[pypy-svn] r28993 - pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Tue Jun 20 14:15:46 CEST 2006

Author: arigo
Date: Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
New Revision: 28993

Added docstrings to all (non-special) methods of built-in types
in the StdObjSpace.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/dicttype.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/dicttype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/dicttype.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -3,21 +3,46 @@
 from pypy.objspace.std.register_all import register_all
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-dict_copy       = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('copy',          1)
-dict_items      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('items',         1)
-dict_keys       = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('keys',          1)
-dict_values     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('values',        1)
-dict_has_key    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('has_key',       2)
-dict_clear      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('clear',         1)
-dict_get        = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('get',           3, defaults=(None,))
-dict_pop        = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('pop',           2, w_varargs=True)
-dict_popitem    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('popitem',       1)
-dict_setdefault = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('setdefault',    3, defaults=(None,))
-dict_update     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('update',        2, defaults=((),))
-dict_iteritems  = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('iteritems',     1)
-dict_iterkeys   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('iterkeys',      1)
-dict_itervalues = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('itervalues',    1)
-dict_reversed   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('__reversed__',      1)
+dict_copy       = SMM('copy',          1,
+                      doc='D.copy() -> a shallow copy of D')
+dict_items      = SMM('items',         1,
+                      doc="D.items() -> list of D's (key, value) pairs, as"
+                          ' 2-tuples')
+dict_keys       = SMM('keys',          1,
+                      doc="D.keys() -> list of D's keys")
+dict_values     = SMM('values',        1,
+                      doc="D.values() -> list of D's values")
+dict_has_key    = SMM('has_key',       2,
+                      doc='D.has_key(k) -> True if D has a key k, else False')
+dict_clear      = SMM('clear',         1,
+                      doc='D.clear() -> None.  Remove all items from D.')
+dict_get        = SMM('get',           3, defaults=(None,),
+                      doc='D.get(k[,d]) -> D[k] if k in D, else d.  d defaults'
+                          ' to None.')
+dict_pop        = SMM('pop',           2, w_varargs=True,
+                      doc='D.pop(k[,d]) -> v, remove specified key and return'
+                          ' the corresponding value\nIf key is not found, d is'
+                          ' returned if given, otherwise KeyError is raised')
+dict_popitem    = SMM('popitem',       1,
+                      doc='D.popitem() -> (k, v), remove and return some (key,'
+                          ' value) pair as a\n2-tuple; but raise KeyError if D'
+                          ' is empty')
+dict_setdefault = SMM('setdefault',    3, defaults=(None,),
+                      doc='D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d'
+                          ' if k not in D')
+dict_update     = SMM('update',        2, defaults=((),),
+                      doc='D.update(E, **F) -> None.  Update D from E and F:'
+                          ' for k in E: D[k] = E[k]\n(if E has keys else: for'
+                          ' (k, v) in E: D[k] = v) then: for k in F: D[k] ='
+                          ' F[k]')
+dict_iteritems  = SMM('iteritems',     1,
+                      doc='D.iteritems() -> an iterator over the (key, value)'
+                          ' items of D')
+dict_iterkeys   = SMM('iterkeys',      1,
+                      doc='D.iterkeys() -> an iterator over the keys of D')
+dict_itervalues = SMM('itervalues',    1,
+                      doc='D.itervalues() -> an iterator over the values of D')
+dict_reversed   = SMM('__reversed__',      1)
 def dict_reversed__ANY(space, w_dict):
     raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap('argument to reversed() must be a sequence'))

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/frozensettype.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/frozensettype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/frozensettype.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -1,18 +1,39 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
 from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import register_all
 from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import StdTypeDef, newmethod
-from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import StdObjSpaceMultiMethod as SMM
+from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import SMM
 from pypy.interpreter.gateway import NoneNotWrapped
 from pypy.interpreter import gateway
-frozenset_copy                  = SMM('copy', 1)
-frozenset_difference            = SMM('difference', 2)
-frozenset_intersection          = SMM('intersection', 2)
-frozenset_issubset              = SMM('issubset', 2)
-frozenset_issuperset            = SMM('issuperset', 2)
-frozenset_symmetric_difference  = SMM('symmetric_difference', 2)
-frozenset_union                 = SMM('union', 2)
-frozenset_reduce                = SMM('__reduce__',1)
+frozenset_copy                  = SMM('copy', 1,
+                                      doc='Return a shallow copy of a set.')
+frozenset_difference            = SMM('difference', 2,
+                                      doc='Return the difference of two sets'
+                                          ' as a new set.\n\n(i.e. all'
+                                          ' elements that are in this set but'
+                                          ' not the other.)')
+frozenset_intersection          = SMM('intersection', 2,
+                                      doc='Return the intersection of two sets'
+                                          ' as a new set.\n\n(i.e. all'
+                                          ' elements that are in both sets.)')
