("// QQQ %s = type %s (%s)" % (name, rettyperepr,
+        self.llvm("%s = type %s (%s)" % (name, rettyperepr,
                                            ", ".join(argtypereprs)))
-    def declare(self, decl, cconv=DEFAULT_CCONV):
-        self.append("// QQQ declare %s %s" %(cconv, decl,))
+    def declare(self, decl):
+        #self.llvm("declare %s" % decl, 0)
+        pass
     def startimpl(self):
-        self.newline()
-        self.append("// QQQ implementation")
-        self.newline()
+        #self.llvm("implementation", 0)
+        pass
     def br_uncond(self, blockname): 
-        self.indent("// QQQ br label %%%s" %(blockname,))
+        self.append('prevblock = block')
+        self.append('block = %d' % blockname)
+        #self.llvm("br label %s" %(blockname,))
     def br(self, cond, blockname_false, blockname_true):
-        self.indent("// QQQ br bool %s, label %%%s, label %%%s"
+        self.llvm("br bool %s, label %s, label %s"
                     % (cond, blockname_true, blockname_false))
     def switch(self, intty, cond, defaultdest, value_label):
         labels = ''
         for value, label in value_label:
-            labels += ' %s %s, label %%%s' % (intty, value, label)
-        self.indent("// QQQ switch %s %s, label %%%s [%s ]"
+            labels += ' %s %s, label %s' % (intty, value, label)
+        self.llvm("switch %s %s, label %s [%s ]"
                     % (intty, cond, defaultdest, labels))
-    def openfunc(self, decl, is_entrynode=False, cconv=DEFAULT_CCONV): 
+    def openfunc(self, funcnode, blocks): 
+        self.funcnode = funcnode
+        self.blocks   = blocks
+        usedvars      = {}  #XXX could probably be limited to inputvars
+        for block in blocks:
+            for op in block.operations:
+                targetvar = self.js.db.repr_arg(op.result)
+                usedvars[targetvar] = True
-        self.append("%s {" % decl)
+        self.append("function %s {" % self.funcnode.getdecl(), 0)
+        self.append("var %s" % ' = 0, '.join(usedvars.keys()), 1)
+        self.append("var block = 0", 1)
+        self.append("while (block != undefined) {", 1)
+        self.append("switch (block) {", 2)
     def closefunc(self): 
-        self.append("}") 
+        self.append("} // end of switch (block)", 2)
+        self.append("} // end of while (block != undefined)", 1)
+        self.append("} // end of function %s" % self.funcnode.getdecl(), 0)
     def ret(self, type_, ref): 
-        if type_ == '// QQQ void':
-            self.indent("// QQQ ret void")
+        if type_ == 'void':
+            self.append("return")
-            self.indent("// QQQ ret %s %s" % (type_, ref))
+            self.append("return " + ref)
     def phi(self, targetvar, type_, refs, blocknames): 
-        assert targetvar.startswith('%')
         assert refs and len(refs) == len(blocknames), "phi node requires blocks" 
         mergelist = ", ".join(
-            ["[%s, %%%s]" % item 
+            ["[%s, %s]" % item 
                 for item in zip(refs, blocknames)])
         s = "%s = phi %s %s" % (targetvar, type_, mergelist)
-        self.indent('// QQQ ' + s)
+        self.llvm(s)
+        self.append('switch (prevblock) {')
+        for i, blockname in enumerate(blocknames):
+            self.append('case %d: %s = %s; break' % (blockname, targetvar, refs[i]), 5)
+        self.append('} // end of switch (prevblock)')
     def binaryop(self, name, targetvar, type_, ref1, ref2):
-        self.indent("// QQQ %s = %s %s %s, %s" % (targetvar, name, type_, ref1, ref2))
+        self.llvm("%s = %s %s %s, %s" % (targetvar, name, type_, ref1, ref2))
+        conv = { 'mul':'*', 'add':'+', 'sub':'-', 'div':'/' }
+        if name in conv:
+            c = conv[name]
+            self.append("%(targetvar)s = %(ref1)s %(c)s %(ref2)s" % locals())
+        else:
+            self.append("TODO: binaryop")
     def shiftop(self, name, targetvar, type_, ref1, ref2):
-        self.indent("// QQQ %s = %s %s %s, ubyte %s" % (targetvar, name, type_, ref1, ref2))
+        self.llvm("%s = %s %s %s, ubyte %s" % (targetvar, name, type_, ref1, ref2))
-    def call(self, targetvar, returntype, functionref, argrefs, argtypes, label=None, except_label=None, tail=DEFAULT_TAIL, cconv=DEFAULT_CCONV):
