[pypy-svn] r76864 - in pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp: optimizeopt test

hakanardo at codespeak.net hakanardo at codespeak.net
Sat Sep 4 12:16:15 CEST 2010

Author: hakanardo
Date: Sat Sep  4 12:16:13 2010
New Revision: 76864

sparated out virtualization and heap optimizations

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/__init__.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/__init__.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/__init__.py	Sat Sep  4 12:16:13 2010
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 from optimizer import Optimizer
 from rewrite import OptRewrite
 from intbounds import OptIntBounds
+from virtualize import OptVirtualize
+from heap import OptHeap
 def optimize_loop_1(metainterp_sd, loop, virtuals=True):
     """Optimize loop.operations to make it match the input of loop.specnodes
@@ -10,10 +12,10 @@
     optimizations = [OptIntBounds(),
+                     OptVirtualize(),
+                     OptHeap(),
-    optimizer = Optimizer(metainterp_sd, loop, optimizations)
-    if virtuals:
-        optimizer.setup_virtuals_and_constants()
+    optimizer = Optimizer(metainterp_sd, loop, optimizations, virtuals)
 def optimize_bridge_1(metainterp_sd, bridge):

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/heap.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/heap.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/heap.py	Sat Sep  4 12:16:13 2010
@@ -1,6 +1,267 @@
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeutil import _findall
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop, ResOperation
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
 from optimizer import Optimization
-class Heap(Optimization):
+class CachedArrayItems(object):
+    def __init__(self):
+        self.fixed_index_items = {}
+        self.var_index_item = None
+        self.var_index_indexvalue = None
+class OptHeap(Optimization):
     """Cache repeated heap accesses"""
-    # FIXME: Move here
+    def __init__(self):
+        # cached fields:  {descr: {OptValue_instance: OptValue_fieldvalue}}
+        self.cached_fields = {}
+        # cached array items:  {descr: CachedArrayItems}
+        self.cached_arrayitems = {}
+        # lazily written setfields (at most one per descr):  {descr: op}
+        self.lazy_setfields = {}
+        self.lazy_setfields_descrs = []     # keys (at least) of previous dict
+    def clean_caches(self):
+        self.cached_fields.clear()
+        self.cached_arrayitems.clear()
+    def cache_field_value(self, descr, value, fieldvalue, write=False):
+        if write:
+            # when seeing a setfield, we have to clear the cache for the same
+            # field on any other structure, just in case they are aliasing
+            # each other
+            d = self.cached_fields[descr] = {}
+        else:
+            d = self.cached_fields.setdefault(descr, {})
+        d[value] = fieldvalue
+    def read_cached_field(self, descr, value):
+        # XXX self.cached_fields and self.lazy_setfields should probably
+        # be merged somehow
+        d = self.cached_fields.get(descr, None)
+        if d is None:
+            op = self.lazy_setfields.get(descr, None)
+            if op is None:
+                return None
+            return self.getvalue(op.args[1])
+        return d.get(value, None)
+    def cache_arrayitem_value(self, descr, value, indexvalue, fieldvalue, write=False):
+        d = self.cached_arrayitems.get(descr, None)
+        if d is None:
+            d = self.cached_arrayitems[descr] = {}
+        cache = d.get(value, None)
+        if cache is None:
+            cache = d[value] = CachedArrayItems()
+        indexbox = self.get_constant_box(indexvalue.box)
+        if indexbox is not None:
+            index = indexbox.getint()
+            if write:
+                for value, othercache in d.iteritems():
+                    # fixed index, clean the variable index cache, in case the
+                    # index is the same
+                    othercache.var_index_indexvalue = None
+                    othercache.var_index_item = None
+                    try:
+                        del othercache.fixed_index_items[index]
+                    except KeyError:
+                        pass
+            cache.fixed_index_items[index] = fieldvalue
+        else:
+            if write:
+                for value, othercache in d.iteritems():
+                    # variable index, clear all caches for this descr
+                    othercache.var_index_indexvalue = None
+                    othercache.var_index_item = None
+                    othercache.fixed_index_items.clear()
+            cache.var_index_indexvalue = indexvalue
+            cache.var_index_item = fieldvalue
+    def read_cached_arrayitem(self, descr, value, indexvalue):
+        d = self.cached_arrayitems.get(descr, None)
+        if d is None:
+            return None
+        cache = d.get(value, None)
+        if cache is None:
+            return None
+        indexbox = self.get_constant_box(indexvalue.box)
+        if indexbox is not None:
+            return cache.fixed_index_items.get(indexbox.getint(), None)
+        elif cache.var_index_indexvalue is indexvalue:
+            return cache.var_index_item
+        return None
+    def emit_operation(self, op):
+        self.emitting_operation(op)
+        self.next_optimization.propagate_forward(op)
+    def emitting_operation(self, op):        
+        if op.has_no_side_effect():
+            return
+        if op.is_ovf():
+            return
+        if op.is_guard():
+            self.optimizer.pendingfields = self.force_lazy_setfields_for_guard()
+            return
+        opnum = op.opnum
+        if (opnum == rop.SETFIELD_GC or
+            opnum == rop.SETARRAYITEM_GC or
+            opnum == rop.DEBUG_MERGE_POINT):
+            return
+        assert opnum != rop.CALL_PURE
+        if (opnum == rop.CALL or
+            opnum == rop.CALL_MAY_FORCE or
+            opnum == rop.CALL_ASSEMBLER):
+            if opnum == rop.CALL_ASSEMBLER:
+                effectinfo = None
+            else:
+                effectinfo = op.descr.get_extra_info()
+            if effectinfo is not None:
+                # XXX we can get the wrong complexity here, if the lists
+                # XXX stored on effectinfo are large
+                for fielddescr in effectinfo.readonly_descrs_fields:
+                    self.force_lazy_setfield(fielddescr)
+                for fielddescr in effectinfo.write_descrs_fields:
+                    self.force_lazy_setfield(fielddescr)
+                    try:
+                        del self.cached_fields[fielddescr]
+                    except KeyError:
+                        pass
+                for arraydescr in effectinfo.write_descrs_arrays:
+                    try:
+                        del self.cached_arrayitems[arraydescr]
+                    except KeyError:
+                        pass
+                if effectinfo.check_forces_virtual_or_virtualizable():
+                    vrefinfo = self.optimizer.metainterp_sd.virtualref_info
+                    self.force_lazy_setfield(vrefinfo.descr_forced)
+                    # ^^^ we only need to force this field; the other fields
+                    # of virtualref_info and virtualizable_info are not gcptrs.
+                return
+            self.force_all_lazy_setfields()
+        elif op.is_final() or (not we_are_translated() and
+                               op.opnum < 0):   # escape() operations
+            self.force_all_lazy_setfields()
+        self.clean_caches()
+    def force_lazy_setfield(self, descr, before_guard=False):
+        try:
+            op = self.lazy_setfields[descr]
+        except KeyError:
+            return
+        del self.lazy_setfields[descr]
+        ###self.optimizer._emit_operation(op)
+        self.next_optimization.propagate_forward(op)
+        #
+        # hackish: reverse the order of the last two operations if it makes
+        # sense to avoid a situation like "int_eq/setfield_gc/guard_true",
+        # which the backend (at least the x86 backend) does not handle well.
+        newoperations = self.optimizer.newoperations
+        if before_guard and len(newoperations) >= 2:
+            lastop = newoperations[-1]
+            prevop = newoperations[-2]
+            # - is_comparison() for cases like "int_eq/setfield_gc/guard_true"
+            # - CALL_MAY_FORCE: "call_may_force/setfield_gc/guard_not_forced"
+            # - is_ovf(): "int_add_ovf/setfield_gc/guard_no_overflow"
+            opnum = prevop.opnum
+            if ((prevop.is_comparison() or opnum == rop.CALL_MAY_FORCE
+                 or prevop.is_ovf())
+                and prevop.result not in lastop.args):
+                newoperations[-2] = lastop
+                newoperations[-1] = prevop
+    def force_all_lazy_setfields(self):
+        if len(self.lazy_setfields_descrs) > 0:
+            for descr in self.lazy_setfields_descrs:
+                self.force_lazy_setfield(descr)
+            del self.lazy_setfields_descrs[:]
+    def force_lazy_setfields_for_guard(self):
+        pendingfields = []
+        for descr in self.lazy_setfields_descrs:
+            try:
+                op = self.lazy_setfields[descr]
+            except KeyError:
+                continue
+            # the only really interesting case that we need to handle in the
+            # guards' resume data is that of a virtual object that is stored
+            # into a field of a non-virtual object.
