[pypy-svn] r23798 - in pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm: . test

rxe at codespeak.net rxe at codespeak.net
Wed Mar 1 01:32:02 CET 2006

Author: rxe
Date: Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
New Revision: 23798

   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/autopath.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/   (props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/   (props changed)
Rationalise the build and use py.test.

With some serious crossing of fingers, one should be able to do

$ python setup.py build_ext -i
$ py.test

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/autopath.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/autopath.py	Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+self cloning, automatic path configuration 
+copy this into any subdirectory of pypy from which scripts need 
+to be run, typically all of the test subdirs. 
+The idea is that any such script simply issues
+    import autopath
+and this will make sure that the parent directory containing "pypy"
+is in sys.path. 
+If you modify the master "autopath.py" version (in pypy/tool/autopath.py) 
+you can directly run it which will copy itself on all autopath.py files
+it finds under the pypy root directory. 
+This module always provides these attributes:
+    pypydir    pypy root directory path 
+    this_dir   directory where this autopath.py resides 
+def __dirinfo(part):
+    """ return (partdir, this_dir) and insert parent of partdir
+    into sys.path.  If the parent directories don't have the part
+    an EnvironmentError is raised."""
+    import sys, os
+    try:
+        head = this_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
+    except NameError:
+        head = this_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
+    while head:
+        partdir = head
+        head, tail = os.path.split(head)
+        if tail == part:
+            break
+    else:
+        raise EnvironmentError, "'%s' missing in '%r'" % (partdir, this_dir)
+    checkpaths = sys.path[:]
+    pypy_root = os.path.join(head, '')
+    while checkpaths:
+        orig = checkpaths.pop()
+        fullorig = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(orig), '')
+        if fullorig.startswith(pypy_root):
+            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(fullorig, '__init__.py')):
+                sys.path.remove(orig)
+    try:
+        sys.path.remove(head)
+    except ValueError:
+        pass
+    sys.path.insert(0, head)
+    munged = {}
+    for name, mod in sys.modules.items():
+        fn = getattr(mod, '__file__', None)
+        if '.' in name or not isinstance(fn, str):
+            continue
+        newname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fn))[0]
+        if not newname.startswith(part + '.'):
+            continue
+        path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(fn)), '')
+        if path.startswith(pypy_root) and newname != part:
+            modpaths = os.path.normpath(path[len(pypy_root):]).split(os.sep)
+            if newname != '__init__':
+                modpaths.append(newname)
+            modpath = '.'.join(modpaths)
+            if modpath not in sys.modules:
+                munged[modpath] = mod
+    for name, mod in munged.iteritems():
+        if name not in sys.modules:
+            sys.modules[name] = mod
+        if '.' in name:
+            prename = name[:name.rfind('.')]
+            postname = name[len(prename)+1:]
+            if prename not in sys.modules:
+                __import__(prename)
+                if not hasattr(sys.modules[prename], postname):
+                    setattr(sys.modules[prename], postname, mod)
+    return partdir, this_dir
+def __clone():
+    """ clone master version of autopath.py into all subdirs """
+    from os.path import join, walk
+    if not this_dir.endswith(join('pypy','tool')):
+        raise EnvironmentError("can only clone master version "
+                               "'%s'" % join(pypydir, 'tool',_myname))
+    def sync_walker(arg, dirname, fnames):
+        if _myname in fnames:
+            fn = join(dirname, _myname)
+            f = open(fn, 'rwb+')
+            try:
+                if f.read() == arg:
+                    print "checkok", fn
+                else:
+                    print "syncing", fn
+                    f = open(fn, 'w')
+                    f.write(arg)
+            finally:
+                f.close()
+    s = open(join(pypydir, 'tool', _myname), 'rb').read()
+    walk(pypydir, sync_walker, s)
+_myname = 'autopath.py'
+# set guaranteed attributes
+pypydir, this_dir = __dirinfo('pypy')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    __clone()

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/pyllvm.cpp
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/pyllvm.cpp	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/pyllvm.cpp	Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/GenericValue.h"
 #include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.h"
 #include "llvm/Analysis/Verifier.h"
+#include "llvm/DerivedTypes.h"
 // c++ includes
 #include <string>
@@ -19,32 +20,202 @@
 using namespace llvm;
-static PyObject *pyllvm_start_ee(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
-  char *modulename, *llcode;
+typedef struct {
+  PyObject_HEAD
+  ExecutionEngine *exec;
-  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "ss", &modulename, &llcode)) {
+} PyExecutionEngine;
+static PyObject *ee_parse(PyExecutionEngine *self, PyObject *args) {
+  char *llcode;
+  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &llcode)) {
     return NULL;
   try {
-    Module *mod = new Module((const char *) modulename);
+    ParseAssemblyString((const char *) llcode, &self->exec->getModule());
+    verifyModule(self->exec->getModule(), ThrowExceptionAction);
+    Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+    return Py_None;
+  } catch (const ParseException &ref) {
+    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, ref.getMessage().c_str());
+  } catch (...) {
+    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Unexpected unknown exception occurred");
+  }
+  return NULL;
+static PyObject *ee_call_noargs(PyExecutionEngine *self, PyObject *args) {
+  char *fnname;
+  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &fnname)) {
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  try {
+    Function *fn = self->exec->getModule().getNamedFunction(std::string(fnname));
+    if (fn == NULL) {
+      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Failed to resolve function");
+      return NULL;
+    }
+    if (!fn->arg_empty()) {
+      PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Resolved function must take no args");
+      return NULL;
+    }    
+    std::vector<GenericValue> noargs(0);
+    GenericValue ret = self->exec->runFunction(fn, noargs);
+  } catch (...) {
+    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Unexpected unknown exception occurred");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+  return Py_None;
+static PyObject *ee_functions(PyExecutionEngine *self, PyObject *args) {
+  Module::FunctionListType &fns = self->exec->getModule().getFunctionList();
+  for (Module::FunctionListType::const_iterator ii = fns.begin(); ii != fns.end(); ++ii) {
+    if (ii->isIntrinsic() || ii->isExternal()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    std::cout << ii->getReturnType()->getDescription() << " " << ii->getName() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << "   -> " << ii->getFunctionType()->getDescription() << std::endl;
+    std::cout << std::endl;
+  }
+  Py_INCREF(Py_None);
+  return Py_None;
+static PyMethodDef ee_methodlist[] = {
+  {"parse", (PyCFunction) ee_parse, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