-        if cconv is not 'fastcc':
-            tail_ = ''
-        else:
-            tail_ = tail
-	if tail_:
-		tail_ += ' '
+    def call(self, targetvar, returntype, functionref, argrefs, argtypes, label=None, except_label=None):
         args = ", ".join(["%s %s" % item for item in zip(argtypes, argrefs)])
         if except_label:
-            self.genllvm.exceptionpolicy.invoke(self, targetvar, tail_, cconv, returntype, functionref, args, label, except_label)
+            self.js.exceptionpolicy.invoke(self, targetvar, returntype, functionref, args, label, except_label)
             if returntype == 'void':
-                self.indent("// QQQ call void %s(%s)" % (functionref, args))
+                self.llvm("call void %s(%s)" % (functionref, args))
-                self.indent("// QQQ %s = call %s %s(%s)" % (targetvar, returntype, functionref, args))
+                self.llvm("%s = call %s %s(%s)" % (targetvar, returntype, functionref, args))
     def cast(self, targetvar, fromtype, fromvar, targettype):
     	if fromtype == 'void' and targettype == 'void':
-        self.indent("// QQQ %(targetvar)s = cast %(fromtype)s "
+        self.llvm("%(targetvar)s = cast %(fromtype)s "
                         "%(fromvar)s to %(targettype)s" % locals())
+        if targettype == fromtype:
+            self.append("%(targetvar)s = %(fromvar)s%(convfunc)s" % locals())
+        elif targettype in ('int','uint',):
+            self.append("%(targetvar)s = 0 + %(fromvar)s" % locals())
+        elif targettype in ('double',):
+            self.append("%(targetvar)s = 0.0 + %(fromvar)s" % locals())
+        elif targettype in ('bool',):
+            self.append("%(targetvar)s = %(fromvar)s == 0" % locals())
+        else:
+            self.append("// TODO %(targetvar)s = %(fromvar)s...()" % locals())
-    def malloc(self, targetvar, type_, size=1, atomic=False, cconv=DEFAULT_CCONV):
-        for s in self.genllvm.gcpolicy.malloc(targetvar, type_, size, atomic, self.word, self.uword).split('\n'):
-            self.indent('// QQQ ' + s)
+    def malloc(self, targetvar, type_, size=1, atomic=False):
+        for s in self.js.gcpolicy.malloc(targetvar, type_, size, atomic, 'word', 'uword').split('\n'):
+            self.llvm(s)
     def getelementptr(self, targetvar, type, typevar, *indices):
         word = self.word
         res = "%(targetvar)s = getelementptr %(type)s %(typevar)s, %(word)s 0, " % locals()
         res += ", ".join(["%s %s" % (t, i) for t, i in indices])
-        self.indent('// QQQ ' + res)
+        self.llvm(res)
     def load(self, targetvar, targettype, ptr):
-        self.indent("// QQQ %(targetvar)s = load %(targettype)s* %(ptr)s" % locals())
+        self.llvm("%(targetvar)s = load %(targettype)s* %(ptr)s" % locals())
     def store(self, valuetype, valuevar, ptr): 
-        self.indent("// QQQ store %(valuetype)s %(valuevar)s, "
+        self.llvm("store %(valuetype)s %(valuevar)s, "
                     "%(valuetype)s* %(ptr)s" % locals())
     def debugcomment(self, tempname, len, tmpname):
         word = self.word
-        res = "%s = call ccc %(word)s (sbyte*, ...)* %%printf(" % locals()
+        res = "%s = call ccc %(word)s (sbyte*, ...)* printf(" % locals()
         res += "sbyte* getelementptr ([%s x sbyte]* %s, %(word)s 0, %(word)s 0) )" % locals()
         res = res % (tmpname, len, tmpname)
-        self.indent('// QQQ ' + res)
+        self.llvm(res)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/database.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/database.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/database.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
 import sys
-from pypy.translator.llvm.log import log 
-from pypy.translator.llvm.funcnode import FuncNode, FuncTypeNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm.extfuncnode import ExternalFuncNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm.structnode import StructNode, StructVarsizeNode, \
+from pypy.translator.js.funcnode import FuncNode, FuncTypeNode
+from pypy.translator.js.extfuncnode import ExternalFuncNode
+from pypy.translator.js.structnode import StructNode, StructVarsizeNode, \
      StructTypeNode, StructVarsizeTypeNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm.arraynode import ArrayNode, StrArrayNode, \
