[pypy-svn] r25767 - in pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes: . test

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Thu Apr 13 09:03:01 CEST 2006

Author: arigo
Date: Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
New Revision: 25767

   pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/_rctypes_test.c   (contents, props changed)
Reorganized the rctypes modules to match our coding style.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/__init__.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/__init__.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/__init__.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -1 +1 @@
-from pypy.rpython.rctypes.interface import *

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/ctypes_platform.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/ctypes_platform.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/ctypes_platform.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -238,19 +238,19 @@
     opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'h:')
     if not args:
         print >> sys.stderr, doc
-        sys.exit(2)
-    assert len(args) % 2 == 1
-    headers = []
-    for opt, value in opts:
-        if opt == '-h':
-            headers.append('#include <%s>' % (value,))
-    name = args[0]
-    fields = []
-    for i in range(1, len(args), 2):
-        ctype = getattr(ctypes, args[i+1])
-        fields.append((args[i], ctype))
+    else:
+        assert len(args) % 2 == 1
+        headers = []
+        for opt, value in opts:
+            if opt == '-h':
+                headers.append('#include <%s>' % (value,))
+        name = args[0]
+        fields = []
+        for i in range(1, len(args), 2):
+            ctype = getattr(ctypes, args[i+1])
+            fields.append((args[i], ctype))
-    S = getstruct(name, '\n'.join(headers), fields)
+        S = getstruct(name, '\n'.join(headers), fields)
-    for key, value in S._fields_:
-        print key, value
+        for key, value in S._fields_:
+            print key, value

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/implementation.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/implementation.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/implementation.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -1,464 +1,21 @@
-The rctypes implementaion is contained here.
-import sys
-import ctypes
-from ctypes import *
-from ctypes import _FUNCFLAG_CDECL
-if sys.platform == "win32":
-    from ctypes import _FUNCFLAG_STDCALL
-from pypy.annotation.model import SomeInteger, SomeCTypesObject, \
-        SomeString, SomeFloat, SomeBuiltin
-from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import Signed, SignedLongLong, \
-        Unsigned, UnsignedLongLong, Char, Float, Ptr, \
-        GcStruct, Struct, \
-        Void
-from pypy.rpython.rmodel import Repr, IntegerRepr, inputconst
-from pypy.rpython.error import TyperError
-from pypy.rpython import extregistry
-from pypy.annotation.pairtype import pairtype
-from pypy.rpython import rint
 # Importing for side effect of registering types with extregistry
-import pypy.rpython.rctypes.rarray
 import pypy.rpython.rctypes.rprimitive
 import pypy.rpython.rctypes.rpointer
+import pypy.rpython.rctypes.rarray
 import pypy.rpython.rctypes.rfunc
 import pypy.rpython.rctypes.rchar_p
-# ctypes_annotation_list contains various attributes that
-# are used by the pypy annotation.
-ctypes_annotation_list = [
-#    (c_char,          Char,             None),
-#    (c_byte,          Signed,           None),
-#    (c_ubyte,         Unsigned,         None),
-#    (c_short,         Signed,           None),
-#    (c_ushort,        Unsigned,         None),
-#    (c_int,           Signed,           None),
-#    (c_uint,          Unsigned,         None),
-#    (c_long,          Signed,           None),
-#    (c_ulong,         Unsigned,         None),
-#    (c_longlong,      SignedLongLong,   None),
-#    (c_ulonglong,     UnsignedLongLong, None),
-#    (c_float,         Float,            None),
-#    (c_double,        Float,            None),
-#    (c_char_p,        None, 
-#            staticmethod(lambda ll_type, arg_name:"RPyString_AsString(%s)" % arg_name)),
-#    (POINTER(c_char), None, 
-#            staticmethod(lambda ll_type, arg_name:"RPyString_AsString(%s)" % arg_name)),
-def create_ctypes_annotations():
-    """
-    create_ctypes_annotation creates a map between
-    ctypes, annotation types and low level types.
-    For convenience, an existing map from low level types to
-    annotation types is used ('ll_to_annotation_map').
-    """
-    from pypy.annotation.model import ll_to_annotation_map
-    for the_type, ll_type, wrap_arg in ctypes_annotation_list:
-        the_type.annotator_type = ll_to_annotation_map.get(ll_type)
-        the_type.ll_type = ll_type
-        if wrap_arg is not None:
-            the_type.wrap_arg = wrap_arg
-            the_type.default_memorystate = SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY
-            the_type.external_function_result_memorystate = SomeCTypesObject.MEMORYALIAS
-        else:
-            # !!!! attention !!!!
