[pypy-commit] lang-smalltalk storage: Refactored storage statistics to save memory when details are not required.

anton_gulenko noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed May 7 21:16:12 CEST 2014

Author: Anton Gulenko <anton.gulenko at googlemail.com>
Branch: storage
Changeset: r800:4e5d3401cdf2
Date: 2014-05-06 10:52 +0200

Log:	Refactored storage statistics to save memory when details are not

diff --git a/spyvm/storage_statistics.py b/spyvm/storage_statistics.py
--- a/spyvm/storage_statistics.py
+++ b/spyvm/storage_statistics.py
@@ -13,16 +13,16 @@
             return a[0] < b[0]
 class StorageStatistics(object):
-    # Key: (operation_name, old_storage, new_storage)
-    # Value: [sizes]
-    stats = {}
+    modules = []
+    using_classname = False
-    do_log = False
-    do_stats = False
-    do_stats_sizes = False
+    def add_module(self, module):
+        if module not in self.modules:
+            self.modules.append(module)
+            self.using_classname = self.using_classname or module.uses_classname
     def log(self, w_obj, operation, old_storage_object, log_classname):
-        if self.do_log or self.do_stats:
+        if len(self.modules) > 0:
             new_storage = w_obj.shadow.repr_classname
             if old_storage_object:
                 old_storage = old_storage_object.repr_classname
@@ -31,62 +31,101 @@
             size = w_obj.size()
             key = self.make_key(operation, old_storage, new_storage)
-            if self.do_stats:
-                self.stat_operation(key, size)
-            if self.do_log:
-                if log_classname:
-                    classname = w_obj.guess_classname()
-                else:
-                    classname = None
-                self.log_operation(key, size, classname)
+            if self.using_classname and log_classname:
+                classname = w_obj.guess_classname()
+            else:
+                classname = None
+            for module in self.modules:
+                module.storage_operation(key, size, classname)
     def make_key(self, operation, old_storage, new_storage):
         return (operation, old_storage, new_storage)
-    def stat_operation(self, key, size):
-        if not key in self.stats:
-            self.stats[key] = []
-        self.stats[key].append(size)
+    def print_results(self):
+        for module in self.modules:
+            module.print_results()
-    def log_operation(self, key, size, classname):
-        print self.log_operation_string(key, size, classname)
+class StatisticsModule(object):
+    uses_classname = False
+    def storage_operation(self, operation_key, storage_size, element_classname):
+        raise NotImplementedError("Abstract class")
+    def print_results(self):
+        raise NotImplementedError("Abstract class")
     def key_string(self, key):
         if key[1]:
             return "%s (%s -> %s)" % (key[0], key[1], key[2])
             return "%s (%s)" % (key[0], key[2])
-    def log_operation_string(self, key, size, classname):
-        if classname:
-            return "%s of %s size %d" % (self.key_string(key), classname, size)
+class StatisticsLogger(StatisticsModule):
+    uses_classname = True
+    def storage_operation(self, operation_key, storage_size, element_classname):
+        print self.log_string(operation_key, storage_size, element_classname)
+    def log_string(self, operation_key, storage_size, element_classname):
+        if element_classname:
+            return "%s of %s size %d" % (self.key_string(operation_key), element_classname, storage_size)
-            return "%s size %d" % (self.key_string(key), size)
+            return "%s size %d" % (self.key_string(operation_key), storage_size)
+    def print_results(self):
+        # Nothing to do, this is just for logging during runtime.
+        pass
+class AbstractStatisticsCollector(StatisticsModule):
+    stats = {}
+    def storage_operation(self, operation_key, storage_size, element_classname):
+        if not operation_key in self.stats:
+            self.stats[operation_key] = self.initial_value()
+        self.increment_value(self.stats[operation_key], storage_size)
     def sorted_keys(self):
         keys = [ x for x in self.stats ]
         return keys
-    def print_stats(self):
+class StatisticsCollector(AbstractStatisticsCollector):
+    # Value: [total_size, num_operations]
+    def initial_value(self): return [0, 0]
+    def increment_value(self, value_object, storage_size):
+        value_object[0] = value_object[0] + storage_size
+        value_object[1] = value_object[1] + 1
+    def print_results(self):
+        print "Storage Statistics:"
         for key in self.sorted_keys():
-            sizes = self.stats[key]
-            sum = 0
-            for s in sizes: sum += s
-            print "%s: %d times, avg size: %f" % (self.key_string(key), len(sizes), float(sum)/len(sizes))
-            if self.do_stats_sizes:
-                print "       All sizes: %s" % sizes
+            tuple = self.stats[key]