+  {"functions", (PyCFunction) ee_functions, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
+  {"call_noargs", (PyCFunction) ee_call_noargs, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
+void ee_dealloc(PyExecutionEngine *self);
+PyObject *ee_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds);
+// PyTypeObject - pythons type structure
+PyTypeObject ExecutionEngine_Type = {
+  0,
+  "ExecutionEngine",
+  sizeof(PyExecutionEngine),
+  0,
+  (destructor)ee_dealloc,                   /* tp_dealloc */
+  0,                                        /* tp_print */
+  0,                                        /* tp_getattr */
+  0,                                        /* tp_setattr */
+  0,                                        /* tp_compare */
+  0,                                        /* tp_repr */
+  0,                                        /* tp_as_number */
+  0,                                        /* tp_as_sequence */
+  0,                                        /* tp_as_mapping */
+  0,                                        /* tp_hash */
+  0,                                        /* tp_call */
+  0,                                        /* tp_str */
+  0,                                        /* tp_getattro */
+  0,                                        /* tp_setattro */
+  0,                                        /* tp_as_buffer */
+  Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT,                       /* tp_flags */
+  0,                                        /* tp_doc */
+  0,                                        /* tp_traverse */
+  0,                                        /* tp_clear */
+  0,                                        /* tp_richcompare */
+  0,                                        /* tp_weaklistoffset */
+  0,                                        /* tp_iter */
+  0,                                        /* tp_iternext */
+  ee_methodlist,                            /* tp_methods */
+  0,                                        /* tp_members */
+  0,                                        /* tp_getset */
+  0,                                        /* tp_base */
+  0,                                        /* tp_dict */
+  0,                                        /* tp_descr_get */
+  0,                                        /* tp_descr_set */
+  0,                                        /* tp_dictoffset */
+  0,                                        /* tp_init */
+  0,                                        /* tp_alloc */
+  0,                                        /* tp_new */
+PyObject *pyllvm_execution_engine;
+static PyObject *ee_factory() {
+  if (pyllvm_execution_engine != NULL) {
+    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "This should not happen");
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  ExecutionEngine *exec;
+  try {
+    Module *mod = new Module((const char *) "my module");
     ModuleProvider *mp = new ExistingModuleProvider(mod);
-    ParseAssemblyString((const char *) llcode, mod);// throw (ParseException)
-    verifyModule(*mod, ThrowExceptionAction);
-    ExecutionEngine *exec = ExecutionEngine::create(mp, false);
+    exec = ExecutionEngine::create(mp, false);
     assert(exec && "Couldn't create an ExecutionEngine, not even an interpreter?");
-    delete exec;
   } catch (...) {
     PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, "Unexpected unknown exception occurred");
     return NULL;
+  PyTypeObject *type = &ExecutionEngine_Type;
+  PyExecutionEngine *self = (PyExecutionEngine *) type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
+  self->exec = exec;
+  return (PyObject *) self;
+void ee_dealloc(PyExecutionEngine *self) {
+  // next and prev taken care of by append/remove/dealloc in dlist
+  self->ob_type->tp_free((PyObject*) self);
+static PyObject *pyllvm_get_ee(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+  if (pyllvm_execution_engine != NULL) {
+    Py_INCREF(pyllvm_execution_engine);
+    return pyllvm_execution_engine;
+  }
+  pyllvm_execution_engine = ee_factory();
+  return pyllvm_execution_engine;
+static PyObject *pyllvm_delete_ee(PyObject *self, PyObject *args) {
+  PyExecutionEngine *ee =  (PyExecutionEngine *) pyllvm_execution_engine;
+  if (ee != NULL) {
+    // bye
+    if (ee->exec != NULL) {
+      delete ee->exec;
+    }
+    Py_DECREF(pyllvm_execution_engine);
+    pyllvm_execution_engine = NULL;
+  }
   return Py_None;
 PyMethodDef pyllvm_functions[] = {
-  {"start_ee", pyllvm_start_ee, METH_VARARGS, NULL},
+  {"get_ee", pyllvm_get_ee, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
+  {"delete_ee", pyllvm_delete_ee, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
@@ -54,7 +225,15 @@
 void initpyllvm(void) {
-  Py_InitModule("pyllvm", pyllvm_functions);
+  PyObject *module = Py_InitModule("pyllvm", pyllvm_functions);
+  if(PyType_Ready(&ExecutionEngine_Type) < 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  Py_INCREF(&ExecutionEngine_Type);
+  PyModule_AddObject(module, "ExecutionEngine", 
+		     (PyObject*) &ExecutionEngine_Type);

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/setup.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/setup.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/setup.py	Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
+import autopath
+import py
 from distutils.core import setup
 from distutils.extension import Extension
 import os
 import glob
-sources = ['pyllvm.cpp']
+# XXX make libdir configurable
+#libdir = py.path.local("/usr/local/lib/")
+libdir = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().join("libs")
+# get all the extra objects llvm needs
 extra_objects = """
@@ -29,21 +37,37 @@
-unused = """
+# globals
+name = 'pyllvm'
+sources = ['pyllvm.cpp']
+libraries = ["LLVMTarget"]
+include_dirs = ['/opt/projects/llvm-1.6/build/include']
+library_dirs = [str(libdir)]
+define_macros = [('_GNU_SOURCE', None), ('__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS', None)]
+extra_objects = [str(libdir.join(obj)) for obj in extra_objects]
+opts = dict(name=name,
+            sources=sources,
+            libraries=libraries,
+            include_dirs=include_dirs,
+            library_dirs=library_dirs,
+            define_macros=define_macros,
+            extra_objects=extra_objects)
+ext_modules = Extension(**opts)
+# setup module
+setup(name=name, ext_modules=[ext_modules])
+# bunch of unused object (at the moment or for x86)
+unused_objects = """
@@ -56,27 +80,5 @@
-extra_objects = ["/usr/local/lib/" + name for name in extra_objects]
-libs = ["LLVMTarget"]
-#for fn in glob.glob("/usr/local/lib/*.a"):
-#    fn = os.path.basename(fn)
-#    if 'LLVM' in fn:
-#        libs.append(os.path.splitext(fn[len("lib"):])[0])
-includes = ['/opt/projects/llvm-1.6/build/include']
-defs = [('_GNU_SOURCE', None),
-        ('__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS', None),
-        ]
-setup(name             = 'pyllvm',
-      version          = '0.0',
-      ext_modules = [Extension(name = 'pyllvm',
-                               define_macros=defs,
-                               sources = sources,
-                               include_dirs = includes,
-                               libraries = libs,
-                               extra_objects = extra_objects)])

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/addnumbers.c
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/addnumbers.c	Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+int add(int n, int y) { 
+  return n + y;

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/addnumbers.s
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/addnumbers.s	Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+; GNU C version 3.4-llvm 20051104 (LLVM 1.6) (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
+;	compiled by GNU C version 3.4.0.
+; GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=30 --param ggc-min-heapsize=4096
+; options passed:  -iprefix -mtune=pentiumpro -auxbase
+; options enabled:  -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fpeephole
+; -ffunction-cse -fkeep-static-consts -fpcc-struct-return -fgcse-lm
+; -fgcse-sm -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fbranch-count-reg -fcommon
+; -fgnu-linker -fargument-alias -fzero-initialized-in-bss -fident
+; -fmath-errno -ftrapping-math -m80387 -mhard-float -mno-soft-float
+; -mieee-fp -mfp-ret-in-387 -maccumulate-outgoing-args -mno-red-zone
+; -mtls-direct-seg-refs -mtune=pentiumpro -march=i386
+target triple = "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
+target pointersize = 32
+target endian = little
+deplibs = ["c", "crtend"]
+"complex double" = type { double, double }
+"complex float" = type { float, float }
+"complex long double" = type { double, double }
+declare double %acos(double)  ;; __builtin_acos
+declare float %acosf(float)  ;; __builtin_acosf
+declare double %acosh(double)  ;; __builtin_acosh
+declare float %acoshf(float)  ;; __builtin_acoshf
+declare double %acoshl(double)  ;; __builtin_acoshl
+declare double %acosl(double)  ;; __builtin_acosl
+declare double %asin(double)  ;; __builtin_asin
+declare float %asinf(float)  ;; __builtin_asinf
+declare double %asinh(double)  ;; __builtin_asinh
+declare float %asinhf(float)  ;; __builtin_asinhf
+declare double %asinhl(double)  ;; __builtin_asinhl
+declare double %asinl(double)  ;; __builtin_asinl
+declare double %atan(double)  ;; __builtin_atan
+declare double %atan2(double,double)  ;; __builtin_atan2
+declare float %atan2f(float,float)  ;; __builtin_atan2f
+declare double %atan2l(double,double)  ;; __builtin_atan2l
+declare float %atanf(float)  ;; __builtin_atanf
+declare double %atanh(double)  ;; __builtin_atanh
+declare float %atanhf(float)  ;; __builtin_atanhf
+declare double %atanhl(double)  ;; __builtin_atanhl
+declare double %atanl(double)  ;; __builtin_atanl
+declare double %cbrt(double)  ;; __builtin_cbrt
+declare float %cbrtf(float)  ;; __builtin_cbrtf
+declare double %cbrtl(double)  ;; __builtin_cbrtl
+declare double %ceil(double)  ;; __builtin_ceil
+declare float %ceilf(float)  ;; __builtin_ceilf
+declare double %ceill(double)  ;; __builtin_ceill
+declare double %copysign(double,double)  ;; __builtin_copysign
+declare float %copysignf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_copysignf
+declare double %copysignl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_copysignl
+declare double %cos(double)  ;; __builtin_cos
+declare float %cosf(float)  ;; __builtin_cosf
+declare double %cosh(double)  ;; __builtin_cosh
+declare float %coshf(float)  ;; __builtin_coshf
+declare double %coshl(double)  ;; __builtin_coshl
+declare double %cosl(double)  ;; __builtin_cosl
+declare double %drem(double,double)  ;; __builtin_drem
+declare float %dremf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_dremf
+declare double %dreml(double,double)  ;; __builtin_dreml
+declare double %erf(double)  ;; __builtin_erf
+declare double %erfc(double)  ;; __builtin_erfc
+declare float %erfcf(float)  ;; __builtin_erfcf
+declare double %erfcl(double)  ;; __builtin_erfcl
+declare float %erff(float)  ;; __builtin_erff
+declare double %erfl(double)  ;; __builtin_erfl
+declare double %exp(double)  ;; __builtin_exp
+declare double %exp10(double)  ;; __builtin_exp10
+declare float %exp10f(float)  ;; __builtin_exp10f
+declare double %exp10l(double)  ;; __builtin_exp10l
+declare double %exp2(double)  ;; __builtin_exp2
+declare float %exp2f(float)  ;; __builtin_exp2f
+declare double %exp2l(double)  ;; __builtin_exp2l
+declare float %expf(float)  ;; __builtin_expf
+declare double %expl(double)  ;; __builtin_expl
+declare double %expm1(double)  ;; __builtin_expm1
+declare float %expm1f(float)  ;; __builtin_expm1f
+declare double %expm1l(double)  ;; __builtin_expm1l
+declare double %fabs(double)  ;; __builtin_fabs
+declare float %fabsf(float)  ;; __builtin_fabsf
+declare double %fabsl(double)  ;; __builtin_fabsl
+declare double %fdim(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fdim
+declare float %fdimf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_fdimf
+declare double %fdiml(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fdiml
+declare double %floor(double)  ;; __builtin_floor
+declare float %floorf(float)  ;; __builtin_floorf
+declare double %floorl(double)  ;; __builtin_floorl
+declare double %fma(double,double,double)  ;; __builtin_fma
+declare float %fmaf(float,float,float)  ;; __builtin_fmaf
+declare double %fmal(double,double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmal
+declare double %fmax(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmax
+declare float %fmaxf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_fmaxf
+declare double %fmaxl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmaxl
+declare double %fmin(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmin
+declare float %fminf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_fminf
+declare double %fminl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fminl
+declare double %fmod(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmod
+declare float %fmodf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_fmodf
+declare double %fmodl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmodl
+declare double %frexp(double,int*)  ;; __builtin_frexp
+declare float %frexpf(float,int*)  ;; __builtin_frexpf
+declare double %frexpl(double,int*)  ;; __builtin_frexpl
+declare double %gamma(double)  ;; __builtin_gamma
+declare float %gammaf(float)  ;; __builtin_gammaf
+declare double %gammal(double)  ;; __builtin_gammal
+declare double %__builtin_huge_val()
+declare float %__builtin_huge_valf()
+declare double %__builtin_huge_vall()
+declare double %hypot(double,double)  ;; __builtin_hypot
+declare float %hypotf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_hypotf
+declare double %hypotl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_hypotl
+declare int %ilogb(double)  ;; __builtin_ilogb
+declare int %ilogbf(float)  ;; __builtin_ilogbf
+declare int %ilogbl(double)  ;; __builtin_ilogbl
+declare double %__builtin_inf()
+declare float %__builtin_inff()
+declare double %__builtin_infl()
+declare double %j0(double)  ;; __builtin_j0
+declare float %j0f(float)  ;; __builtin_j0f
+declare double %j0l(double)  ;; __builtin_j0l
+declare double %j1(double)  ;; __builtin_j1
+declare float %j1f(float)  ;; __builtin_j1f
+declare double %j1l(double)  ;; __builtin_j1l
+declare double %jn(int,double)  ;; __builtin_jn
+declare float %jnf(int,float)  ;; __builtin_jnf
+declare double %jnl(int,double)  ;; __builtin_jnl
+declare double %ldexp(double,int)  ;; __builtin_ldexp
+declare float %ldexpf(float,int)  ;; __builtin_ldexpf
+declare double %ldexpl(double,int)  ;; __builtin_ldexpl
+declare double %lgamma(double)  ;; __builtin_lgamma
+declare float %lgammaf(float)  ;; __builtin_lgammaf
+declare double %lgammal(double)  ;; __builtin_lgammal
+declare long %llrint(double)  ;; __builtin_llrint
+declare long %llrintf(float)  ;; __builtin_llrintf
+declare long %llrintl(double)  ;; __builtin_llrintl
+declare long %llround(double)  ;; __builtin_llround
+declare long %llroundf(float)  ;; __builtin_llroundf
+declare long %llroundl(double)  ;; __builtin_llroundl
+declare double %log(double)  ;; __builtin_log
+declare double %log10(double)  ;; __builtin_log10
+declare float %log10f(float)  ;; __builtin_log10f
+declare double %log10l(double)  ;; __builtin_log10l
+declare double %log1p(double)  ;; __builtin_log1p
+declare float %log1pf(float)  ;; __builtin_log1pf
+declare double %log1pl(double)  ;; __builtin_log1pl
+declare double %log2(double)  ;; __builtin_log2
+declare float %log2f(float)  ;; __builtin_log2f
+declare double %log2l(double)  ;; __builtin_log2l
+declare double %logb(double)  ;; __builtin_logb
+declare float %logbf(float)  ;; __builtin_logbf
+declare double %logbl(double)  ;; __builtin_logbl
+declare float %logf(float)  ;; __builtin_logf
+declare double %logl(double)  ;; __builtin_logl
+declare int %lrint(double)  ;; __builtin_lrint
+declare int %lrintf(float)  ;; __builtin_lrintf
+declare int %lrintl(double)  ;; __builtin_lrintl
+declare int %lround(double)  ;; __builtin_lround
+declare int %lroundf(float)  ;; __builtin_lroundf
+declare int %lroundl(double)  ;; __builtin_lroundl
+declare double %modf(double,double*)  ;; __builtin_modf
+declare float %modff(float,float*)  ;; __builtin_modff
+declare double %modfl(double,double*)  ;; __builtin_modfl
+declare double %nan(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nan
+declare float %nanf(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nanf
+declare double %nanl(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nanl
+declare double %nans(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nans
+declare float %nansf(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nansf
+declare double %nansl(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nansl
+declare double %nearbyint(double)  ;; __builtin_nearbyint
+declare float %nearbyintf(float)  ;; __builtin_nearbyintf
+declare double %nearbyintl(double)  ;; __builtin_nearbyintl
+declare double %nextafter(double,double)  ;; __builtin_nextafter
+declare float %nextafterf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_nextafterf
+declare double %nextafterl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_nextafterl
+declare double %nexttoward(double,double)  ;; __builtin_nexttoward
+declare float %nexttowardf(float,double)  ;; __builtin_nexttowardf
+declare double %nexttowardl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_nexttowardl
+declare double %pow(double,double)  ;; __builtin_pow
+declare double %pow10(double)  ;; __builtin_pow10
+declare float %pow10f(float)  ;; __builtin_pow10f
+declare double %pow10l(double)  ;; __builtin_pow10l
+declare float %powf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_powf
+declare double %powl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_powl
+declare double %remainder(double,double)  ;; __builtin_remainder
+declare float %remainderf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_remainderf
+declare double %remainderl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_remainderl
+declare double %remquo(double,double,int*)  ;; __builtin_remquo
+declare float %remquof(float,float,int*)  ;; __builtin_remquof
+declare double %remquol(double,double,int*)  ;; __builtin_remquol
+declare double %rint(double)  ;; __builtin_rint
+declare float %rintf(float)  ;; __builtin_rintf
+declare double %rintl(double)  ;; __builtin_rintl
+declare double %round(double)  ;; __builtin_round
+declare float %roundf(float)  ;; __builtin_roundf
+declare double %roundl(double)  ;; __builtin_roundl
+declare double %scalb(double,double)  ;; __builtin_scalb
+declare float %scalbf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_scalbf
+declare double %scalbl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_scalbl
+declare double %scalbln(double,int)  ;; __builtin_scalbln
+declare float %scalblnf(float,int)  ;; __builtin_scalblnf
+declare double %scalblnl(double,int)  ;; __builtin_scalblnl
+declare double %scalbn(double,int)  ;; __builtin_scalbn
+declare float %scalbnf(float,int)  ;; __builtin_scalbnf
+declare double %scalbnl(double,int)  ;; __builtin_scalbnl
+declare double %significand(double)  ;; __builtin_significand