+            value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+            assert not value.is_virtual()      # it must be a non-virtual
+            fieldvalue = self.getvalue(op.args[1])
+            if fieldvalue.is_virtual():
+                # this is the case that we leave to resume.py
+                pendingfields.append((descr, value.box,
+                                      fieldvalue.get_key_box()))
+            else:
+                self.force_lazy_setfield(descr, before_guard=True)
+        return pendingfields
+    def force_lazy_setfield_if_necessary(self, op, value, write=False):
+        try:
+            op1 = self.lazy_setfields[op.descr]
+        except KeyError:
+            if write:
+                self.lazy_setfields_descrs.append(op.descr)
+        else:
+            if self.getvalue(op1.args[0]) is not value:
+                self.force_lazy_setfield(op.descr)
+    def optimize_GETFIELD_GC(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        self.force_lazy_setfield_if_necessary(op, value)
+        # check if the field was read from another getfield_gc just before
+        # or has been written to recently
+        fieldvalue = self.read_cached_field(op.descr, value)
+        if fieldvalue is not None:
+            self.make_equal_to(op.result, fieldvalue)
+            return
+        # default case: produce the operation
+        value.ensure_nonnull()
+        ###self.optimizer.optimize_default(op)
+        self.emit_operation(op) # FIXME: These might need constant propagation?
+        # then remember the result of reading the field
+        fieldvalue = self.getvalue(op.result)
+        self.cache_field_value(op.descr, value, fieldvalue)
+    def optimize_SETFIELD_GC(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        fieldvalue = self.getvalue(op.args[1])
+        self.force_lazy_setfield_if_necessary(op, value, write=True)
+        self.lazy_setfields[op.descr] = op
+        # remember the result of future reads of the field
+        self.cache_field_value(op.descr, value, fieldvalue, write=True)
+    def optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        indexvalue = self.getvalue(op.args[1])
+        fieldvalue = self.read_cached_arrayitem(op.descr, value, indexvalue)
+        if fieldvalue is not None:
+            self.make_equal_to(op.result, fieldvalue)
+            return
+        ###self.optimizer.optimize_default(op)
+        self.emit_operation(op) # FIXME: These might need constant propagation?
+        fieldvalue = self.getvalue(op.result)
+        self.cache_arrayitem_value(op.descr, value, indexvalue, fieldvalue)
+    def optimize_SETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op):
+        self.emit_operation(op)
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        fieldvalue = self.getvalue(op.args[2])
+        indexvalue = self.getvalue(op.args[1])
+        self.cache_arrayitem_value(op.descr, value, indexvalue, fieldvalue,
+                                   write=True)
+    def propagate_forward(self, op):
+        opnum = op.opnum
+        for value, func in optimize_ops:
+            if opnum == value:
+                func(self, op)
+                break
+        else:
+            self.emit_operation(op)
+optimize_ops = _findall(OptHeap, 'optimize_')

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/optimizer.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/optimizer.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/optimizer.py	Sat Sep  4 12:16:13 2010
@@ -4,17 +4,11 @@
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop, ResOperation
 from pypy.jit.metainterp import jitprof
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.executor import execute_nonspec
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import SpecNode, NotSpecNode, ConstantSpecNode
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import AbstractVirtualStructSpecNode
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import VirtualInstanceSpecNode
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import VirtualArraySpecNode
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import VirtualStructSpecNode
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeutil import _findall, sort_descrs
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeutil import descrlist_dict
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeutil import InvalidLoop, args_dict
 from pypy.jit.metainterp import resume, compile
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.typesystem import llhelper, oohelper
-from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.history import AbstractDescr, make_hashable_int
 from intutils import IntBound, IntUnbounded
@@ -143,250 +137,6 @@
 llhelper.CVAL_NULLREF = ConstantValue(llhelper.CONST_NULL)
 oohelper.CVAL_NULLREF = ConstantValue(oohelper.CONST_NULL)
-class AbstractVirtualValue(OptValue):
-    _attrs_ = ('optimizer', 'keybox', 'source_op', '_cached_vinfo')
-    box = None
-    level = LEVEL_NONNULL
-    _cached_vinfo = None
-    def __init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op=None):
-        self.optimizer = optimizer
-        self.keybox = keybox   # only used as a key in dictionaries
-        self.source_op = source_op  # the NEW_WITH_VTABLE/NEW_ARRAY operation
-                                    # that builds this box
-    def get_key_box(self):
-        if self.box is None:
-            return self.keybox
-        return self.box
-    def force_box(self):
-        if self.box is None:
-            self.optimizer.forget_numberings(self.keybox)
-            self._really_force()
-        return self.box
-    def make_virtual_info(self, modifier, fieldnums):
-        vinfo = self._cached_vinfo
-        if vinfo is not None and vinfo.equals(fieldnums):
-            return vinfo
-        vinfo = self._make_virtual(modifier)
-        vinfo.set_content(fieldnums)
-        self._cached_vinfo = vinfo
-        return vinfo
-    def _make_virtual(self, modifier):
-        raise NotImplementedError("abstract base")
-    def _really_force(self):
-        raise NotImplementedError("abstract base")
-def get_fielddescrlist_cache(cpu):
-    if not hasattr(cpu, '_optimizeopt_fielddescrlist_cache'):
-        result = descrlist_dict()
-        cpu._optimizeopt_fielddescrlist_cache = result
-        return result
-    return cpu._optimizeopt_fielddescrlist_cache
-get_fielddescrlist_cache._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:memo"
-class AbstractVirtualStructValue(AbstractVirtualValue):
-    _attrs_ = ('_fields', '_cached_sorted_fields')
-    def __init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op=None):
-        AbstractVirtualValue.__init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op)
-        self._fields = {}
-        self._cached_sorted_fields = None
-    def getfield(self, ofs, default):
-        return self._fields.get(ofs, default)
-    def setfield(self, ofs, fieldvalue):
-        assert isinstance(fieldvalue, OptValue)
-        self._fields[ofs] = fieldvalue
-    def _really_force(self):
-        assert self.source_op is not None
-        # ^^^ This case should not occur any more (see test_bug_3).
-        #
-        newoperations = self.optimizer.newoperations
-        newoperations.append(self.source_op)
-        self.box = box = self.source_op.result
-        #
-        iteritems = self._fields.iteritems()
-        if not we_are_translated(): #random order is fine, except for tests
-            iteritems = list(iteritems)
-            iteritems.sort(key = lambda (x,y): x.sort_key())
-        for ofs, value in iteritems:
-            if value.is_null():
-                continue
-            subbox = value.force_box()
-            op = ResOperation(rop.SETFIELD_GC, [box, subbox], None,
-                              descr=ofs)
-            newoperations.append(op)
-        self._fields = None
-    def _get_field_descr_list(self):
-        _cached_sorted_fields = self._cached_sorted_fields
-        if (_cached_sorted_fields is not None and
-            len(self._fields) == len(_cached_sorted_fields)):
-            lst = self._cached_sorted_fields
-        else:
-            lst = self._fields.keys()
-            sort_descrs(lst)
-            cache = get_fielddescrlist_cache(self.optimizer.cpu)
-            result = cache.get(lst, None)
-            if result is None:
-                cache[lst] = lst
-            else:
-                lst = result
-            # store on self, to not have to repeatedly get it from the global
-            # cache, which involves sorting
-            self._cached_sorted_fields = lst
-        return lst
-    def get_args_for_fail(self, modifier):
-        if self.box is None and not modifier.already_seen_virtual(self.keybox):
-            # checks for recursion: it is False unless
-            # we have already seen the very same keybox
-            lst = self._get_field_descr_list()
-            fieldboxes = [self._fields[ofs].get_key_box() for ofs in lst]
-            modifier.register_virtual_fields(self.keybox, fieldboxes)
-            for ofs in lst:
-                fieldvalue = self._fields[ofs]
-                fieldvalue.get_args_for_fail(modifier)
-class VirtualValue(AbstractVirtualStructValue):
-    def __init__(self, optimizer, known_class, keybox, source_op=None):
-        AbstractVirtualStructValue.__init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op)
-        assert isinstance(known_class, Const)
-        self.known_class = known_class
-    def _make_virtual(self, modifier):
-        fielddescrs = self._get_field_descr_list()
-        return modifier.make_virtual(self.known_class, fielddescrs)
-class VStructValue(AbstractVirtualStructValue):
-    def __init__(self, optimizer, structdescr, keybox, source_op=None):
-        AbstractVirtualStructValue.__init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op)
-        self.structdescr = structdescr
-    def _make_virtual(self, modifier):
-        fielddescrs = self._get_field_descr_list()
-        return modifier.make_vstruct(self.structdescr, fielddescrs)
-class VArrayValue(AbstractVirtualValue):
-    def __init__(self, optimizer, arraydescr, size, keybox, source_op=None):
-        AbstractVirtualValue.__init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op)
-        self.arraydescr = arraydescr
-        self.constvalue = optimizer.new_const_item(arraydescr)
-        self._items = [self.constvalue] * size
-    def getlength(self):
-        return len(self._items)
-    def getitem(self, index):
