[pypy-svn] r18520 - in pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython: . lltypesystem

boria at codespeak.net boria at codespeak.net
Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 CEST 2005

Author: boria
Date: Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
New Revision: 18520

   pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/   (props changed)
   pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/__init__.py   (contents, props changed)
      - copied, changed from r18504, pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/exceptiondata.py
      - copied, changed from r18479, pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/lltype.py
      - copied, changed from r18504, pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rbuiltin.py
      - copied, changed from r18479, pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rclass.py
(Samuele, Boris)
* Continuing work on decoupling RTyper from lltypes.
* Lazy imports in typesystem.py to avoid circular import problems.
* Refactor rclass.py and rbuiltin.py into common and lltype-specific parts.
* Several tests still failing in rpython/test/ due to rpbc.py.

Modified: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/lltype.py
--- pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/lltype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/lltype.py	Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
@@ -1,965 +1 @@
-import weakref, operator
-import py
-from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import r_uint
-from pypy.tool.uid import Hashable
-from pypy.tool.tls import tlsobject
-from types import NoneType
-log = py.log.Producer('lltype')
-TLS = tlsobject()
-def saferecursive(func, defl):
-    def safe(*args):
-        try:
-            seeing = TLS.seeing
-        except AttributeError:
-            seeing = TLS.seeing = {}
-        seeingkey = tuple([func] + [id(arg) for arg in args])
-        if seeingkey in seeing:
-            return defl
-        seeing[seeingkey] = True
-        try:
-            return func(*args)
-        finally:
-            del seeing[seeingkey]
-    return safe
-#safe_equal = saferecursive(operator.eq, True)
-def safe_equal(x, y):
-    # a specialized version for performance
-    try:
-        seeing = TLS.seeing_eq
-    except AttributeError:
-        seeing = TLS.seeing_eq = {}
-    seeingkey = (id(x), id(y))
-    if seeingkey in seeing:
-        return True
-    seeing[seeingkey] = True
-    try:
-        return x == y
-    finally:
-        del seeing[seeingkey]
-class frozendict(dict):
-    def __hash__(self):
-        items = self.items()
-        items.sort()
-        return hash(tuple(items))
-class LowLevelType(object):
-    # the following line prevents '__cached_hash' to be in the __dict__ of
-    # the instance, which is needed for __eq__() and __hash__() to work.
-    __slots__ = ['__dict__', '__cached_hash']
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return self.__class__ is other.__class__ and (
-            self is other or safe_equal(self.__dict__, other.__dict__))
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not (self == other)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        # cannot use saferecursive() -- see test_lltype.test_hash().
-        # NB. the __cached_hash should neither be used nor updated
-        # if we enter with hash_level > 0, because the computed
-        # __hash__ can be different in this situation.
-        hash_level = 0
-        try:
-            hash_level = TLS.nested_hash_level
-            if hash_level == 0:
-                return self.__cached_hash
-        except AttributeError:
-            pass
-        if hash_level >= 3:
-            return 0
-        items = self.__dict__.items()
-        items.sort()
-        TLS.nested_hash_level = hash_level + 1
-        try:
-            result = hash((self.__class__,) + tuple(items))
-        finally:
-            TLS.nested_hash_level = hash_level
-        if hash_level == 0:
-            self.__cached_hash = result
-        return result
-    # due to this dynamic hash value, we should forbid
-    # pickling, until we have an algorithm for that.
-    # but we just provide a tag for external help.
-    __hash_is_not_constant__ = True
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s>' % (self,)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self.__class__.__name__
-    def _short_name(self):
-        return str(self)
-    def _defl(self, parent=None, parentindex=None):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def _freeze_(self):
-        return True
-    def _inline_is_varsize(self, last):
-        return False
-    def _is_atomic(self):
-        return False
-    def _is_varsize(self):
-        return False
-class ContainerType(LowLevelType):
-    def _gcstatus(self):
-        return isinstance(self, GC_CONTAINER)
-    def _inline_is_varsize(self, last):
-        raise TypeError, "%r cannot be inlined in structure" % self
-class Struct(ContainerType):
-    def __init__(self, name, *fields):
-        self._name = self.__name__ = name
-        flds = {}
-        names = []
-        self._arrayfld = None
-        for name, typ in fields:
-            if name.startswith('_'):
-                raise NameError, ("%s: field name %r should not start with "
-                                  "an underscore" % (self._name, name,))
-            names.append(name)
-            if name in flds:
-                raise TypeError("%s: repeated field name" % self._name)
-            flds[name] = typ
-            if isinstance(typ, GC_CONTAINER):
-                if name == fields[0][0] and isinstance(self, GC_CONTAINER):
-                    pass  # can inline a GC_CONTAINER as 1st field of GcStruct
-                else:
-                    raise TypeError("%s: cannot inline GC container %r" % (
-                        self._name, typ))
-        # look if we have an inlined variable-sized array as the last field
-        if fields:
-            for name, typ in fields[:-1]:
-                typ._inline_is_varsize(False)
-                first = False
-            name, typ = fields[-1]
-            if typ._inline_is_varsize(True):
-                self._arrayfld = name
-        self._flds = frozendict(flds)
-        self._names = tuple(names)
-    def _first_struct(self):
-        if self._names:
-            first = self._names[0]
-            FIRSTTYPE = self._flds[first]
-            if isinstance(FIRSTTYPE, Struct) and self._gcstatus() == FIRSTTYPE._gcstatus():
-                return first, FIRSTTYPE
-        return None, None
-    def _inline_is_varsize(self, last):
-        if self._arrayfld:
-            raise TypeError("cannot inline a var-sized struct "
-                            "inside another container")
-        return False
-    def _is_atomic(self):
-        for typ in self._flds.values():
-            if not typ._is_atomic():
-                return False
-        return True
-    def _is_varsize(self):
-        return self._arrayfld is not None
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        try:
-            return self._flds[name]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise AttributeError, 'struct %s has no field %r' % (self._name,
-                                                                 name)
-    def _names_without_voids(self):
-        names_without_voids = [name for name in self._names if self._flds[name] is not Void]
-        return names_without_voids
-    def _str_fields_without_voids(self):
-        return ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (name, self._flds[name])
-                          for name in self._names_without_voids(False)])
-    _str_fields_without_voids = saferecursive(_str_fields_without_voids, '...')
-    def _str_without_voids(self):
-        return "%s %s { %s }" % (self.__class__.__name__,
-                                 self._name, self._str_fields_without_voids())
-    def _str_fields(self):
-        return ', '.join(['%s: %s' % (name, self._flds[name])
-                          for name in self._names])
-    _str_fields = saferecursive(_str_fields, '...')
