[pypy-svn] r48267 - in pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt: . test

cfbolz at codespeak.net cfbolz at codespeak.net
Sat Nov 3 15:07:23 CET 2007

Author: cfbolz
Date: Sat Nov  3 15:07:22 2007
New Revision: 48267

   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/coalloc.py   (contents, props changed)
   pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/test/test_coalloc.py   (contents, props changed)
a so far very simplistic analysis to find potential coallocation sites

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/coalloc.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/coalloc.py	Sat Nov  3 15:07:22 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+from pypy.annotation.model import setunion
+from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Variable, Constant
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
+from pypy.translator.simplify import get_graph
+from pypy.rpython.rmodel import inputconst
+from pypy.translator.backendopt import support
+from pypy.tool.uid import uid
+class CreationPoint(object):
+    def __init__(self, creation_method, TYPE):
+        self.creation_method = creation_method
+        self.TYPE = TYPE
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return ("CreationPoint(<0x%x>, %r)" %
+                (uid(self), self.TYPE))
+class VarState(object):
+    def __init__(self, crep=None):
+        self.creation_points = {}
+        if crep is not None:
+            self.creation_points[crep] = True
+        self.returned = False
+    def contains(self, other):
+        for crep in other.creation_points:
+            if crep not in self.creation_points:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def merge(self, other):
+        creation_points = setunion(self.creation_points, other.creation_points)
+        newstate = VarState()
+        newstate.creation_points = creation_points
+        return newstate
+    def __repr__(self):
+        crepsrepr = (", ".join([repr(crep) for crep in self.creation_points]), )
+        return "VarState({%s})" % crepsrepr
+class GraphState(object):
+    def __init__(self, graph):
+        self.graph = graph
+class AbstractDataFlowInterpreter(object):
+    def __init__(self, translation_context):
+        self.translation_context = translation_context
+        self.scheduled = {} # block: graph containing it
+        self.varstates = {} # var-or-const: state
+        self.creationpoints = {} # var: creationpoint
+        self.constant_cps = {} # const: creationpoint
+        self.dependencies = {} # creationpoint: {block: graph containing it}
+        self.functionargs = {} # graph: list of state of args
+        self.flown_blocks = {} # block: True
+    def getstate(self, var_or_const):
+        if not isonheap(var_or_const):
+            return None
+        if var_or_const in self.varstates:
+            return self.varstates[var_or_const]
+        if isinstance(var_or_const, Variable):
+            varstate = VarState()
+        else:
+            if var_or_const not in self.constant_cps:
+                crep = CreationPoint("constant", var_or_const.concretetype)
+                self.constant_cps[var_or_const] = crep
+            else:
+                crep = self.constant_cps[var_or_const]
+            varstate = VarState(crep)
+        self.varstates[var_or_const] = varstate
+        return varstate
+    def getstates(self, varorconstlist):
+        return [self.getstate(var) for var in varorconstlist]
+    def setstate(self, var, state):
+        self.varstates[var] = state
+    def get_creationpoint(self, var, method="?"):
+        if var in self.creationpoints:
+            return self.creationpoints[var]
+        crep = CreationPoint(method, var.concretetype)
+        self.creationpoints[var] = crep
+        return crep
+    def schedule_function(self, graph):
+        #print "scheduling function:", graph.name
+        startblock = graph.startblock
+        if graph in self.functionargs:
+            args = self.functionargs[graph]
+        else:
+            args = []
+            for var in startblock.inputargs:
+                if not isonheap(var):
+                    varstate = None
+                else:
+                    crep = self.get_creationpoint(var, "arg")
+                    varstate = VarState(crep)
+                    self.setstate(var, varstate)
+                args.append(varstate)
+            self.scheduled[startblock] = graph
+            self.functionargs[graph] = args
+        resultstate = self.getstate(graph.returnblock.inputargs[0])
+        return resultstate, args
+    def flow_block(self, block, graph):
+        #print "flowing in block %s of function %s" % (block, graph.name)
+        self.flown_blocks[block] = True
+        if block is graph.returnblock:
+            if isonheap(block.inputargs[0]):
+                self.getstate(block.inputargs[0]).returned = True
+            return
+        if block is graph.exceptblock:
+            return
+        self.curr_block = block
+        self.curr_graph = graph
+        #print "inputargs", self.getstates(block.inputargs)
+        for op in block.operations:
+            self.flow_operation(op)
+        #print "checking exits..."
+        for exit in block.exits:
+            #print "exit", exit
+            args = self.getstates(exit.args)
+            targetargs = self.getstates(exit.target.inputargs)
+            #print "   newargs", args
+            #print "   targetargs", targetargs
+            # flow every block at least once:
+            if (multicontains(targetargs, args) and
+                exit.target in self.flown_blocks):
+                #print "   not necessary"
+                continue
+            #else:
+                #print "   scheduling for flowin"
+            for prevstate, origstate, var in zip(args, targetargs,
+                                                exit.target.inputargs):
+                if not isonheap(var):
+                    continue
+                newstate = prevstate.merge(origstate)
+                self.setstate(var, newstate)
+            #print "   args", self.getstates(exit.target.inputargs)
+            self.scheduled[exit.target] = graph