+from pypy.translator.js.arraynode import ArrayNode, StrArrayNode, \
      VoidArrayNode, ArrayTypeNode, VoidArrayTypeNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm.opaquenode import OpaqueNode, OpaqueTypeNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm.node import ConstantLLVMNode
+from pypy.translator.js.opaquenode import OpaqueNode, OpaqueTypeNode
+from pypy.translator.js.node import ConstantLLVMNode
 from pypy.rpython import lltype
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant, Variable
+from pypy.translator.js.log import log 
 log = log.database 
@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
                     return node.get_ref()
             assert isinstance(arg, Variable)
-            return "%" + str(arg)
+            return str(arg)
     def repr_arg_type(self, arg):
         assert isinstance(arg, (Constant, Variable))
@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@
     def repr_tmpvar(self): 
         count = self._tmpcount 
         self._tmpcount += 1
-        return "%tmp." + str(count) 
+        return "tmp_" + str(count) 
     def repr_constructor(self, type_):
         return self.obj2node[type_].constructor_ref

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/exception.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/exception.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/exception.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-from pypy.translator.llvm.codewriter import DEFAULT_CCONV
 class ExceptionPolicy:
     RINGBUGGER_SIZE          = 8192
@@ -51,13 +48,13 @@
     def new(exceptionpolicy=None):  #factory
         exceptionpolicy = exceptionpolicy or 'explicit'
         if exceptionpolicy == 'invokeunwind':
-            from pypy.translator.llvm.exception import InvokeUnwindExceptionPolicy
+            from pypy.translator.js.exception import InvokeUnwindExceptionPolicy
             exceptionpolicy = InvokeUnwindExceptionPolicy()
         elif exceptionpolicy == 'explicit':
-            from pypy.translator.llvm.exception import ExplicitExceptionPolicy
+            from pypy.translator.js.exception import ExplicitExceptionPolicy
             exceptionpolicy = ExplicitExceptionPolicy()
         elif exceptionpolicy == 'none':
-            from pypy.translator.llvm.exception import NoneExceptionPolicy
+            from pypy.translator.js.exception import NoneExceptionPolicy
             exceptionpolicy = NoneExceptionPolicy()
             raise Exception, 'unknown exceptionpolicy: ' + str(exceptionpolicy)
@@ -77,10 +74,9 @@
     def llvmcode(self, entrynode):
         returntype, entrypointname =  entrynode.getdecl().split('%', 1)
         noresult = self._noresult(returntype)
-        cconv = DEFAULT_CCONV
         return '''
 ccc %(returntype)s%%__entrypoint__%(entrypointname)s {
-    %%result = invoke %(cconv)s %(returntype)s%%%(entrypointname)s to label %%no_exception except label %%exception
+    %%result = invoke %(returntype)s%%%(entrypointname)s to label %%no_exception except label %%exception
     store %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE* null, %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE** %%last_exception_type
@@ -101,12 +97,12 @@
 ''' % locals() + self.RINGBUFFER_LLVMCODE
-    def invoke(self, codewriter, targetvar, tail_, cconv, returntype, functionref, args, label, except_label):
+    def invoke(self, codewriter, targetvar, returntype, functionref, args, label, except_label):
         labels = 'to label %%%s except label %%%s' % (label, except_label)
         if returntype == 'void':
-            codewriter.indent('%sinvoke %s void %s(%s) %s' % (tail_, cconv, functionref, args, labels))
+            codewriter.llvm('invoke void %s(%s) %s' % (functionref, args, labels))
-            codewriter.indent('%s = %sinvoke %s %s %s(%s) %s' % (targetvar, tail_, cconv, returntype, functionref, args, labels))
+            codewriter.llvm('%s = invoke %s %s(%s) %s' % (targetvar, returntype, functionref, args, labels))
     def _is_raise_new_exception(self, db, graph, block):
         from pypy.objspace.flow.model import mkentrymap
@@ -141,7 +137,7 @@
             #Which is already stored in the global variables.
