[pypy-svn] pypy default: (jacob, mfoord) fix line endings in bytearrayobject.py and bytearraytype.py

mfoord commits-noreply at bitbucket.org
Mon Jan 17 12:09:42 CET 2011

Author: Michael Foord <michael at voidspace.org.uk>
Changeset: r40753:01e3a47c3f08
Date: 2011-01-17 12:09 +0100

Log:	(jacob, mfoord) fix line endings in bytearrayobject.py and

diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/bytearrayobject.py b/pypy/objspace/std/bytearrayobject.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/bytearrayobject.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/bytearrayobject.py
@@ -1,458 +1,458 @@
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError, operationerrfmt
-from pypy.objspace.std.model import registerimplementation, W_Object
-from pypy.objspace.std.register_all import register_all
-from pypy.objspace.std.inttype import wrapint
-from pypy.objspace.std.multimethod import FailedToImplement
-from pypy.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
-from pypy.rlib.rstring import StringBuilder
-from pypy.objspace.std.intobject import W_IntObject
-from pypy.objspace.std.stringobject import W_StringObject
-from pypy.objspace.std.unicodeobject import W_UnicodeObject
-from pypy.objspace.std.sliceobject import W_SliceObject, normalize_simple_slice
-from pypy.objspace.std import slicetype
-from pypy.interpreter import gateway
-from pypy.interpreter.buffer import RWBuffer
-class W_BytearrayObject(W_Object):
-    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearraytype import bytearray_typedef as typedef
-    def __init__(w_self, data):
-        w_self.data = list(data)
-    def __repr__(w_self):
-        """ representation for debugging purposes """
-        return "%s(%s)" % (w_self.__class__.__name__, ''.join(w_self.data))
-def len__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
-    result = len(w_bytearray.data)
-    return wrapint(space, result)
-def getitem__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_index):
-    # getindex_w should get a second argument space.w_IndexError,
-    # but that doesn't exist the first time this is called.
-    try:
-        w_IndexError = space.w_IndexError
-    except AttributeError:
-        w_IndexError = None
-    index = space.getindex_w(w_index, w_IndexError, "bytearray index")
-    try:
-        return space.newint(ord(w_bytearray.data[index]))
-    except IndexError:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
-                             space.wrap("bytearray index out of range"))
-def getitem__Bytearray_Slice(space, w_bytearray, w_slice):
-    data = w_bytearray.data
-    length = len(data)
-    start, stop, step, slicelength = w_slice.indices4(space, length)
-    assert slicelength >= 0
-    newdata = [data[start + i*step] for i in range(slicelength)]
-    return W_BytearrayObject(newdata)
-def getslice__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_start, w_stop):
-    length = len(w_bytearray.data)
-    start, stop = normalize_simple_slice(space, length, w_start, w_stop)
-    return W_BytearrayObject(w_bytearray.data[start:stop])
-def contains__Bytearray_Int(space, w_bytearray, w_char):
-    char = w_char.intval
-    if not 0 <= char < 256:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
-                             space.wrap("byte must be in range(0, 256)"))
-    for c in w_bytearray.data:
-        if ord(c) == char:
-            return space.w_True
-    return space.w_False
-def contains__Bytearray_String(space, w_bytearray, w_str):
-    # XXX slow - copies, needs rewriting
-    w_str2 = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    return space.call_method(w_str2, "__contains__", w_str)
-def add__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
-    data1 = w_bytearray1.data
-    data2 = w_bytearray2.data
-    return W_BytearrayObject(data1 + data2)
-def mul_bytearray_times(space, w_bytearray, w_times):
-    try:
-        times = space.getindex_w(w_times, space.w_OverflowError)
-    except OperationError, e:
-        if e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
-            raise FailedToImplement
-        raise
-    if times == 1 and space.type(w_bytearray) == space.w_bytearray:
-        return w_bytearray
-    data = w_bytearray.data
-    return W_BytearrayObject(data * times)
-def mul__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_times):
-    return mul_bytearray_times(space, w_bytearray, w_times)
-def mul__ANY_Bytearray(space, w_times, w_bytearray):
-    return mul_bytearray_times(space, w_bytearray, w_times)
-def eq__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
-    data1 = w_bytearray1.data
-    data2 = w_bytearray2.data
-    if len(data1) != len(data2):
-        return space.w_False
-    for i in range(len(data1)):
-        if data1[i] != data2[i]:
-            return space.w_False
-    return space.w_True
-# bytearray-to-string delegation
-def delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray):
-    return str__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray)
-def String2Bytearray(space, w_str):
-    data = [c for c in space.str_w(w_str)]
-    return W_BytearrayObject(data)
-def eq__Bytearray_String(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
