[pypy-commit] pypy ffi-backend: Kill again this module; found a way to enable the normal built-in module

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Aug 6 20:28:34 CEST 2012

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: ffi-backend
Changeset: r56610:24f343eafd79
Date: 2012-08-06 17:48 +0000

Log:	Kill again this module; found a way to enable the normal built-in
	module for now.

diff --git a/lib_pypy/_rawffi.py b/lib_pypy/_rawffi.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib_pypy/_rawffi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-import _cffi_backend
-cffi_type_void    = _cffi_backend.new_void_type()
-cffi_type_pointer = _cffi_backend.new_pointer_type(cffi_type_void)
-cffi_type_char    = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("char")
-cffi_type_schar   = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("signed char")
-cffi_type_uchar   = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("unsigned char")
-cffi_type_short   = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("short")
-cffi_type_ushort  = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("unsigned short")
-cffi_type_int     = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("int")
-cffi_type_uint    = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("unsigned int")
-cffi_type_long    = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("long")
-cffi_type_ulong   = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("unsigned long")
-cffi_type_longlong   = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("long long")
-cffi_type_ulonglong  = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("unsigned long long")
-cffi_type_float   = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("float")
-cffi_type_double  = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("double")
-cffi_type_longdouble = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("long double")
-cffi_type_wchar_t = _cffi_backend.new_primitive_type("wchar_t")
-cffi_types = {
-    'c': cffi_type_char,
-    'b': cffi_type_schar,
-    'B': cffi_type_uchar,
-    'h': cffi_type_short,
-    'u': cffi_type_wchar_t,
-    'H': cffi_type_ushort,
-    'i': cffi_type_int,
-    'I': cffi_type_uint,
-    'l': cffi_type_long,
-    'L': cffi_type_ulong,
-    'q': cffi_type_longlong,
-    'Q': cffi_type_ulonglong,
-    'f': cffi_type_float,
-    'd': cffi_type_double,
-    'g': cffi_type_longdouble,
-    's' : cffi_type_pointer,
-    'P' : cffi_type_pointer,
-    'z' : cffi_type_pointer,
-    'O' : cffi_type_pointer,
-    'Z' : cffi_type_pointer,
-    '?' : cffi_type_uchar,
-    }
-cffi_cache_ptr = {cffi_type_void: cffi_type_pointer}
-cffi_cache_array = {}
-cffi_types_ptr = {}
-cffi_types_array = {}
-cffi_types_array_1 = {}
-for _tp, _type in cffi_types.items():
-    if _type not in cffi_cache_ptr:
-        cffi_cache_ptr[_type] = _cffi_backend.new_pointer_type(_type)
-    if _type not in cffi_cache_array:
-        cffi_cache_array[_type] = _cffi_backend.new_array_type(
-            cffi_cache_ptr[_type], None)
-    cffi_types_ptr[_tp] = cffi_cache_ptr[_type]
-    cffi_types_array[_tp] = cffi_cache_array[_type]
-    cffi_types_array_1[_tp] = _cffi_backend.new_array_type(
-        cffi_cache_ptr[_type], 1)
-# ____________________________________________________________
-def sizeof(tp_letter):
-    return _cffi_backend.sizeof(cffi_types[tp_letter])
-def alignment(tp_letter):
-    return _cffi_backend.alignof(cffi_types[tp_letter])
-def charp2string(address, maxlength=-1):
-    xxxxxx
-FUNCFLAG_STDCALL   = 0    # on Windows: for WINAPI calls
-FUNCFLAG_CDECL     = 1    # on Windows: for __cdecl calls
-class CDLL(object):
-    def __init__(self, libname):
-        if libname is None:
-            from ctypes.util import find_library
-            libname = find_library('c')
-        self._cffi_library = _cffi_backend.load_library(libname)
-        self._libname = libname
-        self._cache = {}
-    def getaddressindll(self, name):
-        return self._cffi_library.read_variable(cffi_type_pointer, name)
-    def ptr(self, name, argtypes, restype, flags=FUNCFLAG_CDECL):
-        """ Get a pointer for function name with provided argtypes
-        and restype
-        """
-        key = name, tuple(argtypes), restype
-        try:
-            return self._cache[key]
-        except KeyError:
-            pass
-        cffi_argtypes = [cffi_types[tp] for tp in argtypes]
-        if restype is None:
-            cffi_restype = cffi_type_void
-            ResultArray = None
-        else:
-            cffi_restype = cffi_types[restype]
-            ResultArray = Array(restype)
-        assert isinstance(name, str)
-        cffi_functype = _cffi_backend.new_function_type(
-            tuple(cffi_argtypes), cffi_restype, False)  # XXX abi
-        cfunc = self._cffi_library.load_function(cffi_functype, name)
-        funcptr = FuncPtr(cfunc, ResultArray)
-        self._cache[key] = funcptr
-        return funcptr
-def get_libc():
-    return CDLL('libc.so.6')    # XXX
-class DataInstance(object):
-    pass
-class FuncPtr(object):
-    def __init__(self, cfunc, ResultArray):
-        self._cfunc = cfunc
-        self._ResultArray = ResultArray
-    def __call__(self, *args):
-        result = self._cfunc(*[arg._prepare_arg() for arg in args])
-        if self._ResultArray is None:
-            return None
-        return self._ResultArray(1, [result])
-# ____________________________________________________________
-class Array(object):
-    def __init__(self, shape):
-        self._cffi_item = cffi_types[shape]
-        self._cffi_ptr = cffi_types_ptr[shape]
-        self._cffi_array = cffi_types_array[shape]
-        self._cffi_array_1 = cffi_types_array_1[shape]
-        self._shape = shape
-    def __call__(self, length, items=None, autofree=False):
-        if length == 1:
-            array = self._cffi_array_1
-        else:
-            # XXX cache 'array'?