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s %s { %s }" % (self.__class__.__name__,
-                                 self._name, self._str_fields())
-    def _short_name(self):
-        return "%s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__, self._name)
-    def _defl(self, parent=None, parentindex=None):
-        return _struct(self, parent=parent, parentindex=parentindex)
-    def _container_example(self):
-        if self._arrayfld is None:
-            n = None
-        else:
-            n = 1
-        return _struct(self, n)
-class GcStruct(Struct):
-    _runtime_type_info = None
-    def _attach_runtime_type_info_funcptr(self, funcptr):
-        if self._runtime_type_info is None:
-            self._runtime_type_info = opaqueptr(RuntimeTypeInfo, name=self._name, about=self)._obj
-        if funcptr is not None:
-            T = typeOf(funcptr)
-            if (not isinstance(T, Ptr) or
-                not isinstance(T.TO, FuncType) or
-                len(T.TO.ARGS) != 1 or
-                T.TO.RESULT != Ptr(RuntimeTypeInfo) or
-                castable(T.TO.ARGS[0], Ptr(self)) < 0):
-                raise TypeError("expected a runtime type info function "
-                                "implementation, got: %s" % funcptr)
-            self._runtime_type_info.query_funcptr = funcptr
-class Array(ContainerType):
-    __name__ = 'array'
-    _anonym_struct = False
-    def __init__(self, *fields):
-        if len(fields) == 1 and isinstance(fields[0], LowLevelType):
-            self.OF = fields[0]
-        else:
-            self.OF = Struct("<arrayitem>", *fields)
-            self._anonym_struct = True
-        if isinstance(self.OF, GcStruct):
-            raise TypeError("cannot have a GC structure as array item type")
-        self.OF._inline_is_varsize(False)
-    def _inline_is_varsize(self, last):
-        if not last:
-            raise TypeError("cannot inline an array in another container"
-                            " unless as the last field of a structure")
-        return True
-    def _is_atomic(self):
-        return self.OF._is_atomic()
-    def _is_varsize(self):
-        return True
-    def _str_fields(self):
-        if isinstance(self.OF, Struct):
-            of = self.OF
-            if self._anonym_struct:
-                return "{ %s }" % of._str_fields()
-            else:
-                return "%s { %s }" % (of._name, of._str_fields())
-        else:
-            return self.OF
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s of %s " % (self.__class__.__name__,
-                               self._str_fields(),)
-    def _short_name(self):
-        return "%s %s" % (self.__class__.__name__,
-                          self.OF._short_name(),)
-    def _container_example(self):
-        return _array(self, 1)
-class GcArray(Array):
-    def _inline_is_varsize(self, last):
-        raise TypeError("cannot inline a GC array inside a structure")
-class FuncType(ContainerType):
-    __name__ = 'func'
-    def __init__(self, args, result):
-        for arg in args:
-            assert isinstance(arg, LowLevelType)
-            if isinstance(arg, ContainerType):
-                raise TypeError, "function arguments can only be primitives or pointers"
-        self.ARGS = tuple(args)
-        assert isinstance(result, LowLevelType)
-        if isinstance(result, ContainerType):
-            raise TypeError, "function result can only be primitive or pointer"
-        self.RESULT = result
-    def __str__(self):
-        args = ', '.join(map(str, self.ARGS))
-        return "Func ( %s ) -> %s" % (args, self.RESULT)
-    def _short_name(self):        
-        args = ', '.join([ARG._short_name() for ARG in self.ARGS])
-        return "Func(%s)->%s" % (args, self.RESULT._short_name)        
-    def _container_example(self):
-        def ex(*args):
-            return self.RESULT._defl()
-        return _func(self, _callable=ex)
-    def _trueargs(self):
-        return [arg for arg in self.ARGS if arg is not Void]
-class OpaqueType(ContainerType):
-    def __init__(self, tag):
-        self.tag = tag
-        self.__name__ = tag
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s (opaque)" % self.tag
-    def _inline_is_varsize(self, last):
-        return False    # OpaqueType can be inlined
-    def _container_example(self):
-        return _opaque(self)
-    def _defl(self, parent=None, parentindex=None):
-        return _opaque(self, parent=parent, parentindex=parentindex)
-RuntimeTypeInfo = OpaqueType("RuntimeTypeInfo")
-class PyObjectType(ContainerType):
-    __name__ = 'PyObject'
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "PyObject"
-PyObject = PyObjectType()
-class ForwardReference(ContainerType):
-    def become(self, realcontainertype):
-        if not isinstance(realcontainertype, ContainerType):
-            raise TypeError("ForwardReference can only be to a container, "
-                            "not %r" % (realcontainertype,))
-        self.__class__ = realcontainertype.__class__
-        self.__dict__ = realcontainertype.__dict__
-    def __hash__(self):
-        raise TypeError("%r object is not hashable" % self.__class__.__name__)
-class GcForwardReference(ForwardReference):
-    def become(self, realcontainertype):
-        if not isinstance(realcontainertype, GC_CONTAINER):
-            raise TypeError("GcForwardReference can only be to GcStruct or "
-                            "GcArray, not %r" % (realcontainertype,))
-        self.__class__ = realcontainertype.__class__
-        self.__dict__ = realcontainertype.__dict__
-GC_CONTAINER = (GcStruct, GcArray, PyObjectType, GcForwardReference)
-class Primitive(LowLevelType):
-    def __init__(self, name, default):
-        self._name = self.__name__ = name
-        self._default = default
-    def __str__(self):
-        return self._name
-    def _defl(self, parent=None, parentindex=None):
-        return self._default
-    def _is_atomic(self):
-        return True
-    _example = _defl
-Signed   = Primitive("Signed", 0)
-Unsigned = Primitive("Unsigned", r_uint(0))
-Float    = Primitive("Float", 0.0)
-Char     = Primitive("Char", '\x00')
-Bool     = Primitive("Bool", False)
-Void     = Primitive("Void", None)
-UniChar  = Primitive("UniChar", u'\x00')
-class Ptr(LowLevelType):
-    __name__ = property(lambda self: '%sPtr' % self.TO.__name__)
-    def __init__(self, TO):
-        if not isinstance(TO, ContainerType):
-            raise TypeError, ("can only point to a Container type, "
-                              "not to %s" % (TO,))
-        self.TO = TO
-    def _needsgc(self):
-        return self.TO._gcstatus()
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '* %s' % (self.TO, )
-    def _short_name(self):
-        return 'Ptr %s' % (self.TO._short_name(), )
-    def _is_atomic(self):
-        return not self.TO._gcstatus()
-    def _defl(self, parent=None, parentindex=None):
-        return _ptr(self, None)
-    def _example(self):
-        o = self.TO._container_example()
-        return _ptr(self, o, solid=True)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-def typeOf(val):
-    try:
-        return val._TYPE
-    except AttributeError:
-        tp = type(val)
-        if tp is NoneType:
-            return Void   # maybe
-        if tp is int:
-            return Signed
-        if tp is bool:
-            return Bool
-        if tp is r_uint:
-            return Unsigned
-        if tp is float:
-            return Float
-        if tp is str:
-            assert len(val) == 1
-            return Char
-        if tp is unicode:
-            assert len(val) == 1
-            return UniChar
-        raise TypeError("typeOf(%r object)" % (tp.__name__,))
-class InvalidCast(TypeError):
-    pass
-def _castdepth(OUTSIDE, INSIDE):
-    if OUTSIDE == INSIDE:
-        return 0
-    dwn = 0
-    while True:
-        first, FIRSTTYPE = OUTSIDE._first_struct()
-        if first is None:
-            return -1
-        dwn += 1
-        if FIRSTTYPE == INSIDE:
-            return dwn
-        OUTSIDE = getattr(OUTSIDE, first)
-def castable(PTRTYPE, CURTYPE):
-    if CURTYPE._needsgc() != PTRTYPE._needsgc():
-        raise TypeError("cast_pointer() cannot change the gc status: %s to %s"
-                        % (CURTYPE, PTRTYPE))
-    if (not isinstance(CURTYPE.TO, Struct) or
-        not isinstance(PTRTYPE.TO, Struct)):
-        raise InvalidCast(CURTYPE, PTRTYPE)
-    d = _castdepth(CURSTRUC, PTRSTRUC)
-    if d >= 0:
-        return d
-    u = _castdepth(PTRSTRUC, CURSTRUC)
-    if u == -1:
-        raise InvalidCast(CURTYPE, PTRTYPE)
-    return -u
-def cast_pointer(PTRTYPE, ptr):
-    if not isinstance(ptr, _ptr) or not isinstance(PTRTYPE, Ptr):
-        raise TypeError, "can only cast pointers to other pointers"
-    CURTYPE = ptr._TYPE
-    down_or_up = castable(PTRTYPE, CURTYPE)
-    if down_or_up == 0:
-        return ptr
-    if not ptr: # null pointer cast
-        return PTRTYPE._defl()
-    if down_or_up > 0:
-        p = ptr
-        while down_or_up:
-            p = getattr(p, typeOf(p).TO._names[0])
-            down_or_up -= 1
-        return _ptr(PTRTYPE, p._obj)
-    u = -down_or_up
-    struc = ptr._obj
-    while u:
-        parent = struc._parentstructure()
-        if parent is None:
-            raise RuntimeError("widening to trash: %r" % ptr)
-        PARENTTYPE = struc._parent_type
-        if getattr(parent, PARENTTYPE._names[0]) is not struc:
-            raise InvalidCast(CURTYPE, PTRTYPE) # xxx different exception perhaps?
-        struc = parent
-        u -= 1
-        raise TypeError("widening %r inside %r instead of %r" % (CURTYPE, PARENTTYPE, PTRTYPE.TO))
-    return _ptr(PTRTYPE, struc)
-def _expose(val):
-    """XXX A nice docstring here"""
-    T = typeOf(val)
-    if isinstance(T, ContainerType):
-        val = _ptr(Ptr(T), val)
-    return val
-def parentlink(container):
-    parent = container._parentstructure()
-    if parent is not None:
-        return parent, container._parent_index
-##        if isinstance(parent, _struct):
-##            for name in parent._TYPE._names:
-##                if getattr(parent, name) is container:
-##                    return parent, name
-##            raise RuntimeError("lost ourselves")
-##        if isinstance(parent, _array):
-##            raise TypeError("cannot fish a pointer to an array item or an "
-##                            "inlined substructure of it")
-##        raise AssertionError("don't know about %r" % (parent,))
-    else:
-        return None, None
-class _ptr(object):
-    __slots__ = ('_TYPE', '_T', 
-                 '_weak', '_solid',
-                 '_obj0', '__weakref__')
-    def _set_TYPE(self, TYPE):
-        _ptr._TYPE.__set__(self, TYPE)
-    def _set_T(self, T):
-        _ptr._T.__set__(self, T)
-    def _set_weak(self, weak):
-        _ptr._weak.__set__(self, weak)
-    def _set_solid(self, solid):
-        _ptr._solid.__set__(self, solid)
-    def _set_obj0(self, obj):
-        _ptr._obj0.__set__(self, obj)
-    def _needsgc(self):
-        return self._TYPE._needsgc() # xxx other rules?
