[pypy-commit] extradoc extradoc: add morphology to demo

hakanardo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Sep 13 16:04:56 CEST 2012

Author: Hakan Ardo <hakan at debian.org>
Branch: extradoc
Changeset: r4807:d4d870cec4eb
Date: 2012-09-13 16:01 +0200

Log:	add morphology to demo

diff --git a/talk/dls2012/demo/demo.py b/talk/dls2012/demo/demo.py
--- a/talk/dls2012/demo/demo.py
+++ b/talk/dls2012/demo/demo.py
@@ -104,7 +104,58 @@
     pause("Still a bit noisy, let's increase it even more.")
     vim.type('6ggA<BS><BS><BS>200<ESC>:w<CR>', 0.2)
-    pause("That's all!")
+    pause("Now, let us start designing an object detector. First step would\n"+
+          "be to implement dilation to get rid of small holes within\n"+
+          "the objects,")
+    with open('detect.py', 'w') as fd:
+        print >>fd, """
+from reloader import autoreload
+from io import view, viewsc
+def dilate(fg, r=1):
+    res = fg.new()
+    for y in xrange(fg.height):
+        for x in xrange(fg.width):
+            res[x, y] = fg[x, y]
+            for dx in xrange(-r, r+1):
+                for dy in xrange(-r, r+1):
+                    res[x, y] = max(res[x, y], fg[x+dx, y+dy])
+    return res
+ at autoreload
+def find_objects(fg):
+    seg = dilate(fg, 3)
+    viewsc(seg, 'segments')
+    vim.send(':e detect.py<CR>')
+    pause('and to call it from our tracker.')
+    vim.send(':e analytics.py<CR>')
+    vim.type('5ggofrom detect import find_objects<ESC>')
+    vim.type('14ggofind_objects(fg)<ESC>:w<CR>')
+    pause("That's a bit slow, but this operation is separable, let's see\n"+
+          "if it is faster with two passes.")
+    vim.send(':e detect.py<CR>')
+    vim.type('6ggix<ESC>9ggix<ESC>jjdd')
+    vim.send('<<')
+    vim.type('ix<ESC>9wix<ESC>13wxxx', 0.2)
+    vim.type('VkkkkkyP6jx')
+    vim.type('15ggx7wcwxres<ESC>')
+    vim.type('jbbbcwdy<ESC>jhx9wx6wcwxres<ESC>3wxxxllli+dy<ESC>:w<CR>', 0.2)
+    pause("Now we need som erosion to thin out the objects again. Let's\n"+
+          "generalize dilate make it implement both dilation and erotion")
+    vim.type('5ggwcwmorph<ESC>$hi<BS><BS>, fn<ESC>')
+    vim.type('11gg7wcwfn<ESC>', 0.2)
+    vim.type('17gg7wcwfn<ESC>', 0.2)
+    vim.type('20ggOdef dilate(fg, r=1):<CR>return morph(fg, r, max)<CR>')
+    vim.type('<CR>def erode(fg, r=1):<CR>return morph(fg, r, min)<CR><ESC>')
+    vim.type('28ggwwierode(<ESC>A, 4)<ESC>:w<CR>')
+    pause("That's all! Feel free to make your own adjustments or (to quit),")
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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