-            array = _cffi_backend.new_array_type(self._cffi_ptr, length)
-        #
-        return ArrayInstance(_cffi_backend.newp(array, items))
-_array_of_pointers = Array('P')
-class ArrayInstance(DataInstance):
-    def __init__(self, cdata):
-        self._cdata = cdata
-    def byptr(self):
-        return _array_of_pointers(1, [self._cdata])
-    def __getitem__(self, index):
-        return self._cdata[index]
-    def __setitem__(self, index, value):
-        self._cdata[index] = value
-    def __getslice__(self, i, j):
-        #if ...
-        #    raise TypeError("only 'c' arrays support slicing")
-        if i < 0: i = 0
-        if j > len(self._cdata): j = len(self._cdata)
-        if i > j: j = i
-        return _cffi_backend.buffer(self._cdata + i, j - i)[:]
-    def __setslice__(self, i, j, value):
-        #if ...
-        #    raise TypeError("only 'c' arrays support slicing")
-        if i < 0: i = 0
-        if j > len(self._cdata): j = len(self._cdata)
-        if i > j: j = i
-        _cffi_backend.buffer(self._cdata + i, j - i)[:] = value
-    def _prepare_arg(self):
-        if len(self._cdata) != 1:
-            return TypeError("Argument should be an array of length 1, "
-                             "got length %d" % len(self._cdata))
-        # XXX check type
-        return self._cdata[0]
-    def free(self):
-        pass  # XXX
-# ____________________________________________________________
-class CallbackPtr(DataInstance):
-    def __init__(self, *stuff):
-        pass
diff --git a/lib_pypy/pypy_test/test__rawffi.py b/lib_pypy/pypy_test/test__rawffi.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/lib_pypy/pypy_test/test__rawffi.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1022 +0,0 @@
-import os, sys, py
-from lib_pypy import _rawffi
-class TestFfi:
-    def prepare_c_example():
-        from pypy.tool.udir import udir
-        c_file = udir.ensure("test__rawffi", dir=1).join("xlib.c")
-        c_file.write(py.code.Source('''
-        #include <stdlib.h>
-        #include <stdio.h>
-        struct x
-        {
-           int x1;
-           short x2;
-           char x3;
-           struct x* next;
-        };
-        void nothing()
-        {
-        }
-        char inner_struct_elem(struct x *x1)
-        {
-           return x1->next->x3;
-        }
-        struct x* create_double_struct()
-        {
-           struct x* x1, *x2;
-           x1 = (struct x*)malloc(sizeof(struct x));
-           x2 = (struct x*)malloc(sizeof(struct x));
-           x1->next = x2;
-           x2->x2 = 3;
-           return x1;
-        }
-        void free_double_struct(struct x* x1)
-        {
-            free(x1->next);
-            free(x1);
-        }
-        const char *static_str = "xxxxxx";
-        long static_int = 42;
-        double static_double = 42.42;
-        long double static_longdouble = 42.42;
-        unsigned short add_shorts(short one, short two)
-        {
-           return one + two;
-        }
-        void* get_raw_pointer()
-        {
-           return (void*)add_shorts;
-        }
-        char get_char(char* s, unsigned short num)
-        {
-           return s[num];
-        }
-        const char *char_check(char x, char y)
-        {
-           if (y == static_str[0])
-              return static_str;
-           return NULL;
-        }
-        int get_array_elem(int* stuff, int num)
-        {
-           return stuff[num];
-        }
-        struct x* get_array_elem_s(struct x** array, int num)
-        {
-           return array[num];
-        }
-        long long some_huge_value()
-        {
-           return 1LL<<42;
-        }
-        unsigned long long some_huge_uvalue()
-        {
-           return 1LL<<42;
-        }
-        long long pass_ll(long long x)
-        {
-           return x;
-        }
-        static int prebuilt_array1[] = {3};
-        int* allocate_array()
-        {
-            return prebuilt_array1;
-        }
-        long long runcallback(long long(*callback)())
-        {
-            return callback();
-        }
-        struct x_y {
-            long x;
-            long y;
-        };
-        long sum_x_y(struct x_y s) {
-            return s.x + s.y;
-        }
-        long op_x_y(struct x_y s, long(*callback)(struct x_y))
-        {
-            return callback(s);
-        }
-        struct s2h {
-            short x;
-            short y;
-        };
-        struct s2h give(short x, short y) {
-            struct s2h out;
-            out.x = x;
-            out.y = y;
-            return out;
-        }
-        struct s2h perturb(struct s2h inp) {
-            inp.x *= 2;
-            inp.y *= 3;
-            return inp;
-        }
-        struct s2a {
-            int bah[2];
-        };
-        struct s2a get_s2a(void) {
-            struct s2a outp;
-            outp.bah[0] = 4;
