[pypy-commit] lang-smalltalk storage-interpreter-refactoring: Intermediate commit.

anton_gulenko noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Sun Jul 27 12:22:11 CEST 2014

Author: Anton Gulenko <anton.gulenko at googlemail.com>
Branch: storage-interpreter-refactoring
Changeset: r948:3d889c32a173
Date: 2014-07-25 08:55 +0200

Log:	Intermediate commit. Added message to all SmalltalkExceptions,
	catching and printing at toplevel. Extracted
	interpreter_debugging.py and interpreter_bytecodes.py.

diff too long, truncating to 2000 out of 2010 lines

diff --git a/spyvm/error.py b/spyvm/error.py
--- a/spyvm/error.py
+++ b/spyvm/error.py
@@ -1,30 +1,42 @@
-# some exception classes for the Smalltalk VM
+# Some exception classes for the Smalltalk VM
 class SmalltalkException(Exception):
     """Base class for Smalltalk exception hierarchy"""
+    exception_type = "SmalltalkException"
+    _attrs_ = ["msg"]
+    def __init__(self, msg="<no message>"):
+        self.msg = msg
 class PrimitiveFailedError(SmalltalkException):
-    pass
+    exception_type = "PrimitiveFailedError"
 class PrimitiveNotYetWrittenError(PrimitiveFailedError):
-    pass
+    exception_type = "PrimitiveNotYetWrittenError"
 class UnwrappingError(PrimitiveFailedError):
-    pass
+    exception_type = "UnwrappingError"
 class WrappingError(PrimitiveFailedError):
-    pass
+    exception_type = "WrappingError"
 class WrapperException(SmalltalkException):
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        self.msg = msg
+    exception_type = "WrapperException"
 class FatalError(SmalltalkException):
-    def __init__(self, msg):
-        self.msg = msg
+    exception_type = "FatalError"
 class BlockCannotReturnError(SmalltalkException):
-	pass
+	exception_type = "BlockCannotReturnError"
+class MethodNotFound(SmalltalkException):
+    exception_type = "MethodNotFound"
+class MissingBytecode(SmalltalkException):
+    """Bytecode not implemented yet."""
+    exception_type = "MissingBytecode"
+    def __init__(self, bytecodename):
+        SmalltalkException.__init__(self, "Missing bytecode encountered: %s" % bytecodename)
 class Exit(Exception):
     _attrs_ = ["msg"]
diff --git a/spyvm/interpreter.py b/spyvm/interpreter.py
--- a/spyvm/interpreter.py
+++ b/spyvm/interpreter.py
@@ -1,26 +1,60 @@
-import py
 import os
-from spyvm.shadow import ContextPartShadow, MethodContextShadow, BlockContextShadow, MethodNotFound
-from spyvm import model, constants, primitives, conftest, wrapper, objspace
-from spyvm.tool.bitmanipulation import splitter
-from rpython.rlib import jit, rstackovf
-from rpython.rlib import objectmodel, unroll
+from spyvm.shadow import MethodContextShadow
+from spyvm import model, constants, wrapper, objspace, interpreter_bytecodes
-class MissingBytecode(Exception):
-    """Bytecode not implemented yet."""
-    def __init__(self, bytecodename):
-        self.bytecodename = bytecodename
-        print "MissingBytecode:", bytecodename     # hack for debugging
+from rpython.rlib import jit, rstackovf, unroll
-class IllegalStoreError(Exception):
-    """Illegal Store."""
+class ReturnFromTopLevel(Exception):
+    _attrs_ = ["object"]
+    def __init__(self, object):
+        self.object = object
+class Return(Exception):
+    _attrs_ = ["value", "s_target_context", "is_local"]
+    def __init__(self, s_target_context, w_result):
+        self.value = w_result
+        self.s_target_context = s_target_context
+        self.is_local = False
+class ContextSwitchException(Exception):
+    """General Exception that causes the interpreter to leave
+    the current context."""
+    _attrs_ = ["s_new_context"]
+    type = "ContextSwitch"
+    def __init__(self, s_new_context):
+        self.s_new_context = s_new_context
+    def print_trace(self, old_context):
+        print "====== %s, contexts forced to heap at: %s" % (self.type, self.s_new_context.short_str())
+class StackOverflow(ContextSwitchException):
+    """This causes the current jit-loop to be left, dumping all virtualized objects to the heap.
+    This breaks performance, so it should rarely happen.
+    In case of severe performance problems, execute with -t and check if this occurrs."""
+    type = "Stack Overflow"
+class ProcessSwitch(ContextSwitchException):
+    """This causes the interpreter to switch the executed context.
+    Triggered when switching the process."""
+    def print_trace(self, old_context):
+        print "====== Switched process from: %s" % old_context.short_str()
+        print "====== to: %s " % self.s_new_context.short_str()
+class SenderChainManipulation(ContextSwitchException):
+    """Manipulation of the sender chain can invalidate the jitted C stack.
+    We have to dump all virtual objects and rebuild the stack.
+    We try to raise this as rarely as possible and as late as possible."""
+    type = "Sender Manipulation"
+UNROLLING_BYTECODE_RANGES = unroll.unrolling_iterable(interpreter_bytecodes.BYTECODE_RANGES)
 def get_printable_location(pc, self, method):
     bc = ord(method.bytes[pc])
     name = method.safe_identifier_string()
-    return '(%s) [%d]: <%s>%s' % (name, pc, hex(bc), BYTECODE_NAMES[bc])
+    return '(%s) [%d]: <%s>%s' % (name, pc, hex(bc), interpreter_bytecodes.BYTECODE_NAMES[bc])
 class Interpreter(object):
     _immutable_fields_ = ["space", "image",
@@ -218,7 +252,7 @@
         return s_frame
-    # ============== Methods for tracing, printing and debugging ==============
+    # ============== Methods for tracing and printing ==============
     def is_tracing(self):
         return jit.promote(self.trace)
@@ -226,875 +260,6 @@
     def print_padded(self, str):
         assert self.is_tracing()
         print (' ' * self.stack_depth) + str
-    def activate_debug_bytecode(self):
-        "NOT_RPYTHON"
-        def do_break(self):
-            import pdb
-            if self.break_on_bytecodes:
-                pdb.set_trace()
-        Interpreter.debug_bytecode = do_break
-        self.break_on_bytecodes = True
-    def debug_bytecode(self):
-        # This is for debugging. In a pdb console, execute the following:
-        # self.activate_debug_bytecode()
-        pass
-class ReturnFromTopLevel(Exception):
-    _attrs_ = ["object"]
-    def __init__(self, object):
-        self.object = object
-class Return(Exception):
-    _attrs_ = ["value", "s_target_context", "is_local"]
-    def __init__(self, s_target_context, w_result):
-        self.value = w_result
-        self.s_target_context = s_target_context
-        self.is_local = False
-class ContextSwitchException(Exception):
-    """General Exception that causes the interpreter to leave
-    the current context."""
-    _attrs_ = ["s_new_context"]
-    type = "ContextSwitch"
-    def __init__(self, s_new_context):
-        self.s_new_context = s_new_context
-    def print_trace(self, old_context):
-        print "====== %s, contexts forced to heap at: %s" % (self.type, self.s_new_context.short_str())
-class StackOverflow(ContextSwitchException):
-    """This causes the current jit-loop to be left, dumping all virtualized objects to the heap.
-    This breaks performance, so it should rarely happen.
-    In case of severe performance problems, execute with -t and check if this occurrs."""
-    type = "Stack Overflow"
-class ProcessSwitch(ContextSwitchException):
-    """This causes the interpreter to switch the executed context.
-    Triggered when switching the process."""
-    def print_trace(self, old_context):
-        print "====== Switched process from: %s" % old_context.short_str()
-        print "====== to: %s " % self.s_new_context.short_str()
-class SenderChainManipulation(ContextSwitchException):
-    """Manipulation of the sender chain can invalidate the jitted C stack.
-    We have to dump all virtual objects and rebuild the stack.
-    We try to raise this as rarely as possible and as late as possible."""
-    type = "Sender Manipulation"
-import rpython.rlib.unroll
-if hasattr(unroll, "unrolling_zero"):
-    unrolling_zero = unroll.unrolling_zero
-    class unrolling_int(int, unroll.SpecTag):
-        def __add__(self, other):
-            return unrolling_int(int.__add__(self, other))
-        __radd__ = __add__
-        def __sub__(self, other):
-            return unrolling_int(int.__sub__(self, other))
-        def __rsub__(self, other):
-            return unrolling_int(int.__rsub__(self, other))
-    unrolling_zero = unrolling_int(0)
-# This is a decorator for bytecode implementation methods.
-# parameter_bytes=N means N additional bytes are fetched as parameters.
-def bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=0):
-    def bytecode_implementation_decorator(actual_implementation_method):
-        @jit.unroll_safe
-        def bytecode_implementation_wrapper(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-            parameters = ()
-            i = unrolling_zero
-            while i < parameter_bytes:
-                parameters += (self.fetch_next_bytecode(), )
-                i = i + 1
-            # This is a good place to step through bytecodes.
-            interp.debug_bytecode()
-            return actual_implementation_method(self, interp, current_bytecode, *parameters)
-        bytecode_implementation_wrapper.func_name = actual_implementation_method.func_name
-        return bytecode_implementation_wrapper
-    return bytecode_implementation_decorator
-def make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitive, selector, argcount, store_pc=False):
-    func = primitives.prim_table[primitive]
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def callPrimitive(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        # WARNING: this is used for bytecodes for which it is safe to
-        # directly call the primitive.  In general, it is not safe: for
-        # example, depending on the type of the receiver, bytecodePrimAt
-        # may invoke primitives.AT, primitives.STRING_AT, or anything
-        # else that the user put in a class in an 'at:' method.
