[pypy-dev] Updates from the sprint?

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Wed Feb 12 01:38:05 CET 2003

VanL wrote:
> For those of us who are unable to get to Germany, is there any way to 
> get updates from the sprint?  These don't have to be cooked or processed 
> -- we can do that, and the sprinters can sprint.  But being able to 
> follow what goes on would be very interesting.

I think we are going to put a daily update into
the Wiki. Dinu Gherman is also probably writing
an article, which might have an outlet for those
not in the sprint.

> If I could get all I would wish for, we could get:
> 1. Some sort of recording of the talks given each evening.
> 2. Presentation materials
> 3. The code snapshot from the previous night.
> Would this be possible?

I think so.
Making the materials available should be no problem.
The code will be put into the versioning system every
day. This will probably be public read, or mirrored
if bandwidth is an issue.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Webcams-might-be-overdone - ly y'rs -- chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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