-    return space.eq(delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray), w_other)
-def eq__Bytearray_Unicode(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
-    return space.w_False
-def eq__Unicode_Bytearray(space, w_other, w_bytearray):
-    return space.w_False
-def ne__Bytearray_String(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
-    return space.ne(delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray), w_other)
-def ne__Bytearray_Unicode(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
-    return space.w_True
-def ne__Unicode_Bytearray(space, w_other, w_bytearray):
-    return space.w_True
-def _min(a, b):
-    if a < b:
-        return a
-    return b
-def lt__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
-    data1 = w_bytearray1.data
-    data2 = w_bytearray2.data
-    ncmp = _min(len(data1), len(data2))
-    # Search for the first index where items are different
-    for p in range(ncmp):
-        if data1[p] != data2[p]:
-            return space.newbool(data1[p] < data2[p])
-    # No more items to compare -- compare sizes
-    return space.newbool(len(data1) < len(data2))
-def gt__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
-    data1 = w_bytearray1.data
-    data2 = w_bytearray2.data
-    ncmp = _min(len(data1), len(data2))
-    # Search for the first index where items are different
-    for p in range(ncmp):
-        if data1[p] != data2[p]:
-            return space.newbool(data1[p] > data2[p])
-    # No more items to compare -- compare sizes
-    return space.newbool(len(data1) > len(data2))
-def str_translate__Bytearray_Bytearray_String(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2, w_str):
-    # XXX slow, copies *twice* needs proper implementation
-    w_str_copy = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray1)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str_copy, 'translate', w_bytearray2, w_str)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-# Mostly copied from repr__String, but without the "smart quote"
-# functionality.
-def repr__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
-    s = w_bytearray.data
-    buf = StringBuilder(50)
-    buf.append("bytearray(b'")
-    for i in range(len(s)):
-        c = s[i]
-        if c == '\\' or c == "'":
-            buf.append('\\')
-            buf.append(c)
-        elif c == '\t':
-            buf.append('\\t')
-        elif c == '\r':
-            buf.append('\\r')
-        elif c == '\n':
-            buf.append('\\n')
-        elif not '\x20' <= c < '\x7f':
-            n = ord(c)
-            buf.append('\\x')
-            buf.append("0123456789abcdef"[n>>4])
-            buf.append("0123456789abcdef"[n&0xF])
-        else:
-            buf.append(c)
-    buf.append("')")
-    return space.wrap(buf.build())
-def str__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
-    return W_StringObject(''.join(w_bytearray.data))
-def _convert_idx_params(space, w_self, w_start, w_stop):
-    start = slicetype._Eval_SliceIndex(space, w_start)
-    stop = slicetype._Eval_SliceIndex(space, w_stop)
-    length = len(w_self.data)
-    if start < 0:
-        start += length
-        if start < 0:
-            start = 0
-    if stop < 0:
-        stop += length
-        if stop < 0:
-            stop = 0
-    return start, stop, length
-def str_count__Bytearray_Int_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_char, w_start, w_stop):
-    char = w_char.intval
-    start, stop, length = _convert_idx_params(space, w_bytearray, w_start, w_stop)
-    count = 0
-    for i in range(start, min(stop, length)):
-        c = w_bytearray.data[i]
-        if ord(c) == char:
-            count += 1
-    return space.wrap(count)
-def str_index__Bytearray_Int_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_char, w_start, w_stop):
-    char = w_char.intval
-    start, stop, length = _convert_idx_params(space, w_bytearray, w_start, w_stop)
-    for i in range(start, min(stop, length)):
-        c = w_bytearray.data[i]
-        if ord(c) == char:
-            return space.wrap(i)
-    raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
-                         space.wrap("bytearray.index(x): x not in bytearray"))
-def str_join__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_self, w_list):
-    list_w = space.listview(w_list)
-    if not list_w:
-        return W_BytearrayObject([])
-    data = w_self.data
-    reslen = 0
-    for i in range(len(list_w)):
-        w_s = list_w[i]
-        if not (space.is_true(space.isinstance(w_s, space.w_str)) or
-                space.is_true(space.isinstance(w_s, space.w_bytearray))):
-            raise operationerrfmt(
-                space.w_TypeError,
-                "sequence item %d: expected string, %s "
-                "found", i, space.type(w_s).getname(space, '?'))
-        reslen += len(space.str_w(w_s))
-    newdata = []
-    for i in range(len(list_w)):
-        if data and i != 0:
-            newdata.extend(data)
-        newdata.extend([c for c in space.str_w(list_w[i])])
-    return W_BytearrayObject(newdata)
-# These methods could just delegate to the string implementation,
-# but they have to return a bytearray.