-        # The rule of thumb is that primitives with only int and float
-        # in their unwrap_spec are safe.
-        try:
-            return func(interp, self, argcount)
-        except primitives.PrimitiveFailedError:
-            pass
-        return self._sendSelfSelectorSpecial(selector, argcount, interp)
-    callPrimitive.func_name = "callPrimitive_%s" % func.func_name
-    return callPrimitive
-def make_call_primitive_bytecode_classbased(a_class_name, a_primitive, alternative_class_name, alternative_primitive, selector, argcount):
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def callClassbasedPrimitive(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        rcvr = self.peek(argcount)
-        receiver_class = rcvr.getclass(self.space)
-        try:
-            if receiver_class is getattr(self.space, a_class_name):
-                func = primitives.prim_table[a_primitive]
-                return func(interp, self, argcount)
-            elif receiver_class is getattr(self.space, alternative_class_name):
-                func = primitives.prim_table[alternative_primitive]
-                return func(interp, self, argcount)
-        except primitives.PrimitiveFailedError:
-            pass
-        return self._sendSelfSelectorSpecial(selector, argcount, interp)
-    callClassbasedPrimitive.func_name = "callClassbasedPrimitive_%s" % selector
-    return callClassbasedPrimitive
-# Some selectors cannot be overwritten, therefore no need to handle PrimitiveFailed.
-def make_quick_call_primitive_bytecode(primitive_index, argcount):
-    func = primitives.prim_table[primitive_index]
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def quick_call_primitive_bytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        return func(interp, self, argcount)
-    return quick_call_primitive_bytecode
-# This is for bytecodes that actually implement a simple message-send.
-# We do not optimize anything for these cases.
-def make_send_selector_bytecode(selector, argcount):
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def selector_bytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        return self._sendSelfSelectorSpecial(selector, argcount, interp)
-    selector_bytecode.func_name = "selector_bytecode_%s" % selector
-    return selector_bytecode
-# ___________________________________________________________________________
-# Bytecode Implementations:
-# "self" is always a ContextPartShadow instance.
-# __extend__ adds new methods to the ContextPartShadow class
-class __extend__(ContextPartShadow):
-    # ====== Push/Pop bytecodes ======
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushReceiverVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        index = current_bytecode & 15
-        self.push(self.w_receiver().fetch(self.space, index))
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushTemporaryVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        index = current_bytecode & 15
-        self.push(self.gettemp(index))
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushLiteralConstantBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        index = current_bytecode & 31
-        self.push(self.w_method().getliteral(index))
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushLiteralVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        # this bytecode assumes that literals[index] is an Association
-        # which is an object with two named vars, and fetches the second
-        # named var (the value).
-        index = current_bytecode & 31
-        w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(index)
-        association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
-        self.push(association.value())
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def storeAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        index = current_bytecode & 7
-        self.w_receiver().store(self.space, index, self.pop())
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def storeAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        index = current_bytecode & 7
-        self.settemp(index, self.pop())
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushReceiverBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(self.w_receiver())
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushConstantTrueBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(interp.space.w_true)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushConstantFalseBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(interp.space.w_false)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushConstantNilBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(interp.space.w_nil)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushConstantMinusOneBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(interp.space.w_minus_one)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushConstantZeroBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(interp.space.w_zero)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushConstantOneBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(interp.space.w_one)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushConstantTwoBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(interp.space.w_two)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def pushActiveContextBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(self.w_self())
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def duplicateTopBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.push(self.top())
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def popStackBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self.pop()
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def pushNewArrayBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
-        arraySize, popIntoArray = splitter[7, 1](descriptor)
-        newArray = None
-        if popIntoArray == 1:
-           newArray = interp.space.wrap_list(self.pop_and_return_n(arraySize))
-        else:
-           newArray = interp.space.w_Array.as_class_get_shadow(interp.space).new(arraySize)
-        self.push(newArray)
-    # ====== Extended Push/Pop bytecodes ======
-    def _extendedVariableTypeAndIndex(self, descriptor):
-        return ((descriptor >> 6) & 3), (descriptor & 63)
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def extendedPushBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
-        variableType, variableIndex = self._extendedVariableTypeAndIndex(descriptor)
-        if variableType == 0:
-            self.push(self.w_receiver().fetch(self.space, variableIndex))
-        elif variableType == 1:
-            self.push(self.gettemp(variableIndex))
-        elif variableType == 2:
-            self.push(self.w_method().getliteral(variableIndex))
-        elif variableType == 3:
-            w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(variableIndex)
-            association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
-            self.push(association.value())
-        else:
-            assert 0
-    def _extendedStoreBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
-        variableType, variableIndex = self._extendedVariableTypeAndIndex(descriptor)
-        if variableType == 0:
-            self.w_receiver().store(self.space, variableIndex, self.top())
-        elif variableType == 1:
-            self.settemp(variableIndex, self.top())
-        elif variableType == 2:
-            raise IllegalStoreError
-        elif variableType == 3:
-            w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(variableIndex)
-            association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
-            association.store_value(self.top())
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def extendedStoreBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
-        return self._extendedStoreBytecode(interp, current_bytecode, descriptor)
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def extendedStoreAndPopBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
-        self._extendedStoreBytecode(interp, current_bytecode, descriptor)
-        self.pop()
-    def _extract_index_and_temps(self, index_in_array, index_of_array):
-        w_indirectTemps = self.gettemp(index_of_array)
-        return index_in_array, w_indirectTemps
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=2)
-    def pushRemoteTempLongBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, index_in_array, index_of_array):
-        index_in_array, w_indirectTemps = self._extract_index_and_temps(index_in_array, index_of_array)
-        self.push(w_indirectTemps.at0(self.space, index_in_array))
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=2)
-    def storeRemoteTempLongBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, index_in_array, index_of_array):
-        index_in_array, w_indirectTemps = self._extract_index_and_temps(index_in_array, index_of_array)
-        w_indirectTemps.atput0(self.space, index_in_array, self.top())
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=2)
-    def storeAndPopRemoteTempLongBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, index_in_array, index_of_array):
-        index_in_array, w_indirectTemps = self._extract_index_and_temps(index_in_array, index_of_array)
-        w_indirectTemps.atput0(self.space, index_in_array, self.pop())
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=3)
-    def pushClosureCopyCopiedValuesBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor, j, i):
-        """ Copied from Blogpost: http://www.mirandabanda.org/cogblog/2008/07/22/closures-part-ii-the-bytecodes/
-        ContextPart>>pushClosureCopyNumCopiedValues: numCopied numArgs: numArgs blockSize: blockSize
-        "Simulate the action of a 'closure copy' bytecode whose result is the
-         new BlockClosure for the following code"
-        | copiedValues |
-        numCopied > 0
-                 ifTrue:
-                          [copiedValues := Array new: numCopied.
-                           numCopied to: 1 by: -1 do:
-                                   [:i|
-                                   copiedValues at: i put: self pop]]
-                 ifFalse:
-                          [copiedValues := nil].
-        self push: (BlockClosure new
-                                   outerContext: self
-                                   startpc: pc
-                                   numArgs: numArgs
-                                   copiedValues: copiedValues).
-        self jump: blockSize
-        """
-        space = self.space
-        numArgs, numCopied = splitter[4, 4](descriptor)
-        blockSize = (j << 8) | i
-        # Create new instance of BlockClosure
-        w_closure = space.newClosure(self.w_self(), self.pc(), numArgs,
-                                            self.pop_and_return_n(numCopied))
-        self.push(w_closure)
-        self._jump(blockSize)
-    # ====== Helpers for send/return bytecodes ======
-    def _sendSelfSelector(self, w_selector, argcount, interp):
-        receiver = self.peek(argcount)
-        return self._sendSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp,
-                                  receiver, receiver.class_shadow(self.space))
-    def _sendSuperSelector(self, w_selector, argcount, interp):
-        compiledin_class = self.w_method().compiled_in()
-        assert isinstance(compiledin_class, model.W_PointersObject)
-        s_compiledin = compiledin_class.as_class_get_shadow(self.space)
-        return self._sendSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp, self.w_receiver(),
-                                  s_compiledin.s_superclass())
-    def _sendSelector(self, w_selector, argcount, interp,
-                      receiver, receiverclassshadow, w_arguments=None):
-        assert argcount >= 0
-        try:
-            w_method = receiverclassshadow.lookup(w_selector)
-        except MethodNotFound:
-            return self._doesNotUnderstand(w_selector, argcount, interp, receiver)
-        code = w_method.primitive()
-        if code:
-            if w_arguments:
-                self.push_all(w_arguments)
-            try:
-                return self._call_primitive(code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector)
-            except primitives.PrimitiveFailedError:
-                pass # ignore this error and fall back to the Smalltalk version
-        if not w_arguments:
-            w_arguments = self.pop_and_return_n(argcount)
-        s_frame = w_method.create_frame(interp.space, receiver, w_arguments)
-        self.pop() # receiver
-        # ######################################################################
-        if interp.is_tracing():
-            interp.print_padded('-> ' + s_frame.short_str())
-        return interp.stack_frame(s_frame, self)
-    @objectmodel.specialize.arg(1)
-    def _sendSelfSelectorSpecial(self, selector, numargs, interp):
-        w_selector = self.space.get_special_selector(selector)
-        return self._sendSelfSelector(w_selector, numargs, interp)
-    def _sendSpecialSelector(self, interp, receiver, special_selector, w_args=[]):
-        w_special_selector = self.space.objtable["w_" + special_selector]
-        s_class = receiver.class_shadow(self.space)
-        w_method = s_class.lookup(w_special_selector)
-        s_frame = w_method.create_frame(interp.space, receiver, w_args)
-        # ######################################################################
-        if interp.is_tracing():
-            interp.print_padded('-> %s %s' % (special_selector, s_frame.short_str()))
-            if not objectmodel.we_are_translated():
-                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-        return interp.stack_frame(s_frame, self)
-    def _doesNotUnderstand(self, w_selector, argcount, interp, receiver):
-        arguments = self.pop_and_return_n(argcount)
-        w_message_class = self.space.classtable["w_Message"]
-        assert isinstance(w_message_class, model.W_PointersObject)
-        s_message_class = w_message_class.as_class_get_shadow(self.space)
-        w_message = s_message_class.new()
-        w_message.store(self.space, 0, w_selector)
-        w_message.store(self.space, 1, self.space.wrap_list(arguments))
-        self.pop() # The receiver, already known.
