[pypy-svn] r74253 - pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext

benjamin at codespeak.net benjamin at codespeak.net
Fri Apr 30 00:38:52 CEST 2010

Author: benjamin
Date: Fri Apr 30 00:38:50 2010
New Revision: 74253

kill tabs

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/import_.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/import_.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/import_.py	Fri Apr 30 00:38:50 2010
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@
         w_import = space.getattr(w_builtin, space.wrap("__import__"))
-	# Call the __import__ function with the proper argument list
-	# Always use absolute import here.
+        # Call the __import__ function with the proper argument list
+        # Always use absolute import here.
     return space.call(w_import, space.newtuple(
         [w_name, w_globals, w_globals,

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/slotdefs.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/slotdefs.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/slotdefs.py	Fri Apr 30 00:38:50 2010
@@ -157,16 +157,16 @@
             "x." + NAME + "(y) <==> " + DOC)
 slotdef_replacements = (
-        ("\s+", " "),
-        ("static [^{]*{", "("),
-        ("};", ")"),
-        (r"(?P<start> +..SLOT\([^,]*, )(?P<fname>[^,]*), (?P<slotcname>[^,]*), (?P<wname>[^,]*)", r"\g<start>'\g<fname>', '\g<slotcname>', '\g<wname>'"),
-        (r"(?P<start> *R?[^ ]{3}SLOT(NOTINFIX)?\([^,]*, )(?P<fname>[^,]*), (?P<slotcname>[^,]*)", r"\g<start>'\g<fname>', '\g<slotcname>'"),
-        ("'NULL'", "None"),
-        ("{NULL}", ""),
-        ("\(wrapperfunc\)", ""),
-        ("\),", "),\n"),
-    )
+    ("\s+", " "),
+    ("static [^{]*{", "("),
+    ("};", ")"),
+    (r"(?P<start> +..SLOT\([^,]*, )(?P<fname>[^,]*), (?P<slotcname>[^,]*), (?P<wname>[^,]*)", r"\g<start>'\g<fname>', '\g<slotcname>', '\g<wname>'"),
+    (r"(?P<start> *R?[^ ]{3}SLOT(NOTINFIX)?\([^,]*, )(?P<fname>[^,]*), (?P<slotcname>[^,]*)", r"\g<start>'\g<fname>', '\g<slotcname>'"),
+    ("'NULL'", "None"),
+    ("{NULL}", ""),
+    ("\(wrapperfunc\)", ""),
+    ("\),", "),\n"),
     /* Heap types defining __add__/__mul__ have sq_concat/sq_repeat == NULL.
@@ -177,198 +177,198 @@
 # Instructions for update:
 # Copy new slotdefs from typeobject.c
-# Remove comments
+# Remove comments and tabs
 # Done.
 slotdefs_str = """
 static slotdef slotdefs[] = {
-	SQSLOT("__len__", sq_length, slot_sq_length, wrap_lenfunc,
-	       "x.__len__() <==> len(x)"),
-	SQSLOT("__add__", sq_concat, NULL, wrap_binaryfunc,
-	  "x.__add__(y) <==> x+y"),
-	SQSLOT("__mul__", sq_repeat, NULL, wrap_indexargfunc,
-	  "x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n"),
-	SQSLOT("__rmul__", sq_repeat, NULL, wrap_indexargfunc,
-	  "x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x"),
-	SQSLOT("__getitem__", sq_item, slot_sq_item, wrap_sq_item,
-	       "x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]"),
-	SQSLOT("__getslice__", sq_slice, slot_sq_slice, wrap_ssizessizeargfunc,
-	       "x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]\n\
-	       \n\
-	       Use of negative indices is not supported."),
-	SQSLOT("__setitem__", sq_ass_item, slot_sq_ass_item, wrap_sq_setitem,
-	       "x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y"),
-	SQSLOT("__delitem__", sq_ass_item, slot_sq_ass_item, wrap_sq_delitem,
-	       "x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]"),
-	SQSLOT("__setslice__", sq_ass_slice, slot_sq_ass_slice,
-	       wrap_ssizessizeobjargproc,
-	       "x.__setslice__(i, j, y) <==> x[i:j]=y\n\
-	       \n\
-	       Use  of negative indices is not supported."),
-	SQSLOT("__delslice__", sq_ass_slice, slot_sq_ass_slice, wrap_delslice,
-	       "x.__delslice__(i, j) <==> del x[i:j]\n\
-	       \n\
-	       Use of negative indices is not supported."),
-	SQSLOT("__contains__", sq_contains, slot_sq_contains, wrap_objobjproc,
-	       "x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x"),
-	SQSLOT("__iadd__", sq_inplace_concat, NULL,
-	  wrap_binaryfunc, "x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y"),
-	SQSLOT("__imul__", sq_inplace_repeat, NULL,
