[pypy-commit] pypy stmgc-c7-rewindjmp: Forgot to add these files

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Thu Aug 14 16:22:16 CEST 2014

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: stmgc-c7-rewindjmp
Changeset: r72802:52e94842f3f8
Date: 2014-08-14 16:21 +0200

Log:	Forgot to add these files

diff --git a/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/rewind_setjmp.c b/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/rewind_setjmp.c
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/rewind_setjmp.c
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+/* Imported by rpython/translator/stm/import_stmgc.py */
+#include "rewind_setjmp.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <alloca.h>
+struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s {
+    struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s *next;
+    size_t stack_size;
+    size_t shadowstack_size;
+#define RJM_HEADER  sizeof(struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s)
+#define rj_malloc malloc
+#define rj_free free
+void *rj_malloc(size_t);
+void rj_free(void *);
+static void copy_stack(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread, char *base, void *ssbase)
+    /* Copy away part of the stack and shadowstack. Sets moved_off_base to
+       the current frame_base.
+       The stack is copied between 'base' (lower limit, i.e. newest bytes)
+       and 'rjthread->head->frame_base' (upper limit, i.e. oldest bytes).
+       The shadowstack is copied between 'ssbase' (upper limit, newest)
+       and 'rjthread->head->shadowstack_base' (lower limit, oldest).
+    */
+    struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s *next;
+    char *stop;
+    void *ssstop;
+    size_t stack_size, ssstack_size;
+    assert(rjthread->head != NULL);
+    stop = rjthread->head->frame_base;
+    ssstop = rjthread->head->shadowstack_base;
+    assert(stop >= base);
+    assert(ssstop <= ssbase);
+    stack_size = stop - base;
+    ssstack_size = ssbase - ssstop;
+    next = (struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s *)
+        rj_malloc(RJM_HEADER + stack_size + ssstack_size);
+    assert(next != NULL);    /* XXX out of memory */
+    next->next = rjthread->moved_off;
+    next->stack_size = stack_size;
+    next->shadowstack_size = ssstack_size;
+    memcpy(((char *)next) + RJM_HEADER, base, stack_size);
+    memcpy(((char *)next) + RJM_HEADER + stack_size, ssstop,
+           ssstack_size);
+    rjthread->moved_off_base = stop;
+    rjthread->moved_off_ssbase = ssstop;
+    rjthread->moved_off = next;
+long rewind_jmp_setjmp(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread, void *ss)
+    /* saves the current stack frame to the list of slices and
+       calls setjmp(). It returns the number of times a longjmp()
+       jumped back to this setjmp() */
+    if (rjthread->moved_off) {
+        /* old stack slices are not needed anymore (next longjmp()
+           will restore only to this setjmp()) */
+        _rewind_jmp_free_stack_slices(rjthread);
+    }
+    /* all locals of this function that need to be saved and restored
+       across the setjmp() should be stored inside this structure */
+    struct { void *ss1; rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread1; } volatile saved =
+        { ss, rjthread };
+    int result;
+    if (__builtin_setjmp(rjthread->jmpbuf) == 0) {
+        rjthread = saved.rjthread1;
+        rjthread->initial_head = rjthread->head;
+        result = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        rjthread = saved.rjthread1;
+        rjthread->head = rjthread->initial_head;
+        result = rjthread->repeat_count + 1;
+    }
+    rjthread->repeat_count = result;
+    /* snapshot of top frame: needed every time because longjmp() frees
+       the previous one. Note that this function is called with the
+       mutex already acquired. Although it's not the job of this file,
+       we assert it is indeed acquired here. This is needed, otherwise a
+       concurrent GC may get garbage while saving shadow stack */
+#ifdef _STM_CORE_H_
+    assert(_has_mutex());
+    copy_stack(rjthread, (char *)&saved, saved.ss1);
+    return result;
+__attribute__((noinline, noreturn))
+static void do_longjmp(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread, char *stack_free)
+    /* go through list of copied stack-slices and copy them back to the
+       current stack, expanding it if necessary. The shadowstack should
+       already be restored at this point (restore_shadowstack()) */
+    assert(rjthread->moved_off_base != NULL);
+    while (rjthread->moved_off) {
+        struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s *p = rjthread->moved_off;
+        char *target = rjthread->moved_off_base;
+        /* CPU stack grows downwards: */
+        target -= p->stack_size;
+        if (target < stack_free) {
+            /* need more stack space! */
+            do_longjmp(rjthread, alloca(stack_free - target));
+            abort();            /* unreachable */
+        }
+        memcpy(target, ((char *)p) + RJM_HEADER, p->stack_size);
+        rjthread->moved_off_base = target;
+        rjthread->moved_off = p->next;
+        rj_free(p);
+    }
+#ifdef _STM_CORE_H_
+    /* This function must be called with the mutex held.  It will
+       remain held across the longjmp that follows and into the
+       target rewind_jmp_setjmp() function. */
+    assert(_has_mutex());
+    __builtin_longjmp(rjthread->jmpbuf, 1);
+void rewind_jmp_longjmp(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread)
+    char _rewind_jmp_marker;
+    do_longjmp(rjthread, &_rewind_jmp_marker);
+char *rewind_jmp_enum_shadowstack(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread,
+                                  void *callback(void *, const void *, size_t))
+    /* enumerate all saved shadow-stack slices */
+    struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s *p = rjthread->moved_off;
+    char *sstarget = rjthread->moved_off_ssbase;
+#ifdef _STM_CORE_H_
+    assert(_has_mutex());
+    while (p) {
+        if (p->shadowstack_size) {