-        res = self._items[index]
-        return res
-    def setitem(self, index, itemvalue):
-        assert isinstance(itemvalue, OptValue)
-        self._items[index] = itemvalue
-    def _really_force(self):
-        assert self.source_op is not None
-        newoperations = self.optimizer.newoperations
-        newoperations.append(self.source_op)
-        self.box = box = self.source_op.result
-        for index in range(len(self._items)):
-            subvalue = self._items[index]
-            if subvalue is not self.constvalue:
-                if subvalue.is_null():
-                    continue
-                subbox = subvalue.force_box()
-                op = ResOperation(rop.SETARRAYITEM_GC,
-                                  [box, ConstInt(index), subbox], None,
-                                  descr=self.arraydescr)
-                newoperations.append(op)
-    def get_args_for_fail(self, modifier):
-        if self.box is None and not modifier.already_seen_virtual(self.keybox):
-            # checks for recursion: it is False unless
-            # we have already seen the very same keybox
-            itemboxes = []
-            for itemvalue in self._items:
-                itemboxes.append(itemvalue.get_key_box())
-            modifier.register_virtual_fields(self.keybox, itemboxes)
-            for itemvalue in self._items:
-                if itemvalue is not self.constvalue:
-                    itemvalue.get_args_for_fail(modifier)
-    def _make_virtual(self, modifier):
-        return modifier.make_varray(self.arraydescr)
-class __extend__(SpecNode):
-    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-class __extend__(NotSpecNode):
-    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
-        newinputargs.append(box)
-    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
-        newexitargs.append(value.force_box())
-class __extend__(ConstantSpecNode):
-    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
-        optimizer.make_constant(box, self.constbox)
-    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
-        pass
-class __extend__(AbstractVirtualStructSpecNode):
-    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
-        vvalue = self._setup_virtual_node_1(optimizer, box)
-        for ofs, subspecnode in self.fields:
-            subbox = optimizer.new_box(ofs)
-            subspecnode.setup_virtual_node(optimizer, subbox, newinputargs)
-            vvaluefield = optimizer.getvalue(subbox)
-            vvalue.setfield(ofs, vvaluefield)
-    def _setup_virtual_node_1(self, optimizer, box):
-        raise NotImplementedError
-    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
-        assert value.is_virtual()
-        for ofs, subspecnode in self.fields:
-            subvalue = value.getfield(ofs, optimizer.new_const(ofs))
-            subspecnode.teardown_virtual_node(optimizer, subvalue, newexitargs)
-class __extend__(VirtualInstanceSpecNode):
-    def _setup_virtual_node_1(self, optimizer, box):
-        return optimizer.make_virtual(self.known_class, box)
-class __extend__(VirtualStructSpecNode):
-    def _setup_virtual_node_1(self, optimizer, box):
-        return optimizer.make_vstruct(self.typedescr, box)
-class __extend__(VirtualArraySpecNode):
-    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
-        vvalue = optimizer.make_varray(self.arraydescr, len(self.items), box)
-        for index in range(len(self.items)):
-            subbox = optimizer.new_box_item(self.arraydescr)
-            subspecnode = self.items[index]
-            subspecnode.setup_virtual_node(optimizer, subbox, newinputargs)
-            vvalueitem = optimizer.getvalue(subbox)
-            vvalue.setitem(index, vvalueitem)
-    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
-        assert value.is_virtual()
-        for index in range(len(self.items)):
-            subvalue = value.getitem(index)
-            subspecnode = self.items[index]
-            subspecnode.teardown_virtual_node(optimizer, subvalue, newexitargs)
 class Optimization(object):
     def propagate_forward(self, op):
         raise NotImplementedError
@@ -394,6 +144,7 @@
     def emit_operation(self, op):
+    # FIXME: Move some of these here?
     def getvalue(self, box):
         return self.optimizer.getvalue(box)
@@ -406,6 +157,21 @@
     def make_equal_to(self, box, value):
         return self.optimizer.make_equal_to(box, value)
+    def get_constant_box(self, box):
+        return self.optimizer.get_constant_box(box)
+    def new_box(self, fieldofs):
+        return self.optimizer.new_box(fieldofs)
+    def new_const(self, fieldofs):
+        return self.optimizer.new_const(fieldofs)
+    def new_box_item(self, arraydescr):
+        return self.optimizer.new_box_item(arraydescr)
+    def new_const_item(self, arraydescr):
+        return self.optimizer.new_const_item(arraydescr)
     def pure(self, opnum, args, result):
         op = ResOperation(opnum, args, result)
         self.optimizer.pure_operations[self.optimizer.make_args_key(op)] = op
@@ -416,20 +182,23 @@
     def skip_nextop(self):
         self.optimizer.i += 1
+    def setup(self, virtuals):
+        pass
 class Optimizer(Optimization):
-    def __init__(self, metainterp_sd, loop, optimizations=[]):
+    def __init__(self, metainterp_sd, loop, optimizations=[], virtuals=True):
         self.metainterp_sd = metainterp_sd
         self.cpu = metainterp_sd.cpu
         self.loop = loop
         self.values = {}
         self.interned_refs = self.cpu.ts.new_ref_dict()
         self.resumedata_memo = resume.ResumeDataLoopMemo(metainterp_sd)
-        self.heap_op_optimizer = HeapOpOptimizer(self)
         self.bool_boxes = {}
         self.loop_invariant_results = {}
         self.pure_operations = args_dict()
         self.producer = {}
+        self.pendingfields = []
         if len(optimizations) == 0:
             self.first_optimization = self
@@ -440,6 +209,7 @@
             optimizations[-1].next_optimization = self
             for o in optimizations:
                 o.optimizer = self
+                o.setup(virtuals)
     def forget_numberings(self, virtualbox):
@@ -488,21 +258,6 @@
     def make_constant_int(self, box, intvalue):
         self.make_constant(box, ConstInt(intvalue))
-    def make_virtual(self, known_class, box, source_op=None):
-        vvalue = VirtualValue(self, known_class, box, source_op)
-        self.make_equal_to(box, vvalue)
-        return vvalue
-    def make_varray(self, arraydescr, size, box, source_op=None):
-        vvalue = VArrayValue(self, arraydescr, size, box, source_op)
-        self.make_equal_to(box, vvalue)
-        return vvalue
-    def make_vstruct(self, structdescr, box, source_op=None):
-        vvalue = VStructValue(self, structdescr, box, source_op)
-        self.make_equal_to(box, vvalue)
-        return vvalue
     def new_ptr_box(self):
         return self.cpu.ts.BoxRef()
@@ -538,25 +293,13 @@
             return CVAL_ZERO
-    # ----------
-    def setup_virtuals_and_constants(self):
-        inputargs = self.loop.inputargs
-        specnodes = self.loop.token.specnodes
-        assert len(inputargs) == len(specnodes)
-        newinputargs = []
-        for i in range(len(inputargs)):
-            specnodes[i].setup_virtual_node(self, inputargs[i], newinputargs)
-        self.loop.inputargs = newinputargs
-    # ----------
     def propagate_all_forward(self):
         self.exception_might_have_happened = False
         self.newoperations = []
         self.i = 0
         while self.i < len(self.loop.operations):
             op = self.loop.operations[self.i]
+            #print "OP: %s" % op
             self.i += 1
         self.loop.operations = self.newoperations
@@ -572,10 +315,11 @@
+        #print '\n'.join([str(o) for o in self.newoperations]) + '\n---\n'
     def emit_operation(self, op):
-        self.heap_op_optimizer.emitting_operation(op)
+        ###self.heap_op_optimizer.emitting_operation(op)
     def _emit_operation(self, op):
@@ -595,11 +339,11 @@
     def store_final_boxes_in_guard(self, op):
-        pendingfields = self.heap_op_optimizer.force_lazy_setfields_for_guard()
+        ###pendingfields = self.heap_op_optimizer.force_lazy_setfields_for_guard()
         descr = op.descr
         assert isinstance(descr, compile.ResumeGuardDescr)
         modifier = resume.ResumeDataVirtualAdder(descr, self.resumedata_memo)
-        newboxes = modifier.finish(self.values, pendingfields)
+        newboxes = modifier.finish(self.values, self.pendingfields)
         if len(newboxes) > self.metainterp_sd.options.failargs_limit: # XXX be careful here
         descr.store_final_boxes(op, newboxes)
@@ -667,125 +411,11 @@
         # otherwise, the operation remains
-    def optimize_JUMP(self, op):
-        orgop = self.loop.operations[-1]
-        exitargs = []
-        target_loop_token = orgop.descr
-        assert isinstance(target_loop_token, LoopToken)
-        specnodes = target_loop_token.specnodes
-        assert len(op.args) == len(specnodes)
-        for i in range(len(specnodes)):
-            value = self.getvalue(op.args[i])
-            specnodes[i].teardown_virtual_node(self, value, exitargs)
-        op.args = exitargs[:]
-        self.emit_operation(op)
-    def optimize_guard(self, op, constbox, emit_operation=True):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        if value.is_constant():
-            box = value.box
-            assert isinstance(box, Const)
-            if not box.same_constant(constbox):
-                raise InvalidLoop
-            return
-        if emit_operation:
-            self.emit_operation(op)
-        value.make_constant(constbox)
-    def optimize_GUARD_ISNULL(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        if value.is_null():
-            return
-        elif value.is_nonnull():
-            raise InvalidLoop
-        self.emit_operation(op)
-        value.make_constant(self.cpu.ts.CONST_NULL)
-    def optimize_GUARD_NONNULL(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        if value.is_nonnull():
-            return
-        elif value.is_null():
-            raise InvalidLoop
-        self.emit_operation(op)
-        value.make_nonnull(len(self.newoperations) - 1)
-    def optimize_GUARD_VALUE(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        emit_operation = True
-        if value.last_guard_index != -1:
-            # there already has been a guard_nonnull or guard_class or
-            # guard_nonnull_class on this value, which is rather silly.
