[pypy-svn] r34213 - in pypy/dist/pypy: config objspace

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Sun Nov 5 11:29:40 CET 2006

Author: arigo
Date: Sun Nov  5 11:29:38 2006
New Revision: 34213

Add the 'dump' object space: a quick hack that dumps all space operations
to a file 'pypy-space-dump'.  It's translatable, so we get a pypy-c version
that is maybe useful for debugging small Python programs.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/config/pypyoption.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/config/pypyoption.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/config/pypyoption.py	Sun Nov  5 11:29:38 2006
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
 pypy_optiondescription = OptionDescription("pypy", "All PyPy Options", [
     OptionDescription("objspace", "Object Space Option", [
         ChoiceOption("name", "Object Space name",
-                     ["std", "flow", "logic", "thunk", "cpy"], "std",
+                     ["std", "flow", "logic", "thunk", "cpy", "dump"], "std",
                      requires = {
                          "thunk": [("objspace.geninterp", False)],
                          "logic": [("objspace.geninterp", False)],

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/dump.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/objspace/dump.py	Sun Nov  5 11:29:38 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+import os
+from pypy.objspace.proxy import patch_space_in_place
+from pypy.objspace.std.objspace import StdObjSpace, W_Object
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.interpreter import baseobjspace
+DUMP_FILE_NAME = 'pypy-space-dump'
+class Dumper(object):
+    dump_fd = -1
+    def __init__(self, space):
+        self.space = space
+        self.dumpspace_reprs = {}
+    def open(self):
+        space = self.space
+        self.dumpspace_reprs.update({
+            space.w_None:  'None',
+            space.w_False: 'False',
+            space.w_True:  'True',
+            })
+        if self.dump_fd < 0:
+            self.dump_fd = os.open(DUMP_FILE_NAME,
+                                   os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREAT|os.O_TRUNC,
+                                   DUMP_FILE_MODE)
+    def close(self):
+        if self.dump_fd >= 0:
+            os.close(self.dump_fd)
+            self.dump_fd = -1
+        self.dumpspace_reprs.clear()
+    def dump_get_repr(self, w_obj):
+        try:
+            return self.dumpspace_reprs[w_obj]
+        except KeyError:
+            saved_fd = self.dump_fd
+            try:
+                self.dump_fd = -1
+                space = self.space
+                if isinstance(w_obj, W_Object):
+                    w_type = space.type(w_obj)
+                else:
+                    w_type = None
+                if w_type is space.w_int:
+                    n = space.int_w(w_obj)
+                    s = str(n)
+                elif w_type is space.w_str:
+                    s = space.str_w(w_obj)
+                    digit2hex = '0123456789abcdef'
+                    lst = ["'"]
+                    for c in s:
+                        if c == '\\':
+                            lst.append('\\')
+                        if c >= ' ':
+                            lst.append(c)
+                        else:
+                            lst.append('\\')
+                            if c == '\n':
+                                lst.append('n')
+                            elif c == '\t':
+                                lst.append('t')
+                            else:
+                                lst.append('x')
+                                lst.append(digit2hex[ord(c) >> 4])
+                                lst.append(digit2hex[ord(c) & 0xf])
+                    lst.append("'")
+                    s = ''.join(lst)
+                elif w_type is space.w_float:
+                    n = space.float_w(w_obj)
+                    s = str(n)
+                else:
+                    s = '%s at 0x%x' % (w_obj, id(w_obj))
+                self.dumpspace_reprs[w_obj] = s
+            finally:
+                self.dump_fd = saved_fd
+            return s
+    def dump_enter(self, opname, args_w):
+        if self.dump_fd >= 0:
+            text = '\t'.join([self.dump_get_repr(w_arg) for w_arg in args_w])
+            os.write(self.dump_fd, '%s CALL   %s\n' % (opname, text))
+    def dump_returned_wrapped(self, opname, w_obj):
+        if self.dump_fd >= 0:
+            s = self.dump_get_repr(w_obj)
+            os.write(self.dump_fd, '%s RETURN %s\n' % (opname, s))
+    def dump_returned(self, opname):
+        if self.dump_fd >= 0:
+            os.write(self.dump_fd, '%s RETURN\n' % (opname,))
+    def dump_raised(self, opname, e):
+        if self.dump_fd >= 0:
+            if isinstance(e, OperationError):
+                s = e.errorstr(self.space)
+            else:
+                s = '%s' % (e,)
+            os.write(self.dump_fd, '%s RAISE  %s\n' % (opname, s))
+# for now, always make up a wrapped StdObjSpace
+class DumpSpace(StdObjSpace):
+    def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
+        self.dumper = Dumper(self)
+        StdObjSpace.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
+        patch_space_in_place(self, 'dump', proxymaker)
+    def _freeze_(self):
+        # remove strange things from the caches of self.dumper
+        # before we annotate
+        self.dumper.close()
+        return StdObjSpace._freeze_(self)
+    def startup(self):
+        StdObjSpace.startup(self)
+        self.dumper.open()
+    def finish(self):
+        self.dumper.close()
+        StdObjSpace.finish(self)
+    def wrap(self, x):
+        w_res = StdObjSpace.wrap(self, x)
+        self.dumper.dump_returned_wrapped('           wrap', w_res)
+        return w_res
+    wrap._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:wrap"
+Space = DumpSpace
+# __________________________________________________________________________
+nb_args = {}
+op_returning_wrapped = {}
+def setup():
+    nb_args.update({
+        # ---- irregular operations ----
+        'wrap': 0,
+        'str_w': 1,
+        'int_w': 1,
+        'float_w': 1,
+        'uint_w': 1,
+        'interpclass_w': 1,
+        'unwrap': 1,
+        'is_true': 1,
+        'is_w': 2,
+        'newtuple': 0,
+        'newlist': 0,
+        'newstring': 0,
+        'newunicode': 0,
+        'newdict': 0,
+        'newslice': 0,
+        'call_args': 1,
+        'marshal_w': 1,
+        'log': 1,
+        })
+    op_returning_wrapped.update({
+        'wrap': True,
+        'newtuple': True,
+        'newlist': True,
+        'newstring': True,
+        'newunicode': True,
+        'newdict': True,
+        'newslice': True,
+        'call_args': True,
+        })
+    for opname, _, arity, _ in baseobjspace.ObjSpace.MethodTable:
+        nb_args.setdefault(opname, arity)
+        op_returning_wrapped[opname] = True
+    for opname in baseobjspace.ObjSpace.IrregularOpTable:
+        assert opname in nb_args, "missing %r" % opname
+del setup
+# __________________________________________________________________________
+def proxymaker(space, opname, parentfn):
+    if opname == 'wrap':
+        return None
+    returns_wrapped = opname in op_returning_wrapped
+    aligned_opname = '%15s' % opname
+    n = nb_args[opname]
+    def proxy(*args):
+        dumper = space.dumper
+        args_w = list(args[:n])
+        dumper.dump_enter(aligned_opname, args_w)
+        try:
+            res = parentfn(*args)
+        except Exception, e:
+            dumper.dump_raised(aligned_opname, e)
+            raise
+        else:
+            if returns_wrapped:
+                dumper.dump_returned_wrapped(aligned_opname, res)
+            else:
+                dumper.dump_returned(aligned_opname)
+            return res
+    proxy.func_name = 'proxy_%s' % (opname,)
+    return proxy

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