+frozenset_issubset              = SMM('issubset', 2,
+                                      doc='Report whether another set contains'
+                                          ' this set.')
+frozenset_issuperset            = SMM('issuperset', 2,
+                                      doc='Report whether this set contains'
+                                          ' another set.')
+frozenset_symmetric_difference  = SMM('symmetric_difference', 2,
+                                      doc='Return the symmetric difference of'
+                                          ' two sets as a new set.\n\n(i.e.'
+                                          ' all elements that are in exactly'
+                                          ' one of the sets.)')
+frozenset_union                 = SMM('union', 2,
+                                      doc='Return the union of two sets as a'
+                                          ' new set.\n\n(i.e. all elements'
+                                          ' that are in either set.)')
+frozenset_reduce                = SMM('__reduce__',1,
+                                      doc='Return state information for'
+                                          ' pickling.')
 register_all(vars(), globals())

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/listtype.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/listtype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/listtype.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -4,16 +4,32 @@
 from pypy.objspace.std.register_all import register_all
 from sys import maxint
-list_append   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('append', 2)
-list_insert   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('insert', 3)
-list_extend   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('extend', 2)
-list_pop      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('pop',    2, defaults=(-1,))
-list_remove   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('remove', 2)
-list_index    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('index',  4, defaults=(0,maxint))
-list_count    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('count',  2)
-list_reverse  = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('reverse',1)
-list_sort     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('sort',   4, defaults=(None, None, False), argnames=['cmp', 'key', 'reverse'])
-list_reversed = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('__reversed__', 1)
+list_append   = SMM('append', 2,
+                    doc='L.append(object) -- append object to end')
+list_insert   = SMM('insert', 3,
+                    doc='L.insert(index, object) -- insert object before index')
+list_extend   = SMM('extend', 2,
+                    doc='L.extend(iterable) -- extend list by appending'
+                        ' elements from the iterable')
+list_pop      = SMM('pop',    2, defaults=(-1,),
+                    doc='L.pop([index]) -> item -- remove and return item at'
+                        ' index (default last)')
+list_remove   = SMM('remove', 2,
+                    doc='L.remove(value) -- remove first occurrence of value')
+list_index    = SMM('index',  4, defaults=(0,maxint),
+                    doc='L.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return'
+                        ' first index of value')
+list_count    = SMM('count',  2,
+                    doc='L.count(value) -> integer -- return number of'
+                        ' occurrences of value')
+list_reverse  = SMM('reverse',1,
+                    doc='L.reverse() -- reverse *IN PLACE*')
+list_sort     = SMM('sort',   4, defaults=(None, None, False), argnames=['cmp', 'key', 'reverse'],
+                    doc='L.sort(cmp=None, key=None, reverse=False) -- stable'
+                        ' sort *IN PLACE*;\ncmp(x, y) -> -1, 0, 1')
+list_reversed = SMM('__reversed__', 1,
+                    doc='L.__reversed__() -- return a reverse iterator over'
+                        ' the list')
 ##list_reversed__ANY = gateway.applevel('''
 ##    # NOT_RPYTHON -- uses yield

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/setobject.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/setobject.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/setobject.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import W_Object, OperationError
 from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import registerimplementation, register_all
-from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import StdObjSpaceMultiMethod
 from pypy.rpython.objectmodel import r_dict
 from pypy.rpython.rarithmetic import intmask, r_uint
 from pypy.interpreter import gateway

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/settype.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/settype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/settype.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -1,27 +1,69 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
 from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import register_all
 from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import StdTypeDef, newmethod, no_hash_descr
-from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import StdObjSpaceMultiMethod as SMM
+from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import SMM
 from pypy.interpreter.gateway import NoneNotWrapped
 from pypy.interpreter import gateway
-set_add                         = SMM('add', 2)
-set_clear                       = SMM('clear', 1)
-set_copy                        = SMM('copy', 1)
-set_difference                  = SMM('difference', 2)
-set_difference_update           = SMM('difference_update', 2)
-set_discard                     = SMM('discard', 2)
-set_intersection                = SMM('intersection', 2)
-set_intersection_update         = SMM('intersection_update', 2)
-set_issubset                    = SMM('issubset', 2)
-set_issuperset                  = SMM('issuperset', 2)
-set_pop                         = SMM('pop', 1)
-set_remove                      = SMM('remove', 2)
-set_symmetric_difference        = SMM('symmetric_difference', 2)
-set_symmetric_difference_update = SMM('symmetric_difference_update', 2)
-set_union                       = SMM('union', 2)
-set_update                      = SMM('update', 2)
-set_reduce                      = SMM('__reduce__',1)
+set_add                         = SMM('add', 2,
+                                      doc='Add an element to a set.\n\nThis'
+                                          ' has no effect if the element is'
+                                          ' already present.')
+set_clear                       = SMM('clear', 1,
+                                      doc='Remove all elements from this set.')