-def str_replace__Bytearray_ANY_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_str1, w_str2, w_max):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "replace", w_str1, w_str2, w_max)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_upper__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "upper")
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_lower__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "lower")
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_title__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "title")
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_swapcase__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "swapcase")
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_capitalize__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "capitalize")
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_lstrip__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_chars):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "lstrip", w_chars)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_rstrip__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_chars):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "rstrip", w_chars)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_strip__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_chars):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "strip", w_chars)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_ljust__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_width, w_fillchar):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "ljust", w_width, w_fillchar)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_rjust__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_width, w_fillchar):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "rjust", w_width, w_fillchar)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_center__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_width, w_fillchar):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "center", w_width, w_fillchar)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_zfill__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_width):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "zfill", w_width)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_expandtabs__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_tabsize):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "expandtabs", w_tabsize)
-    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
-def str_split__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_by, w_maxsplit=-1):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_list = space.call_method(w_str, "split", w_by, w_maxsplit)
-    list_w = space.listview(w_list)
-    for i in range(len(list_w)):
-        list_w[i] = String2Bytearray(space, list_w[i])
-    return w_list
-def str_rsplit__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_by, w_maxsplit=-1):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_list = space.call_method(w_str, "rsplit", w_by, w_maxsplit)
-    list_w = space.listview(w_list)
-    for i in range(len(list_w)):
-        list_w[i] = String2Bytearray(space, list_w[i])
-    return w_list
-def str_partition__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_sub):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_tuple = space.call_method(w_str, "partition", w_sub)
-    w_a, w_b, w_c = space.fixedview(w_tuple, 3)
-    return space.newtuple([
-        String2Bytearray(space, w_a),
-        String2Bytearray(space, w_b),
-        String2Bytearray(space, w_c)])
-def str_rpartition__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_sub):
-    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
-    w_tuple = space.call_method(w_str, "rpartition", w_sub)
-    w_a, w_b, w_c = space.fixedview(w_tuple, 3)
-    return space.newtuple([
-        String2Bytearray(space, w_a),
-        String2Bytearray(space, w_b),
-        String2Bytearray(space, w_c)])
-# __________________________________________________________
-# Mutability methods
-def list_append__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_item):
-    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearraytype import getbytevalue
-    w_bytearray.data.append(getbytevalue(space, w_item))
-def list_extend__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
-    w_bytearray.data += w_other.data
-def list_extend__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
-    if space.isinstance_w(w_other, space.w_unicode):
-        raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap(
-            "bytes string of buffer expected"))
-    w_bytearray.data += [c for c in space.bufferstr_w(w_other)]
-def inplace_add__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
-    list_extend__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2)
-    return w_bytearray1
-def inplace_add__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray1, w_iterable2):
-    list_extend__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray1, w_iterable2)
-    return w_bytearray1
-def delslice__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_start, w_stop):
-    length = len(w_bytearray.data)
-    start, stop = normalize_simple_slice(space, length, w_start, w_stop)
-    if start == stop:
-        return
-    del w_bytearray.data[start:stop]
-def setitem__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_index, w_item):
-    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearraytype import getbytevalue
-    idx = space.getindex_w(w_index, space.w_IndexError, "bytearray index")
-    try:
-        w_bytearray.data[idx] = getbytevalue(space, w_item)
-    except IndexError:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
