[pypy-commit] pypy shadowstack-perf: Rewrite the gc_push_roots/gc_pop_roots logic, first version.

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sat Jul 2 12:04:01 CEST 2011

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: shadowstack-perf
Changeset: r45261:4a40f7db1471
Date: 2011-07-02 12:11 +0200

Log:	Rewrite the gc_push_roots/gc_pop_roots logic, first version. This
	acquires a bunch of locations at the start of the function, and
	releases them only at the end.

diff --git a/pypy/rpython/llinterp.py b/pypy/rpython/llinterp.py
--- a/pypy/rpython/llinterp.py
+++ b/pypy/rpython/llinterp.py
@@ -1018,7 +1018,11 @@
     def op_raw_store(self, addr, typ, offset, value):
-        assert lltype.typeOf(value) == typ
+        if typ is llmemory.Address:
+            if lltype.typeOf(value) != typ:
+                value = llmemory.cast_ptr_to_adr(value)
+        else:
+            assert lltype.typeOf(value) == typ
         getattr(addr, str(typ).lower())[offset] = value
     def op_stack_malloc(self, size): # mmh
diff --git a/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/framework.py b/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/framework.py
--- a/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/framework.py
+++ b/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/framework.py
@@ -250,9 +250,13 @@
                                        inline = True)
+            self.get_stack_top_ptr = getfn(root_walker.get_stack_top,
+                                           [], annmodel.SomeAddress(),
+                                           inline = True)
             self.incr_stack_ptr = None
             self.decr_stack_ptr = None
+            self.get_stack_top_ptr = None
         self.weakref_deref_ptr = self.inittime_helper(
             ll_weakref_deref, [llmemory.WeakRefPtr], llmemory.Address)
@@ -525,7 +529,11 @@
         self.c_vtinfo_skip_offset = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.typeOf(sko), sko)
     def build_root_walker(self):
-        return ShadowStackRootWalker(self)
+        from pypy.rpython.memory.gctransform import shadowstack
+        return shadowstack.ShadowStackRootWalker(self)
+    def postprocess_graph(self, graph):
+        self.root_walker.postprocess_graph(self, graph)
     def consider_constant(self, TYPE, value):
         self.layoutbuilder.consider_constant(TYPE, value, self.gcdata.gc)
@@ -1182,35 +1190,16 @@
         if self.incr_stack_ptr is None:
         livevars = self.get_livevars_for_roots(hop, keep_current_args)
-        self.num_pushs += len(livevars)
-        if not livevars:
-            return []
-        c_len = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Signed, len(livevars) )
-        base_addr = hop.genop("direct_call", [self.incr_stack_ptr, c_len ],
-                              resulttype=llmemory.Address)
-        c_type = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Void, llmemory.Address)
-        for k,var in enumerate(livevars):
-            c_k = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Signed, k)
-            v_adr = gen_cast(hop.llops, llmemory.Address, var)
-            hop.genop("raw_store", [base_addr, c_type, c_k, v_adr])
+        if livevars:
+            self.num_pushs += len(livevars)
+            hop.genop("gc_push_roots", livevars)
         return livevars
     def pop_roots(self, hop, livevars):
         if self.decr_stack_ptr is None:
-        if not livevars:
-            return
-        c_len = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Signed, len(livevars) )
-        base_addr = hop.genop("direct_call", [self.decr_stack_ptr, c_len ],
-                              resulttype=llmemory.Address)
-        if self.gcdata.gc.moving_gc:
-            # for moving collectors, reload the roots into the local variables
-            c_type = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Void, llmemory.Address)
-            for k,var in enumerate(livevars):
-                c_k = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Signed, k)
-                v_newaddr = hop.genop("raw_load", [base_addr, c_type, c_k],
-                                      resulttype=llmemory.Address)