+set_copy                        = SMM('copy', 1,
+                                      doc='Return a shallow copy of a set.')
+set_difference                  = SMM('difference', 2,
+                                      doc='Return the difference of two sets'
+                                          ' as a new set.\n\n(i.e. all'
+                                          ' elements that are in this set but'
+                                          ' not the other.)')
+set_difference_update           = SMM('difference_update', 2,
+                                      doc='Remove all elements of another set'
+                                          ' from this set.')
+set_discard                     = SMM('discard', 2,
+                                      doc='Remove an element from a set if it'
+                                          ' is a member.\n\nIf the element is'
+                                          ' not a member, do nothing.')
+set_intersection                = SMM('intersection', 2,
+                                      doc='Return the intersection of two sets'
+                                          ' as a new set.\n\n(i.e. all'
+                                          ' elements that are in both sets.)')
+set_intersection_update         = SMM('intersection_update', 2,
+                                      doc='Update a set with the intersection'
+                                          ' of itself and another.')
+set_issubset                    = SMM('issubset', 2,
+                                      doc='Report whether another set contains'
+                                          ' this set.')
+set_issuperset                  = SMM('issuperset', 2,
+                                      doc='Report whether this set contains'
+                                          ' another set.')
+set_pop                         = SMM('pop', 1,
+                                      doc='Remove and return an arbitrary set'
+                                          ' element.')
+set_remove                      = SMM('remove', 2,
+                                      doc='Remove an element from a set; it'
+                                          ' must be a member.\n\nIf the'
+                                          ' element is not a member, raise a'
+                                          ' KeyError.')
+set_symmetric_difference        = SMM('symmetric_difference', 2,
+                                      doc='Return the symmetric difference of'
+                                          ' two sets as a new set.\n\n(i.e.'
+                                          ' all elements that are in exactly'
+                                          ' one of the sets.)')
+set_symmetric_difference_update = SMM('symmetric_difference_update', 2,
+                                      doc='Update a set with the symmetric'
+                                          ' difference of itself and another.')
+set_union                       = SMM('union', 2,
+                                      doc='Return the union of two sets as a'
+                                          ' new set.\n\n(i.e. all elements'
+                                          ' that are in either set.)')
+set_update                      = SMM('update', 2,
+                                      doc='Update a set with the union of'
+                                          ' itself and another.')
+set_reduce                      = SMM('__reduce__',1,
+                                      doc='Return state information for'
+                                          ' pickling.')
 register_all(vars(), globals())

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/slicetype.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/slicetype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/slicetype.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -5,7 +5,13 @@
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
 # indices multimehtod
-slice_indices = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('indices', 2)
+slice_indices = SMM('indices', 2,
+                    doc='S.indices(len) -> (start, stop, stride)\n\nAssuming a'
+                        ' sequence of length len, calculate the start and'
+                        ' stop\nindices, and the stride length of the extended'
+                        ' slice described by\nS. Out of bounds indices are'
+                        ' clipped in a manner consistent with the\nhandling of'
+                        ' normal slices.')
 # utility functions
 def _Eval_SliceIndex(space, w_int):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/stdtypedef.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/stdtypedef.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/stdtypedef.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@
 __all__ = ['StdTypeDef', 'newmethod', 'gateway',
            'GetSetProperty', 'Member',
-           'StdObjSpaceMultiMethod', 'descr_get_dict', 'no_hash_descr']
+           'SMM', 'descr_get_dict', 'no_hash_descr']
+SMM = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod
 class StdTypeDef(TypeDef):

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/stringtype.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/stringtype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/stringtype.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -3,41 +3,195 @@
 from sys import maxint
-str_join    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('join', 2)
-str_split   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('split', 3, defaults=(None,-1))
-str_rsplit  = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rsplit', 3, defaults=(None,-1))
-str_isdigit    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isdigit', 1)
-str_isalpha    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isalpha', 1)
-str_isspace    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isspace', 1)
-str_isupper    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isupper', 1)
-str_islower    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('islower', 1)
-str_istitle    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('istitle', 1)
-str_isalnum    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isalnum', 1)
-str_ljust      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('ljust', 3, defaults=(' ',))
-str_rjust      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rjust', 3, defaults=(' ',))
-str_upper      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('upper', 1)
-str_lower      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('lower', 1)
-str_swapcase   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('swapcase', 1)
-str_capitalize = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('capitalize', 1)
-str_title      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('title', 1)
-str_find       = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('find', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-str_rfind      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rfind', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-str_index      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('index', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-str_rindex     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rindex', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-str_replace    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('replace', 4, defaults=(-1,))
-str_zfill      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('zfill', 2)
-str_strip      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('strip',  2, defaults=(None,))
-str_rstrip     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rstrip', 2, defaults=(None,))
-str_lstrip     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('lstrip', 2, defaults=(None,))
-str_center     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('center', 3, defaults=(' ',))
-str_count      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('count', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))      
-str_endswith   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('endswith', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-str_expandtabs = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('expandtabs', 2, defaults=(8,))
-str_splitlines = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('splitlines', 2, defaults=(0,))
-str_startswith = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('startswith', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-str_translate  = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('translate', 3, defaults=('',)) #unicode mimic not supported now
-str_decode     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('decode', 3, defaults=(None, None))
-str_encode     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('encode', 3, defaults=(None, None))
+str_join    = SMM('join', 2,
+                  doc='S.join(sequence) -> string\n\nReturn a string which is'
+                      ' the concatenation of the strings in the\nsequence. '
+                      ' The separator between elements is S.')
