[pypy-dev] pypy-sync dec 22nd announcement

Eric van Riet Paap eric at vanrietpaap.nl
Wed Dec 21 12:08:15 CET 2005

hello everyone,

Tomorrows pypy-sync will probably be a short one since some people  
will already be enjoying their well earned holiday.

Meeting topic so far:

  * activity reports
  * determine blockers (none probably because most developers will be  
not working next week (officially))
  * anything that pops to mind
  * the usual bye's, this time with merry christmas-es.

If there is anything you want to see covered during this meeting  
please post it to pypy-dev or to me.

Time and place as always. I would be very surprised if you don't know  
where to find us by now. :)


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