-            # the basic c_types need some annotation information
-            # at the moment that are exactly the types that have
-            # no 'wrap_arg'. This might change in the future
-            #the_type.compute_result_annotation = classmethod(lambda cls, s_arg:SomeCTypesObject(cls))
-            def do_register(the_type):
-                extregistry.register_value(the_type, 
-                compute_result_annotation=lambda s_arg: SomeCTypesObject(the_type))
-                # XXX we need to register the correct repr for each primitive
-                extregistry.register_type(the_type,
-                    get_repr=lambda rtyper, s_primitive: rint.signed_repr)
-            do_register(the_type)
-            the_type.default_memorystate = SomeCTypesObject.NOMEMORY
-class FunctionPointerTranslation(object):
-        def compute_result_annotation(self, *args_s):
-            """
-            Answer the annotation of the external function's result
-            """
-            # Take 3, Check whether we can get away with the cheap
-            # precomputed solution and if not it, use a special
-            # attribute with the memory state
-            try:
-                return self.restype.annotator_type
-            except AttributeError:
-                return SomeCTypesObject( 
-                        self.restype, 
-                        self.restype.external_function_result_memorystate )
-            # Take 2, looks like we need another level of indirection
-            # That's to complicated
-            #o#return self.restype.compute_external_function_result_annotator_type()
-            # TODO: Check whether the function returns a pointer
-            # an correct the memory state appropriately
-            try:
-                return self.restype.annotator_type
-            except AttributeError:
-                return SomeCTypesObject(self.restype)
-        def __hash__(self):
-            return id(self)
-        def specialize(self, hop):
-            return hop.llops.gencapicall(
-                    self.__name__,
-                    hop.args_v,
-                    resulttype = self.restype.ll_type,
-                    _callable=None,
-                    convert_params = self.convert_params ) 
-        def convert_params(self, backend, param_info_list):
-            assert "c" == backend.lower()
-            assert self.argtypes is not None
-            answer = []
-            for ctype_type, (ll_type, arg_name) in zip(self.argtypes, param_info_list):
-                if ll_type == ctype_type.ll_type:
-                    answer.append(arg_name)
-                else:
-                    answer.append(ctype_type.wrap_arg(ll_type, arg_name))
-            return answer
-#class CtypesBasicTypeInstantiationTranslation( FunctionPointerTranslation ):
-#    compute_result_annotation = classmethod(
-#            FunctionPointerTranslation.compute_result_annotation)
-class RStructureMeta(type(Structure)):
-    def __new__(mta,name,bases,clsdict):
-        _fields = clsdict.get('_fields_',None)
-        _adict = {}
-        ll_types = []
-        if _fields is not None:
-            for attr, atype in _fields:
-                _adict[attr] = atype
-                ll_types.append( ( attr, atype.ll_type ) )
-        clsdict['_fields_def_'] = _adict
-        # ll_type is just the C-level data part of the structure
-        clsdict[ "ll_type" ] = Struct( "C-Data_%s" % name, *ll_types )
-        #d#print "_fields_def_ s:", _adict
-        return super(RStructureMeta,mta).__new__(mta, name, bases, clsdict)
-class RStructure(Structure):
-    __metaclass__ = RStructureMeta
-    default_memorystate = SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY
-    external_function_result_memorystate = default_memorystate
-    def compute_annotation(cls):
-        return SomeCTypesObject(cls)
-    compute_annotation = classmethod(compute_annotation)
-    def specialize( cls, highLevelOperation ):
-        ctypesStructureType = highLevelOperation.r_result.lowleveltype  
-        return highLevelOperation.llops.genop(
-                "malloc", [ inputconst( Void, ctypesStructureType ) ],
-                highLevelOperation.r_result )
-    if False:
-        def specialize( cls, highLevelOperation ):
-            ctypesStructureType = highLevelOperation.r_result.lowleveltype  
-            answer = highLevelOperation.llops.genop(
-                    "malloc", [ inputconst( Void, ctypesStructureType ) ],
-                    highLevelOperation.r_result )
-            import pdb
-            pdb.set_trace()
-            return answer
-    specialize = classmethod(specialize)
-    def compute_result_annotation(cls, *args_s):
-        """
-        Answer the result annotation of calling 'cls'.
-        """
-        return SomeCTypesObject(cls,SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY)
-    compute_result_annotation = classmethod(compute_result_annotation)
-    def createLowLevelRepresentation( rtyper, annotationObject ):
-        """
-        Answer the correspondending low level object.
-        """
-        if annotationObject.memorystate == annotationObject.OWNSMEMORY:
-            return CtypesMemoryOwningStructureRepresentation( 
-                    rtyper, annotationObject )
-        elif annotationObject.memorystate == annotationObject.MEMORYALIAS:
-            return CtypesMemoryAliasStructureRepresentation(
-                    rtyper, annotationObject )
-        else:
-            raise TyperError( "Unkown memory state in %r" % annotationObject )
-    createLowLevelRepresentation = staticmethod( createLowLevelRepresentation )
-class RByrefObj(object):
-    default_memorystate = SomeCTypesObject.MEMORYALIAS
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.__name__ = 'RByrefObj'
-    def compute_result_annotation(cls, s_arg):
-        """
-        Answer the result annotation of calling 'byref'.