+str_split   = SMM('split', 3, defaults=(None,-1),
+                  doc='S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of strings\n\nReturn'
+                      ' a list of the words in the string S, using sep as'
+                      ' the\ndelimiter string.  If maxsplit is given, at most'
+                      ' maxsplit\nsplits are done. If sep is not specified or'
+                      ' is None, any\nwhitespace string is a separator.')
+str_rsplit  = SMM('rsplit', 3, defaults=(None,-1),
+                  doc='S.rsplit([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of'
+                      ' strings\n\nReturn a list of the words in the string S,'
+                      ' using sep as the\ndelimiter string, starting at the'
+                      ' end of the string and working\nto the front.  If'
+                      ' maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit splits are\ndone.'
+                      ' If sep is not specified or is None, any whitespace'
+                      ' string\nis a separator.')
+str_isdigit    = SMM('isdigit', 1,
+                     doc='S.isdigit() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all characters'
+                         ' in S are digits\nand there is at least one'
+                         ' character in S, False otherwise.')
+str_isalpha    = SMM('isalpha', 1,
+                     doc='S.isalpha() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all characters'
+                         ' in S are alphabetic\nand there is at least one'
+                         ' character in S, False otherwise.')
+str_isspace    = SMM('isspace', 1,
+                     doc='S.isspace() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all characters'
+                         ' in S are whitespace\nand there is at least one'
+                         ' character in S, False otherwise.')
+str_isupper    = SMM('isupper', 1,
+                     doc='S.isupper() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all cased'
+                         ' characters in S are uppercase and there is\nat'
+                         ' least one cased character in S, False otherwise.')
+str_islower    = SMM('islower', 1,
+                     doc='S.islower() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all cased'
+                         ' characters in S are lowercase and there is\nat'
+                         ' least one cased character in S, False otherwise.')
+str_istitle    = SMM('istitle', 1,
+                     doc='S.istitle() -> bool\n\nReturn True if S is a'
+                         ' titlecased string and there is at least'
+                         ' one\ncharacter in S, i.e. uppercase characters may'
+                         ' only follow uncased\ncharacters and lowercase'
+                         ' characters only cased ones. Return'
+                         ' False\notherwise.')
+str_isalnum    = SMM('isalnum', 1,
+                     doc='S.isalnum() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all characters'
+                         ' in S are alphanumeric\nand there is at least one'
+                         ' character in S, False otherwise.')
+str_ljust      = SMM('ljust', 3, defaults=(' ',),
+                     doc='S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> string\n\nReturn S'
+                         ' left justified in a string of length width. Padding'
+                         ' is\ndone using the specified fill character'
+                         ' (default is a space).')
+str_rjust      = SMM('rjust', 3, defaults=(' ',),
+                     doc='S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) -> string\n\nReturn S'
+                         ' right justified in a string of length width.'
+                         ' Padding is\ndone using the specified fill character'
+                         ' (default is a space)')
+str_upper      = SMM('upper', 1,
+                     doc='S.upper() -> string\n\nReturn a copy of the string S'
+                         ' converted to uppercase.')
+str_lower      = SMM('lower', 1,
+                     doc='S.lower() -> string\n\nReturn a copy of the string S'
+                         ' converted to lowercase.')
+str_swapcase   = SMM('swapcase', 1,
+                     doc='S.swapcase() -> string\n\nReturn a copy of the'
+                         ' string S with uppercase characters\nconverted to'
+                         ' lowercase and vice versa.')
+str_capitalize = SMM('capitalize', 1,
+                     doc='S.capitalize() -> string\n\nReturn a copy of the'
+                         ' string S with only its first'
+                         ' character\ncapitalized.')
+str_title      = SMM('title', 1,
+                     doc='S.title() -> string\n\nReturn a titlecased version'
+                         ' of S, i.e. words start with uppercase\ncharacters,'
+                         ' all remaining cased characters have lowercase.')
+str_find       = SMM('find', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                     doc='S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\nReturn the'
+                         ' lowest index in S where substring sub is'
+                         ' found,\nsuch that sub is contained within'
+                         ' s[start,end].  Optional\narguments start and end'
+                         ' are interpreted as in slice notation.\n\nReturn -1'
+                         ' on failure.')