             #So nothing needs to happen here!
-        codewriter.indent('unwind')
+        codewriter.llvm('unwind')
     def fetch_exceptions(self, codewriter, exc_found_labels, lltype_of_exception_type, lltype_of_exception_value):
         for label, target, last_exc_type_var, last_exc_value_var in exc_found_labels:
@@ -154,7 +150,7 @@
     def reraise(self, funcnode, codewriter):
         codewriter.comment('reraise when exception is not caught')
-        codewriter.indent('unwind')
+        codewriter.llvm('unwind')
     def llc_options(self):
         return '-enable-correct-eh-support'
@@ -167,11 +163,10 @@
     def llvmcode(self, entrynode):
         returntype, entrypointname = entrynode.getdecl().split('%', 1)
         noresult = self._noresult(returntype)
-        cconv = DEFAULT_CCONV
         return '''
 ccc %(returntype)s%%__entrypoint__%(entrypointname)s {
     store %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE* null, %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE** %%last_exception_type
-    %%result = call %(cconv)s %(returntype)s%%%(entrypointname)s
+    %%result = call %(returntype)s%%%(entrypointname)s
     %%tmp    = load %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE** %%last_exception_type
     %%exc    = seteq %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE* %%tmp, null
     br bool %%exc, label %%no_exception, label %%exception
@@ -203,18 +198,18 @@
                 create_exception_handling(translator, graph)
-    def invoke(self, codewriter, targetvar, tail_, cconv, returntype, functionref, args, label, except_label):
+    def invoke(self, codewriter, targetvar, returntype, functionref, args, label, except_label):
         if returntype == 'void':
             if functionref != '%keepalive': #XXX I think keepalive should not be the last operation here!
-                codewriter.indent('%scall %s void %s(%s)' % (tail_, cconv, functionref, args))
+                codewriter.append('call void %s(%s)' % (functionref, args))
-            codewriter.indent('%s = %scall %s %s %s(%s)' % (targetvar, tail_, cconv, returntype, functionref, args))
+            codewriter.llvm('%s = call %s %s(%s)' % (targetvar, returntype, functionref, args))
         tmp = '%%invoke.tmp.%d' % self.invoke_count
         exc = '%%invoke.exc.%d' % self.invoke_count
         self.invoke_count += 1
-        codewriter.indent('%(tmp)s = load %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE** %%last_exception_type' % locals())
-        codewriter.indent('%(exc)s = seteq %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE* %(tmp)s, null'         % locals())
-        codewriter.indent('br bool %(exc)s, label %%%(label)s, label %%%(except_label)s'      % locals())
+        codewriter.llvm('%(tmp)s = load %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE** %%last_exception_type' % locals())
+        codewriter.llvm('%(exc)s = seteq %%RPYTHON_EXCEPTION_VTABLE* %(tmp)s, null'         % locals())
+        codewriter.llvm('br bool %(exc)s, label %%%(label)s, label %%%(except_label)s'      % locals())
     def write_exceptblock(self, funcnode, codewriter, block):
         assert len(block.inputargs) == 2
@@ -228,7 +223,7 @@
         codewriter.store(inputargtypes[0], inputargs[0], '%last_exception_type')
         codewriter.store(inputargtypes[1], inputargs[1], '%last_exception_value')
-        codewriter.indent('ret ' + noresult)
+        codewriter.llvm('ret ' + noresult)
     def fetch_exceptions(self, codewriter, exc_found_labels, lltype_of_exception_type, lltype_of_exception_value):
         for label, target, last_exc_type_var, last_exc_value_var in exc_found_labels:
@@ -243,7 +238,7 @@
     def reraise(self, funcnode, codewriter):
         noresult = self._nonoderesult(funcnode)
-        codewriter.indent('ret ' + noresult)
+        codewriter.llvm('ret ' + noresult)
     def llc_options(self):
         return ''

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/extfuncnode.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/extfuncnode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/extfuncnode.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import py
