[pypy-commit] pypy arm-backend-2: enable tests that check and require gcremovetypeptr

bivab noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Feb 15 18:35:32 CET 2012

Author: David Schneider <david.schneider at picle.org>
Branch: arm-backend-2
Changeset: r52518:70dd96853661
Date: 2012-02-15 11:22 +0100

Log:	enable tests that check and require gcremovetypeptr

diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/arm/test/test_zrpy_gc.py b/pypy/jit/backend/arm/test/test_zrpy_gc.py
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/arm/test/test_zrpy_gc.py
+++ b/pypy/jit/backend/arm/test/test_zrpy_gc.py
@@ -94,9 +94,8 @@
     t = TranslationContext()
     t.config.translation.gc = gc
-    # The ARM backend does not support this option
-    #if gc != 'boehm':
-    #    t.config.translation.gcremovetypeptr = True
+    if gc != 'boehm':
+        t.config.translation.gcremovetypeptr = True
     for name, value in kwds.items():
         setattr(t.config.translation, name, value)
     ann = t.buildannotator(policy=annpolicy.StrictAnnotatorPolicy())
diff --git a/pypy/jit/backend/arm/test/test_ztranslation.py b/pypy/jit/backend/arm/test/test_ztranslation.py
--- a/pypy/jit/backend/arm/test/test_ztranslation.py
+++ b/pypy/jit/backend/arm/test/test_ztranslation.py
@@ -173,3 +173,87 @@
         bound = res & ~255
         assert 1024 <= bound <= 131072
         assert bound & (bound-1) == 0       # a power of two
+class TestTranslationRemoveTypePtrARM(CCompiledMixin):
+    CPUClass = getcpuclass()
+    def _get_TranslationContext(self):
+        t = TranslationContext()
+        t.config.translation.gc = DEFL_GC   # 'hybrid' or 'minimark'
+        t.config.translation.gcrootfinder = 'shadowstack'
+        t.config.translation.list_comprehension_operations = True
+        t.config.translation.gcremovetypeptr = True
+        return t
+    def test_external_exception_handling_translates(self):
+        jitdriver = JitDriver(greens = [], reds = ['n', 'total'])
+        class ImDone(Exception):
+            def __init__(self, resvalue):
+                self.resvalue = resvalue
+        @dont_look_inside
+        def f(x, total):
+            if x <= 30:
+                raise ImDone(total * 10)
+            if x > 200:
+                return 2
+            raise ValueError
+        @dont_look_inside
+        def g(x):
+            if x > 150:
+                raise ValueError
+            return 2
+        class Base:
+            def meth(self):
+                return 2
+        class Sub(Base):
+            def meth(self):
+                return 1
+        @dont_look_inside
+        def h(x):
+            if x < 20000:
+                return Sub()
+            else:
+                return Base()
+        def myportal(i):
+            set_param(jitdriver, "threshold", 3)
+            set_param(jitdriver, "trace_eagerness", 2)
+            total = 0
+            n = i
+            while True:
+                jitdriver.can_enter_jit(n=n, total=total)
+                jitdriver.jit_merge_point(n=n, total=total)
+                try:
+                    total += f(n, total)
+                except ValueError:
+                    total += 1
+                try:
+                    total += g(n)
+                except ValueError:
+                    total -= 1
+                n -= h(n).meth()   # this is to force a GUARD_CLASS
+        def main(i):
+            try:
+                myportal(i)
+            except ImDone, e:
+                return e.resvalue
+        # XXX custom fishing, depends on the exact env var and format
+        logfile = udir.join('test_ztranslation.log')
+        os.environ['PYPYLOG'] = 'jit-log-opt:%s' % (logfile,)
+        try:
+            res = self.meta_interp(main, [400])
+            assert res == main(400)
+        finally:
+            del os.environ['PYPYLOG']
+        guard_class = 0
+        for line in open(str(logfile)):
+            if 'guard_class' in line:
+                guard_class += 1
+        # if we get many more guard_classes, it means that we generate
+        # guards that always fail (the following assert's original purpose
+        # is to catch the following case: each GUARD_CLASS is misgenerated
+        # and always fails with "gcremovetypeptr")
+        assert 0 < guard_class < 10

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