-                hop.genop("gc_reload_possibly_moved", [v_newaddr, var])
+        if livevars:
+            hop.genop("gc_pop_roots", livevars)
     def compute_borrowed_vars(self, graph):
         # XXX temporary workaround, should be done more correctly
@@ -1324,215 +1313,5 @@
         raise Exception("%s does not support threads" % (
-class ShadowStackRootWalker(BaseRootWalker):
-    need_root_stack = True
-    collect_stacks_from_other_threads = None
-    def __init__(self, gctransformer):
-        BaseRootWalker.__init__(self, gctransformer)
-        self.rootstacksize = sizeofaddr * gctransformer.root_stack_depth
-        # NB. 'self' is frozen, but we can use self.gcdata to store state
-        gcdata = self.gcdata
-        def incr_stack(n):
-            top = gcdata.root_stack_top
-            gcdata.root_stack_top = top + n*sizeofaddr
-            return top
-        self.incr_stack = incr_stack
-        def decr_stack(n):
-            top = gcdata.root_stack_top - n*sizeofaddr
-            gcdata.root_stack_top = top
-            return top
-        self.decr_stack = decr_stack
-        self.rootstackhook = gctransformer.root_stack_jit_hook
-        if self.rootstackhook is None:
-            def collect_stack_root(callback, gc, addr):
-                if gc.points_to_valid_gc_object(addr):
-                    callback(gc, addr)
-                return sizeofaddr
-            self.rootstackhook = collect_stack_root
-    def push_stack(self, addr):
-        top = self.incr_stack(1)
-        top.address[0] = addr
-    def pop_stack(self):
-        top = self.decr_stack(1)
-        return top.address[0]
-    def allocate_stack(self):
-        return llmemory.raw_malloc(self.rootstacksize)
-    def setup_root_walker(self):
-        stackbase = self.allocate_stack()
-        ll_assert(bool(stackbase), "could not allocate root stack")
-        self.gcdata.root_stack_top  = stackbase
-        self.gcdata.root_stack_base = stackbase
-        BaseRootWalker.setup_root_walker(self)
-    def walk_stack_roots(self, collect_stack_root):
-        gcdata = self.gcdata
-        gc = self.gc
-        rootstackhook = self.rootstackhook
-        addr = gcdata.root_stack_base
-        end = gcdata.root_stack_top
-        while addr != end:
-            addr += rootstackhook(collect_stack_root, gc, addr)
-        if self.collect_stacks_from_other_threads is not None:
-            self.collect_stacks_from_other_threads(collect_stack_root)
-    def need_thread_support(self, gctransformer, getfn):
-        from pypy.module.thread import ll_thread    # xxx fish
-        from pypy.rpython.memory.support import AddressDict
-        from pypy.rpython.memory.support import copy_without_null_values
-        gcdata = self.gcdata
-        # the interfacing between the threads and the GC is done via
-        # three completely ad-hoc operations at the moment:
-        # gc_thread_prepare, gc_thread_run, gc_thread_die.
-        # See docstrings below.
-        def get_aid():
-            """Return the thread identifier, cast to an (opaque) address."""
-            return llmemory.cast_int_to_adr(ll_thread.get_ident())
-        def thread_setup():
-            """Called once when the program starts."""
-            aid = get_aid()
-            gcdata.main_thread = aid
-            gcdata.active_thread = aid
-            gcdata.thread_stacks = AddressDict()     # {aid: root_stack_top}
-            gcdata._fresh_rootstack = llmemory.NULL
-            gcdata.dead_threads_count = 0
-        def thread_prepare():
-            """Called just before thread.start_new_thread().  This
-            allocates a new shadow stack to be used by the future
-            thread.  If memory runs out, this raises a MemoryError
-            (which can be handled by the caller instead of just getting
-            ignored if it was raised in the newly starting thread).
-            """
-            if not gcdata._fresh_rootstack:
-                gcdata._fresh_rootstack = self.allocate_stack()
-                if not gcdata._fresh_rootstack:
-                    raise MemoryError
-        def thread_run():
-            """Called whenever the current thread (re-)acquired the GIL.