-from pypy.translator.llvm.node import ConstantLLVMNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm.log import log 
+from pypy.translator.js.node import ConstantLLVMNode
+from pypy.translator.js.log import log 
 log = log.extfuncnode
 class ExternalFuncNode(ConstantLLVMNode):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/funcnode.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/funcnode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/funcnode.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Block, Constant, Variable, Link
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import flatten, mkentrymap, traverse, last_exception
 from pypy.rpython import lltype
-from pypy.translator.llvm.node import LLVMNode, ConstantLLVMNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm.opwriter import OpWriter
-from pypy.translator.llvm.log import log 
-from pypy.translator.llvm.backendopt.removeexcmallocs import remove_exception_mallocs
-from pypy.translator.llvm.backendopt.mergemallocs import merge_mallocs
+from pypy.translator.js.node import LLVMNode, ConstantLLVMNode
+from pypy.translator.js.opwriter import OpWriter
+#from pypy.translator.js.backendopt.removeexcmallocs import remove_exception_mallocs
+#from pypy.translator.js.backendopt.mergemallocs import merge_mallocs
 from pypy.translator.unsimplify import remove_double_links
+from pypy.translator.js.log import log 
 log = log.funcnode
 class FuncTypeNode(LLVMNode):
@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@
         codewriter.funcdef(self.ref, returntype, inputargtypes)
 class FuncNode(ConstantLLVMNode):
-    __slots__ = "db value ref graph block_to_name".split()
+    __slots__ = "db value ref graph blockindex".split()
     def __init__(self, db, value):
         self.db = db
         self.value = value
-        self.ref   = self.make_ref('%pypy_', value.graph.name)
+        self.ref   = self.make_ref('pypy_', value.graph.name)
         self.graph = value.graph
         self.db.genllvm.exceptionpolicy.transform(self.db.translator, self.graph)
-        remove_exception_mallocs(self.db.translator, self.graph, self.ref)
+        #remove_exception_mallocs(self.db.translator, self.graph, self.ref)
         #merge_mallocs(self.db.translator, self.graph, self.ref)
         remove_double_links(self.db.translator, self.graph)
@@ -78,21 +78,22 @@
     def writeimpl(self, codewriter):
         graph = self.graph
-        codewriter.openfunc(self.getdecl(), self is self.db.entrynode)
         nextblock = graph.startblock
         args = graph.startblock.inputargs 
-        l = [x for x in flatten(graph) if isinstance(x, Block)]
-        self.block_to_name = {}
-        for i, block in enumerate(l):
-            self.block_to_name[block] = "block%s" % i
-        for block in l:
-            codewriter.label(self.block_to_name[block])
+        blocks = [x for x in flatten(graph) if isinstance(x, Block)]
+        self.blockindex= {}
+        for i, block in enumerate(blocks):
+            self.blockindex[block] = i
+        codewriter.openfunc(self, blocks)
+        for block in blocks:
+            codewriter.openblock(self.blockindex[block])
             for name in 'startblock returnblock exceptblock'.split():
                 if block is getattr(graph, name):
                     getattr(self, 'write_' + name)(codewriter, block)
                 self.write_block(codewriter, block)
+            codewriter.closeblock()
     def writecomments(self, codewriter):
@@ -134,10 +135,10 @@
         inputargs = self.db.repr_arg_multi(startblock_inputargs)
         inputargtypes = self.db.repr_arg_type_multi(startblock_inputargs)
         returntype = self.db.repr_arg_type(self.graph.returnblock.inputargs[0])
-        result = "%s %s" % (returntype, self.ref)
-        args = ["%s %s" % item for item in zip(inputargtypes, inputargs)]
-        result += "(%s)" % ", ".join(args)
-        return result 
+        #result = "%s %s" % (returntype, self.ref)
