[pypy-svn] r49161 - in pypy/dist/pypy/rpython: lltypesystem/test module/test

fijal at codespeak.net fijal at codespeak.net
Mon Nov 26 12:50:44 CET 2007

Author: fijal
Date: Mon Nov 26 12:50:43 2007
New Revision: 49161

Adapt rffi tests to run on both c and llvm, probably this should be
organized differently.

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/test/test_rffi.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/test/test_rffi.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/lltypesystem/test/test_rffi.py	Mon Nov 26 12:50:43 2007
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
 import py
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.rffi import *
 from pypy.rlib.rposix import get_errno, set_errno
-from pypy.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile
+from pypy.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile as compile_c
+from pypy.translator.llvm.test.runtest import compile_function as compile_llvm
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype import Signed, Ptr, Char, malloc
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
 from pypy.tool.udir import udir
@@ -15,458 +16,459 @@
 from pypy.objspace.flow.model import summary
 from pypy.translator.tool.cbuild import ExternalCompilationInfo
-def test_basic():
-    c_source = py.code.Source("""
-    int someexternalfunction(int x)
-    {
-        return (x + 3);
-    }
-    """)
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(separate_module_sources=[c_source])
-    z = llexternal('someexternalfunction', [Signed], Signed,
-                   compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        return z(8)
-    xf = compile(f, [])
-    assert xf() == 8+3
-def test_hashdefine():
-    h_source = """
-    #define X(i) (i+3)
-    """
-    h_file = udir.join("stuff.h")
-    h_file.write(h_source)
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['stuff.h'],
-                                  include_dirs=[udir])
-    z = llexternal('X', [Signed], Signed, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        return z(8)
-    xf = compile(f, [])
-    assert xf() == 8+3
-def test_string():
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['string.h'])
-    z = llexternal('strlen', [CCHARP], Signed, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        s = str2charp("xxx")
-        res = z(s)
-        free_charp(s)
-        return res
-    xf = compile(f, [], backendopt=False)
-    assert xf() == 3
-def test_string_reverse():
-    c_source = py.code.Source("""
-    #include <string.h>
-    char *f(char* arg)
-    {
-        char *ret;
-        ret = (char*)malloc(strlen(arg) + 1);
-        strcpy(ret, arg);
-        return ret;
-    }
-    """)
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(separate_module_sources=[c_source])
-    z = llexternal('f', [CCHARP], CCHARP, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        s = str2charp("xxx")
-        l_res = z(s)
-        res = charp2str(l_res)
-        lltype.free(l_res, flavor='raw')
-        free_charp(s)
-        return len(res)
-    xf = compile(f, [], backendopt=False)
-    assert xf(expected_extra_mallocs=-1) == 3
-def test_stringstar():
-    c_source = """
-    #include <string.h>
-    int f(char *args[]) {
-        char **p = args;
-        int l = 0;
-        while (*p) {
-            l += strlen(*p);
-            p++;
+class BaseTestRffi:
+    def test_basic(self):
+        c_source = py.code.Source("""
+        int someexternalfunction(int x)
+        {
+            return (x + 3);
-        return (l);
-    }
-    """
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(separate_module_sources=[c_source])
-    z = llexternal('f', [CCHARPP], Signed, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        l = ["xxx", "x", "xxxx"]
-        ss = liststr2charpp(l)
-        result = z(ss)
-        free_charpp(ss)
-        return result
-    xf = compile(f, [], backendopt=False)
-    assert xf() == 8
-def test_struct():
-    h_source = """
-    #ifndef _MY_SOURCE_H
-    #define _MY_SOURCE_H
-    struct xx {
-       int one;
-       char two;
-       int three;
-    };
-    #endif
-    """
-    h_file = udir.join("structxx.h")
-    h_file.write(h_source)
-    c_source = """
-    #include <structxx.h>
-    int f(struct xx* z)
-    {
-      return (z->one + z->three);
-    }
-    """