-            This should ensure that the shadow stack installed in
-            gcdata.root_stack_top/root_stack_base is the one corresponding
-            to the current thread.
-            """
-            aid = get_aid()
-            if gcdata.active_thread != aid:
-                switch_shadow_stacks(aid)
-        def thread_die():
-            """Called just before the final GIL release done by a dying
-            thread.  After a thread_die(), no more gc operation should
-            occur in this thread.
-            """
-            aid = get_aid()
-            if aid == gcdata.main_thread:
-                return   # ignore calls to thread_die() in the main thread
-                         # (which can occur after a fork()).
-            gcdata.thread_stacks.setitem(aid, llmemory.NULL)
-            old = gcdata.root_stack_base
-            if gcdata._fresh_rootstack == llmemory.NULL:
-                gcdata._fresh_rootstack = old
-            else:
-                llmemory.raw_free(old)
-            install_new_stack(gcdata.main_thread)
-            # from time to time, rehash the dictionary to remove
-            # old NULL entries
-            gcdata.dead_threads_count += 1
-            if (gcdata.dead_threads_count & 511) == 0:
-                gcdata.thread_stacks = copy_without_null_values(
-                    gcdata.thread_stacks)
-        def switch_shadow_stacks(new_aid):
-            save_away_current_stack()
-            install_new_stack(new_aid)
-        switch_shadow_stacks._dont_inline_ = True
-        def save_away_current_stack():
-            old_aid = gcdata.active_thread
-            # save root_stack_base on the top of the stack
-            self.push_stack(gcdata.root_stack_base)
-            # store root_stack_top into the dictionary
-            gcdata.thread_stacks.setitem(old_aid, gcdata.root_stack_top)
-        def install_new_stack(new_aid):
-            # look for the new stack top
-            top = gcdata.thread_stacks.get(new_aid, llmemory.NULL)
-            if top == llmemory.NULL:
-                # first time we see this thread.  It is an error if no
-                # fresh new stack is waiting.
-                base = gcdata._fresh_rootstack
-                gcdata._fresh_rootstack = llmemory.NULL
-                ll_assert(base != llmemory.NULL, "missing gc_thread_prepare")
-                gcdata.root_stack_top = base
-                gcdata.root_stack_base = base
-            else:
-                # restore the root_stack_base from the top of the stack
-                gcdata.root_stack_top = top
-                gcdata.root_stack_base = self.pop_stack()
-            # done
-            gcdata.active_thread = new_aid
-        def collect_stack(aid, stacktop, callback):
-            if stacktop != llmemory.NULL and aid != gcdata.active_thread:
-                # collect all valid stacks from the dict (the entry
-                # corresponding to the current thread is not valid)
-                gc = self.gc
-                rootstackhook = self.rootstackhook
-                end = stacktop - sizeofaddr
-                addr = end.address[0]
-                while addr != end:
-                    addr += rootstackhook(callback, gc, addr)
-        def collect_more_stacks(callback):
-            ll_assert(get_aid() == gcdata.active_thread,
-                      "collect_more_stacks(): invalid active_thread")
-            gcdata.thread_stacks.foreach(collect_stack, callback)
-        def _free_if_not_current(aid, stacktop, _):
-            if stacktop != llmemory.NULL and aid != gcdata.active_thread:
-                end = stacktop - sizeofaddr
-                base = end.address[0]
-                llmemory.raw_free(base)
-        def thread_after_fork(result_of_fork, opaqueaddr):
-            # we don't need a thread_before_fork in this case, so
-            # opaqueaddr == NULL.  This is called after fork().
-            if result_of_fork == 0:
-                # We are in the child process.  Assumes that only the
-                # current thread survived, so frees the shadow stacks
-                # of all the other ones.
-                gcdata.thread_stacks.foreach(_free_if_not_current, None)
-                # Clears the dict (including the current thread, which
-                # was an invalid entry anyway and will be recreated by
-                # the next call to save_away_current_stack()).
