[pypy-commit] pypy default: add implementations of the most commonly used audioop functions (from pydub)

jiaaro noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Feb 18 19:34:26 CET 2014

Author: jiaaro
Changeset: r69203:56afb92fbea1
Date: 2014-01-23 20:09 -0500

Log:	add implementations of the most commonly used audioop functions
	(from pydub)

diff --git a/lib_pypy/audioop.py b/lib_pypy/audioop.py
--- a/lib_pypy/audioop.py
+++ b/lib_pypy/audioop.py
@@ -1,14 +1,20 @@
 import struct
+import math
+from fractions import gcd
+from ctypes import create_string_buffer
 class error(Exception):
+# this module redefines the names of some builtins that are used
+max_ = max
 def _check_size(size):
     if size != 1 and size != 2 and size != 4:
-         raise error("Size should be 1, 2 or 4")
+        raise error("Size should be 1, 2 or 4")
 def _check_params(length, size):
@@ -17,13 +23,517 @@
         raise error("not a whole number of frames")
+def _sample_count(cp, size):
+    return len(cp) / size
+def _get_samples(cp, size, signed=True):
+    for i in range(_sample_count(cp, size)):
+        yield _get_sample(cp, size, i, signed)
+def _struct_format(size, signed):
+    if size == 1:
+        return "b" if signed else "B"
+    elif size == 2:
+        return "h" if signed else "H"
+    elif size == 4:
+        return "i" if signed else "I"
+def _get_sample(cp, size, i, signed=True):
+    fmt = _struct_format(size, signed)
+    start = i * size
+    end = start + size
+    return struct.unpack_from(fmt, buffer(cp)[start:end])[0]
+def _put_sample(cp, size, i, val, signed=True):
+    fmt = _struct_format(size, signed)
+    struct.pack_into(fmt, cp, i * size, val)
+def _get_maxval(size, signed=True):
+    if signed and size == 1:   return 0x7f
+    elif size == 1:            return 0xff
+    elif signed and size == 2: return 0x7fff
+    elif size == 2:            return 0xffff
+    elif signed and size == 4: return 0x7fffffff
+    elif size == 4:            return 0xffffffff
+def _get_minval(size, signed=True):
+    if not signed:  return 0
+    elif size == 1: return -0x80
+    elif size == 2: return -0x8000
+    elif size == 4: return -0x80000000
+def _get_clipfn(size, signed=True):
+    maxval = _get_maxval(size, signed)
+    minval = _get_minval(size, signed)
+    return lambda val: max_(min(val, maxval), minval)
+def _overflow(val, size, signed=True):
+    minval = _get_minval(size, signed)
+    maxval = _get_maxval(size, signed)
+    if minval <= val <= maxval:
+        return val
+    bits = size * 8
+    if signed:
+        offset = 2**(bits-1)
+        return ((val + offset) % (2**bits)) - offset
+    else:
+        return val % (2**bits)
 def getsample(cp, size, i):
     _check_params(len(cp), size)
     if not (0 <= i < len(cp) / size):
         raise error("Index out of range")
-    if size == 1:
-        return struct.unpack_from("B", buffer(cp)[i:])[0]
-    elif size == 2:
-        return struct.unpack_from("H", buffer(cp)[i * 2:])[0]
-    elif size == 4:
-        return struct.unpack_from("I", buffer(cp)[i * 4:])[0]
+    return _get_sample(cp, size, i)
+def max(cp, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    if len(cp) == 0:
+        return 0
+    return max_(abs(sample) for sample in _get_samples(cp, size))
+def minmax(cp, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    max_sample, min_sample = 0, 0
+    for sample in _get_samples(cp, size):
+        if sample > max_sample:
+            max_sample = sample
+        if sample < min_sample:
+            min_sample = sample
+    return min_sample, max_sample
+def avg(cp, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp, size)
+    if sample_count == 0:
+        return 0
+    return sum(_get_samples(cp, size)) / sample_count
+def rms(cp, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp, size)
+    if sample_count == 0:
+        return 0
+    sum_squares = sum(sample**2 for sample in _get_samples(cp, size))
+    return int(math.sqrt(sum_squares / sample_count))
+def _sum2(cp1, cp2, length):
+    size = 2
+    total = 0
+    for i in range(length):
+        total += getsample(cp1, size, i) * getsample(cp2, size, i)
+    return total
+def findfit(cp1, cp2):
+    size = 2
+    if len(cp1) % 2 != 0 or len(cp2) % 2 != 0:
+        raise error("Strings should be even-sized")
+    if len(cp1) < len(cp2):
+        raise error("First sample should be longer")
+    len1 = _sample_count(cp1, size)
+    len2 = _sample_count(cp2, size)
+    sum_ri_2 = _sum2(cp2, cp2, len2)
+    sum_aij_2 = _sum2(cp1, cp1, len2)
+    sum_aij_ri = _sum2(cp1, cp2, len2)
+    result = (sum_ri_2 * sum_aij_2 - sum_aij_ri * sum_aij_ri) / sum_aij_2