+        #args = ["%s %s" % item for item in zip(inputargtypes, inputargs)]
+        #result += "(%s)" % ", ".join(args)
+        return self.ref + "(%s)" % ", ".join(inputargs)
     def write_block(self, codewriter, block):
         self.write_block_phi_nodes(codewriter, block)
@@ -152,12 +153,11 @@
         inputargtypes = self.db.repr_arg_type_multi(block.inputargs)
         for i, (arg, type_) in enumerate(zip(inputargs, inputargtypes)):
             names = self.db.repr_arg_multi([link.args[i] for link in entrylinks])
-            blocknames = [self.block_to_name[link.prevblock]
-                              for link in entrylinks]
+            blocknames = [self.blockindex[link.prevblock] for link in entrylinks]
             for i, link in enumerate(entrylinks):   #XXX refactor into a transformation
                 if link.prevblock.exitswitch == Constant(last_exception) and \
                    link.prevblock.exits[0].target != block:
-                    blocknames[i] += '_exception_found_branchto_' + self.block_to_name[block]
+                    blocknames[i] += '_exception_found_branchto_' + self.blockindex[block]
             data.append( (arg, type_, names, blocknames) )
         return data
@@ -172,11 +172,11 @@
             #codewriter.comment('FuncNode(ConstantLLVMNode) *last_exception* write_block_branches @%s@' % str(block.exits))
         if len(block.exits) == 1:
-            codewriter.br_uncond(self.block_to_name[block.exits[0].target])
+            codewriter.br_uncond(self.blockindex[block.exits[0].target])
         elif len(block.exits) == 2:
             cond = self.db.repr_arg(block.exitswitch)
-            codewriter.br(cond, self.block_to_name[block.exits[0].target],
-                          self.block_to_name[block.exits[1].target])
+            codewriter.br(cond, self.blockindex[block.exits[0].target],
+                          self.blockindex[block.exits[1].target])
     def write_block_operations(self, codewriter, block):
         opwriter = OpWriter(self.db, codewriter, self, block)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/gc.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/gc.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/gc.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -28,13 +28,13 @@
             gcpolicy = 'none'
         if gcpolicy == 'boehm':
-            from pypy.translator.llvm.gc import BoehmGcPolicy
+            from pypy.translator.js.gc import BoehmGcPolicy
             gcpolicy = BoehmGcPolicy()
         elif gcpolicy == 'ref':
-            from pypy.translator.llvm.gc import RefcountingGcPolicy
+            from pypy.translator.js.gc import RefcountingGcPolicy
             gcpolicy = RefcountingGcPolicy()
         elif gcpolicy == 'none':
-            from pypy.translator.llvm.gc import NoneGcPolicy
+            from pypy.translator.js.gc import NoneGcPolicy
             gcpolicy = NoneGcPolicy()
             raise Exception, 'unknown gcpolicy: ' + str(gcpolicy)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/js.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/js.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/js.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
+    http://www.mozilla.org/js/spidermonkey/
 #import os
@@ -13,10 +13,10 @@
 import py
-from pypy.translator.llvm.database import Database 
 from pypy.rpython.rmodel import inputconst, getfunctionptr
 from pypy.rpython import lltype
 from pypy.tool.udir import udir
+from pypy.translator.js.database import Database 
 from pypy.translator.js.codewriter import CodeWriter
 from pypy.translator.js.gc import GcPolicy
 from pypy.translator.js.exception import ExceptionPolicy
@@ -51,8 +51,8 @@
         # set up all nodes
-        self.entrynode = self.db.set_entrynode(entry_point)
-        entryfunc_name = self.entrynode.getdecl().split('%', 1)[1].split('(')[0]
+        #self.entrynode = self.db.set_entrynode(entry_point)
+        #entryfunc_name = self.entrynode.getdecl().split('%', 1)[1].split('(')[0]
         ## post set up externs
         #extern_decls = post_setup_externs(self.db)