-                gcdata.thread_stacks.clear()
-                # Finally, reset the stored thread IDs, in case it
-                # changed because of fork().  Also change the main
-                # thread to the current one (because there is not any
-                # other left).
-                aid = get_aid()
-                gcdata.main_thread = aid
-                gcdata.active_thread = aid
-        self.thread_setup = thread_setup
-        self.thread_prepare_ptr = getfn(thread_prepare, [], annmodel.s_None)
-        self.thread_run_ptr = getfn(thread_run, [], annmodel.s_None,
-                                    inline=True)
-        # no thread_start_ptr here
-        self.thread_die_ptr = getfn(thread_die, [], annmodel.s_None)
-        # no thread_before_fork_ptr here
-        self.thread_after_fork_ptr = getfn(thread_after_fork,
-                                           [annmodel.SomeInteger(),
-                                            annmodel.SomeAddress()],
-                                           annmodel.s_None)
-        self.collect_stacks_from_other_threads = collect_more_stacks
+    def postprocess_graph(self, gct, graph):
+        pass
diff --git a/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/shadowstack.py b/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/shadowstack.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/shadowstack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,310 @@
+from pypy.rpython.rtyper import LowLevelOpList
+from pypy.rpython.memory.gctransform.framework import BaseRootWalker
+from pypy.rpython.memory.gctransform.framework import sizeofaddr
+from pypy.rpython import rmodel
+from pypy.rlib.debug import ll_assert
+from pypy.rpython.lltypesystem import lltype, llmemory
+from pypy.tool.algo.regalloc import perform_register_allocation
+from pypy.translator.backendopt.ssa import DataFlowFamilyBuilder
+from pypy.translator.unsimplify import copyvar
+from pypy.objspace.flow.model import Block, Link, checkgraph
+class ShadowStackRootWalker(BaseRootWalker):
+    need_root_stack = True
+    collect_stacks_from_other_threads = None
+    def __init__(self, gctransformer):
+        BaseRootWalker.__init__(self, gctransformer)
+        self.rootstacksize = sizeofaddr * gctransformer.root_stack_depth
+        # NB. 'self' is frozen, but we can use self.gcdata to store state
+        gcdata = self.gcdata
+        def incr_stack(n):
+            top = gcdata.root_stack_top
+            gcdata.root_stack_top = top + n*sizeofaddr
+            return top
+        self.incr_stack = incr_stack
+        def decr_stack(n):
+            top = gcdata.root_stack_top - n*sizeofaddr
+            gcdata.root_stack_top = top
+            return top
+        self.decr_stack = decr_stack
+        def get_stack_top():
+            return gcdata.root_stack_top
+        self.get_stack_top = get_stack_top
+        self.rootstackhook = gctransformer.root_stack_jit_hook
+        if self.rootstackhook is None:
+            def collect_stack_root(callback, gc, addr):
+                if gc.points_to_valid_gc_object(addr):
+                    callback(gc, addr)
+                return sizeofaddr
+            self.rootstackhook = collect_stack_root
+    def push_stack(self, addr):
+        top = self.incr_stack(1)
+        top.address[0] = addr
+    def pop_stack(self):
+        top = self.decr_stack(1)
+        return top.address[0]
+    def allocate_stack(self):
+        return llmemory.raw_malloc(self.rootstacksize)
+    def setup_root_walker(self):
+        stackbase = self.allocate_stack()
+        ll_assert(bool(stackbase), "could not allocate root stack")
+        self.gcdata.root_stack_top  = stackbase
+        self.gcdata.root_stack_base = stackbase
+        BaseRootWalker.setup_root_walker(self)
+    def walk_stack_roots(self, collect_stack_root):
+        gcdata = self.gcdata
+        gc = self.gc
+        rootstackhook = self.rootstackhook
+        addr = gcdata.root_stack_base
+        end = gcdata.root_stack_top
+        while addr != end:
+            addr += rootstackhook(collect_stack_root, gc, addr)
+        if self.collect_stacks_from_other_threads is not None:
+            self.collect_stacks_from_other_threads(collect_stack_root)
+    def need_thread_support(self, gctransformer, getfn):
+        from pypy.module.thread import ll_thread    # xxx fish
+        from pypy.rpython.memory.support import AddressDict
+        from pypy.rpython.memory.support import copy_without_null_values
+        gcdata = self.gcdata
+        # the interfacing between the threads and the GC is done via
+        # three completely ad-hoc operations at the moment:
+        # gc_thread_prepare, gc_thread_run, gc_thread_die.
