[pypy-svn] r50762 - in pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr: . test

antocuni at codespeak.net antocuni at codespeak.net
Fri Jan 18 21:47:22 CET 2008

Author: antocuni
Date: Fri Jan 18 21:47:21 2008
New Revision: 50762

   pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/assemblyname.py   (contents, props changed)
support for external assemblies

Modified: pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/__init__.py
--- pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/__init__.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/__init__.py	Fri Jan 18 21:47:21 2008
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
         'call_staticmethod': 'interp_clr.call_staticmethod',
         'load_cli_class': 'interp_clr.load_cli_class',
         'get_assemblies_info': 'interp_clr.get_assemblies_info',
-        'isDotNetType': 'interp_clr.isDotNetType',
+        'AddReferenceByPartialName': 'interp_clr.AddReferenceByPartialName',
     def startup(self, space):

Modified: pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/app_clr.py
--- pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/app_clr.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/app_clr.py	Fri Jan 18 21:47:21 2008
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
         return self.fget()
 def _qualify(t):
-    return '%s, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' % t
+    mscorlib = 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
+    return '%s, %s' % (t, mscorlib)
 class MetaGenericCliClassWrapper(type):
     _cli_types = {
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@
         generic_params = [cls._cli_name(t) for t in types]        
         instance_class = '%s[%s]' % (generic_class, ','.join(generic_params))
-            return clr.load_cli_class(namespace, instance_class)
+            return clr.load_cli_class(cls.__assemblyname__, namespace, instance_class)
         except ImportError:
             raise TypeError, "Cannot load type %s.%s" % (namespace, instance_class)
@@ -154,12 +155,14 @@
     obj.__cliobj__ = cliobj
     return obj
-def build_wrapper(namespace, classname, assembly_qualified_name,
+def build_wrapper(namespace, classname, assemblyname,
                   staticmethods, methods, properties, indexers,
                   hasIEnumerable, isClassGeneric):
     fullname = '%s.%s' % (namespace, classname)
+    assembly_qualified_name = '%s, %s' % (fullname, assemblyname)
     d = {'__cliclass__': fullname,
          '__fullyqualifiedname__': assembly_qualified_name,
+         '__assemblyname__': assemblyname,
          '__module__': namespace}
     for name in staticmethods:
         d[name] = StaticMethodWrapper(fullname, name)

Modified: pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/app_importer.py
--- pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/app_importer.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/app_importer.py	Fri Jan 18 21:47:21 2008
@@ -22,9 +22,9 @@
     def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
         import clr
-        namespaces, generic_map = clr.get_assemblies_info()
+        namespaces, classes, generics = clr.get_assemblies_info()
-        if fullname in namespaces or fullname in generic_map or clr.isDotNetType(fullname): 
+        if fullname in namespaces or fullname in classes:
             return self # fullname is a  .NET Module
             return None # fullname is not a .NET Module
@@ -54,18 +54,13 @@
         # If it is a call for a Class then return with the Class reference
         import clr
-        namespaces, generic_map = clr.get_assemblies_info()
+        namespaces, classes, generics = clr.get_assemblies_info()
-        if clr.isDotNetType(fullname) or fullname in generic_map:
-            ''' Task is to breakup System.Collections.ArrayList and call 
-                clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections','ArrayList')
-            '''
-            fullname = generic_map.get(fullname, fullname)
-            rindex = fullname.rfind('.')
-            if rindex != -1:
-                leftStr = fullname[:rindex]
-                rightStr = fullname[rindex+1:]
-                sys.modules[fullname] = clr.load_cli_class(leftStr, rightStr)
+        if fullname in classes:
+            assemblyname = classes[fullname]
+            fullname = generics.get(fullname, fullname)
+            ns, classname = fullname.rsplit('.', 1)
+            sys.modules[fullname] = clr.load_cli_class(assemblyname, ns, classname)
         else:  # if not a call for actual class (say for namespaces) assign an empty module 
             if fullname not in sys.modules:
                 mod = CLRModule(fullname)

Added: pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/assemblyname.py
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/assemblyname.py	Fri Jan 18 21:47:21 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+mscorlib = 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
+System = 'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'