-        try:
-            if interp.space.headless.is_set():
-                primitives.exitFromHeadlessExecution(self, "doesNotUnderstand:", w_message)
-            return self._sendSpecialSelector(interp, receiver, "doesNotUnderstand", [w_message])
-        except MethodNotFound:
-            from spyvm.shadow import ClassShadow
-            s_class = receiver.class_shadow(self.space)
-            assert isinstance(s_class, ClassShadow)
-            from spyvm import error
-            raise error.Exit("Missing doesNotUnderstand in hierarchy of %s" % s_class.getname())
-    def _mustBeBoolean(self, interp, receiver):
-        return self._sendSpecialSelector(interp, receiver, "mustBeBoolean")
-    def _call_primitive(self, code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector):
-        # ##################################################################
-        if interp.is_tracing():
-            interp.print_padded("-> primitive %d \t(in %s, named %s)" % (
-                                    code, self.w_method().get_identifier_string(),
-                                    w_selector.selector_string()))
-        func = primitives.prim_holder.prim_table[code]
-        try:
-            # note: argcount does not include rcvr
-            # the primitive pushes the result (if any) onto the stack itself
-            return func(interp, self, argcount, w_method)
-        except primitives.PrimitiveFailedError, e:
-            if interp.is_tracing():
-                interp.print_padded("-- primitive %d FAILED\t (in %s, named %s)" % (
-                            code, w_method.safe_identifier_string(), w_selector.selector_string()))
-            raise e
-    def _return(self, return_value, interp, local_return=False):
-        # unfortunately, this assert is not true for some tests. TODO fix this.
-        # assert self._stack_ptr == self.tempsize()
-        # ##################################################################
-        if interp.is_tracing():
-            interp.print_padded('<- ' + return_value.as_repr_string())
-        if self.home_is_self() or local_return:
-            # a local return just needs to go up the stack once. there
-            # it will find the sender as a local, and we don't have to
-            # force the reference
-            s_return_to = None
-            return_from_top = self.s_sender() is None
-        else:
-            s_return_to = self.s_home().s_sender()
-            return_from_top = s_return_to is None
-        if return_from_top:
-            # This should never happen while executing a normal image.
-            raise ReturnFromTopLevel(return_value)
-        else:
-            raise Return(s_return_to, return_value)
-    # ====== Send/Return bytecodes ======
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def returnReceiverBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        return self._return(self.w_receiver(), interp)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def returnTrueBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        return self._return(interp.space.w_true, interp)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def returnFalseBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        return self._return(interp.space.w_false, interp)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def returnNilBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        return self._return(interp.space.w_nil, interp)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def returnTopFromMethodBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        return self._return(self.pop(), interp)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def returnTopFromBlockBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        return self._return(self.pop(), interp, local_return=True)
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def sendLiteralSelectorBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        w_selector = self.w_method().getliteral(current_bytecode & 15)
-        argcount = ((current_bytecode >> 4) & 3) - 1
-        return self._sendSelfSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp)
-    def _getExtendedSelectorArgcount(self, descriptor):
-        return ((self.w_method().getliteral(descriptor & 31)),
-                (descriptor >> 5))
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def singleExtendedSendBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
-        w_selector, argcount = self._getExtendedSelectorArgcount(descriptor)
-        return self._sendSelfSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp)
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=2)
-    def doubleExtendedDoAnythingBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, second, third):
-        from spyvm import error
-        opType = second >> 5
-        if opType == 0:
-            # selfsend
-            return self._sendSelfSelector(self.w_method().getliteral(third),
-                                          second & 31, interp)
-        elif opType == 1:
-            # supersend
-            return self._sendSuperSelector(self.w_method().getliteral(third),
-                                           second & 31, interp)
-        elif opType == 2:
-            # pushReceiver
-            self.push(self.w_receiver().fetch(self.space, third))
-        elif opType == 3:
-            # pushLiteralConstant
-            self.push(self.w_method().getliteral(third))
-        elif opType == 4:
-            # pushLiteralVariable
-            w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(third)
-            association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
-            self.push(association.value())
-        elif opType == 5:
-            # TODO - the following two special cases should not be necessary
-            try:
-                self.w_receiver().store(self.space, third, self.top())
-            except SenderChainManipulation, e:
-                raise SenderChainManipulation(self)
-        elif opType == 6:
-            try:
-                self.w_receiver().store(self.space, third, self.pop())
-            except SenderChainManipulation, e:
-                raise SenderChainManipulation(self)
-        elif opType == 7:
-            w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(third)
-            association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
-            association.store_value(self.top())
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def singleExtendedSuperBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
-        w_selector, argcount = self._getExtendedSelectorArgcount(descriptor)
-        return self._sendSuperSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp)
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def secondExtendedSendBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
-        w_selector = self.w_method().getliteral(descriptor & 63)
-        argcount = descriptor >> 6
-        return self._sendSelfSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp)
-    # ====== Misc ======
-    def _activate_unwind_context(self, interp):
-        if self.is_closure_context() or not self.is_BlockClosure_ensure():
-            self.mark_returned()
-            return
-        # The first temp is executed flag for both #ensure: and #ifCurtailed:
-        if self.gettemp(1).is_nil(self.space):
-            self.settemp(1, self.space.w_true) # mark unwound
-            self.push(self.gettemp(0)) # push the first argument
-            try:
-                self.bytecodePrimValue(interp, 0)
-            except Return, nlr:
-                assert nlr.s_target_context or nlr.is_local
-                if self is not nlr.s_target_context and not nlr.is_local:
-                    raise nlr
-            finally:
-                self.mark_returned()
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def unknownBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        raise MissingBytecode("unknownBytecode")
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def experimentalBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        raise MissingBytecode("experimentalBytecode")
-    # ====== Jump bytecodes ======
-    def _jump(self, offset):
-        self.store_pc(self.pc() + offset)
-    def _jumpConditional(self, interp, expecting_true, position):
-        if expecting_true:
-            w_expected = interp.space.w_true
-            w_alternative = interp.space.w_false
-        else:
-            w_alternative = interp.space.w_true
-            w_expected = interp.space.w_false
-        # Don't check the class, just compare with only two Boolean instances.