-    def __init__(self, TYPE, pointing_to, solid=False):
-        self._set_TYPE(TYPE)
-        self._set_T(TYPE.TO)
-        self._set_weak(False)
-        self._setobj(pointing_to, solid)
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        if not isinstance(other, _ptr):
-            raise TypeError("comparing pointer with %r object" % (
-                type(other).__name__,))
-        if self._TYPE != other._TYPE:
-            raise TypeError("comparing %r and %r" % (self._TYPE, other._TYPE))
-        return self._obj is other._obj
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not (self == other)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        raise TypeError("pointer objects are not hashable")
-    def __nonzero__(self):
-        return self._obj is not None
-    # _setobj, _getobj and _obj0 are really _internal_ implementations details of _ptr,
-    # use _obj if necessary instead !
-    def _setobj(self, pointing_to, solid=False):        
-        if pointing_to is None:
-            obj0 = None
-        elif solid or isinstance(self._T, (GC_CONTAINER, FuncType)):
-            obj0 = pointing_to
-        else:
-            self._set_weak(True)
-            obj0 = weakref.ref(pointing_to)
-        self._set_solid(solid)
-        self._set_obj0(obj0)
-    def _getobj(self):
-        obj = self._obj0
-        if obj is not None and self._weak:
-            obj = obj()
-            if obj is None:
-                raise RuntimeError("accessing already garbage collected %r"
-                                   % (self._T,))                
-            obj._check()
-        return obj
-    _obj = property(_getobj)
-    def __getattr__(self, field_name): # ! can only return basic or ptr !
-        if isinstance(self._T, Struct):
-            if field_name in self._T._flds:
-                o = getattr(self._obj, field_name)
-                return _expose(o)
-        raise AttributeError("%r instance has no field %r" % (self._T,
-                                                              field_name))
-    #def _setfirst(self, p):
-    #    if isinstance(self._T, Struct) and self._T._names:
-    #        if not isinstance(p, _ptr) or not isinstance(p._obj, _struct):
-    #            raise InvalidCast(typeOf(p), typeOf(self))
-    #        field_name = self._T._names[0]
-    #        T1 = self._T._flds[field_name]
-    #        T2 = typeOf(p._obj)
-    #        if T1 != T2:
-    #            raise InvalidCast(typeOf(p), typeOf(self))
-    #        setattr(self._obj, field_name, p._obj)
-    #        p._obj._setparentstructure(self._obj, 0)
-    #        return
-    #    raise TypeError("%r instance has no first field" % (self._T,))
-    def __setattr__(self, field_name, val):
-        if isinstance(self._T, Struct):
-            if field_name in self._T._flds:
-                T1 = self._T._flds[field_name]
-                T2 = typeOf(val)
-                if T1 == T2:
-                    setattr(self._obj, field_name, val)
-                else:
-                    raise TypeError("%r instance field %r:\n"
-                                    "expects %r\n"
-                                    "    got %r" % (self._T, field_name, T1, T2))
-                return
-        raise AttributeError("%r instance has no field %r" % (self._T,
-                                                              field_name))
-    def __getitem__(self, i): # ! can only return basic or ptr !
-        if isinstance(self._T, Array):
-            if not (0 <= i < len(self._obj.items)):
-                raise IndexError("array index out of bounds")
-            o = self._obj.items[i]
-            return _expose(o)
-        raise TypeError("%r instance is not an array" % (self._T,))
-    def __setitem__(self, i, val):
-        if isinstance(self._T, Array):
-            T1 = self._T.OF
-            if isinstance(T1, ContainerType):
-                raise TypeError("cannot directly assign to container array items")
-            T2 = typeOf(val)
-            if T2 != T1:
-                    raise TypeError("%r items:\n"
-                                    "expect %r\n"
-                                    "   got %r" % (self._T, T1, T2))                
-            if not (0 <= i < len(self._obj.items)):
-                raise IndexError("array index out of bounds")
-            self._obj.items[i] = val
-            return
-        raise TypeError("%r instance is not an array" % (self._T,))
-    def __len__(self):
-        if isinstance(self._T, Array):
-            return len(self._obj.items)
-        raise TypeError("%r instance is not an array" % (self._T,))
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s>' % (self,)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return '* %s' % (self._obj, )
-    def __call__(self, *args):
-        if isinstance(self._T, FuncType):
-            if len(args) != len(self._T.ARGS):
-                raise TypeError,"calling %r with wrong argument number: %r" % (self._T, args)
-            for a, ARG in zip(args, self._T.ARGS):
-                if typeOf(a) != ARG:
-                    raise TypeError,"calling %r with wrong argument types: %r" % (self._T, args)
-            callb = self._obj._callable
-            if callb is None:
-                raise RuntimeError,"calling undefined function"
-            return callb(*args)
-        raise TypeError("%r instance is not a function" % (self._T,))
-assert not '__dict__' in dir(_ptr)
-class _parentable(object):
-    _kind = "?"
-    __slots__ = ('_TYPE',
-                 '_parent_type', '_parent_index', '_keepparent',
-                 '_wrparent',
-                 '__weakref__')
-    def __init__(self, TYPE):
-        self._wrparent = None
-        self._TYPE = TYPE
-    def _setparentstructure(self, parent, parentindex):
-        self._wrparent = weakref.ref(parent)
-        self._parent_type = typeOf(parent)
-        self._parent_index = parentindex
-        if (isinstance(self._parent_type, Struct)
-            and parentindex == self._parent_type._names[0]
-            and self._TYPE._gcstatus() == typeOf(parent)._gcstatus()):
-            # keep strong reference to parent, we share the same allocation
-            self._keepparent = parent 
-    def _parentstructure(self):
-        if self._wrparent is not None:
-            parent = self._wrparent()
-            if parent is None:
-                raise RuntimeError("accessing sub%s %r,\n"
-                                   "but already garbage collected parent %r"
-                                   % (self._kind, self, self._parent_type))
-            parent._check()
-            return parent
-        return None
-    def _check(self):
-        self._parentstructure()
-def _struct_variety(flds, cache={}):
-    flds = list(flds)
-    flds.sort()
-    tag = tuple(flds)
-    try:
-        return cache[tag]
-    except KeyError:
-        class _struct1(_struct):
-            __slots__ = flds
-        cache[tag] = _struct1
-        return _struct1
-class _struct(_parentable):
-    _kind = "structure"
-    __slots__ = ()
-    def __new__(self, TYPE, n=None, parent=None, parentindex=None):
-        my_variety = _struct_variety(TYPE._names)
-        return object.__new__(my_variety)
-    def __init__(self, TYPE, n=None, parent=None, parentindex=None):
-        _parentable.__init__(self, TYPE)
-        if n is not None and TYPE._arrayfld is None:
-            raise TypeError("%r is not variable-sized" % (TYPE,))
-        if n is None and TYPE._arrayfld is not None:
-            raise TypeError("%r is variable-sized" % (TYPE,))
-        for fld, typ in TYPE._flds.items():
-            if fld == TYPE._arrayfld:
-                value = _array(typ, n, parent=self, parentindex=fld)
-            else:
-                value = typ._defl(parent=self, parentindex=fld)
-            setattr(self, fld, value)
-        if parent is not None:
-            self._setparentstructure(parent, parentindex)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s>' % (self,)
-    def _str_fields(self):
-        fields = []
-        for name in self._TYPE._names:
-            T = self._TYPE._flds[name]
-            if isinstance(T, Primitive):
-                reprvalue = repr(getattr(self, name))
-            else:
-                reprvalue = '...'
-            fields.append('%s=%s' % (name, reprvalue))
-        return ', '.join(fields)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return 'struct %s { %s }' % (self._TYPE._name, self._str_fields())
-class _array(_parentable):
-    _kind = "array"
-    __slots__ = ('items',)
-    def __init__(self, TYPE, n, parent=None, parentindex=None):
-        if not isinstance(n, int):
-            raise TypeError, "array length must be an int"
-        if n < 0:
-            raise ValueError, "negative array length"
-        _parentable.__init__(self, TYPE)
-        self.items = [TYPE.OF._defl(parent=self, parentindex=j)
-                      for j in range(n)]
-        if parent is not None:
-            self._setparentstructure(parent, parentindex)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s>' % (self,)
-    def _str_item(self, item):
-        if isinstance(self._TYPE.OF, Struct):
-            of = self._TYPE.OF
-            if self._TYPE._anonym_struct:
-                return "{%s}" % item._str_fields()
-            else:
-                return "%s {%s}" % (of._name, item._str_fields())
-        else:
-            return item
-    def __str__(self):
-        return 'array [ %s ]' % (', '.join(['%s' % self._str_item(item)
-                                            for item in self.items]),)
-assert not '__dict__' in dir(_array)
-assert not '__dict__' in dir(_struct)
-class _func(object):
-    def __init__(self, TYPE, **attrs):
-        self._TYPE = TYPE
-        self._name = "?"
