[pypy-svn] pypy documentation-cleanup: kill this old and forgotten file

antocuni commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Wed Apr 27 12:33:19 CEST 2011

Author: Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com>
Branch: documentation-cleanup
Changeset: r43659:44dcd6301611
Date: 2011-04-27 12:16 +0200

Log:	kill this old and forgotten file

diff --git a/pypy/doc/discussion/cli-optimizations.rst b/pypy/doc/discussion/cli-optimizations.rst
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/doc/discussion/cli-optimizations.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,233 +0,0 @@
-Possible optimizations for the CLI backend
-Stack push/pop optimization
-The CLI's VM is a stack based machine: this fact doesn't play nicely
-with the SSI form the flowgraphs are generated in. At the moment
-gencli does a literal translation of the SSI statements, allocating a
-new local variable for each variable of the flowgraph.
-For example, consider the following RPython code and the corresponding
-  def bar(x, y):
-      foo(x+y, x-y)
-  inputargs: x_0 y_0
-  v0 = int_add(x_0, y_0)
-  v1 = int_sub(x_0, y_0)
-  v2 = directcall((sm foo), v0, v1)
-This is the IL code generated by the CLI backend::
-  .locals init (int32 v0, int32 v1, int32 v2)
-  block0:
-    ldarg 'x_0'
-    ldarg 'y_0'
-    add 
-    stloc 'v0'
-    ldarg 'x_0'
-    ldarg 'y_0'
-    sub 
-    stloc 'v1'
-    ldloc 'v0'
-    ldloc 'v1'
-    call int32 foo(int32, int32)
-    stloc 'v2'
-As you can see, the results of 'add' and 'sub' are stored in v0 and
-v1, respectively, then v0 and v1 are reloaded onto stack. These
-store/load is redundant, since the code would work nicely even without
-  .locals init (int32 v2)
-  block0:
-    ldarg 'x_0'
-    ldarg 'y_0'
-    add 
-    ldarg 'x_0'
-    ldarg 'y_0'
-    sub 
-    call int32 foo(int32, int32)
-    stloc 'v2'
-I've checked the native code generated by the Mono Jit on x86 and I've
-seen that it does not optimize it. I haven't checked the native code
-generated by Microsoft CLR, yet.
-Thus, we might consider to optimize it manually; it should not be so
-difficult, but it is not trivial because we have to make sure that the
-dropped locals are used only once.
-Mapping RPython exceptions to native CLI exceptions
-Both RPython and CLI have its own set of exception classes: some of
-these are pretty similar; e.g., we have OverflowError,
-ZeroDivisionError and IndexError on the first side and
-OverflowException, DivideByZeroException and IndexOutOfRangeException
-on the other side.
-The first attempt was to map RPython classes to their corresponding
-CLI ones: this worked for simple cases, but it would have triggered
-subtle bugs in more complex ones, because the two exception
-hierarchies don't completely overlap.
-For now I've chosen to build an RPython exception hierarchy
-completely independent from the CLI one, but this means that we can't
-rely on exceptions raised by standard operations. The currently
-implemented solution is to do an exception translation on-the-fly; for
-example, the 'ind_add_ovf' is translated into the following IL code::
-  .try 
-  { 
-      ldarg 'x_0'
-      ldarg 'y_0'
-      add.ovf 
-      stloc 'v1'
-      leave __check_block_2 
-  } 
-  catch [mscorlib]System.OverflowException 
-  { 
-      newobj instance void class exceptions.OverflowError::.ctor() 
-      dup 
-      ldsfld class Object_meta pypy.runtime.Constants::exceptions_OverflowError_meta 
-      stfld class Object_meta Object::meta 
-      throw 
-  } 
-I.e., it catches the builtin OverflowException and raises a RPython
-I haven't measured timings yet, but I guess that this machinery brings
-to some performance penalties even in the non-overflow case; a
-possible optimization is to do the on-the-fly translation only when it
-is strictly necessary, i.e. only when the except clause catches an
-exception class whose subclass hierarchy is compatible with the
-builtin one. As an example, consider the following RPython code::
-  try:
-    return mylist[0]
-  except IndexError:
-    return -1
-Given that IndexError has no subclasses, we can map it to
-IndexOutOfBoundException and directly catch this one::
-  try
-  {
-    ldloc 'mylist'
-    ldc.i4 0
-    call int32 getitem(MyListType, int32)
-    ...
-  }
-  catch [mscorlib]System.IndexOutOfBoundException
-  {
-    // return -1
-    ...
-  }
-By contrast we can't do so if the except clause catches classes that
-don't directly map to any builtin class, such as LookupError::
-  try:
-    return mylist[0]
-  except LookupError:
-    return -1
-Has to be translated in the old way::
-  .try 
-  { 
-    ldloc 'mylist'
-    ldc.i4 0
-    .try 
-    {
-        call int32 getitem(MyListType, int32)
-    }
-    catch [mscorlib]System.IndexOutOfBoundException
-    { 
-        // translate IndexOutOfBoundException into IndexError
-        newobj instance void class exceptions.IndexError::.ctor() 
-        dup 
-        ldsfld class Object_meta pypy.runtime.Constants::exceptions_IndexError_meta 
-        stfld class Object_meta Object::meta 
-        throw 
-    }
-    ...
-  }
-  .catch exceptions.LookupError
-  {
-    // return -1
-    ...
-  }
-Specializing methods of List
-Most methods of RPython lists are implemented by ll_* helpers placed
-in rpython/rlist.py. For some of those we have a direct correspondent
-already implemented in .NET List<>; we could use the oopspec attribute
-for doing an on-the-fly replacement of these low level helpers with
-their builtin correspondent. As an example the 'append' method is
-already mapped to pypylib.List.append. Thanks to Armin Rigo for the
-idea of using oopspec.
-Doing some caching on Dict
-The current implementations of ll_dict_getitem and ll_dict_get in
-ootypesystem.rdict do two consecutive lookups (calling ll_contains and
-ll_get) on the same key. We might cache the result of
-pypylib.Dict.ll_contains so that the successive ll_get don't need a
-lookup. Btw, we need some profiling before choosing the best way. Or
-we could directly refactor ootypesystem.rdict for doing a single
-I tried it on revision 32917 and performance are slower! I don't know
-why, but pypy.net pystone.py is slower by 17%, and pypy.net
-richards.py is slower by 71% (!!!). I don't know why, need to be
-investigated further.
-Optimize StaticMethod
-  2006-10-02, 13:41
-  <pedronis> antocuni: do you try to not wrap static methods that are just called and not passed around
-  <antocuni> no
-             I think I don't know how to detect them
-  <pedronis> antocuni: you should try to render them just as static methods not as instances when possible
-             you need to track what appears only in direct_calls vs other places
-Optimize Unicode
-We should try to use native .NET unicode facilities instead of our
-own. These should save both time (especially startup time) and memory.
-On 2006-10-02 I got these benchmarks:
-Pypy.NET             Startup time   Memory used
-with unicodedata          ~12 sec     112508 Kb
-without unicodedata        ~6 sec      79004 Kb
-The version without unicodedata is buggy, of course.
-Unfortunately it seems that .NET doesn't expose all the things we
-need, so we will still need some data. For example there is no way to
-get the unicode name of a char.

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