Modified: pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/interp_clr.py
--- pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/interp_clr.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/interp_clr.py	Fri Jan 18 21:47:21 2008
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import os.path
+from pypy.module.clr import assemblyname
 from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import ObjSpace, W_Root, Wrappable
 from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
 from pypy.interpreter.gateway import interp2app, ApplevelClass
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
      new_array, init_array, typeof
 System = CLR.System
+Assembly = CLR.System.Reflection.Assembly
 TargetInvocationException = NativeException(CLR.System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException)
 AmbiguousMatchException = NativeException(CLR.System.Reflection.AmbiguousMatchException)
@@ -111,7 +113,8 @@
         return space.wrap(strval)
         namespace, classname = split_fullname(b_type.ToString())
-        w_cls = load_cli_class(space, namespace, classname)
+        assemblyname = b_type.get_Assembly().get_FullName()
+        w_cls = load_cli_class(space, assemblyname, namespace, classname)
         cliobj = W_CliObject(space, b_obj)
         return wrapper_from_cliobj(space, w_cls, cliobj)
@@ -177,6 +180,8 @@
             properties.append((b_prop.get_Name(), get_name, set_name, is_static))
             indexers.append((b_prop.get_Name(), get_name, set_name, is_static))
+    if len(indexers) > 1:
+        import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
     w_properties = wrap_list_of_tuples(space, properties)
     w_indexers = wrap_list_of_tuples(space, indexers)
     return w_properties, w_indexers
@@ -195,16 +200,22 @@
 class _AssembliesInfo:
     w_namespaces = None
-    w_generic_map = None
-    w_info = None # a tuple containing (w_namespaces, w_generic_map)
+    w_classes = None
+    w_generics = None
+    w_info = None # a tuple containing (w_namespaces, w_classes, w_generics)
 AssembliesInfo = _AssembliesInfo()
 def save_info_for_assembly(space, b_assembly):
     info = AssembliesInfo
     b_types = b_assembly.GetTypes()
+    w_assemblyName = space.wrap(b_assembly.get_FullName())
     for i in range(len(b_types)):
         b_type = b_types[i]
-        namespace = b_type.get_Namespace()
+        namespace = str(b_type.get_Namespace())
+        fullname = str(b_type.get_FullName())
+        if '+' in fullname:
+            # it's an internal type, skip it
+            continue
         if namespace is not None:
             # builds all possible sub-namespaces
             # (e.g. 'System', 'System.Windows', 'System.Windows.Forms')
@@ -215,41 +226,47 @@
                 temp_name += "."+chunk
                 space.setitem(info.w_namespaces, space.wrap(temp_name), space.w_None)
         if b_type.get_IsGenericType():
-            fullname = b_type.get_FullName()
-            if '+' not in fullname:
-                index = fullname.rfind("`")
-                assert index >= 0
-                pyName = fullname[0:index]
-                space.setitem(info.w_generic_map, space.wrap(pyName), space.wrap(fullname))
+            index = fullname.rfind("`")
+            assert index >= 0
+            pyName = fullname[0:index]
+            space.setitem(info.w_classes, space.wrap(pyName), w_assemblyName)
+            space.setitem(info.w_generics, space.wrap(pyName), space.wrap(fullname))
+        else:
+            space.setitem(info.w_classes, space.wrap(fullname), w_assemblyName)
-def save_info_for_all_assemblies(space):
-    b_currentDomain = System.AppDomain.get_CurrentDomain()
-    b_assems = b_currentDomain.GetAssemblies()
-    for i in range(len(b_assems)):
-        save_info_for_assembly(space, b_assems[i])
+def save_info_for_std_assemblies(space):
+    # in theory we should use Assembly.Load, but it doesn't work with
+    # pythonnet because it thinks it should use the Load(byte[]) overload
+    b_mscorlib = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(assemblyname.mscorlib)
+    b_System = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(assemblyname.System)
+    save_info_for_assembly(space, b_mscorlib)
+    save_info_for_assembly(space, b_System)
 def get_assemblies_info(space):
     info = AssembliesInfo
     if info.w_info is None:
         info.w_namespaces = space.newdict()
-        info.w_generic_map = space.newdict()
-        info.w_info = space.newtuple([info.w_namespaces, info.w_generic_map])
-        save_info_for_all_assemblies(space) # cache info for all standard assemblies
+        info.w_classes = space.newdict()
+        info.w_generics = space.newdict()
+        info.w_info = space.newtuple([info.w_namespaces, info.w_classes, info.w_generics])
+        save_info_for_std_assemblies(space)
     return info.w_info
 get_assemblies_info.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace]
-def isDotNetType(space, nameFromImporter):
-    """
-        determines if the string input is a DotNetType
+# AddReference* methods
-        Return:
-            Boolean
-    """
-    return space.wrap(System.Type.GetType(nameFromImporter) is not None)
-isDotNetType.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, str]
+# AddReference', 'AddReferenceByName', 'AddReferenceByPartialName', 'AddReferenceToFile', 'AddReferenceToFileAndPath'
+def AddReferenceByPartialName(space, name):
+    b_assembly = Assembly.LoadWithPartialName(name)
+    if b_assembly is not None:
+        save_info_for_assembly(space, b_assembly)
+AddReferenceByPartialName.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, str]
-def load_cli_class(space, namespace, classname):
+def load_cli_class(space, assemblyname, namespace, classname):
     Load the given .NET class into the PyPy interpreter and return a
     Python class referencing to it.
@@ -264,13 +281,14 @@
     fullname = '%s.%s' % (namespace, classname)
     w_cls = CliClassCache.get(fullname)
     if w_cls is None:
-        w_cls = build_cli_class(space, namespace, classname, fullname)
+        w_cls = build_cli_class(space, namespace, classname, fullname, assemblyname)
         CliClassCache.put(fullname, w_cls)
     return w_cls
-load_cli_class.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, str, str]
+load_cli_class.unwrap_spec = [ObjSpace, str, str, str]
-def build_cli_class(space, namespace, classname, fullname):
-    b_type = System.Type.GetType(fullname)
+def build_cli_class(space, namespace, classname, fullname, assemblyname):
+    assembly_qualified_name = '%s, %s' % (fullname, assemblyname)
+    b_type = System.Type.GetType(assembly_qualified_name)
     if b_type is None:
         raise OperationError(space.w_ImportError, space.wrap("Cannot load .NET type: %s" % fullname))
@@ -278,19 +296,18 @@
     # set the flag hasIEnumerable if IEnumerable interface has been by the class
     hasIEnumerable = b_type.GetInterface("System.Collections.IEnumerable") is not None
-    # this is where we test if the class is Generic 
+    # this is where we test if the class is Generic
     # set the flag isClassGeneric 
     isClassGeneric = False
     if b_type.get_IsGenericType():
         isClassGeneric = True
-    assembly_qualified_name = b_type.get_AssemblyQualifiedName()
     w_staticmethods, w_methods = get_methods(space, b_type)
     w_properties, w_indexers = get_properties(space, b_type)
     return build_wrapper(space,
-                         space.wrap(assembly_qualified_name),
+                         space.wrap(assemblyname),