-    TP = CStructPtr('xx', ('one', INT), ('two', Char), ('three', INT))
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-        includes=['structxx.h'],
-        include_dirs=[udir],
-        separate_module_sources=[c_source]
-    )
-    z = llexternal('f', [TP], INT, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        struct = lltype.malloc(TP.TO, flavor='raw')
-        struct.c_one = cast(INT, 3)
-        struct.c_two = '\x33'
-        struct.c_three = cast(INT, 5)
-        result = z(struct)
-        lltype.free(struct, flavor='raw')
-        return cast(LONG, result)
-    fn = compile(f, [], backendopt=False)
-    assert fn() == 8
-def test_externvar():
-    import os
-    def f():
-        set_errno(12)
-        return get_errno()
+        """)
-    def g():
-        try:
-            os.write(12312312, "xxx")
-        except OSError:
-            pass
-        return get_errno()
-    fn = compile(f, [])
-    assert fn() == 12
-    gn = compile(g, [])
-    import errno
-    assert gn() == errno.EBADF
-def test_external_callable():
-    """ Try to call some llexternal function with llinterp
-    """
-    z = llexternal('z', [Signed], Signed, _callable=lambda x:x+1)
-    def f():
-        return z(2)
-    res = interpret(f, [])
-    assert res == 3
-def test_extra_include_dirs():
-    udir.ensure("incl", dir=True)
-    udir.join("incl", "incl.h").write("#define C 3")
-    c_source = py.code.Source("""
-    #include <incl.h>
-    int fun ()
-    {
-        return (C);
-    }
-    """)
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-        includes=['incl.h'],
-        include_dirs=[str(udir.join('incl'))],
-        separate_module_sources=[c_source]
-    )
-    z = llexternal('fun', [], Signed, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        return z()
-    res = compile(f, [])
-    assert res() == 3
-def test_size_t_sign():
-    assert r_size_t(-1) > 0
-def test_cast():
-    res = cast(SIZE_T, -1)
-    assert type(res) is r_size_t
-    assert res == r_size_t(-1)
-def test_compile_cast():
-    def f(n):
-        return cast(SIZE_T, n)
-    f1 = compile(f, [int])
-    res = f1(-1)
-    assert res == r_size_t(-1)
-def test_opaque_type():
-    h_source = py.code.Source("""
-    struct stuff {
-       char data[38];
-    };
-    char get(struct stuff* x)
-    {
-       x->data[13] = 'a';
-       return x->data[13];
-    }
-    """)
-    # if it doesn't segfault, than we probably malloced it :-)
-    h_file = udir.join("opaque.h")
-    h_file.write(h_source)
-    from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
-        includes=['opaque.h'],
-        include_dirs=[str(udir)]
-    )
-    STUFFP = COpaquePtr('struct stuff', compilation_info=eci)
-    ll_get = llexternal('get', [STUFFP], lltype.Char, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        ll_stuff = lltype.malloc(STUFFP.TO, flavor='raw')
-        result = ll_get(ll_stuff)
-        lltype.free(ll_stuff, flavor='raw')
-        return result
-    f1 = compile(f, [])
-    assert f1() == 'a'
-def test_rffi_sizeof():
-    try:
-        import ctypes
-    except ImportError:
-        py.test.skip("Cannot test without ctypes")
-    cache = {
-        lltype.Signed:   ctypes.c_long,
-        lltype.Unsigned: ctypes.c_ulong,
-        lltype.UniChar:  ctypes.c_uint,
-        lltype.Char:     ctypes.c_ubyte,
-        DOUBLE:     ctypes.c_double,
-        SIGNEDCHAR: ctypes.c_byte,
-        UCHAR:      ctypes.c_ubyte,
-        SHORT:      ctypes.c_short,
-        USHORT:     ctypes.c_ushort,
-        INT:        ctypes.c_int,
-        UINT:       ctypes.c_uint,
-        LONG:       ctypes.c_long,
-        ULONG:      ctypes.c_ulong,
-        LONGLONG:   ctypes.c_longlong,
-        ULONGLONG:  ctypes.c_ulonglong,
-        SIZE_T:     ctypes.c_size_t,
-        }
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(separate_module_sources=[c_source])
+        z = llexternal('someexternalfunction', [Signed], Signed,
+                       compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            return z(8)
+        xf = self.compile(f, [])
+        assert xf() == 8+3
-    for ll, ctp in cache.items():
-        assert sizeof(ll) == ctypes.sizeof(ctp)
-    assert not size_and_sign(lltype.Signed)[1]
-    assert not size_and_sign(lltype.Char)[1]
-    assert not size_and_sign(lltype.UniChar)[1]
-    assert size_and_sign(UINT)[1]