@@ -79,14 +79,12 @@
         self.filename = udir.join(func.func_name + postfix).new(ext='.js')
         f = open(str(self.filename),'w')
         codewriter = CodeWriter(f, self)
-        comment = codewriter.comment
-        nl = codewriter.newline
         #if using_external_functions:
-        #    nl(); comment("External Function Declarations") ; nl()
+        #    codewriter.comment("External Function Declarations")
         #    codewriter.append(llexterns_header)
-        nl(); comment("Type Declarations"); nl()
+        codewriter.comment("Type Declarations", 0)
         #for c_name, obj in extern_decls:
         #    if isinstance(obj, lltype.LowLevelType):
         #        if isinstance(obj, lltype.Ptr):
@@ -97,18 +95,18 @@
         for typ_decl in self.db.getnodes():
-        nl(); comment("Global Data") ; nl()
+        codewriter.comment("Global Data", 0)
         for typ_decl in self.db.getnodes():
-        nl(); comment("Function Prototypes") ; nl()
+        codewriter.comment("Function Prototypes", 0)
         for typ_decl in self.db.getnodes():
-        nl(); comment("Function Implementation") 
+        codewriter.comment("Function Implementation", 0)
         for typ_decl in self.db.getnodes():
@@ -137,16 +135,18 @@
         #            depdone[dep] = True
         #if using_external_functions:
-        #    nl(); comment("External Function Implementation") ; nl()
+        #    codewriter.comment("External Function Implementation", 0)
         #    codewriter.append(llexterns_functions)
-        comment("Wrapper code for the Javascript CLI") ; nl()
-        graph        = self.db.entrynode.graph
+        codewriter.newline()
+        codewriter.comment("Wrapper code for the Javascript CLI", 0)
+        codewriter.newline()
+        graph        = self.db.obj2node[entry_point].graph
         startblock  = graph.startblock
         args        = ','.join(['arguments[%d]' % i for i,v in enumerate(startblock.inputargs)])
-        wrappercode = 'pypy_%s(%s);\n' % (graph.name, args)
-        codewriter.indent(wrappercode)
-        comment("End of file") ; nl()
+        wrappercode = 'print(pypy_%s(%s))' % (graph.name, args)
+        codewriter.append(wrappercode, 0)
+        codewriter.newline()
+        codewriter.comment("EOF", 0)
         log('Written:', self.filename)
         return self.filename

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/opaquenode.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/opaquenode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/opaquenode.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from pypy.translator.llvm.node import LLVMNode, ConstantLLVMNode
+from pypy.translator.js.node import LLVMNode, ConstantLLVMNode
 from pypy.rpython import lltype
 class OpaqueTypeNode(LLVMNode):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/opwriter.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/opwriter.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/opwriter.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 import py
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant
 from pypy.rpython import lltype
-from pypy.translator.llvm.module.extfunction import extfunctions
-from pypy.translator.llvm.extfuncnode import ExternalFuncNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm.log import log 
+#from pypy.translator.js.module.extfunction import extfunctions
+from pypy.translator.js.extfuncnode import ExternalFuncNode
+from pypy.translator.js.log import log 
 log = log.opwriter
 class OpWriter(object):
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
     def last_exception_type_ptr(self, op):
         e = self.db.translator.rtyper.getexceptiondata()
-        lltype_of_exception_type = ('%structtype.' + e.lltype_of_exception_type.TO.__name__ + '*')
-        self.codewriter.load('%'+str(op.result), lltype_of_exception_type, '%last_exception_type')
+        lltype_of_exception_type = ('structtype.' + e.lltype_of_exception_type.TO.__name__ + '*')
+        self.codewriter.load('%'+str(op.result), lltype_of_exception_type, 'last_exception_type')