-        self._callable = None
-        self.__dict__.update(attrs)
-    def _parentstructure(self):
-        return None
-    def _check(self):
-        pass
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s>' % (self,)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "fn %s" % self._name
-    def __eq__(self, other):
-        return (self.__class__ is other.__class__ and
-                self.__dict__ == other.__dict__)
-    def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not (self == other)
-    def __hash__(self):
-        return hash(frozendict(self.__dict__))
-class _opaque(_parentable):
-    def __init__(self, TYPE, parent=None, parentindex=None, **attrs):
-        _parentable.__init__(self, TYPE)
-        self._name = "?"
-        self.__dict__.update(attrs)
-        if parent is not None:
-            self._setparentstructure(parent, parentindex)
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s>' % (self,)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "%s %s" % (self._TYPE.__name__, self._name)
-class _pyobject(Hashable):
-    __slots__ = []   # or we get in trouble with pickling
-    _TYPE = PyObject
-    def _parentstructure(self):
-        return None
-    def _check(self):
-        pass
-    def __repr__(self):
-        return '<%s>' % (self,)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "pyobject %s" % (super(_pyobject, self).__str__(),)
-def malloc(T, n=None, flavor='gc', immortal=False):
-    if isinstance(T, Struct):
-        o = _struct(T, n)
-    elif isinstance(T, Array):
-        o = _array(T, n)
-    else:
-        raise TypeError, "malloc for Structs and Arrays only"
-    if not isinstance(T, GC_CONTAINER) and not immortal and flavor.startswith('gc'):
-        raise TypeError, "gc flavor malloc of a non-GC non-immortal structure"
-    solid = immortal or not flavor.startswith('gc') # immortal or non-gc case
-    return _ptr(Ptr(T), o, solid)
-def flavored_malloc(flavor, T, n=None): # avoids keyword argument usage
-    return malloc(T, n, flavor=flavor)
-def functionptr(TYPE, name, **attrs):
-    if not isinstance(TYPE, FuncType):
-        raise TypeError, "functionptr() for FuncTypes only"
-    try:
-        hash(tuple(attrs.items()))
-    except TypeError:
-        raise TypeError("'%r' must be hashable"%attrs)
-    o = _func(TYPE, _name=name, **attrs)
-    return _ptr(Ptr(TYPE), o)
-def nullptr(T):
-    return Ptr(T)._defl()
-def opaqueptr(TYPE, name, **attrs):
-    if not isinstance(TYPE, OpaqueType):
-        raise TypeError, "opaqueptr() for OpaqueTypes only"
-    o = _opaque(TYPE, _name=name, **attrs)
-    return _ptr(Ptr(TYPE), o, solid=attrs.get('immortal', True))
-def pyobjectptr(obj):
-    o = _pyobject(obj)
-    return _ptr(Ptr(PyObject), o) 
-def cast_ptr_to_int(ptr):
-    obj = ptr._obj
-    while obj._parentstructure():
-        obj = obj._parentstructure() 
-    return id(obj)
-def attachRuntimeTypeInfo(GCSTRUCT, funcptr=None):
-    if not isinstance(GCSTRUCT, GcStruct):
-        raise TypeError, "expected a GcStruct: %s" % GCSTRUCT
-    GCSTRUCT._attach_runtime_type_info_funcptr(funcptr)
-    return _ptr(Ptr(RuntimeTypeInfo), GCSTRUCT._runtime_type_info)
-def getRuntimeTypeInfo(GCSTRUCT):
-    if not isinstance(GCSTRUCT, GcStruct):
-        raise TypeError, "expected a GcStruct: %s" % GCSTRUCT
-    if GCSTRUCT._runtime_type_info is None:
-        raise ValueError, "no attached runtime type info for %s" % GCSTRUCT
-    return _ptr(Ptr(RuntimeTypeInfo), GCSTRUCT._runtime_type_info)
-def runtime_type_info(p):
-    T = typeOf(p)
-    if not isinstance(T, Ptr) or not isinstance(T.TO, GcStruct):
-        raise TypeError, "runtime_type_info on non-GcStruct pointer: %s" % p
-    top_parent = struct = p._obj
-    while True:
-        parent = top_parent._parentstructure()
-        if parent is None:
-            break
-        top_parent = parent
-    result = getRuntimeTypeInfo(top_parent._TYPE)
-    static_info = getRuntimeTypeInfo(T.TO)
-    query_funcptr = getattr(static_info._obj, 'query_funcptr', None)
-    if query_funcptr is not None:
-        T = typeOf(query_funcptr).TO.ARGS[0]
-        result2 = query_funcptr(cast_pointer(T, p))
-        if result != result2:
-            raise RuntimeError, ("runtime type-info function for %s:\n"
-                                 "        returned: %s,\n"
-                                 "should have been: %s" % (p, result2, result))
-    return result
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import * # FIXME

Added: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/__init__.py

Modified: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rbuiltin.py
--- pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rbuiltin.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rbuiltin.py	Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
@@ -10,7 +10,6 @@
 from pypy.rpython.rfloat import float_repr, FloatRepr
 from pypy.rpython.rbool import bool_repr
 from pypy.rpython.rdict import rtype_r_dict
-from pypy.rpython import rclass
 from pypy.tool import sourcetools
 class __extend__(annmodel.SomeBuiltin):
@@ -55,8 +54,12 @@
             bltintyper = BUILTIN_TYPER[self.builtinfunc]
         except KeyError:
-            raise TyperError("don't know about built-in function %r" % (
-                self.builtinfunc,))
+            try:
+                rtyper = hop.rtyper
+                bltintyper = rtyper.type_system.BUILTIN_TYPER[self.builtinfunc]
+            except KeyError:
+                raise TyperError("don't know about built-in function %r" % (
+                    self.builtinfunc,))
         hop2 = hop.copy()
         return bltintyper(hop2)
@@ -129,36 +132,6 @@
 def rtype_builtin_list(hop):
     return hop.args_r[0].rtype_bltn_list(hop)
-def rtype_builtin_isinstance(hop):
-    if hop.s_result.is_constant():
-        return hop.inputconst(lltype.Bool, hop.s_result.const)
-    if hop.args_r[0] == pyobj_repr or hop.args_r[1] == pyobj_repr:
-        v_obj, v_typ = hop.inputargs(pyobj_repr, pyobj_repr)
-        c = hop.inputconst(pyobj_repr, isinstance)
-        v = hop.genop('simple_call', [c, v_obj, v_typ], resulttype = pyobj_repr)
-        return hop.llops.convertvar(v, pyobj_repr, bool_repr)        
-    if hop.args_s[1].is_constant() and hop.args_s[1].const == list:
-        if hop.args_s[0].knowntype != list:
-            raise TyperError("isinstance(x, list) expects x to be known statically to be a list or None")
-        rlist = hop.args_r[0]
-        vlist = hop.inputarg(rlist, arg=0)
-        cnone = hop.inputconst(rlist, None)
-        return hop.genop('ptr_ne', [vlist, cnone], resulttype=lltype.Bool)
-    class_repr = rclass.get_type_repr(hop.rtyper)
-    assert isinstance(hop.args_r[0], rclass.InstanceRepr)
-    instance_repr = hop.args_r[0].common_repr()
-    v_obj, v_cls = hop.inputargs(instance_repr, class_repr)
-    if isinstance(v_cls, Constant):
-        minid = hop.inputconst(lltype.Signed, v_cls.value.subclassrange_min)
-        maxid = hop.inputconst(lltype.Signed, v_cls.value.subclassrange_max)
-        return hop.gendirectcall(rclass.ll_isinstance_const, v_obj, minid,
-                                 maxid)
-    else:
-        return hop.gendirectcall(rclass.ll_isinstance, v_obj, v_cls)
 #def rtype_builtin_range(hop): see rrange.py
 #def rtype_builtin_xrange(hop): see rrange.py
@@ -212,24 +185,6 @@
         v_errno = hop.inputarg(lltype.Signed, arg=1)
         r_self.setfield(v_self, 'errno', v_errno, hop.llops)
-def ll_instantiate(typeptr):
-    my_instantiate = typeptr.instantiate
-    return my_instantiate()
-def rtype_instantiate(hop):
-    s_class = hop.args_s[0]
-    assert isinstance(s_class, annmodel.SomePBC)
-    if len(s_class.prebuiltinstances) != 1:
-        # instantiate() on a variable class
-        vtypeptr, = hop.inputargs(rclass.get_type_repr(hop.rtyper))
-        v_inst = hop.gendirectcall(ll_instantiate, vtypeptr)
-        return hop.genop('cast_pointer', [v_inst],    # v_type implicit in r_result
-                         resulttype = hop.r_result.lowleveltype)
-    klass = s_class.const
-    return rclass.rtype_new_instance(hop.rtyper, klass, hop.llops)
 def rtype_we_are_translated(hop):
     return hop.inputconst(lltype.Bool, True)
@@ -319,7 +274,6 @@
 BUILTIN_TYPER[rarithmetic.intmask] = rtype_intmask
 BUILTIN_TYPER[rarithmetic.r_uint] = rtype_r_uint
 BUILTIN_TYPER[objectmodel.r_dict] = rtype_r_dict