-            outp.bah[1] = 5;
-            return outp;
-        }
-        int check_s2a(struct s2a inp) {
-            return (inp.bah[0] == 4 && inp.bah[1] == 5);
-        }
-        int AAA_first_ordinal_function()
-        {
-            return 42;
-        }
-        typedef union {
-            short x;
-            long y;
-        } UN;
-        UN ret_un_func(UN inp)
-        {
-            inp.y = inp.x * 100;
-            return inp;
-        }
-        '''))
-        symbols = """get_char char_check get_raw_pointer
-                     add_shorts
-                     inner_struct_elem create_double_struct free_double_struct
-                     get_array_elem get_array_elem_s
-                     nothing
-                     some_huge_value some_huge_uvalue pass_ll
-                     runcallback
-                     allocate_array
-                     static_int static_double static_longdouble
-                     sum_x_y op_x_y
-                     give perturb get_s2a check_s2a
-                     AAA_first_ordinal_function
-                     ret_un_func
-                  """.split()
-        #eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(export_symbols=symbols)
-        #return str(platform.compile([c_file], eci, 'x', standalone=False))
-        import subprocess
-        subprocess.check_call(
-            'gcc xlib.c -shared -fPIC -o testxlib.so',
-            cwd=str(c_file.dirpath()), shell=True)
-        return str(c_file.dirpath().join('testxlib.so'))
-    prepare_c_example = staticmethod(prepare_c_example)
-##    def setup_class(cls):
-##        from pypy.rlib.clibffi import get_libc_name
-##        space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=('_rawffi', 'struct'))
-##        cls.space = space
-##        cls.w_lib_name = space.wrap(cls.prepare_c_example())
-##        cls.w_libc_name = space.wrap(get_libc_name())
-##        if sys.platform == 'win32':
-##            cls.w_iswin32 = space.wrap(True)
-##            cls.w_libm_name = space.wrap('msvcrt')
-##        else:
-##            cls.w_iswin32 = space.wrap(False)
-##            cls.w_libm_name = space.wrap('libm.so')
-##            if sys.platform == "darwin":
-##                cls.w_libm_name = space.wrap('libm.dylib')
-##        cls.w_platform = space.wrap(platform.name)
-##        cls.w_sizes_and_alignments = space.wrap(dict(
-##            [(k, (v.c_size, v.c_alignment)) for k,v in TYPEMAP.iteritems()]))
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        cls.libc_name = 'libc.so.6'   # XXX
-        cls.iswin32   = False         # XXX
-        cls.lib_name = cls.prepare_c_example()
-    def test_libload(self):
-        _rawffi.CDLL(self.libc_name)
-    def test_libload_fail(self):
-        try:
-            _rawffi.CDLL("xxxxx_this_name_does_not_exist_xxxxx")
-        except OSError, e:
-            print e
-            assert "xxxxx_this_name_does_not_exist_xxxxx" in str(e)
-        else:
-            raise AssertionError("did not fail??")
-    def test_libload_None(self):
-        if self.iswin32:
-            skip("unix specific")
-        skip("XXX in-progress")
-        # this should return *all* loaded libs, dlopen(NULL)
-        dll = _rawffi.CDLL(None)
-        # Assume CPython, or PyPy compiled with cpyext
-        res = dll.ptr('Py_IsInitialized', [], 'l')()
-        assert res[0] == 1
-    def test_libc_load(self):
-        _rawffi.get_libc()
-    def test_getattr(self):
-        libc = _rawffi.get_libc()
-        func = libc.ptr('rand', [], 'i')
-        assert libc.ptr('rand', [], 'i') is func # caching
-        assert libc.ptr('rand', [], 'l') is not func
-        assert isinstance(func, _rawffi.FuncPtr)
-        raises(AttributeError, "libc.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
-    def test_byordinal(self):
-        if not self.iswin32:
-            skip("win32 specific")
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        # This will call the ordinal function numbered 1
-        # my compiler seems to order them alphabetically:
-        # AAA_first_ordinal_function
-        assert lib.ptr(1, [], 'i')()[0] == 42
-    def test_getchar(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        get_char = lib.ptr('get_char', ['P', 'H'], 'c')
-        A = _rawffi.Array('c')
-        B = _rawffi.Array('H')
-        dupa = A(5, 'dupa')
-        dupaptr = dupa.byptr()
-        for i in range(4):
-            intptr = B(1)
-            intptr[0] = i
-            res = get_char(dupaptr, intptr)
-            assert res[0] == 'dupa'[i]
-            intptr.free()
-        dupaptr.free()
-        dupa.free()
-    def test_chararray_as_bytebuffer(self):
-        # a useful extension to arrays of shape 'c': buffer-like slicing
-        A = _rawffi.Array('c')
-        buf = A(10, autofree=True)
-        buf[0] = '*'
-        assert buf[1:5] == '\x00' * 4