-        """
-        return SomeCTypesObject(POINTER(s_arg.knowntype))
-    compute_result_annotation = classmethod(compute_result_annotation)
-    def __call__(self,obj):
-        return byref(obj)
-RByref = RByrefObj()
+# Register the correspondance between SomeCTypesObject and the get_repr()
+# functions attached to the extregistry to create CTypesReprs
-def RPOINTER(cls):
-    answer = POINTER(cls)
-    def compute_result_annotation(cls, s_arg):
-        """
-        Answer the result annotation of calling 'cls'.
-        """
-        assert answer is cls
-        try:
-            memorystate = s_arg.memorystate
-        except AttributeError:
-            memorystate = None
-        return SomeCTypesObject(cls, memorystate)
-    answer.compute_result_annotation = classmethod(compute_result_annotation)
-    def createLowLevelRepresentation( rtyper, annotationObject ):
-        """
-        Create a lowlevel representation for the pointer.
-        """
-        if annotationObject.memorystate == annotationObject.OWNSMEMORY:
-            return CtypesMemoryOwningPointerRepresentation( rtyper, annotationObject )
-        elif annotationObject.memorystate == annotationObject.MEMORYALIAS:
-            return CtypesMemoryAliasPointerRepresentation( rtyper, annotationObject )
-        else:
-            raise TyperError( "Unkown memory state in %r" % annotationObject )
-    answer.createLowLevelRepresentation = staticmethod(
-            createLowLevelRepresentation )
-    def specialize( cls, highLevelOperation ): 
-        #d#print "specialize:", cls, highLevelOperation
-        ctypesStructureType = highLevelOperation.r_result.lowleveltype  
-        answer = highLevelOperation.llops.genop(
-                "malloc", [ inputconst( Void, ctypesStructureType ) ],
-                highLevelOperation.r_result )
-        #d#import pdb
-        #d#pdb.set_trace()
-        if True:
-            highLevelOperation.llops.genop(
-                    "setfield",
-                    [ answer,
-                      inputconst( Void, "contents" ),
-                      highLevelOperation.inputarg( highLevelOperation.args_r[ 0 ], 0 ) ] )
-                      #t#highLevelOperation.inputarg( highLevelOperation.args_r[ 0 ], 0 ) ],
-                    #t#highLevelOperation.r_result )
-        return answer
-    answer.specialize = classmethod( specialize )
-    # We specialcased accessing pointers be getting their contents attribute
-    # because we can't use the memory state from 'cls'.
-    # So the obvious way to do it is obsolete (#o#).
-    answer._fields_def_ = {"contents": cls}
-    #d#print "p _fields_def_:", answer._fields_def_
-    # XXX Think about that twice and think about obsoleting
-    # the obsoletion above
-    answer.default_memorystate = None
-    answer.external_function_result_memorystate = SomeCTypesObject.MEMORYALIAS
-    # Add a low level type attribute, which is only used for computing the
-    # result of an external function. In other words this is just the non
-    # gc case
-    try:
-        answer.ll_type = Ptr(
-                Struct(
-                    'CtypesMemoryAliasPointer_%s' % answer.__name__,
-                    ( "contents", answer._type_.ll_type ) ) )
-    except TypeError:
-        pass
-    return answer
-# class RCDLL(CDLL):
-#     """
-#     This is the restricted version of ctypes' CDLL class.
-#     """
-#     class _CdeclFuncPtr(FunctionPointerTranslation, CDLL._CdeclFuncPtr):
-#         """
-#         A simple extension of ctypes function pointers that
-#         implements a simple interface to the anotator.
-#         """
-#         _flags_ = _FUNCFLAG_CDECL
-# if sys.platform == "win32":
-#     class RWinDLL(WinDLL):
-#         """
-#         This is the restricted version of ctypes' WINDLL class
-#         """
-#         class _StdcallFuncPtr(FunctionPointerTranslation, WinDLL._StdcallFuncPtr):
-#             """
-#             A simple extension of ctypes function pointers that
-#             implements a simple interface to the anotator.
-#             """
-#             _flags_ = _FUNCFLAG_STDCALL
-# def RARRAY(typ,length):
-#     answer = ARRAY(typ,length)
-#     def compute_result_annotation(cls, *arg_s):
-#         """
-#         Answer the result annotation of calling 'cls'.
-#         """
-#         assert answer is cls
-#         return SomeCTypesObject(cls, SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY)
-#     answer.compute_result_annotation = classmethod(compute_result_annotation)
-#     return answer
-class AbstractCtypesRepresentation( Repr ):
-    """
-    The abstract base class of all ctypes low level representations.