-            # replace the original guard with a guard_value
-            old_guard_op = self.newoperations[value.last_guard_index]
-            old_opnum = old_guard_op.opnum
-            old_guard_op.opnum = rop.GUARD_VALUE
-            old_guard_op.args = [old_guard_op.args[0], op.args[1]]
-            # hack hack hack.  Change the guard_opnum on
-            # old_guard_op.descr so that when resuming,
-            # the operation is not skipped by pyjitpl.py.
-            descr = old_guard_op.descr
-            assert isinstance(descr, compile.ResumeGuardDescr)
-            descr.guard_opnum = rop.GUARD_VALUE
-            descr.make_a_counter_per_value(old_guard_op)
-            emit_operation = False
-        constbox = op.args[1]
-        assert isinstance(constbox, Const)
-        self.optimize_guard(op, constbox, emit_operation)
-    def optimize_GUARD_TRUE(self, op):
-        self.optimize_guard(op, CONST_1)
-    def optimize_GUARD_FALSE(self, op):
-        self.optimize_guard(op, CONST_0)
-    def optimize_GUARD_CLASS(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        expectedclassbox = op.args[1]
-        assert isinstance(expectedclassbox, Const)
-        realclassbox = value.get_constant_class(self.cpu)
-        if realclassbox is not None:
-            # the following assert should always be true for now,
-            # because invalid loops that would fail it are detected
-            # earlier, in optimizefindnode.py.
-            assert realclassbox.same_constant(expectedclassbox)
-            return
-        emit_operation = True
-        if value.last_guard_index != -1:
-            # there already has been a guard_nonnull or guard_class or
-            # guard_nonnull_class on this value.
-            old_guard_op = self.newoperations[value.last_guard_index]
-            if old_guard_op.opnum == rop.GUARD_NONNULL:
-                # it was a guard_nonnull, which we replace with a
-                # guard_nonnull_class.
-                old_guard_op.opnum = rop.GUARD_NONNULL_CLASS
-                old_guard_op.args = [old_guard_op.args[0], op.args[1]]
-                # hack hack hack.  Change the guard_opnum on
-                # old_guard_op.descr so that when resuming,
-                # the operation is not skipped by pyjitpl.py.
-                descr = old_guard_op.descr
-                assert isinstance(descr, compile.ResumeGuardDescr)
-                descr.guard_opnum = rop.GUARD_NONNULL_CLASS
-                emit_operation = False
-        if emit_operation:
-            self.emit_operation(op)
-            last_guard_index = len(self.newoperations) - 1
-        else:
-            last_guard_index = value.last_guard_index
-        value.make_constant_class(expectedclassbox, last_guard_index)
-    def optimize_GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION(self, op):
-        if not self.exception_might_have_happened:
-            return
-        self.emit_operation(op)
-        self.exception_might_have_happened = False
     def optimize_GUARD_NO_OVERFLOW(self, op):
         # otherwise the default optimizer will clear fields, which is unwanted
         # in this case
     def _optimize_nullness(self, op, box, expect_nonnull):
         value = self.getvalue(box)
         if value.is_nonnull():
@@ -838,150 +468,6 @@
     def optimize_PTR_EQ(self, op):
         self._optimize_oois_ooisnot(op, False)
-    def optimize_VIRTUAL_REF(self, op):
-        indexbox = op.args[1]
-        #
-        # get some constants
-        vrefinfo = self.metainterp_sd.virtualref_info
-        c_cls = vrefinfo.jit_virtual_ref_const_class
-        descr_virtual_token = vrefinfo.descr_virtual_token
-        descr_virtualref_index = vrefinfo.descr_virtualref_index
-        #
-        # Replace the VIRTUAL_REF operation with a virtual structure of type
-        # 'jit_virtual_ref'.  The jit_virtual_ref structure may be forced soon,
-        # but the point is that doing so does not force the original structure.
-        op = ResOperation(rop.NEW_WITH_VTABLE, [c_cls], op.result)
-        vrefvalue = self.make_virtual(c_cls, op.result, op)
-        tokenbox = BoxInt()
-        self.emit_operation(ResOperation(rop.FORCE_TOKEN, [], tokenbox))
-        vrefvalue.setfield(descr_virtual_token, self.getvalue(tokenbox))
-        vrefvalue.setfield(descr_virtualref_index, self.getvalue(indexbox))
-    def optimize_VIRTUAL_REF_FINISH(self, op):
-        # Set the 'forced' field of the virtual_ref.
-        # In good cases, this is all virtual, so has no effect.
-        # Otherwise, this forces the real object -- but only now, as
-        # opposed to much earlier.  This is important because the object is
-        # typically a PyPy PyFrame, and now is the end of its execution, so
-        # forcing it now does not have catastrophic effects.
-        vrefinfo = self.metainterp_sd.virtualref_info
-        # op.args[1] should really never point to null here
-        # - set 'forced' to point to the real object
-        op1 = ResOperation(rop.SETFIELD_GC, op.args, None,
-                          descr = vrefinfo.descr_forced)
-        self.optimize_SETFIELD_GC(op1)
-        # - set 'virtual_token' to TOKEN_NONE
-        args = [op.args[0], ConstInt(vrefinfo.TOKEN_NONE)]
-        op1 = ResOperation(rop.SETFIELD_GC, args, None,
-                      descr = vrefinfo.descr_virtual_token)
-        self.optimize_SETFIELD_GC(op1)
-        # Note that in some cases the virtual in op.args[1] has been forced
-        # already.  This is fine.  In that case, and *if* a residual
-        # CALL_MAY_FORCE suddenly turns out to access it, then it will
-        # trigger a ResumeGuardForcedDescr.handle_async_forcing() which
-        # will work too (but just be a little pointless, as the structure
-        # was already forced).
-    def optimize_GETFIELD_GC(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        if value.is_virtual():
-            # optimizefindnode should ensure that fieldvalue is found
-            assert isinstance(value, AbstractVirtualValue)
-            fieldvalue = value.getfield(op.descr, None)
-            assert fieldvalue is not None
-            self.make_equal_to(op.result, fieldvalue)
-        else:
-            value.ensure_nonnull()
-            self.heap_op_optimizer.optimize_GETFIELD_GC(op, value)
-    # note: the following line does not mean that the two operations are
-    # completely equivalent, because GETFIELD_GC_PURE is_always_pure().
-    optimize_GETFIELD_GC_PURE = optimize_GETFIELD_GC
-    def optimize_SETFIELD_GC(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        fieldvalue = self.getvalue(op.args[1])
-        if value.is_virtual():
-            value.setfield(op.descr, fieldvalue)
-        else:
-            value.ensure_nonnull()
-            self.heap_op_optimizer.optimize_SETFIELD_GC(op, value, fieldvalue)
-    def optimize_NEW_WITH_VTABLE(self, op):
-        self.make_virtual(op.args[0], op.result, op)
-    def optimize_NEW(self, op):
-        self.make_vstruct(op.descr, op.result, op)
-    def optimize_NEW_ARRAY(self, op):
-        sizebox = self.get_constant_box(op.args[0])
-        if sizebox is not None:
-            # if the original 'op' did not have a ConstInt as argument,
-            # build a new one with the ConstInt argument
-            if not isinstance(op.args[0], ConstInt):
-                op = ResOperation(rop.NEW_ARRAY, [sizebox], op.result,
-                                  descr=op.descr)
-            self.make_varray(op.descr, sizebox.getint(), op.result, op)
-        else:
-            self.optimize_default(op)
-    def optimize_ARRAYLEN_GC(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        if value.is_virtual():
-            self.make_constant_int(op.result, value.getlength())
-        else:
-            value.ensure_nonnull()
-            self.optimize_default(op)
-    def optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        if value.is_virtual():
-            indexbox = self.get_constant_box(op.args[1])
-            if indexbox is not None:
-                itemvalue = value.getitem(indexbox.getint())
-                self.make_equal_to(op.result, itemvalue)
-                return
-        value.ensure_nonnull()
-        self.heap_op_optimizer.optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC(op, value)
-    # note: the following line does not mean that the two operations are
-    # completely equivalent, because GETARRAYITEM_GC_PURE is_always_pure().