-        buf[7:] = 'abc'
-        assert buf[9] == 'c'
-        assert buf[:8] == '*' + '\x00'*6 + 'a'
-    def test_returning_str(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        char_check = lib.ptr('char_check', ['c', 'c'], 's')
-        A = _rawffi.Array('c')
-        arg1 = A(1)
-        arg2 = A(1)
-        arg1[0] = 'y'
-        arg2[0] = 'x'
-        res = char_check(arg1, arg2)
-        assert _rawffi.charp2string(res[0]) == 'xxxxxx'
-        assert _rawffi.charp2rawstring(res[0]) == 'xxxxxx'
-        assert _rawffi.charp2rawstring(res[0], 3) == 'xxx'
-        a = A(6, 'xx\x00\x00xx')
-        assert _rawffi.charp2string(a.buffer) == 'xx'
-        assert _rawffi.charp2rawstring(a.buffer, 4) == 'xx\x00\x00'
-        arg1[0] = 'x'
-        arg2[0] = 'y'
-        res = char_check(arg1, arg2)
-        assert res[0] == 0
-        assert _rawffi.charp2string(res[0]) is None
-        arg1.free()
-        arg2.free()
-        a.free()
-    def test_returning_unicode(self):
-        A = _rawffi.Array('u')
-        a = A(6, u'xx\x00\x00xx')
-        res = _rawffi.wcharp2unicode(a.buffer)
-        assert isinstance(res, unicode)
-        assert res == u'xx'
-        a.free()
-    def test_raw_callable(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        get_raw_pointer = lib.ptr('get_raw_pointer', [], 'P')
-        ptr = get_raw_pointer()
-        rawcall = _rawffi.FuncPtr(ptr[0], ['h', 'h'], 'H')
-        A = _rawffi.Array('h')
-        arg1 = A(1)
-        arg2 = A(1)
-        arg1[0] = 1
-        arg2[0] = 2
-        res = rawcall(arg1, arg2)
-        assert res[0] == 3
-        arg1.free()
-        arg2.free()
-        assert rawcall.buffer == ptr[0]
-        ptr = rawcall.byptr()
-        assert ptr[0] == rawcall.buffer
-        ptr.free()
-    def test_short_addition(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        short_add = lib.ptr('add_shorts', ['h', 'h'], 'H')
-        A = _rawffi.Array('h')
-        arg1 = A(1)
-        arg2 = A(1)
-        arg1[0] = 1
-        arg2[0] = 2
-        res = short_add(arg1, arg2)
-        assert res[0] == 3
-        arg1.free()
-        arg2.free()
-    def test_pow(self):
-        libm = _rawffi.CDLL(self.libm_name)
-        pow = libm.ptr('pow', ['d', 'd'], 'd')
-        A = _rawffi.Array('d')
-        arg1 = A(1)
-        arg2 = A(1)
-        raises(TypeError, "arg1[0] = 'x'")
-        arg1[0] = 3
-        arg2[0] = 2.0
-        res = pow(arg1, arg2)
-        assert res[0] == 9.0
-        arg1.free()
-        arg2.free()
-    def test_time(self):
-        libc = _rawffi.get_libc()
-        try:
-            time = libc.ptr('time', ['z'], 'l')  # 'z' instead of 'P' just for test
-        except AttributeError:
-            # Since msvcr80, this function is named differently
-            time = libc.ptr('_time32', ['z'], 'l')
-        arg = _rawffi.Array('P')(1)
-        arg[0] = 0
-        res = time(arg)
-        assert res[0] != 0
-        arg.free()
-    def test_gettimeofday(self):
-        if self.iswin32:
-            skip("No gettimeofday on win32")
-        struct_type = _rawffi.Structure([('tv_sec', 'l'), ('tv_usec', 'l')])
-        structure = struct_type()
-        libc = _rawffi.get_libc()
-        gettimeofday = libc.ptr('gettimeofday', ['P', 'P'], 'i')
-        arg1 = structure.byptr()
-        arg2 = _rawffi.Array('P')(1)
-        res = gettimeofday(arg1, arg2)
-        assert res[0] == 0
-        struct2 = struct_type()
-        arg1[0] = struct2
-        res = gettimeofday(arg1, arg2)
-        assert res[0] == 0
-        assert structure.tv_usec != struct2.tv_usec
-        assert (structure.tv_sec == struct2.tv_sec) or (structure.tv_sec == struct2.tv_sec - 1)
-        raises(AttributeError, "structure.xxx")
-        structure.free()
-        struct2.free()
-        arg1.free()
-        arg2.free()
-    def test_structreturn(self):
-        X = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'l')])
-        x = X()
-        x.x = 121
-        Tm = _rawffi.Structure([('tm_sec', 'i'),
-                                ('tm_min', 'i'),
-                                ('tm_hour', 'i'),
-                                ("tm_mday", 'i'),
-                                ("tm_mon", 'i'),
-                                ("tm_year", 'i'),
-                                ("tm_wday", 'i'),
-                                ("tm_yday", 'i'),
-                                ("tm_isdst", 'i')])
-        libc = _rawffi.get_libc()
-        try:
-            gmtime = libc.ptr('gmtime', ['P'], 'P')
-        except AttributeError:
-            # Since msvcr80, this function is named differently
-            gmtime = libc.ptr('_gmtime32', ['P'], 'P')
-        arg = x.byptr()
-        res = gmtime(arg)
-        t = Tm.fromaddress(res[0])
-        arg.free()
-        assert t.tm_year == 70
-        assert t.tm_sec == 1