-	  wrap_indexargfunc, "x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y"),
-	MPSLOT("__len__", mp_length, slot_mp_length, wrap_lenfunc,
-	       "x.__len__() <==> len(x)"),
-	MPSLOT("__getitem__", mp_subscript, slot_mp_subscript,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc,
-	       "x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]"),
-	MPSLOT("__setitem__", mp_ass_subscript, slot_mp_ass_subscript,
-	       wrap_objobjargproc,
-	       "x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y"),
-	MPSLOT("__delitem__", mp_ass_subscript, slot_mp_ass_subscript,
-	       wrap_delitem,
-	       "x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]"),
-	BINSLOT("__add__", nb_add, slot_nb_add,
-		"+"),
-	RBINSLOT("__radd__", nb_add, slot_nb_add,
-		 "+"),
-	BINSLOT("__sub__", nb_subtract, slot_nb_subtract,
-		"-"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rsub__", nb_subtract, slot_nb_subtract,
-		 "-"),
-	BINSLOT("__mul__", nb_multiply, slot_nb_multiply,
-		"*"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rmul__", nb_multiply, slot_nb_multiply,
-		 "*"),
-	BINSLOT("__div__", nb_divide, slot_nb_divide,
-		"/"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rdiv__", nb_divide, slot_nb_divide,
-		 "/"),
-	BINSLOT("__mod__", nb_remainder, slot_nb_remainder,
-		"%"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rmod__", nb_remainder, slot_nb_remainder,
-		 "%"),
-	BINSLOTNOTINFIX("__divmod__", nb_divmod, slot_nb_divmod,
-		"divmod(x, y)"),
-	RBINSLOTNOTINFIX("__rdivmod__", nb_divmod, slot_nb_divmod,
-		 "divmod(y, x)"),
-	NBSLOT("__pow__", nb_power, slot_nb_power, wrap_ternaryfunc,
-	       "x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])"),
-	NBSLOT("__rpow__", nb_power, slot_nb_power, wrap_ternaryfunc_r,
-	       "y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])"),
-	UNSLOT("__neg__", nb_negative, slot_nb_negative, wrap_unaryfunc, "-x"),
-	UNSLOT("__pos__", nb_positive, slot_nb_positive, wrap_unaryfunc, "+x"),
-	UNSLOT("__abs__", nb_absolute, slot_nb_absolute, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "abs(x)"),
-	UNSLOT("__nonzero__", nb_nonzero, slot_nb_nonzero, wrap_inquirypred,
-	       "x != 0"),
-	UNSLOT("__invert__", nb_invert, slot_nb_invert, wrap_unaryfunc, "~x"),
-	BINSLOT("__lshift__", nb_lshift, slot_nb_lshift, "<<"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rlshift__", nb_lshift, slot_nb_lshift, "<<"),
-	BINSLOT("__rshift__", nb_rshift, slot_nb_rshift, ">>"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rrshift__", nb_rshift, slot_nb_rshift, ">>"),
-	BINSLOT("__and__", nb_and, slot_nb_and, "&"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rand__", nb_and, slot_nb_and, "&"),
-	BINSLOT("__xor__", nb_xor, slot_nb_xor, "^"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rxor__", nb_xor, slot_nb_xor, "^"),
-	BINSLOT("__or__", nb_or, slot_nb_or, "|"),
-	RBINSLOT("__ror__", nb_or, slot_nb_or, "|"),
-	NBSLOT("__coerce__", nb_coerce, slot_nb_coerce, wrap_coercefunc,
-	       "x.__coerce__(y) <==> coerce(x, y)"),
-	UNSLOT("__int__", nb_int, slot_nb_int, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "int(x)"),
-	UNSLOT("__long__", nb_long, slot_nb_long, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "long(x)"),
-	UNSLOT("__float__", nb_float, slot_nb_float, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "float(x)"),
-	UNSLOT("__oct__", nb_oct, slot_nb_oct, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "oct(x)"),
-	UNSLOT("__hex__", nb_hex, slot_nb_hex, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "hex(x)"),
-	NBSLOT("__index__", nb_index, slot_nb_index, wrap_unaryfunc, 
-	       "x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]"),
-	IBSLOT("__iadd__", nb_inplace_add, slot_nb_inplace_add,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "+"),
-	IBSLOT("__isub__", nb_inplace_subtract, slot_nb_inplace_subtract,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "-"),
-	IBSLOT("__imul__", nb_inplace_multiply, slot_nb_inplace_multiply,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "*"),