Modified: pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/test/test_clr.py
--- pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/test/test_clr.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/test/test_clr.py	Fri Jan 18 21:47:21 2008
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
 from pypy.conftest import gettestobjspace
+mscorlib = 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
 class AppTestDotnet:
     def setup_class(cls):
         space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=('clr',))
         cls.space = space
+        cls.w_mscorlib = space.wrap(mscorlib)
     def test_cliobject(self):
         import clr
         obj = clr._CliObject_internal('System.Collections.ArrayList', [])
@@ -13,17 +16,17 @@
     def test_cache(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
-        ArrayList2 = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList2 = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         assert ArrayList is ArrayList2
     def test_load_fail(self):
         import clr
-        raises(ImportError, clr.load_cli_class, 'Foo', 'Bar')
+        raises(ImportError, clr.load_cli_class, self.mscorlib, 'Foo', 'Bar')
     def test_ArrayList(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList()
@@ -32,13 +35,13 @@
     def test_ArrayList_error(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList()
         raises(StandardError, obj.get_Item, 0)
     def test_float_conversion(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList()
         item = obj.get_Item(0)
@@ -46,7 +49,7 @@
     def test_bool_conversion(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList()
@@ -59,14 +62,14 @@
     def test_getitem(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList()
         assert obj[0] == 42
     def test_property(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList()
         assert obj.Count == 1
@@ -75,20 +78,20 @@
     def test_unboundmethod(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList()
         ArrayList.Add(obj, 42)
         assert obj.get_Item(0) == 42
     def test_unboundmethod_typeerror(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         raises(TypeError, ArrayList.Add)
         raises(TypeError, ArrayList.Add, 0)
     def test_overload(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList()
         for i in range(10):
@@ -97,12 +100,12 @@
     def test_wrong_overload(self):
         import clr
-        Math = clr.load_cli_class('System', 'Math')
+        Math = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System', 'Math')
         raises(TypeError, Math.Abs, "foo")
     def test_staticmethod(self):
         import clr
-        Math = clr.load_cli_class('System', 'Math')
+        Math = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System', 'Math')
         res = Math.Abs(-42)
         assert res == 42
         assert type(res) is int
@@ -112,14 +115,14 @@
     def test_constructor_args(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         obj = ArrayList(42)
         assert obj.Capacity == 42
     def test_None_as_null(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
-        Hashtable = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'Hashtable')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        Hashtable = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'Hashtable')
         x = ArrayList()
         assert x[0] is None
@@ -128,7 +131,7 @@
     def test_pass_opaque_arguments(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         class Foo:
         obj = Foo()
@@ -139,7 +142,7 @@
     def test_string_wrapping(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         x = ArrayList()
         s = x[0]
@@ -148,21 +151,21 @@
     def test_static_property(self):
         import clr
         import os
-        Environment = clr.load_cli_class('System', 'Environment')
+        Environment = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System', 'Environment')
         assert Environment.CurrentDirectory == os.getcwd()
         Environment.CurrentDirectory == '/'
         assert Environment.CurrentDirectory == os.getcwd()
     def test_GetEnumerator(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         x = ArrayList()
         enum = x.GetEnumerator()
         assert enum.MoveNext() is False
     def test_iteration_arrayList(self):
         import clr
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         x = ArrayList()
@@ -175,7 +178,7 @@
     def test_iteration_stack(self):
         import clr
-        Stack = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'Stack')
+        Stack = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'Stack')
         obj = Stack()
@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@
     def test_load_generic_class(self):
         import clr
-        ListInt = clr.load_cli_class("System.Collections.Generic", "List`1[System.Int32]")
+        ListInt = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, "System.Collections.Generic", "List`1[System.Int32]")
         x = ListInt()
@@ -199,13 +202,15 @@
     def test_generic_class_typeerror(self):
         import clr
-        ListInt = clr.load_cli_class("System.Collections.Generic", "List`1[System.Int32]")
+        ListInt = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib, "System.Collections.Generic", "List`1[System.Int32]")
         x = ListInt()
         raises(TypeError, x.Add, "test")
     def test_generic_dict(self):
         import clr
-        genDictIntStr = clr.load_cli_class("System.Collections.Generic","Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.String]")
+        genDictIntStr = clr.load_cli_class(self.mscorlib,
+                                           "System.Collections.Generic",
+                                           "Dictionary`2[System.Int32,System.String]")
         x = genDictIntStr()
         x[1] = "test"
         x[2] = "rest"

