[pypy-svn] pypy default: UnWindowsify end of lines.

arigo commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon Jan 17 10:50:18 CET 2011

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r40746:cf1b2563166b
Date: 2011-01-17 10:49 +0100

Log:	UnWindowsify end of lines.

diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_bytes.py b/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_bytes.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_bytes.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/test/test_bytes.py
@@ -1,221 +1,221 @@
-class AppTestBytesArray:
-    def test_basics(self):
-        b = bytearray()
-        assert type(b) is bytearray
-        assert b.__class__ is bytearray
-    def test_constructor(self):
-        assert bytearray() == ""
-        assert bytearray('abc') == "abc"
-        assert bytearray(['a', 'b', 'c']) == "abc"
-        assert bytearray([65, 66, 67]) == "ABC"
-        assert bytearray(5) == '\0' * 5
-        raises(ValueError, bytearray, ['a', 'bc'])
-        raises(ValueError, bytearray, [65, -3])
-        raises(TypeError, bytearray, [65.0])
-    def test_len(self):
-        b = bytearray('test')
-        assert len(b) == 4
-    def test_nohash(self):
-        raises(TypeError, hash, bytearray())
-    def test_repr(self):
-        assert repr(bytearray()) == "bytearray(b'')"
-        assert repr(bytearray('test')) == "bytearray(b'test')"
-        assert repr(bytearray("d'oh")) == r"bytearray(b'd\'oh')"
-    def test_str(self):
-        assert str(bytearray()) == ""
-        assert str(bytearray('test')) == "test"
-        assert str(bytearray("d'oh")) == "d'oh"
-    def test_getitem(self):
-        b = bytearray('test')
-        assert b[0] == ord('t')
-        assert b[2] == ord('s')
-        raises(IndexError, b.__getitem__, 4)
-        assert b[1:5] == bytearray('est')
-        assert b[slice(1,5)] == bytearray('est')
-    def test_arithmetic(self):
-        b1 = bytearray('hello ')
-        b2 = bytearray('world')
-        assert b1 + b2 == bytearray('hello world')
-        assert b1 * 2 == bytearray('hello hello ')
-    def test_contains(self):
-        assert ord('l') in bytearray('hello')
-        assert 'l' in bytearray('hello')
-    def test_translate(self):
-        b = 'hello'
-        ba = bytearray(b)
-        rosetta = bytearray(range(0, 256))
-        rosetta[ord('o')] = ord('e')
-        for table in rosetta, str(rosetta):
-            c = ba.translate(table)
-            assert ba == bytearray('hello')
-            assert c == bytearray('helle')
-            c = ba.translate(rosetta, 'l')
-            assert c == bytearray('hee')
-            assert isinstance(c, bytearray)
-    def test_iter(self):
-        assert list(bytearray('hello')) == [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
-    def test_compare(self):
-        assert bytearray('hello') == bytearray('hello')
-        assert bytearray('hello') < bytearray('world')
-        assert bytearray('world') > bytearray('hello')
-    def test_compare_str(self):
-        assert bytearray('hello1') == 'hello1'
-        assert not (bytearray('hello1') != 'hello1')
-        assert 'hello2' == bytearray('hello2')
-        assert not ('hello1' != bytearray('hello1'))
-        # unicode is always different
-        assert not (bytearray('hello3') == unicode('world'))
-        assert bytearray('hello3') != unicode('hello3')
-        assert unicode('hello3') != bytearray('world')
-        assert unicode('hello4') != bytearray('hello4')
-        assert not (bytearray('') == u'')
-        assert not (u'' == bytearray(''))
-        assert bytearray('') != u''
-        assert u'' != bytearray('')
-    def test_stringlike_operations(self):