-        w_bool = self.pop()
-        if w_expected.is_same_object(w_bool):
-            self._jump(position)
-        elif not w_alternative.is_same_object(w_bool):
-            self._mustBeBoolean(interp, w_bool)
-    def _shortJumpOffset(self, current_bytecode):
-        return (current_bytecode & 7) + 1
-    def _longJumpOffset(self, current_bytecode, parameter):
-        return ((current_bytecode & 3) << 8) + parameter
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def shortUnconditionalJumpBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        self._jump(self._shortJumpOffset(current_bytecode))
-    @bytecode_implementation()
-    def shortConditionalJumpBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
-        # The conditional jump is "jump on false"
-        self._jumpConditional(interp, False, self._shortJumpOffset(current_bytecode))
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def longUnconditionalJumpBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, parameter):
-        offset = (((current_bytecode & 7) - 4) << 8) + parameter
-        self._jump(offset)
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def longJumpIfTrueBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, parameter):
-        self._jumpConditional(interp, True, self._longJumpOffset(current_bytecode, parameter))
-    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
-    def longJumpIfFalseBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, parameter):
-        self._jumpConditional(interp, False, self._longJumpOffset(current_bytecode, parameter))
-    # ====== Bytecodes implemented with primitives and message sends ======
-    bytecodePrimAdd = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.ADD, "+", 1)
-    bytecodePrimSubtract = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.SUBTRACT, "-", 1)
-    bytecodePrimLessThan = make_call_primitive_bytecode (primitives.LESSTHAN, "<", 1)
-    bytecodePrimGreaterThan = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.GREATERTHAN, ">", 1)
-    bytecodePrimLessOrEqual = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.LESSOREQUAL,  "<=", 1)
-    bytecodePrimGreaterOrEqual = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.GREATEROREQUAL,  ">=", 1)
-    bytecodePrimEqual = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.EQUAL,   "=", 1)
-    bytecodePrimNotEqual = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.NOTEQUAL,  "~=", 1)
-    bytecodePrimMultiply = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.MULTIPLY,  "*", 1)
-    bytecodePrimDivide = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.DIVIDE,  "/", 1)
-    bytecodePrimMod = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.MOD, "\\\\", 1)
-    bytecodePrimMakePoint = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.MAKE_POINT, "@", 1)
-    bytecodePrimBitShift = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.BIT_SHIFT, "bitShift:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimDiv = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.DIV, "//", 1)
-    bytecodePrimBitAnd = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.BIT_AND, "bitAnd:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimBitOr = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.BIT_OR, "bitOr:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimAt = make_send_selector_bytecode("at:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimAtPut = make_send_selector_bytecode("at:put:", 2)
-    bytecodePrimSize = make_send_selector_bytecode("size", 0)
-    bytecodePrimNext = make_send_selector_bytecode("next", 0)
-    bytecodePrimNextPut = make_send_selector_bytecode("nextPut:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimAtEnd = make_send_selector_bytecode("atEnd", 0)
-    bytecodePrimEquivalent = make_quick_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.EQUIVALENT, 1)
-    bytecodePrimClass = make_quick_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.CLASS, 0)
-    bytecodePrimBlockCopy = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.BLOCK_COPY, "blockCopy:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimValue = make_call_primitive_bytecode_classbased("w_BlockContext", primitives.VALUE, "w_BlockClosure", primitives.CLOSURE_VALUE, "value", 0)
-    bytecodePrimValueWithArg = make_call_primitive_bytecode_classbased("w_BlockContext", primitives.VALUE, "w_BlockClosure", primitives.CLOSURE_VALUE_, "value:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimDo = make_send_selector_bytecode("do:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimNew = make_send_selector_bytecode("new", 0)
-    bytecodePrimNewWithArg = make_send_selector_bytecode("new:", 1)
-    bytecodePrimPointX = make_send_selector_bytecode("x", 0)
-    bytecodePrimPointY = make_send_selector_bytecode("y", 0)
-            (  0,  15, "pushReceiverVariableBytecode"),
-            ( 16,  31, "pushTemporaryVariableBytecode"),
-            ( 32,  63, "pushLiteralConstantBytecode"),
-            ( 64,  95, "pushLiteralVariableBytecode"),
-            ( 96, 103, "storeAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode"),
-            (104, 111, "storeAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode"),
-            (112, "pushReceiverBytecode"),
-            (113, "pushConstantTrueBytecode"),
-            (114, "pushConstantFalseBytecode"),
-            (115, "pushConstantNilBytecode"),
-            (116, "pushConstantMinusOneBytecode"),
-            (117, "pushConstantZeroBytecode"),
-            (118, "pushConstantOneBytecode"),
-            (119, "pushConstantTwoBytecode"),
-            (120, "returnReceiverBytecode"),
-            (121, "returnTrueBytecode"),
-            (122, "returnFalseBytecode"),
-            (123, "returnNilBytecode"),
-            (124, "returnTopFromMethodBytecode"),
-            (125, "returnTopFromBlockBytecode"),
-            (126, "unknownBytecode"),
-            (127, "unknownBytecode"),
-            (128, "extendedPushBytecode"),
-            (129, "extendedStoreBytecode"),
-            (130, "extendedStoreAndPopBytecode"),
-            (131, "singleExtendedSendBytecode"),
-            (132, "doubleExtendedDoAnythingBytecode"),
-            (133, "singleExtendedSuperBytecode"),
-            (134, "secondExtendedSendBytecode"),
-            (135, "popStackBytecode"),
-            (136, "duplicateTopBytecode"),
-            (137, "pushActiveContextBytecode"),
-            (138, "pushNewArrayBytecode"),
-            (139, "experimentalBytecode"),
-            (140, "pushRemoteTempLongBytecode"),
-            (141, "storeRemoteTempLongBytecode"),
-            (142, "storeAndPopRemoteTempLongBytecode"),
-            (143, "pushClosureCopyCopiedValuesBytecode"),
-            (144, 151, "shortUnconditionalJumpBytecode"),
-            (152, 159, "shortConditionalJumpBytecode"),
-            (160, 167, "longUnconditionalJumpBytecode"),
-            (168, 171, "longJumpIfTrueBytecode"),
-            (172, 175, "longJumpIfFalseBytecode"),
-            (176, "bytecodePrimAdd"),
-            (177, "bytecodePrimSubtract"),
-            (178, "bytecodePrimLessThan"),
-            (179, "bytecodePrimGreaterThan"),
-            (180, "bytecodePrimLessOrEqual"),
-            (181, "bytecodePrimGreaterOrEqual"),
-            (182, "bytecodePrimEqual"),
-            (183, "bytecodePrimNotEqual"),
-            (184, "bytecodePrimMultiply"),
-            (185, "bytecodePrimDivide"),
-            (186, "bytecodePrimMod"),
-            (187, "bytecodePrimMakePoint"),
-            (188, "bytecodePrimBitShift"),
-            (189, "bytecodePrimDiv"),
-            (190, "bytecodePrimBitAnd"),
-            (191, "bytecodePrimBitOr"),
-            (192, "bytecodePrimAt"),
-            (193, "bytecodePrimAtPut"),
-            (194, "bytecodePrimSize"),
-            (195, "bytecodePrimNext"),
-            (196, "bytecodePrimNextPut"),
-            (197, "bytecodePrimAtEnd"),
-            (198, "bytecodePrimEquivalent"),
-            (199, "bytecodePrimClass"),
-            (200, "bytecodePrimBlockCopy"),
-            (201, "bytecodePrimValue"),
-            (202, "bytecodePrimValueWithArg"),
-            (203, "bytecodePrimDo"),
-            (204, "bytecodePrimNew"),
-            (205, "bytecodePrimNewWithArg"),
-            (206, "bytecodePrimPointX"),
-            (207, "bytecodePrimPointY"),
-            (208, 255, "sendLiteralSelectorBytecode"),
-            ]
-from rpython.rlib.unroll import unrolling_iterable
-def initialize_bytecode_names():
-    result = [None] * 256
-    for entry in BYTECODE_RANGES:
-        if len(entry) == 2:
-            result[entry[0]] = entry[1]
-        else:
-            for arg, pos in enumerate(range(entry[0], entry[1]+1)):
-                result[pos] = "%s(%s)" % (entry[2], arg)
-    assert None not in result
-    return result
-BYTECODE_NAMES = initialize_bytecode_names()
-def initialize_bytecode_table():
-    result = [None] * 256
-    for entry in BYTECODE_RANGES:
-        if len(entry) == 2:
-            positions = [entry[0]]
-        else:
-            positions = range(entry[0], entry[1]+1)
-        for pos in positions:
-            result[pos] = getattr(ContextPartShadow, entry[-1])
-    assert None not in result
-    return result
-# this table is only used for creating named bytecodes in tests and printing
-BYTECODE_TABLE = initialize_bytecode_table()
-# Smalltalk debugging facilities, patching Interpreter and ContextPartShadow
-# in order to enable tracing/jumping for message sends etc.
-def debugging():
-    def stepping_debugger_init(original):
-        def meth(self, space, image=None, trace=False):
-            return_value = original(self, space, image=image, trace=trace)
-            # ##############################################################
-            self.message_stepping = False
-            self.halt_on_failing_primitives = False
-            # ##############################################################
-            return return_value
-        return meth
-    Interpreter.__init__ = stepping_debugger_init(Interpreter.__init__)
-    def stepping_debugger_send(original):
-        """When interp.message_stepping is True, we halt on every call of ContextPartShadow._sendSelector.
-        The method is not called for bytecode message sends (see constants.SPECIAL_SELECTORS)"""
-        def meth(s_context, w_selector, argcount, interp,
-                      receiver, receiverclassshadow):
-            options = [False]
-            def next(): interp.message_stepping = True; print 'Now continue (c).'
-            def over(): options[0] = True; print  'Skipping #%s. You still need to continue(c).' % w_selector.str_content()
-            def pstack(): print s_context.print_stack()
-            if interp.message_stepping:
-                if argcount == 0:
-                    print "-> %s #%s" % (receiver.as_repr_string(),
-                            w_selector.str_content())
-                elif argcount == 1:
-                    print "-> %s #%s %s" % (receiver.as_repr_string(),
-                            w_selector.str_content(),
-                            s_context.peek(0).as_repr_string())
-                else:
-                    print "-> %s #%s %r" % (receiver.as_repr_string(),
-                            w_selector.str_content(),
-                            [s_context.peek(argcount-1-i) for i in range(argcount)])
-                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-            if options[0]:
-                m_s = interp.message_stepping
-                interp.message_stepping = False
-                try:
-                    return original(s_context, w_selector, argcount, interp, receiver, receiverclassshadow)
-                finally:
-                    interp.message_stepping = m_s
-            else:
-                return original(s_context, w_selector, argcount, interp, receiver, receiverclassshadow)
-        return meth
-    ContextPartShadow._sendSelector = stepping_debugger_send(ContextPartShadow._sendSelector)
-    def stepping_debugger_failed_primitive_halt(original):
-        def meth(self, code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector):
-            try:
-                original(self, code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector)
-            except primitives.PrimitiveFailedError, e:
-                if interp.halt_on_failing_primitives:
-                    func = primitives.prim_holder.prim_table[code]
-                    if func.func_name != 'raise_failing_default' and code != 83:
-                        import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
-                        try:
-                            func(interp, self, argcount, w_method) # will fail again
-                        except primitives.PrimitiveFailedError:
-                            pass
-                raise e
-        return meth
-    ContextPartShadow._call_primitive = stepping_debugger_failed_primitive_halt(ContextPartShadow._call_primitive)
-    def trace_missing_named_primitives(original):
-        def meth(interp, s_frame, argcount, w_method=None):
-            try:
-                return original(interp, s_frame, argcount, w_method=w_method)
-            except primitives.PrimitiveFailedError, e:
-                space = interp.space
-                w_description = w_method.literalat0(space, 1)
-                if not isinstance(w_description, model.W_PointersObject) or w_description.size() < 2:
-                    raise e
-                w_modulename = w_description.at0(space, 0)
-                w_functionname = w_description.at0(space, 1)
-                if not (isinstance(w_modulename, model.W_BytesObject) and
-                        isinstance(w_functionname, model.W_BytesObject)):
-                    raise e
-                signature = (w_modulename.as_string(), w_functionname.as_string())
-                debugging.missing_named_primitives.add(signature)
-                raise e
-        return meth
-    primitives.prim_table[primitives.EXTERNAL_CALL] = trace_missing_named_primitives(primitives.prim_table[primitives.EXTERNAL_CALL])
-    debugging.missing_named_primitives = set()
-# debugging()
+# Uncomment this to load debugging facilities at startup.