+declare float %significandf(float)  ;; __builtin_significandf
+declare double %significandl(double)  ;; __builtin_significandl
+declare double %sin(double)  ;; __builtin_sin
+declare void %sincos(double,double*,double*)  ;; __builtin_sincos
+declare void %sincosf(float,float*,float*)  ;; __builtin_sincosf
+declare void %sincosl(double,double*,double*)  ;; __builtin_sincosl
+declare float %sinf(float)  ;; __builtin_sinf
+declare double %sinh(double)  ;; __builtin_sinh
+declare float %sinhf(float)  ;; __builtin_sinhf
+declare double %sinhl(double)  ;; __builtin_sinhl
+declare double %sinl(double)  ;; __builtin_sinl
+declare double %sqrt(double)  ;; __builtin_sqrt
+declare float %sqrtf(float)  ;; __builtin_sqrtf
+declare double %sqrtl(double)  ;; __builtin_sqrtl
+declare double %tan(double)  ;; __builtin_tan
+declare float %tanf(float)  ;; __builtin_tanf
+declare double %tanh(double)  ;; __builtin_tanh
+declare float %tanhf(float)  ;; __builtin_tanhf
+declare double %tanhl(double)  ;; __builtin_tanhl
+declare double %tanl(double)  ;; __builtin_tanl
+declare double %tgamma(double)  ;; __builtin_tgamma
+declare float %tgammaf(float)  ;; __builtin_tgammaf
+declare double %tgammal(double)  ;; __builtin_tgammal
+declare double %trunc(double)  ;; __builtin_trunc
+declare float %truncf(float)  ;; __builtin_truncf
+declare double %truncl(double)  ;; __builtin_truncl
+declare double %y0(double)  ;; __builtin_y0
+declare float %y0f(float)  ;; __builtin_y0f
+declare double %y0l(double)  ;; __builtin_y0l
+declare double %y1(double)  ;; __builtin_y1
+declare float %y1f(float)  ;; __builtin_y1f
+declare double %y1l(double)  ;; __builtin_y1l
+declare double %yn(int,double)  ;; __builtin_yn
+declare float %ynf(int,float)  ;; __builtin_ynf
+declare double %ynl(int,double)  ;; __builtin_ynl
+declare double %cabs(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cabs
+declare float %cabsf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_cabsf
+declare double %cabsl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cabsl
+declare void %cacos("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cacos
+declare void %cacosf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cacosf
+declare void %cacosh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cacosh
+declare void %cacoshf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cacoshf
+declare void %cacoshl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cacoshl
+declare void %cacosl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cacosl
+declare double %carg(double,double)  ;; __builtin_carg
+declare float %cargf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_cargf
+declare double %cargl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cargl
+declare void %casin("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_casin
+declare void %casinf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_casinf
+declare void %casinh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_casinh
+declare void %casinhf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_casinhf
+declare void %casinhl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_casinhl
+declare void %casinl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_casinl
+declare void %catan("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_catan
+declare void %catanf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_catanf
+declare void %catanh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_catanh
+declare void %catanhf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_catanhf
+declare void %catanhl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_catanhl
+declare void %catanl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_catanl
+declare void %ccos("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ccos
+declare void %ccosf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_ccosf
+declare void %ccosh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ccosh
+declare void %ccoshf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_ccoshf
+declare void %ccoshl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ccoshl
+declare void %ccosl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ccosl
+declare void %cexp("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cexp
+declare void %cexpf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cexpf
+declare void %cexpl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cexpl
+declare double %cimag(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cimag
+declare float %cimagf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_cimagf
+declare double %cimagl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cimagl
+declare void %conj("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_conj
+declare void %conjf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_conjf
+declare void %conjl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_conjl
+declare void %cpow("complex double"*,double,double,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cpow
+declare void %cpowf("complex float"*,float,float,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cpowf
+declare void %cpowl("complex long double"*,double,double,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cpowl
+declare void %cproj("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cproj
+declare void %cprojf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cprojf
+declare void %cprojl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cprojl
+declare double %creal(double,double)  ;; __builtin_creal
+declare float %crealf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_crealf
+declare double %creall(double,double)  ;; __builtin_creall
+declare void %csin("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csin
+declare void %csinf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_csinf
+declare void %csinh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csinh
+declare void %csinhf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_csinhf
+declare void %csinhl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csinhl
+declare void %csinl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csinl
+declare void %csqrt("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csqrt
+declare void %csqrtf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_csqrtf
+declare void %csqrtl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csqrtl
+declare void %ctan("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ctan
+declare void %ctanf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_ctanf
+declare void %ctanh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ctanh
+declare void %ctanhf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_ctanhf
+declare void %ctanhl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ctanhl
+declare void %ctanl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ctanl
+declare int %bcmp(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_bcmp
+declare void %bcopy(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_bcopy
+declare void %bzero(sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_bzero
+declare int %ffs(int)  ;; __builtin_ffs
+declare int %ffsl(int)  ;; __builtin_ffsl
+declare int %ffsll(long)  ;; __builtin_ffsll
+declare sbyte* %index(sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_index
+declare int %memcmp(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_memcmp
+declare sbyte* %memcpy(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_memcpy
+declare sbyte* %memmove(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_memmove
+declare sbyte* %mempcpy(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_mempcpy
+declare sbyte* %memset(sbyte*,int,uint)  ;; __builtin_memset
+declare sbyte* %rindex(sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_rindex
+declare sbyte* %stpcpy(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_stpcpy
+declare sbyte* %strcat(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strcat
+declare sbyte* %strchr(sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_strchr
+declare int %strcmp(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strcmp
+declare sbyte* %strcpy(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strcpy
+declare uint %strcspn(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strcspn
+declare sbyte* %strdup(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strdup
+declare uint %strlen(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strlen
+declare sbyte* %strncat(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_strncat
+declare int %strncmp(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_strncmp
+declare sbyte* %strncpy(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_strncpy
+declare sbyte* %strpbrk(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strpbrk
+declare sbyte* %strrchr(sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_strrchr
+declare uint %strspn(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strspn
+declare sbyte* %strstr(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strstr
+declare int %fprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_fprintf
+declare int %fprintf_unlocked(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_fprintf_unlocked
+declare int %fputc(int,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fputc
+declare int %fputc_unlocked(int,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fputc_unlocked
+declare int %fputs(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fputs
+declare int %fputs_unlocked(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fputs_unlocked
+declare int %fscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_fscanf
+declare uint %fwrite(sbyte*,uint,uint,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fwrite
+declare uint %fwrite_unlocked(sbyte*,uint,uint,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fwrite_unlocked
+declare int %printf(sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_printf
+declare int %printf_unlocked(sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_printf_unlocked
+declare int %putchar(int)  ;; __builtin_putchar
+declare int %putchar_unlocked(int)  ;; __builtin_putchar_unlocked
+declare int %puts(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_puts
+declare int %puts_unlocked(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_puts_unlocked
+declare int %scanf(sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_scanf
+declare int %snprintf(sbyte*,uint,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_snprintf
+declare int %sprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_sprintf
+declare int %sscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_sscanf
+declare int %vfprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vfprintf
+declare int %vfscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vfscanf
+declare int %vprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vprintf
+declare int %vscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vscanf
+declare int %vsnprintf(sbyte*,uint,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vsnprintf
+declare int %vsprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vsprintf
+declare int %vsscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vsscanf
+declare void %abort()  ;; __builtin_abort
+declare int %abs(int)  ;; __builtin_abs
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_aggregate_incoming_address(...)