-                             space.wrap("bytearray index out of range"))
-def setitem__Bytearray_Slice_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_slice, w_other):
-    oldsize = len(w_bytearray.data)
-    start, stop, step, slicelength = w_slice.indices4(space, oldsize)
-    if step != 1:
-        raise OperationError(space.w_NotImplementedError,
-                             space.wrap("fixme: only step=1 for the moment"))
-    _setitem_helper(w_bytearray, start, stop, slicelength,
-                    space.str_w(w_other))
-def _setitem_helper(w_bytearray, start, stop, slicelength, data):
-    assert start >= 0
-    assert stop >= 0
-    step = 1
-    len2 = len(data)
-    delta = slicelength - len2
-    if delta < 0:
-        delta = -delta
-        newsize = len(w_bytearray.data) + delta
-        w_bytearray.data += ['\0'] * delta
-        lim = start + len2
-        i = newsize - 1
-        while i >= lim:
-            w_bytearray.data[i] = w_bytearray.data[i-delta]
-            i -= 1
-    elif start >= 0:
-        del w_bytearray.data[start:start+delta]
-    else:
-        assert delta == 0
-    for i in range(len2):
-        w_bytearray.data[start] = data[i]
-        start += step
-# __________________________________________________________
-# Buffer interface
-class BytearrayBuffer(RWBuffer):
-    def __init__(self, data):
-        self.data = data
-    def getlength(self):
-        return len(self.data)
-    def getitem(self, index):
-        return self.data[index]
-    def setitem(self, index, char):
-        self.data[index] = char
-def buffer__Bytearray(space, self):
-    b = BytearrayBuffer(self.data)
-    return space.wrap(b)
-from pypy.objspace.std import bytearraytype
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError, operationerrfmt
+from pypy.objspace.std.model import registerimplementation, W_Object
+from pypy.objspace.std.register_all import register_all
+from pypy.objspace.std.inttype import wrapint
+from pypy.objspace.std.multimethod import FailedToImplement
+from pypy.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask
+from pypy.rlib.rstring import StringBuilder
+from pypy.objspace.std.intobject import W_IntObject
+from pypy.objspace.std.stringobject import W_StringObject
+from pypy.objspace.std.unicodeobject import W_UnicodeObject
+from pypy.objspace.std.sliceobject import W_SliceObject, normalize_simple_slice
+from pypy.objspace.std import slicetype
+from pypy.interpreter import gateway
+from pypy.interpreter.buffer import RWBuffer
+class W_BytearrayObject(W_Object):
+    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearraytype import bytearray_typedef as typedef
+    def __init__(w_self, data):
+        w_self.data = list(data)
+    def __repr__(w_self):
+        """ representation for debugging purposes """
+        return "%s(%s)" % (w_self.__class__.__name__, ''.join(w_self.data))
+def len__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
+    result = len(w_bytearray.data)
+    return wrapint(space, result)
+def getitem__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_index):
+    # getindex_w should get a second argument space.w_IndexError,
+    # but that doesn't exist the first time this is called.
+    try:
+        w_IndexError = space.w_IndexError
+    except AttributeError:
+        w_IndexError = None
+    index = space.getindex_w(w_index, w_IndexError, "bytearray index")
+    try:
+        return space.newint(ord(w_bytearray.data[index]))
+    except IndexError:
+        raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
+                             space.wrap("bytearray index out of range"))
+def getitem__Bytearray_Slice(space, w_bytearray, w_slice):
+    data = w_bytearray.data
+    length = len(data)
+    start, stop, step, slicelength = w_slice.indices4(space, length)
+    assert slicelength >= 0
+    newdata = [data[start + i*step] for i in range(slicelength)]
+    return W_BytearrayObject(newdata)
+def getslice__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_start, w_stop):
+    length = len(w_bytearray.data)
+    start, stop = normalize_simple_slice(space, length, w_start, w_stop)
+    return W_BytearrayObject(w_bytearray.data[start:stop])
+def contains__Bytearray_Int(space, w_bytearray, w_char):
+    char = w_char.intval
+    if not 0 <= char < 256:
+        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
+                             space.wrap("byte must be in range(0, 256)"))
+    for c in w_bytearray.data:
+        if ord(c) == char:
+            return space.w_True
+    return space.w_False
+def contains__Bytearray_String(space, w_bytearray, w_str):
+    # XXX slow - copies, needs rewriting
+    w_str2 = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    return space.call_method(w_str2, "__contains__", w_str)
+def add__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
+    data1 = w_bytearray1.data
+    data2 = w_bytearray2.data
+    return W_BytearrayObject(data1 + data2)
+def mul_bytearray_times(space, w_bytearray, w_times):
+    try:
+        times = space.getindex_w(w_times, space.w_OverflowError)
+    except OperationError, e:
+        if e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
+            raise FailedToImplement
+        raise
+    if times == 1 and space.type(w_bytearray) == space.w_bytearray:
+        return w_bytearray
+    data = w_bytearray.data
+    return W_BytearrayObject(data * times)
+def mul__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_times):
+    return mul_bytearray_times(space, w_bytearray, w_times)
+def mul__ANY_Bytearray(space, w_times, w_bytearray):
+    return mul_bytearray_times(space, w_bytearray, w_times)
+def eq__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
+    data1 = w_bytearray1.data
+    data2 = w_bytearray2.data