+str_rfind      = SMM('rfind', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                     doc='S.rfind(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\nReturn the'
+                         ' highest index in S where substring sub is'
+                         ' found,\nsuch that sub is contained within'
+                         ' s[start,end].  Optional\narguments start and end'
+                         ' are interpreted as in slice notation.\n\nReturn -1'
+                         ' on failure.')
+str_index      = SMM('index', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                     doc='S.index(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\nLike S.find()'
+                         ' but raise ValueError when the substring is not'
+                         ' found.')
+str_rindex     = SMM('rindex', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                     doc='S.rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\nLike'
+                         ' S.rfind() but raise ValueError when the substring'
+                         ' is not found.')
+str_replace    = SMM('replace', 4, defaults=(-1,),
+                     doc='S.replace (old, new[, count]) -> string\n\nReturn a'
+                         ' copy of string S with all occurrences of'
+                         ' substring\nold replaced by new.  If the optional'
+                         ' argument count is\ngiven, only the first count'
+                         ' occurrences are replaced.')
+str_zfill      = SMM('zfill', 2,
+                     doc='S.zfill(width) -> string\n\nPad a numeric string S'
+                         ' with zeros on the left, to fill a field\nof the'
+                         ' specified width.  The string S is never truncated.')
+str_strip      = SMM('strip',  2, defaults=(None,),
+                     doc='S.strip([chars]) -> string or unicode\n\nReturn a'
+                         ' copy of the string S with leading and'
+                         ' trailing\nwhitespace removed.\nIf chars is given'
+                         ' and not None, remove characters in chars'
+                         ' instead.\nIf chars is unicode, S will be converted'
+                         ' to unicode before stripping')
+str_rstrip     = SMM('rstrip', 2, defaults=(None,),
+                     doc='S.rstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode\n\nReturn a'
+                         ' copy of the string S with trailing whitespace'
+                         ' removed.\nIf chars is given and not None, remove'
+                         ' characters in chars instead.\nIf chars is unicode,'
+                         ' S will be converted to unicode before stripping')
+str_lstrip     = SMM('lstrip', 2, defaults=(None,),
+                     doc='S.lstrip([chars]) -> string or unicode\n\nReturn a'
+                         ' copy of the string S with leading whitespace'
+                         ' removed.\nIf chars is given and not None, remove'
+                         ' characters in chars instead.\nIf chars is unicode,'
+                         ' S will be converted to unicode before stripping')
+str_center     = SMM('center', 3, defaults=(' ',),
+                     doc='S.center(width[, fillchar]) -> string\n\nReturn S'
+                         ' centered in a string of length width. Padding'
+                         ' is\ndone using the specified fill character'
+                         ' (default is a space)')
+str_count      = SMM('count', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                     doc='S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int\n\nReturn the'
+                         ' number of occurrences of substring sub in'
+                         ' string\nS[start:end].  Optional arguments start and'
+                         ' end are\ninterpreted as in slice notation.')
+str_endswith   = SMM('endswith', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                     doc='S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) -> bool\n\nReturn'
+                         ' True if S ends with the specified suffix, False'
+                         ' otherwise.\nWith optional start, test S beginning'
+                         ' at that position.\nWith optional end, stop'
+                         ' comparing S at that position.')
+str_expandtabs = SMM('expandtabs', 2, defaults=(8,),
+                     doc='S.expandtabs([tabsize]) -> string\n\nReturn a copy'
+                         ' of S where all tab characters are expanded using'
+                         ' spaces.\nIf tabsize is not given, a tab size of 8'
+                         ' characters is assumed.')
+str_splitlines = SMM('splitlines', 2, defaults=(0,),
+                     doc='S.splitlines([keepends]) -> list of'
+                         ' strings\n\nReturn a list of the lines in S,'
+                         ' breaking at line boundaries.\nLine breaks are not'
+                         ' included in the resulting list unless keepends\nis'
+                         ' given and true.')
+str_startswith = SMM('startswith', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                     doc='S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) ->'
+                         ' bool\n\nReturn True if S starts with the specified'
+                         ' prefix, False otherwise.\nWith optional start, test'
+                         ' S beginning at that position.\nWith optional end,'
+                         ' stop comparing S at that position.')
+str_translate  = SMM('translate', 3, defaults=('',), #unicode mimic not supported now
+                     doc='S.translate(table [,deletechars]) -> string\n\n'
+                         'Return a copy of the string S, where all characters'
+                         ' occurring\nin the optional argument deletechars are'
+                         ' removed, and the\nremaining characters have been'
+                         ' mapped through the given\ntranslation table, which'
+                         ' must be a string of length 256.')
+str_decode     = SMM('decode', 3, defaults=(None, None),
+                     doc='S.decode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object\n\nDecodes S'
+                         ' using the codec registered for encoding. encoding'
+                         ' defaults\nto the default encoding. errors may be'
+                         ' given to set a different error\nhandling scheme.'