-BUILTIN_TYPER[objectmodel.instantiate] = rtype_instantiate
 BUILTIN_TYPER[objectmodel.we_are_translated] = rtype_we_are_translated
 BUILTIN_TYPER[objectmodel.hlinvoke] = rtype_hlinvoke

Modified: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rclass.py
--- pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rclass.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rclass.py	Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
@@ -4,61 +4,7 @@
 from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
 from pypy.annotation.classdef import isclassdef
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Constant
-from pypy.rpython.rmodel import Repr, TyperError, inputconst, warning, needsgc
-from pypy.rpython.lltype import ForwardReference, GcForwardReference
-from pypy.rpython.lltype import Ptr, Struct, GcStruct, malloc
-from pypy.rpython.lltype import cast_pointer, castable, nullptr
-from pypy.rpython.lltype import RuntimeTypeInfo, getRuntimeTypeInfo, typeOf
-from pypy.rpython.lltype import Array, Char, Void, attachRuntimeTypeInfo
-from pypy.rpython.lltype import FuncType, Bool, Signed
-#  There is one "vtable" per user class, with the following structure:
-#  A root class "object" has:
-#      struct object_vtable {
-#          struct object_vtable* parenttypeptr;
-#          RuntimeTypeInfo * rtti;
-#          Signed subclassrange_min;  //this is also the id of the class itself
-#          Signed subclassrange_max;
-#          array { char } * name;
-#          struct object * instantiate();
-#      }
-#  Every other class X, with parent Y, has the structure:
-#      struct vtable_X {
-#          struct vtable_Y super;   // inlined
-#          ...                      // extra class attributes
-#      }
-# The type of the instances is:
-#     struct object {       // for the root class
-#         struct object_vtable* typeptr;
-#     }
-#     struct X {
-#         struct Y super;   // inlined
-#         ...               // extra instance attributes
-#     }
-# there's also a nongcobject 
-OBJECT_VTABLE = ForwardReference()
-OBJECT = GcStruct('object', ('typeptr', TYPEPTR))
-                            ('parenttypeptr', TYPEPTR),
-                            ('subclassrange_min', Signed),
-                            ('subclassrange_max', Signed),
-                            ('rtti', Ptr(RuntimeTypeInfo)),
-                            ('name', Ptr(Array(Char))),
-                            ('instantiate', Ptr(FuncType([], OBJECTPTR)))))
-# non-gc case
-NONGCOBJECT = Struct('nongcobject', ('typeptr', TYPEPTR))
+from pypy.rpython.rmodel import Repr, TyperError, needsgc
 def getclassrepr(rtyper, classdef):
@@ -74,7 +20,7 @@
                                  "have any attribute attached to it")
             result = getclassrepr(rtyper, None)
-            result = ClassRepr(rtyper, classdef)
+            result = rtyper.type_system.rclass.ClassRepr(rtyper, classdef)
         rtyper.class_reprs[classdef] = result
     return result
@@ -88,7 +34,9 @@
             # see getclassrepr()
             result = getinstancerepr(rtyper, None, nogc=False)
-            result = InstanceRepr(rtyper,classdef, does_need_gc=does_need_gc)
+            result = rtyper.type_system.rclass.InstanceRepr(
+                    rtyper, classdef, does_need_gc=does_need_gc)
         rtyper.instance_reprs[classdef, does_need_gc] = result
     return result
@@ -96,23 +44,13 @@
 class MissingRTypeAttribute(TyperError):
-def cast_vtable_to_typeptr(vtable):
-    while typeOf(vtable).TO != OBJECT_VTABLE:
-        vtable = vtable.super
-    return vtable
-class ClassRepr(Repr):
+class AbstractClassRepr(Repr):
     def __init__(self, rtyper, classdef):
         self.rtyper = rtyper
         self.classdef = classdef
-        if classdef is None:
-            # 'object' root type
-            self.vtable_type = OBJECT_VTABLE
-        else:
-            self.vtable_type = ForwardReference()
-        self.lowleveltype = Ptr(self.vtable_type)
+    def _setup_repr(self):
+        pass
     def __repr__(self):
         if self.classdef is None:
@@ -128,79 +66,6 @@
             cls = self.classdef.cls
         return 'ClassR %s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
-    def _setup_repr(self):
-        # NOTE: don't store mutable objects like the dicts below on 'self'
-        #       before they are fully built, to avoid strange bugs in case
-        #       of recursion where other code would uses these
-        #       partially-initialized dicts.
-        clsfields = {}
-        pbcfields = {}
-        allmethods = {}
-        if self.classdef is not None:
-            # class attributes
-            llfields = []
-            attrs = self.classdef.attrs.items()
-            attrs.sort()
-            for name, attrdef in attrs:
-                if attrdef.readonly:
-                    s_value = attrdef.s_value
-                    s_value = self.prepare_method(name, s_value, allmethods)
-                    r = self.rtyper.getrepr(s_value)
-                    mangled_name = 'cls_' + name
-                    clsfields[name] = mangled_name, r
-                    llfields.append((mangled_name, r.lowleveltype))
-            # attributes showing up in getattrs done on the class as a PBC
-            extra_access_sets = self.rtyper.class_pbc_attributes.get(
-                self.classdef, {})
-            for access_set, counter in extra_access_sets.items():
-                for attr, s_value in access_set.attrs.items():
-                    r = self.rtyper.getrepr(s_value)
-                    mangled_name = 'pbc%d_%s' % (counter, attr)
-                    pbcfields[access_set, attr] = mangled_name, r
-                    llfields.append((mangled_name, r.lowleveltype))
-            #
-            self.rbase = getclassrepr(self.rtyper, self.classdef.basedef)
-            self.rbase.setup()
-            vtable_type = Struct('%s_vtable' % self.classdef.cls.__name__,
-                                 ('super', self.rbase.vtable_type),
-                                 *llfields)
-            self.vtable_type.become(vtable_type)
-            allmethods.update(self.rbase.allmethods)
-        self.clsfields = clsfields
-        self.pbcfields = pbcfields
-        self.allmethods = allmethods
-        self.vtable = None
-    def prepare_method(self, name, s_value, allmethods):
-        # special-casing for methods:
-        #  - a class (read-only) attribute that would contain a PBC
-        #    with {func: classdef...} is probably meant to be used as a
-        #    method, but in corner cases it could be a constant object
-        #    of type MethodType that just sits here in the class.  But
-        #    as MethodType has a custom __get__ too and we don't support
-        #    it, it's a very bad idea anyway.
-        if isinstance(s_value, annmodel.SomePBC):
-            s_value = self.classdef.matching(s_value)
-            debound = {}
-            count = 0
-            for x, classdef in s_value.prebuiltinstances.items():
-                if isclassdef(classdef):
-                    #if classdef.commonbase(self.classdef) != self.classdef:
-                    #    raise TyperError("methods from PBC set %r don't belong "
-                    #                     "in %r" % (s_value.prebuiltinstances,
-                    #                                self.classdef.cls))
-                    count += 1
-                    classdef = True
-                debound[x] = classdef
-            if count > 0:
-                if count != len(s_value.prebuiltinstances):
-                    raise TyperError("mixing functions and methods "
-                                     "in PBC set %r" % (
-                        s_value.prebuiltinstances,))
-                s_value = annmodel.SomePBC(debound)
-                allmethods[name] = True
-        return s_value
     def convert_const(self, value):
         if not isinstance(value, (type, types.ClassType)):
             raise TyperError("not a class: %r" % (value,))
@@ -213,150 +78,11 @@
                 raise TyperError("not a subclass of %r: %r" % (
                     self.classdef.cls, value))
-        return getclassrepr(self.rtyper, subclassdef).getvtable()
+        return getclassrepr(self.rtyper, subclassdef).getruntime()
     def get_ll_eq_function(self):
         return None
-    def getvtable(self, cast_to_typeptr=True):
-        """Return a ptr to the vtable of this type."""