-    def optimize_SETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op):
-        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
-        if value.is_virtual():
-            indexbox = self.get_constant_box(op.args[1])
-            if indexbox is not None:
-                value.setitem(indexbox.getint(), self.getvalue(op.args[2]))
-                return
-        value.ensure_nonnull()
-        fieldvalue = self.getvalue(op.args[2])
-        self.heap_op_optimizer.optimize_SETARRAYITEM_GC(op, value, fieldvalue)
-    def optimize_ARRAYCOPY(self, op):
-        source_value = self.getvalue(op.args[2])
-        dest_value = self.getvalue(op.args[3])
-        source_start_box = self.get_constant_box(op.args[4])
-        dest_start_box = self.get_constant_box(op.args[5])
-        length = self.get_constant_box(op.args[6])
-        if (source_value.is_virtual() and source_start_box and dest_start_box
-            and length and dest_value.is_virtual()):
-            # XXX optimize the case where dest value is not virtual,
-            #     but we still can avoid a mess
-            source_start = source_start_box.getint()
-            dest_start = dest_start_box.getint()
-            for index in range(length.getint()):
-                val = source_value.getitem(index + source_start)
-                dest_value.setitem(index + dest_start, val)
-            return
-        if length and length.getint() == 0:
-            return # 0-length arraycopy
-        descr = op.args[0]
-        assert isinstance(descr, AbstractDescr)
-        self.emit_operation(ResOperation(rop.CALL, op.args[1:], op.result,
-                                         descr))
     def optimize_INSTANCEOF(self, op):
         value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
         realclassbox = value.get_constant_class(self.cpu)
@@ -1013,254 +499,7 @@
         resvalue = self.getvalue(op.result)
         self.loop_invariant_results[key] = resvalue
-    def optimize_CALL_PURE(self, op):
-        for arg in op.args:
-            if self.get_constant_box(arg) is None:
-                break
-        else:
-            # all constant arguments: constant-fold away
-            self.make_constant(op.result, op.args[0])
-            return
-        # replace CALL_PURE with just CALL
-        self.emit_operation(ResOperation(rop.CALL, op.args[1:], op.result,
-                                         op.descr))
 optimize_ops = _findall(Optimizer, 'optimize_')
-class CachedArrayItems(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.fixed_index_items = {}
-        self.var_index_item = None
-        self.var_index_indexvalue = None
-class HeapOpOptimizer(object):
-    def __init__(self, optimizer):
-        self.optimizer = optimizer
-        # cached fields:  {descr: {OptValue_instance: OptValue_fieldvalue}}
-        self.cached_fields = {}
-        # cached array items:  {descr: CachedArrayItems}
-        self.cached_arrayitems = {}
-        # lazily written setfields (at most one per descr):  {descr: op}
-        self.lazy_setfields = {}
-        self.lazy_setfields_descrs = []     # keys (at least) of previous dict
-    def clean_caches(self):
-        self.cached_fields.clear()
-        self.cached_arrayitems.clear()
-    def cache_field_value(self, descr, value, fieldvalue, write=False):
-        if write:
-            # when seeing a setfield, we have to clear the cache for the same
-            # field on any other structure, just in case they are aliasing
-            # each other
-            d = self.cached_fields[descr] = {}
-        else:
-            d = self.cached_fields.setdefault(descr, {})
-        d[value] = fieldvalue
-    def read_cached_field(self, descr, value):
-        # XXX self.cached_fields and self.lazy_setfields should probably
-        # be merged somehow
-        d = self.cached_fields.get(descr, None)
-        if d is None:
-            op = self.lazy_setfields.get(descr, None)
-            if op is None:
-                return None
-            return self.optimizer.getvalue(op.args[1])
-        return d.get(value, None)
-    def cache_arrayitem_value(self, descr, value, indexvalue, fieldvalue, write=False):
-        d = self.cached_arrayitems.get(descr, None)
-        if d is None:
-            d = self.cached_arrayitems[descr] = {}
-        cache = d.get(value, None)
-        if cache is None:
-            cache = d[value] = CachedArrayItems()
-        indexbox = self.optimizer.get_constant_box(indexvalue.box)
-        if indexbox is not None:
-            index = indexbox.getint()
-            if write:
-                for value, othercache in d.iteritems():
-                    # fixed index, clean the variable index cache, in case the
-                    # index is the same
-                    othercache.var_index_indexvalue = None
-                    othercache.var_index_item = None
-                    try:
-                        del othercache.fixed_index_items[index]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-            cache.fixed_index_items[index] = fieldvalue
-        else:
-            if write:
-                for value, othercache in d.iteritems():
-                    # variable index, clear all caches for this descr
-                    othercache.var_index_indexvalue = None
-                    othercache.var_index_item = None
-                    othercache.fixed_index_items.clear()
-            cache.var_index_indexvalue = indexvalue
-            cache.var_index_item = fieldvalue
-    def read_cached_arrayitem(self, descr, value, indexvalue):
-        d = self.cached_arrayitems.get(descr, None)
-        if d is None:
-            return None
-        cache = d.get(value, None)
-        if cache is None:
-            return None
-        indexbox = self.optimizer.get_constant_box(indexvalue.box)
-        if indexbox is not None:
-            return cache.fixed_index_items.get(indexbox.getint(), None)
-        elif cache.var_index_indexvalue is indexvalue:
-            return cache.var_index_item
-        return None
-    def emitting_operation(self, op):
-        if op.has_no_side_effect():
-            return
-        if op.is_ovf():
-            return
-        if op.is_guard():
-            return
-        opnum = op.opnum
-        if (opnum == rop.SETFIELD_GC or
-            opnum == rop.SETARRAYITEM_GC or
-            opnum == rop.DEBUG_MERGE_POINT):
-            return
-        assert opnum != rop.CALL_PURE
-        if (opnum == rop.CALL or
-            opnum == rop.CALL_MAY_FORCE or
-            opnum == rop.CALL_ASSEMBLER):
-            if opnum == rop.CALL_ASSEMBLER:
-                effectinfo = None
-            else:
-                effectinfo = op.descr.get_extra_info()
-            if effectinfo is not None:
-                # XXX we can get the wrong complexity here, if the lists
-                # XXX stored on effectinfo are large
-                for fielddescr in effectinfo.readonly_descrs_fields:
-                    self.force_lazy_setfield(fielddescr)
-                for fielddescr in effectinfo.write_descrs_fields:
-                    self.force_lazy_setfield(fielddescr)
-                    try:
-                        del self.cached_fields[fielddescr]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                for arraydescr in effectinfo.write_descrs_arrays:
-                    try:
-                        del self.cached_arrayitems[arraydescr]
-                    except KeyError:
-                        pass
-                if effectinfo.check_forces_virtual_or_virtualizable():
-                    vrefinfo = self.optimizer.metainterp_sd.virtualref_info
-                    self.force_lazy_setfield(vrefinfo.descr_forced)
-                    # ^^^ we only need to force this field; the other fields
-                    # of virtualref_info and virtualizable_info are not gcptrs.
-                return
-            self.force_all_lazy_setfields()
-        elif op.is_final() or (not we_are_translated() and
-                               op.opnum < 0):   # escape() operations
-            self.force_all_lazy_setfields()
-        self.clean_caches()
-    def force_lazy_setfield(self, descr, before_guard=False):
-        try:
-            op = self.lazy_setfields[descr]
-        except KeyError:
-            return
-        del self.lazy_setfields[descr]
-        self.optimizer._emit_operation(op)
-        #
-        # hackish: reverse the order of the last two operations if it makes
-        # sense to avoid a situation like "int_eq/setfield_gc/guard_true",
-        # which the backend (at least the x86 backend) does not handle well.
-        newoperations = self.optimizer.newoperations
-        if before_guard and len(newoperations) >= 2:
-            lastop = newoperations[-1]
-            prevop = newoperations[-2]
-            # - is_comparison() for cases like "int_eq/setfield_gc/guard_true"
-            # - CALL_MAY_FORCE: "call_may_force/setfield_gc/guard_not_forced"
-            # - is_ovf(): "int_add_ovf/setfield_gc/guard_no_overflow"
-            opnum = prevop.opnum
-            if ((prevop.is_comparison() or opnum == rop.CALL_MAY_FORCE
-                 or prevop.is_ovf())
-                and prevop.result not in lastop.args):
-                newoperations[-2] = lastop
-                newoperations[-1] = prevop
-    def force_all_lazy_setfields(self):
-        if len(self.lazy_setfields_descrs) > 0:
-            for descr in self.lazy_setfields_descrs:
-                self.force_lazy_setfield(descr)
-            del self.lazy_setfields_descrs[:]
-    def force_lazy_setfields_for_guard(self):
-        pendingfields = []
-        for descr in self.lazy_setfields_descrs:
-            try:
-                op = self.lazy_setfields[descr]
-            except KeyError:
-                continue
-            # the only really interesting case that we need to handle in the
-            # guards' resume data is that of a virtual object that is stored
-            # into a field of a non-virtual object.