+        # See docstrings below.
+        def get_aid():
+            """Return the thread identifier, cast to an (opaque) address."""
+            return llmemory.cast_int_to_adr(ll_thread.get_ident())
+        def thread_setup():
+            """Called once when the program starts."""
+            aid = get_aid()
+            gcdata.main_thread = aid
+            gcdata.active_thread = aid
+            gcdata.thread_stacks = AddressDict()     # {aid: root_stack_top}
+            gcdata._fresh_rootstack = llmemory.NULL
+            gcdata.dead_threads_count = 0
+        def thread_prepare():
+            """Called just before thread.start_new_thread().  This
+            allocates a new shadow stack to be used by the future
+            thread.  If memory runs out, this raises a MemoryError
+            (which can be handled by the caller instead of just getting
+            ignored if it was raised in the newly starting thread).
+            """
+            if not gcdata._fresh_rootstack:
+                gcdata._fresh_rootstack = self.allocate_stack()
+                if not gcdata._fresh_rootstack:
+                    raise MemoryError
+        def thread_run():
+            """Called whenever the current thread (re-)acquired the GIL.
+            This should ensure that the shadow stack installed in
+            gcdata.root_stack_top/root_stack_base is the one corresponding
+            to the current thread.
+            """
+            aid = get_aid()
+            if gcdata.active_thread != aid:
+                switch_shadow_stacks(aid)
+        def thread_die():
+            """Called just before the final GIL release done by a dying
+            thread.  After a thread_die(), no more gc operation should
+            occur in this thread.
+            """
+            aid = get_aid()
+            if aid == gcdata.main_thread:
+                return   # ignore calls to thread_die() in the main thread
+                         # (which can occur after a fork()).
+            gcdata.thread_stacks.setitem(aid, llmemory.NULL)
+            old = gcdata.root_stack_base
+            if gcdata._fresh_rootstack == llmemory.NULL:
+                gcdata._fresh_rootstack = old
+            else:
+                llmemory.raw_free(old)
+            install_new_stack(gcdata.main_thread)
+            # from time to time, rehash the dictionary to remove
+            # old NULL entries
+            gcdata.dead_threads_count += 1
+            if (gcdata.dead_threads_count & 511) == 0:
+                gcdata.thread_stacks = copy_without_null_values(
+                    gcdata.thread_stacks)
+        def switch_shadow_stacks(new_aid):
+            save_away_current_stack()
+            install_new_stack(new_aid)
+        switch_shadow_stacks._dont_inline_ = True
+        def save_away_current_stack():
+            old_aid = gcdata.active_thread
+            # save root_stack_base on the top of the stack
+            self.push_stack(gcdata.root_stack_base)
+            # store root_stack_top into the dictionary
+            gcdata.thread_stacks.setitem(old_aid, gcdata.root_stack_top)
+        def install_new_stack(new_aid):
+            # look for the new stack top
+            top = gcdata.thread_stacks.get(new_aid, llmemory.NULL)
+            if top == llmemory.NULL:
+                # first time we see this thread.  It is an error if no
+                # fresh new stack is waiting.