+    def flow_operation(self, op):
+        #print "handling", op
+        args = self.getstates(op.args)
+        #print "args:", args
+        opimpl = getattr(self, 'op_'+op.opname, None)
+        if opimpl is not None:
+            res = opimpl(op, *args)
+            if res is not NotImplemented:
+                self.setstate(op.result, res)
+                return
+        if isonheap(op.result) or filter(None, args):
+            raise NotImplementedError("can't handle %s" % (op.opname, ))
+            #print "assuming that '%s' is irrelevant" % op
+    def complete(self):
+        while self.scheduled:
+            block, graph = self.scheduled.popitem()
+            self.flow_block(block, graph)
+    def handle_changed(self, changed):
+        for crep in changed:
+            if crep not in self.dependencies:
+                continue
+            self.scheduled.update(self.dependencies[crep])
+    def register_block_dependency(self, state, block=None, graph=None):
+        if block is None:
+            block = self.curr_block
+            graph = self.curr_graph
+        for crep in state.creation_points:
+            self.dependencies.setdefault(crep, {})[block] = graph
+    def register_state_dependency(self, state1, state2):
+        "state1 depends on state2: if state2 does escape/change, so does state1"
+        # change state1 according to how state2 is now
+        #print "registering dependency of %s on %s" % (state1, state2)
+        if state2.does_escape():
+            changed = state1.setescapes()  # mark all crep's as escaping
+            self.handle_changed(changed)
+        if state2.does_change():
+            changed = state1.setchanges()  # mark all crep's as changing
+            self.handle_changed(changed)
+        # register a dependency of the current block on state2:
+        # that means that if state2 changes the current block will be reflown
+        # triggering this function again and thus updating state1
+        self.register_block_dependency(state2)
+    # _____________________________________________________________________
+    # operation implementations
+    def op_malloc(self, op, typestate, flagsstate):
+        assert flagsstate is None
+        flags = op.args[1].value
+        if flags != {'flavor': 'gc'}:
+            return NotImplemented
+        return VarState(self.get_creationpoint(op.result, "malloc"))
+    def op_malloc_varsize(self, op, typestate, flagsstate, lengthstate):
+        assert flagsstate is None
+        flags = op.args[1].value
+        if flags != {'flavor': 'gc'}:
+            return NotImplemented
+        return VarState(self.get_creationpoint(op.result, "malloc_varsize"))
+    def op_keepalive(self, op, state):
+        return None
+    def op_cast_pointer(self, op, state):
+        return state
+    def op_getfield(self, op, objstate, fieldname):
+        # connectivity-wise the field within is identical to the containing
+        # structure
+        return objstate
+    op_getarrayitem = op_getinteriorfield = op_getfield
+    def op_getarraysize(self, op, arraystate):
+        pass
+    def op_setfield(self, op, objstate, fieldname, valuestate):
+        pass
+    op_setarrayitem = op_setinteriorfield = op_setfield
+    def op_direct_call(self, op, function, *args):
+#        graph = get_graph(op.args[0], self.translation_context)
+#        if graph is None:
+#            for arg in args:
+#                if arg is None:
+#                    continue
+#                # an external function can change every parameter:
+#                changed = arg.setchanges()
+#                self.handle_changed(changed)
+#            funcargs = [None] * len(args)
+#        else:
+#            result, funcargs = self.schedule_function(graph)
+#        assert len(args) == len(funcargs)
+#        for localarg, funcarg in zip(args, funcargs):
+#            if localarg is None:
+#                assert funcarg is None
+#                continue
+#            if funcarg is not None:
+#                self.register_state_dependency(localarg, funcarg)
+        if isonheap(op.result):
+            # for now assume that a call always creates a new value
+            return VarState(self.get_creationpoint(op.result, "direct_call"))
+    def op_indirect_call(self, op, function, *args):
+#        graphs = op.args[-1].value
+#        args = args[:-1]
+#        if graphs is None:
+#            for localarg in args:
+#                if localarg is None:
+#                    continue
+#                changed = localarg.setescapes()
+#                self.handle_changed(changed)
+#                changed = localarg.setchanges()
+#                self.handle_changed(changed)
+#        else:
+#            for graph in graphs:
+#                result, funcargs = self.schedule_function(graph)
+#                assert len(args) == len(funcargs)
+#                for localarg, funcarg in zip(args, funcargs):
+#                    if localarg is None:
+#                        assert funcarg is None
+#                        continue
+#                    self.register_state_dependency(localarg, funcarg)
+        if isonheap(op.result):
+            # for now assume that a call always creates a new value
+            return VarState(self.get_creationpoint(op.result, "indirect_call"))
+    def op_ptr_iszero(self, op, ptrstate):
+        return None
+    op_cast_ptr_to_int = op_keepalive = op_ptr_nonzero = op_ptr_iszero
+    def op_ptr_eq(self, op, ptr1state, ptr2state):
+        return None
+    op_ptr_ne = op_ptr_eq
+    def op_same_as(self, op, objstate):
+        return objstate
+def isonheap(var_or_const):
+    return isinstance(var_or_const.concretetype, lltype.Ptr)
+def multicontains(l1, l2):
+    assert len(l1) == len(l2)
+    for a, b in zip(l1, l2):
+        if a is None:
+            assert b is None
+        elif not a.contains(b):
+            return False
+    return True
+def malloc_to_coalloc(t):
+    adi = AbstractDataFlowInterpreter(t)
+    for graph in t.graphs:
+        if graph.startblock not in adi.flown_blocks:
+            adi.schedule_function(graph)
+            adi.complete()
+    return adi