+                         " Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors"
+                         ' raise\na UnicodeDecodeError. Other possible values'
+                         " are 'ignore' and 'replace'\nas well as any other"
+                         ' name registerd with codecs.register_error that'
+                         ' is\nable to handle UnicodeDecodeErrors.')
+str_encode     = SMM('encode', 3, defaults=(None, None),
+                     doc='S.encode([encoding[,errors]]) -> object\n\nEncodes S'
+                         ' using the codec registered for encoding. encoding'
+                         ' defaults\nto the default encoding. errors may be'
+                         ' given to set a different error\nhandling scheme.'
+                         " Default is 'strict' meaning that encoding errors"
+                         ' raise\na UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values'
+                         " are 'ignore', 'replace' and\n'xmlcharrefreplace' as"
+                         ' well as any other name registered'
+                         ' with\ncodecs.register_error that is able to handle'
+                         ' UnicodeEncodeErrors.')
 # ____________________________________________________________

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/unicodetype.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/unicodetype.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/std/unicodetype.py	Tue Jun 20 14:15:44 2006
@@ -5,42 +5,208 @@
 from sys import maxint
-unicode_capitalize = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('capitalize', 1)
-unicode_center     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('center', 3, defaults=(' ',))
-unicode_count      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('count', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))      
-unicode_encode     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('encode', 3, defaults=(None, None))
-unicode_endswith   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('endswith', 4, defaults=(0,maxint))
-unicode_expandtabs = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('expandtabs', 2, defaults=(8,))
-unicode_find       = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('find', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-unicode_index      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('index', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-unicode_isalnum    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isalnum', 1)
-unicode_isalpha    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isalpha', 1)
-unicode_isdecimal  = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isdecimal', 1)
-unicode_isdigit    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isdigit', 1)
-unicode_islower    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('islower', 1)
-unicode_isnumeric  = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isnumeric', 1)
-unicode_isspace    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isspace', 1)
-unicode_istitle    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('istitle', 1)
-unicode_isupper    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('isupper', 1)
-unicode_join       = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('join', 2)
-unicode_ljust      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('ljust', 3, defaults=(' ',))
-unicode_lower      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('lower', 1)
-unicode_lstrip     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('lstrip', 2, defaults=(None,))
-unicode_replace    = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('replace', 4, defaults=(-1,))
-unicode_rfind      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rfind', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-unicode_rindex     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rindex', 4, defaults=(0, maxint))
-unicode_rjust      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rjust', 3, defaults=(' ',))
-unicode_rstrip     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rstrip', 2, defaults=(None,))
-unicode_rsplit     = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('rsplit', 3, defaults=(None,-1))
-unicode_split      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('split', 3, defaults=(None,-1))
-unicode_splitlines = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('splitlines', 2, defaults=(0,))
-unicode_startswith = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('startswith', 4, defaults=(0,maxint))
-unicode_strip      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('strip',  2, defaults=(None,))
-unicode_swapcase   = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('swapcase', 1)
-unicode_title      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('title', 1)
-unicode_translate  = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('translate', 2)
-unicode_upper      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('upper', 1)
-unicode_zfill      = StdObjSpaceMultiMethod('zfill', 2)
+unicode_capitalize = SMM('capitalize', 1,
+                         doc='S.capitalize() -> unicode\n\nReturn a'
+                             ' capitalized version of S, i.e. make the first'
+                             ' character\nhave upper case.')
+unicode_center     = SMM('center', 3, defaults=(' ',),
+                         doc='S.center(width[, fillchar]) -> unicode\n\nReturn'
+                             ' S centered in a Unicode string of length width.'
+                             ' Padding is\ndone using the specified fill'
+                             ' character (default is a space)')
+unicode_count      = SMM('count', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                         doc='S.count(sub[, start[, end]]) -> int\n\nReturn'
+                             ' the number of occurrences of substring sub in'
+                             ' Unicode string\nS[start:end].  Optional'
+                             ' arguments start and end are\ninterpreted as in'
+                             ' slice notation.')
+unicode_encode     = SMM('encode', 3, defaults=(None, None),
+                         doc='S.encode([encoding[,errors]]) -> string or'
+                             ' unicode\n\nEncodes S using the codec registered'
+                             ' for encoding. encoding defaults\nto the default'
+                             ' encoding. errors may be given to set a'
+                             ' different error\nhandling scheme. Default is'
+                             " 'strict' meaning that encoding errors raise\na"
+                             ' UnicodeEncodeError. Other possible values are'
+                             " 'ignore', 'replace' and\n'xmlcharrefreplace' as"
+                             ' well as any other name registered'
+                             ' with\ncodecs.register_error that can handle'
+                             ' UnicodeEncodeErrors.')