+    if len(data1) != len(data2):
+        return space.w_False
+    for i in range(len(data1)):
+        if data1[i] != data2[i]:
+            return space.w_False
+    return space.w_True
+# bytearray-to-string delegation
+def delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray):
+    return str__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray)
+def String2Bytearray(space, w_str):
+    data = [c for c in space.str_w(w_str)]
+    return W_BytearrayObject(data)
+def eq__Bytearray_String(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
+    return space.eq(delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray), w_other)
+def eq__Bytearray_Unicode(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
+    return space.w_False
+def eq__Unicode_Bytearray(space, w_other, w_bytearray):
+    return space.w_False
+def ne__Bytearray_String(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
+    return space.ne(delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray), w_other)
+def ne__Bytearray_Unicode(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
+    return space.w_True
+def ne__Unicode_Bytearray(space, w_other, w_bytearray):
+    return space.w_True
+def _min(a, b):
+    if a < b:
+        return a
+    return b
+def lt__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
+    data1 = w_bytearray1.data
+    data2 = w_bytearray2.data
+    ncmp = _min(len(data1), len(data2))
+    # Search for the first index where items are different
+    for p in range(ncmp):
+        if data1[p] != data2[p]:
+            return space.newbool(data1[p] < data2[p])
+    # No more items to compare -- compare sizes
+    return space.newbool(len(data1) < len(data2))
+def gt__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
+    data1 = w_bytearray1.data
+    data2 = w_bytearray2.data
+    ncmp = _min(len(data1), len(data2))
+    # Search for the first index where items are different
+    for p in range(ncmp):
+        if data1[p] != data2[p]:
+            return space.newbool(data1[p] > data2[p])
+    # No more items to compare -- compare sizes
+    return space.newbool(len(data1) > len(data2))
+def str_translate__Bytearray_Bytearray_String(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2, w_str):
+    # XXX slow, copies *twice* needs proper implementation
+    w_str_copy = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray1)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str_copy, 'translate', w_bytearray2, w_str)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+# Mostly copied from repr__String, but without the "smart quote"
+# functionality.
+def repr__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
+    s = w_bytearray.data
+    buf = StringBuilder(50)
+    buf.append("bytearray(b'")
+    for i in range(len(s)):
+        c = s[i]
+        if c == '\\' or c == "'":
+            buf.append('\\')
+            buf.append(c)
+        elif c == '\t':
+            buf.append('\\t')
+        elif c == '\r':
+            buf.append('\\r')
+        elif c == '\n':
+            buf.append('\\n')
+        elif not '\x20' <= c < '\x7f':
+            n = ord(c)
+            buf.append('\\x')
+            buf.append("0123456789abcdef"[n>>4])
+            buf.append("0123456789abcdef"[n&0xF])
+        else:
+            buf.append(c)
+    buf.append("')")
+    return space.wrap(buf.build())
+def str__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
+    return W_StringObject(''.join(w_bytearray.data))
+def _convert_idx_params(space, w_self, w_start, w_stop):
+    start = slicetype._Eval_SliceIndex(space, w_start)
+    stop = slicetype._Eval_SliceIndex(space, w_stop)
+    length = len(w_self.data)
+    if start < 0:
+        start += length
+        if start < 0:
+            start = 0
+    if stop < 0:
+        stop += length
+        if stop < 0:
+            stop = 0
+    return start, stop, length
+def str_count__Bytearray_Int_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_char, w_start, w_stop):
+    char = w_char.intval
+    start, stop, length = _convert_idx_params(space, w_bytearray, w_start, w_stop)
+    count = 0
+    for i in range(start, min(stop, length)):
+        c = w_bytearray.data[i]
+        if ord(c) == char:
+            count += 1
+    return space.wrap(count)
+def str_index__Bytearray_Int_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_char, w_start, w_stop):
+    char = w_char.intval
+    start, stop, length = _convert_idx_params(space, w_bytearray, w_start, w_stop)
+    for i in range(start, min(stop, length)):
+        c = w_bytearray.data[i]
+        if ord(c) == char:
+            return space.wrap(i)
+    raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError,
+                         space.wrap("bytearray.index(x): x not in bytearray"))
+def str_join__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_self, w_list):
+    list_w = space.listview(w_list)
+    if not list_w:
+        return W_BytearrayObject([])
+    data = w_self.data
+    reslen = 0
+    for i in range(len(list_w)):
+        w_s = list_w[i]
+        if not (space.is_true(space.isinstance(w_s, space.w_str)) or
+                space.is_true(space.isinstance(w_s, space.w_bytearray))):
+            raise operationerrfmt(
+                space.w_TypeError,
+                "sequence item %d: expected string, %s "
+                "found", i, space.type(w_s).getname(space, '?'))
+        reslen += len(space.str_w(w_s))
+    newdata = []
+    for i in range(len(list_w)):
+        if data and i != 0:
+            newdata.extend(data)
+        newdata.extend([c for c in space.str_w(list_w[i])])
+    return W_BytearrayObject(newdata)
+# These methods could just delegate to the string implementation,
+# but they have to return a bytearray.