+    best_result = result
+    best_i = 0
+    for i in range(1, len1 - len2 + 1):
+        aj_m1 = _get_sample(cp1, size, i - 1)
+        aj_lm1 = _get_sample(cp1, size, i + len2 - 1)
+        sum_aij_2 += aj_lm1**2 - aj_m1**2
+        sum_aij_ri = _sum2(buffer(cp1)[i*size:], cp2, len2)
+        result = (sum_ri_2 * sum_aij_2 - sum_aij_ri * sum_aij_ri) / sum_aij_2
+        if result < best_result:
+            best_result = result
+            best_i = i
+    factor = _sum2(buffer(cp1)[best_i*size:], cp2, len2) / sum_ri_2
+    return best_i, factor
+def findfactor(cp1, cp2):
+    size = 2
+    if len(cp1) % 2 != 0:
+        raise error("Strings should be even-sized")
+    if len(cp1) != len(cp2):
+        raise error("Samples should be same size")
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp1, size)
+    sum_ri_2 = _sum2(cp2, cp2, sample_count)
+    sum_aij_ri = _sum2(cp1, cp2, sample_count)
+    return sum_aij_ri / sum_ri_2
+def findmax(cp, len2):
+    size = 2
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp, size)
+    if len(cp) % 2 != 0:
+        raise error("Strings should be even-sized")
+    if len2 < 0 or sample_count < len2:
+        raise error("Input sample should be longer")
+    if sample_count == 0:
+        return 0
+    result = _sum2(cp, cp, len2)
+    best_result = result
+    best_i = 0
+    for i in range(1, sample_count - len2 + 1):
+        sample_leaving_window = getsample(cp, size, i - 1)
+        sample_entering_window = getsample(cp, size, i + len2 - 1)
+        result -= sample_leaving_window**2
+        result += sample_entering_window**2
+        if result > best_result:
+            best_result = result
+            best_i = i
+    return best_i
+def avgpp(cp, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp, size)
+    prevextremevalid = False
+    avg = 0
+    nextreme = 0
+    prevval = getsample(cp, size, 0)
+    val = getsample(cp, size, 1)
+    prevdiff = val - prevval
+    for i in range(1, sample_count):
+        val = getsample(cp, size, i)
+        diff = val - prevval
+        if diff * prevdiff < 0:
+            if prevextremevalid:
+                avg += abs(prevval - prevextreme)
+                nextreme += 1
+            prevextremevalid = True
+            prevextreme = prevval
+        prevval = val
+        if diff != 0:
+            prevdiff = diff
+    if nextreme == 0:
+        return 0
+    return avg / nextreme
+def maxpp(cp, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp, size)
+    prevextremevalid = False
+    max = 0
+    prevval = getsample(cp, size, 0)
+    val = getsample(cp, size, 1)
+    prevdiff = val - prevval
+    for i in range(1, sample_count):
+        val = getsample(cp, size, i)
+        diff = val - prevval
+        if diff * prevdiff < 0:
+            if prevextremevalid:
+                extremediff = abs(prevval - prevextreme)
+                if extremediff > max:
+                    max = extremediff
+            prevextremevalid = True
+            prevextreme = prevval
+        prevval = val
+        if diff != 0:
+            prevdiff = diff
+    return max
+def cross(cp, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    crossings = 0
+    last_sample = 0
+    for sample in _get_samples(cp, size):
+        if sample <= 0 < last_sample or sample >= 0 > last_sample:
+            crossings += 1
+        last_sample = sample
+    return crossings
+def mul(cp, size, factor):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    clip = _get_clipfn(size)
+    result = create_string_buffer(len(cp))
+    for i, sample in enumerate(_get_samples(cp, size)):
+        sample = clip(int(sample * factor))
+        _put_sample(result, size, i, sample)
+    return result.raw
+def tomono(cp, size, fac1, fac2):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    clip = _get_clipfn(size)
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp, size)
+    result = create_string_buffer(len(cp) / 2)
+    for i in range(0, sample_count, 2):
+        l_sample = getsample(cp, size, i)
+        r_sample = getsample(cp, size, i + 1)
+        sample = (l_sample * fac1) + (r_sample * fac2)
+        sample = clip(sample)
+        _put_sample(result, size, i / 2, sample)
+    return result.raw
+def tostereo(cp, size, fac1, fac2):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp, size)
+    result = create_string_buffer(len(cp) * 2)
+    clip = _get_clipfn(size)
+    for i in range(sample_count):
+        sample = _get_sample(cp, size, i)
+        l_sample = clip(sample * fac1)
+        r_sample = clip(sample * fac2)
+        _put_sample(result, size, i * 2, l_sample)