-def test_rffi_offsetof():
-    import struct
-    from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
-    S = rffi_platform.getstruct("struct S",
-                                  """
-           struct S {
-               short a;
-               int b, c;
-           };                     """,
-                                  [("a", INT),
-                                   ("b", INT),
-                                   ("c", INT)])
-    assert sizeof(S) == struct.calcsize("hii")
-    assert offsetof(S, "c_a") == 0
-    assert offsetof(S, "c_b") == struct.calcsize("hi") - struct.calcsize("i")
-    assert offsetof(S, "c_c") == struct.calcsize("hii") - struct.calcsize("i")
-def test_prebuilt_constant():
-    py.test.skip("Think how to do it sane")
-    h_source = py.code.Source("""
-    int x = 3;
-    char** z = NULL;
-    #endif
-    """)
-    h_include = udir.join('constants.h')
-    h_include.write(h_source)
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['stdio.h',
-                                            str(h_include.basename)],
-                                  include_dirs=[str(udir)])
-    get_x, set_x = CExternVariable(lltype.Signed, 'x', eci)
-    get_z, set_z = CExternVariable(CCHARPP, 'z', eci)
-    def f():
-        one = get_x()
-        set_x(13)
-        return one + get_x()
+    def test_hashdefine(self):
+        h_source = """
+        #define X(i) (i+3)
+        """
+        h_file = udir.join("stuff.h")
+        h_file.write(h_source)
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['stuff.h'],
+                                      include_dirs=[udir])
+        z = llexternal('X', [Signed], Signed, compilation_info=eci)
-    def g():
-        l = liststr2charpp(["a", "b", "c"])
+        def f():
+            return z(8)
+        xf = self.compile(f, [])
+        assert xf() == 8+3
+    def test_string(self):
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['string.h'])
+        z = llexternal('strlen', [CCHARP], Signed, compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            s = str2charp("xxx")
+            res = z(s)
+            free_charp(s)
+            return res
+        xf = self.compile(f, [], backendopt=False)
+        assert xf() == 3
+    def test_string_reverse(self):
+        c_source = py.code.Source("""
+        #include <string.h>
+        char *f(char* arg)
+        {
+            char *ret;
+            ret = (char*)malloc(strlen(arg) + 1);
+            strcpy(ret, arg);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        """)
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(separate_module_sources=[c_source])
+        z = llexternal('f', [CCHARP], CCHARP, compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            s = str2charp("xxx")
+            l_res = z(s)
+            res = charp2str(l_res)
+            lltype.free(l_res, flavor='raw')
+            free_charp(s)
+            return len(res)
+        xf = self.compile(f, [], backendopt=False)
+        assert xf(expected_extra_mallocs=-1) == 3
+    def test_stringstar(self):
+        c_source = """
+        #include <string.h>
+        int f(char *args[]) {
+            char **p = args;
+            int l = 0;
+            while (*p) {
+                l += strlen(*p);
+                p++;
+            }
+            return (l);
+        }
+        """
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(separate_module_sources=[c_source])
+        z = llexternal('f', [CCHARPP], Signed, compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            l = ["xxx", "x", "xxxx"]
+            ss = liststr2charpp(l)
+            result = z(ss)
+            free_charpp(ss)
+            return result
+        xf = self.compile(f, [], backendopt=False)
+        assert xf() == 8
+    def test_struct(self):
+        h_source = """
+        #ifndef _MY_SOURCE_H
+        #define _MY_SOURCE_H
+        struct xx {
+           int one;
+           char two;
+           int three;
+        };
+        #endif
+        """
+        h_file = udir.join("structxx.h")
+        h_file.write(h_source)
+        c_source = """
+        #include <structxx.h>
+        int f(struct xx* z)
+        {
+          return (z->one + z->three);
+        }
+        """
+        TP = CStructPtr('xx', ('one', INT), ('two', Char), ('three', INT))