     def invoke(self, op):
         op_args = [arg for arg in op.args
@@ -319,8 +319,8 @@
         argrefs     = self.db.repr_arg_multi(op_args[1:])
         argtypes    = self.db.repr_arg_type_multi(op_args[1:])
-        none_label  = self.node.block_to_name[link.target]
-        block_label = self.node.block_to_name[self.block]
+        none_label  = self.node.blockindex[link.target]
+        block_label = self.node.blockindex[self.block]
         exc_label   = block_label + '_exception_handling'
         if self.db.is_function_ptr(op.result):  #use longhand form
@@ -329,11 +329,11 @@
                              argtypes, none_label, exc_label)
         e = self.db.translator.rtyper.getexceptiondata()
-        ll_exception_match       = '%pypy_' + e.ll_exception_match.__name__
-        lltype_of_exception_type = ('%structtype.' +
+        ll_exception_match       = 'pypy_' + e.ll_exception_match.__name__
+        lltype_of_exception_type = ('structtype.' +
                                     + '*')
-        lltype_of_exception_value = ('%structtype.' +
+        lltype_of_exception_value = ('structtype.' +
                                     + '*')
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
             etype = self.db.obj2node[link.llexitcase._obj]
             current_exception_type = etype.get_ref()
-            target          = self.node.block_to_name[link.target]
+            target          = self.node.blockindex[link.target]
             exc_found_label = block_label + '_exception_found_branchto_' + target
             last_exc_type_var, last_exc_value_var = None, None
@@ -355,9 +355,9 @@
                 for name, blockname in zip(names, blocknames):
                     if blockname != exc_found_label:
-                    if name.startswith('%last_exception_'):
+                    if name.startswith('last_exception_'):
                         last_exc_type_var = name
-                    if name.startswith('%last_exc_value_'):
+                    if name.startswith('last_exc_value_'):
                         last_exc_value_var = name
             t = (exc_found_label,target,last_exc_type_var,last_exc_value_var)
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@
             else:   #catch specific exception (class) type
                 if not last_exception_type: #load pointer only once
                     last_exception_type = self.db.repr_tmpvar()
-                    self.codewriter.load(last_exception_type, lltype_of_exception_type, '%last_exception_type')
+                    self.codewriter.load(last_exception_type, lltype_of_exception_type, 'last_exception_type')
                 ll_issubclass_cond = self.db.repr_tmpvar()
@@ -394,9 +394,9 @@
         tmpvar1 = self.db.repr_tmpvar()
         tmpvar2 = self.db.repr_tmpvar()
         tmpvar3 = self.db.repr_tmpvar()
-        self.codewriter.indent('%(tmpvar1)s = getelementptr %(type_)s* null, int 1' % locals())
+        self.codewriter.append('%(tmpvar1)s = getelementptr %(type_)s* null, int 1' % locals())
         self.codewriter.cast(tmpvar2, type_+'*', tmpvar1, 'uint')
-        self.codewriter.call(tmpvar3, 'sbyte*', '%malloc_exception', [tmpvar2], ['uint'])
+        self.codewriter.call(tmpvar3, 'sbyte*', 'malloc_exception', [tmpvar2], ['uint'])
         self.codewriter.cast(targetvar, 'sbyte*', tmpvar3, type_+'*')
     def malloc(self, op): 

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/structnode.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/structnode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/js/structnode.py	Fri Oct  7 17:32:10 2005
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 import py
-from pypy.translator.llvm.log import log
-from pypy.translator.llvm.node import LLVMNode, ConstantLLVMNode
-from pypy.translator.llvm import varsize
+from pypy.translator.js.node import LLVMNode, ConstantLLVMNode
+from pypy.translator.js import varsize
 from pypy.rpython import lltype
+from pypy.translator.js.log import log
 log = log.structnode 

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