-        assert t.tm_min == 2      
-        x.free()
-    def test_nested_structures(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        inner = lib.ptr("inner_struct_elem", ['P'], 'c')
-        X = _rawffi.Structure([('x1', 'i'), ('x2', 'h'), ('x3', 'c'), ('next', 'P')])
-        next = X()
-        next.next = 0
-        next.x3 = 'x'
-        x = X()
-        x.next = next
-        x.x1 = 1
-        x.x2 = 2
-        x.x3 = 'x'
-        assert X.fromaddress(x.next).x3 == 'x'
-        x.free()
-        next.free()
-        create_double_struct = lib.ptr("create_double_struct", [], 'P')
-        res = create_double_struct()
-        x = X.fromaddress(res[0])
-        assert X.fromaddress(x.next).x2 == 3
-        free_double_struct = lib.ptr("free_double_struct", ['P'], None)
-        free_double_struct(res)
-    def test_structure_bitfields(self):
-        X = _rawffi.Structure([('A', 'I', 1),
-                               ('B', 'I', 2),
-                               ('C', 'i', 2)])
-        x = X()
-        x.A = 0xf
-        x.B = 0xf
-        x.C = 0xf
-        assert x.A == 1
-        assert x.B == 3
-        assert x.C == -1
-        x.free()
-        Y = _rawffi.Structure([('a', 'i', 1),
-                               ('b', 'i', 30),
-                               ('c', 'i', 1)])
-        y = Y()
-        y.a, y.b, y.c = -1, -7, 0
-        assert (y.a, y.b, y.c) == (-1, -7, 0)
-        y.free()
-    def test_invalid_bitfields(self):
-        raises(TypeError, _rawffi.Structure, [('A', 'c', 1)])
-        raises(ValueError, _rawffi.Structure, [('A', 'I', 129)])
-        raises(ValueError, _rawffi.Structure, [('A', 'I', -1)])
-        raises(ValueError, _rawffi.Structure, [('A', 'I', 0)])
-    def test_packed_structure(self):
-        Y = _rawffi.Structure([('a', 'c'),
-                               ('b', 'i')], pack=1)
-        assert Y.size == 5
-    def test_array(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        A = _rawffi.Array('i')
-        get_array_elem = lib.ptr('get_array_elem', ['P', 'i'], 'i')
-        a = A(10)
-        a[8] = 3
-        a[7] = 1
-        a[6] = 2
-        arg1 = a.byptr()
-        arg2 = A(1)
-        for i, expected in enumerate([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 1, 3, 0]):
-            arg2[0] = i
-            res = get_array_elem(arg1, arg2)
-            assert res[0] == expected
-        arg1.free()
-        arg2.free()
-        assert a[3] == 0
-        a.free()
-    def test_array_of_structure(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        A = _rawffi.Array('P')
-        X = _rawffi.Structure([('x1', 'i'), ('x2', 'h'), ('x3', 'c'), ('next', 'P')])
-        x = X()
-        x.x2 = 3
-        a = A(3)
-        a[1] = x
-        get_array_elem_s = lib.ptr('get_array_elem_s', ['P', 'i'], 'P')
-        arg1 = a.byptr()
-        arg2 = _rawffi.Array('i')(1)
-        res = get_array_elem_s(arg1, arg2)
-        assert res[0] == 0
-        arg2[0] = 1
-        res = get_array_elem_s(arg1, arg2)
-        assert X.fromaddress(res[0]).x2 == 3
-        assert res[0] == x.buffer
-        arg1.free()
-        arg2.free()
-        x.free()
-        a.free()
-    def test_bad_parameters(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        nothing = lib.ptr('nothing', [], None)
-        assert nothing() is None
-        raises(AttributeError, "lib.ptr('get_charx', [], None)")
-        raises(ValueError, "lib.ptr('get_char', ['xx'], None)")
-        raises(ValueError, "lib.ptr('get_char', ['x'], None)")
-        raises(ValueError, "lib.ptr('get_char', [], 'x')")
-        raises(ValueError, "_rawffi.Structure(['x1', 'xx'])")
-        raises(ValueError, _rawffi.Structure, [('x1', 'xx')])
-        raises(ValueError, "_rawffi.Array('xx')")
-    def test_longs_ulongs(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        some_huge_value = lib.ptr('some_huge_value', [], 'q')
-        res = some_huge_value()
-        assert res[0] == 1<<42
-        some_huge_uvalue = lib.ptr('some_huge_uvalue', [], 'Q')
-        res = some_huge_uvalue()
-        assert res[0] == 1<<42
-        pass_ll = lib.ptr('pass_ll', ['q'], 'q')
-        arg1 = _rawffi.Array('q')(1)
-        arg1[0] = 1<<42
-        res = pass_ll(arg1)
-        assert res[0] == 1<<42
-        arg1.free()
-    def test_callback(self):
-        import struct
-        libc = _rawffi.get_libc()
-        ll_to_sort = _rawffi.Array('i')(4)
-        for i in range(4):
-            ll_to_sort[i] = 4-i
-        qsort = libc.ptr('qsort', ['P', 'l', 'l', 'P'], None)
-        bogus_args = []
-        def compare(a, b):
-            a1 = _rawffi.Array('i').fromaddress(_rawffi.Array('P').fromaddress(a, 1)[0], 1)
-            a2 = _rawffi.Array('i').fromaddress(_rawffi.Array('P').fromaddress(b, 1)[0], 1)
-            print "comparing", a1[0], "with", a2[0]