+                base = gcdata._fresh_rootstack
+                gcdata._fresh_rootstack = llmemory.NULL
+                ll_assert(base != llmemory.NULL, "missing gc_thread_prepare")
+                gcdata.root_stack_top = base
+                gcdata.root_stack_base = base
+            else:
+                # restore the root_stack_base from the top of the stack
+                gcdata.root_stack_top = top
+                gcdata.root_stack_base = self.pop_stack()
+            # done
+            gcdata.active_thread = new_aid
+        def collect_stack(aid, stacktop, callback):
+            if stacktop != llmemory.NULL and aid != gcdata.active_thread:
+                # collect all valid stacks from the dict (the entry
+                # corresponding to the current thread is not valid)
+                gc = self.gc
+                rootstackhook = self.rootstackhook
+                end = stacktop - sizeofaddr
+                addr = end.address[0]
+                while addr != end:
+                    addr += rootstackhook(callback, gc, addr)
+        def collect_more_stacks(callback):
+            ll_assert(get_aid() == gcdata.active_thread,
+                      "collect_more_stacks(): invalid active_thread")
+            gcdata.thread_stacks.foreach(collect_stack, callback)
+        def _free_if_not_current(aid, stacktop, _):
+            if stacktop != llmemory.NULL and aid != gcdata.active_thread:
+                end = stacktop - sizeofaddr
+                base = end.address[0]
+                llmemory.raw_free(base)
+        def thread_after_fork(result_of_fork, opaqueaddr):
+            # we don't need a thread_before_fork in this case, so
+            # opaqueaddr == NULL.  This is called after fork().
+            if result_of_fork == 0:
+                # We are in the child process.  Assumes that only the
+                # current thread survived, so frees the shadow stacks
+                # of all the other ones.
+                gcdata.thread_stacks.foreach(_free_if_not_current, None)
+                # Clears the dict (including the current thread, which
+                # was an invalid entry anyway and will be recreated by
+                # the next call to save_away_current_stack()).
+                gcdata.thread_stacks.clear()
+                # Finally, reset the stored thread IDs, in case it
+                # changed because of fork().  Also change the main
+                # thread to the current one (because there is not any
+                # other left).
+                aid = get_aid()
+                gcdata.main_thread = aid
+                gcdata.active_thread = aid
+        self.thread_setup = thread_setup
+        self.thread_prepare_ptr = getfn(thread_prepare, [], annmodel.s_None)
+        self.thread_run_ptr = getfn(thread_run, [], annmodel.s_None,
+                                    inline=True)
+        # no thread_start_ptr here
+        self.thread_die_ptr = getfn(thread_die, [], annmodel.s_None)
+        # no thread_before_fork_ptr here
+        self.thread_after_fork_ptr = getfn(thread_after_fork,
+                                           [annmodel.SomeInteger(),
+                                            annmodel.SomeAddress()],
+                                           annmodel.s_None)
+        self.collect_stacks_from_other_threads = collect_more_stacks
+    def postprocess_graph(self, gct, graph):
+        """Collect information about the gc_push_roots and gc_pop_roots
+        added in this complete graph, and replace them with real operations.
+        """
+        #
+        # Use the SSA builder to find "spans" of variables that come a
+        # single point but may extend over several blocks.
+        spans = DataFlowFamilyBuilder(graph).get_variable_families()
+        interesting_vars = set()
+        for block in graph.iterblocks():
+            for op in block.operations:
+                if op.opname in ('gc_push_roots', 'gc_pop_roots'):
+                    for v in op.args:
+                        interesting_vars.add(spans.find_rep(v))
+        if not interesting_vars:
+            return
+        #
+        def is_interesting(v):
+            return spans.find_rep(v) in interesting_vars
+        regalloc = perform_register_allocation(graph, is_interesting)
+        numcolors = max([regalloc.getcolor(v) for v in interesting_vars]) + 1
+        #
+        # Compute the set of "useless stores", i.e. the Variables in the
+        # gc_push_roots that are storing the same value as the one previously
+        # loaded from the same index.