+#from spyvm import interpreter_debugging; Interpreter.__init__ = interpreter_debugging.activating_init(Interpreter.__init__)
diff --git a/spyvm/interpreter_bytecodes.py b/spyvm/interpreter_bytecodes.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spyvm/interpreter_bytecodes.py
@@ -0,0 +1,725 @@
+from spyvm.shadow import ContextPartShadow
+from spyvm import model, primitives, wrapper, error
+from spyvm.tool.bitmanipulation import splitter
+from rpython.rlib import objectmodel, unroll, jit
+# unrolling_zero has been removed from rlib at some point.
+if hasattr(unroll, "unrolling_zero"):
+    unrolling_zero = unroll.unrolling_zero
+    class unrolling_int(int, unroll.SpecTag):
+        def __add__(self, other):
+            return unrolling_int(int.__add__(self, other))
+        __radd__ = __add__
+        def __sub__(self, other):
+            return unrolling_int(int.__sub__(self, other))
+        def __rsub__(self, other):
+            return unrolling_int(int.__rsub__(self, other))
+    unrolling_zero = unrolling_int(0)
+# This is a decorator for bytecode implementation methods.
+# parameter_bytes=N means N additional bytes are fetched as parameters.
+def bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=0):
+    def bytecode_implementation_decorator(actual_implementation_method):
+        @jit.unroll_safe
+        def bytecode_implementation_wrapper(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+            parameters = ()
+            i = unrolling_zero
+            while i < parameter_bytes:
+                parameters += (self.fetch_next_bytecode(), )
+                i = i + 1
+            # This is a good place to step through bytecodes.
+            self.debug_bytecode()
+            return actual_implementation_method(self, interp, current_bytecode, *parameters)
+        bytecode_implementation_wrapper.func_name = actual_implementation_method.func_name
+        return bytecode_implementation_wrapper
+    return bytecode_implementation_decorator
+def make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitive, selector, argcount, store_pc=False):
+    func = primitives.prim_table[primitive]
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def callPrimitive(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        # WARNING: this is used for bytecodes for which it is safe to
+        # directly call the primitive.  In general, it is not safe: for
+        # example, depending on the type of the receiver, bytecodePrimAt
+        # may invoke primitives.AT, primitives.STRING_AT, or anything
+        # else that the user put in a class in an 'at:' method.
+        # The rule of thumb is that primitives with only int and float
+        # in their unwrap_spec are safe.
+        try:
+            return func(interp, self, argcount)
+        except error.PrimitiveFailedError:
+            pass
+        return self._sendSelfSelectorSpecial(selector, argcount, interp)
+    callPrimitive.func_name = "callPrimitive_%s" % func.func_name
+    return callPrimitive
+def make_call_primitive_bytecode_classbased(a_class_name, a_primitive, alternative_class_name, alternative_primitive, selector, argcount):
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def callClassbasedPrimitive(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        rcvr = self.peek(argcount)
+        receiver_class = rcvr.getclass(self.space)
+        try:
+            if receiver_class is getattr(self.space, a_class_name):
+                func = primitives.prim_table[a_primitive]
+                return func(interp, self, argcount)
+            elif receiver_class is getattr(self.space, alternative_class_name):
+                func = primitives.prim_table[alternative_primitive]
+                return func(interp, self, argcount)
+        except error.PrimitiveFailedError:
+            pass
+        return self._sendSelfSelectorSpecial(selector, argcount, interp)
+    callClassbasedPrimitive.func_name = "callClassbasedPrimitive_%s" % selector
+    return callClassbasedPrimitive
+# Some selectors cannot be overwritten, therefore no need to handle PrimitiveFailed.
+def make_quick_call_primitive_bytecode(primitive_index, argcount):
+    func = primitives.prim_table[primitive_index]
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def quick_call_primitive_bytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        return func(interp, self, argcount)
+    return quick_call_primitive_bytecode
+# This is for bytecodes that actually implement a simple message-send.
+# We do not optimize anything for these cases.
+def make_send_selector_bytecode(selector, argcount):
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def selector_bytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        return self._sendSelfSelectorSpecial(selector, argcount, interp)
+    selector_bytecode.func_name = "selector_bytecode_%s" % selector
+    return selector_bytecode
+# ___________________________________________________________________________
+# Bytecode Implementations:
+# "self" is always a ContextPartShadow instance.
+# __extend__ adds new methods to the ContextPartShadow class
+class __extend__(ContextPartShadow):
+    # ====== Push/Pop bytecodes ======
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushReceiverVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        index = current_bytecode & 15
+        self.push(self.w_receiver().fetch(self.space, index))
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushTemporaryVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        index = current_bytecode & 15
+        self.push(self.gettemp(index))
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushLiteralConstantBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        index = current_bytecode & 31
+        self.push(self.w_method().getliteral(index))
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushLiteralVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        # this bytecode assumes that literals[index] is an Association
+        # which is an object with two named vars, and fetches the second
+        # named var (the value).
+        index = current_bytecode & 31
+        w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(index)
+        association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
+        self.push(association.value())
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def storeAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        index = current_bytecode & 7
+        self.w_receiver().store(self.space, index, self.pop())
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def storeAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        index = current_bytecode & 7
+        self.settemp(index, self.pop())
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushReceiverBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(self.w_receiver())
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushConstantTrueBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(interp.space.w_true)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushConstantFalseBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(interp.space.w_false)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushConstantNilBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(interp.space.w_nil)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushConstantMinusOneBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(interp.space.w_minus_one)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushConstantZeroBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(interp.space.w_zero)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushConstantOneBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(interp.space.w_one)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushConstantTwoBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(interp.space.w_two)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def pushActiveContextBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(self.w_self())
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def duplicateTopBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.push(self.top())
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def popStackBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self.pop()
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def pushNewArrayBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
+        arraySize, popIntoArray = splitter[7, 1](descriptor)
+        newArray = None
+        if popIntoArray == 1:
+           newArray = interp.space.wrap_list(self.pop_and_return_n(arraySize))
+        else:
+           newArray = interp.space.w_Array.as_class_get_shadow(interp.space).new(arraySize)
+        self.push(newArray)
+    # ====== Extended Push/Pop bytecodes ======
+    def _extendedVariableTypeAndIndex(self, descriptor):
+        return ((descriptor >> 6) & 3), (descriptor & 63)
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def extendedPushBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
+        variableType, variableIndex = self._extendedVariableTypeAndIndex(descriptor)
+        if variableType == 0:
+            self.push(self.w_receiver().fetch(self.space, variableIndex))
+        elif variableType == 1:
+            self.push(self.gettemp(variableIndex))
+        elif variableType == 2:
+            self.push(self.w_method().getliteral(variableIndex))
+        elif variableType == 3:
+            w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(variableIndex)
+            association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
+            self.push(association.value())
+        else:
+            assert 0
+    def _extendedStoreBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
+        variableType, variableIndex = self._extendedVariableTypeAndIndex(descriptor)
+        if variableType == 0:
+            self.w_receiver().store(self.space, variableIndex, self.top())
+        elif variableType == 1:
+            self.settemp(variableIndex, self.top())
+        elif variableType == 2:
+            raise error.FatalError("Illegal ExtendedStoreBytecode. veriableType 2.")
+        elif variableType == 3:
+            w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(variableIndex)
+            association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
+            association.store_value(self.top())
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def extendedStoreBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
+        return self._extendedStoreBytecode(interp, current_bytecode, descriptor)
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def extendedStoreAndPopBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
+        self._extendedStoreBytecode(interp, current_bytecode, descriptor)
+        self.pop()
+    def _extract_index_and_temps(self, index_in_array, index_of_array):
+        w_indirectTemps = self.gettemp(index_of_array)
+        return index_in_array, w_indirectTemps
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=2)
+    def pushRemoteTempLongBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, index_in_array, index_of_array):
+        index_in_array, w_indirectTemps = self._extract_index_and_temps(index_in_array, index_of_array)
+        self.push(w_indirectTemps.at0(self.space, index_in_array))
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=2)
+    def storeRemoteTempLongBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, index_in_array, index_of_array):
+        index_in_array, w_indirectTemps = self._extract_index_and_temps(index_in_array, index_of_array)
+        w_indirectTemps.atput0(self.space, index_in_array, self.top())
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=2)
+    def storeAndPopRemoteTempLongBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, index_in_array, index_of_array):
+        index_in_array, w_indirectTemps = self._extract_index_and_temps(index_in_array, index_of_array)
+        w_indirectTemps.atput0(self.space, index_in_array, self.pop())
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=3)
+    def pushClosureCopyCopiedValuesBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor, j, i):
+        """ Copied from Blogpost: http://www.mirandabanda.org/cogblog/2008/07/22/closures-part-ii-the-bytecodes/
+        ContextPart>>pushClosureCopyNumCopiedValues: numCopied numArgs: numArgs blockSize: blockSize
+        "Simulate the action of a 'closure copy' bytecode whose result is the
+         new BlockClosure for the following code"
+        | copiedValues |
+        numCopied > 0
+                 ifTrue:
+                          [copiedValues := Array new: numCopied.