-            value = self.optimizer.getvalue(op.args[0])
-            assert not value.is_virtual()      # it must be a non-virtual
-            fieldvalue = self.optimizer.getvalue(op.args[1])
-            if fieldvalue.is_virtual():
-                # this is the case that we leave to resume.py
-                pendingfields.append((descr, value.box,
-                                      fieldvalue.get_key_box()))
-            else:
-                self.force_lazy_setfield(descr, before_guard=True)
-        return pendingfields
-    def force_lazy_setfield_if_necessary(self, op, value, write=False):
-        try:
-            op1 = self.lazy_setfields[op.descr]
-        except KeyError:
-            if write:
-                self.lazy_setfields_descrs.append(op.descr)
-        else:
-            if self.optimizer.getvalue(op1.args[0]) is not value:
-                self.force_lazy_setfield(op.descr)
-    def optimize_GETFIELD_GC(self, op, value):
-        self.force_lazy_setfield_if_necessary(op, value)
-        # check if the field was read from another getfield_gc just before
-        # or has been written to recently
-        fieldvalue = self.read_cached_field(op.descr, value)
-        if fieldvalue is not None:
-            self.optimizer.make_equal_to(op.result, fieldvalue)
-            return
-        # default case: produce the operation
-        value.ensure_nonnull()
-        self.optimizer.optimize_default(op)
-        # then remember the result of reading the field
-        fieldvalue = self.optimizer.getvalue(op.result)
-        self.cache_field_value(op.descr, value, fieldvalue)
-    def optimize_SETFIELD_GC(self, op, value, fieldvalue):
-        self.force_lazy_setfield_if_necessary(op, value, write=True)
-        self.lazy_setfields[op.descr] = op
-        # remember the result of future reads of the field
-        self.cache_field_value(op.descr, value, fieldvalue, write=True)
-    def optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op, value):
-        indexvalue = self.optimizer.getvalue(op.args[1])
-        fieldvalue = self.read_cached_arrayitem(op.descr, value, indexvalue)
-        if fieldvalue is not None:
-            self.optimizer.make_equal_to(op.result, fieldvalue)
-            return
-        self.optimizer.optimize_default(op)
-        fieldvalue = self.optimizer.getvalue(op.result)
-        self.cache_arrayitem_value(op.descr, value, indexvalue, fieldvalue)
-    def optimize_SETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op, value, fieldvalue):
-        self.optimizer.emit_operation(op)
-        indexvalue = self.optimizer.getvalue(op.args[1])
-        self.cache_arrayitem_value(op.descr, value, indexvalue, fieldvalue,
-                                   write=True)

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/rewrite.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/rewrite.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/rewrite.py	Sat Sep  4 12:16:13 2010
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
-from optimizer import Optimization, CONST_1, CONST_0
+from optimizer import *
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.resoperation import opboolinvers, opboolreflex
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.history import ConstInt
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeutil import _findall
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop, ResOperation
 class OptRewrite(Optimization):
-    """Rewrite operations into equvivialent, already executed operations
-       or constants.
+    """Rewrite operations into equvivialent, cheeper operations.
+       This includes already executed operations and constants.
     def propagate_forward(self, op):
@@ -127,6 +127,116 @@
+    def optimize_CALL_PURE(self, op):
+        for arg in op.args:
+            if self.get_constant_box(arg) is None:
+                break
+        else:
+            # all constant arguments: constant-fold away
+            self.make_constant(op.result, op.args[0])
+            return
+        # replace CALL_PURE with just CALL
+        self.emit_operation(ResOperation(rop.CALL, op.args[1:], op.result,
+                                         op.descr))
+    def optimize_guard(self, op, constbox, emit_operation=True):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        if value.is_constant():
+            box = value.box
+            assert isinstance(box, Const)
+            if not box.same_constant(constbox):
+                raise InvalidLoop
+            return
+        if emit_operation:
+            self.emit_operation(op)
+        value.make_constant(constbox)
+    def optimize_GUARD_ISNULL(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        if value.is_null():
+            return
+        elif value.is_nonnull():
+            raise InvalidLoop
+        self.emit_operation(op)
+        value.make_constant(self.optimizer.cpu.ts.CONST_NULL)
+    def optimize_GUARD_NONNULL(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        if value.is_nonnull():
+            return
+        elif value.is_null():
+            raise InvalidLoop
+        self.emit_operation(op)
+        value.make_nonnull(len(self.optimizer.newoperations) - 1)
+    def optimize_GUARD_VALUE(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        emit_operation = True
+        if value.last_guard_index != -1:
+            # there already has been a guard_nonnull or guard_class or
+            # guard_nonnull_class on this value, which is rather silly.
+            # replace the original guard with a guard_value
+            old_guard_op = self.optimizer.newoperations[value.last_guard_index]
+            old_opnum = old_guard_op.opnum
+            old_guard_op.opnum = rop.GUARD_VALUE
+            old_guard_op.args = [old_guard_op.args[0], op.args[1]]
+            # hack hack hack.  Change the guard_opnum on
+            # old_guard_op.descr so that when resuming,
+            # the operation is not skipped by pyjitpl.py.
+            descr = old_guard_op.descr
+            assert isinstance(descr, compile.ResumeGuardDescr)
+            descr.guard_opnum = rop.GUARD_VALUE
+            descr.make_a_counter_per_value(old_guard_op)
+            emit_operation = False
+        constbox = op.args[1]
+        assert isinstance(constbox, Const)
+        self.optimize_guard(op, constbox, emit_operation)
+    def optimize_GUARD_TRUE(self, op):
+        self.optimize_guard(op, CONST_1)
+    def optimize_GUARD_FALSE(self, op):
+        self.optimize_guard(op, CONST_0)
+    def optimize_GUARD_CLASS(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        expectedclassbox = op.args[1]
+        assert isinstance(expectedclassbox, Const)
+        realclassbox = value.get_constant_class(self.optimizer.cpu)
+        if realclassbox is not None:
+            # the following assert should always be true for now,
+            # because invalid loops that would fail it are detected
+            # earlier, in optimizefindnode.py.
+            assert realclassbox.same_constant(expectedclassbox)
+            return
+        emit_operation = True
+        if value.last_guard_index != -1:
+            # there already has been a guard_nonnull or guard_class or
+            # guard_nonnull_class on this value.
+            old_guard_op = self.optimizer.newoperations[value.last_guard_index]
+            if old_guard_op.opnum == rop.GUARD_NONNULL:
+                # it was a guard_nonnull, which we replace with a
+                # guard_nonnull_class.
+                old_guard_op.opnum = rop.GUARD_NONNULL_CLASS
+                old_guard_op.args = [old_guard_op.args[0], op.args[1]]
+                # hack hack hack.  Change the guard_opnum on
+                # old_guard_op.descr so that when resuming,
+                # the operation is not skipped by pyjitpl.py.
+                descr = old_guard_op.descr
+                assert isinstance(descr, compile.ResumeGuardDescr)
+                descr.guard_opnum = rop.GUARD_NONNULL_CLASS
+                emit_operation = False
+        if emit_operation:
+            self.emit_operation(op)
+            last_guard_index = len(self.optimizer.newoperations) - 1
+        else:
+            last_guard_index = value.last_guard_index
+        value.make_constant_class(expectedclassbox, last_guard_index)
+    def optimize_GUARD_NO_EXCEPTION(self, op):
+        if not self.optimizer.exception_might_have_happened:
+            return
+        self.emit_operation(op)
+        self.optimizer.exception_might_have_happened = False
 optimize_ops = _findall(OptRewrite, 'optimize_')

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/virtualize.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/virtualize.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/optimizeopt/virtualize.py	Sat Sep  4 12:16:13 2010
@@ -1,6 +1,456 @@
-from optimizer import Optimization
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import SpecNode, NotSpecNode, ConstantSpecNode
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import AbstractVirtualStructSpecNode
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import VirtualInstanceSpecNode
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import VirtualArraySpecNode
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.specnode import VirtualStructSpecNode
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.resoperation import rop, ResOperation
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeutil import _findall
+from pypy.rlib.objectmodel import we_are_translated
+from optimizer import *
-class Virtualize(Optimization):
+class AbstractVirtualValue(OptValue):
+    _attrs_ = ('optimizer', 'keybox', 'source_op', '_cached_vinfo')
+    box = None
+    level = LEVEL_NONNULL
+    _cached_vinfo = None
+    def __init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op=None):
+        self.optimizer = optimizer
+        self.keybox = keybox   # only used as a key in dictionaries
+        self.source_op = source_op  # the NEW_WITH_VTABLE/NEW_ARRAY operation
+                                    # that builds this box
+    def get_key_box(self):
+        if self.box is None:
+            return self.keybox
+        return self.box
+    def force_box(self):
+        if self.box is None:
+            self.optimizer.forget_numberings(self.keybox)
+            self._really_force()
+        return self.box
+    def make_virtual_info(self, modifier, fieldnums):
+        vinfo = self._cached_vinfo
+        if vinfo is not None and vinfo.equals(fieldnums):
+            return vinfo
+        vinfo = self._make_virtual(modifier)
+        vinfo.set_content(fieldnums)
+        self._cached_vinfo = vinfo
+        return vinfo
+    def _make_virtual(self, modifier):
+        raise NotImplementedError("abstract base")
+    def _really_force(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError("abstract base")
+def get_fielddescrlist_cache(cpu):
+    if not hasattr(cpu, '_optimizeopt_fielddescrlist_cache'):
+        result = descrlist_dict()
+        cpu._optimizeopt_fielddescrlist_cache = result
+        return result
+    return cpu._optimizeopt_fielddescrlist_cache
+get_fielddescrlist_cache._annspecialcase_ = "specialize:memo"
+class AbstractVirtualStructValue(AbstractVirtualValue):
+    _attrs_ = ('_fields', '_cached_sorted_fields')
+    def __init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op=None):
+        AbstractVirtualValue.__init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op)
+        self._fields = {}
+        self._cached_sorted_fields = None
+    def getfield(self, ofs, default):
+        return self._fields.get(ofs, default)
+    def setfield(self, ofs, fieldvalue):
+        assert isinstance(fieldvalue, OptValue)
+        self._fields[ofs] = fieldvalue
+    def _really_force(self):
+        assert self.source_op is not None
+        # ^^^ This case should not occur any more (see test_bug_3).
