[pypy-dev] Release something?

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Fri Feb 28 06:20:42 CET 2003

Rocco Moretti wrote:
> Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org> wrote:
>>Hello everybody,
>>One more e-mail to remind you that one of the goal of the sprint was to
>>release something at the end of the week.
> In regards to release, we should keep in mind that *anyone* who wants to 
> look at pypy can get subversion and check out the most recent
> version - so in a sense we have a continual release process.
> So the concept of a "release" only makes sense in regards to people who 
> don't want to bother downloading svn or tracking changes - i.e. non-
> developers. Therefore it only makes sense to "release" pypy when it is 
> worthwhile and interesting in and of itself. (Which may be now.)
> Therefore, I submit for approval the following (tentative) release 
> milestone guidelines:
> ------------------
> 0.0.1 - pypy passes all of CPython's regression tests under the trivial 
>         object space. (On the appropriate version of CPython.)
> 0.1.0 - pypy passes all of CPython's regression tests under a 
>         StandardObject Space. (Regardless of host Python.)
> 1.0.0 - pypy passes all of Python's (note generality) regression tests, 
>         and is stand-alone (needs no host Python implementation)

Good advice!

thanks -- chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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