+declare sbyte* %alloca(uint)  ;; __builtin_alloca
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_apply(void (...)*,sbyte*,uint)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_apply_args(...)
+declare int %__builtin_args_info(int)
+declare sbyte* %calloc(uint,uint)  ;; __builtin_calloc
+declare int %__builtin_classify_type(...)
+declare int %__builtin_clz(int)
+declare int %__builtin_clzl(int)
+declare int %__builtin_clzll(long)
+declare int %__builtin_constant_p(...)
+declare int %__builtin_ctz(int)
+declare int %__builtin_ctzl(int)
+declare int %__builtin_ctzll(long)
+declare sbyte* %dcgettext(sbyte*,sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_dcgettext
+declare sbyte* %dgettext(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_dgettext
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_dwarf_cfa()
+declare uint %__builtin_dwarf_sp_column()
+declare void %__builtin_eh_return(int,sbyte*)
+declare int %__builtin_eh_return_data_regno(int)
+declare void %exit(int)  ;; __builtin_exit
+declare int %__builtin_expect(int,int)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_extract_return_addr(sbyte*)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_frame_address(uint)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_frob_return_addr(sbyte*)
+declare sbyte* %gettext(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_gettext
+declare long %imaxabs(long)  ;; __builtin_imaxabs
+declare void %__builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table(sbyte*)
+declare int %__builtin_isgreater(...)
+declare int %__builtin_isgreaterequal(...)
+declare int %__builtin_isless(...)
+declare int %__builtin_islessequal(...)
+declare int %__builtin_islessgreater(...)
+declare int %__builtin_isunordered(...)
+declare int %labs(int)  ;; __builtin_labs
+declare long %llabs(long)  ;; __builtin_llabs
+declare void %__builtin_longjmp(sbyte*,int)
+declare sbyte* %malloc(uint)  ;; __builtin_malloc
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_next_arg(...)
+declare int %__builtin_parity(int)
+declare int %__builtin_parityl(int)
+declare int %__builtin_parityll(long)
+declare int %__builtin_popcount(int)
+declare int %__builtin_popcountl(int)
+declare int %__builtin_popcountll(long)
+declare void %__builtin_prefetch(sbyte*, ...)
+declare void %__builtin_return(sbyte*)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_return_address(uint)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_saveregs(...)
+declare int %__builtin_setjmp(sbyte*)
+declare void %__builtin_stdarg_start(sbyte**, ...)
+declare int %strfmon(sbyte*,uint,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_strfmon
+declare uint %strftime(sbyte*,uint,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strftime
+declare void %__builtin_trap()
+declare void %__builtin_unwind_init()
+declare void %__builtin_va_copy(sbyte**,sbyte*)
+declare void %__builtin_va_end(sbyte**)
+declare void %__builtin_va_start(sbyte**, ...)
+declare void %_exit(int)  ;; __builtin__exit
+declare void %_Exit(int)  ;; __builtin__Exit
+int %add(int %n, int %y) {  
+	%n_addr = alloca int		 ; ty=int*
+	%y_addr = alloca int		 ; ty=int*
+	%result = alloca int		 ; ty=int*
+	store int %n, int* %n_addr
+	store int %y, int* %y_addr
+	%tmp.0 = load int* %n_addr		 ; ty=int
+	%tmp.1 = load int* %y_addr		 ; ty=int
+	%tmp.2 = add int %tmp.0, %tmp.1		 ; ty=int
+	store int %tmp.2, int* %result
+	br label %return
+	br label %return
+	%tmp.3 = load int* %result		 ; ty=int
+	ret int %tmp.3
+;; Created by "GCC: (GNU) 3.4-llvm 20051104 (LLVM 1.6)"

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/hello.c
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/hello.c	Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+char *gethellostr() { 
+  return "hello world\n";
+int hello() { 
+  printf(gethellostr());
+  return 0;

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/hello.s
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/hello.s	Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+; GNU C version 3.4-llvm 20051104 (LLVM 1.6) (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
+;	compiled by GNU C version 3.4.0.