+        #
+        newoperations = self.optimizer.newoperations
+        newoperations.append(self.source_op)
+        self.box = box = self.source_op.result
+        #
+        iteritems = self._fields.iteritems()
+        if not we_are_translated(): #random order is fine, except for tests
+            iteritems = list(iteritems)
+            iteritems.sort(key = lambda (x,y): x.sort_key())
+        for ofs, value in iteritems:
+            if value.is_null():
+                continue
+            subbox = value.force_box()
+            op = ResOperation(rop.SETFIELD_GC, [box, subbox], None,
+                              descr=ofs)
+            newoperations.append(op)
+        self._fields = None
+    def _get_field_descr_list(self):
+        _cached_sorted_fields = self._cached_sorted_fields
+        if (_cached_sorted_fields is not None and
+            len(self._fields) == len(_cached_sorted_fields)):
+            lst = self._cached_sorted_fields
+        else:
+            lst = self._fields.keys()
+            sort_descrs(lst)
+            cache = get_fielddescrlist_cache(self.optimizer.cpu)
+            result = cache.get(lst, None)
+            if result is None:
+                cache[lst] = lst
+            else:
+                lst = result
+            # store on self, to not have to repeatedly get it from the global
+            # cache, which involves sorting
+            self._cached_sorted_fields = lst
+        return lst
+    def get_args_for_fail(self, modifier):
+        if self.box is None and not modifier.already_seen_virtual(self.keybox):
+            # checks for recursion: it is False unless
+            # we have already seen the very same keybox
+            lst = self._get_field_descr_list()
+            fieldboxes = [self._fields[ofs].get_key_box() for ofs in lst]
+            modifier.register_virtual_fields(self.keybox, fieldboxes)
+            for ofs in lst:
+                fieldvalue = self._fields[ofs]
+                fieldvalue.get_args_for_fail(modifier)
+class VirtualValue(AbstractVirtualStructValue):
+    def __init__(self, optimizer, known_class, keybox, source_op=None):
+        AbstractVirtualStructValue.__init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op)
+        assert isinstance(known_class, Const)
+        self.known_class = known_class
+    def _make_virtual(self, modifier):
+        fielddescrs = self._get_field_descr_list()
+        return modifier.make_virtual(self.known_class, fielddescrs)
+class VStructValue(AbstractVirtualStructValue):
+    def __init__(self, optimizer, structdescr, keybox, source_op=None):
+        AbstractVirtualStructValue.__init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op)
+        self.structdescr = structdescr
+    def _make_virtual(self, modifier):
+        fielddescrs = self._get_field_descr_list()
+        return modifier.make_vstruct(self.structdescr, fielddescrs)
+class VArrayValue(AbstractVirtualValue):
+    def __init__(self, optimizer, arraydescr, size, keybox, source_op=None):
+        AbstractVirtualValue.__init__(self, optimizer, keybox, source_op)
+        self.arraydescr = arraydescr
+        self.constvalue = optimizer.new_const_item(arraydescr)
+        self._items = [self.constvalue] * size
+    def getlength(self):
+        return len(self._items)
+    def getitem(self, index):
+        res = self._items[index]
+        return res
+    def setitem(self, index, itemvalue):
+        assert isinstance(itemvalue, OptValue)
+        self._items[index] = itemvalue
+    def _really_force(self):
+        assert self.source_op is not None
+        newoperations = self.optimizer.newoperations
+        newoperations.append(self.source_op)
+        self.box = box = self.source_op.result
+        for index in range(len(self._items)):
+            subvalue = self._items[index]
+            if subvalue is not self.constvalue:
+                if subvalue.is_null():
+                    continue
+                subbox = subvalue.force_box()
+                op = ResOperation(rop.SETARRAYITEM_GC,
+                                  [box, ConstInt(index), subbox], None,
+                                  descr=self.arraydescr)
+                newoperations.append(op)
+    def get_args_for_fail(self, modifier):
+        if self.box is None and not modifier.already_seen_virtual(self.keybox):
+            # checks for recursion: it is False unless
+            # we have already seen the very same keybox
+            itemboxes = []
+            for itemvalue in self._items:
+                itemboxes.append(itemvalue.get_key_box())
+            modifier.register_virtual_fields(self.keybox, itemboxes)
+            for itemvalue in self._items:
+                if itemvalue is not self.constvalue:
+                    itemvalue.get_args_for_fail(modifier)
+    def _make_virtual(self, modifier):
+        return modifier.make_varray(self.arraydescr)
+class __extend__(SpecNode):
+    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class __extend__(NotSpecNode):
+    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
+        newinputargs.append(box)
+    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
+        newexitargs.append(value.force_box())
+class __extend__(ConstantSpecNode):
+    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
+        optimizer.make_constant(box, self.constbox)
+    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
+        pass
+class __extend__(AbstractVirtualStructSpecNode):
+    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
+        vvalue = self._setup_virtual_node_1(optimizer, box)
+        for ofs, subspecnode in self.fields:
+            subbox = optimizer.new_box(ofs)
+            subspecnode.setup_virtual_node(optimizer, subbox, newinputargs)
+            vvaluefield = optimizer.getvalue(subbox)
+            vvalue.setfield(ofs, vvaluefield)
+    def _setup_virtual_node_1(self, optimizer, box):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
+        assert value.is_virtual()
+        for ofs, subspecnode in self.fields:
+            subvalue = value.getfield(ofs, optimizer.new_const(ofs))
+            subspecnode.teardown_virtual_node(optimizer, subvalue, newexitargs)
+class __extend__(VirtualInstanceSpecNode):
+    def _setup_virtual_node_1(self, optimizer, box):
+        return optimizer.make_virtual(self.known_class, box)
+class __extend__(VirtualStructSpecNode):
+    def _setup_virtual_node_1(self, optimizer, box):
+        return optimizer.make_vstruct(self.typedescr, box)
+class __extend__(VirtualArraySpecNode):
+    def setup_virtual_node(self, optimizer, box, newinputargs):
+        vvalue = optimizer.make_varray(self.arraydescr, len(self.items), box)
+        for index in range(len(self.items)):
+            subbox = optimizer.new_box_item(self.arraydescr)
+            subspecnode = self.items[index]
+            subspecnode.setup_virtual_node(optimizer, subbox, newinputargs)
+            vvalueitem = optimizer.getvalue(subbox)
+            vvalue.setitem(index, vvalueitem)
+    def teardown_virtual_node(self, optimizer, value, newexitargs):
+        assert value.is_virtual()
+        for index in range(len(self.items)):
+            subvalue = value.getitem(index)
+            subspecnode = self.items[index]
+            subspecnode.teardown_virtual_node(optimizer, subvalue, newexitargs)
+class OptVirtualize(Optimization):
     "Virtualize objects until they escape."
-    # FIXME: Move here
+    def setup(self, virtuals):
+        if not virtuals:
+            return
+        inputargs = self.optimizer.loop.inputargs
+        specnodes = self.optimizer.loop.token.specnodes
+        assert len(inputargs) == len(specnodes)
+        newinputargs = []
+        for i in range(len(inputargs)):
+            specnodes[i].setup_virtual_node(self, inputargs[i], newinputargs)
+        self.optimizer.loop.inputargs = newinputargs
+    def make_virtual(self, known_class, box, source_op=None):
+        vvalue = VirtualValue(self.optimizer, known_class, box, source_op)
+        self.make_equal_to(box, vvalue)
+        return vvalue
+    def make_varray(self, arraydescr, size, box, source_op=None):
+        vvalue = VArrayValue(self.optimizer, arraydescr, size, box, source_op)
+        self.make_equal_to(box, vvalue)
+        return vvalue
+    def make_vstruct(self, structdescr, box, source_op=None):
+        vvalue = VStructValue(self.optimizer, structdescr, box, source_op)
+        self.make_equal_to(box, vvalue)
+        return vvalue
+    def optimize_JUMP(self, op):
+        orgop = self.optimizer.loop.operations[-1]
+        exitargs = []
+        target_loop_token = orgop.descr
+        assert isinstance(target_loop_token, LoopToken)
+        specnodes = target_loop_token.specnodes
+        assert len(op.args) == len(specnodes)
+        for i in range(len(specnodes)):
+            value = self.getvalue(op.args[i])
+            specnodes[i].teardown_virtual_node(self, value, exitargs)
+        op.args = exitargs[:]
+        self.emit_operation(op)
+    def optimize_VIRTUAL_REF(self, op):
+        indexbox = op.args[1]
+        #
+        # get some constants
+        vrefinfo = self.optimizer.metainterp_sd.virtualref_info
+        c_cls = vrefinfo.jit_virtual_ref_const_class
+        descr_virtual_token = vrefinfo.descr_virtual_token
+        descr_virtualref_index = vrefinfo.descr_virtualref_index
+        #
+        # Replace the VIRTUAL_REF operation with a virtual structure of type
+        # 'jit_virtual_ref'.  The jit_virtual_ref structure may be forced soon,
+        # but the point is that doing so does not force the original structure.
