[pypy-commit] pypy py3.5: hg merge default

arigo pypy.commits at gmail.com
Fri Feb 3 05:09:53 EST 2017

Author: Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>
Branch: py3.5
Changeset: r89906:b96d7d91a143
Date: 2017-02-03 11:09 +0100

Log:	hg merge default

diff --git a/pypy/module/pypyjit/test_pypy_c/test_misc.py b/pypy/module/pypyjit/test_pypy_c/test_misc.py
--- a/pypy/module/pypyjit/test_pypy_c/test_misc.py
+++ b/pypy/module/pypyjit/test_pypy_c/test_misc.py
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
             i21 = getfield_gc_i(p17, descr=<FieldS .*W_Array.*.inst_len .*>)
             i23 = int_lt(0, i21)
             guard_true(i23, descr=...)
-            i24 = getfield_gc_i(p17, descr=<FieldU .*W_ArrayTypei.inst_buffer .*>)
+            i24 = getfield_gc_i(p17, descr=<FieldU .*W_ArrayBase.inst__buffer .*>)
             i25 = getarrayitem_raw_i(i24, 0, descr=<.*>)
             i27 = int_lt(1, i21)
             guard_false(i27, descr=...)
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/_rweakvaldict.py b/rpython/rlib/_rweakvaldict.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/_rweakvaldict.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/_rweakvaldict.py
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
     def ll_get(self, d, llkey):
         if d.resize_counter < 0:
-            self.ll_weakdict_resize(d)  # initialize prebuilt dicts at runtime
+            self.ll_weakdict_rehash_after_translation(d)
         hash = self.ll_keyhash(llkey)
         i = rdict.ll_dict_lookup(d, llkey, hash) & rdict.MASK
         #llop.debug_print(lltype.Void, i, 'get')
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@
     def ll_set_nonnull(self, d, llkey, llvalue):
         if d.resize_counter < 0:
-            self.ll_weakdict_resize(d)  # initialize prebuilt dicts at runtime
+            self.ll_weakdict_rehash_after_translation(d)
         hash = self.ll_keyhash(llkey)
         valueref = weakref_create(llvalue)    # GC effects here, before the rest
         i = rdict.ll_dict_lookup(d, llkey, hash) & rdict.MASK
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
     def ll_set_null(self, d, llkey):
         if d.resize_counter < 0:
-            self.ll_weakdict_resize(d)  # initialize prebuilt dicts at runtime
+            self.ll_weakdict_rehash_after_translation(d)
         hash = self.ll_keyhash(llkey)
         i = rdict.ll_dict_lookup(d, llkey, hash) & rdict.MASK
         if d.entries.everused(i):
@@ -180,6 +180,15 @@
         d.num_items = num_items
+    def ll_weakdict_rehash_after_translation(self, d):
+        # recompute all hashes.  See comment in rordereddict.py,
+        # ll_dict_rehash_after_translation().
+        entries = d.entries
+        for i in range(len(entries)):
+            self.ll_keyhash(entries[i].key)
+        self.ll_weakdict_resize(d)
+        assert d.resize_counter >= 0
 def specialize_make_weakdict(hop):
     v_d = hop.gendirectcall(hop.r_result.ll_new_weakdict)
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/debug.py b/rpython/rlib/debug.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/debug.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/debug.py
@@ -446,8 +446,85 @@
             time.sleep(1)  # give the GDB time to attach
+    def make_vs_attach_eci():
+        # The COM interface to the Debugger has to be compiled as a .cpp file by
+        # Visual C. So we generate the source and then add a commandline switch
+        # to treat this source file as C++
+        import os
+        eci = ExternalCompilationInfo(post_include_bits=["""
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+RPY_EXPORTED void AttachToVS();
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+                                      """],
+                                      separate_module_sources=["""
+#import "libid:80cc9f66-e7d8-4ddd-85b6-d9e6cd0e93e2" version("8.0") lcid("0") raw_interfaces_only named_guids
+extern "C" RPY_EXPORTED void AttachToVS() {
+    CoInitialize(0);
+    HRESULT hr;
+    CLSID Clsid;
+    CLSIDFromProgID(L"VisualStudio.DTE", &Clsid);
+    IUnknown *Unknown;
+    if (FAILED(GetActiveObject(Clsid, 0, &Unknown))) {
+        puts("Could not attach to Visual Studio (is it not running?");
+        return;
+    }
+    EnvDTE::_DTE *Interface;
+    hr = Unknown->QueryInterface(&Interface);
+    if (FAILED(GetActiveObject(Clsid, 0, &Unknown))) {
+        puts("Could not open COM interface to Visual Studio (no permissions?)");
+        return;
+    }
+    EnvDTE::Debugger *Debugger;
+    puts("Waiting for Visual Studio Debugger to become idle");
+    while (FAILED(Interface->get_Debugger(&Debugger)));
+    EnvDTE::Processes *Processes;
+    while (FAILED(Debugger->get_LocalProcesses(&Processes)));
+    long Count = 0;
+    if (FAILED(Processes->get_Count(&Count))) {
+        puts("Cannot query Process count");
+    }
+    for (int i = 0; i <= Count; i++) {
+        EnvDTE::Process *Process;
+        if (FAILED(Processes->Item(variant_t(i), &Process))) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        long ProcessID;
+        while (FAILED(Process->get_ProcessID(&ProcessID)));
+        if (ProcessID == GetProcessId(GetCurrentProcess())) {
+            printf("Found process ID %d\\n", ProcessID);
+            Process->Attach();
+            Debugger->Break(false);
+            CoUninitialize();
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+                                      """]
+        )
+        eci = eci.convert_sources_to_files()
+        d = eci._copy_attributes()
+        cfile = d['separate_module_files'][0]
+        cppfile = cfile.replace(".c", "_vsdebug.cpp")
+        os.rename(cfile, cppfile)
+        d['separate_module_files'] = [cppfile]
+        return ExternalCompilationInfo(**d)
+    ll_attach = rffi.llexternal("AttachToVS", [], lltype.Void,
+                                compilation_info=make_vs_attach_eci())
     def impl_attach_gdb():
-        print "Don't know how to attach GDB on Windows"
+        ll_attach()
 register_external(attach_gdb, [], result=None,
                   export_name="impl_attach_gdb", llimpl=impl_attach_gdb)
diff --git a/rpython/rlib/test/test_rweakvaldict.py b/rpython/rlib/test/test_rweakvaldict.py
--- a/rpython/rlib/test/test_rweakvaldict.py
+++ b/rpython/rlib/test/test_rweakvaldict.py
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@
     fc = compile(f, [], gcpolicy="boehm", rweakref=True)
-def _test_translation_prebuilt_2():
+def test_translation_prebuilt_2():
     from rpython.rlib import rsiphash
     d = RWeakValueDictionary(str, X)
     k1 = "key1"; k2 = "key2"
diff --git a/rpython/translator/platform/windows.py b/rpython/translator/platform/windows.py
--- a/rpython/translator/platform/windows.py
+++ b/rpython/translator/platform/windows.py
@@ -379,9 +379,9 @@
             no_precompile = []
             for f in list(no_precompile_cfiles):
                 f = m.pathrel(py.path.local(f))
-                if f not in no_precompile and f.endswith('.c'):
+                if f not in no_precompile and (f.endswith('.c') or f.endswith('.cpp')):
-                    target = f[:-1] + 'obj'
+                    target = f[:f.rfind('.')] + '.obj'
                     rules.append((target, f,
                         '$(CC) /nologo $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGSEXTRA) '
                         '/Fo%s /c %s $(INCLUDEDIRS)' %(target, f)))

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