[pypy-commit] pypy kill-multimethod: Kill unused proxy_helpers.py. Make StdTypeDef an alias to TypeDef.

Manuel Jacob noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Feb 25 18:49:43 CET 2014

Author: Manuel Jacob
Branch: kill-multimethod
Changeset: r69441:6d0d93cd5c53
Date: 2014-02-25 18:47 +0100

Log:	Kill unused proxy_helpers.py. Make StdTypeDef an alias to TypeDef.

diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/proxy_helpers.py b/pypy/objspace/std/proxy_helpers.py
deleted file mode 100644
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/proxy_helpers.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-""" Some transparent helpers, put here because
-of cyclic imports
-from pypy.interpreter.argument import Arguments
-from pypy.interpreter.baseobjspace import W_Root
-from rpython.tool.sourcetools import func_with_new_name
-def create_mm_names(classname, mm, is_local):
-    s = ""
-    if is_local:
-        s += "list_"
-    s += mm.name + "__"
-    s += "_".join([classname] + ["ANY"] * (mm.arity - 1))
-    #if '__' + mm.name + '__' in mm.specialnames:
-    #    return s, '__' + mm.name + '__'
-    if mm.specialnames:
-        return s, mm.specialnames[0]
-    return s, mm.name
-def install_general_args_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local, op_name):
-    def function(space, w_transparent_list, __args__):
-        args = __args__.prepend(space.wrap(op_name))
-        return space.call_args(w_transparent_list.w_controller, args)
-    function = func_with_new_name(function, mm.name)
-    mm.register(function, type_)
-def install_args_w_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local, op_name):
-    def function(space, w_transparent_list, *args_w):
-        args = Arguments(space, [space.wrap(op_name)] + list(args_w[:-1]) + args_w[-1])
-        return space.call_args(w_transparent_list.w_controller, args)
-    function = func_with_new_name(function, mm.name)
-    mm.register(function, type_, *([W_Root] * (mm.arity - 1)))
-def install_mm_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local):
-    classname = type_.__name__[2:]
-    mm_name, op_name = create_mm_names(classname, mm, is_local)
-    if ['__args__'] == mm.argnames_after:
-        return install_general_args_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local, op_name)
-    if ['args_w'] == mm.argnames_after:
-        return install_args_w_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local, op_name)
-    assert not mm.argnames_after
-    # we search here for special-cased stuff
-    def function(space, w_transparent_list, *args_w):
-        return space.call_function(w_transparent_list.w_controller, space.wrap\
-            (op_name), *args_w)
-    function = func_with_new_name(function, mm_name)
-    mm.register(function, type_, *([W_Root] * (mm.arity - 1)))
-def is_special_doublearg(mm, type_):
-    """ We specialcase when we've got two argument method for which
-    there exist reverse operation
-    """
-    if mm.arity != 2:
-        return False
-    if len(mm.specialnames) != 2:
-        return False
-    # search over the signatures
-    for signature in mm.signatures():
-        if signature == (type_.original, type_.original):
-            return True
-    return False
-def install_mm_special(type_, mm, is_local):
-    classname = type_.__name__[2:]
-    #mm_name, op_name = create_mm_names(classname, mm, is_local)
-    def function(space, w_any, w_transparent_list):
-        retval = space.call_function(w_transparent_list.w_controller, space.wrap(mm.specialnames[1]),
-            w_any)
-        return retval
-    function = func_with_new_name(function, mm.specialnames[0])
-    mm.register(function, type_.typedef.any, type_)
-def register_type(type_):
-    from pypy.objspace.std.stdtypedef import multimethods_defined_on
-    for mm, is_local in multimethods_defined_on(type_.original):
-        if not mm.name.startswith('__'):
-            install_mm_trampoline(type_, mm, is_local)
-            if is_special_doublearg(mm, type_):
-                install_mm_special(type_, mm, is_local)
diff --git a/pypy/objspace/std/stdtypedef.py b/pypy/objspace/std/stdtypedef.py
--- a/pypy/objspace/std/stdtypedef.py
+++ b/pypy/objspace/std/stdtypedef.py
@@ -8,12 +8,8 @@
 __all__ = ['StdTypeDef']
-class StdTypeDef(TypeDef):
+StdTypeDef = TypeDef
-    def __init__(self, __name, __base=None, **rawdict):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON: initialization-time only."
-        TypeDef.__init__(self, __name, __base, **rawdict)
-        self.any = type("W_Any"+__name.title(), (baseobjspace.W_Root,), {'typedef': self})
 def issubtypedef(a, b):

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