[pypy-commit] lang-smalltalk strategies3: Removed FixedSizeFieldTypes.

anton_gulenko noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Mon Jul 28 10:11:10 CEST 2014

Author: Anton Gulenko <anton.gulenko at googlemail.com>
Branch: strategies3
Changeset: r986:f384492f22a3
Date: 2014-03-19 11:55 +0100

Log:	Removed FixedSizeFieldTypes.

diff --git a/spyvm/fieldtypes.py b/spyvm/fieldtypes.py
--- a/spyvm/fieldtypes.py
+++ b/spyvm/fieldtypes.py
@@ -2,22 +2,6 @@
 from rpython.rlib import rerased
 from rpython.rlib import objectmodel, jit, signature
-from rpython.rlib.listsort import TimSort
-class TypeTag():
-    pass
-LPI = TypeTag()
-SInt = TypeTag()
-flt = TypeTag()
-obj = TypeTag()
-# may be used during debugging
-# LPI, SInt, flt, obj = 'LPI', 'SInt', 'float', 'object'
-class FieldSort(TimSort):
-    def lt(self, a, b):
-        return a[0] < b[0]
 class AbstractStorageStrategy():
     _immutable_fields_ = []
@@ -59,138 +43,23 @@
         return self.erase([x for x in collection])
 ListStorageStrategy.singleton = ListStorageStrategy()
-class SmallIntegerStorageStrategy(AbstractStorageStrategy):
-    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("object-vector-strategry")
-    erase = staticmethod(erase)
-    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)
-class FixedSizeFieldTypes(AbstractStorageStrategy):
-    _immutable_fields_ = ['types[*]']
-    _attrs_ = ['types', 'parent', 'siblings', 'diff']
-    _settled_ = True
-    erase, unerase = rerased.new_erasing_pair("fixed-size-field-types")
-    erase = staticmethod(erase)
-    unerase = staticmethod(unerase)
-    def __init__(self, types, parent=None, change=(-1, obj)):
-        self.types = types
-        self.parent = parent
-        if parent is not None:
-            assert change != (-1, obj)
-        self.diff = change
-        self.siblings = {}
-    def initial_storage(self, size, default_element):
-        return self.erase([default_element] * size)
-    def storage_for_list(self, collection):
-        return self.erase([x for x in collection])
-    def size_of(self, w_obj):
-        return len(self.unerase(w_obj.storage))
-    def fetch(self, w_object, n0):
-        w_result = self.unerase(w_object.storage)[n0]
-        assert w_result is not None
-        types = self.types
-        # TODO - try 'assert isinstance' instead.
-        if types[n0] is SInt:
-            jit.record_known_class(w_result, model.W_SmallInteger)
-        elif types[n0] is LPI:
-            jit.record_known_class(w_result, model.W_LargePositiveInteger1Word)
-        elif types[n0] is flt:
-            jit.record_known_class(w_result, model.W_Float)
-        return w_result
-    def store(self, w_object, n0, w_value):
-        types = self.types
-        changed_type = w_value.fieldtype()
-        if types[n0] is not changed_type:
-            w_object.strategy = self.sibling(n0, changed_type)
-        self.unerase(w_object.storage)[n0] = w_value
-    @jit.elidable
-    def sibling(self, n0, changed_type):
-        assert self.types[n0] is not changed_type
-        change = (n0, changed_type)
-        parent = self.parent
-        siblings = self.siblings
-        if change in siblings:
-            return siblings[change]
-        elif parent is None:
-            return self.descent([change])
-        else:
-            if n0 == self.diff[0]:
-                diff = [change]
-            else:
-                diff = [change, self.diff]
-            new_fieldtype = parent.ascent(diff)
-            if not objectmodel.we_are_translated():
-                new_types = list(self.types)
-                new_types[n0] = changed_type
-                assert new_fieldtype.types == new_types
-            siblings[change] = new_fieldtype
-            return new_fieldtype
-    def ascent(self, changes):
-        parent = self.parent
-        if parent is None:
-            FieldSort(changes).sort()
-            return self.descent(changes)
-        else:
-            change = self.diff
-            if changes[0][0] != change[0]:
-                changes.append(change)
-            return parent.ascent(changes)
-    def descent(self, changes):
-        if changes == []:
-            return self
-        change = changes[0]
-        if change[1] is obj:
-            return self.descent(changes[1:])
-        siblings = self.siblings
-        if change in siblings:
-            return siblings[change].descent(changes[1:])
-        else:
-            new_types = list(self.types)
-            assert new_types[change[0]] == obj
-            new_types[change[0]] = change[1]
-            new_fieldtype = FixedSizeFieldTypes(new_types, self, change)
-            siblings[change] = new_fieldtype
-            return new_fieldtype.descent(changes[1:])
-    @staticmethod
-    @jit.elidable
-    def of_size(n):
-        if n not in maps:
-            maps[n] = FixedSizeFieldTypes([obj] * n)
-        return maps[n]
-maps = {}
 def strategy_of_size(s_class, size):
     if s_class is None or s_class.isvariable():
         return ListStorageStrategy.singleton
-        return FixedSizeFieldTypes.of_size(size)
+        # TODO -- add AllNilStorageStrategy
+        return ListStorageStrategy.singleton
 def strategy_for_list(w_obj, vars):
+    if if s_class is None:
+        return ListStorageStrategy.singleton
-        s_class = w_obj.s_class
-        if s_class is None or w_obj.s_class.isvariable():
-            return ListStorageStrategy.singleton
-        else:
-            size = len(vars)
-            typer = FixedSizeFieldTypes.of_size(size)
-            for i, w_val in enumerate(vars):
-                changed_type = w_val.fieldtype()
-                if changed_type is not obj:
-                    typer = typer.sibling(i, changed_type)
-            return typer
+        is_variable = w_obj.s_class.isvariable()
     except AttributeError:
         return ListStorageStrategy.singleton
+    if is_variable:
+        # TODO - check the contents of vars and choose a good strategy.
+        return ListStorageStrategy.singleton
+    return ListStorageStrategy.singleton
\ No newline at end of file

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