+        _put_sample(result, size, i * 2 + 1, r_sample)
+    return result.raw
+def add(cp1, cp2, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp1), size)
+    maxval = _get_maxval(size)
+    if len(cp1) != len(cp2):
+        raise error("Lengths should be the same")
+    clip = _get_clipfn(size)
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp1, size)
+    result = create_string_buffer(len(cp1))
+    for i in range(sample_count):
+        sample1 = getsample(cp1, size, i)
+        sample2 = getsample(cp2, size, i)
+        sample = clip(sample1 + sample2)
+        _put_sample(result, size, i, sample)
+    return result.raw
+def bias(cp, size, bias):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    result = create_string_buffer(len(cp))
+    for i, sample in enumerate(_get_samples(cp, size)):
+        sample = _overflow(sample + bias, size)
+        _put_sample(result, size, i, sample)
+    return result.raw
+def reverse(cp, size):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    sample_count = _sample_count(cp, size)
+    result = create_string_buffer(len(cp))
+    for i, sample in enumerate(_get_samples(cp, size)):
+        _put_sample(result, size, sample_count - i - 1, sample)
+    return result.raw
+def lin2lin(cp, size, size2):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    _check_size(size2)
+    if size == size2:
+        return cp
+    new_len = (len(cp) / size) * size2
+    result = create_string_buffer(new_len)
+    for i in range(_sample_count(cp, size)):
+        sample = _get_sample(cp, size, i)
+        if size < size2:
+            sample = sample << (4 * size2 / size)
+        elif size > size2:
+            sample = sample >> (4 * size / size2)
+        sample = _overflow(sample, size2)
+        _put_sample(result, size2, i, sample)
+    return result.raw
+def ratecv(cp, size, nchannels, inrate, outrate, state, weightA=1, weightB=0):
+    _check_params(len(cp), size)
+    if nchannels < 1:
+        raise error("# of channels should be >= 1")
+    bytes_per_frame = size * nchannels
+    frame_count = len(cp) / bytes_per_frame
+    if bytes_per_frame / nchannels != size:
+        raise OverflowError("width * nchannels too big for a C int")
+    if weightA < 1 or weightB < 0:
+        raise error("weightA should be >= 1, weightB should be >= 0")
+    if len(cp) % bytes_per_frame != 0:
+        raise error("not a whole number of frames")
+    if inrate <= 0 or outrate <= 0:
+        raise error("sampling rate not > 0")
+    d = gcd(inrate, outrate)
+    inrate /= d
+    outrate /= d
+    prev_i = [0] * nchannels
+    cur_i = [0] * nchannels
+    if state is None:
+        d = -outrate
+    else:
+        d, samps = state
+        if len(samps) != nchannels:
+            raise error("illegal state argument")
+        prev_i, cur_i = zip(*samps)
+        prev_i, cur_i = list(prev_i), list(cur_i)
+    q = frame_count / inrate
+    ceiling = (q + 1) * outrate
+    nbytes = ceiling * bytes_per_frame
+    result = create_string_buffer(nbytes)
+    samples = _get_samples(cp, size)
+    out_i = 0
+    while True:
+        while d < 0:
+            if frame_count == 0:
+                samps = zip(prev_i, cur_i)
+                retval = result.raw
+                # slice off extra bytes
+                trim_index = (out_i * bytes_per_frame) - len(retval)
+                retval = buffer(retval)[:trim_index]
+                return (retval, (d, tuple(samps)))
+            for chan in range(nchannels):
+                prev_i[chan] = cur_i[chan]
+                cur_i[chan] = samples.next()
+                cur_i[chan] = (
+                    (weightA * cur_i[chan] + weightB * prev_i[chan])
+                    / (weightA + weightB)
+                )
+            frame_count -= 1
+            d += outrate
+        while d >= 0:
+            for chan in range(nchannels):
+                cur_o = (
+                    (prev_i[chan] * d + cur_i[chan] * (outrate - d))
+                    / outrate
+                )
+                _put_sample(result, size, out_i, _overflow(cur_o, size))
+                out_i += 1
+                d -= inrate
+def lin2ulaw(cp, size):
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+def ulaw2lin(cp, size):
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+def lin2alaw(cp, size):
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+def alaw2lin(cp, size):
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+def lin2adpcm(cp, size, state):
+    raise NotImplementedError()
+def adpcm2lin(cp, size, state):
+    raise NotImplementedError()

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