-        assert bytearray('hello').islower()
-        assert bytearray('HELLO').isupper()
-        assert bytearray('hello').isalpha()
-        assert not bytearray('hello2').isalpha()
-        assert bytearray('hello2').isalnum()
-        assert bytearray('1234').isdigit()
-        assert bytearray('   ').isspace()
-        assert bytearray('Abc').istitle()
-        assert bytearray('hello').count('l') == 2
-        assert bytearray('hello').count(bytearray('l')) == 2
-        assert bytearray('hello').count(ord('l')) == 2
-        assert bytearray('hello').index('e') == 1
-        assert bytearray('hello').rindex('l') == 3
-        assert bytearray('hello').index(bytearray('e')) == 1
-        assert bytearray('hello').index(ord('e')) == 1
-        assert bytearray('hello').find('l') == 2
-        assert bytearray('hello').rfind('l') == 3
-        assert bytearray('hello').startswith('he')
-        assert bytearray('hello').startswith(bytearray('he'))
-        assert bytearray('hello').endswith('lo')
-        assert bytearray('hello').endswith(bytearray('lo'))
-    def test_stringlike_conversions(self):
-        # methods that should return bytearray (and not str)
-        def check(result, expected):
-            assert result == expected
-            assert type(result) is bytearray
-        check(bytearray('abc').replace('b', bytearray('d')), 'adc')
-        check(bytearray('abc').upper(), 'ABC')
-        check(bytearray('ABC').lower(), 'abc')
-        check(bytearray('abc').title(), 'Abc')
-        check(bytearray('AbC').swapcase(), 'aBc')
-        check(bytearray('abC').capitalize(), 'Abc')
-        check(bytearray('abc').ljust(5),  'abc  ')
-        check(bytearray('abc').rjust(5),  '  abc')
-        check(bytearray('abc').center(5), ' abc ')
-        check(bytearray('1').zfill(5), '00001')
-        check(bytearray('1\t2').expandtabs(5), '1    2')
-        check(bytearray(',').join(['a', bytearray('b')]), 'a,b')
-        check(bytearray('abc').lstrip('a'), 'bc')
-        check(bytearray('abc').rstrip('c'), 'ab')
-        check(bytearray('aba').strip('a'), 'b')
-    def test_split(self):
-        # methods that should return a sequence of bytearrays
-        def check(result, expected):
-            assert result == expected
-            assert set(type(x) for x in result) == set([bytearray])
-        b = bytearray('mississippi')
-        check(b.split('i'), [b'm', b'ss', b'ss', b'pp', b''])
-        check(b.rsplit('i'), [b'm', b'ss', b'ss', b'pp', b''])
-        check(b.rsplit('i', 2), [b'mississ', b'pp', b''])
-        check(b.partition(b'ss'), (b'mi', b'ss', b'issippi'))
-        check(b.rpartition(b'ss'), (b'missi', b'ss', b'ippi'))
-    def test_append(self):
-        b = bytearray('abc')
-        b.append('d')
-        b.append(ord('e'))
-        assert b == 'abcde'
-    def test_iadd(self):
-        b = bytearray('abc')
-        b += 'def'
-        assert b == 'abcdef'
-        assert isinstance(b, bytearray)
-    def test_extend(self):
-        b = bytearray('abc')
-        b.extend(bytearray('def'))
-        b.extend('ghi')
-        assert b == 'abcdefghi'
-        b.extend(buffer('jkl'))
-        assert b == 'abcdefghijkl'
-        raises(TypeError, b.extend, u"unicode")
-    def test_delslice(self):
-        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
-        del b[5:8]
-        assert b == 'abcdei'
-        del b[:3]
-        assert b == 'dei'
-    def test_setitem(self):
-        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
-        b[1] = 'B'
-        assert b == 'aBcdefghi'
-    def test_setitem_slice(self):
-        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
-        b[0:3] = 'ABC'
-        assert b == 'ABCdefghi'
-        b[3:3] = '...'