-            if a1[0] not in [1,2,3,4] or a2[0] not in [1,2,3,4]:
-                bogus_args.append((a1[0], a2[0]))
-            if a1[0] > a2[0]:
-                return 1
-            return -1
-        a1 = ll_to_sort.byptr()
-        a2 = _rawffi.Array('l')(1)
-        a2[0] = len(ll_to_sort)
-        a3 = _rawffi.Array('l')(1)
-        a3[0] = struct.calcsize('i')
-        cb = _rawffi.CallbackPtr(compare, ['P', 'P'], 'i')
-        a4 = cb.byptr()
-        qsort(a1, a2, a3, a4)
-        res = [ll_to_sort[i] for i in range(len(ll_to_sort))]
-        assert res == [1,2,3,4]
-        assert not bogus_args
-        a1.free()
-        a2.free()
-        a3.free()
-        a4.free()
-        ll_to_sort.free()
-        cb.free()
-    def test_another_callback(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        runcallback = lib.ptr('runcallback', ['P'], 'q')
-        def callback():
-            return 1<<42
-        cb = _rawffi.CallbackPtr(callback, [], 'q')
-        a1 = cb.byptr()
-        res = runcallback(a1)
-        assert res[0] == 1<<42
-        a1.free()
-        cb.free()
-    def test_void_returning_callback(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        runcallback = lib.ptr('runcallback', ['P'], None)
-        called = []
-        def callback():
-            called.append(True)
-        cb = _rawffi.CallbackPtr(callback, [], None)
-        a1 = cb.byptr()
-        res = runcallback(a1)
-        assert res is None
-        assert called == [True]
-        a1.free()
-        cb.free()
-    def test_raising_callback(self):
-        import StringIO
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        err = StringIO.StringIO()
-        orig = sys.stderr
-        sys.stderr = err
-        try:
-            runcallback = lib.ptr('runcallback', ['P'], 'q')
-            def callback():
-                1/0
-            cb = _rawffi.CallbackPtr(callback, [], 'q')
-            a1 = cb.byptr()
-            res = runcallback(a1)
-            a1.free()
-            cb.free()
-            val = err.getvalue()
-            assert 'ZeroDivisionError' in val
-            assert 'callback' in val
-            assert res[0] == 0L
-        finally:
-            sys.stderr = orig
-    def test_setattr_struct(self):
-        X = _rawffi.Structure([('value1', 'i'), ('value2', 'i')])
-        x = X()
-        x.value1 = 1
-        x.value2 = 2
-        assert x.value1 == 1
-        assert x.value2 == 2
-        x.value1 = 3
-        assert x.value1 == 3
-        raises(AttributeError, "x.foo")
-        raises(AttributeError, "x.foo = 1")
-        x.free()
-    def test_sizes_and_alignments(self):
-        for k, (s, a) in self.sizes_and_alignments.iteritems():
-            assert _rawffi.sizeof(k) == s
-            assert _rawffi.alignment(k) == a
-    def test_array_addressof(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        alloc = lib.ptr('allocate_array', [], 'P')
-        A = _rawffi.Array('i')
-        res = alloc()
-        a = A.fromaddress(res[0], 1)
-        assert a[0] == 3
-        assert A.fromaddress(a.buffer, 1)[0] == 3
-    def test_shape(self):
-        A = _rawffi.Array('i')
-        a = A(1)
-        assert a.shape is A
-        a.free()
-        S = _rawffi.Structure([('v1', 'i')])
-        s = S()
-        s.v1 = 3
-        assert s.shape is S
-        s.free()
-    def test_negative_pointers(self):
-        A = _rawffi.Array('P')
-        a = A(1)
-        a[0] = -1234
-        a.free()
-    def test_long_with_fromaddress(self):
-        addr = -1
-        raises(ValueError, _rawffi.Array('u').fromaddress, addr, 100)
-    def test_passing_raw_pointers(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        A = _rawffi.Array('i')
-        get_array_elem = lib.ptr('get_array_elem', ['P', 'i'], 'i')
-        a = A(1)
-        a[0] = 3
-        arg1 = _rawffi.Array('P')(1)
-        arg1[0] = a.buffer
-        arg2 = _rawffi.Array('i')(1)
-        res = get_array_elem(arg1, arg2)
-        assert res[0] == 3
-        arg1.free()
-        arg2.free()
-        a.free()
-    def test_repr(self):
-        import struct
-        isize = struct.calcsize("i")
-        lsize = struct.calcsize("l")
-        assert (repr(_rawffi.Array('i')) ==
-                "<_rawffi.Array 'i' (%d, %d)>" % (isize, isize))
-        # fragile
-        S = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'c'), ('y', 'l')])
-        assert (repr(_rawffi.Array((S, 2))) ==
-                "<_rawffi.Array '\0' (%d, %d)>" % (4*lsize, lsize))
-        assert (repr(_rawffi.Structure([('x', 'i'), ('yz', 'i')])) ==
-                "<_rawffi.Structure 'x' 'yz' (%d, %d)>" % (2*isize, isize))
-        s = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'i'), ('yz', 'i')])()
-        assert repr(s) == "<_rawffi struct %x>" % (s.buffer,)
-        s.free()
-        a = _rawffi.Array('i')(5)