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
+            includes=['structxx.h'],
+            include_dirs=[udir],
+            separate_module_sources=[c_source]
+        )
+        z = llexternal('f', [TP], INT, compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            struct = lltype.malloc(TP.TO, flavor='raw')
+            struct.c_one = cast(INT, 3)
+            struct.c_two = '\x33'
+            struct.c_three = cast(INT, 5)
+            result = z(struct)
+            lltype.free(struct, flavor='raw')
+            return cast(LONG, result)
+        fn = self.compile(f, [], backendopt=False)
+        assert fn() == 8
+    def test_externvar(self):
+        import os
+        def f():
+            set_errno(12)
+            return get_errno()
+        def g():
+            try:
+                os.write(12312312, "xxx")
+            except OSError:
+                pass
+            return get_errno()
+        fn = self.compile(f, [])
+        assert fn() == 12
+        gn = self.compile(g, [])
+        import errno
+        assert gn() == errno.EBADF
+    def test_extra_include_dirs(self):
+        udir.ensure("incl", dir=True)
+        udir.join("incl", "incl.h").write("#define C 3")
+        c_source = py.code.Source("""
+        #include <incl.h>
+        int fun ()
+        {
+            return (C);
+        }
+        """)
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
+            includes=['incl.h'],
+            include_dirs=[str(udir.join('incl'))],
+            separate_module_sources=[c_source]
+        )
+        z = llexternal('fun', [], Signed, compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            return z()
+        res = self.compile(f, [])
+        assert res() == 3
+    def test_compile_cast(self):
+        def f(n):
+            return cast(SIZE_T, n)
+        f1 = self.compile(f, [int])
+        res = f1(-1)
+        assert res == r_size_t(-1)
+    def test_opaque_type(self):
+        h_source = py.code.Source("""
+        struct stuff {
+           char data[38];
+        };
+        char get(struct stuff* x)
+        {
+           x->data[13] = 'a';
+           return x->data[13];
+        }
+        """)
+        # if it doesn't segfault, than we probably malloced it :-)
+        h_file = udir.join("opaque.h")
+        h_file.write(h_source)
+        from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(
+            includes=['opaque.h'],
+            include_dirs=[str(udir)]
+        )
+        STUFFP = COpaquePtr('struct stuff', compilation_info=eci)
+        ll_get = llexternal('get', [STUFFP], lltype.Char, compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            ll_stuff = lltype.malloc(STUFFP.TO, flavor='raw')
+            result = ll_get(ll_stuff)
+            lltype.free(ll_stuff, flavor='raw')
+            return result
+        f1 = self.compile(f, [])
+        assert f1() == 'a'
+    def test_prebuilt_constant(self):
+        py.test.skip("Think how to do it sane")
+        h_source = py.code.Source("""
+        int x = 3;
+        char** z = NULL;
+        #endif
+        """)
+        h_include = udir.join('constants.h')
+        h_include.write(h_source)
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['stdio.h',
+                                                str(h_include.basename)],
+                                      include_dirs=[str(udir)])
+        get_x, set_x = CExternVariable(lltype.Signed, 'x', eci)
+        get_z, set_z = CExternVariable(CCHARPP, 'z', eci)
+        def f():
+            one = get_x()
+            set_x(13)
+            return one + get_x()
+        def g():
+            l = liststr2charpp(["a", "b", "c"])
+            try:
+                set_z(l)
+                return charp2str(get_z()[2])
+            finally:
+                free_charpp(l)
+        fn = self.compile(f, [])
+        assert fn() == 16
+        gn = self.compile(g, [])
+        assert gn() == "c"
+class TestRffiInternals:
+    def test_struct_create(self):
+        X = CStruct('xx', ('one', INT))
+        def f():
+            p = make(X, c_one=cast(INT, 3))
+            res = p.c_one
+            lltype.free(p, flavor='raw')
+            return cast(LONG, res)
+        assert f() == 3
+        assert interpret(f, []) == 3
+    def test_structcopy(self):
+        X2 = lltype.Struct('X2', ('x', LONG))