+; GGC heuristics: --param ggc-min-expand=30 --param ggc-min-heapsize=4096
+; options passed:  -iprefix -mtune=pentiumpro -auxbase
+; options enabled:  -feliminate-unused-debug-types -fpeephole
+; -ffunction-cse -fkeep-static-consts -fpcc-struct-return -fgcse-lm
+; -fgcse-sm -fsched-interblock -fsched-spec -fbranch-count-reg -fcommon
+; -fgnu-linker -fargument-alias -fzero-initialized-in-bss -fident
+; -fmath-errno -ftrapping-math -m80387 -mhard-float -mno-soft-float
+; -mieee-fp -mfp-ret-in-387 -maccumulate-outgoing-args -mno-red-zone
+; -mtls-direct-seg-refs -mtune=pentiumpro -march=i386
+target triple = "i686-pc-linux-gnu"
+target pointersize = 32
+target endian = little
+deplibs = ["c", "crtend"]
+"complex double" = type { double, double }
+"complex float" = type { float, float }
+"complex long double" = type { double, double }
+%.str_1 = internal constant [13 x sbyte] c"hello world\0A\00"
+declare double %acos(double)  ;; __builtin_acos
+declare float %acosf(float)  ;; __builtin_acosf
+declare double %acosh(double)  ;; __builtin_acosh
+declare float %acoshf(float)  ;; __builtin_acoshf
+declare double %acoshl(double)  ;; __builtin_acoshl
+declare double %acosl(double)  ;; __builtin_acosl
+declare double %asin(double)  ;; __builtin_asin
+declare float %asinf(float)  ;; __builtin_asinf
+declare double %asinh(double)  ;; __builtin_asinh
+declare float %asinhf(float)  ;; __builtin_asinhf
+declare double %asinhl(double)  ;; __builtin_asinhl
+declare double %asinl(double)  ;; __builtin_asinl
+declare double %atan(double)  ;; __builtin_atan
+declare double %atan2(double,double)  ;; __builtin_atan2
+declare float %atan2f(float,float)  ;; __builtin_atan2f
+declare double %atan2l(double,double)  ;; __builtin_atan2l
+declare float %atanf(float)  ;; __builtin_atanf
+declare double %atanh(double)  ;; __builtin_atanh
+declare float %atanhf(float)  ;; __builtin_atanhf
+declare double %atanhl(double)  ;; __builtin_atanhl
+declare double %atanl(double)  ;; __builtin_atanl
+declare double %cbrt(double)  ;; __builtin_cbrt
+declare float %cbrtf(float)  ;; __builtin_cbrtf
+declare double %cbrtl(double)  ;; __builtin_cbrtl
+declare double %ceil(double)  ;; __builtin_ceil
+declare float %ceilf(float)  ;; __builtin_ceilf
+declare double %ceill(double)  ;; __builtin_ceill
+declare double %copysign(double,double)  ;; __builtin_copysign
+declare float %copysignf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_copysignf
+declare double %copysignl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_copysignl
+declare double %cos(double)  ;; __builtin_cos
+declare float %cosf(float)  ;; __builtin_cosf
+declare double %cosh(double)  ;; __builtin_cosh
+declare float %coshf(float)  ;; __builtin_coshf
+declare double %coshl(double)  ;; __builtin_coshl
+declare double %cosl(double)  ;; __builtin_cosl
+declare double %drem(double,double)  ;; __builtin_drem
+declare float %dremf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_dremf
+declare double %dreml(double,double)  ;; __builtin_dreml
+declare double %erf(double)  ;; __builtin_erf
+declare double %erfc(double)  ;; __builtin_erfc
+declare float %erfcf(float)  ;; __builtin_erfcf
+declare double %erfcl(double)  ;; __builtin_erfcl
+declare float %erff(float)  ;; __builtin_erff
+declare double %erfl(double)  ;; __builtin_erfl
+declare double %exp(double)  ;; __builtin_exp
+declare double %exp10(double)  ;; __builtin_exp10
+declare float %exp10f(float)  ;; __builtin_exp10f
+declare double %exp10l(double)  ;; __builtin_exp10l
+declare double %exp2(double)  ;; __builtin_exp2
+declare float %exp2f(float)  ;; __builtin_exp2f
+declare double %exp2l(double)  ;; __builtin_exp2l
+declare float %expf(float)  ;; __builtin_expf
+declare double %expl(double)  ;; __builtin_expl
+declare double %expm1(double)  ;; __builtin_expm1
+declare float %expm1f(float)  ;; __builtin_expm1f
+declare double %expm1l(double)  ;; __builtin_expm1l
+declare double %fabs(double)  ;; __builtin_fabs
+declare float %fabsf(float)  ;; __builtin_fabsf
+declare double %fabsl(double)  ;; __builtin_fabsl
+declare double %fdim(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fdim
+declare float %fdimf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_fdimf
+declare double %fdiml(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fdiml
+declare double %floor(double)  ;; __builtin_floor
+declare float %floorf(float)  ;; __builtin_floorf
+declare double %floorl(double)  ;; __builtin_floorl
+declare double %fma(double,double,double)  ;; __builtin_fma
+declare float %fmaf(float,float,float)  ;; __builtin_fmaf
+declare double %fmal(double,double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmal
+declare double %fmax(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmax
+declare float %fmaxf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_fmaxf
+declare double %fmaxl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmaxl
+declare double %fmin(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmin
+declare float %fminf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_fminf
+declare double %fminl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fminl
+declare double %fmod(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmod
+declare float %fmodf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_fmodf
+declare double %fmodl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_fmodl
+declare double %frexp(double,int*)  ;; __builtin_frexp
+declare float %frexpf(float,int*)  ;; __builtin_frexpf
+declare double %frexpl(double,int*)  ;; __builtin_frexpl
+declare double %gamma(double)  ;; __builtin_gamma
+declare float %gammaf(float)  ;; __builtin_gammaf
+declare double %gammal(double)  ;; __builtin_gammal
+declare double %__builtin_huge_val()
+declare float %__builtin_huge_valf()
+declare double %__builtin_huge_vall()
+declare double %hypot(double,double)  ;; __builtin_hypot
+declare float %hypotf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_hypotf
+declare double %hypotl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_hypotl
+declare int %ilogb(double)  ;; __builtin_ilogb
+declare int %ilogbf(float)  ;; __builtin_ilogbf
+declare int %ilogbl(double)  ;; __builtin_ilogbl
+declare double %__builtin_inf()
+declare float %__builtin_inff()
+declare double %__builtin_infl()
+declare double %j0(double)  ;; __builtin_j0
+declare float %j0f(float)  ;; __builtin_j0f
+declare double %j0l(double)  ;; __builtin_j0l
+declare double %j1(double)  ;; __builtin_j1
+declare float %j1f(float)  ;; __builtin_j1f
+declare double %j1l(double)  ;; __builtin_j1l
+declare double %jn(int,double)  ;; __builtin_jn
+declare float %jnf(int,float)  ;; __builtin_jnf
+declare double %jnl(int,double)  ;; __builtin_jnl
+declare double %ldexp(double,int)  ;; __builtin_ldexp
+declare float %ldexpf(float,int)  ;; __builtin_ldexpf
+declare double %ldexpl(double,int)  ;; __builtin_ldexpl
+declare double %lgamma(double)  ;; __builtin_lgamma
+declare float %lgammaf(float)  ;; __builtin_lgammaf
+declare double %lgammal(double)  ;; __builtin_lgammal
+declare long %llrint(double)  ;; __builtin_llrint
+declare long %llrintf(float)  ;; __builtin_llrintf
+declare long %llrintl(double)  ;; __builtin_llrintl
+declare long %llround(double)  ;; __builtin_llround
+declare long %llroundf(float)  ;; __builtin_llroundf
+declare long %llroundl(double)  ;; __builtin_llroundl
+declare double %log(double)  ;; __builtin_log
+declare double %log10(double)  ;; __builtin_log10
+declare float %log10f(float)  ;; __builtin_log10f
+declare double %log10l(double)  ;; __builtin_log10l
+declare double %log1p(double)  ;; __builtin_log1p
+declare float %log1pf(float)  ;; __builtin_log1pf
+declare double %log1pl(double)  ;; __builtin_log1pl
+declare double %log2(double)  ;; __builtin_log2
+declare float %log2f(float)  ;; __builtin_log2f
+declare double %log2l(double)  ;; __builtin_log2l
+declare double %logb(double)  ;; __builtin_logb
+declare float %logbf(float)  ;; __builtin_logbf
+declare double %logbl(double)  ;; __builtin_logbl
+declare float %logf(float)  ;; __builtin_logf
+declare double %logl(double)  ;; __builtin_logl
+declare int %lrint(double)  ;; __builtin_lrint
+declare int %lrintf(float)  ;; __builtin_lrintf
+declare int %lrintl(double)  ;; __builtin_lrintl
+declare int %lround(double)  ;; __builtin_lround
+declare int %lroundf(float)  ;; __builtin_lroundf
+declare int %lroundl(double)  ;; __builtin_lroundl
+declare double %modf(double,double*)  ;; __builtin_modf
+declare float %modff(float,float*)  ;; __builtin_modff
+declare double %modfl(double,double*)  ;; __builtin_modfl
+declare double %nan(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nan
+declare float %nanf(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nanf
+declare double %nanl(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nanl
+declare double %nans(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nans
+declare float %nansf(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nansf
+declare double %nansl(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_nansl
+declare double %nearbyint(double)  ;; __builtin_nearbyint
+declare float %nearbyintf(float)  ;; __builtin_nearbyintf
+declare double %nearbyintl(double)  ;; __builtin_nearbyintl
+declare double %nextafter(double,double)  ;; __builtin_nextafter
+declare float %nextafterf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_nextafterf
+declare double %nextafterl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_nextafterl
+declare double %nexttoward(double,double)  ;; __builtin_nexttoward
+declare float %nexttowardf(float,double)  ;; __builtin_nexttowardf
+declare double %nexttowardl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_nexttowardl
+declare double %pow(double,double)  ;; __builtin_pow
+declare double %pow10(double)  ;; __builtin_pow10
+declare float %pow10f(float)  ;; __builtin_pow10f
+declare double %pow10l(double)  ;; __builtin_pow10l
+declare float %powf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_powf
+declare double %powl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_powl
+declare double %remainder(double,double)  ;; __builtin_remainder
+declare float %remainderf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_remainderf
+declare double %remainderl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_remainderl
+declare double %remquo(double,double,int*)  ;; __builtin_remquo
+declare float %remquof(float,float,int*)  ;; __builtin_remquof
+declare double %remquol(double,double,int*)  ;; __builtin_remquol
+declare double %rint(double)  ;; __builtin_rint
+declare float %rintf(float)  ;; __builtin_rintf
+declare double %rintl(double)  ;; __builtin_rintl
+declare double %round(double)  ;; __builtin_round
+declare float %roundf(float)  ;; __builtin_roundf
+declare double %roundl(double)  ;; __builtin_roundl
+declare double %scalb(double,double)  ;; __builtin_scalb
+declare float %scalbf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_scalbf
+declare double %scalbl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_scalbl
+declare double %scalbln(double,int)  ;; __builtin_scalbln
+declare float %scalblnf(float,int)  ;; __builtin_scalblnf
+declare double %scalblnl(double,int)  ;; __builtin_scalblnl
+declare double %scalbn(double,int)  ;; __builtin_scalbn
+declare float %scalbnf(float,int)  ;; __builtin_scalbnf
+declare double %scalbnl(double,int)  ;; __builtin_scalbnl
+declare double %significand(double)  ;; __builtin_significand