-    """
-class AbstractCtypesStructureRepresentation( AbstractCtypesRepresentation ):
-    """
-    The abstract base class of ctypes structures' low level representation.
-    """
-    def generateCDataAccess( self, variable, lowLevelOperations ):
-        """
-        Answer the C level data sub structure.
-        """
-        inputargs = [ variable, inputconst( Void, "c_data" ) ]
-        return lowLevelOperations.genop(
-                "getsubstruct",
-                inputargs,
-                Ptr( self.c_data_lowleveltype ) )
-    def rtype_setattr( self, highLevelOperation ):
-        c_data = self.generateCDataAccess(
-                highLevelOperation.inputarg( self, 0 ),
-                highLevelOperation.llops )
-        inputargs = highLevelOperation.inputargs(
-                    *highLevelOperation.args_r[ :3 ] )
-        inputargs[ 0 ] = c_data
-        print "inputargs:", inputargs
-        print "r_result:", highLevelOperation.r_result
-        highLevelOperation.genop( "setfield", inputargs )
-    def rtype_getattr( self, highLevelOperation ):
-        c_data = self.generateCDataAccess(
-                highLevelOperation.inputarg( self, 0 ),
-                highLevelOperation.llops )
-        inputargs = highLevelOperation.inputargs(
-                    *highLevelOperation.args_r[ :3 ] )
-        inputargs[ 0 ] = c_data
-        return highLevelOperation.genop( 
-                "getfield", 
-                inputargs,
-                highLevelOperation.r_result )
-class CtypesMemoryOwningStructureRepresentation( AbstractCtypesStructureRepresentation ):
-    """
-    The lowlevel representation of a rctypes structure that owns its memory.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, rtyper, annotationObject ):
-        # XXX This .ll_type may not work for pointers or structures
-        # containing structures
-        fields = [ ( name, ctypesType.ll_type )
-                        for name, ctypesType in annotationObject.knowntype._fields_ ]
-        name = annotationObject.knowntype.__name__
-        #o#self.c_data_lowleveltype = Struct( "C-Data_%s" % name, *fields )
-        self.c_data_lowleveltype = annotationObject.knowntype.ll_type
-        self.lowleveltype = Ptr(
-                GcStruct( 
-                    "CtypesStructure_%s" % name,
-                    ( "c_data", self.c_data_lowleveltype ) ) )
-class CtypesMemoryAliasStructureRepresentation( AbstractCtypesStructureRepresentation ):
-    """
-    The lowlevel representation of a rctypes structure that is an alias to
-    someone else's memory.
-    """
-class AbstractCtypesPointerRepresentation( AbstractCtypesRepresentation ):
-    """
-    The abstract base class of all rctypes low level representations
-    of a pointer.
-    """
-class CtypesMemoryOwningPointerRepresentation( AbstractCtypesPointerRepresentation ):
-    """
-    The lowlevel representation of a cytpes pointer that points
-    to memory owned by rcyptes.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, rtyper, annotationObject ):
-        self.lowleveltype = Ptr(
-                GcStruct(
-                    'CtypesMemoryOwningPointer_%s' % annotationObject.knowntype.__name__,
-                    ( "contents",
-                      rtyper.getrepr(
-                        annotationObject.knowntype._type_.compute_annotation()
-                        ).lowleveltype ) ) )
-    def rtype_getattr( self, highLevelOperation ):
-        inputargs = [ 
-                highLevelOperation.inputarg( highLevelOperation.args_r[ 0 ], 0 ),
-                inputconst( Void, "contents" ) ]
-        return highLevelOperation.genop( 
-                "getfield", inputargs, highLevelOperation.r_result )
-class CtypesMemoryAliasPointerRepresentation( AbstractCtypesPointerRepresentation ):
-    """
-    The lowlevel representation of a cytpes pointer that points
-    to memory owned by an external library.