+        X1 = lltype.Struct('X1', ('a', LONG), ('x2', X2), ('p', lltype.Ptr(X2)))
+        def f():
+            p2 = make(X2, x=123)
+            p1 = make(X1, a=5, p=p2)
+            p1.x2.x = 456
+            p1bis = make(X1)
+            p2bis = make(X2)
+            structcopy(p1bis, p1)
+            assert p1bis.a == 5
+            assert p1bis.x2.x == 456
+            assert p1bis.p == p2
+            structcopy(p2bis, p2)
+            res = p2bis.x
+            lltype.free(p2bis, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(p1bis, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(p2, flavor='raw')
+            lltype.free(p1, flavor='raw')
+            return res
+        assert f() == 123
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        assert res == 123
+    def test_implicit_cast(self):
+        z = llexternal('z', [USHORT, ULONG, USHORT, DOUBLE], USHORT)
+        def f(x, y, xx, yy):
+            return z(x, y, xx, yy)
+        a = RPythonAnnotator()
+        r = a.build_types(f, [int, int, int, int])
+        rtyper = RPythonTyper(a)
+        rtyper.specialize()
+        a.translator.rtyper = rtyper
+        backend_optimizations(a.translator)
+        if option.view:
+            a.translator.view()
+        graph = graphof(a.translator, f)
+        s = summary(graph)
+        # there should be not too many operations here by now
+        assert s == {'cast_int_to_uint': 1, 'direct_call': 1, 'cast_primitive': 2,
+                     'cast_int_to_float': 1}
+    def test_stringpolicy1(self):
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['string.h'])
+        strlen = llexternal('strlen', [CCHARP], SIZE_T, compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            return cast(LONG, strlen("Xxx"))
+        assert interpret(f, [], backendopt=True) == 3
+    def test_stringpolicy3(self):
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['string.h'])
+        strlen = llexternal('strlen', [CCHARP], INT, compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            ll_str = str2charp("Xxx")
+            res = strlen(ll_str)
+            lltype.free(ll_str, flavor='raw')
+            return res
+        assert interpret(f, [], backendopt=True) == 3
+    def test_stringpolicy_mixed(self):
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['string.h'])
+        strlen = llexternal('strlen', [CCHARP], SIZE_T,
+                            compilation_info=eci)
+        def f():
+            res1 = strlen("abcd")
+            ll_str = str2charp("Xxx")
+            res2 = strlen(ll_str)
+            lltype.free(ll_str, flavor='raw')
+            return cast(LONG, res1*10 + res2)
+        assert interpret(f, [], backendopt=True) == 43    
+    def test_around_extcall(self):
+        import os
+        from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
+        from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import invoke_around_extcall
+        from pypy.rpython.extfuncregistry import register_external
+        read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe()
-            set_z(l)
-            return charp2str(get_z()[2])
+            # we need an external function that is not going to get wrapped around
+            # before()/after() calls, in order to call it from before()/after()...
+            def mywrite(s):
+                os.write(write_fd, s)
+            def llimpl(s):
+                s = ''.join(s.chars)
+                os.write(write_fd, s)
+            register_external(mywrite, [str], annmodel.s_None, 'll_mywrite',
+                              llfakeimpl=llimpl, sandboxsafe=True)
+            def before():
+                mywrite("B")
+            def after():
+                mywrite("A")
+            def f():
+                os.write(write_fd, "-")
+                invoke_around_extcall(before, after)
+                os.write(write_fd, "E")
+            interpret(f, [])
+            data = os.read(read_fd, 99)
+            assert data == "-BEA"
-            free_charpp(l)
+            os.close(write_fd)
+            os.close(read_fd)
-    fn = compile(f, [])
-    assert fn() == 16
-    gn = compile(g, [])
-    assert gn() == "c"
-def test_struct_create():
-    X = CStruct('xx', ('one', INT))
-    def f():
-        p = make(X, c_one=cast(INT, 3))
-        res = p.c_one
-        lltype.free(p, flavor='raw')
-        return cast(LONG, res)