+        op = ResOperation(rop.NEW_WITH_VTABLE, [c_cls], op.result)
+        vrefvalue = self.make_virtual(c_cls, op.result, op)
+        tokenbox = BoxInt()
+        self.emit_operation(ResOperation(rop.FORCE_TOKEN, [], tokenbox))
+        vrefvalue.setfield(descr_virtual_token, self.getvalue(tokenbox))
+        vrefvalue.setfield(descr_virtualref_index, self.getvalue(indexbox))
+    def optimize_VIRTUAL_REF_FINISH(self, op):
+        # Set the 'forced' field of the virtual_ref.
+        # In good cases, this is all virtual, so has no effect.
+        # Otherwise, this forces the real object -- but only now, as
+        # opposed to much earlier.  This is important because the object is
+        # typically a PyPy PyFrame, and now is the end of its execution, so
+        # forcing it now does not have catastrophic effects.
+        vrefinfo = self.optimizer.metainterp_sd.virtualref_info
+        # op.args[1] should really never point to null here
+        # - set 'forced' to point to the real object
+        op1 = ResOperation(rop.SETFIELD_GC, op.args, None,
+                          descr = vrefinfo.descr_forced)
+        self.optimize_SETFIELD_GC(op1)
+        # - set 'virtual_token' to TOKEN_NONE
+        args = [op.args[0], ConstInt(vrefinfo.TOKEN_NONE)]
+        op1 = ResOperation(rop.SETFIELD_GC, args, None,
+                      descr = vrefinfo.descr_virtual_token)
+        self.optimize_SETFIELD_GC(op1)
+        # Note that in some cases the virtual in op.args[1] has been forced
+        # already.  This is fine.  In that case, and *if* a residual
+        # CALL_MAY_FORCE suddenly turns out to access it, then it will
+        # trigger a ResumeGuardForcedDescr.handle_async_forcing() which
+        # will work too (but just be a little pointless, as the structure
+        # was already forced).
+    def optimize_GETFIELD_GC(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        if value.is_virtual():
+            # optimizefindnode should ensure that fieldvalue is found
+            assert isinstance(value, AbstractVirtualValue)
+            fieldvalue = value.getfield(op.descr, None)
+            assert fieldvalue is not None
+            self.make_equal_to(op.result, fieldvalue)
+        else:
+            value.ensure_nonnull()
+            ###self.heap_op_optimizer.optimize_GETFIELD_GC(op, value)
+            self.emit_operation(op)
+    # note: the following line does not mean that the two operations are
+    # completely equivalent, because GETFIELD_GC_PURE is_always_pure().
+    optimize_GETFIELD_GC_PURE = optimize_GETFIELD_GC
+    def optimize_SETFIELD_GC(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        fieldvalue = self.getvalue(op.args[1])
+        if value.is_virtual():
+            value.setfield(op.descr, fieldvalue)
+        else:
+            value.ensure_nonnull()
+            ###self.heap_op_optimizer.optimize_SETFIELD_GC(op, value, fieldvalue)
+            self.emit_operation(op)
+    def optimize_NEW_WITH_VTABLE(self, op):
+        self.make_virtual(op.args[0], op.result, op)
+    def optimize_NEW(self, op):
+        self.make_vstruct(op.descr, op.result, op)
+    def optimize_NEW_ARRAY(self, op):
+        sizebox = self.get_constant_box(op.args[0])
+        if sizebox is not None:
+            # if the original 'op' did not have a ConstInt as argument,
+            # build a new one with the ConstInt argument
+            if not isinstance(op.args[0], ConstInt):
+                op = ResOperation(rop.NEW_ARRAY, [sizebox], op.result,
+                                  descr=op.descr)
+            self.make_varray(op.descr, sizebox.getint(), op.result, op)
+        else:
+            ###self.optimize_default(op)
+            self.emit_operation(op)
+    def optimize_ARRAYLEN_GC(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        if value.is_virtual():
+            self.make_constant_int(op.result, value.getlength())
+        else:
+            value.ensure_nonnull()
+            ###self.optimize_default(op)
+            self.emit_operation(op)
+    def optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        if value.is_virtual():
+            indexbox = self.get_constant_box(op.args[1])
+            if indexbox is not None:
+                itemvalue = value.getitem(indexbox.getint())
+                self.make_equal_to(op.result, itemvalue)
+                return
+        value.ensure_nonnull()
+        ###self.heap_op_optimizer.optimize_GETARRAYITEM_GC(op, value)
+        self.emit_operation(op)
+    # note: the following line does not mean that the two operations are
+    # completely equivalent, because GETARRAYITEM_GC_PURE is_always_pure().
+    def optimize_SETARRAYITEM_GC(self, op):
+        value = self.getvalue(op.args[0])
+        if value.is_virtual():
+            indexbox = self.get_constant_box(op.args[1])
+            if indexbox is not None:
+                value.setitem(indexbox.getint(), self.getvalue(op.args[2]))
+                return
+        value.ensure_nonnull()
+        ###self.heap_op_optimizer.optimize_SETARRAYITEM_GC(op, value, fieldvalue)
+        self.emit_operation(op)
+    def optimize_ARRAYCOPY(self, op):
+        source_value = self.getvalue(op.args[2])
+        dest_value = self.getvalue(op.args[3])
+        source_start_box = self.get_constant_box(op.args[4])
+        dest_start_box = self.get_constant_box(op.args[5])
+        length = self.get_constant_box(op.args[6])
+        if (source_value.is_virtual() and source_start_box and dest_start_box
+            and length and dest_value.is_virtual()):
+            # XXX optimize the case where dest value is not virtual,
+            #     but we still can avoid a mess
+            source_start = source_start_box.getint()
+            dest_start = dest_start_box.getint()
+            for index in range(length.getint()):
+                val = source_value.getitem(index + source_start)
+                dest_value.setitem(index + dest_start, val)
+            return
+        if length and length.getint() == 0:
+            return # 0-length arraycopy
+        descr = op.args[0]
+        assert isinstance(descr, AbstractDescr)
+        self.emit_operation(ResOperation(rop.CALL, op.args[1:], op.result,
+                                         descr))
+    def propagate_forward(self, op):
+        opnum = op.opnum
+        for value, func in optimize_ops:
+            if opnum == value:
+                func(self, op)
+                break
+        else:
+            self.emit_operation(op)
+optimize_ops = _findall(OptVirtualize, 'optimize_')

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_optimizeopt.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_optimizeopt.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_optimizeopt.py	Sat Sep  4 12:16:13 2010
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizefindnode import PerfectSpecializationFinder
 import pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.optimizer as optimizeopt
+import pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.virtualize as virtualize
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt import optimize_loop_1
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeutil import InvalidLoop
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.history import AbstractDescr, ConstInt, BoxInt
@@ -64,7 +65,7 @@
         class cpu(object):
     opt = FakeOptimizer()
-    virt1 = optimizeopt.AbstractVirtualStructValue(opt, None)
+    virt1 = virtualize.AbstractVirtualStructValue(opt, None)
     lst1 = virt1._get_field_descr_list()
     assert lst1 == []
     lst2 = virt1._get_field_descr_list()
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@
     lst4 = virt1._get_field_descr_list()
     assert lst3 is lst4
-    virt2 = optimizeopt.AbstractVirtualStructValue(opt, None)
+    virt2 = virtualize.AbstractVirtualStructValue(opt, None)
     lst5 = virt2._get_field_descr_list()
     assert lst5 is lst1
     virt2.setfield(LLtypeMixin.valuedescr, optimizeopt.OptValue(None))
@@ -88,7 +89,7 @@
             self.fieldnums = fieldnums
         def equals(self, fieldnums):
             return self.fieldnums == fieldnums
-    class FakeVirtualValue(optimizeopt.AbstractVirtualValue):
+    class FakeVirtualValue(virtualize.AbstractVirtualValue):
         def _make_virtual(self, *args):
             return FakeVInfo()
     v1 = FakeVirtualValue(None, None, None)
@@ -257,6 +258,7 @@
         optimize_loop_1(metainterp_sd, loop)
         expected = self.parse(optops)
+        print '\n'.join([str(o) for o in loop.operations])
         self.assert_equal(loop, expected)
     def test_simple(self):

Modified: pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_resume.py
--- pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_resume.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/jit-bounds/pypy/jit/metainterp/test/test_resume.py	Sat Sep  4 12:16:13 2010
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import py
 from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory, rffi
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.optimizer import VirtualValue, OptValue, VArrayValue
-from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.optimizer import VStructValue
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.virtualize import VirtualValue, OptValue, VArrayValue
+from pypy.jit.metainterp.optimizeopt.virtualize import VStructValue
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.resume import *
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.history import BoxInt, BoxPtr, ConstInt
 from pypy.jit.metainterp.history import ConstPtr, ConstFloat

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