-    """
-    def __init__( self, rtyper, annotationObject ):
-        self.lowleveltype = annotationObject.knowntype.ll_type
+from pypy.annotation.model import SomeCTypesObject
+from pypy.rpython import extregistry
 class __extend__( SomeCTypesObject ):
     def rtyper_makerepr( self, rtyper ):
-        if extregistry.is_registered_type(self.knowntype):
-            entry = extregistry.lookup_type(self.knowntype)
-            return entry.get_repr(rtyper, self)
-        return self.knowntype.createLowLevelRepresentation( rtyper, self )
+        entry = extregistry.lookup_type(self.knowntype)
+        return entry.get_repr(rtyper, self)
     def rtyper_makekey( self ):
         return self.__class__, self.knowntype, self.memorystate
-class __extend__( pairtype( CtypesMemoryOwningPointerRepresentation, IntegerRepr ) ):
-    def rtype_getitem( ( self, integer ), highLevelOperation ):
-        print "rtype_getitem:", integer
-        return highLevelOperation.genop( 
-                "getfield", 
-                "contents",
-                highLevelOperation.r_result )

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/_rctypes_test.c
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/_rctypes_test.c	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/_rctypes_test.c	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
-/* simple test, currently only for structures */
-#include <Python.h>
-#ifdef MS_WIN32
-#include <windows.h>
-#if defined(MS_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
-#define EXPORT(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
-#define EXPORT(x) x
-PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
-	{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
-typedef struct tagpoint {
-	int x;
-	int y;
-} point;
-EXPORT(int) _testfunc_byval(point in, point *pout)
-    if (pout)
-    {
-        pout->x = in.x;
-        pout->y = in.y;
-    }
-    return in.x + in.y;
-EXPORT(int) _testfunc_struct(point in)
-    return in.x + in.y;
-EXPORT(point) _testfunc_struct_id(point in)
-    return in;
-EXPORT(point*) _testfunc_struct_pointer_id( point* pin )
-    return pin;
-    Py_InitModule("_rctypes_test", module_methods);
+/* simple test, currently only for structures */
+#include <Python.h>
+#ifdef MS_WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#if defined(MS_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__)
+#define EXPORT(x) __declspec(dllexport) x
+#define EXPORT(x) x
+PyMethodDef module_methods[] = {
+	{ NULL, NULL, 0, NULL},
+typedef struct tagpoint {
+	int x;
+	int y;
+} point;
+EXPORT(int) _testfunc_byval(point in, point *pout)
+    if (pout)
+    {
+        pout->x = in.x;
+        pout->y = in.y;
+    }
+    return in.x + in.y;
+EXPORT(int) _testfunc_struct(point in)
+    return in.x + in.y;
+EXPORT(point) _testfunc_struct_id(point in)
+    return in;
+EXPORT(point*) _testfunc_struct_pointer_id( point* pin )
+    return pin;
+    Py_InitModule("_rctypes_test", module_methods);

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rarray.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rarray.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rarray.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import py.test
+import pypy.rpython.rctypes.implementation
 from pypy.annotation.annrpython import RPythonAnnotator
 from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext
 from pypy import conftest

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rchar_p.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rchar_p.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rchar_p.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import py.test
+import pypy.rpython.rctypes.implementation
 from pypy.annotation.annrpython import RPythonAnnotator
 from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext
 from pypy.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rctypes.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rctypes.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rctypes.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -1,54 +1,29 @@
-Test the rctypes implementation.
+Test external function calls using the custom extension module _rctypes_test.c.
-import py.test
+import py
 from pypy.annotation.annrpython import RPythonAnnotator
 from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext
 from pypy.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile, compile_db
-#o#from pypy.translator.c import compile
 from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import compile_c_module
 from pypy.annotation.model import SomeCTypesObject, SomeObject
 from pypy import conftest
 import sys
 from pypy.rpython.test.test_llinterp import interpret
-thisdir = py.magic.autopath().dirpath()
+thisdir = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath()
-def compile(fn, argtypes, view=conftest.option.view):
-    from pypy.translator.c.database import LowLevelDatabase