-    assert f() == 3
-    assert interpret(f, []) == 3
-def test_structcopy():
-    X2 = lltype.Struct('X2', ('x', LONG))
-    X1 = lltype.Struct('X1', ('a', LONG), ('x2', X2), ('p', lltype.Ptr(X2)))
-    def f():
-        p2 = make(X2, x=123)
-        p1 = make(X1, a=5, p=p2)
-        p1.x2.x = 456
-        p1bis = make(X1)
-        p2bis = make(X2)
-        structcopy(p1bis, p1)
-        assert p1bis.a == 5
-        assert p1bis.x2.x == 456
-        assert p1bis.p == p2
-        structcopy(p2bis, p2)
-        res = p2bis.x
-        lltype.free(p2bis, flavor='raw')
-        lltype.free(p1bis, flavor='raw')
-        lltype.free(p2, flavor='raw')
-        lltype.free(p1, flavor='raw')
-        return res
-    assert f() == 123
-    res = interpret(f, [])
-    assert res == 123
-def test_implicit_cast():
-    z = llexternal('z', [USHORT, ULONG, USHORT, DOUBLE], USHORT)
-    def f(x, y, xx, yy):
-        return z(x, y, xx, yy)
-    a = RPythonAnnotator()
-    r = a.build_types(f, [int, int, int, int])
-    rtyper = RPythonTyper(a)
-    rtyper.specialize()
-    a.translator.rtyper = rtyper
-    backend_optimizations(a.translator)
-    if option.view:
-        a.translator.view()
-    graph = graphof(a.translator, f)
-    s = summary(graph)
-    # there should be not too many operations here by now
-    assert s == {'cast_int_to_uint': 1, 'direct_call': 1, 'cast_primitive': 2,
-                 'cast_int_to_float': 1}
-def test_stringpolicy1():
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['string.h'])
-    strlen = llexternal('strlen', [CCHARP], SIZE_T, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        return cast(LONG, strlen("Xxx"))
-    assert interpret(f, [], backendopt=True) == 3
-def test_stringpolicy3():
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['string.h'])
-    strlen = llexternal('strlen', [CCHARP], INT, compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        ll_str = str2charp("Xxx")
-        res = strlen(ll_str)
-        lltype.free(ll_str, flavor='raw')
-        return res
-    assert interpret(f, [], backendopt=True) == 3
-def test_stringpolicy_mixed():
-    eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(includes=['string.h'])
-    strlen = llexternal('strlen', [CCHARP], SIZE_T,
-                        compilation_info=eci)
-    def f():
-        res1 = strlen("abcd")
-        ll_str = str2charp("Xxx")
-        res2 = strlen(ll_str)
-        lltype.free(ll_str, flavor='raw')
-        return cast(LONG, res1*10 + res2)
-    assert interpret(f, [], backendopt=True) == 43
-def test_around_extcall():
-    import os
-    from pypy.annotation import model as annmodel
-    from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import invoke_around_extcall
-    from pypy.rpython.extfuncregistry import register_external
-    read_fd, write_fd = os.pipe()
-    try:
-        # we need an external function that is not going to get wrapped around
-        # before()/after() calls, in order to call it from before()/after()...
-        def mywrite(s):
-            os.write(write_fd, s)
-        def llimpl(s):
-            s = ''.join(s.chars)
-            os.write(write_fd, s)
-        register_external(mywrite, [str], annmodel.s_None, 'll_mywrite',
-                          llfakeimpl=llimpl, sandboxsafe=True)
-        def before():
-            mywrite("B")
-        def after():
-            mywrite("A")
-        def f():
-            os.write(write_fd, "-")
-            invoke_around_extcall(before, after)
-            os.write(write_fd, "E")
-        interpret(f, [])
-        data = os.read(read_fd, 99)
-        assert data == "-BEA"
-    finally:
-        os.close(write_fd)
-        os.close(read_fd)
+    def test_external_callable(self):
+        """ Try to call some llexternal function with llinterp
+        """
+        z = llexternal('z', [Signed], Signed, _callable=lambda x:x+1)
+        def f():
+            return z(2)
+        res = interpret(f, [])
+        assert res == 3
+    def test_size_t_sign(self):
+        assert r_size_t(-1) > 0
+    def test_cast(self):
+        res = cast(SIZE_T, -1)
+        assert type(res) is r_size_t
+        assert res == r_size_t(-1)    
+    def test_rffi_sizeof(self):
+        try:
+            import ctypes
+        except ImportError:
+            py.test.skip("Cannot test without ctypes")
+        cache = {
