[pypy-dev] Re: psyco in Python was: Minimal Python project

Christian Tismer tismer at tismer.com
Sat Jan 18 00:18:29 CET 2003

Edward K. Ream wrote:

> If Python becomes faster than C, great.  If not, the project will still be a
> success, _provided_ it doesn't waste too much time trying to do the
> impossible :-)

Please note that many of the people on this list make their
living from doing the impossible all day. These joint
deranged minds will do something incredible.

The only impossible candidate so far seems getting you
healed from your deadlock. :-) I'm sorry to say that, but
you are stuck with the current Psyco implementation,
instead of getting the ideas of Armin's claim, which
I believe is absolutely true. I carried some of them in
my heart for years, but way less consequently than
him. The more I'm supporting this, since I know it is true.

You want a mathematical proof?
I will try it once, and then continue my work.

Your's sincerely, and expecting-a-*very*-strong-sprint - ly y'rs - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at tismer.com>
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