-    from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import pyobjectptr
-    t = TranslationContext()
-    a = t.buildannotator()
-    a.build_types(fn, argtypes)
-    t.buildrtyper().specialize()
-    if view:
-        t.view()
-    #t#backend_optimizations(t)
-    db = LowLevelDatabase(t)
-    entrypoint = db.get(pyobjectptr(fn))
-    db.complete()
-    module = compile_db(db)
-    compiled_fn = getattr(module, entrypoint)
-    def checking_fn(*args, **kwds):
-        res = compiled_fn(*args, **kwds)
-        mallocs, frees = module.malloc_counters()
-        assert mallocs == frees
-        return res
-    return checking_fn
     import ctypes
 except ImportError:
     py.test.skip("this test needs ctypes installed")
-#py.test.skip("these tests are broken while the ctypes primitive types are ported to use the extregistry")
+from ctypes import cdll
+from ctypes import POINTER, Structure, c_int
-from pypy.rpython.rctypes import cdll, c_char_p, c_int, c_char, \
-        c_char, c_byte, c_ubyte, c_short, c_ushort, c_uint,\
-        c_long, c_ulong, c_longlong, c_ulonglong, c_float, c_double, \
-        POINTER, Structure, byref, ARRAY
+# __________ compile and load our local test C file __________
 # LoadLibrary is deprecated in ctypes, this should be removed at some point
 if "load" in dir(cdll):
@@ -56,29 +31,6 @@
     cdll_load = cdll.LoadLibrary
-if sys.platform == 'win32':
-    mylib = cdll_load('msvcrt.dll')
-elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
-    mylib = cdll_load('libc.so.6')
-elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
-    mylib = cdll.c
-    py.test.skip("don't know how to load the c lib for %s" % 
-            sys.platform)
-atoi = mylib.atoi
-atoi.restype = c_int
-atoi.argtypes = [c_char_p]
-atoi.argtypes = [POINTER(c_char)]
-def o_atoi(a):
-   return atoi(a)
-class tagpoint(Structure):
-    _fields_ = [("x", c_int),
-                ("y", c_int)]
-# compile and load our local test C file
 # XXX the built module and intermediate files should go to /tmp/usession-*,
 #     see pypy.tool.udir
 compile_c_module([thisdir.join("_rctypes_test.c")], "_rctypes_test")
@@ -88,387 +40,31 @@
     _rctypes_test = cdll_load(str(thisdir.join("_rctypes_test.so")))
+# struct tagpoint
+class tagpoint(Structure):
+    _fields_ = [("x", c_int),
+                ("y", c_int)]
 # _testfunc_byval
 testfunc_byval = _rctypes_test._testfunc_byval
 testfunc_byval.restype = c_int
 testfunc_byval.argtypes = [tagpoint,POINTER(tagpoint)]
-def py_testfunc_byval(inpoint):
-    opoint = tagpoint()
-    res  = testfunc_byval(inpoint,byref(opoint))
-    return res, opoint
 # _test_struct
 testfunc_struct = _rctypes_test._testfunc_struct
 testfunc_struct.restype = c_int
 testfunc_struct.argtypes = [tagpoint]
-def py_testfunc_struct(inpoint):
-    return testfunc_struct(inpoint)
 # _test_struct_id
 testfunc_struct_id = _rctypes_test._testfunc_struct_id
 testfunc_struct_id.restype = tagpoint
 testfunc_struct_id.argtypes = [tagpoint]
-def py_testfunc_struct_id(inpoint):
-    return testfunc_struct_id(inpoint)
-oppoint_type = POINTER(tagpoint)
 # _test_struct_id_pointer
+tagpointptr = POINTER(tagpoint)
 testfunc_struct_pointer_id = _rctypes_test._testfunc_struct_pointer_id
-testfunc_struct_pointer_id.restype = oppoint_type
-testfunc_struct_pointer_id.argtypes = [oppoint_type]
-def py_testfunc_struct_pointer_id(inpoint):
-    return testfunc_struct_pointer_id(inpoint)
+testfunc_struct_pointer_id.restype = tagpointptr
+testfunc_struct_pointer_id.argtypes = [tagpointptr]
-def py_create_point():
-    p = tagpoint()
-    p.x = 10
-    p.y = 20
-    return p.x + p.y
-def py_testfunc_POINTER(inpoint):
-    point = tagpoint()
-    oppoint = oppoint_type(point)
-    res  = testfunc_byval(inpoint,oppoint)
-    return res, oppoint
-def py_testfunc_POINTER_dereference(inpoint):
-    point = tagpoint()
-    oppoint = oppoint_type(point)
-    res  = testfunc_byval(inpoint,oppoint)
-    return res, oppoint.contents, oppoint[0]
-def py_test_mixed_memory_state( randomboolean ):
-    if randomboolean:
-        return tagpoint()
-    else:
-        return oppoint_type(tagpoint()).contents
-def py_test_simple_cint():
-    return c_int(10)
-def py_test_simple_ctypes():
-    return (
-            c_char('a'),
-            c_byte(1),
-            c_ubyte(1),
-            c_short(1),
-            c_ushort(1),
-            c_int(1),
-            c_uint(1),
-            c_long(1),
-            c_ulong(1),
-            c_longlong(1),
-            c_ulonglong(1),
-            c_float(1.0),
-            c_double(1.0)
-    )
-def py_test_simple_ctypes_non_const():
-    a = 10
-    return c_float( a + 10 )
-c_int_10 = ARRAY(c_int,10)
-c_int_p_test = POINTER(c_int)
-def py_test_annotate_array():
-    return c_int_10()
-def py_test_annotate_array_content():
-    my_array = c_int_10()
-    my_array[0] = c_int(1)
-    my_array[1] = 2
-    return my_array[0]
-def py_test_annotate_pointer_content():
-    # Never run this function!