+            lltype.Signed:   ctypes.c_long,
+            lltype.Unsigned: ctypes.c_ulong,
+            lltype.UniChar:  ctypes.c_uint,
+            lltype.Char:     ctypes.c_ubyte,
+            DOUBLE:     ctypes.c_double,
+            SIGNEDCHAR: ctypes.c_byte,
+            UCHAR:      ctypes.c_ubyte,
+            SHORT:      ctypes.c_short,
+            USHORT:     ctypes.c_ushort,
+            INT:        ctypes.c_int,
+            UINT:       ctypes.c_uint,
+            LONG:       ctypes.c_long,
+            ULONG:      ctypes.c_ulong,
+            LONGLONG:   ctypes.c_longlong,
+            ULONGLONG:  ctypes.c_ulonglong,
+            SIZE_T:     ctypes.c_size_t,
+            }
+        for ll, ctp in cache.items():
+            assert sizeof(ll) == ctypes.sizeof(ctp)
+        assert not size_and_sign(lltype.Signed)[1]
+        assert not size_and_sign(lltype.Char)[1]
+        assert not size_and_sign(lltype.UniChar)[1]
+        assert size_and_sign(UINT)[1]
+    def test_rffi_offsetof(self):
+        import struct
+        from pypy.rpython.tool import rffi_platform
+        S = rffi_platform.getstruct("struct S",
+                                      """
+               struct S {
+                   short a;
+                   int b, c;
+               };                     """,
+                                      [("a", INT),
+                                       ("b", INT),
+                                       ("c", INT)])
+        assert sizeof(S) == struct.calcsize("hii")
+        assert offsetof(S, "c_a") == 0
+        assert offsetof(S, "c_b") == struct.calcsize("hi") - struct.calcsize("i")
+        assert offsetof(S, "c_c") == struct.calcsize("hii") - struct.calcsize("i")
 ARRAY_OF_CHAR = lltype.Array(CHAR, hints={'nolength': True})
@@ -480,6 +482,25 @@
     for i in xrange(len(data) - 2):
         assert a2[i] == a[i + 2]
     lltype.free(a, flavor='raw')
 def test_ptradd_interpret():
     interpret(test_ptradd, [])
+class TestCRffi(BaseTestRffi):
+    def compile(self, func, args, **kwds):
+        return compile_c(func, args, **kwds)
+class TestLLVMRffi(BaseTestRffi):
+    def compile(self, func, args, **kwds):
+        # pfff....
+        if 'backendopt' in kwds:
+            kwds['optimize'] = kwds['backendopt']
+            del kwds['backendopt']
+        return compile_llvm(func, args, **kwds)
+    def test_hashdefine(self):
+        py.test.skip("FIXME")
+    def test_opaque_type(self):
+        py.test.skip("FIXME")

Modified: pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/module/test/test_posix.py
--- pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/module/test/test_posix.py	(original)
+++ pypy/dist/pypy/rpython/module/test/test_posix.py	Mon Nov 26 12:50:43 2007
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 import py
 from pypy.rpython.test.tool import BaseRtypingTest, LLRtypeMixin, OORtypeMixin
 from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-from pypy.translator.llvm.test.runtest import compile_function as compile_llvm
-from pypy.translator.c.test.test_genc import compile
 import os
 exec 'import %s as posix' % os.name
@@ -132,27 +130,24 @@
                 return os.getuid()
             assert self.interpret(f, []) == f()
+    def test_os_wstar(self):
+        from pypy.rpython.module.ll_os import RegisterOs
+        for name in RegisterOs.w_star:
+            if not hasattr(os, name):
+                continue
+            def fun(s):
+                return getattr(os, name)(s)
+            for value in [0, 1, 127, 128, 255]:
+                res = self.interpret(fun, [value])
+                assert res == fun(value)
 class TestLLtype(BaseTestPosix, LLRtypeMixin):
 class TestOOtype(BaseTestPosix, OORtypeMixin):
     def test_fstat(self):
         py.test.skip("ootypesystem does not support os.fstat")
-def os_wstar_tester(compile):
-    from pypy.rpython.module.ll_os import RegisterOs
-    for name in RegisterOs.w_star:
-        if not hasattr(os, name):
-            continue
-        def fun(s):
-            return getattr(os, name)(s)
-        fun_c = compile(fun, [int])
-        for value in [0, 1, 127, 128, 255]:
-            res = fun_c(value)
-            assert res == fun(value)
-def test_os_wstar():
-    yield os_wstar_tester, compile
-    yield os_wstar_tester, compile_llvm

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