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/escape.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/escape.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/escape.py	Sat Nov  3 15:07:22 2007
@@ -386,25 +386,26 @@
     for graph in t.graphs:
         loop_blocks = support.find_loop_blocks(graph)
         for block, op in graph.iterblockops():
-            if op.opname == 'malloc':
-                STRUCT = op.args[0].value
-                # must not remove mallocs of structures that have a RTTI with a destructor
-                try:
-                    destr_ptr = lltype.getRuntimeTypeInfo(STRUCT)._obj.destructor_funcptr
-                    if destr_ptr:
-                        continue
-                except (ValueError, AttributeError), e:
-                    pass
-                varstate = adi.getstate(op.result)
-                assert len(varstate.creation_points) == 1
-                crep = varstate.creation_points.keys()[0]
-                if not crep.escapes:
-                    if block not in loop_blocks:
-                        print "moving object from heap to stack %s in %s" % (op, graph.name)
-                        flags = op.args[1].value
-                        assert flags == {'flavor': 'gc'}
-                        op.args[1] = Constant({'flavor': 'stack'}, lltype.Void)
-                    else:
-                        print "%s in %s is a non-escaping malloc in a loop" % (op, graph.name)
+            if op.opname != 'malloc':
+                continue
+            STRUCT = op.args[0].value
+            # must not remove mallocs of structures that have a RTTI with a destructor
+            try:
+                destr_ptr = lltype.getRuntimeTypeInfo(STRUCT)._obj.destructor_funcptr
+                if destr_ptr:
+                    continue
+            except (ValueError, AttributeError), e:
+                pass
+            varstate = adi.getstate(op.result)
+            assert len(varstate.creation_points) == 1
+            crep = varstate.creation_points.keys()[0]
+            if not crep.escapes:
+                if block not in loop_blocks:
+                    print "moving object from heap to stack %s in %s" % (op, graph.name)
+                    flags = op.args[1].value
+                    assert flags == {'flavor': 'gc'}
+                    op.args[1] = Constant({'flavor': 'stack'}, lltype.Void)
+                else:
+                    print "%s in %s is a non-escaping malloc in a loop" % (op, graph.name)

