[pypy-commit] pypy default: fixes

arigo noreply at buildbot.pypy.org
Tue Oct 6 15:19:30 CEST 2015

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Changeset: r80002:43e04ba55c9c
Date: 2015-10-06 15:19 +0200

Log:	fixes

diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/Makefile b/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/Makefile
--- a/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/Makefile
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/Makefile
@@ -28,19 +28,19 @@
 tests-static-g: stacklet.c stacklet.h tests.c
 	gcc ${INC} -Wall -g -o run_tests_static_g stacklet.c tests.c ${DEBUG}
-	run_tests_static_g
+	./run_tests_static_g
 tests-static-o: stacklet.c stacklet.h tests.c
 	gcc ${INC} -Wall -g -O2 -o run_tests_static_o stacklet.c tests.c ${DEBUG}
-	run_tests_static_o
+	./run_tests_static_o
 tests-dynamic-g: stacklet_g.so tests.c
 	gcc ${INC} -Wall -g -o run_tests_dynamic_g stacklet_g.so tests.c ${DEBUG}
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. run_tests_dynamic_g
+	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./run_tests_dynamic_g
 tests-dynamic-o: stacklet.so tests.c
 	gcc ${INC} -Wall -g -O2 -o run_tests_dynamic_o stacklet.so tests.c ${DEBUG}
-	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. run_tests_dynamic_o
+	LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./run_tests_dynamic_o
 tests-repeat: tests
 	python runtests.py run_tests_static_g > /dev/null
diff --git a/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/switch_arm_gcc.h b/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/switch_arm_gcc.h
--- a/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/switch_arm_gcc.h
+++ b/rpython/translator/c/src/stacklet/switch_arm_gcc.h
@@ -10,11 +10,24 @@
                         void *extra)
   void *result;
+  /*
+      seven registers to preserve: r2, r3, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11
+      registers marked as clobbered: r0, r1, r4, r5, r6, r12, lr
+      others: r13 is sp; r14 is lr; r15 is pc
+  */
   __asm__ volatile (
-    "ldr r3, %[save_state]\n"
+    /* align the stack and save 7 more registers explicitly */
+    "mov r0, sp\n"
+    "and r1, r0, #-16\n"
+    "mov sp, r1\n"
+    "push {r0, r2, r3, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}\n"   /* total 8, still aligned */
     /* save values in callee saved registers for later */
-    "ldr r4, %[restore_state]\n"
-    "ldr r5, %[extra]\n"
+    "mov r4, %[restore_state]\n"  /* can't be r0 or r1: marked clobbered */
+    "mov r5, %[extra]\n"          /* can't be r0 or r1 or r4: marked clob. */
+    "mov r3, %[save_state]\n"     /* can't be r0, r1, r4, r5: marked clob. */
     "mov r0, sp\n"        	/* arg 1: current (old) stack pointer */
     "mov r1, r5\n"        	/* arg 2: extra                       */
     call_reg(r3)		/* call save_state()                  */
@@ -28,20 +41,22 @@
 	/* From now on, the stack pointer is modified, but the content of the
 	stack is not restored yet.  It contains only garbage here. */
     "mov r1, r5\n"       	/* arg 2: extra                       */
-   	 						/* arg 1: current (new) stack pointer is already in r0*/
+                /* arg 1: current (new) stack pointer is already in r0*/
     call_reg(r4)		/* call restore_state()               */
     /* The stack's content is now restored. */
-    "str r0, %[result]\n"
-    : [result]"=m"(result)	/* output variables */
+    "pop {r1, r2, r3, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11}\n"
+    "mov sp, r1\n"
+    "mov %[result], r0\n"
+    : [result]"=r"(result)	/* output variables */
 	/* input variables  */
-    : [restore_state]"m"(restore_state),
-      [save_state]"m"(save_state),
-      [extra]"m"(extra)
-    : "lr", "r0", "r1", "r2", "r3", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r7", "r8", "r9",
-      "r10", "r11", "r12",    /* r13 is sp, r14 is lr, and r15 is pc */
+    : [restore_state]"r"(restore_state),
+      [save_state]"r"(save_state),
+      [extra]"r"(extra)
+    : "r0", "r1", "r4", "r5", "r6", "r12", "lr",
       "memory", "cc", "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7"
   return result;

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