+def str_replace__Bytearray_ANY_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_str1, w_str2, w_max):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "replace", w_str1, w_str2, w_max)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_upper__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "upper")
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_lower__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "lower")
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_title__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "title")
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_swapcase__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "swapcase")
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_capitalize__Bytearray(space, w_bytearray):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "capitalize")
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_lstrip__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_chars):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "lstrip", w_chars)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_rstrip__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_chars):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "rstrip", w_chars)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_strip__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_chars):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "strip", w_chars)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_ljust__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_width, w_fillchar):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "ljust", w_width, w_fillchar)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_rjust__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_width, w_fillchar):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "rjust", w_width, w_fillchar)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_center__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_width, w_fillchar):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "center", w_width, w_fillchar)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_zfill__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_width):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "zfill", w_width)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_expandtabs__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_tabsize):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_res = space.call_method(w_str, "expandtabs", w_tabsize)
+    return String2Bytearray(space, w_res)
+def str_split__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_by, w_maxsplit=-1):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_list = space.call_method(w_str, "split", w_by, w_maxsplit)
+    list_w = space.listview(w_list)
+    for i in range(len(list_w)):
+        list_w[i] = String2Bytearray(space, list_w[i])
+    return w_list
+def str_rsplit__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_by, w_maxsplit=-1):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_list = space.call_method(w_str, "rsplit", w_by, w_maxsplit)
+    list_w = space.listview(w_list)
+    for i in range(len(list_w)):
+        list_w[i] = String2Bytearray(space, list_w[i])
+    return w_list
+def str_partition__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_sub):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_tuple = space.call_method(w_str, "partition", w_sub)
+    w_a, w_b, w_c = space.fixedview(w_tuple, 3)
+    return space.newtuple([
+        String2Bytearray(space, w_a),
+        String2Bytearray(space, w_b),
+        String2Bytearray(space, w_c)])
+def str_rpartition__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_sub):
+    w_str = delegate_Bytearray2String(space, w_bytearray)
+    w_tuple = space.call_method(w_str, "rpartition", w_sub)
+    w_a, w_b, w_c = space.fixedview(w_tuple, 3)
+    return space.newtuple([
+        String2Bytearray(space, w_a),
+        String2Bytearray(space, w_b),
+        String2Bytearray(space, w_c)])
+# __________________________________________________________
+# Mutability methods
+def list_append__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_item):
+    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearraytype import getbytevalue
+    w_bytearray.data.append(getbytevalue(space, w_item))
+def list_extend__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
+    w_bytearray.data += w_other.data
+def list_extend__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_other):
+    if space.isinstance_w(w_other, space.w_unicode):
+        raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError, space.wrap(
+            "bytes string of buffer expected"))
+    w_bytearray.data += [c for c in space.bufferstr_w(w_other)]
+def inplace_add__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2):
+    list_extend__Bytearray_Bytearray(space, w_bytearray1, w_bytearray2)
+    return w_bytearray1
+def inplace_add__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray1, w_iterable2):
+    list_extend__Bytearray_ANY(space, w_bytearray1, w_iterable2)
+    return w_bytearray1
+def delslice__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_start, w_stop):
+    length = len(w_bytearray.data)
+    start, stop = normalize_simple_slice(space, length, w_start, w_stop)
+    if start == stop:
+        return