-    # See test_annotate_pointer_access_as_array_or_whatever
-    # for the weird reasons why this gets annotated
-    my_pointer = c_int_p_test(10)
-    my_pointer[0] = c_int(1)
-    my_pointer[1] = 2
-    return my_pointer[0]
-def py_test_annotate_array_slice_content():
-    my_array = c_int_10()
-    #f#my_array[0:7] = c_int(1) * 7
-    my_array[0:5] = range(5)
-    return my_array[0:5]
-def py_test_annotate_array_content_variable_index():
-    my_array = c_int_10()
-    my_array[2] = 2
-    sum = 0
-    for idx in range(10):
-        sum += my_array[idx]
-    return sum
-def py_test_annotate_array_content_index_error_on_positive_index():
-    my_array = c_int_10()
-    return my_array[10]
-def py_test_annotate_array_content_index_error_on_negative_index():
-    my_array = c_int_10()
-    return my_array[-11]
-def py_test_specialize_struct():
-    p = tagpoint()
-    p.x = 1
-    p.y = 2
-    return p.x
-def _py_test_compile_struct( p, x, y ):
-    p.x = x
-    p.y = y
-    return p
-def py_test_compile_struct( x, y ):
-    return _py_test_compile_struct( tagpoint(), x, y ).x
-def py_test_compile_pointer( x, y ):
-    return _py_test_compile_pointer( oppoint_type( tagpoint() ), x, y ).x
-def _py_test_compile_pointer( p, x, y ):
-    s = p.contents
-    s.x = x
-    s.y = y
-    return s
-class Test_rctypes:
-    def test_simple(self):
-        res = o_atoi('42')   
-        assert res == 42 
-    def test_annotate_simple(self):
-        a = RPythonAnnotator()
-        s = a.build_types(o_atoi, [str])
-        # result should be an integer
-        assert s.knowntype == int
-    def x_test_specialize_simple(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(o_atoi, [str])
-        # result should be an integer
-        assert s.knowntype == int
-        t.buildrtyper().specialize()
-        if conftest.option.view:
-            a.translator.view()
-    def x_test_compile_simple(self):
-        fn = compile(o_atoi, [str])
-        res = fn("42")
-        assert res == 42
-class Test_structure:
-    def test_simple_as_extension_module(self):
-        # Full path names follow because of strange behavior in the presence
-        # of an __init__.py in this test directory.  When there is an
-        # __init__.py then the full path names appear in sys.modules
-        import pypy.rpython.rctypes.test._rctypes_test as t0
-        import pypy.rpython.rctypes.test._rctypes_test as t1
-        assert t1 is t0
-        assert "pypy.rpython.rctypes.test._rctypes_test" in sys.modules
-    def test_simple(self):
-        if sys.platform == "win32":
-            dll = cdll_load("_rctypes_test.pyd")
-        else:
-            dll = cdll_load(str(thisdir.join("_rctypes_test.so")))
-        in_point = tagpoint()
-        in_point.x = 42
-        in_point.y = 17
-        out_point = tagpoint()
-        assert in_point.x + in_point.y == dll._testfunc_byval(in_point, byref(out_point))
-        assert out_point.x == 42
-        assert out_point.y == 17
-    def test_structure(self):
-        in_point = tagpoint()
-        in_point.x = 10
-        in_point.y = 20
-        res = py_testfunc_struct(in_point)
-        assert res == 30
-    def x_test_annotate_struct(self):
-        a = RPythonAnnotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_testfunc_struct, [tagpoint])
-        assert s.knowntype == int
-        if conftest.option.view:
-            a.translator.view()
-    def x_test_annotate_struct2(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_testfunc_struct_id, [tagpoint])
-        assert s.knowntype == tagpoint
-        assert s.memorystate == SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY
-    def x_test_annotate_pointer_to_struct(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_testfunc_struct_pointer_id, [oppoint_type])
-        assert s.knowntype == oppoint_type
-        assert s.memorystate == SomeCTypesObject.MEMORYALIAS
-        return t
-    def x_test_create_point(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_create_point,[])
-        assert s.knowntype == int
-        if conftest.option.view:
-            a.translator.view()
-    def x_test_annotate_byval(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_testfunc_byval,[tagpoint])
-        assert s.knowntype == tuple
-        assert len(s.items) == 2
-        assert s.items[0].knowntype == int
-        assert s.items[1].knowntype == tagpoint
-        assert s.items[1].memorystate == SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY 
-    def x_test_annotate_POINTER(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_testfunc_POINTER,[tagpoint])
-        assert s.knowntype == tuple
-        assert len(s.items) == 2
-        assert s.items[0].knowntype == int
-        assert s.items[1].knowntype == POINTER(tagpoint)
-        assert s.items[1].memorystate == SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY 
-        #d#t.view()
-    def x_test_annotate_POINTER_dereference(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_testfunc_POINTER_dereference, [tagpoint])
-        assert s.knowntype == tuple
-        assert len(s.items) == 3
-        assert s.items[0].knowntype == int
-        assert s.items[1].knowntype == tagpoint
-        assert s.items[1].memorystate == SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY 
-        assert s.items[2].knowntype == tagpoint
-        assert s.items[2].memorystate == SomeCTypesObject.OWNSMEMORY 
-        #d#t.view()
-    def x_test_annotate_mixed_memorystate(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_test_mixed_memory_state, [int])
-        #d#t.view()
-        assert s.knowntype == tagpoint
-        # This memory state will be supported in the future (#f#)
-        # Obviously the test is wrong for now
