[pypy-dev] Re: [ann] Minimal Python project

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Thu Jan 16 20:44:15 CET 2003

Paul Rubin wrote:
>     It can avoid lots of allocations, but also turns every object access
>     into some macro processing.  for a language that I have to code by
>     hand, I don't like that so much.
> It's not really that bad.  Most of the time, the macro doesn't do
> anything.  In fact, wouldn't the pypy compiler take care of it
> automatically?  The macro is only an issue in the low level C
> interpreter.

Sure. But please see Guido's reply on the
list. I think I've read a similar message
long ago, so I won't touch this now.

>     For the bootstrap phase, I'd say hands off from any changes of the
>     model. First we redefine the world identically "in place". When
>     that works, we can try changing worlds.
> I'd think the object representation is pretty fundamental, so once you
> choose something, it will take a lot of rework to change it.  Hopefully
> you can prepare for that by writing flexibly.

I think to try this from the beginning.


[more tags bits... I know :-)]

>     p.s.: Paul, would you mind to participate in pypy-dev,
>     then we can avoid crossposting.
> I guess I can live with this, though I'd rather use the newsgroup.
> Is crossposting so hard?  If you want to put me on a mailing list,
> please use the address phr-pypy at nightsong.com so I can auto-route it.
> (Btw I don't like the name pypy much.  There are several others
> in that thread which I like a lot better).

Please subscribe at

> There's another guy I'd also like to invite, a Lisp expert, if that's
> ok with you.  He's been interested in writing a Python compiler for a
> while.  I'll ask him if he wants to join, but he might not.

Sure he's welcome.
Being on the list does btw. not imply to
have to join the sprint :-)

> How much traffic is on the list?

Well, 128 messages by now.

cheers - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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