+unicode_endswith   = SMM('endswith', 4, defaults=(0,maxint),
+                         doc='S.endswith(suffix[, start[, end]]) ->'
+                             ' bool\n\nReturn True if S ends with the'
+                             ' specified suffix, False otherwise.\nWith'
+                             ' optional start, test S beginning at that'
+                             ' position.\nWith optional end, stop comparing S'
+                             ' at that position.')
+unicode_expandtabs = SMM('expandtabs', 2, defaults=(8,),
+                         doc='S.expandtabs([tabsize]) -> unicode\n\nReturn a'
+                             ' copy of S where all tab characters are expanded'
+                             ' using spaces.\nIf tabsize is not given, a tab'
+                             ' size of 8 characters is assumed.')
+unicode_find       = SMM('find', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                         doc='S.find(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\nReturn the'
+                             ' lowest index in S where substring sub is'
+                             ' found,\nsuch that sub is contained within'
+                             ' s[start,end].  Optional\narguments start and'
+                             ' end are interpreted as in slice'
+                             ' notation.\n\nReturn -1 on failure.')
+unicode_index      = SMM('index', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                         doc='S.index(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\nLike'
+                             ' S.find() but raise ValueError when the'
+                             ' substring is not found.')
+unicode_isalnum    = SMM('isalnum', 1,
+                         doc='S.isalnum() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all'
+                             ' characters in S are alphanumeric\nand there is'
+                             ' at least one character in S, False otherwise.')
+unicode_isalpha    = SMM('isalpha', 1,
+                         doc='S.isalpha() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all'
+                             ' characters in S are alphabetic\nand there is at'
+                             ' least one character in S, False otherwise.')
+unicode_isdecimal  = SMM('isdecimal', 1,
+                         doc='S.isdecimal() -> bool\n\nReturn True if there'
+                             ' are only decimal characters in S,\nFalse'
+                             ' otherwise.')
+unicode_isdigit    = SMM('isdigit', 1,
+                         doc='S.isdigit() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all'
+                             ' characters in S are digits\nand there is at'
+                             ' least one character in S, False otherwise.')
+unicode_islower    = SMM('islower', 1,
+                         doc='S.islower() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all cased'
+                             ' characters in S are lowercase and there is\nat'
+                             ' least one cased character in S, False'
+                             ' otherwise.')
+unicode_isnumeric  = SMM('isnumeric', 1,
+                         doc='S.isnumeric() -> bool\n\nReturn True if there'
+                             ' are only numeric characters in S,\nFalse'
+                             ' otherwise.')
+unicode_isspace    = SMM('isspace', 1,
+                         doc='S.isspace() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all'
+                             ' characters in S are whitespace\nand there is at'
+                             ' least one character in S, False otherwise.')
+unicode_istitle    = SMM('istitle', 1,
+                         doc='S.istitle() -> bool\n\nReturn True if S is a'
+                             ' titlecased string and there is at least'
+                             ' one\ncharacter in S, i.e. upper- and titlecase'
+                             ' characters may only\nfollow uncased characters'
+                             ' and lowercase characters only cased'
+                             ' ones.\nReturn False otherwise.')
+unicode_isupper    = SMM('isupper', 1,
+                         doc='S.isupper() -> bool\n\nReturn True if all cased'
+                             ' characters in S are uppercase and there is\nat'
+                             ' least one cased character in S, False'
+                             ' otherwise.')
+unicode_join       = SMM('join', 2,
+                         doc='S.join(sequence) -> unicode\n\nReturn a string'
+                             ' which is the concatenation of the strings in'
+                             ' the\nsequence.  The separator between elements'
+                             ' is S.')
+unicode_ljust      = SMM('ljust', 3, defaults=(' ',),
+                         doc='S.ljust(width[, fillchar]) -> int\n\nReturn S'
+                             ' left justified in a Unicode string of length'
+                             ' width. Padding is\ndone using the specified'
+                             ' fill character (default is a space).')
+unicode_lower      = SMM('lower', 1,
+                         doc='S.lower() -> unicode\n\nReturn a copy of the'
+                             ' string S converted to lowercase.')
+unicode_lstrip     = SMM('lstrip', 2, defaults=(None,),
+                         doc='S.lstrip([chars]) -> unicode\n\nReturn a copy of'
+                             ' the string S with leading whitespace'
+                             ' removed.\nIf chars is given and not None,'
+                             ' remove characters in chars instead.\nIf chars'
+                             ' is a str, it will be converted to unicode'
+                             ' before stripping')
+unicode_replace    = SMM('replace', 4, defaults=(-1,),
+                         doc='S.replace (old, new[, maxsplit]) ->'
+                             ' unicode\n\nReturn a copy of S with all'
+                             ' occurrences of substring\nold replaced by new. '
+                             ' If the optional argument maxsplit is\ngiven,'
+                             ' only the first maxsplit occurrences are'
+                             ' replaced.')