+declare float %significandf(float)  ;; __builtin_significandf
+declare double %significandl(double)  ;; __builtin_significandl
+declare double %sin(double)  ;; __builtin_sin
+declare void %sincos(double,double*,double*)  ;; __builtin_sincos
+declare void %sincosf(float,float*,float*)  ;; __builtin_sincosf
+declare void %sincosl(double,double*,double*)  ;; __builtin_sincosl
+declare float %sinf(float)  ;; __builtin_sinf
+declare double %sinh(double)  ;; __builtin_sinh
+declare float %sinhf(float)  ;; __builtin_sinhf
+declare double %sinhl(double)  ;; __builtin_sinhl
+declare double %sinl(double)  ;; __builtin_sinl
+declare double %sqrt(double)  ;; __builtin_sqrt
+declare float %sqrtf(float)  ;; __builtin_sqrtf
+declare double %sqrtl(double)  ;; __builtin_sqrtl
+declare double %tan(double)  ;; __builtin_tan
+declare float %tanf(float)  ;; __builtin_tanf
+declare double %tanh(double)  ;; __builtin_tanh
+declare float %tanhf(float)  ;; __builtin_tanhf
+declare double %tanhl(double)  ;; __builtin_tanhl
+declare double %tanl(double)  ;; __builtin_tanl
+declare double %tgamma(double)  ;; __builtin_tgamma
+declare float %tgammaf(float)  ;; __builtin_tgammaf
+declare double %tgammal(double)  ;; __builtin_tgammal
+declare double %trunc(double)  ;; __builtin_trunc
+declare float %truncf(float)  ;; __builtin_truncf
+declare double %truncl(double)  ;; __builtin_truncl
+declare double %y0(double)  ;; __builtin_y0
+declare float %y0f(float)  ;; __builtin_y0f
+declare double %y0l(double)  ;; __builtin_y0l
+declare double %y1(double)  ;; __builtin_y1
+declare float %y1f(float)  ;; __builtin_y1f
+declare double %y1l(double)  ;; __builtin_y1l
+declare double %yn(int,double)  ;; __builtin_yn
+declare float %ynf(int,float)  ;; __builtin_ynf
+declare double %ynl(int,double)  ;; __builtin_ynl
+declare double %cabs(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cabs
+declare float %cabsf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_cabsf
+declare double %cabsl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cabsl
+declare void %cacos("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cacos
+declare void %cacosf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cacosf
+declare void %cacosh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cacosh
+declare void %cacoshf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cacoshf
+declare void %cacoshl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cacoshl
+declare void %cacosl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cacosl
+declare double %carg(double,double)  ;; __builtin_carg
+declare float %cargf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_cargf
+declare double %cargl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cargl
+declare void %casin("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_casin
+declare void %casinf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_casinf
+declare void %casinh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_casinh
+declare void %casinhf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_casinhf
+declare void %casinhl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_casinhl
+declare void %casinl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_casinl
+declare void %catan("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_catan
+declare void %catanf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_catanf
+declare void %catanh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_catanh
+declare void %catanhf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_catanhf
+declare void %catanhl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_catanhl
+declare void %catanl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_catanl
+declare void %ccos("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ccos
+declare void %ccosf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_ccosf
+declare void %ccosh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ccosh
+declare void %ccoshf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_ccoshf
+declare void %ccoshl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ccoshl
+declare void %ccosl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ccosl
+declare void %cexp("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cexp
+declare void %cexpf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cexpf
+declare void %cexpl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cexpl
+declare double %cimag(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cimag
+declare float %cimagf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_cimagf
+declare double %cimagl(double,double)  ;; __builtin_cimagl
+declare void %conj("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_conj
+declare void %conjf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_conjf
+declare void %conjl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_conjl
+declare void %cpow("complex double"*,double,double,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cpow
+declare void %cpowf("complex float"*,float,float,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cpowf
+declare void %cpowl("complex long double"*,double,double,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cpowl
+declare void %cproj("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cproj
+declare void %cprojf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_cprojf
+declare void %cprojl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_cprojl
+declare double %creal(double,double)  ;; __builtin_creal
+declare float %crealf(float,float)  ;; __builtin_crealf
+declare double %creall(double,double)  ;; __builtin_creall
+declare void %csin("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csin
+declare void %csinf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_csinf
+declare void %csinh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csinh
+declare void %csinhf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_csinhf
+declare void %csinhl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csinhl
+declare void %csinl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csinl
+declare void %csqrt("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csqrt
+declare void %csqrtf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_csqrtf
+declare void %csqrtl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_csqrtl
+declare void %ctan("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ctan
+declare void %ctanf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_ctanf
+declare void %ctanh("complex double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ctanh
+declare void %ctanhf("complex float"*,float,float)  ;; __builtin_ctanhf
+declare void %ctanhl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ctanhl
+declare void %ctanl("complex long double"*,double,double)  ;; __builtin_ctanl
+declare int %bcmp(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_bcmp
+declare void %bcopy(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_bcopy
+declare void %bzero(sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_bzero
+declare int %ffs(int)  ;; __builtin_ffs
+declare int %ffsl(int)  ;; __builtin_ffsl
+declare int %ffsll(long)  ;; __builtin_ffsll
+declare sbyte* %index(sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_index
+declare int %memcmp(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_memcmp
+declare sbyte* %memcpy(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_memcpy
+declare sbyte* %memmove(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_memmove
+declare sbyte* %mempcpy(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_mempcpy
+declare sbyte* %memset(sbyte*,int,uint)  ;; __builtin_memset
+declare sbyte* %rindex(sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_rindex
+declare sbyte* %stpcpy(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_stpcpy
+declare sbyte* %strcat(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strcat
+declare sbyte* %strchr(sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_strchr
+declare int %strcmp(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strcmp
+declare sbyte* %strcpy(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strcpy
+declare uint %strcspn(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strcspn
+declare sbyte* %strdup(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strdup
+declare uint %strlen(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strlen
+declare sbyte* %strncat(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_strncat
+declare int %strncmp(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_strncmp
+declare sbyte* %strncpy(sbyte*,sbyte*,uint)  ;; __builtin_strncpy
+declare sbyte* %strpbrk(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strpbrk
+declare sbyte* %strrchr(sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_strrchr
+declare uint %strspn(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strspn
+declare sbyte* %strstr(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strstr
+declare int %fprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_fprintf
+declare int %fprintf_unlocked(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_fprintf_unlocked
+declare int %fputc(int,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fputc
+declare int %fputc_unlocked(int,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fputc_unlocked
+declare int %fputs(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fputs
+declare int %fputs_unlocked(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fputs_unlocked
+declare int %fscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_fscanf
+declare uint %fwrite(sbyte*,uint,uint,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fwrite
+declare uint %fwrite_unlocked(sbyte*,uint,uint,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_fwrite_unlocked
+declare int %printf(sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_printf
+declare int %printf_unlocked(sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_printf_unlocked
+declare int %putchar(int)  ;; __builtin_putchar
+declare int %putchar_unlocked(int)  ;; __builtin_putchar_unlocked
+declare int %puts(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_puts
+declare int %puts_unlocked(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_puts_unlocked
+declare int %scanf(sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_scanf
+declare int %snprintf(sbyte*,uint,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_snprintf
+declare int %sprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_sprintf
+declare int %sscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_sscanf
+declare int %vfprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vfprintf
+declare int %vfscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vfscanf
+declare int %vprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vprintf
+declare int %vscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vscanf
+declare int %vsnprintf(sbyte*,uint,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vsnprintf
+declare int %vsprintf(sbyte*,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vsprintf
+declare int %vsscanf(sbyte*,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_vsscanf
+declare void %abort()  ;; __builtin_abort
+declare int %abs(int)  ;; __builtin_abs
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_aggregate_incoming_address(...)