+            sum = tuple[0]
+            num = tuple[1]
+            print "\t%s: %d times, avg size: %f" % (self.key_string(key), num, float(sum)/num)
+class DetailedStatisticsCollector(AbstractStatisticsCollector):
+    # Value: list of numbers (sizes)
+    def initial_value(self): return []
+    def increment_value(self, value_object, storage_size):
+        value_object.append(storage_size)
+    def print_results(self):
+        print "Detailed Storage Statistics:"
+        for key in self.sorted_keys():
+            print "\t%s: s" % (self.key_string(key), self.stats[key])
+# Static & global access to a StorageStatistics instance.
 _stats = StorageStatistics()
+_logger = StatisticsLogger()
+_collector = StatisticsCollector()
+_detailedcollector = DetailedStatisticsCollector()
-def activate_statistics(log=False, statistics=False, statstics_sizes=False):
-    _stats.do_log = _stats.do_log or log
-    _stats.do_stats = _stats.do_stats or statistics
-    _stats.do_stats_sizes = _stats.do_stats_sizes or statstics_sizes
+def activate_statistics(log=False, statistics=False, detailed_statistics=False):
+    if log:
+        _stats.add_module(_logger)
+    if statistics:
+        _stats.add_module(_collector)
+    if detailed_statistics:
+        _stats.add_module(_detailedcollector)
 def print_statistics():
-    if _stats.do_stats:
-        _stats.print_stats()
+    _stats.print_results()
 def log(w_obj, operation, old_storage=None, log_classname=True):
     _stats.log(w_obj, operation, old_storage, log_classname)
diff --git a/spyvm/test/test_strategies.py b/spyvm/test/test_strategies.py
--- a/spyvm/test/test_strategies.py
+++ b/spyvm/test/test_strategies.py
@@ -178,25 +178,27 @@
 def test_statistics_stats():
     stats = storage_statistics.StorageStatistics()
-    stats.stat_operation(stats.make_key("B", "old", "new"), 3)
-    stats.stat_operation(stats.make_key("B", "old", "new"), 4)
-    stats.stat_operation(stats.make_key("B", "old2", "new2"), 20)
-    stats.stat_operation(stats.make_key("B", "old", "new"), 5)
-    stats.stat_operation(stats.make_key("A", "old", "new"), 1)
-    stats.stat_operation(stats.make_key("A", "old", "new"), 2)
-    stats.stat_operation(stats.make_key("C", "old", "new"), 10)
-    stats.stat_operation(stats.make_key("C", "old", "new"), 11)
-    keys = stats.sorted_keys()
+    col = storage_statistics.DetailedStatisticsCollector()
+    col.storage_operation(stats.make_key("B", "old", "new"), 3, None)
+    col.storage_operation(stats.make_key("B", "old", "new"), 4, None)
+    col.storage_operation(stats.make_key("B", "old2", "new2"), 20, None)
+    col.storage_operation(stats.make_key("B", "old", "new"), 5, None)
+    col.storage_operation(stats.make_key("A", "old", "new"), 1, None)
+    col.storage_operation(stats.make_key("A", "old", "new"), 2, None)
+    col.storage_operation(stats.make_key("C", "old", "new"), 10, None)
+    col.storage_operation(stats.make_key("C", "old", "new"), 11, None)
+    keys = col.sorted_keys()
     assert keys == [ ("A", "old", "new"), ("B", "old", "new"), ("B", "old2", "new2"), ("C", "old", "new") ]
-    assert stats.stats[keys[0]] == [1, 2]
-    assert stats.stats[keys[1]] == [3, 4, 5]
-    assert stats.stats[keys[2]] == [20]
-    assert stats.stats[keys[3]] == [10, 11]
+    assert col.stats[keys[0]] == [1, 2]
+    assert col.stats[keys[1]] == [3, 4, 5]
+    assert col.stats[keys[2]] == [20]
+    assert col.stats[keys[3]] == [10, 11]
 def test_statistics_log():
     stats = storage_statistics.StorageStatistics()
-    s = stats.log_operation_string(stats.make_key("Operation", "old_storage", "new_storage"), 22, "classname")
+    log = storage_statistics.StatisticsLogger()
+    s = log.log_string(stats.make_key("Operation", "old_storage", "new_storage"), 22, "classname")
     assert s == "Operation (old_storage -> new_storage) of classname size 22"
-    s = stats.log_operation_string(stats.make_key("InitialOperation", None, "some_new_storage"), 40, "a_classname")
+    s = log.log_string(stats.make_key("InitialOperation", None, "some_new_storage"), 40, "a_classname")
     assert s == "InitialOperation (some_new_storage) of a_classname size 40"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/targetimageloadingsmalltalk.py b/targetimageloadingsmalltalk.py
--- a/targetimageloadingsmalltalk.py
+++ b/targetimageloadingsmalltalk.py
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
-          --strategy-stats-with-sizes
+          --strategy-stats-details
           [image path, default: Squeak.image]
     """ % argv[0]
@@ -189,8 +189,8 @@
         elif arg == "--strategy-stats":
-        elif arg == "--strategy-stats-with-sizes":
-            storage_statistics.activate_statistics(statistics=True, statstics_sizes=True)
+        elif arg == "--strategy-stats-details":
+            storage_statistics.activate_statistics(statistics=True, detailed_statistics=True)
         elif path is None:
             path = argv[idx]

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