-        assert b == 'ABC...defghi'
-        b[3:6] = '()'
-        assert b == 'ABC()defghi'
-        b[6:6] = '<<'
-        assert b == 'ABC()d<<efghi'
-    def test_buffer(self):
-        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
-        buf = buffer(b)
-        assert buf[2] == 'c'
-        buf[3] = 'D'
-        assert b == 'abcDefghi'
-        buf[4:6] = 'EF'
-        assert b == 'abcDEFghi'
-    def test_decode(self):
-        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
-        u = b.decode('utf-8')
-        assert isinstance(u, unicode)
-        assert u == u'abcdefghi'
-    def test_int(self):
-        assert int(bytearray('-1234')) == -1234
-    def test_reduce(self):
-        assert bytearray('caf\xe9').__reduce__() == (
-            bytearray, (u'caf\xe9', 'latin-1'), None)
+class AppTestBytesArray:
+    def test_basics(self):
+        b = bytearray()
+        assert type(b) is bytearray
+        assert b.__class__ is bytearray
+    def test_constructor(self):
+        assert bytearray() == ""
+        assert bytearray('abc') == "abc"
+        assert bytearray(['a', 'b', 'c']) == "abc"
+        assert bytearray([65, 66, 67]) == "ABC"
+        assert bytearray(5) == '\0' * 5
+        raises(ValueError, bytearray, ['a', 'bc'])
+        raises(ValueError, bytearray, [65, -3])
+        raises(TypeError, bytearray, [65.0])
+    def test_len(self):
+        b = bytearray('test')
+        assert len(b) == 4
+    def test_nohash(self):
+        raises(TypeError, hash, bytearray())
+    def test_repr(self):
+        assert repr(bytearray()) == "bytearray(b'')"
+        assert repr(bytearray('test')) == "bytearray(b'test')"
+        assert repr(bytearray("d'oh")) == r"bytearray(b'd\'oh')"
+    def test_str(self):
+        assert str(bytearray()) == ""
+        assert str(bytearray('test')) == "test"
+        assert str(bytearray("d'oh")) == "d'oh"
+    def test_getitem(self):
+        b = bytearray('test')
+        assert b[0] == ord('t')
+        assert b[2] == ord('s')
+        raises(IndexError, b.__getitem__, 4)
+        assert b[1:5] == bytearray('est')
+        assert b[slice(1,5)] == bytearray('est')
+    def test_arithmetic(self):
+        b1 = bytearray('hello ')
+        b2 = bytearray('world')
+        assert b1 + b2 == bytearray('hello world')
+        assert b1 * 2 == bytearray('hello hello ')
+    def test_contains(self):
+        assert ord('l') in bytearray('hello')
+        assert 'l' in bytearray('hello')
+    def test_translate(self):
+        b = 'hello'
+        ba = bytearray(b)
+        rosetta = bytearray(range(0, 256))
+        rosetta[ord('o')] = ord('e')
+        for table in rosetta, str(rosetta):
+            c = ba.translate(table)
+            assert ba == bytearray('hello')
+            assert c == bytearray('helle')
+            c = ba.translate(rosetta, 'l')
+            assert c == bytearray('hee')
+            assert isinstance(c, bytearray)
+    def test_iter(self):
+        assert list(bytearray('hello')) == [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
+    def test_compare(self):
+        assert bytearray('hello') == bytearray('hello')
+        assert bytearray('hello') < bytearray('world')
+        assert bytearray('world') > bytearray('hello')
+    def test_compare_str(self):
+        assert bytearray('hello1') == 'hello1'
+        assert not (bytearray('hello1') != 'hello1')
+        assert 'hello2' == bytearray('hello2')
+        assert not ('hello1' != bytearray('hello1'))
+        # unicode is always different
+        assert not (bytearray('hello3') == unicode('world'))
+        assert bytearray('hello3') != unicode('hello3')
+        assert unicode('hello3') != bytearray('world')
+        assert unicode('hello4') != bytearray('hello4')
+        assert not (bytearray('') == u'')
+        assert not (u'' == bytearray(''))
+        assert bytearray('') != u''
+        assert u'' != bytearray('')
+    def test_stringlike_operations(self):
+        assert bytearray('hello').islower()
+        assert bytearray('HELLO').isupper()
+        assert bytearray('hello').isalpha()
+        assert not bytearray('hello2').isalpha()
+        assert bytearray('hello2').isalnum()
+        assert bytearray('1234').isdigit()
+        assert bytearray('   ').isspace()