-        if self.vtable is None:
-            self.vtable = malloc(self.vtable_type, immortal=True)
-            self.setup_vtable(self.vtable, self)
-        #
-        vtable = self.vtable
-        if cast_to_typeptr:
-            vtable = cast_vtable_to_typeptr(vtable)
-        return vtable
-    def setup_vtable(self, vtable, rsubcls):
-        """Initialize the 'self' portion of the 'vtable' belonging to the
-        given subclass."""
-        if self.classdef is None:
-            # initialize the 'parenttypeptr' and 'name' fields
-            if rsubcls.classdef is not None:
-                vtable.parenttypeptr = rsubcls.rbase.getvtable()
-                vtable.subclassrange_min = rsubcls.classdef.minid
-                vtable.subclassrange_max = rsubcls.classdef.maxid
-            else: #for the root class
-                vtable.subclassrange_min = 0
-                vtable.subclassrange_max = sys.maxint
-            rinstance = getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, rsubcls.classdef)
-            rinstance.setup()
-            if rinstance.needsgc: # only gc-case
-                vtable.rtti = getRuntimeTypeInfo(rinstance.object_type)
-            if rsubcls.classdef is None:
-                name = 'object'
-            else:
-                name = rsubcls.classdef.cls.__name__
-            vtable.name = malloc(Array(Char), len(name)+1, immortal=True)
-            for i in range(len(name)):
-                vtable.name[i] = name[i]
-            vtable.name[len(name)] = '\x00'
-            if hasattr(rsubcls.classdef, 'my_instantiate'):
-                fn = rsubcls.classdef.my_instantiate
-                vtable.instantiate = self.rtyper.getfunctionptr(fn)
-            #else: the classdef was created recently, so no instantiate()
-            #      could reach it
-        else:
-            # setup class attributes: for each attribute name at the level
-            # of 'self', look up its value in the subclass rsubcls
-            def assign(mangled_name, value):
-                if isinstance(value, staticmethod):
-                    value = value.__get__(42)   # staticmethod => bare function
-                llvalue = r.convert_const(value)
-                setattr(vtable, mangled_name, llvalue)
-            mro = list(rsubcls.classdef.getmro())
-            for fldname in self.clsfields:
-                mangled_name, r = self.clsfields[fldname]
-                if r.lowleveltype is Void:
-                    continue
-                for clsdef in mro:
-                    if fldname in clsdef.cls.__dict__:
-                        value = clsdef.cls.__dict__[fldname]
-                        assign(mangled_name, value)
-                        break
-            # extra PBC attributes
-            for (access_set, attr), (mangled_name, r) in self.pbcfields.items():
-                if r.lowleveltype is Void:
-                    continue
-                for clsdef in mro:
-                    try:
-                        thisattrvalue = access_set.values[clsdef.cls, attr]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        if attr not in clsdef.cls.__dict__:
-                            continue
-                        thisattrvalue = clsdef.cls.__dict__[attr]
-                    assign(mangled_name, thisattrvalue)
-                    break
-            # then initialize the 'super' portion of the vtable
-            self.rbase.setup_vtable(vtable.super, rsubcls)
-    #def fromparentpart(self, v_vtableptr, llops):
-    #    """Return the vtable pointer cast from the parent vtable's type
-    #    to self's vtable type."""
-    def fromtypeptr(self, vcls, llops):
-        """Return the type pointer cast to self's vtable type."""
-        castable(self.lowleveltype, vcls.concretetype) # sanity check
-        return llops.genop('cast_pointer', [vcls],
-                           resulttype=self.lowleveltype)
-    def getclsfieldrepr(self, attr):
-        """Return the repr used for the given attribute."""
-        if attr in self.clsfields:
-            mangled_name, r = self.clsfields[attr]
-            return r
-        else:
-            if self.classdef is None:
-                raise MissingRTypeAttribute(attr)
-            return self.rbase.getfieldrepr(attr)
-    def getclsfield(self, vcls, attr, llops):
-        """Read the given attribute of 'vcls'."""
-        if attr in self.clsfields:
-            mangled_name, r = self.clsfields[attr]
-            v_vtable = self.fromtypeptr(vcls, llops)
-            cname = inputconst(Void, mangled_name)
-            return llops.genop('getfield', [v_vtable, cname], resulttype=r)
-        else:
-            if self.classdef is None:
-                raise MissingRTypeAttribute(attr)
-            return self.rbase.getclsfield(vcls, attr, llops)
-    def setclsfield(self, vcls, attr, vvalue, llops):
-        """Write the given attribute of 'vcls'."""
-        if attr in self.clsfields:
-            mangled_name, r = self.clsfields[attr]
-            v_vtable = self.fromtypeptr(vcls, llops)
-            cname = inputconst(Void, mangled_name)
-            llops.genop('setfield', [v_vtable, cname, vvalue])
-        else:
-            if self.classdef is None:
-                raise MissingRTypeAttribute(attr)
-            self.rbase.setclsfield(vcls, attr, vvalue, llops)
-    def getpbcfield(self, vcls, access_set, attr, llops):
-        if (access_set, attr) not in self.pbcfields:
-            raise TyperError("internal error: missing PBC field")
-        mangled_name, r = self.pbcfields[access_set, attr]
-        v_vtable = self.fromtypeptr(vcls, llops)
-        cname = inputconst(Void, mangled_name)
-        return llops.genop('getfield', [v_vtable, cname], resulttype=r)
-    def rtype_issubtype(self, hop): 
-        class_repr = get_type_repr(self.rtyper)
-        v_cls1, v_cls2 = hop.inputargs(class_repr, class_repr)
-        if isinstance(v_cls2, Constant):
-            minid = hop.inputconst(Signed, v_cls2.value.subclassrange_min)
-            maxid = hop.inputconst(Signed, v_cls2.value.subclassrange_max)
-            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_issubclass_const, v_cls1, minid, maxid)
-        else:
-            v_cls1, v_cls2 = hop.inputargs(class_repr, class_repr)
-            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_issubclass, v_cls1, v_cls2)
 def get_type_repr(rtyper):
     return getclassrepr(rtyper, None)
@@ -370,24 +96,13 @@
         return self.__class__, self.classdef
-class InstanceRepr(Repr):
-    def __init__(self, rtyper, classdef, does_need_gc=True):
+class AbstractInstanceRepr(Repr):
+    def __init__(self, rtyper, classdef):
         self.rtyper = rtyper
         self.classdef = classdef
-        if classdef is None:
-            if does_need_gc:
-                self.object_type = OBJECT
-            else:
-                self.object_type = NONGCOBJECT
-        else:
-            if does_need_gc:
-                self.object_type = GcForwardReference()
-            else:
-                self.object_type = ForwardReference()
-        self.prebuiltinstances = {}   # { id(x): (x, _ptr) }
-        self.lowleveltype = Ptr(self.object_type)
-        self.needsgc = does_need_gc
+    def _setup_repr(self):
+        pass
     def __repr__(self):
         if self.classdef is None:
@@ -403,308 +118,29 @@
             cls = self.classdef.cls
         return 'InstanceR %s.%s' % (cls.__module__, cls.__name__)
-    def _setup_repr(self):
-        # NOTE: don't store mutable objects like the dicts below on 'self'
-        #       before they are fully built, to avoid strange bugs in case
-        #       of recursion where other code would uses these
-        #       partially-initialized dicts.