+declare sbyte* %alloca(uint)  ;; __builtin_alloca
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_apply(void (...)*,sbyte*,uint)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_apply_args(...)
+declare int %__builtin_args_info(int)
+declare sbyte* %calloc(uint,uint)  ;; __builtin_calloc
+declare int %__builtin_classify_type(...)
+declare int %__builtin_clz(int)
+declare int %__builtin_clzl(int)
+declare int %__builtin_clzll(long)
+declare int %__builtin_constant_p(...)
+declare int %__builtin_ctz(int)
+declare int %__builtin_ctzl(int)
+declare int %__builtin_ctzll(long)
+declare sbyte* %dcgettext(sbyte*,sbyte*,int)  ;; __builtin_dcgettext
+declare sbyte* %dgettext(sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_dgettext
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_dwarf_cfa()
+declare uint %__builtin_dwarf_sp_column()
+declare void %__builtin_eh_return(int,sbyte*)
+declare int %__builtin_eh_return_data_regno(int)
+declare void %exit(int)  ;; __builtin_exit
+declare int %__builtin_expect(int,int)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_extract_return_addr(sbyte*)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_frame_address(uint)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_frob_return_addr(sbyte*)
+declare sbyte* %gettext(sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_gettext
+declare long %imaxabs(long)  ;; __builtin_imaxabs
+declare void %__builtin_init_dwarf_reg_size_table(sbyte*)
+declare int %__builtin_isgreater(...)
+declare int %__builtin_isgreaterequal(...)
+declare int %__builtin_isless(...)
+declare int %__builtin_islessequal(...)
+declare int %__builtin_islessgreater(...)
+declare int %__builtin_isunordered(...)
+declare int %labs(int)  ;; __builtin_labs
+declare long %llabs(long)  ;; __builtin_llabs
+declare void %__builtin_longjmp(sbyte*,int)
+declare sbyte* %malloc(uint)  ;; __builtin_malloc
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_next_arg(...)
+declare int %__builtin_parity(int)
+declare int %__builtin_parityl(int)
+declare int %__builtin_parityll(long)
+declare int %__builtin_popcount(int)
+declare int %__builtin_popcountl(int)
+declare int %__builtin_popcountll(long)
+declare void %__builtin_prefetch(sbyte*, ...)
+declare void %__builtin_return(sbyte*)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_return_address(uint)
+declare sbyte* %__builtin_saveregs(...)
+declare int %__builtin_setjmp(sbyte*)
+declare void %__builtin_stdarg_start(sbyte**, ...)
+declare int %strfmon(sbyte*,uint,sbyte*, ...)  ;; __builtin_strfmon
+declare uint %strftime(sbyte*,uint,sbyte*,sbyte*)  ;; __builtin_strftime
+declare void %__builtin_trap()
+declare void %__builtin_unwind_init()
+declare void %__builtin_va_copy(sbyte**,sbyte*)
+declare void %__builtin_va_end(sbyte**)
+declare void %__builtin_va_start(sbyte**, ...)
+declare void %_exit(int)  ;; __builtin__exit
+declare void %_Exit(int)  ;; __builtin__Exit
+sbyte* %gethellostr() {  
+	%result = alloca sbyte*		 ; ty=sbyte**
+	store sbyte* getelementptr ([13 x sbyte]* %.str_1, int 0, int 0), sbyte** %result
+	br label %return
+	br label %return
+	%tmp.1 = load sbyte** %result		 ; ty=sbyte*
+	ret sbyte* %tmp.1
+int %hello() {  
+	%result = alloca int		 ; ty=int*
+	%tmp.2 = call sbyte* (...)* cast (sbyte* ()* %gethellostr to sbyte* (...)*)()		 ; ty=sbyte*
+	%tmp.0 = call int (sbyte*, ...)* %printf(sbyte* %tmp.2)		 ; ty=int
+	store int 0, int* %result
+	br label %return
+	br label %return
+	%tmp.3 = load int* %result		 ; ty=int
+	ret int %tmp.3
+;; Created by "GCC: (GNU) 3.4-llvm 20051104 (LLVM 1.6)"

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/test_ee.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/test_ee.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/llvm/pyllvm/test/test_ee.py	Wed Mar  1 01:31:52 2006
@@ -1,9 +1,40 @@
 from pypy.translator.llvm.buildllvm import llvm_is_on_path
 if not llvm_is_on_path():
     py.test.skip("llvm not found")
+import py
 from pypy.translator.llvm.pyllvm import pyllvm 
-def test_execution_context():
-    code = open("hello.s").read()
-    pyllvm.start_ee("modname", code)
+def test_execution_engine():
+    ee = pyllvm.get_ee()
+    ee = pyllvm.get_ee()
+    ee = pyllvm.get_ee()
+    pyllvm.delete_ee()
+    ee2 = pyllvm.get_ee()
+    ee2 = pyllvm.get_ee()
+    ee2 = pyllvm.get_ee()
+def get_fresh_ee():
+    pyllvm.delete_ee()
+    return pyllvm.get_ee()
+codepath = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath()
+def test_load():
+    ee = get_fresh_ee()
+    ee.parse(codepath.join("hello.s").read())
+    ee.parse(codepath.join("addnumbers.s").read())
+def test_functions():
+    ee = get_fresh_ee()
+    ee.parse(codepath.join("hello.s").read())
+    ee.functions()
+def test_call1():
+    ee = get_fresh_ee()
+    ee.parse(codepath.join("hello.s").read())
+    ee.call_noargs("hello")
+    ee.call_noargs("gethellostr")
+    try:
+        ee.call_noargs("gethellostrx")
+    except:
+        pass

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