+    del w_bytearray.data[start:stop]
+def setitem__Bytearray_ANY_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_index, w_item):
+    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearraytype import getbytevalue
+    idx = space.getindex_w(w_index, space.w_IndexError, "bytearray index")
+    try:
+        w_bytearray.data[idx] = getbytevalue(space, w_item)
+    except IndexError:
+        raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
+                             space.wrap("bytearray index out of range"))
+def setitem__Bytearray_Slice_ANY(space, w_bytearray, w_slice, w_other):
+    oldsize = len(w_bytearray.data)
+    start, stop, step, slicelength = w_slice.indices4(space, oldsize)
+    if step != 1:
+        raise OperationError(space.w_NotImplementedError,
+                             space.wrap("fixme: only step=1 for the moment"))
+    _setitem_helper(w_bytearray, start, stop, slicelength,
+                    space.str_w(w_other))
+def _setitem_helper(w_bytearray, start, stop, slicelength, data):
+    assert start >= 0
+    assert stop >= 0
+    step = 1
+    len2 = len(data)
+    delta = slicelength - len2
+    if delta < 0:
+        delta = -delta
+        newsize = len(w_bytearray.data) + delta
+        w_bytearray.data += ['\0'] * delta
+        lim = start + len2
+        i = newsize - 1
+        while i >= lim:
+            w_bytearray.data[i] = w_bytearray.data[i-delta]
+            i -= 1
+    elif start >= 0:
+        del w_bytearray.data[start:start+delta]
+    else:
+        assert delta == 0
+    for i in range(len2):
+        w_bytearray.data[start] = data[i]
+        start += step
+# __________________________________________________________
+# Buffer interface
+class BytearrayBuffer(RWBuffer):
+    def __init__(self, data):
+        self.data = data
+    def getlength(self):
+        return len(self.data)
+    def getitem(self, index):
+        return self.data[index]
+    def setitem(self, index, char):
+        self.data[index] = char
+def buffer__Bytearray(space, self):
+    b = BytearrayBuffer(self.data)
+    return space.wrap(b)
+from pypy.objspace.std import bytearraytype
 register_all(vars(), bytearraytype)
\ No newline at end of file

diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/bytearraytype.py b/pypy/objspace/std/bytearraytype.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/bytearraytype.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/bytearraytype.py
@@ -1,116 +1,116 @@
-import sys
-from pypy.interpreter import gateway
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import ObjSpace, W_Root
-from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
-from pypy.objspace.std.register_all import register_all
-from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import StdTypeDef, SMM
-from pypy.objspace.std.stringtype import (
-    str_decode,
-    str_count, str_index, str_rindex, str_find, str_rfind, str_replace,
-    str_startswith, str_endswith, str_islower, str_isupper, str_isalpha,
-    str_isalnum, str_isdigit, str_isspace, str_istitle,
-    str_upper, str_lower, str_title, str_swapcase, str_capitalize,
-    str_expandtabs, str_lstrip, str_rstrip, str_strip,
-    str_ljust, str_rjust, str_center, str_zfill,
-    str_join, str_split, str_rsplit, str_partition, str_rpartition,
-    str_splitlines, str_translate)
-from pypy.objspace.std.listtype import (
-    list_append, list_extend)
-def getbytevalue(space, w_value):
-    if space.isinstance_w(w_value, space.w_str):
-        string = space.str_w(w_value)
-        if len(string) != 1:
-            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
-                "string must be of size 1"))
-        return string[0]
-    value = space.getindex_w(w_value, None)
-    if not 0 <= value < 256:
-        # this includes the OverflowError in case the long is too large
-        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
-            "byte must be in range(0, 256)"))
-    return chr(value)
-def new_bytearray(space, w_bytearraytype, data):
-    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearrayobject import W_BytearrayObject
-    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_BytearrayObject, w_bytearraytype)
-    W_BytearrayObject.__init__(w_obj, data)
-    return w_obj
- at gateway.unwrap_spec(ObjSpace, W_Root, W_Root, W_Root, W_Root)
-def descr__new__(space, w_bytearraytype,
-                 w_source='', w_encoding=None, w_errors=None):
-    data = []
-    # Unicode argument
-    if not space.is_w(w_encoding, space.w_None):
-        from pypy.objspace.std.unicodetype import (
-            _get_encoding_and_errors, encode_object
-        )
-        encoding, errors = _get_encoding_and_errors(space, w_encoding, space.w_None)
-        # if w_source is an integer this correctly raises a TypeError
-        # the CPython error message is: "encoding or errors without a string argument"
-        # ours is: "expected unicode, got int object"
-        w_source = encode_object(space, w_source, encoding, errors)
-    # String-like argument
-    try:
-        string = space.str_w(w_source)
-    except OperationError, e:
-        if not e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
-            raise
-    else:
-        data = [c for c in string]
-        return new_bytearray(space, w_bytearraytype, data)
-    # Is it an int?