-        self.rclass = getclassrepr(self.rtyper, self.classdef)
-        fields = {}
-        allinstancefields = {}
-        if self.classdef is None:
-            fields['__class__'] = 'typeptr', get_type_repr(self.rtyper)
-        else:
-            # instance attributes
-            llfields = []
-            attrs = self.classdef.attrs.items()
-            attrs.sort()
-            for name, attrdef in attrs:
-                if not attrdef.readonly:
-                    r = self.rtyper.getrepr(attrdef.s_value)
-                    mangled_name = 'inst_' + name
-                    fields[name] = mangled_name, r
-                    llfields.append((mangled_name, r.lowleveltype))
-            #
-            # hash() support
-            if self.rtyper.needs_hash_support(self.classdef.cls):
-                from pypy.rpython import rint
-                fields['_hash_cache_'] = 'hash_cache', rint.signed_repr
-                llfields.append(('hash_cache', Signed))
-            self.rbase = getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, self.classdef.basedef, not self.needsgc)
-            self.rbase.setup()
-            if self.needsgc:
-                MkStruct = GcStruct
-            else:
-                MkStruct = Struct
-            object_type = MkStruct(self.classdef.cls.__name__,
-                                   ('super', self.rbase.object_type),
-                                   *llfields)
-            self.object_type.become(object_type)
-            allinstancefields.update(self.rbase.allinstancefields)
-        allinstancefields.update(fields)
-        self.fields = fields
-        self.allinstancefields = allinstancefields
-        if self.needsgc: # only gc-case
-            attachRuntimeTypeInfo(self.object_type)
     def _setup_repr_final(self):
-        if self.needsgc: # only gc-case
-            self.rtyper.attachRuntimeTypeInfoFunc(self.object_type,
-                                                  ll_runtime_type_info,
-                                                  OBJECT)
-    def common_repr(self): # -> object or nongcobject reprs
-        return getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, None, nogc=not self.needsgc)
-    def getflavor(self):
-        return getattr(self.classdef.cls, '_alloc_flavor_', 'gc')        
-    def convert_const(self, value):
-        if value is None:
-            return nullptr(self.object_type)
-        try:
-            classdef = self.rtyper.annotator.getuserclasses()[value.__class__]
-        except KeyError:
-            raise TyperError("no classdef: %r" % (value.__class__,))
-        if classdef != self.classdef:
-            # if the class does not match exactly, check that 'value' is an
-            # instance of a subclass and delegate to that InstanceRepr
-            if classdef is None:
-                raise TyperError("not implemented: object() instance")
-            if classdef.commonbase(self.classdef) != self.classdef:
-                raise TyperError("not an instance of %r: %r" % (
-                    self.classdef.cls, value))
-            rinstance = getinstancerepr(self.rtyper, classdef)
-            result = rinstance.convert_const(value)
-            return cast_pointer(self.lowleveltype, result)
-        # common case
-        try:
-            return self.prebuiltinstances[id(value)][1]
-        except KeyError:
-            self.setup()
-            result = malloc(self.object_type, flavor=self.getflavor()) # pick flavor
-            self.prebuiltinstances[id(value)] = value, result
-            self.initialize_prebuilt_instance(value, classdef, result)
-            return result
-    def get_ll_eq_function(self):
-        return ll_inst_eq
-    def get_ll_hash_function(self):
-        if self.classdef is None:
-            return None
-        if self.rtyper.needs_hash_support( self.classdef.cls):
-            try:
-                return self._ll_hash_function
-            except AttributeError:
-                INSPTR = self.lowleveltype
-                def _ll_hash_function(ins):
-                    return ll_inst_hash(cast_pointer(INSPTR, ins))
-                self._ll_hash_function = _ll_hash_function
-                return _ll_hash_function
-        else:
-            return self.rbase.get_ll_hash_function()
-    def initialize_prebuilt_instance(self, value, classdef, result):
-        if self.classdef is not None:
-            # recursively build the parent part of the instance
-            self.rbase.initialize_prebuilt_instance(value, classdef,
-                                                    result.super)
-            # then add instance attributes from this level
-            for name, (mangled_name, r) in self.fields.items():
-                if r.lowleveltype is Void:
-                    llattrvalue = None
-                elif name == '_hash_cache_': # hash() support
-                    llattrvalue = hash(value)
-                else:
-                    try:
-                        attrvalue = getattr(value, name)
-                    except AttributeError:
-                        warning("prebuilt instance %r has no attribute %r" % (
-                            value, name))
-                        continue
-                    llattrvalue = r.convert_const(attrvalue)
-                setattr(result, mangled_name, llattrvalue)
-        else:
-            # OBJECT part
-            rclass = getclassrepr(self.rtyper, classdef)
-            result.typeptr = rclass.getvtable()
-    #def parentpart(self, vinst, llops):
-    #    """Return the pointer 'vinst' cast to the parent type."""
-    #    cname = inputconst(Void, 'super')
-    #    return llops.genop('getsubstruct', [vinst, cname],
-    #                       resulttype=self.rbase.lowleveltype)
-    def getfieldrepr(self, attr):
-        """Return the repr used for the given attribute."""
-        if attr in self.fields:
-            mangled_name, r = self.fields[attr]
-            return r
-        else:
-            if self.classdef is None:
-                raise MissingRTypeAttribute(attr)
-            return self.rbase.getfieldrepr(attr)
-    def getfield(self, vinst, attr, llops, force_cast=False):
-        """Read the given attribute (or __class__ for the type) of 'vinst'."""
-        if attr in self.fields:
-            mangled_name, r = self.fields[attr]
-            cname = inputconst(Void, mangled_name)
-            if force_cast:
-                vinst = llops.genop('cast_pointer', [vinst], resulttype=self)
-            return llops.genop('getfield', [vinst, cname], resulttype=r)
-        else:
-            if self.classdef is None:
-                raise MissingRTypeAttribute(attr)
-            return self.rbase.getfield(vinst, attr, llops, force_cast=True)
-    def setfield(self, vinst, attr, vvalue, llops, force_cast=False):
-        """Write the given attribute (or __class__ for the type) of 'vinst'."""
-        if attr in self.fields:
-            mangled_name, r = self.fields[attr]
-            cname = inputconst(Void, mangled_name)
-            if force_cast:
-                vinst = llops.genop('cast_pointer', [vinst], resulttype=self)
-            llops.genop('setfield', [vinst, cname, vvalue])
-        else:
-            if self.classdef is None:
-                raise MissingRTypeAttribute(attr)
-            self.rbase.setfield(vinst, attr, vvalue, llops, force_cast=True)
+        pass
     def new_instance(self, llops):
-        """Build a new instance, without calling __init__."""
-        mallocop = 'malloc'
-        ctype = inputconst(Void, self.object_type)
-        vlist = [ctype]
-        if self.classdef is not None:
-            flavor = self.getflavor()
-            if flavor != 'gc': # not defalut flavor
-                mallocop = 'flavored_malloc'
-                vlist = [inputconst(Void, flavor)] + vlist
-        vptr = llops.genop(mallocop, vlist,
-                           resulttype = Ptr(self.object_type)) # xxx flavor
-        ctypeptr = inputconst(TYPEPTR, self.rclass.getvtable())
-        self.setfield(vptr, '__class__', ctypeptr, llops)
-        # initialize instance attributes from their defaults from the class
-        if self.classdef is not None:
-            flds = self.allinstancefields.keys()
-            flds.sort()
-            mro = list(self.classdef.getmro())
-            for fldname in flds:
-                if fldname == '__class__':
-                    continue
-                mangled_name, r = self.allinstancefields[fldname]
-                if r.lowleveltype is Void:
-                    continue
-                for clsdef in mro:
-                    if fldname in clsdef.cls.__dict__:
-                        value = clsdef.cls.__dict__[fldname]
-                        cvalue = inputconst(r, value)
-                        self.setfield(vptr, fldname, cvalue, llops)
-                        break
-        return vptr
+        pass
     def rtype_type(self, hop):
-        instance_repr = self.common_repr()
-        vinst, = hop.inputargs(instance_repr)
-        if hop.args_s[0].can_be_none():
-            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_inst_type, vinst)
-        else:
-            return instance_repr.getfield(vinst, '__class__', hop.llops)
+        pass
     def rtype_hash(self, hop):
-        if self.classdef is None:
-            raise TyperError, "hash() not supported for this class"                        
-        if self.rtyper.needs_hash_support( self.classdef.cls):
-            vinst, = hop.inputargs(self)
-            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_inst_hash, vinst)
-        else:
-            return self.rbase.rtype_hash(hop)
+        pass
     def rtype_getattr(self, hop):
-        attr = hop.args_s[1].const
-        vinst, vattr = hop.inputargs(self, Void)
-        if attr in self.allinstancefields:
-            return self.getfield(vinst, attr, hop.llops)
-        elif attr in self.rclass.allmethods:
-            # special case for methods: represented as their 'self' only
-            # (see MethodsPBCRepr)
-            return hop.r_result.get_method_from_instance(self, vinst,
-                                                         hop.llops)
-        else:
-            vcls = self.getfield(vinst, '__class__', hop.llops)
-            return self.rclass.getclsfield(vcls, attr, hop.llops)
+        pass
     def rtype_setattr(self, hop):
-        attr = hop.args_s[1].const
-        r_value = self.getfieldrepr(attr)
-        vinst, vattr, vvalue = hop.inputargs(self, Void, r_value)
-        self.setfield(vinst, attr, vvalue, hop.llops)
+        pass
     def rtype_is_true(self, hop):
-        vinst, = hop.inputargs(self)
-        return hop.genop('ptr_nonzero', [vinst], resulttype=Bool)
+        pass
-    def ll_str(self, i): # doesn't work for non-gc classes!