-        assert repr(a) == "<_rawffi array %x of length %d>" % (a.buffer,
-                                                               len(a))
-        a.free()
-    def test_wide_char(self):
-        A = _rawffi.Array('u')
-        a = A(3)
-        a[0] = u'x'
-        a[1] = u'y'
-        a[2] = u'z'
-        assert a[0] == u'x'
-        b = _rawffi.Array('c').fromaddress(a.buffer, 38)
-        if sys.maxunicode > 65535:
-            # UCS4 build
-            assert b[0] == 'x'
-            assert b[1] == '\x00'
-            assert b[2] == '\x00'
-            assert b[3] == '\x00'
-            assert b[4] == 'y'
-        else:
-            # UCS2 build
-            assert b[0] == 'x'
-            assert b[1] == '\x00'
-            assert b[2] == 'y'
-        a.free()
-    def test_truncate(self):
-        import struct
-        a = _rawffi.Array('b')(1)
-        a[0] = -5
-        assert a[0] == -5
-        a[0] = 123L
-        assert a[0] == 123
-        a[0] = 0x97817182ab128111111111111171817d042
-        assert a[0] == 0x42
-        a[0] = 255
-        assert a[0] == -1
-        a[0] = -2
-        assert a[0] == -2
-        a[0] = -255
-        assert a[0] == 1
-        a.free()
-        a = _rawffi.Array('B')(1)
-        a[0] = 123L
-        assert a[0] == 123
-        a[0] = 0x18329b1718b97d89b7198db817d042
-        assert a[0] == 0x42
-        a[0] = 255
-        assert a[0] == 255
-        a[0] = -2
-        assert a[0] == 254
-        a[0] = -255
-        assert a[0] == 1
-        a.free()
-        a = _rawffi.Array('h')(1)
-        a[0] = 123L
-        assert a[0] == 123
-        a[0] = 0x9112cbc91bd91db19aaaaaaaaaaaaaa8170d42
-        assert a[0] == 0x0d42
-        a[0] = 65535
-        assert a[0] == -1
-        a[0] = -2
-        assert a[0] == -2
-        a[0] = -65535
-        assert a[0] == 1
-        a.free()
-        a = _rawffi.Array('H')(1)
-        a[0] = 123L
-        assert a[0] == 123
-        a[0] = 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee817d042
-        assert a[0] == 0xd042
-        a[0] = -2
-        assert a[0] == 65534
-        a.free()
-        maxptr = (256 ** struct.calcsize("P")) - 1
-        a = _rawffi.Array('P')(1)
-        a[0] = 123L
-        assert a[0] == 123
-        a[0] = 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee817d042
-        assert a[0] == 0xeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee817d042 & maxptr
-        a[0] = -2
-        assert a[0] == maxptr - 1
-        a.free()
-    def test_getaddressindll(self):
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        def getprimitive(typecode, name):
-            addr = lib.getaddressindll(name)
-            return _rawffi.Array(typecode).fromaddress(addr, 1)
-        a = getprimitive("l", "static_int")
-        assert a[0] == 42
-        a[0] = 43
-        assert a[0] == 43
-        a = getprimitive("d", "static_double")
-        assert a[0] == 42.42
-        a[0] = 43.43
-        assert a[0] == 43.43
-        a = getprimitive("g", "static_longdouble")
-        assert a[0] == 42.42
-        a[0] = 43.43
-        assert a[0] == 43.43
-        raises(ValueError, getprimitive, 'z', 'ddddddd')
-        raises(ValueError, getprimitive, 'zzz', 'static_int')
-    def test_segfault_exception(self):
-        S = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'i')])
-        s = S()
-        s.x = 3
-        s.free()
-        raises(_rawffi.SegfaultException, s.__getattr__, 'x')
-        raises(_rawffi.SegfaultException, s.__setattr__, 'x', 3)
-        A = _rawffi.Array('c')
-        a = A(13)
-        a.free()
-        raises(_rawffi.SegfaultException, a.__getitem__, 3)
-        raises(_rawffi.SegfaultException, a.__setitem__, 3, 3)
-    def test_stackcheck(self):
-        if self.platform != "msvc":
-            skip("win32 msvc specific")
-        # Even if the call corresponds to the specified signature,
-        # the STDCALL calling convention may detect some errors
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL('kernel32')
-        f = lib.ptr('SetLastError', [], 'i')
-        try:
-            f()
-        except ValueError, e:
-            assert "Procedure called with not enough arguments" in e.message
-        else:
-            assert 0, "Did not raise"
-        f = lib.ptr('GetLastError', ['i'], None,
-                    flags=_rawffi.FUNCFLAG_STDCALL)
-        arg = _rawffi.Array('i')(1)
-        arg[0] = 1
-        try:
-            f(arg)
-        except ValueError, e:
-            assert "Procedure called with too many arguments" in e.message
-        else:
-            assert 0, "Did not raise"
-        arg.free()
-    def test_struct_byvalue(self):
-        X_Y = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'l'), ('y', 'l')])
-        x_y = X_Y()
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        print >> sys.stderr, "getting..."