-	IBSLOT("__idiv__", nb_inplace_divide, slot_nb_inplace_divide,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "/"),
-	IBSLOT("__imod__", nb_inplace_remainder, slot_nb_inplace_remainder,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "%"),
-	IBSLOT("__ipow__", nb_inplace_power, slot_nb_inplace_power,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "**"),
-	IBSLOT("__ilshift__", nb_inplace_lshift, slot_nb_inplace_lshift,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "<<"),
-	IBSLOT("__irshift__", nb_inplace_rshift, slot_nb_inplace_rshift,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, ">>"),
-	IBSLOT("__iand__", nb_inplace_and, slot_nb_inplace_and,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "&"),
-	IBSLOT("__ixor__", nb_inplace_xor, slot_nb_inplace_xor,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "^"),
-	IBSLOT("__ior__", nb_inplace_or, slot_nb_inplace_or,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "|"),
-	BINSLOT("__floordiv__", nb_floor_divide, slot_nb_floor_divide, "//"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rfloordiv__", nb_floor_divide, slot_nb_floor_divide, "//"),
-	BINSLOT("__truediv__", nb_true_divide, slot_nb_true_divide, "/"),
-	RBINSLOT("__rtruediv__", nb_true_divide, slot_nb_true_divide, "/"),
-	IBSLOT("__ifloordiv__", nb_inplace_floor_divide,
-	       slot_nb_inplace_floor_divide, wrap_binaryfunc, "//"),
-	IBSLOT("__itruediv__", nb_inplace_true_divide,
-	       slot_nb_inplace_true_divide, wrap_binaryfunc, "/"),
-	TPSLOT("__str__", tp_str, slot_tp_str, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "x.__str__() <==> str(x)"),
-	TPSLOT("__str__", tp_print, NULL, NULL, ""),
-	TPSLOT("__repr__", tp_repr, slot_tp_repr, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)"),
-	TPSLOT("__repr__", tp_print, NULL, NULL, ""),
-	TPSLOT("__cmp__", tp_compare, _PyObject_SlotCompare, wrap_cmpfunc,
-	       "x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)"),
-	TPSLOT("__hash__", tp_hash, slot_tp_hash, wrap_hashfunc,
-	       "x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)"),
-	FLSLOT("__call__", tp_call, slot_tp_call, (wrapperfunc)wrap_call,
-	       "x.__call__(...) <==> x(...)", PyWrapperFlag_KEYWORDS),
-	TPSLOT("__getattribute__", tp_getattro, slot_tp_getattr_hook,
-	       wrap_binaryfunc, "x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name"),
-	TPSLOT("__getattribute__", tp_getattr, NULL, NULL, ""),
-	TPSLOT("__getattr__", tp_getattro, slot_tp_getattr_hook, NULL, ""),
-	TPSLOT("__getattr__", tp_getattr, NULL, NULL, ""),
-	TPSLOT("__setattr__", tp_setattro, slot_tp_setattro, wrap_setattr,
-	       "x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value"),
-	TPSLOT("__setattr__", tp_setattr, NULL, NULL, ""),
-	TPSLOT("__delattr__", tp_setattro, slot_tp_setattro, wrap_delattr,
-	       "x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name"),
-	TPSLOT("__delattr__", tp_setattr, NULL, NULL, ""),
-	TPSLOT("__lt__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_lt,
-	       "x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y"),
-	TPSLOT("__le__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_le,
-	       "x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y"),
-	TPSLOT("__eq__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_eq,
-	       "x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y"),
-	TPSLOT("__ne__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_ne,
-	       "x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y"),
-	TPSLOT("__gt__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_gt,
-	       "x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y"),
-	TPSLOT("__ge__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_ge,
-	       "x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y"),
-	TPSLOT("__iter__", tp_iter, slot_tp_iter, wrap_unaryfunc,
-	       "x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)"),
-	TPSLOT("next", tp_iternext, slot_tp_iternext, wrap_next,
-	       "x.next() -> the next value, or raise StopIteration"),
-	TPSLOT("__get__", tp_descr_get, slot_tp_descr_get, wrap_descr_get,
-	       "descr.__get__(obj[, type]) -> value"),
