[pypy-commit] cffi cffi-1.0: Test and fix

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Wed Apr 29 20:22:46 CEST 2015

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: cffi-1.0
Changeset: r1880:e5f48577bca9
Date: 2015-04-29 20:23 +0200

Log:	Test and fix

diff --git a/_cffi1/test_recompiler.py b/_cffi1/test_recompiler.py
--- a/_cffi1/test_recompiler.py
+++ b/_cffi1/test_recompiler.py
@@ -568,11 +568,31 @@
            "typedef struct _mystruct_s mystruct_t;")
     ffi = FFI()
-    ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff6(void);")
+    ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff6(void); int ff6b(mystruct_t *);")
     lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_6",
            "typedef struct _mystruct_s mystruct_t; //usually from a #include\n"
            "struct _mystruct_s { int x; };\n"
            "static mystruct_t result_struct = { 42 };\n"
-           "mystruct_t *ff6(void) { return &result_struct; }")
+           "mystruct_t *ff6(void) { return &result_struct; }\n"
+           "int ff6b(mystruct_t *p) { return p->x; }")
     p = lib.ff6()
     assert ffi.cast("int *", p)[0] == 42
+    assert lib.ff6b(p) == 42
+def test_include_7():
+    ffi1 = FFI()
+    ffi1.cdef("typedef ... mystruct_t;\n"
+              "int ff7b(mystruct_t *);")
+    verify(ffi1, "test_include_7_parent",
+           "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t;\n"
+           "int ff7b(mystruct_t *p) { return p->x; }")
+    ffi = FFI()
+    ffi.include(ffi1)
+    ffi.cdef("mystruct_t *ff7(void);")
+    lib = verify(ffi, "test_include_7",
+           "typedef struct { int x; } mystruct_t; //usually from a #include\n"
+           "static mystruct_t result_struct = { 42 };"
+           "mystruct_t *ff7(void) { return &result_struct; }")
+    p = lib.ff7()
+    assert ffi.cast("int *", p)[0] == 42
+    assert lib.ff7b(p) == 42
diff --git a/cffi/cparser.py b/cffi/cparser.py
--- a/cffi/cparser.py
+++ b/cffi/cparser.py
@@ -611,6 +611,6 @@
             if kind in ('struct', 'union', 'enum', 'anonymous'):
                 self._declare(name, tp, included=True)
             elif kind == 'typedef':
-                self._declare(name, tp)
+                self._declare(name, tp, included=True)
         for k, v in other._int_constants.items():
             self._add_constants(k, v)

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