+                           numCopied to: 1 by: -1 do:
+                                   [:i|
+                                   copiedValues at: i put: self pop]]
+                 ifFalse:
+                          [copiedValues := nil].
+        self push: (BlockClosure new
+                                   outerContext: self
+                                   startpc: pc
+                                   numArgs: numArgs
+                                   copiedValues: copiedValues).
+        self jump: blockSize
+        """
+        space = self.space
+        numArgs, numCopied = splitter[4, 4](descriptor)
+        blockSize = (j << 8) | i
+        # Create new instance of BlockClosure
+        w_closure = space.newClosure(self.w_self(), self.pc(), numArgs,
+                                            self.pop_and_return_n(numCopied))
+        self.push(w_closure)
+        self._jump(blockSize)
+    # ====== Helpers for send/return bytecodes ======
+    def _sendSelfSelector(self, w_selector, argcount, interp):
+        receiver = self.peek(argcount)
+        return self._sendSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp,
+                                  receiver, receiver.class_shadow(self.space))
+    def _sendSuperSelector(self, w_selector, argcount, interp):
+        compiledin_class = self.w_method().compiled_in()
+        assert isinstance(compiledin_class, model.W_PointersObject)
+        s_compiledin = compiledin_class.as_class_get_shadow(self.space)
+        return self._sendSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp, self.w_receiver(),
+                                  s_compiledin.s_superclass())
+    def _sendSelector(self, w_selector, argcount, interp,
+                      receiver, receiverclassshadow, w_arguments=None):
+        assert argcount >= 0
+        try:
+            w_method = receiverclassshadow.lookup(w_selector)
+        except error.MethodNotFound:
+            return self._doesNotUnderstand(w_selector, argcount, interp, receiver)
+        code = w_method.primitive()
+        if code:
+            if w_arguments:
+                self.push_all(w_arguments)
+            try:
+                return self._call_primitive(code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector)
+            except error.PrimitiveFailedError:
+                pass # ignore this error and fall back to the Smalltalk version
+        if not w_arguments:
+            w_arguments = self.pop_and_return_n(argcount)
+        s_frame = w_method.create_frame(interp.space, receiver, w_arguments)
+        self.pop() # receiver
+        # ######################################################################
+        if interp.is_tracing():
+            interp.print_padded('-> ' + s_frame.short_str())
+        return interp.stack_frame(s_frame, self)
+    @objectmodel.specialize.arg(1)
+    def _sendSelfSelectorSpecial(self, selector, numargs, interp):
+        w_selector = self.space.get_special_selector(selector)
+        return self._sendSelfSelector(w_selector, numargs, interp)
+    def _sendSpecialSelector(self, interp, receiver, special_selector, w_args=[]):
+        w_special_selector = self.space.objtable["w_" + special_selector]
+        s_class = receiver.class_shadow(self.space)
+        w_method = s_class.lookup(w_special_selector)
+        s_frame = w_method.create_frame(interp.space, receiver, w_args)
+        # ######################################################################
+        if interp.is_tracing():
+            interp.print_padded('-> %s %s' % (special_selector, s_frame.short_str()))
+            if not objectmodel.we_are_translated():
+                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
+        return interp.stack_frame(s_frame, self)
+    def _doesNotUnderstand(self, w_selector, argcount, interp, receiver):
+        arguments = self.pop_and_return_n(argcount)
+        w_message_class = self.space.classtable["w_Message"]
+        assert isinstance(w_message_class, model.W_PointersObject)
+        s_message_class = w_message_class.as_class_get_shadow(self.space)
+        w_message = s_message_class.new()
+        w_message.store(self.space, 0, w_selector)
+        w_message.store(self.space, 1, self.space.wrap_list(arguments))
+        self.pop() # The receiver, already known.
+        try:
+            if interp.space.headless.is_set():
+                primitives.exitFromHeadlessExecution(self, "doesNotUnderstand:", w_message)
+            return self._sendSpecialSelector(interp, receiver, "doesNotUnderstand", [w_message])
+        except error.MethodNotFound:
+            from spyvm.shadow import ClassShadow
+            s_class = receiver.class_shadow(self.space)
+            assert isinstance(s_class, ClassShadow)
+            raise error.Exit("Missing doesNotUnderstand in hierarchy of %s" % s_class.getname())
+    def _mustBeBoolean(self, interp, receiver):
+        return self._sendSpecialSelector(interp, receiver, "mustBeBoolean")
+    def _call_primitive(self, code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector):
+        # ##################################################################
+        if interp.is_tracing():
+            interp.print_padded("-> primitive %d \t(in %s, named %s)" % (
+                                    code, self.w_method().get_identifier_string(),
+                                    w_selector.selector_string()))
+        func = primitives.prim_holder.prim_table[code]
+        try:
+            # note: argcount does not include rcvr
+            # the primitive pushes the result (if any) onto the stack itself
+            return func(interp, self, argcount, w_method)
+        except error.PrimitiveFailedError, e:
+            if interp.is_tracing():
+                interp.print_padded("-- primitive %d FAILED\t (in %s, named %s)" % (
+                            code, w_method.safe_identifier_string(), w_selector.selector_string()))
+            raise e
+    def _return(self, return_value, interp, local_return=False):
+        # unfortunately, this assert is not true for some tests. TODO fix this.
+        # assert self._stack_ptr == self.tempsize()
+        # ##################################################################
+        if interp.is_tracing():
+            interp.print_padded('<- ' + return_value.as_repr_string())
+        if self.home_is_self() or local_return:
+            # a local return just needs to go up the stack once. there
+            # it will find the sender as a local, and we don't have to
+            # force the reference
+            s_return_to = None
+            return_from_top = self.s_sender() is None
+        else:
+            s_return_to = self.s_home().s_sender()
+            return_from_top = s_return_to is None
+        if return_from_top:
+            # This should never happen while executing a normal image.
+            from spyvm.interpreter import ReturnFromTopLevel
+            raise ReturnFromTopLevel(return_value)
+        else:
+            from spyvm.interpreter import Return
+            raise Return(s_return_to, return_value)
+    # ====== Send/Return bytecodes ======
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def returnReceiverBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        return self._return(self.w_receiver(), interp)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def returnTrueBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        return self._return(interp.space.w_true, interp)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def returnFalseBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        return self._return(interp.space.w_false, interp)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def returnNilBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        return self._return(interp.space.w_nil, interp)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def returnTopFromMethodBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        return self._return(self.pop(), interp)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def returnTopFromBlockBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        return self._return(self.pop(), interp, local_return=True)
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def sendLiteralSelectorBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        w_selector = self.w_method().getliteral(current_bytecode & 15)
+        argcount = ((current_bytecode >> 4) & 3) - 1
+        return self._sendSelfSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp)
+    def _getExtendedSelectorArgcount(self, descriptor):
+        return ((self.w_method().getliteral(descriptor & 31)),
+                (descriptor >> 5))
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def singleExtendedSendBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
+        w_selector, argcount = self._getExtendedSelectorArgcount(descriptor)
+        return self._sendSelfSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp)
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=2)
+    def doubleExtendedDoAnythingBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, second, third):
+        from spyvm.interpreter import SenderChainManipulation
+        opType = second >> 5
+        if opType == 0:
+            # selfsend
+            return self._sendSelfSelector(self.w_method().getliteral(third),
+                                          second & 31, interp)
+        elif opType == 1:
+            # supersend
+            return self._sendSuperSelector(self.w_method().getliteral(third),
+                                           second & 31, interp)
+        elif opType == 2:
+            # pushReceiver
+            self.push(self.w_receiver().fetch(self.space, third))
+        elif opType == 3:
+            # pushLiteralConstant
+            self.push(self.w_method().getliteral(third))
+        elif opType == 4:
+            # pushLiteralVariable
+            w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(third)
+            association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
+            self.push(association.value())
+        elif opType == 5:
+            # TODO - the following two special cases should not be necessary
+            try:
+                self.w_receiver().store(self.space, third, self.top())
+            except SenderChainManipulation, e:
+                raise SenderChainManipulation(self)
+        elif opType == 6:
+            try:
+                self.w_receiver().store(self.space, third, self.pop())
+            except SenderChainManipulation, e:
+                raise SenderChainManipulation(self)
+        elif opType == 7:
+            w_association = self.w_method().getliteral(third)
+            association = wrapper.AssociationWrapper(self.space, w_association)
+            association.store_value(self.top())
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def singleExtendedSuperBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
+        w_selector, argcount = self._getExtendedSelectorArgcount(descriptor)
+        return self._sendSuperSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp)
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def secondExtendedSendBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, descriptor):
+        w_selector = self.w_method().getliteral(descriptor & 63)
+        argcount = descriptor >> 6
+        return self._sendSelfSelector(w_selector, argcount, interp)
+    # ====== Misc ======
+    def _activate_unwind_context(self, interp):
+        if self.is_closure_context() or not self.is_BlockClosure_ensure():
+            self.mark_returned()
+            return
+        # The first temp is executed flag for both #ensure: and #ifCurtailed:
+        if self.gettemp(1).is_nil(self.space):
+            self.settemp(1, self.space.w_true) # mark unwound
+            self.push(self.gettemp(0)) # push the first argument
+            try:
+                self.bytecodePrimValue(interp, 0)
+            except Return, nlr:
+                assert nlr.s_target_context or nlr.is_local
+                if self is not nlr.s_target_context and not nlr.is_local:
+                    raise nlr
+            finally:
+                self.mark_returned()
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def unknownBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        raise error.MissingBytecode("unknownBytecode")
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def experimentalBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        raise error.MissingBytecode("experimentalBytecode")
+    # ====== Jump bytecodes ======
+    def _jump(self, offset):
+        self.store_pc(self.pc() + offset)
+    def _jumpConditional(self, interp, expecting_true, position):
+        if expecting_true:
+            w_expected = interp.space.w_true
+            w_alternative = interp.space.w_false
+        else:
+            w_alternative = interp.space.w_true
+            w_expected = interp.space.w_false
+        # Don't check the class, just compare with only two Boolean instances.