Modified: pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/test/test_importer.py
--- pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/test/test_importer.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/clr-module-improvements/pypy/module/clr/test/test_importer.py	Fri Jan 18 21:47:21 2008
@@ -5,23 +5,31 @@
         space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=('clr', ))
         cls.space = space
-    def test_list_of_valid_namespaces(self):
+    def test_list_of_namespaces_and_classes(self):
         import clr
-        ns, gen = clr.get_assemblies_info()
+        ns, classes, generics = clr.get_assemblies_info()
         assert 'System' in ns
         assert 'System.Collections' in ns
         assert 'System.Runtime' in ns
         assert 'System.Runtime.InteropServices' in ns
+        assert 'System' not in classes
+        assert 'System.Math' in classes
+        assert 'System.Collections.ArrayList' in classes
+        assert 'System.Collections.Generic.List' in classes
+        assert generics['System.Collections.Generic.List'] == 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1'
     def test_import_hook_simple(self):
+        mscorlib = 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
         import clr
         import System.Math
         assert System.Math.Abs(-5) == 5
         assert System.Math.Pow(2, 5) == 2**5
-        Math = clr.load_cli_class('System', 'Math')
+        Math = clr.load_cli_class(mscorlib, 'System', 'Math')
         assert Math is System.Math
         import System
@@ -34,7 +42,7 @@
         assert sum == 3+44
         import System.Collections.ArrayList
-        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class('System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
+        ArrayList = clr.load_cli_class(mscorlib, 'System.Collections', 'ArrayList')
         assert ArrayList is System.Collections.ArrayList
     def test_ImportError(self):
@@ -55,3 +63,13 @@
     def test_generic_class_import(self):
         import System.Collections.Generic.List
+    def test_import_from(self):
+        from System.Collections import ArrayList
+    def test_AddReferenceByPartialName(self):
+        import clr
+        def fn():
+            import System.Xml.XmlWriter
+        raises(ImportError, fn)
+        clr.AddReferenceByPartialName('System.Xml')
+        fn() # does not raise

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