-	TPSLOT("__set__", tp_descr_set, slot_tp_descr_set, wrap_descr_set,
-	       "descr.__set__(obj, value)"),
-	TPSLOT("__delete__", tp_descr_set, slot_tp_descr_set,
-	       wrap_descr_delete, "descr.__delete__(obj)"),
-	FLSLOT("__init__", tp_init, slot_tp_init, (wrapperfunc)wrap_init,
-	       "x.__init__(...) initializes x; "
-	       "see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature",
-	       PyWrapperFlag_KEYWORDS),
-	TPSLOT("__new__", tp_new, slot_tp_new, NULL, ""),
-	TPSLOT("__del__", tp_del, slot_tp_del, NULL, ""),
-	{NULL}
+        SQSLOT("__len__", sq_length, slot_sq_length, wrap_lenfunc,
+               "x.__len__() <==> len(x)"),
+        SQSLOT("__add__", sq_concat, NULL, wrap_binaryfunc,
+          "x.__add__(y) <==> x+y"),
+        SQSLOT("__mul__", sq_repeat, NULL, wrap_indexargfunc,
+          "x.__mul__(n) <==> x*n"),
+        SQSLOT("__rmul__", sq_repeat, NULL, wrap_indexargfunc,
+          "x.__rmul__(n) <==> n*x"),
+        SQSLOT("__getitem__", sq_item, slot_sq_item, wrap_sq_item,
+               "x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]"),
+        SQSLOT("__getslice__", sq_slice, slot_sq_slice, wrap_ssizessizeargfunc,
+               "x.__getslice__(i, j) <==> x[i:j]\n\
+               \n\
+               Use of negative indices is not supported."),
+        SQSLOT("__setitem__", sq_ass_item, slot_sq_ass_item, wrap_sq_setitem,
+               "x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y"),
+        SQSLOT("__delitem__", sq_ass_item, slot_sq_ass_item, wrap_sq_delitem,
+               "x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]"),
+        SQSLOT("__setslice__", sq_ass_slice, slot_sq_ass_slice,
+               wrap_ssizessizeobjargproc,
+               "x.__setslice__(i, j, y) <==> x[i:j]=y\n\
+               \n\
+               Use  of negative indices is not supported."),
+        SQSLOT("__delslice__", sq_ass_slice, slot_sq_ass_slice, wrap_delslice,
+               "x.__delslice__(i, j) <==> del x[i:j]\n\
+               \n\
+               Use of negative indices is not supported."),
+        SQSLOT("__contains__", sq_contains, slot_sq_contains, wrap_objobjproc,
+               "x.__contains__(y) <==> y in x"),
+        SQSLOT("__iadd__", sq_inplace_concat, NULL,
+          wrap_binaryfunc, "x.__iadd__(y) <==> x+=y"),
+        SQSLOT("__imul__", sq_inplace_repeat, NULL,
+          wrap_indexargfunc, "x.__imul__(y) <==> x*=y"),
+        MPSLOT("__len__", mp_length, slot_mp_length, wrap_lenfunc,
+               "x.__len__() <==> len(x)"),
+        MPSLOT("__getitem__", mp_subscript, slot_mp_subscript,
+               wrap_binaryfunc,
+               "x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]"),
+        MPSLOT("__setitem__", mp_ass_subscript, slot_mp_ass_subscript,
+               wrap_objobjargproc,
+               "x.__setitem__(i, y) <==> x[i]=y"),
+        MPSLOT("__delitem__", mp_ass_subscript, slot_mp_ass_subscript,
+               wrap_delitem,
+               "x.__delitem__(y) <==> del x[y]"),
+        BINSLOT("__add__", nb_add, slot_nb_add,
+                "+"),
+        RBINSLOT("__radd__", nb_add, slot_nb_add,
+                 "+"),
+        BINSLOT("__sub__", nb_subtract, slot_nb_subtract,
+                "-"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rsub__", nb_subtract, slot_nb_subtract,
+                 "-"),
+        BINSLOT("__mul__", nb_multiply, slot_nb_multiply,
+                "*"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rmul__", nb_multiply, slot_nb_multiply,
+                 "*"),
+        BINSLOT("__div__", nb_divide, slot_nb_divide,
+                "/"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rdiv__", nb_divide, slot_nb_divide,
+                 "/"),
+        BINSLOT("__mod__", nb_remainder, slot_nb_remainder,
+                "%"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rmod__", nb_remainder, slot_nb_remainder,
+                 "%"),
+        BINSLOTNOTINFIX("__divmod__", nb_divmod, slot_nb_divmod,
+                "divmod(x, y)"),
+        RBINSLOTNOTINFIX("__rdivmod__", nb_divmod, slot_nb_divmod,
+                 "divmod(y, x)"),