-        instance = cast_pointer(OBJECTPTR, i)
-        from pypy.rpython import rstr
-        nameLen = len(instance.typeptr.name)
-        nameString = malloc(rstr.STR, nameLen-1)
-        i = 0
-        while i < nameLen - 1:
-            nameString.chars[i] = instance.typeptr.name[i]
-            i += 1
-        return rstr.ll_strconcat(rstr.instance_str_prefix,
-                                 rstr.ll_strconcat(nameString,
-                                                   rstr.instance_str_suffix))
-class __extend__(pairtype(InstanceRepr, InstanceRepr)):
-    def convert_from_to((r_ins1, r_ins2), v, llops):
-        # which is a subclass of which?
-        if r_ins1.classdef is None or r_ins2.classdef is None:
-            basedef = None
-        else:
-            basedef = r_ins1.classdef.commonbase(r_ins2.classdef)
-        if basedef == r_ins2.classdef:
-            # r_ins1 is an instance of the subclass: converting to parent
-            v = llops.genop('cast_pointer', [v],
-                            resulttype = r_ins2.lowleveltype)
-            return v
-        elif basedef == r_ins1.classdef:
-            # r_ins2 is an instance of the subclass: potentially unsafe
-            # casting, but we do it anyway (e.g. the annotator produces
-            # such casts after a successful isinstance() check)
-            v = llops.genop('cast_pointer', [v],
-                            resulttype = r_ins2.lowleveltype)
-            return v
-        else:
-            return NotImplemented
-    def rtype_is_((r_ins1, r_ins2), hop):
-        if r_ins1.needsgc != r_ins2.needsgc:
-            # obscure logic, the is can be true only if both are None
-            v_ins1, v_ins2 = hop.inputargs(r_ins1.common_repr(), r_ins2.common_repr())
-            return hop.gendirectcall(ll_both_none, v_ins1, v_ins2)
-        nogc = not (r_ins1.needsgc and r_ins2.needsgc)
-        if r_ins1.classdef is None or r_ins2.classdef is None:
-            basedef = None
-        else:
-            basedef = r_ins1.classdef.commonbase(r_ins2.classdef)
-        r_ins = getinstancerepr(r_ins1.rtyper, basedef, nogc=nogc)
-        return pairtype(Repr, Repr).rtype_is_(pair(r_ins, r_ins), hop)
-    rtype_eq = rtype_is_
-    def rtype_ne(rpair, hop):
-        v = rpair.rtype_eq(hop)
-        return hop.genop("bool_not", [v], resulttype=Bool)
-def ll_both_none(ins1, ins2):
-    return not ins1 and not ins2
+    def ll_str(self, i):
+        pass
 # ____________________________________________________________
@@ -719,52 +155,3 @@
     except KeyError:
         raise TyperError("no classdef: %r" % (cls,))
     return annmodel.SomeInstance(classdef)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-#  Low-level implementation of operations on classes and instances
-# doesn't work for non-gc stuff!
-def ll_cast_to_object(obj):
-    return cast_pointer(OBJECTPTR, obj)
-# doesn't work for non-gc stuff!
-def ll_type(obj):
-    return cast_pointer(OBJECTPTR, obj).typeptr
-def ll_issubclass(subcls, cls):
-    return cls.subclassrange_min <= subcls.subclassrange_min < cls.subclassrange_max
-def ll_issubclass_const(subcls, minid, maxid):
-    return minid <= subcls.subclassrange_min < maxid
-def ll_isinstance(obj, cls): # obj should be cast to OBJECT or NONGCOBJECT
-    if not obj:
-        return False
-    obj_cls = obj.typeptr
-    return ll_issubclass(obj_cls, cls)
-def ll_isinstance_const(obj, minid, maxid):
-    if not obj:
-        return False
-    return ll_issubclass_const(obj.typeptr, minid, maxid)
-def ll_runtime_type_info(obj):
-    return obj.typeptr.rtti
-def ll_inst_hash(ins):
-    cached = ins.hash_cache
-    if cached == 0:
-       cached = ins.hash_cache = id(ins)
-    return cached
-def ll_inst_eq(ins1, ins2):
-    return ins1 == ins2
-def ll_inst_type(obj):
-    if obj:
-        return obj.typeptr
-    else:
-        # type(None) -> NULL  (for now)
-        return nullptr(typeOf(obj).TO.typeptr.TO)

Modified: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rlist.py
--- pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rlist.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rlist.py	Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 from pypy.rpython.rslice import SliceRepr
 from pypy.rpython.rslice import startstop_slice_repr, startonly_slice_repr
 from pypy.rpython.rslice import minusone_slice_repr
-from pypy.rpython.rclass import InstanceRepr
 from pypy.rpython.lltype import GcForwardReference, Ptr, GcArray, GcStruct
 from pypy.rpython.lltype import Void, Signed, malloc, typeOf, Primitive
 from pypy.rpython.lltype import Bool, nullptr

Modified: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rpbc.py
--- pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rpbc.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rpbc.py	Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
@@ -684,7 +684,7 @@
         class_repr = self.get_class_repr()
         return class_repr.getpbcfield(vcls, access_set, attr, llops)
-class __extend__(pairtype(ClassesPBCRepr, rclass.ClassRepr)):
+class __extend__(pairtype(ClassesPBCRepr, rclass.AbstractClassRepr)):
     def convert_from_to((r_clspbc, r_cls), v, llops):
         if r_cls.lowleveltype != r_clspbc.lowleveltype:
             return NotImplemented   # good enough for now

Modified: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rstr.py
--- pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rstr.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rstr.py	Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
@@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
 from pypy.rpython.rslice import minusone_slice_repr
 from pypy.rpython.lltype import GcStruct, Signed, Array, Char, Ptr, malloc
 from pypy.rpython.lltype import Bool, Void, GcArray, nullptr, typeOf, pyobjectptr
-from pypy.rpython.rclass import InstanceRepr
 # ____________________________________________________________
@@ -334,6 +333,7 @@
     argsiter = iter(sourcevarsrepr)
+    InstanceRepr = hop.rtyper.type_system.rclass.InstanceRepr
     for i, thing in enumerate(things):
         if isinstance(thing, tuple):
             code = thing[0]

Modified: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py
--- pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py	Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
@@ -30,8 +30,6 @@
 from pypy.rpython.rmodel import warning
 from pypy.rpython.normalizecalls import perform_normalizations
 from pypy.rpython.annlowlevel import annotate_lowlevel_helper
-from pypy.rpython.exceptiondata import ExceptionData
 from pypy.rpython.rmodel import log
 from pypy.rpython.typesystem import LowLevelTypeSystem,\
@@ -74,7 +72,13 @@
         for s_primitive, lltype in annmodel.annotation_to_ll_map:
             r = self.getrepr(s_primitive)
             self.primitive_to_repr[r.lowleveltype] = r
-        self.exceptiondata = ExceptionData(self)
+        if type_system == "lltype":
+            from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.exceptiondata import ExceptionData
+            self.exceptiondata = ExceptionData(self)
+        else:
+            self.exceptiondata = None
             self.seed = int(os.getenv('RTYPERSEED'))
             s = 'Using %d as seed for block shuffling' % self.seed

Modified: pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/typesystem.py
--- pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/typesystem.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/hl-backend/pypy/rpython/typesystem.py	Thu Oct 13 16:47:44 2005
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@
 from pypy.annotation.pairtype import extendabletype
-from pypy.rpython.ootype import ootype
-from pypy.rpython import lltype # FIXME lltype in separate directory
+from pypy.rpython.ootype import ootype # FIXME ootype dir to ootypesystem
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
 class TypeSystem(object):
     __metaclass__ = extendabletype
@@ -35,6 +35,19 @@
 class LowLevelTypeSystem(TypeSystem):
     callable_trait = (lltype.FuncType, lltype.functionptr)
+    def __getattr__(self, name):
+        """Lazy import to avoid circular dependencies."""
+        if name == "rclass":
+            from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rclass
+            self.rclass = rclass
+            return rclass
+        elif name == "BUILTIN_TYPER":
+            from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import rbuiltin
+            self.BUILTIN_TYPER = rbuiltin.BUILTIN_TYPER
+            return self.BUILTIN_TYPER
     def deref(self, obj):
         assert isinstance(lltype.typeOf(obj), lltype.Ptr)
         return obj._obj
@@ -45,6 +58,8 @@
 class ObjectOrientedTypeSystem(TypeSystem):
     callable_trait = (ootype.StaticMethod, ootype.static_meth)
+    # FIXME rclass
     def deref(self, obj):
         assert isinstance(ootype.typeOf(obj), ootype.OOType)
         return obj
@@ -66,5 +81,3 @@
         if hasattr(s_obj, "rtyper_makekey_ex"):
             return s_obj.rtyper_makekey_ex(rtyper)
         return s_obj.rtyper_makekey()

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