-    try:
-        count = space.int_w(w_source)
-    except OperationError, e:
-        if not e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
-            raise
-    else:
-        data = ['\0'] * count
-        return new_bytearray(space, w_bytearraytype, data)
-    # sequence of bytes
-    w_iter = space.iter(w_source)
-    while True:
-        try:
-            w_item = space.next(w_iter)
-        except OperationError, e:
-            if not e.match(space, space.w_StopIteration):
-                raise
-            break
-        value = getbytevalue(space, w_item)
-        data.append(value)
-    return new_bytearray(space, w_bytearraytype, data)
- at gateway.unwrap_spec(gateway.ObjSpace, gateway.W_Root)
-def descr_bytearray__reduce__(space, w_self):
-    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearrayobject import W_BytearrayObject
-    assert isinstance(w_self, W_BytearrayObject)
-    w_dict = w_self.getdict()
-    if w_dict is None:
-        w_dict = space.w_None
-    return space.newtuple([
-        space.type(w_self), space.newtuple([
-            space.wrap(''.join(w_self.data).decode('latin-1')),
-            space.wrap('latin-1')]),
-        w_dict])
-# ____________________________________________________________
-bytearray_typedef = StdTypeDef("bytearray",
-    __doc__ = '''bytearray() -> an empty bytearray
-bytearray(sequence) -> bytearray initialized from sequence\'s items
-If the argument is a bytearray, the return value is the same object.''',
-    __new__ = gateway.interp2app(descr__new__),
-    __hash__ = None,
-    __reduce__ = gateway.interp2app(descr_bytearray__reduce__),
-    )
+import sys
+from pypy.interpreter import gateway
+from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import ObjSpace, W_Root
+from pypy.interpreter.error import OperationError
+from pypy.objspace.std.register_all import register_all
+from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import StdTypeDef, SMM
+from pypy.objspace.std.stringtype import (
+    str_decode,
+    str_count, str_index, str_rindex, str_find, str_rfind, str_replace,
+    str_startswith, str_endswith, str_islower, str_isupper, str_isalpha,
+    str_isalnum, str_isdigit, str_isspace, str_istitle,
+    str_upper, str_lower, str_title, str_swapcase, str_capitalize,
+    str_expandtabs, str_lstrip, str_rstrip, str_strip,
+    str_ljust, str_rjust, str_center, str_zfill,
+    str_join, str_split, str_rsplit, str_partition, str_rpartition,
+    str_splitlines, str_translate)
+from pypy.objspace.std.listtype import (
+    list_append, list_extend)
+def getbytevalue(space, w_value):
+    if space.isinstance_w(w_value, space.w_str):
+        string = space.str_w(w_value)
+        if len(string) != 1:
+            raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
+                "string must be of size 1"))
+        return string[0]
+    value = space.getindex_w(w_value, None)
+    if not 0 <= value < 256:
+        # this includes the OverflowError in case the long is too large
+        raise OperationError(space.w_ValueError, space.wrap(
+            "byte must be in range(0, 256)"))
+    return chr(value)
+def new_bytearray(space, w_bytearraytype, data):
+    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearrayobject import W_BytearrayObject
+    w_obj = space.allocate_instance(W_BytearrayObject, w_bytearraytype)
+    W_BytearrayObject.__init__(w_obj, data)
+    return w_obj
+ at gateway.unwrap_spec(ObjSpace, W_Root, W_Root, W_Root, W_Root)
+def descr__new__(space, w_bytearraytype,
+                 w_source='', w_encoding=None, w_errors=None):
+    data = []
+    # Unicode argument
+    if not space.is_w(w_encoding, space.w_None):
+        from pypy.objspace.std.unicodetype import (
+            _get_encoding_and_errors, encode_object
+        )
+        encoding, errors = _get_encoding_and_errors(space, w_encoding, space.w_None)
+        # if w_source is an integer this correctly raises a TypeError
+        # the CPython error message is: "encoding or errors without a string argument"
+        # ours is: "expected unicode, got int object"
+        w_source = encode_object(space, w_source, encoding, errors)
+    # String-like argument
+    try:
+        string = space.str_w(w_source)
+    except OperationError, e:
+        if not e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
+            raise
+    else:
+        data = [c for c in string]
+        return new_bytearray(space, w_bytearraytype, data)
+    # Is it an int?
+    try:
+        count = space.int_w(w_source)
+    except OperationError, e:
+        if not e.match(space, space.w_TypeError):
+            raise
+    else:
+        data = ['\0'] * count
+        return new_bytearray(space, w_bytearraytype, data)
+    # sequence of bytes
+    w_iter = space.iter(w_source)
+    while True:
+        try:
+            w_item = space.next(w_iter)
+        except OperationError, e:
+            if not e.match(space, space.w_StopIteration):
+                raise
+            break
+        value = getbytevalue(space, w_item)
+        data.append(value)
+    return new_bytearray(space, w_bytearraytype, data)
+ at gateway.unwrap_spec(gateway.ObjSpace, gateway.W_Root)
+def descr_bytearray__reduce__(space, w_self):
+    from pypy.objspace.std.bytearrayobject import W_BytearrayObject
+    assert isinstance(w_self, W_BytearrayObject)
+    w_dict = w_self.getdict()
+    if w_dict is None:
+        w_dict = space.w_None
+    return space.newtuple([
+        space.type(w_self), space.newtuple([
+            space.wrap(''.join(w_self.data).decode('latin-1')),
+            space.wrap('latin-1')]),
+        w_dict])
+# ____________________________________________________________
+bytearray_typedef = StdTypeDef("bytearray",
+    __doc__ = '''bytearray() -> an empty bytearray
+bytearray(sequence) -> bytearray initialized from sequence\'s items
+If the argument is a bytearray, the return value is the same object.''',
+    __new__ = gateway.interp2app(descr__new__),
+    __hash__ = None,
+    __reduce__ = gateway.interp2app(descr_bytearray__reduce__),
+    )

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