[pypy-dev] OCSCON 2006 in Portland again, paper deadline Feb 13

Beatrice During bea at netg.se
Fri Dec 30 00:16:09 CET 2005

Hi there

We have such a calendar on codespeak - Michael have informed about it on 
pypy-funding. You can find it:


or directly at:


About the Japan sprint: we have not yet decided who will go there. The PO 
has said it is OK, we still need to check which partners do go and who 

There is also the FOSDEM 2006 conference which Holger mentioned to me, it 
is on the 25-26th of February 2006. Unfortunately it collides with PyCon 
but maybe some people not going to the US could visit FOSDEM, which is 
supposedly a really good OSS conference. Their website seems not to work 
though ;-)


Michael - could you update this?



On Thu, 29 Dec 2005, Laura Creighton wrote:

> Maybe we should target a talk, not to the Python crowd, but to the
> 'not specific to any language' track?  Or do we all plan to be
> in Japan that week (July 24-28)?  I am thinking that we need a
> calendar on codespeak to track where things are happening and
> what (if anything) we want to do ....
> Laura
> ------- Forwarded Message
> Return-Path: python-announce-list-bounces at python.org
> Delivery-Date: Thu Dec 29 15:37:45 2005
> From: "Kevin Altis" <altis at semi-retired.com>
> Newsgroups: comp.lang.python.announce
> Subject: ANN: OSCON 2006 Call for Proposals
> OSCON 2006: Opening Innovation
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/os2006/
> Save the date for the 8th annual O'Reilly Open Source Convention, happening
> July 24-28, 2006 at the Oregon Convention Center in beautiful Portland,
> Oregon.
> Call For Participation
> - ----------------------
> Submit a proposal-fill out the form at:
> http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/os2006/create/e_sess/
> Important Dates:
> * Proposals Due: Midnight (PST) February 13, 2006
> * Speaker Notification: March 27, 2006
> * Tutorial Presentation Files Due: June 12, 2006
> * Session Presentation Files Due: June 26, 2006
> * Conference: July 24-28, 2006
> Proposals
> - ---------
> We are considering proposals for 45 minute sessions and 3 hour tutorials.
> We rarely accept 90 minute proposals, as most general sessions are 45
> minutes in length.  Your proposals are examined by a committee which draws
> from them and which also solicits proposals to build the program.  Proposals
> are due by midnight (PST), Feb. 13, 2006.  The OSCON Speaker Manager, Vee
> McMillen, emails notification of the status of your talk (accepted or
> otherwise) by March 27, 2006.  Unless the content of your talk is
> particularly timely (e.g., features of a product that will be launched at
> OSCON), you are required to send us your slides several weeks before the
> conference begins. Submit proposals via the form below.
> Some tips for writing a good proposal for a good talk:
> * Keep it free of marketing: talk about open source software, but not about
> a commercial product--the audience should be able to use and improve the
> things you talk about without paying money
> * Keep the audience in mind: they're technical, professional, and already
> pretty smart.
> * Clearly identify the level of the talk: is it for beginners to the topic,
> or for gurus?  What knowledge should people have when they come to the talk?
> * Give it a simple and straightforward title: fancy and clever titles make
> it harder for people (committee and attendees) to figure out what you're
> really talking about
> * Limit the scope of the talk: in 45 minutes, you won't be able to cover
> Everything about Widget Framework X.  Instead, pick a useful aspect, or a
> particular technique, or walk through a simple program.
> * Pages of code are unreadable: mere mortals can deal with code a line at a
> time.  Sometimes three lines at a time.  A page of code can't be read when
> it's projected, and can't be comprehended by the audience.
> * Explain why people will want to attend: is the framework gaining traction?
> Is the app critical to modern systems?  Will they learn how to deploy it,
> program it, or just what it is?
> * Let us know in your proposal notes whether you can give all the talks you
> submitted proposals for
> * Explain what you will cover in the talk
> NOTE: All presenters whose talks are accepted (excluding Lightning Talks)
> will receive free registration at the conference. For each half-day
> tutorial, the presenter receives one night's accommodation, a limited travel
> allowance, and an honorarium. We give tutors and speakers registration to
> the convention (including tutorials), and tutors are eligible for a travel
> allowance: up to US$300 from the west coast of the USA, up to US$500 from
> the east coast of the USA, up to US$800 from outside the USA.
> Registration opens April, 2006. If you would like to be notified by email
> when registration opens, please use the form on our main page.
> ===============
> The O'Reilly Open Source Convention is where coders, sysadmins,
> entrepreneurs, and business people working in free and open source software
> gather to share ideas, discover code, and find solutions. At OSCON 2005,
> more than 2,400 attendees took part in 241 sessions and tutorials across
> eleven technology tracks, learning about the newest features and versions
> from creators and experts. A record number of products launches and
> announcements were made, and sponsors and exhibitors from a wide range of
> companies filled the largest exhibit hall in OSCON's history. We anticipate
> that OSCON 2006 will be even more successful, and continue to be the place
> for the open source community to meet up, debate, make deals, and connect
> face to face. OSCON 2006 will take place at the Oregon Convention Center in
> Portland, Oregon July 24-28, 2006.
> OSCON 2006 will feature the projects, technologies, and skills that you need
> to write and deploy killer modern apps.  We're looking for proposals on
> platforms and applications around:
> * Multimedia including voice (VoIP) and video
> * AI including spam-busting, classification, clustering, and data mining
> * Collaboration including email, calendars, RSS, OPML, mashups, IM,
> presence, and session initialization
> * Project best practices including governance, starting a project, and
> managing communities
> * Microsoft Windows-based open source projects including .NET, Mono, and
> regular C/C++/Visual Basic Windows apps
> * Enterprise Java techniques including integration, testing, and scalable
> deployment solutions
> * Linux kernel skills for sysadmins including virtualization, tuning, and
> device drivers
> * Device hacking including iPods, Nintendo, PSP, XBox 360, and beyond
> * Design including CSS, GUI, and user experience (XP)
> * Entrepreneurial topics including management for techies, how to go into
> business for yourself, and business models that work
> * Security including hardening, hacking, root kits (Sony and otherwise), and
> intrusion detection/cleanup
> * Fun subjects with no immediate commercial application including retro
> computing, games, and BitTorrent
> Tracks at OSCON will include:
> * Desktop Apps
> * Databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Ingres, and others
> * Emerging Topics
> * Java
> * Linux Kernel for SysAdmins
> * Linux for Programmers
> * Perl, celebrating the 10th year of The Perl Conference!
> * PHP
> * Programming, including everything that's not specific to a particular
> language
> * Python
> * Security
> * Ruby, including Ruby on Rails
> * Web Apps, including Apache
> * Windows
> - --
> http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-announce-list
>        Support the Python Software Foundation:
>        http://www.python.org/psf/donations.html
> ------- End of Forwarded Message
> _______________________________________________
> pypy-dev at codespeak.net
> http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/pypy-dev

Beatrice Düring			Change Maker
Tel: 031- 7750940		Järntorget 3
Mobil: 0734- 22 89 06		413 04 Göteborg
E-post: bea at changemaker.nu	www.changemaker.nu

 	"Alla dessa måsten och alldaglighet.
 	Allt detta som binder vår verklighet
 	i bojor av skam och rep utav tvång.
 	Alla dessa kedjor som binder vår sång.
 	Jag skall slita dem alla i små, små stycken
 	och möjligtvis av resterna göra mig smycken."
 							- hemlig

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