Added: pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/test/test_coalloc.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/translator/backendopt/test/test_coalloc.py	Sat Nov  3 15:07:22 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+from pypy.translator.translator import TranslationContext, graphof
+from pypy.translator.backendopt.coalloc import AbstractDataFlowInterpreter
+from pypy.rpython.llinterp import LLInterpreter
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import instantiate
+from pypy import conftest
+import py
+def build_adi(function, types):
+    t = TranslationContext()
+    t.buildannotator().build_types(function, types)
+    t.buildrtyper().specialize()
+    if conftest.option.view:
+        t.view()
+    adi = AbstractDataFlowInterpreter(t)
+    graph = graphof(t, function)
+    adi.schedule_function(graph)
+    adi.complete()
+    return t, adi, graph
+def test_simple():
+    class A(object):
+        pass
+    def f():
+        a = A()
+        a.x = 1
+        return a.x
+    t, adi, graph = build_adi(f, [])
+    avar = graph.startblock.operations[0].result
+    state = adi.getstate(avar)
+    assert len(state.creation_points) == 1
+    crep = state.creation_points.keys()[0]
+def test_branch():
+    class T:
+        pass
+    def fn2(x, y):
+        t = T()
+        t.x = x
+        t.y = y
+        if x > 0:
+            return t.x + t.y
+        else:
+            return t.x - t.y
+    t, adi, graph = build_adi(fn2, [int, int])
+    tvar = graph.startblock.operations[0].result
+    state = adi.getstate(tvar)
+    assert len(state.creation_points) == 1
+    crep = state.creation_points.keys()[0]
+    assert crep.creation_method == "malloc"
+def test_loop():
+    class A(object):
+        pass
+    def f():
+        a = A()
+        i = 0
+        while i < 3:
+            a.x = i
+            a = A()
+            i += 1
+        return a.x
+    t, adi, graph = build_adi(f, [])
+    avar = graph.startblock.operations[0].result
+    state = adi.getstate(avar)
+    assert len(state.creation_points) == 1
+    crep = state.creation_points.keys()[0]
+    assert crep.creation_method == "malloc"
+    avarinloop = graph.startblock.exits[0].target.inputargs[1]
+    state1 = adi.getstate(avarinloop)
+    assert crep in state1.creation_points
+    assert len(state1.creation_points) == 2
+def test_global():
+    class A(object):
+        pass
+    globala = A()
+    def f():
+        a = A()
+        a.next = None
+        globala.next = a
+    t, adi, graph = build_adi(f, [])
+    avar = graph.startblock.operations[0].result
+    state = adi.getstate(avar)
+    assert len(state.creation_points) == 1
+    crep = state.creation_points.keys()[0]
+    assert crep.creation_method == "malloc"
+    const = graph.startblock.operations[-1].args[0]
+    state = adi.getstate(const)
+    assert len(state.creation_points) == 1
+    crep = state.creation_points.keys()[0]
+    assert crep.creation_method == "constant"
+def test_aliasing():
+    class A:
+        pass
+    def fn6(n):
+        a1 = A()
+        a1.x = 5
+        a2 = A()
+        a2.x = 6
+        if n > 0:
+            a = a1
+        else:
+            a = a2
+        a.x = 12
+        return a1.x
+    t, adi, graph = build_adi(fn6, [int])
+    avar = graph.startblock.exits[0].target.inputargs[1]
+    state = adi.getstate(avar)
+    assert len(state.creation_points) == 2
+    for crep in state.creation_points.keys():
+        assert crep.creation_method == "malloc"

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