+        assert bytearray('Abc').istitle()
+        assert bytearray('hello').count('l') == 2
+        assert bytearray('hello').count(bytearray('l')) == 2
+        assert bytearray('hello').count(ord('l')) == 2
+        assert bytearray('hello').index('e') == 1
+        assert bytearray('hello').rindex('l') == 3
+        assert bytearray('hello').index(bytearray('e')) == 1
+        assert bytearray('hello').index(ord('e')) == 1
+        assert bytearray('hello').find('l') == 2
+        assert bytearray('hello').rfind('l') == 3
+        assert bytearray('hello').startswith('he')
+        assert bytearray('hello').startswith(bytearray('he'))
+        assert bytearray('hello').endswith('lo')
+        assert bytearray('hello').endswith(bytearray('lo'))
+    def test_stringlike_conversions(self):
+        # methods that should return bytearray (and not str)
+        def check(result, expected):
+            assert result == expected
+            assert type(result) is bytearray
+        check(bytearray('abc').replace('b', bytearray('d')), 'adc')
+        check(bytearray('abc').upper(), 'ABC')
+        check(bytearray('ABC').lower(), 'abc')
+        check(bytearray('abc').title(), 'Abc')
+        check(bytearray('AbC').swapcase(), 'aBc')
+        check(bytearray('abC').capitalize(), 'Abc')
+        check(bytearray('abc').ljust(5),  'abc  ')
+        check(bytearray('abc').rjust(5),  '  abc')
+        check(bytearray('abc').center(5), ' abc ')
+        check(bytearray('1').zfill(5), '00001')
+        check(bytearray('1\t2').expandtabs(5), '1    2')
+        check(bytearray(',').join(['a', bytearray('b')]), 'a,b')
+        check(bytearray('abc').lstrip('a'), 'bc')
+        check(bytearray('abc').rstrip('c'), 'ab')
+        check(bytearray('aba').strip('a'), 'b')
+    def test_split(self):
+        # methods that should return a sequence of bytearrays
+        def check(result, expected):
+            assert result == expected
+            assert set(type(x) for x in result) == set([bytearray])
+        b = bytearray('mississippi')
+        check(b.split('i'), [b'm', b'ss', b'ss', b'pp', b''])
+        check(b.rsplit('i'), [b'm', b'ss', b'ss', b'pp', b''])
+        check(b.rsplit('i', 2), [b'mississ', b'pp', b''])
+        check(b.partition(b'ss'), (b'mi', b'ss', b'issippi'))
+        check(b.rpartition(b'ss'), (b'missi', b'ss', b'ippi'))
+    def test_append(self):
+        b = bytearray('abc')
+        b.append('d')
+        b.append(ord('e'))
+        assert b == 'abcde'
+    def test_iadd(self):
+        b = bytearray('abc')
+        b += 'def'
+        assert b == 'abcdef'
+        assert isinstance(b, bytearray)
+    def test_extend(self):
+        b = bytearray('abc')
+        b.extend(bytearray('def'))
+        b.extend('ghi')
+        assert b == 'abcdefghi'
+        b.extend(buffer('jkl'))
+        assert b == 'abcdefghijkl'
+        raises(TypeError, b.extend, u"unicode")
+    def test_delslice(self):
+        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
+        del b[5:8]
+        assert b == 'abcdei'
+        del b[:3]
+        assert b == 'dei'
+    def test_setitem(self):
+        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
+        b[1] = 'B'
+        assert b == 'aBcdefghi'
+    def test_setitem_slice(self):
+        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
+        b[0:3] = 'ABC'
+        assert b == 'ABCdefghi'
+        b[3:3] = '...'
+        assert b == 'ABC...defghi'
+        b[3:6] = '()'
+        assert b == 'ABC()defghi'
+        b[6:6] = '<<'
+        assert b == 'ABC()d<<efghi'
+    def test_buffer(self):
+        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
+        buf = buffer(b)
+        assert buf[2] == 'c'
+        buf[3] = 'D'
+        assert b == 'abcDefghi'
+        buf[4:6] = 'EF'
+        assert b == 'abcDEFghi'
+    def test_decode(self):
+        b = bytearray('abcdefghi')
+        u = b.decode('utf-8')
+        assert isinstance(u, unicode)
+        assert u == u'abcdefghi'
+    def test_int(self):
+        assert int(bytearray('-1234')) == -1234
+    def test_reduce(self):
+        assert bytearray('caf\xe9').__reduce__() == (
+            bytearray, (u'caf\xe9', 'latin-1'), None)

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