-        sum_x_y = lib.ptr('sum_x_y', [(X_Y, 1)], 'l')
-        x_y.x = 200
-        x_y.y = 220
-        print >> sys.stderr, "calling..."
-        res = sum_x_y(x_y)
-        print >> sys.stderr, "done"
-        assert res[0] == 420
-        x_y.free()
-    def test_callback_struct_byvalue(self):
-        X_Y = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'l'), ('y', 'l')])
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        op_x_y = lib.ptr('op_x_y', [(X_Y, 1), 'P'], 'l')
-        def callback(x_y):
-            return x_y.x + x_y.y
-        cb = _rawffi.CallbackPtr(callback, [(X_Y, 1)], 'l')
-        x_y = X_Y()
-        x_y.x = 200
-        x_y.y = 220
-        a1 = cb.byptr()
-        res = op_x_y(x_y, a1)
-        a1.free()
-        x_y.free()
-        cb.free()
-        assert res[0] == 420
-    def test_ret_struct(self):
-        S2H = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'h'), ('y', 'h')])
-        s2h = S2H()
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        give = lib.ptr('give', ['h', 'h'], (S2H, 1))
-        a1 = _rawffi.Array('h')(1)
-        a2 = _rawffi.Array('h')(1)
-        a1[0] = 13
-        a2[0] = 17
-        res = give(a1, a2)
-        assert isinstance(res, _rawffi.StructureInstanceAutoFree)
-        assert res.shape is S2H
-        assert res.x == 13
-        assert res.y == 17
-        a1.free()
-        a2.free()
-        s2h.x = 7
-        s2h.y = 11
-        perturb = lib.ptr('perturb', [(S2H, 1)], (S2H, 1))
-        res = perturb(s2h)
-        assert isinstance(res, _rawffi.StructureInstanceAutoFree)
-        assert res.shape is S2H
-        assert res.x == 14
-        assert res.y == 33
-        assert s2h.x == 7
-        assert s2h.y == 11
-        s2h.free()
-    def test_ret_struct_containing_array(self):
-        AoI = _rawffi.Array('i')
-        S2A = _rawffi.Structure([('bah', (AoI, 2))])
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        get_s2a = lib.ptr('get_s2a', [], (S2A, 1))
-        check_s2a = lib.ptr('check_s2a', [(S2A, 1)], 'i')
-        res = get_s2a()
-        assert isinstance(res, _rawffi.StructureInstanceAutoFree)
-        assert res.shape is S2A
-        ok = check_s2a(res)
-        assert ok[0] == 1
-    def test_buffer(self):
-        S = _rawffi.Structure((40, 1))
-        s = S(autofree=True)
-        b = buffer(s)
-        assert len(b) == 40
-        b[4] = 'X'
-        b[:3] = 'ABC'
-        assert b[:6] == 'ABC\x00X\x00'
-        A = _rawffi.Array('c')
-        a = A(10, autofree=True)
-        a[3] = 'x'
-        b = buffer(a)
-        assert len(b) == 10
-        assert b[3] == 'x'
-        b[6] = 'y'
-        assert a[6] == 'y'
-        b[3:5] = 'zt'
-        assert a[3] == 'z'
-        assert a[4] == 't'
-    def test_union(self):
-        longsize = _rawffi.sizeof('l')
-        S = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'h'), ('y', 'l')], union=True)
-        s = S(autofree=False)
-        s.x = 12345
-        lib = _rawffi.CDLL(self.lib_name)
-        f = lib.ptr('ret_un_func', [(S, 1)], (S, 1))
-        ret = f(s)
-        assert ret.y == 1234500, "ret.y == %d" % (ret.y,)
-        s.free()
-    def test_ffi_type(self):
-        EMPTY = _rawffi.Structure([])
-        S2E = _rawffi.Structure([('bah', (EMPTY, 1))])
-        S2E.get_ffi_type()     # does not hang
-class TestAutoFree:
-    def setup_class(cls):
-        space = gettestobjspace(usemodules=('_rawffi', 'struct'))
-        cls.space = space
-        cls.w_sizes_and_alignments = space.wrap(dict(
-            [(k, (v.c_size, v.c_alignment)) for k,v in TYPEMAP.iteritems()]))
-        Tracker.DO_TRACING = True
-    def test_structure_autofree(self):
-        import gc, _rawffi
-        gc.collect()
-        gc.collect()
-        S = _rawffi.Structure([('x', 'i')])
-        oldnum = _rawffi._num_of_allocated_objects()
-        s = S(autofree=True)
-        s.x = 3
-        s = None
-        gc.collect()
-        assert oldnum == _rawffi._num_of_allocated_objects()
-    def test_array_autofree(self):
-        import gc, _rawffi
-        gc.collect()
-        oldnum = _rawffi._num_of_allocated_objects()
-        A = _rawffi.Array('c')
-        a = A(6, 'xxyxx\x00', autofree=True)
-        assert _rawffi.charp2string(a.buffer) == 'xxyxx'
-        a = None
-        gc.collect()
-        assert oldnum == _rawffi._num_of_allocated_objects()
-    def teardown_class(cls):
-        Tracker.DO_TRACING = False

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