+            void *ss_slice = ((char *)p) + RJM_HEADER + p->stack_size;
+            callback(sstarget, ss_slice, p->shadowstack_size);
+            sstarget += p->shadowstack_size;
+        }
+        p = p->next;
+    }
+    return sstarget;
+char *rewind_jmp_restore_shadowstack(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread)
+    return rewind_jmp_enum_shadowstack(rjthread, memcpy);
+void _rewind_jmp_copy_stack_slice(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread)
+    /* called when leaving a frame. copies the now-current frame
+       to the list of stack-slices */
+#ifdef _STM_CORE_H_
+    /* A transaction should be running now.  This means in particular
+       that it's not possible that a major GC runs concurrently with
+       this code (and tries to read the shadowstack slice). */
+    assert(_seems_to_be_running_transaction());
+    if (rjthread->head == NULL) {
+        _rewind_jmp_free_stack_slices(rjthread);
+        return;
+    }
+    assert(rjthread->moved_off_base < (char *)rjthread->head);
+    copy_stack(rjthread, rjthread->moved_off_base, rjthread->moved_off_ssbase);
+void _rewind_jmp_free_stack_slices(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread)
+    /* frees all saved stack copies */
+    struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s *p = rjthread->moved_off;
+    while (p) {
+        struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s *pnext = p->next;
+        rj_free(p);
+        p = pnext;
+    }
+    rjthread->moved_off = NULL;
+    rjthread->moved_off_base = NULL;
+    rjthread->moved_off_ssbase = NULL;
diff --git a/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/rewind_setjmp.h b/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/rewind_setjmp.h
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpython/translator/stm/src_stm/stm/rewind_setjmp.h
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+/* Imported by rpython/translator/stm/import_stmgc.py */
+#ifndef _REWIND_SETJMP_H_
+#define _REWIND_SETJMP_H_
+#include <stddef.h>
+There is a singly-linked list of frames in each thread
+Another singly-linked list is the list of copied stack-slices.
+When doing a setjmp(), we copy the top-frame, free all old
+stack-slices, and link it to the top-frame->moved_off.
+When returning from the top-frame while moved_off still points
+to a slice, we also need to copy the top-frame->prev frame/slice
+and add it to this list (pointed to by moved_off).
+           :                   :       ^^^^^
+           |-------------------|    older frames in the stack
+           |   prev=0          |
+     ,---> | rewind_jmp_buf    |
+     |     |-------------------|
+     |     |                   |
+     |     :                   :
+     |     :                   :
+     |     |                   |
+     |     |-------------------|
+     `---------prev            |
+    ,----> | rewind_jmp_buf    |
+    |      +-------------------|
+    |      |                   |
+    |      :                   :
+    |      |                   |
+    |      |-------------------|
+    `----------prev            |
+     ,---> | rewind_jmp_buf    | <--------------- MOVED_OFF_BASE
+     |     |----------------  +-------------+
+     |     |                  | STACK COPY  |
+     |     |                  :             :
+     |     :                  |  size       |
+     |     |                  |  next       | <---- MOVED_OFF
+     |     |                  +---|------  +-------------+
+     |     |                   |  |        | STACK COPY  |
+     |     |-------------------|  |        : (SEQUEL)    :
+     `---------prev            |  |        :             :
+HEAD-----> | rewind_jmp_buf    |  |        |             |
+           |-------------------|  |        |  size       |
+                                  `------> |  next=0     |
+                                           +-------------+
+typedef struct _rewind_jmp_buf {
+    char *frame_base;
+    char *shadowstack_base;
+    struct _rewind_jmp_buf *prev;
+} rewind_jmp_buf;
+typedef struct {
+    rewind_jmp_buf *head;
+    rewind_jmp_buf *initial_head;
+    char *moved_off_base;
+    char *moved_off_ssbase;
+    struct _rewind_jmp_moved_s *moved_off;
+    void *jmpbuf[5];
+    long repeat_count;
+} rewind_jmp_thread;
+/* remember the current stack and ss_stack positions */
+#define rewind_jmp_enterframe(rjthread, rjbuf, ss)   do {  \
+    (rjbuf)->frame_base = __builtin_frame_address(0);      \
+    (rjbuf)->shadowstack_base = (char *)(ss);              \
+    (rjbuf)->prev = (rjthread)->head;                      \
+    (rjthread)->head = (rjbuf);                            \
+} while (0)
+/* go up one frame. if there was a setjmp call in this frame,
+ */
+#define rewind_jmp_leaveframe(rjthread, rjbuf, ss)   do {    \
+    assert((rjbuf)->shadowstack_base == (char *)(ss));       \
+    (rjthread)->head = (rjbuf)->prev;                        \
+    if ((rjbuf)->frame_base == (rjthread)->moved_off_base) { \
+        assert((rjthread)->moved_off_ssbase == (char *)(ss));\
+        _rewind_jmp_copy_stack_slice(rjthread);              \
+    }                                                        \
+} while (0)
+long rewind_jmp_setjmp(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread, void *ss);
+void rewind_jmp_longjmp(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread) __attribute__((noreturn));
+char *rewind_jmp_restore_shadowstack(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread);
+char *rewind_jmp_enum_shadowstack(rewind_jmp_thread *rjthread,
+                                  void *callback(void *, const void *, size_t));
+#define rewind_jmp_forget(rjthread)  do {                               \
+    if ((rjthread)->moved_off) _rewind_jmp_free_stack_slices(rjthread); \
+    (rjthread)->moved_off_base = 0;                                     \
+    (rjthread)->moved_off_ssbase = 0;                                   \
+} while (0)
+void _rewind_jmp_copy_stack_slice(rewind_jmp_thread *);
+void _rewind_jmp_free_stack_slices(rewind_jmp_thread *);
+#define rewind_jmp_armed(rjthread)   ((rjthread)->moved_off_base != 0)

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