+        NBSLOT("__pow__", nb_power, slot_nb_power, wrap_ternaryfunc,
+               "x.__pow__(y[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])"),
+        NBSLOT("__rpow__", nb_power, slot_nb_power, wrap_ternaryfunc_r,
+               "y.__rpow__(x[, z]) <==> pow(x, y[, z])"),
+        UNSLOT("__neg__", nb_negative, slot_nb_negative, wrap_unaryfunc, "-x"),
+        UNSLOT("__pos__", nb_positive, slot_nb_positive, wrap_unaryfunc, "+x"),
+        UNSLOT("__abs__", nb_absolute, slot_nb_absolute, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "abs(x)"),
+        UNSLOT("__nonzero__", nb_nonzero, slot_nb_nonzero, wrap_inquirypred,
+               "x != 0"),
+        UNSLOT("__invert__", nb_invert, slot_nb_invert, wrap_unaryfunc, "~x"),
+        BINSLOT("__lshift__", nb_lshift, slot_nb_lshift, "<<"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rlshift__", nb_lshift, slot_nb_lshift, "<<"),
+        BINSLOT("__rshift__", nb_rshift, slot_nb_rshift, ">>"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rrshift__", nb_rshift, slot_nb_rshift, ">>"),
+        BINSLOT("__and__", nb_and, slot_nb_and, "&"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rand__", nb_and, slot_nb_and, "&"),
+        BINSLOT("__xor__", nb_xor, slot_nb_xor, "^"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rxor__", nb_xor, slot_nb_xor, "^"),
+        BINSLOT("__or__", nb_or, slot_nb_or, "|"),
+        RBINSLOT("__ror__", nb_or, slot_nb_or, "|"),
+        NBSLOT("__coerce__", nb_coerce, slot_nb_coerce, wrap_coercefunc,
+               "x.__coerce__(y) <==> coerce(x, y)"),
+        UNSLOT("__int__", nb_int, slot_nb_int, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "int(x)"),
+        UNSLOT("__long__", nb_long, slot_nb_long, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "long(x)"),
+        UNSLOT("__float__", nb_float, slot_nb_float, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "float(x)"),
+        UNSLOT("__oct__", nb_oct, slot_nb_oct, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "oct(x)"),
+        UNSLOT("__hex__", nb_hex, slot_nb_hex, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "hex(x)"),
+        NBSLOT("__index__", nb_index, slot_nb_index, wrap_unaryfunc, 
+               "x[y:z] <==> x[y.__index__():z.__index__()]"),
+        IBSLOT("__iadd__", nb_inplace_add, slot_nb_inplace_add,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "+"),
+        IBSLOT("__isub__", nb_inplace_subtract, slot_nb_inplace_subtract,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "-"),
+        IBSLOT("__imul__", nb_inplace_multiply, slot_nb_inplace_multiply,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "*"),
+        IBSLOT("__idiv__", nb_inplace_divide, slot_nb_inplace_divide,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "/"),
+        IBSLOT("__imod__", nb_inplace_remainder, slot_nb_inplace_remainder,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "%"),
+        IBSLOT("__ipow__", nb_inplace_power, slot_nb_inplace_power,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "**"),
+        IBSLOT("__ilshift__", nb_inplace_lshift, slot_nb_inplace_lshift,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "<<"),
+        IBSLOT("__irshift__", nb_inplace_rshift, slot_nb_inplace_rshift,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, ">>"),
+        IBSLOT("__iand__", nb_inplace_and, slot_nb_inplace_and,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "&"),
+        IBSLOT("__ixor__", nb_inplace_xor, slot_nb_inplace_xor,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "^"),
+        IBSLOT("__ior__", nb_inplace_or, slot_nb_inplace_or,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "|"),
+        BINSLOT("__floordiv__", nb_floor_divide, slot_nb_floor_divide, "//"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rfloordiv__", nb_floor_divide, slot_nb_floor_divide, "//"),
+        BINSLOT("__truediv__", nb_true_divide, slot_nb_true_divide, "/"),
+        RBINSLOT("__rtruediv__", nb_true_divide, slot_nb_true_divide, "/"),
+        IBSLOT("__ifloordiv__", nb_inplace_floor_divide,
+               slot_nb_inplace_floor_divide, wrap_binaryfunc, "//"),