+unicode_rfind      = SMM('rfind', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                         doc='S.rfind(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\nReturn'
+                             ' the highest index in S where substring sub is'
+                             ' found,\nsuch that sub is contained within'
+                             ' s[start,end].  Optional\narguments start and'
+                             ' end are interpreted as in slice'
+                             ' notation.\n\nReturn -1 on failure.')
+unicode_rindex     = SMM('rindex', 4, defaults=(0, maxint),
+                         doc='S.rindex(sub [,start [,end]]) -> int\n\nLike'
+                             ' S.rfind() but raise ValueError when the'
+                             ' substring is not found.')
+unicode_rjust      = SMM('rjust', 3, defaults=(' ',),
+                         doc='S.rjust(width[, fillchar]) -> unicode\n\nReturn'
+                             ' S right justified in a Unicode string of length'
+                             ' width. Padding is\ndone using the specified'
+                             ' fill character (default is a space).')
+unicode_rstrip     = SMM('rstrip', 2, defaults=(None,),
+                         doc='S.rstrip([chars]) -> unicode\n\nReturn a copy of'
+                             ' the string S with trailing whitespace'
+                             ' removed.\nIf chars is given and not None,'
+                             ' remove characters in chars instead.\nIf chars'
+                             ' is a str, it will be converted to unicode'
+                             ' before stripping')
+unicode_rsplit     = SMM('rsplit', 3, defaults=(None,-1),
+                         doc='S.rsplit([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of'
+                             ' strings\n\nReturn a list of the words in S,'
+                             ' using sep as the\ndelimiter string, starting at'
+                             ' the end of the string and\nworking to the'
+                             ' front.  If maxsplit is given, at most'
+                             ' maxsplit\nsplits are done. If sep is not'
+                             ' specified, any whitespace string\nis a'
+                             ' separator.')
+unicode_split      = SMM('split', 3, defaults=(None,-1),
+                         doc='S.split([sep [,maxsplit]]) -> list of'
+                             ' strings\n\nReturn a list of the words in S,'
+                             ' using sep as the\ndelimiter string.  If'
+                             ' maxsplit is given, at most maxsplit\nsplits are'
+                             ' done. If sep is not specified or is None,\nany'
+                             ' whitespace string is a separator.')
+unicode_splitlines = SMM('splitlines', 2, defaults=(0,),
+                         doc='S.splitlines([keepends]]) -> list of'
+                             ' strings\n\nReturn a list of the lines in S,'
+                             ' breaking at line boundaries.\nLine breaks are'
+                             ' not included in the resulting list unless'
+                             ' keepends\nis given and true.')
+unicode_startswith = SMM('startswith', 4, defaults=(0,maxint),
+                         doc='S.startswith(prefix[, start[, end]]) ->'
+                             ' bool\n\nReturn True if S starts with the'
+                             ' specified prefix, False otherwise.\nWith'
+                             ' optional start, test S beginning at that'
+                             ' position.\nWith optional end, stop comparing S'
+                             ' at that position.')
+unicode_strip      = SMM('strip',  2, defaults=(None,),
+                         doc='S.strip([chars]) -> unicode\n\nReturn a copy of'
+                             ' the string S with leading and'
+                             ' trailing\nwhitespace removed.\nIf chars is'
+                             ' given and not None, remove characters in chars'
+                             ' instead.\nIf chars is a str, it will be'
+                             ' converted to unicode before stripping')
+unicode_swapcase   = SMM('swapcase', 1,
+                         doc='S.swapcase() -> unicode\n\nReturn a copy of S'
+                             ' with uppercase characters converted to'
+                             ' lowercase\nand vice versa.')
+unicode_title      = SMM('title', 1,
+                         doc='S.title() -> unicode\n\nReturn a titlecased'
+                             ' version of S, i.e. words start with title'
+                             ' case\ncharacters, all remaining cased'
+                             ' characters have lower case.')
+unicode_translate  = SMM('translate', 2,
+                         doc='S.translate(table) -> unicode\n\nReturn a copy'
+                             ' of the string S, where all characters have been'
+                             ' mapped\nthrough the given translation table,'
+                             ' which must be a mapping of\nUnicode ordinals to'
+                             ' Unicode ordinals, Unicode strings or'
+                             ' None.\nUnmapped characters are left untouched.'
+                             ' Characters mapped to None\nare deleted.')
+unicode_upper      = SMM('upper', 1,
+                         doc='S.upper() -> unicode\n\nReturn a copy of S'
+                             ' converted to uppercase.')
+unicode_zfill      = SMM('zfill', 2,
+                         doc='S.zfill(width) -> unicode\n\nPad a numeric'
+                             ' string x with zeros on the left, to fill a'
+                             ' field\nof the specified width. The string x is'
+                             ' never truncated.')
 # ____________________________________________________________

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