+        w_bool = self.pop()
+        if w_expected.is_same_object(w_bool):
+            self._jump(position)
+        elif not w_alternative.is_same_object(w_bool):
+            self._mustBeBoolean(interp, w_bool)
+    def _shortJumpOffset(self, current_bytecode):
+        return (current_bytecode & 7) + 1
+    def _longJumpOffset(self, current_bytecode, parameter):
+        return ((current_bytecode & 3) << 8) + parameter
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def shortUnconditionalJumpBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        self._jump(self._shortJumpOffset(current_bytecode))
+    @bytecode_implementation()
+    def shortConditionalJumpBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode):
+        # The conditional jump is "jump on false"
+        self._jumpConditional(interp, False, self._shortJumpOffset(current_bytecode))
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def longUnconditionalJumpBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, parameter):
+        offset = (((current_bytecode & 7) - 4) << 8) + parameter
+        self._jump(offset)
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def longJumpIfTrueBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, parameter):
+        self._jumpConditional(interp, True, self._longJumpOffset(current_bytecode, parameter))
+    @bytecode_implementation(parameter_bytes=1)
+    def longJumpIfFalseBytecode(self, interp, current_bytecode, parameter):
+        self._jumpConditional(interp, False, self._longJumpOffset(current_bytecode, parameter))
+    # ====== Bytecodes implemented with primitives and message sends ======
+    bytecodePrimAdd = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.ADD, "+", 1)
+    bytecodePrimSubtract = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.SUBTRACT, "-", 1)
+    bytecodePrimLessThan = make_call_primitive_bytecode (primitives.LESSTHAN, "<", 1)
+    bytecodePrimGreaterThan = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.GREATERTHAN, ">", 1)
+    bytecodePrimLessOrEqual = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.LESSOREQUAL,  "<=", 1)
+    bytecodePrimGreaterOrEqual = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.GREATEROREQUAL,  ">=", 1)
+    bytecodePrimEqual = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.EQUAL,   "=", 1)
+    bytecodePrimNotEqual = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.NOTEQUAL,  "~=", 1)
+    bytecodePrimMultiply = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.MULTIPLY,  "*", 1)
+    bytecodePrimDivide = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.DIVIDE,  "/", 1)
+    bytecodePrimMod = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.MOD, "\\\\", 1)
+    bytecodePrimMakePoint = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.MAKE_POINT, "@", 1)
+    bytecodePrimBitShift = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.BIT_SHIFT, "bitShift:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimDiv = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.DIV, "//", 1)
+    bytecodePrimBitAnd = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.BIT_AND, "bitAnd:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimBitOr = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.BIT_OR, "bitOr:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimAt = make_send_selector_bytecode("at:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimAtPut = make_send_selector_bytecode("at:put:", 2)
+    bytecodePrimSize = make_send_selector_bytecode("size", 0)
+    bytecodePrimNext = make_send_selector_bytecode("next", 0)
+    bytecodePrimNextPut = make_send_selector_bytecode("nextPut:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimAtEnd = make_send_selector_bytecode("atEnd", 0)
+    bytecodePrimEquivalent = make_quick_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.EQUIVALENT, 1)
+    bytecodePrimClass = make_quick_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.CLASS, 0)
+    bytecodePrimBlockCopy = make_call_primitive_bytecode(primitives.BLOCK_COPY, "blockCopy:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimValue = make_call_primitive_bytecode_classbased("w_BlockContext", primitives.VALUE, "w_BlockClosure", primitives.CLOSURE_VALUE, "value", 0)
+    bytecodePrimValueWithArg = make_call_primitive_bytecode_classbased("w_BlockContext", primitives.VALUE, "w_BlockClosure", primitives.CLOSURE_VALUE_, "value:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimDo = make_send_selector_bytecode("do:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimNew = make_send_selector_bytecode("new", 0)
+    bytecodePrimNewWithArg = make_send_selector_bytecode("new:", 1)
+    bytecodePrimPointX = make_send_selector_bytecode("x", 0)
+    bytecodePrimPointY = make_send_selector_bytecode("y", 0)
+    def debug_bytecode(self):
+        # Hook used in interpreter_debugging
+        pass
+            (  0,  15, "pushReceiverVariableBytecode"),
+            ( 16,  31, "pushTemporaryVariableBytecode"),
+            ( 32,  63, "pushLiteralConstantBytecode"),
+            ( 64,  95, "pushLiteralVariableBytecode"),
+            ( 96, 103, "storeAndPopReceiverVariableBytecode"),
+            (104, 111, "storeAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode"),
+            (112, "pushReceiverBytecode"),
+            (113, "pushConstantTrueBytecode"),
+            (114, "pushConstantFalseBytecode"),
+            (115, "pushConstantNilBytecode"),
+            (116, "pushConstantMinusOneBytecode"),
+            (117, "pushConstantZeroBytecode"),
+            (118, "pushConstantOneBytecode"),
+            (119, "pushConstantTwoBytecode"),
+            (120, "returnReceiverBytecode"),
+            (121, "returnTrueBytecode"),
+            (122, "returnFalseBytecode"),
+            (123, "returnNilBytecode"),
+            (124, "returnTopFromMethodBytecode"),
+            (125, "returnTopFromBlockBytecode"),
+            (126, "unknownBytecode"),
+            (127, "unknownBytecode"),
+            (128, "extendedPushBytecode"),
+            (129, "extendedStoreBytecode"),
+            (130, "extendedStoreAndPopBytecode"),
+            (131, "singleExtendedSendBytecode"),
+            (132, "doubleExtendedDoAnythingBytecode"),
+            (133, "singleExtendedSuperBytecode"),
+            (134, "secondExtendedSendBytecode"),
+            (135, "popStackBytecode"),
+            (136, "duplicateTopBytecode"),
+            (137, "pushActiveContextBytecode"),
+            (138, "pushNewArrayBytecode"),
+            (139, "experimentalBytecode"),
+            (140, "pushRemoteTempLongBytecode"),
+            (141, "storeRemoteTempLongBytecode"),
+            (142, "storeAndPopRemoteTempLongBytecode"),
+            (143, "pushClosureCopyCopiedValuesBytecode"),
+            (144, 151, "shortUnconditionalJumpBytecode"),
+            (152, 159, "shortConditionalJumpBytecode"),
+            (160, 167, "longUnconditionalJumpBytecode"),
+            (168, 171, "longJumpIfTrueBytecode"),
+            (172, 175, "longJumpIfFalseBytecode"),
+            (176, "bytecodePrimAdd"),
+            (177, "bytecodePrimSubtract"),
+            (178, "bytecodePrimLessThan"),
+            (179, "bytecodePrimGreaterThan"),
+            (180, "bytecodePrimLessOrEqual"),
+            (181, "bytecodePrimGreaterOrEqual"),
+            (182, "bytecodePrimEqual"),
+            (183, "bytecodePrimNotEqual"),
+            (184, "bytecodePrimMultiply"),
+            (185, "bytecodePrimDivide"),
+            (186, "bytecodePrimMod"),
+            (187, "bytecodePrimMakePoint"),
+            (188, "bytecodePrimBitShift"),
+            (189, "bytecodePrimDiv"),
+            (190, "bytecodePrimBitAnd"),
+            (191, "bytecodePrimBitOr"),
+            (192, "bytecodePrimAt"),
+            (193, "bytecodePrimAtPut"),
+            (194, "bytecodePrimSize"),
+            (195, "bytecodePrimNext"),
+            (196, "bytecodePrimNextPut"),
+            (197, "bytecodePrimAtEnd"),
+            (198, "bytecodePrimEquivalent"),
+            (199, "bytecodePrimClass"),
+            (200, "bytecodePrimBlockCopy"),
+            (201, "bytecodePrimValue"),
+            (202, "bytecodePrimValueWithArg"),
+            (203, "bytecodePrimDo"),
+            (204, "bytecodePrimNew"),
+            (205, "bytecodePrimNewWithArg"),
+            (206, "bytecodePrimPointX"),
+            (207, "bytecodePrimPointY"),
+            (208, 255, "sendLiteralSelectorBytecode"),
+            ]
+def initialize_bytecode_names():
+    result = [None] * 256
+    for entry in BYTECODE_RANGES:
+        if len(entry) == 2:
+            result[entry[0]] = entry[1]
+        else:
+            for arg, pos in enumerate(range(entry[0], entry[1]+1)):
+                result[pos] = "%s(%s)" % (entry[2], arg)
+    assert None not in result
+    return result
+BYTECODE_NAMES = initialize_bytecode_names()
+def initialize_bytecode_table():
+    result = [None] * 256
+    for entry in BYTECODE_RANGES:
+        if len(entry) == 2:
+            positions = [entry[0]]
+        else:
+            positions = range(entry[0], entry[1]+1)
+        for pos in positions:
+            result[pos] = getattr(ContextPartShadow, entry[-1])
+    assert None not in result
+    return result
+# this table is only used for creating named bytecodes in tests and printing
+BYTECODE_TABLE = initialize_bytecode_table()
diff --git a/spyvm/interpreter_debugging.py b/spyvm/interpreter_debugging.py
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/spyvm/interpreter_debugging.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import pdb
+from spyvm.shadow import ContextPartShadow
+from spyvm import model, constants, primitives
+# This module patches up the interpreter and adds breakpoints at certain execution points.