+        IBSLOT("__itruediv__", nb_inplace_true_divide,
+               slot_nb_inplace_true_divide, wrap_binaryfunc, "/"),
+        TPSLOT("__str__", tp_str, slot_tp_str, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "x.__str__() <==> str(x)"),
+        TPSLOT("__str__", tp_print, NULL, NULL, ""),
+        TPSLOT("__repr__", tp_repr, slot_tp_repr, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)"),
+        TPSLOT("__repr__", tp_print, NULL, NULL, ""),
+        TPSLOT("__cmp__", tp_compare, _PyObject_SlotCompare, wrap_cmpfunc,
+               "x.__cmp__(y) <==> cmp(x,y)"),
+        TPSLOT("__hash__", tp_hash, slot_tp_hash, wrap_hashfunc,
+               "x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)"),
+        FLSLOT("__call__", tp_call, slot_tp_call, (wrapperfunc)wrap_call,
+               "x.__call__(...) <==> x(...)", PyWrapperFlag_KEYWORDS),
+        TPSLOT("__getattribute__", tp_getattro, slot_tp_getattr_hook,
+               wrap_binaryfunc, "x.__getattribute__('name') <==> x.name"),
+        TPSLOT("__getattribute__", tp_getattr, NULL, NULL, ""),
+        TPSLOT("__getattr__", tp_getattro, slot_tp_getattr_hook, NULL, ""),
+        TPSLOT("__getattr__", tp_getattr, NULL, NULL, ""),
+        TPSLOT("__setattr__", tp_setattro, slot_tp_setattro, wrap_setattr,
+               "x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> x.name = value"),
+        TPSLOT("__setattr__", tp_setattr, NULL, NULL, ""),
+        TPSLOT("__delattr__", tp_setattro, slot_tp_setattro, wrap_delattr,
+               "x.__delattr__('name') <==> del x.name"),
+        TPSLOT("__delattr__", tp_setattr, NULL, NULL, ""),
+        TPSLOT("__lt__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_lt,
+               "x.__lt__(y) <==> x<y"),
+        TPSLOT("__le__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_le,
+               "x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y"),
+        TPSLOT("__eq__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_eq,
+               "x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y"),
+        TPSLOT("__ne__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_ne,
+               "x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y"),
+        TPSLOT("__gt__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_gt,
+               "x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y"),
+        TPSLOT("__ge__", tp_richcompare, slot_tp_richcompare, richcmp_ge,
+               "x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y"),
+        TPSLOT("__iter__", tp_iter, slot_tp_iter, wrap_unaryfunc,
+               "x.__iter__() <==> iter(x)"),
+        TPSLOT("next", tp_iternext, slot_tp_iternext, wrap_next,
+               "x.next() -> the next value, or raise StopIteration"),
+        TPSLOT("__get__", tp_descr_get, slot_tp_descr_get, wrap_descr_get,
+               "descr.__get__(obj[, type]) -> value"),
+        TPSLOT("__set__", tp_descr_set, slot_tp_descr_set, wrap_descr_set,
+               "descr.__set__(obj, value)"),
+        TPSLOT("__delete__", tp_descr_set, slot_tp_descr_set,
+               wrap_descr_delete, "descr.__delete__(obj)"),
+        FLSLOT("__init__", tp_init, slot_tp_init, (wrapperfunc)wrap_init,
+               "x.__init__(...) initializes x; "
+               "see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature",
+               PyWrapperFlag_KEYWORDS),
+        TPSLOT("__new__", tp_new, slot_tp_new, NULL, ""),
+        TPSLOT("__del__", tp_del, slot_tp_del, NULL, ""),
+        {NULL}
 for regex, repl in slotdef_replacements:

Modified: pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/typeobjectdefs.py
--- pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/typeobjectdefs.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/pypy/module/cpyext/typeobjectdefs.py	Fri Apr 30 00:38:50 2010
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 PyGetSetDef = cpython_struct("PyGetSetDef", (
-	("name", rffi.CCHARP),
+    ("name", rffi.CCHARP),
     ("get", getter),
     ("set", setter),
     ("doc", rffi.CCHARP),

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