[pypy-dev] Restricted language

holger krekel hpk at trillke.net
Mon Jan 20 04:40:04 CET 2003

  [armin on using a simple PyObject emulation class ...]

> Let's compare this with a C compiler which must manage a complex data
> structure for every variable of the C program it compiles.  The PyObject class
> is this data structure.  If a variable of the C program is found to be a
> constant, then the C compiler will internally use a special structure which
> holds (among other management data) the constant immediate value as a
> C-compiler-level value.  So let's call an "immediate" a C-program-level value
> which is directly implemented by a C-compiler-level value.  Non-immediate
> values would be e.g. variables that are stored in the stack.

using Bengt's suggestion we could say that an "immediate"
C-program-level value is represented by a C-compiler-level value.

> Similarily, if we want to implement, say, dictionaries using real Python
> dictionaries, it is an application-level object that must be implemented using
> a more complex structure which holds, among other things, a real
> interpreter-level dictionary.  It's just the same as immediates in C programs:
> class ImmediateObject(PyObject):
>   def __init__(self, ob):
>     ...

your class definition "tags" an CPython object as an "immediate" 
object, right? 
> An application-level dictionary (say created by the BUILD_DICT opcode) is
> constructed as "ImmediateObject({})".  In a first phase we need only
> ImmediateObjects because (almost?) all application-level objects can be
> implemented this way.

ImmediateObjects would be tagged CPython objects.  
I don't see immediate use, though :-)

> Now let's talk about exceptions.  There are also application-level exceptions
> (the ones that can be caught by except: in the interpreted application) and
> interpreter-level exceptions (e.g. a bug in the interpreter raising some
> IndexError).  The former must be emulated, not used directly at the
> interpreter-level.  It is just a coincidence that an application-level
> exception generally also means the stack of calls made by the interpreter must
> be popped up to the main loop's block handlers.  To perform the latter we need
> a new exception:
> class EPython(Exception):
>   pass
> Then the immediate translation of the CPython code
>    PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, "index out of bounds");
>    return NULL;
> is
>    SetException(ImmediateObject(IndexError), 
>                 ImmediateObject("index out of bounds"))
>    raise EPython

IMHO the python level interpreter should not deal with 
exceptions like this.  

E.g. CPython's BINARY_SUBSCR bytecode implementation raises 
the above exception as an optimization to avoid calling the
generic PyObject_GetItem (which does lots of checks itself). 

But i'd like to implement BINARY_SUBSCR like this: 

    def BINARY_SUBSCR(self):
        w = self.valuestack.pop()
        v = self.valuestack.pop()

With CPython this could raise an exception if 'v' 
would be "out of bound" or 'w' doesn't implement
the getitem-protocol or whatever. 

The tricky part (to me) is catching the (CPython-) 
exception and executing the application-level 
except/finally code in the current bytecodestring. 

I have done some stuff with "exception/finally" handling
wrapped into an object in this CPython-Hack:


It introduces an object (and strange xml-ish syntax :-)
which wraps except/finally handling so that the 'except:'
or 'finally:' code is *not* in the current bytecode-string. 
If reading it, don't look at the namespace interaction bits, 
they are distracting for our context.

I think i'd like to try out an approach where no bytecode
needs more than a few lines of python implementation and
exception handling is easy to understand.  IMO it is 
especially important to me that all the optimization stuff
(like in BINARY_SUBSCR) is removed.  Hopefully only
the main dispatching loop will have to deal with
exceptions & their (re)presentation to the 
application-level ...



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