+        #useless_stores = self.compute_useless_stores(graph)
+        #
+        # Put at the start of the graph: "incr_stack(); fill with zeroes"
+        llops = LowLevelOpList()
+        c_numcolors = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Signed, numcolors)
+        base_addr = llops.genop("direct_call", [gct.incr_stack_ptr,
+                                                c_numcolors],
+                                resulttype=llmemory.Address)
+        c_type = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Void, llmemory.Address)
+        c_null = rmodel.inputconst(llmemory.Address, llmemory.NULL)
+        for k in range(numcolors):
+            c_k = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Signed, k)
+            llops.genop("raw_store", [base_addr, c_type, c_k, c_null])
+        graph.startblock.operations[:0] = llops
+        #
+        # Put at the end of the graph: "decr_stack()"
+        llops = LowLevelOpList()
+        llops.genop("direct_call", [gct.decr_stack_ptr, c_numcolors],
+                    resulttype=llmemory.Address)
+        block = graph.returnblock
+        block.operations = list(llops)
+        [v_return] = block.inputargs
+        v_return2 = copyvar(gct.translator.annotator, v_return)
+        newexitblock = Block([v_return2])
+        newexitblock.operations = ()
+        newexitblock.exits = ()
+        block.recloseblock(Link([v_return], newexitblock))
+        graph.returnblock = newexitblock
+        #
+        # We replace gc_push_roots/gc_pop_roots with individual
+        # operations raw_store/raw_load
+        for block in graph.iterblocks():
+            if block.operations == ():
+                continue
+            llops = LowLevelOpList()
+            for op in block.operations:
+                if op.opname not in ("gc_push_roots", "gc_pop_roots"):
+                    llops.append(op)
+                    continue
+                top_addr = llops.genop("direct_call",
+                                       [gct.get_stack_top_ptr],
+                                       resulttype=llmemory.Address)
+                for v in op.args:
+                    k = regalloc.getcolor(v) - numcolors
+                    assert -numcolors <= k < 0
+                    c_k = rmodel.inputconst(lltype.Signed, k)
+                    if op.opname == "gc_push_roots":
+                        llops.genop("raw_store", [top_addr, c_type, c_k, v])
+                    else:
+                        v_newaddr = llops.genop("raw_load",
+                                                [top_addr, c_type, c_k],
+                                                resulttype=llmemory.Address)
+                        llops.genop("gc_reload_possibly_moved", [v_newaddr, v])
+            block.operations[:] = llops
+        #
+        checkgraph(graph)
diff --git a/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/transform.py b/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/transform.py
--- a/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/transform.py
+++ b/pypy/rpython/memory/gctransform/transform.py
@@ -259,6 +259,8 @@
                     insert_empty_block(self.translator.annotator, link, llops)
+        self.postprocess_graph(graph)
         # remove the empty block at the start of the graph, which should
         # still be empty (but let's check)
         if starts_with_empty_block(graph) and inserted_empty_startblock:
@@ -277,6 +279,9 @@
         graph.exc_cleanup = (v, list(llops))
         return is_borrowed    # xxx for tests only
+    def postprocess_graph(self, graph):
+        pass
     def annotate_helper(self, ll_helper, ll_args, ll_result, inline=False):
         assert not self.finished_helpers
         args_s = map(annmodel.lltype_to_annotation, ll_args)
diff --git a/pypy/tool/algo/regalloc.py b/pypy/tool/algo/regalloc.py
--- a/pypy/tool/algo/regalloc.py
+++ b/pypy/tool/algo/regalloc.py
@@ -94,7 +94,8 @@
                     self._try_coalesce(v, link.target.inputargs[i])
     def _try_coalesce(self, v, w):
-        if isinstance(v, Variable) and self.consider_var(v):
+        if (isinstance(v, Variable) and self.consider_var(v)
+                                    and self.consider_var(w)):
             dg = self._depgraph
             uf = self._unionfind
             v0 = uf.find_rep(v)

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