[pypy-dev] genllvm standalone announcement

Eric van Riet Paap eric at vanrietpaap.nl
Wed Aug 17 22:49:27 CEST 2005

We are proud to announce that since this afternoon the llvm backend can also 
create a standalone executable of the PyPy interpreter! The current version  
even runs up to and including the InteractiveConsole, though some things are  
obviously not working yet.

The llvm backend would not have been possible without all the people  
contributing to PyPy. Carl Friedrich did an amazing amount for groundwork 
during the first half of this year. Holger helped out with the architecture 
of the current llvm backend and Richard and I worked on it for the last two 

If you would like to run the current version on x86 (linux), the executable  
can be downloaded from http://codespeak.net/~ericvrp/download/entry_point
You will see some debug information and sometimes segfaults because not all  
external functions are (fully) implemented and neither are some other  

At the Heidelberg sprint hopefully the remaining functionality will be  
implemented. So for PyPy 0.7 we will have two fully self-contained  
executables. Who would have thought that 2 months ago...


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