+# Only usable in interpreted mode due to pdb.
+# To use, execute one of following after interpreter.py is loaded:
+# from spyvm import interpreter_debugging; interpreter_debugging.activate_debugging()
+# or, before Interpreter instance is created:
+# Interpreter.__init__ = interpreter_debugging.activating_init(Interpreter.__init__)
+# After this, following flags control whether the interpreter breaks at the respective locations:
+# <interp> can be an interpreter instance or the Interpreter class
+# interp.step_bytecodes
+# interp.step_sends
+# interp.step_returns
+# interp.step_primitives
+# interp.step_failed_primitives
+# interp.step_failed_named_primitives
+def activating_init(original):
+    def meth(*args):
+        activate_debugging()
+        return original(*args)
+    return meth
+def activate_debugging():
+    from spyvm.interpreter import Interpreter
+    Interpreter.step_bytecodes = False
+    Interpreter.step_sends = False
+    Interpreter.step_returns = False
+    Interpreter.step_primitives = False
+    Interpreter.step_failed_primitives = False
+    _break = pdb.set_trace
+    def patch(obj):
+        def do_patch(meth):
+            name = meth.__name__
+            original = getattr(obj, name)
+            assert original, "Object %r does not have a method named %s" % (obj, name)
+            replacement = meth(original)
+            setattr(obj, name, replacement)
+            return meth
+        return do_patch
+    patch_context = patch(ContextPartShadow)
+    @patch_context
+    def debug_bytecode(original):
+        def meth(self):
+            if self.step_bytecodes:
+                _break() # Continue stepping from here to get to the current bytecode execution
+        return meth
+    @patch_context
+    def _sendSelector(original):
+        def meth(self, w_selector, argcount, interp, receiver, receiverclassshadow, w_arguments=None):
+            if interp.step_sends:
+                _break() # Continue stepping from here to get to the current message send
+            return original(self, w_selector, argcount, interp, receiver, receiverclassshadow, w_arguments=w_arguments)
+        return meth
+    @patch_context
+    def _return(original):
+        def meth(self, return_value, interp, local_return=False):
+            if interp.step_returns:
+                _break() # Continue stepping from here to get to the current return
+            return original(self, return_value, interp, local_return=local_return)
+        return meth
+    @patch_context
+    def _call_primitive(original):
+        def meth(self, code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector):
+            if interp.step_primitives:
+                _break() # Continue stepping from here to get to the current primitive
+            try:
+                return original(self, code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector)
+            except error.PrimitiveFailedError, e:
+                if interp.step_failed_primitives:
+                    _break() # Continue stepping from here to get to the current failed primitive.
+                    # Should fail again.
+                    original(self, code, interp, argcount, w_method, w_selector)
+        return meth
+    def failed_named_primitive(original):
+        def meth(interp, s_frame, argcount, w_method=None):
+            try:
+                return original(interp, s_frame, argcount, w_method=w_method)
+            except error.PrimitiveFailedError, e:
+                if interp.step_failed_named_primitives:
+                    _break() # Continue from here to get to the current failed named primitive.
+                    space = interp.space
+                    w_description = w_method.literalat0(space, 1)
+                    if isinstance(w_description, model.W_PointersObject) and w_description.size() >= 2:
+                        w_modulename = w_description.at0(space, 0)
+                        w_functionname = w_description.at0(space, 1)
+                        print "Failed named primitive. Module: %s, Function: %s" % (w_modulename, w_functionname)
+                    # Should fail again.
+                    original(interp, s_frame, argcount, w_method=w_method)
+                raise e
+        return meth
+    primitives.prim_table[primitives.EXTERNAL_CALL] = failed_named_primitive(primitives.prim_table[primitives.EXTERNAL_CALL])
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/spyvm/model.py b/spyvm/model.py
--- a/spyvm/model.py
+++ b/spyvm/model.py
@@ -1280,7 +1280,7 @@
         return self.get_identifier_string()
     def bytecode_string(self, markBytecode=0):
-        from spyvm.interpreter import BYTECODE_TABLE
+        from spyvm.interpreter_bytecodes import BYTECODE_TABLE
         retval = "Bytecode:------------"
         j = 1
         for i in self.bytes:
diff --git a/spyvm/primitives.py b/spyvm/primitives.py
--- a/spyvm/primitives.py
+++ b/spyvm/primitives.py
@@ -679,7 +679,7 @@
             assert isinstance(w_bitmap, model_display.W_DisplayBitmap)
         return w_rcvr
-    except shadow.MethodNotFound:
+    except error.MethodNotFound:
         from spyvm.plugins.bitblt import BitBltPlugin
         BitBltPlugin.call("primitiveCopyBits", interp, s_frame, argcount, w_method)
         return w_rcvr
@@ -1358,9 +1358,7 @@
                   unwrap_spec=[object, object, list],
                   no_result=True, clean_stack=False)
 def func(interp, s_frame, w_rcvr, w_selector, w_arguments):
-    from spyvm.shadow import MethodNotFound
     s_frame.pop_n(2) # removing our arguments
     return s_frame._sendSelector(w_selector, len(w_arguments), interp, w_rcvr,
                         w_rcvr.class_shadow(interp.space), w_arguments=w_arguments)
diff --git a/spyvm/shadow.py b/spyvm/shadow.py
--- a/spyvm/shadow.py
+++ b/spyvm/shadow.py
@@ -286,11 +286,8 @@
 FLOAT = 5
-class MethodNotFound(error.SmalltalkException):
-    pass
 class ClassShadowError(error.SmalltalkException):
-    pass
+    exception_type = "ClassShadowError"
 class ClassShadow(AbstractCachingShadow):
     """A shadow for Smalltalk objects that are classes
@@ -505,7 +502,7 @@
             if w_method is not None:
                 return w_method
             look_in_shadow = look_in_shadow._s_superclass
-        raise MethodNotFound(self, w_selector)
+        raise error.MethodNotFound()
     def changed(self):
diff --git a/spyvm/test/test_interpreter.py b/spyvm/test/test_interpreter.py
--- a/spyvm/test/test_interpreter.py
+++ b/spyvm/test/test_interpreter.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import py, operator, sys
-from spyvm import model, interpreter, primitives, shadow, objspace, wrapper, constants
+from spyvm import model, interpreter, primitives, shadow, objspace, wrapper, constants, error
 from .util import create_space_interp, copy_to_module, cleanup_module, import_bytecodes, TestInterpreter
 from spyvm.wrapper import PointWrapper
 from spyvm.conftest import option
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
 def test_unknownBytecode():
     w_frame, s_frame = new_frame(unknownBytecode)
-    py.test.raises(interpreter.MissingBytecode, step_in_interp, s_frame)
+    py.test.raises(error.MissingBytecode, step_in_interp, s_frame)
 # push bytecodes
 def test_pushReceiverBytecode():
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@
     test_storeAndPopTemporaryVariableBytecode(lambda index: extendedStoreAndPopBytecode + chr((1<<6) + index))
-    py.test.raises(interpreter.IllegalStoreError,
+    py.test.raises(error.FatalError,
                    lambda index: extendedStoreAndPopBytecode + chr((2<<6) + index))
diff --git a/spyvm/test/test_model.py b/spyvm/test/test_model.py
--- a/spyvm/test/test_model.py
+++ b/spyvm/test/test_model.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 import py, math, socket
 from spyvm import model, model_display, shadow, objspace, error, display
-from spyvm.shadow import MethodNotFound, WEAK_POINTERS
+from spyvm.error import MethodNotFound
+from spyvm.shadow import WEAK_POINTERS
 from rpython.rlib.rarithmetic import intmask, r_uint
 from rpython.rtyper.lltypesystem import lltype, rffi
 from .util import create_space, copy_to_module, cleanup_module
diff --git a/spyvm/test/util.py b/spyvm/test/util.py
--- a/spyvm/test/util.py
+++ b/spyvm/test/util.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 import sys
-from spyvm import model, shadow, objspace, version, constants, squeakimage, interpreter
+from spyvm import model, shadow, objspace, version, constants, squeakimage, interpreter, interpreter_bytecodes
 from rpython.rlib.objectmodel import instantiate
 # Most tests don't need a bootstrapped objspace. Those that do, indicate so explicitely.
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
             assert entry[0] <= opcode <= entry[1]
             return chr(opcode)
         setattr(mod, name, get_opcode_chr)
-    for entry in interpreter.BYTECODE_RANGES:
+    for entry in interpreter_bytecodes.BYTECODE_RANGES:
         name = entry[-1]
         if len(entry) == 2:     # no range
             setattr(mod, name, chr(entry[0]))
diff --git a/spyvm/tool/analyseimage.py b/spyvm/tool/analyseimage.py
--- a/spyvm/tool/analyseimage.py
+++ b/spyvm/tool/analyseimage.py
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
     w_frame = w_method.create_frame(interp.space, w_object)
-    from spyvm.interpreter import BYTECODE_TABLE
+    from spyvm.interpreter_bytecodes import BYTECODE_TABLE
     while True:
diff --git a/targetimageloadingsmalltalk.py b/targetimageloadingsmalltalk.py
--- a/targetimageloadingsmalltalk.py
+++ b/targetimageloadingsmalltalk.py

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