-        #f#assert s.memorystate == SomeCTypesObject.MIXEDMEMORYOWNERSHIP
-        assert isinstance(s, SomeObject)
-    def test_annotate_simple_cint(self):
-        a = RPythonAnnotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_test_simple_cint,[])
-        assert s.knowntype == c_int
-    def test_annotate_simple_types(self):
-        a = RPythonAnnotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_test_simple_ctypes,[])
-        assert s.knowntype == tuple
-        assert len(s.items) == 13
-        assert s.items[0].knowntype == c_char
-        assert s.items[1].knowntype == c_byte
-        assert s.items[2].knowntype == c_ubyte
-        assert s.items[3].knowntype == c_short
-        assert s.items[4].knowntype == c_ushort
-        assert s.items[5].knowntype == c_int
-        assert s.items[6].knowntype == c_uint
-        assert s.items[7].knowntype == c_long
-        assert s.items[8].knowntype == c_ulong
-        assert s.items[9].knowntype == c_longlong
-        assert s.items[10].knowntype == c_ulonglong
-        assert s.items[11].knowntype == c_float
-        assert s.items[12].knowntype == c_double
-    def test_annotate_simple_types_non_const(self):
-        a = RPythonAnnotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_test_simple_ctypes_non_const,[])
-        assert s.knowntype == c_float
-    def x_test_specialize_struct(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_test_specialize_struct, [])
-        # result should be an integer
-        assert s.knowntype == int
-        try:
-            t.buildrtyper().specialize()
-        finally:
-            if conftest.option.view:
-                t.view()
-    def x_test_specialize_struct_1(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_test_compile_struct, [int, int]) 
-        #d#t.view()
-        try:
-            t.buildrtyper().specialize()
-        finally:
-            #d#t.view()
-            pass
-    def x_test_specialize_pointer_to_struct(self):
-        t = self.test_annotate_pointer_to_struct()
-        t.buildrtyper().specialize()
-        if conftest.option.view:
-            t.view()
-    def x_test_compile_pointer_to_struct(self):
-        fn = compile( py_testfunc_struct_pointer_id, [ oppoint_type ] )
-    def x_test_compile_struct(self):
-        fn = compile( py_test_compile_struct, [ int, int ] )
-        res = fn( 42, -42 )
-        assert res == 42
-    def x_test_specialize_POINTER_dereference(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types(py_testfunc_POINTER_dereference, [tagpoint])
-        assert s.knowntype == tuple
-        try:
-            t.buildrtyper().specialize()
-        finally:
-            #d#t.view()
-            pass
-    def x_test_specialize_pointer(self):
-        t = TranslationContext()
-        a = t.buildannotator()
-        s = a.build_types( py_test_compile_pointer, [ int, int ] )
-        assert s.knowntype == int
-        #d#t.view()
-        t.buildrtyper().specialize()
-        #d#t.view()
-    def x_test_compile_pointer(self):
-        fn = compile( py_test_compile_pointer, [ int, int ] )
-        res = fn( -42, 42 )
-        assert res == -42
+# XXX no test here so far

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rfunc.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rfunc.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rfunc.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -1,14 +1,34 @@
 import py
+import sys
+import pypy.rpython.rctypes.implementation
 from pypy.annotation.annrpython import RPythonAnnotator
-from pypy.rpython.rctypes.test.test_rctypes import mylib
 from pypy.rpython.test.test_llinterp import interpret
 from pypy.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile
 from pypy import conftest
 from pypy.rpython.rstr import string_repr
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
+from ctypes import cdll
 from ctypes import c_int, c_long, c_char_p, c_char
+# __________ the standard C library __________
+# LoadLibrary is deprecated in ctypes, this should be removed at some point
+if "load" in dir(cdll):
+    cdll_load = cdll.load
+    cdll_load = cdll.LoadLibrary
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+    mylib = cdll_load('msvcrt.dll')
+elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
+    mylib = cdll_load('libc.so.6')
+elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
+    mylib = cdll.c
+    py.test.skip("don't know how to load the c lib for %s" % 
+            sys.platform)
+# ____________________________________________
 labs = mylib.labs
 labs.restype = c_long

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rpointer.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rpointer.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rpointer.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -3,14 +3,13 @@
 import py.test
+import pypy.rpython.rctypes.implementation
 from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext
 from pypy import conftest
 from pypy.rpython.test.test_llinterp import interpret
 from ctypes import c_int, c_float, POINTER, pointer
-import pypy.rpython.rctypes.implementation
 class Test_annotation:
     def test_simple(self):
         res = c_int(42)

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rprimitive.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rprimitive.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/rctypes/test/test_rprimitive.py	Thu Apr 13 09:02:58 2006
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 import py.test
+import pypy.rpython.rctypes.implementation
 from pypy.annotation.annrpython import RPythonAnnotator
 from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext
 from pypy.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile

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